P.-:11} TVVY) Rub Paln rlght out with small ` trlal bottle of old St. Jacobs Oll." 7.`1.l\1X.lD1 131$-D, DU1_11\_/1 L U1-3, 1'; 1` 5 Owen St., Barrie Phone 406. \rT(\7\T17V T`n TIWART '\1i.JLlDll`4J.\., DULJLULLUIY, 1&1 Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie T\T('1\.7Tv`.V Tn T.(\A\T GO_RDON LONGMAN L..- Y\I..s...... H. H. CRESWICKE CAI}.-30.... l\l.-4...... omc temple nmg., ma MONEY TO LOAN '21`! DE, Darrle THOIIG MONEY TO LOAN ' . * n _ I\V\ Y A I" U\RRIE 1 ALLAIVIDALE -u .....,_........\._. uyvll van. msuu AB uuuu; `::`.che,-ti pzlrticularly. It is no secret amongst these groups that the .\'ew Zealand order-in-council has been their greatest embarrassment with their constituents, who have not ses- sional indemnities to help them View phlosophically the disturbance to a basic industry which these trade ar- l". .I""l nents have caused. -:a Business Sarue fa? Old Age /Z29` ..4'n" Small regular sums saved over a period of years will make your old age comfortable and free from care. Open a Savings Account today. BAN KFl'OR(lNl'0 I I` : . :.\-ric, Ont. The LIAN K. A. Cameronl uuv1AN Notary, Etc. '.n'~-w nonarles ruouc Money to loan lowest current Owen street, um M- BRANCHES ._,_ .. ..... A\A ....-. ........5.-, ments. The resolution represents the hope of the agriculturist for relief from the competition of $14,987,000 worth of New Zealand farm products which were shipped to Canada last! year and proved a major factor in; (l(:]J1': *.~`:5lng prices, particularly of` butter. This total importation re- presented an increase of 600 per cent. over the year before the pas-i . . l sage of the order-in-council. It has been pointed out to the house in` debate that every pound of meat and every pound of butter which (.'0l1 l0:: into the country replaces 21 similar amount of Canadian products in our home market. BANK for SAVINGS Barrie. D:\ H.` Public I M Innvu I IJU H A Sims, Zlanager E: ELMVALE` Po cg. LLOYD mot 1:11`: ::v. ' lvvith it and . Then scrub MUSIC LESSONS EI)`\IU?\'D HARDY, HUS. I T4; '1" I" 1\rT 'l`n.-1-`nu .-.4-` 1):-- nuu.o1.u Lu.- 4035 Clapperton St. ROBERT H. SMITH, EYESIGHT I Snm-i.'1H. 9111-r-(rs-aznvfn (3 R W11-:1: uvuu. lIlol4L up u. Tho vote of the \Vc-stern Liberals, the Liberal-Progressives and the Progrc.=sives upon the issue is being \ ~n`.-11.-:1 n-.n~fr-nlrn-In H :5 Vin .. ,... 5 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES R.......:.. l2........L 1'Open Jay and night. Morgue and Chapel in connectxun. Established 1869 uLu;\1_'~\.u DU1i.L1J`:U.N i24 Dunlop. Above Arnold's Market. Telenhone 378. rnone 41.) 41 Wlaple Ave. Oice Hours : 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. VV Ul\'1Jit.LV Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. Office Hours: E8-9 z1.m., 12.30-2 p.m., (3.30-8 p.m. G. G. SIVEETH & CO ; Phone 82 47 Elizabe. St. Directory THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1930. u_y uuunb mu. vvuu mu uvwuub. Better streets we must have, at as. reasonable 21 cost as possible, and it` would seem to us that the purchase! of a truck would be a wise invest` ment. ' rnone LUE Office Hours-9-10 21.1 I 7-8 p.m. I LJlJ.L)I\_ll.'\-V n1..VAJ >.J\lJ\I\_l$.A\lV Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Simcoe. Ofce and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 lofce Hours: 8~9.30. 1~2.30. G-8.30 F111 D1k,1:\;\ .`\.`\1J DU1'\.\JJ'J\J;\ Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Formerly D1`. .-\rnz111 s Omce) Phone 557 DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of BICGHI Lhversky, BIontreaL Ofcc and Resi(lence--C0rnc-2' E1iza~ both and Bradford Sta, Bare. Phone 105 nfnnn Wny11-aTO,1 urn 1 `'2 v\\\\ .u.uL,`.\u HADLJJI, nub. 1Al.i., F.T.C.M., 'l`oaher of Piano, Or- gran, Vocal and Mmiaal Theory. ()rp.-:1niat and C`,hoirma.-ibor of St. .-\nr`.re\v .-I Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of 'I`oron1;o Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- vm-xitry of 'l"o1'ont'J. 113 Worcslcj; Sh. ii:n'!`io. .UD Ilz. J. H. DH/ll 1 1'1, 1`; I 1'1-bl X11111" Specialist, successor to O. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Hours 9-12, 1-6. Phone 80. Motor Ambulance in Connection DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Plan.-un 91'! A7 I\/I-...|.. A..- DR. W. AK.I(.EWlS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN ecnr-:nfn f`nvnnnv l"nnnlu n Chung; IG.reasc spots on wooden iioors are 31".` rightly and sometimes very :1.-1 to remo`.'(=. Put a little chloride f" Fir`: \vat.e1', cover the stains 'ith and let remain for an hour. `hon and rinse as usual. The interest of the agricuLturist] in the session at Ottawa is approach- ing a climax in the vote which is impending on the resolution of Mark< Senn (Conservative, Haldimand) to? re-; the order-in-council govern-f ' I\7.:w Zealand trade arrange-. I nnuni: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER DR. C. A. ARNOTT (McGill) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A D -4 NZ . n n n . . . n nn Q7 ISIS-.--.Ln|L C DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (` _1.;._._;:___ L- r\L_L-L_.:.._ "I1 1. Dlk/1A'\.iV D Phone 213 nm,. FUNERAL DIRECTORS W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON nlnn A!-`nun A......l.l'.. M Owen Day and Night uarrxe Dfllnh N U RSI`) RI ALTON -.........r,... H; DI....... '-Kl`! UKLILK LN` Barrie Branch 41109:.` `D! A Y mrn nnu oumunum 47 Maple Ave. Hmlrn 3 Published at 123 Dunlop St., Barrie, every Thursda; 1 Ul\ Phone 467w. Barrie, Ont. ?hone Z1 8. NEW ZEALAND BUTTER A GOOD INVESTMENT WORTH CONSIDERING City Nurthertt ffshuatfrv ,c.... Eniphzhzizing the serio11sne. of this loss of popuiation by Czmzullu, `ch? Senator pointed out that the in; of 418,000 citizens in the 1~.:i. v-.~ years was not the whole story. Thr- : /~ I ..\.. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1936. EDKTOREAL .' mum: is :1 solution of the farm- ers` problems, but i\Ir. Motherwell and his Premier will not invoke it. 0 IACL Lhem pu1'; a policy which will 1 enable us to nu1nL1fuc.ture in Canada 1 the $500,000,000 worth of mz\nuf:1c~ turml goods we now import which could and . be niade at home. - Let them pursue 0. policy which will 3ll(.`l 1`: m:mul'zwlu1'e our own raw lmzuerinls in Cunzulzl for Canada and [for the \V0l'l(l. Let them pursue a |policy which will :.ri\'e the Canadian `n1m'l to (`z1n:ulun farmers and pro- l(l11clti6n will take cure of itself. lt Ilwill not be long then until we are filpfalll :1 real factor in the grezut im- nortin-_r 1`nz1)'l{(:l.< of mm vrnrlrl .7,200,000. In the following decade the natural increase was 1,150,000`; and immigrunvts totalled 1,728,000.. By 1921 the population of Canada should have been 10,086,000. Act-' ually it was 8,788,000, thus estab- llishing` a decit of 1,297,000. I`l1/\ Qnnn,+.n~ ~rnm11+ ma -3 '|1'H-In +`nv-.. uaxuus a. ulzuuua UL 1.,au|,vuv. The Senator might go a little fur- 'ther with his suggestion and advo- cate a scheme of western settlement. assistance to native born Canadians. People of the old land have come here under such_ a plan. Why not help our own to stay here under a similar arrangement ? If teachers in our schools are not capable of punishing children under their charge, without losing their, temper, then they should not be` teaching. I Hon. Chas. Stewart asks if therel is such a thing as unemployment.` And you can t blame him when he is now carrying three portfolios and trying -to dodge an appointment to the International Waterways Com- I If the Dominion Government I iwould spend part of the money spent on keeping up embassies in foreign countries on an All-Canada Highway across the Domnion, it would help to relieve unemployment, as well as being of some benet to our people. I Old Lake Ontario evidently is go ing to show us a new high level. llnstead of receding or going down, according to an official statement it .is nearly two feet higher than i! [was last year at this time. Poor old |Wasag`a Beach. UNEMPLOYMENT {NSURANCE . Premier King, replying to a cle1e gation seeking federal aid in the matter of unemployment relief, pre- dicted that Canada. will have to have a system of unemployment insurance, adding that he hoped it would soon be possible to work out an insurance. plan. . I "'1 I... n nnIIv\`\~xV Hlzn (`nnnrln cnnrenlv cu. uo we need more wheat ? ' With 35,000,000 pounds of New Zealaml butter flooding: Canada and battering` down prices, with the L'nit,-d States market closed to us. with the dairy farmer losing on his present production, \vil he help him- self by prorlucng more `.7 With millions of dollars worth of foreign fruit and veg'etables being .dumped into Canada, where is the inc-enitive to produce more `.7 With over $300,000,000 worth of ZlL',`1'lCLll1L11'Zll. vcyzetuble and animal pro(luc.1..s importr-Ll in 1929 to (lo- istroy the home ma1'ke~t, where is the `inc(:n1.i\'e to produce more or lose _:more `.7 Nnvv l'Al\'l\lNU IDEA ' I A 1':1il\\'z1y running out of London. I is .-zunrlyinps books of p;u'ki`ng tickets` I to all its stations whore nccommodzh 3 timx is :I.\':\.il{1ble for parking: auto- 1.;obi7:_-.< .'..'ul moLo1cyc1cs. ____ There as.'~',e1nbled in Ottawa the` `l7ll(l(_llL* of this month 1'epresentatives; [of all the pro\'ineo.~:. I`hey had becnl :summoned by the Minister of Agri- cuture in an efl o1`t to work some miracle which will restore the Can- zulizm fzmner to 21 position where he will enjoy :1 reasonable return for ~ his very arduous lzLbors.. I The .\'Iini; of Ag'ricu1ture, Hon.| W. R. Jlotherwell, was able to o'e1" nothing: more attractive than , production as a solution of the ills.` of the a,r:ricu1turist. What a helpful suggestion ! With ` 200,000,000 bushels of last year s crop lying in the country unmarket- ed, do need wheat ? I Vvilh .`>.;1,nnn mm m....,a;. A`: \Yr\s_-I` Some of that calamity howling the Hon. R. B. Bennett has been accused of doing is being justified in, the revenue gures just made public The total ordinary revenue for the Dominion of Canada is $5,855,782` less than it was last year over the` same period, and the ordinary exI penditures have increased by $10,` `($39,009. How long can a country {call itself prosperous under such 'conditions ? i | __j_ There is considerable sickly senti-l ment with a certain class of parents; these days about corporal punish-! ; ment in schools. Of course the ideal! is where the frown of the teacher is ` sufficient correction and where love; !perience of teachers is that meek- iness on the part of the teacher is [sometimes mistaken for weakness and with such pupils it is necessary` for the teacher to show his or herj `authority if need be even to the! point of corporal punishment. The?- object of punishment is the preven-j3 _,tion from wrongdoing and care `should be taken that the punishment r r I `(lees not e.\:Cee(l the o ence.-Ch0s-` Icy Enterprise. I `is the law of the school, but the ex-I` 1-am HUL Ul` xonpj cnon unul W1 n;.rai11 1n grain portim: znarkuts of the world. UTC . 'l`l1m~u . n u:\ A FUTILE GATHERING NEVV PARKING IDEA 1~.'1iI\\'nv 1-nnnhmr nnf n4` In solution of the ns_ hm. Mr M,.41m....,,.1| uy:_,1n.\I\., uuLvL \A\_\.Al1\.'\u uu1'- ing 1929 Canada lost. 6-1,000 citi- zens to the United Statoc. In the last ve years 418,000 had c1'o.-:.-ed the line, an aw-1':1ge of 95,000 :1 year. 1.`..-.,J.. .\ ...u\. ux. .:..:..,.. sL,. -1` L`.E. no}: rm.-um.-: in we provmm-. \`Vi1il'i1 was dv.'1lL with by the :\1:`l'i(,'lIiill1'1' CommiLLr~u,' is fuilinp; huhinti, :u-- 1,('ordiny,: to Mr. 'i`-.-Irszill. grzulvr for g`Lh(` Dominion (i0\'|`l'Hl11l`lli. in T0- - ronto. The provinw lust yum`, suiil - Mir. Penrsull. w.'1.s' 100.000 lmgrsi hn. hind thc (i('l11:lI1(i, while cm` lo:ui.~; 0| E Ontario has never since Confeder- ation enjoyed such a healthy and prosperous year nancially as in 1929, according to the budget ad- dress 01' Hon. J. D. Monteith. Pro- vincial Treasurer, delivered in the Legislature on Tuesday last. A surplus of $2454;-5,000, the 1zi1'_:- est in the histo...-y or me province, was shown and which is to be ap- _plied to debt retirement. i K. Nn nnvv 1-.:1\ nf.inn mnl nn vmlnm. gpneu I0 ueoc reL11'en1em. 2 3 No new taxation and no reduc<.~.}! taxation was Ll:e keynote of the budge. address for the Ferguson ad- i minisrtration. `.F`n1~.r-.-A-,1:-Q-1'v\rr Han Gnnnlum 5,... `-`-\n ' ln1I1lS`bL'aLl0l'l. `Forecasting the nances for the present year, 1101]. Dr. Lxionteith placed. revenues at $54,865,000; ex penditures at 454,375,000, leaving an esunnates surplus of :'5490,000. Mnnv frnamlirps 2n-0 1-nnfninml in ueulg pruuucmg '.u_1(1 rellzwle assets Debt is under r1g1d control, the renrement plan takmg came of 100 ;per cent. depreciation. I Over :1::2_A'7n nnn wnc nnn'HLul +,. Lne uuugec, mciuulng : Revenues obtained came from ser- vices rendered, the taxation being equitable and logical, these being less than per cent. of the total revenue from general taxation. Provincial liabilities are represent- ed by sound investments in revenue. being producing and reliable assets Debt. 1': nnrlnr ricrirl I-nnfrnl flan uem; rcuremenn 1n wzu. Refunding operations were most |successfu1, Ont.ario s 4.95 per cent. rate unequalled in twelve months by any province. . Credit nf H10 nrnvint-n umc nnucn. .p1a,wa,z.zu. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Primt Minister, illustrated to the House that he is a farmer, in operating: his farm _at Kemptville, during` the sec- ond readinp: of the Hydro bill to pro- vide $2,000,000 for loans to rural power users. Some of the farmer- members had objected to the loans, declaring them luxuries to the farm- ers that might prove :1 (liszulvantagze. In spezlkine: to the bill, the Premier championed the cause of the woman on the farm to-day. [`he day of slavery and sluggisli labor for the. \vo-man on the farm is past, said 1 remi<-r Ferixuson, and the day has dawned when .thc woman on the farm must have electrical z1m)li:in('1-.~i such as \\'a. irons. .~'\\'eeper.<, cooking: zippliznu-es, to make i.lllll`,`S more easy for her. l r-mivr l*`-run- son d4-clared he was just as much `intern-sted in l1a\'inp: hydro operate- lin the house as well as 0ut'.~ on the farm. and ill11ll1tZllll(,`(I sucll lo:m.~.'. are the most :ulv:1nc<-d step the pro~ Vince has m:ul- to :1s.~'i. f.'u'1ner.s' in gettin_g' hydro on their farms. Hog r:li.~:in;.: in the province. whirh l(`.ommittm~,' falling: ,cordin;: Mr. l'<-:1r.a':1ll, U1!` Dominion (:f)\ l'l'lH11I*l\i in 'l`.. d.Il BSLLIXIEILUS surplus OI ,5>lUU,UUU. Many features are contained in lthe budget, mcludmg Revenues obtuinorl (':1mI- from any p1`0V1I1C. | `Credit of the province was never hlgher in the nancial world. Pmnnnsnri oliminnnn n+` ms-noa',nu In a country like Canada, sparsely populated, with abundant opportun- ities, it should not be necessary to need unemployment insurance, nor would it be required if proper steps had been taken to deal in some systematic manner with the matter of seasonal occupation. With natur- ..I ...._,........... -4` an vnnnvv bin.-la uynih. lmgner III we nnanclai worm. Puroposed ehmmatlon of c*ross-en- tnes from pub11c accounts considered a great improvement and follows British precedent. I RV rpnsnn nf' fhn I111`-1'(;r114:nn Finn, vnnusn preceuenr. I By reason of the Ferguson Gov- ernmeps tax reduction scheme dur- ing the government's regime, a sav- ing of $9,000,000 has been made to the province. Capital e.\:penciitures maintained at a low level. | O1'dina1'y revenue buoyant, and `largest in history. Pnhlirt :p.rvir~::: mrnnnrlincr and iper CCIIC. uepreclatlon. Over $3,470,000 was applied to debt retirement in 1929. T?Af'nnrHncr nnnr-mfinne Ixrnvn w..\..4 ` mlgesl. H1 mswry. Publlc servlces expandmg and eicicntly maintained. Hvdrn rnnlznq Hnirri nr_I\7h1nv-14> AH ;w1.'ney-uene1'a1`s ueparmient. In the Af.`.`l'iClIH.1l1`Zl1 Department over $2,600,000 was expended spread over the various branches oi idairy, fruit, etc. Under the De- |p2L1`tn1CTlt of Lands and Forests therc 'was expended $3,400,000, of which .$2,180,000 was char_L;'eable to ordin lary account which was an increase [of one-half million over 1928, due `entirely to the abnormal re liazarzl conditions that prevailed last season Ontm-in ,< hi:fnrv M Ellvnlncne hm- conumons Lnut ])1'(.`V211ll.`(l last Ont-u.r1o .< history of surpluses 11215 graduztlly grown from 1927 undo) the Ferguson adn1inisLr21ti0n. In` that year it was $359,999; in 1928 $228,236, while in 1923 when the Ferguson Government Look over t;h<= a the decit stood :11 $15,195,226. Y-Inn. C, `Hnuvzn-I] Worn-nunn D-inn eulclcxluy mamtalnea. Hydro makes thlrd payment o debt and pays treasury interest 01 $8,200,000. 11nnInrnnnfa\~v naHrnn+na Pa 10911 O,UU,UUU. Supnlementary estimates for 1930 amounting to $21,424,390. . Savings office deposits at peak. Substantial surplus from farm loans board. Excess of assets over liabilities amounting to $37,870,000. Revenue producing assets over $368,000,000. niillhmiho flu: 1'nnnnnn'ci+u nvlr` 4-Ln` q>oozs,uuu,u`uu. Outlinging the immensity of the` ;province, its resources and activities, Hon. Dr. Monteith pointed to the fact that the soil of the province produced last year over $500,000,} 000 worth of agricultural products, ;while the province holds a potential wealth exceeding $10,000,000,000. `Ontario is in the forefront of de-. lvelopment and normal expansion. i l Financing had been om-rind m.. expenditure." I Expenditures in all departments` Ihad been maintained at practically lthe same level as the previous year. `ordinary revenue standing at $64,- 549,717; expenditures $61,.`)0G,82-'1, leaving the surplus of $2,642,893. Ordinary revenue had increased [slightly over $6,000,000 over the previous year, due almost entirely to the increase in succession duties of nearlv .<:2.nnnennn- (rncnlihn +.u- A: Senator Charles P. Beaubien, of` Montreal, in addre.=sing the Toronto Board of Trade the other evening, made a suggestion that is worthy of some consideration. The speaker placed himself on record as fa\'orin_s;` the reduction of railroad fares to: Czmadizms living in the East who wanted to try farming in the West. '1' T :'.d`.`0cate(l as 21 preventive measure against large numbe1`.< of easterners crossing into the Unite-.1 States to make :1 start in life. The number of Ca.na(1i:m:=. going: across the border was again on the up;;r:: fhe Senator (leclrxred. Dur-I :...... 1n0n (n..n.1n 1n.4 ninnn ..:;: ' 'u1c mcrease 1n succcssxon duties nearly $2,000,000; gasoline tax of $3,750,000, and motor licenses over `.s1.25o.nnn_ Rnnvrhlv Q7 nnn nnn .po,1oU,UUU, and motor ncenses !$1,250,000. Roughly $7,000,000 [revenue from the Liquor Control Board was secured under the At- torney-GencmI s Department. AQ`ri('.nH.1n-nl nn1\nrfv11n11I veiopnienr anu normal expansion. Financing had been carried on under a sound basis, he continued. while a forward progressive policy of legitimate expansion in public `service has been pursued, associated lwith wise business administration isoundly financed. In sound nanc- iing, Hon. Dr. Montcith declared the ~basic principle is: Pay your way ;and live within your income. We nrnnncn fn r-nnfinnn +1-. n~:.m yzulu uve wimm mcome. I We propose to continue to give gefcient, honest and business-like administration, said Hon. Dr. Mon- eith. to audit closely all receipts and expenditures and to adhere, strictly to our policy of debt retire-} fment. Our bookkeeping methods will 1 {be sound and an ever watchful eyel jwill be kept on taxation and capital 1 expenditure. ' T7.\'nm1rli1-In-nc {n -:11 ,lnv.....+...A._4. With The iegisiature The Northern Advance more nogs. Professor R. Harcourt, head of t`.-ac Chemistwhv Department at 7"! (lav taio Agricultural College, lspeaking before the Agriculture: 1 l I `:- Committee of the Legrislutur-L-, .:aid that the p1'eliminzu'y soil .su1'.'e_x'! which had been made of the ~_=ou.':- western Ontario count.ie.~:, \\.`oz:';ul extended as rapidly as possible to t.~.-.- rest of the province. [`1`ainod mm` are I1ced'.:(l for the survey, said Pro-1 1'essor P,-arcourt. ~ F`. A Q1...-n:n 1)`lX:-i't\]` M"! T G; American hogs are being imported.` On/carxo farmers, he sald, must :`c1' -down to brass tacks and produce more hogs. . Prnf'n<:n1- T? T-Tnvr-nnvf 1-mm-I A5` +`.-..! ;.L(,`SSOl' 11.a1'c0u1't. C. A. St-guin, Hus Denis, Prescott, urg immediate governmel respect to ugricultur the eastern counties. T-Tnn Tn]-an Q `:\rTn..< w UODZLCCO growing`. Under the Security Frauds Pre- vention Act, there are 1,047 stock brokers registered, Attorney-Genera! Brice informed the Legislature. Non- brokers registered total 495; sales- men 4,456, while 32 brokers had been refused licenses; 81 had been lean-celled; 12 non-brokers refused and 29 cancelled; 43 salesmen re- fused and 98 cancelled. Under the provisions of section 16 of the Act, $1,555 was collected in nes. In most cases jail sentences were im- ` posed. T-Inn l'.1'nr=nln Cnlrlio `Dvnulnnlnl U1. acauauiiai UL.l.uya.uuu. n Avll AAuuvuL :11 resources of so many kinds wait- ing; to be developed, what we need `is a. government that will give some encouragement to the development of these resources. Canada, to-day, is importing millions of dollars worth of products that ought to be manu- factured at home, and our govern ment at Ottawa encburages such im portation. U10 L'ZlSLCl'Il COUHLICS. -Hon. John S. Martin, .`vIi'1ist:~1` of Agriculture, in paying tribute to `.l;t~ work done by Professor Harcourt ix`. connection with the soil survey. `stated that the tobacco industry. which had produced a $2,000,00" crop in his county of Norfolk last year, was directly attributable to the survey. It had disclosed that" the Norfolk soil was peculiarly adpated to tobacco growing. Under the Spnliritv Frmnl: Pm-. Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Provincial Secre.ta.ry, informed the House that 1151 patients were released from On- tario hospitals for the insance and allowed to return to their own municipalities for maintenance dur- ing 1929. New patients totalled 1,853 and 424 released as cured, while 741 had died in hospitals, leaving a total of inmates at the end of the year of 9,705. Tenders for additional buildings to the Ontario Hospital at Woodstock were award- ed to a Brantford rm for $318,- 980. These buildings are to pro- vide extra accommodation for 510 patients. I-Inn Cpnvan Q Y-Tnnwr 1\/Hn:p+m ml patients. Hon. George S. Henry, Minister oi Highways, stated to the House that during the winter of 1928-29 the cost of cleaning the highways 01' snow and keeping trafc open was $151,624. With :1 vinw fn rncfrint-inc r-nnrf I Phillips does away with all tlmt, sour-I ness and gas rigln. nftor mca.1:s'. It pm-I vents the xlistxm-ss so up: to occur two` hours after eating. Wlmt :1. pleasant; repxirntinn to Lulu-I .-\11:.l how good it is: gar the system! Unlike :1 burning dos0`l' of soda:--\\'iiich is but tciiiporatry relieli nf img?--Pi:i!` V3: x . .`\,"m:w~':i:L ncu-` I t.ruli7.<,-5 many time: its volume in acid \T....4 L2... .. L- I A 971 Z/UIU ruuglon. Thank heaven, warmly declared Premier Ferguson, t.he1'e is no other paper in Canada that I know of but The Star that deals in that sort ofl thing. I v "` "" "` "_\ Noxt, ti , n h(-arty men}, or t rich!` a diet. hn >!'uugl|L on the least ' com-| fort, try-- 7 } pmaf 221% E MiE{ I ms.` Magnesia r U;;L:.;L' DILULLUUII. ' ; -` Lem, son declared thel story was :1 deliberate f1bl`iCZlLi01): and written to cause dissension be-' tween race and r cc and religion and religion. 'T`hnn1( hnnvnn \v'.H`n1i\7 rlrml-:n-ml l lots of folks wlm think they have: '11.-'igesLi0n luwo only am acid condition, WU-tlx could lm <-nrrr-(,-ted in ve or ten? minutes. An ofl':~-`Live anti-:1ci(1 like: Phillips Milk of .\l::;,rncsi:1 snon restores; digestion to nornml. : L:m,oz4. With a view to restricting court actions that are without grounds or cause, Attorney-General Price intro- -duced to the Legislature a bill known as the vexatious proceeding act. In explaining the bill on seconl. reading, Col .Price said there were` a number of people who constantly` `brought actions for which there was` no reason or justication. The names of John Berry and Sophie ,Cohen, both of Toronto, were men- tioned as having brought actions that would not have arisen if a resumi- sible solicitor had the say in issuing ` the writ. Premier Ferguson in- 1 formed the House that the bill is not a precedent, there being similar leg- islation in England. Prmnior F`m-omenn +nnl.- nm-nc:nn l5l?J.`LlUIl H1 nnglanu. Premier Ferguson took occasion to denounce The Toronto Star for a story which claimed disagreement ex- isted between the French-Canadian Conservative members in the Legisq lature and the Government. The story that appeared in The Star said? that Louis Cote, Conservative mem-` her for East Ottawa, and other} }French Canadian members were with regard to separate school tax- ation and which the Government was loath to grant. The Star had fur- lther added that several Government members had lost money in the stock` Government s metliocl of handlina the brulze ge situation. T :'( "i.-' 2 nu-;';i Ilnl-lnvr-ll flan vmaking demands of the Government` deals and were dis.sat.ised with the. The town council at its last meet-I ing turned down the proposition of the Board of Works Committee to purchase a two-ton motor truck. Irv- ]'\I\ (VII`Hf\ Hm n'hn:1 .-.+' 1-1: Whgnbod bnums ['L'U LIFL. Sc-guin, 1{usse1I, and J. St. rscovtt, urged the need 0: government action wit}: ~ agriculture conditions 1;. n r-nnniinu I LJUKIJKJIV L.Ll| Barrister, Solicitor, " '\nr.-3 t-._ ] U1 NILE} lOfce, King Block. I Fl. K1. DIKLDVVIDIXE. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 1 Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. `I'\A'I'..... I(1.... DI....I. 'D......:.. {BOYS & BOYS, BARRlSTER.S,! ` Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- . vcyzmccrs, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oflices 1 13 Owen Street, in the permisesl I formerly occupied by the Bank of I I Toronto. Branch Ofce, E1mvale,, O-ntario. W. A. Boys, K.C., l\l.l .,' J. R. Boys. D A LEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sm' to ].PY'ITI()\'. Cnwnn .537 Rrn\'.'n, STEWART & STEWART, BAR- ri.<`r.:-,r.:, Snlir-ifnroz Nntn-En: Dnhlin DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. I` `1 BARR! STER, SOLICITOR, ETC | Mgl` 'rDYT1I'IlP Rnrr;A `P.S I`EN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, So]i(:il:(n'.I in Hizrh (`.n1n'1` n+' Jnq. kJLlL\.llal.D\I Oi v\VU`u\)Al AlA\lV\JL \4.|.\4\rLlv To be sure, the chairman of the! committee did not press very hard for the purchase, but the members of council should have given more consideration to the proposal. T.`_..... 44.-.... ".1... turn`:/\ ..n....-..-AA knl R.-\DE1`EHURST 1 & I*I.~\;\IZ\IO.\.'f%D-- Barristers, Soicitors, etc. 0 ice, 1! 1st oor Masonic Temple Building. : Money to loan at lowest rates. I CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 5 Guvpn SI-._ Ra!-r;n cannot burn the skin. { Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug- ` gist, and in just a moment you'll be} free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, ! ' soreness, stiness and swelling. Don't ' : suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest Ix` St. Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of ; 1 rheumatism sufferers in the last half . - century. and is just as good for sci- !\ atica neuralgia, lumbago. ban-kache,i sprains and swellings. Stop druggingl Not one case in fty requires internal treatment. Rub 1` soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil"; directly upon the tender spot and: relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" : is a harmless rheumatism and sciatical liniment, whith never disappoints and; cannot burn the skin. 1 T.im`hm- unl n..:+ ...-.......1..:_:.__u r~_. . I What's Rheumatism? Pain only. = I i \1JJ"4-\:fLi\1J]1:li. DUVVALV, DUL/UJDD` son` to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, -Banister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardia.nship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Convoyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oflices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. ..:u:,.\ as r,oir.;V, 1:5.-\1(1l5'1`JLl, Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice. Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Office, lst oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Eaten. I u11uWH.11 at .)11:.w.'-nu`, risr-'.-1's, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. t 111 any sums at c rates. Ofce, 13 Barrie. D. M. Stewart. D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Bzn`1*istc1', Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Office, Ross Block, Barrie. Rub Rheumatic Pam, ` Soreness, Stiffness \;Uu.a1uL:1.a.uuu nu mu; yLuyu.:u,;. | Even those who were opposed to| the purchase of the one-ton truck a few years ago will acknowledge that it was a good investment, and has paid for itself already. Thei streets of Barrie are in bad shape` and will require considerable gravel this year, so that the Board of `isiorks will have to hire teams or trucks to haul the gravel. A two- ton truck, we understand, will cost $20 to $25 a day and make not more than ten trips. Sixty days work would nearly pay for the truck, but by hiring the town has nothing. T) '.. 9 u mt-unnl-n I17/\ u-nn-6~ lnnw~n n4- :1.`