.21 iF:u`m for Sale or Rent--126 acres. clay and clay loam, good buiMnrrs zmd in good ..ta`.'c of cultivation, near school and church. For particulars apply at the Advance Of'(-,0, Barrie. Play entitled Marrying Ann will be given by the young people of vBurton Ave. United Church, under lthe auspices of St. Paul s Anglican Church, in the Community Hall, Stroud, on Monday night, March 10, ,at 8.15 o c1ock. Admission 25c. Come and have a good laugh. You icannot afford to miss it. 1 I Mr. J. Hobson of town 1`r.~:eiVcd la lette on Wednesday which \vus posted in Calgary on 1\loml;:_-. . IL came by air sex-.".ue, recently st;u'tcd ate the West. l\i1lllM;`UIl 1`1I'lZI1. Second Class Honors Elizabeth Smith, Prenu 'I,'c1'c0n_V, Teresa Mur- phy, Jolm li. E\iurpl1}.', Vera 1`ex'ceny. Semor First Betty Vu`.ui.s, l:. dw2u`d Bray, Jack Ryan, .\Izu-ie ii-eo1'1.;izmni, Rose Can- cilla. 32'i:u1 llzxlzston. Primer Beverly Rrxlston, Doloris Sibbald. `Lonnie Valois, Russell Hinds, Mar- garet Mclnnon, Marie Casey. I EXAMINATION FOR CITIZENSHIP; The new ` - ' . A. x - . : qmzzed as an '1mL1l:l?d'n was bemil ship The cOn`;eI;I;;{:_ant for citizcn.. Next 1,, 1on follows : l n , I u/ho B0171 ? 1(L-)1i.7()Sl)1'; W]]erc `In | u 1 pt` : What part; '7 : I u ' I of me`); . \U1~.u ,]:,] "nus dead." I mean the capital of the United. States. ' They loaned it all to Europe. , Now do you promise to support the Constitution ? Nix. 9 HA, ...... T 0 vs- _REV. A. E. BAKER LIKELY : TO GO TO NEW TORONTC When Rev. A. E. Baker was ques-' Ztioned by the Advance regarding the reported call from the New Toronto church. he stated that it was quite true the call had been received and been considered by him, but was en~ tirely in the hands of the Session. g `1`his is the time of year when changes are being discussed, said Mr. Baker, and clergy are beim, 'moved about. Until the Session has "dealt xxith the call I have received ;I have nothing to say. Late)` rag omrinllv cfnfnrl luv. `ld1'UJ_Y H1 L110 ti `Mr. moved 'I]nnH' -.~. [Ha H~ AV12x|.l'_L ,'il.l'L`l} I'1ln(IS. Second Class Honors-Elez1nor 312:- Dougall, P0101` l{earn.~:, Lois Ryzm, `Jacqueline .`Iu1`i<-n, Anna Osborne, rliathlecn .`-Iurphy, Bernadette Hip- lkin, Kathleen Ferguson. 1 ' Second Class l I First Class Honors-Jolm D. Mur- iphy, Ruth Kelly, Isobel Raymond] lliuthlcen Firth. ! n,-nnrl f`lu.~,` LI.-n.,.... 1:\I:....1.,.. unu ponsututlon 2 Me `I How can I? wlfc and snx chlldren. Wzmt(~(l--Lady or gentleman to rooml or b0:.rd in private home, near ve nninf< Annlv Rn? W -\IIvnnr-r- 1111 01 me." Why did you leave Europe? ``I couldn t bring it with me. Where were your forefathelxs. born ? I In ,..:.. -..- 1-,, .. ST. MARY S HONOR ROLL FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Senior Fourth 3 First Class Honors, 75 /o-JackE ;Buckley, Norberta Hipkdn, Perry` ;Ryan,, Gladys Lc-roux, Leona Mur-I Iphy, Joseph McVeigh, Walter Bray. J Second Class Honors. 6(i0/ r._T-`rv-u` i [ Ma1`g'a1'ct Hinds. JU uggzul. 1 rene 1x'.aymon(1. Sc-sond Class 0 Rou1'ke, G1'utz1a Curclo, Donnclly, Mary Murphy. Junior Third I*`1r:~:t Class Hono1's--.-`.g;'ncs Qnnnhzl T`! L7nv-A---< T.`I,`..... -.. I-Iono1's-- No1'be1'tu Cave]! Firth, xv tpuy, uosepn Mcvelgh, Walter ( Honors, 66`? Seadon. Junior Fourth First Class Honours-Clzu'e Mc- `)uL:_v,`zLlI. Irene Raymond. Sesoml l'7]n:< Hnnnv __ \"n1-`xns-in` `UI'H 1 ' I have only one father. Your business. RotLen." Where is Washington ? He s dead. I mnzun H-un ,.n..:4.\1 ..r AL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS u uuq. _rucure -5 and Aprll 29. Tl1u1`s March 13, open Barric Theatre Guild pro- :in the 13.01. Auditorium. on 50;. _'r'uture progr2m1n1c.~. .."o Ann] 29. (Ion. 9, West Gwillimbury. This is 11 vm-v (Inch-nhln 100 :11-\-nu Tn11nr>tH-| `L.U(.'ALS UOU. A. N. Middleton, Public Trustee, The Normern Adv.-m<-e ;..-u I ve got 21.` Ler bray. ' G%-Eg`:1 1 (Continued from page one) summer and fall months has also de- istroyed crops, aecor(lin:.," to state-] ments made by plaintifl's. V The `.``.-tory of drainage operations! in 1:he Tiny marsh district was given: ;by A. G. Cavana, f,0rmer emrineer 1'or the township, who stated that a` `dam known as the Grigg- dam haov `been consti-ucted in 1907. Later! {when this went out a structure that `was a combination of bridge and` Edam was built in 1912. In 1915) fwitness stated he had been asked by the Township of Tiny to make a re- iport on the marsh situation, which] `he (lid. He exp1'essed the ouinioi. that the dam impedes and injurious-! .1y obstructs the drainage of the Tiny marsh, and that the $25,000 01 '$30,000 spent in the marsh darinage ,had made conditions no better than they were. With the removal of! the dam he thought a large area iwould be made fit for a;.v,'rieultura1{ 'and pasture purposes. .\'umerou.~.: plans of the drainage system made,` by Cavana were placed in evidence, \vell as fig.-'ures submitted by him on levels taken at various })Oll1t:~ during flooding` conditions and prev- .ious thereto. l `. \X7l1nn .\ll`.-...l Y.` \`...l.,... 0.. ....._.l -..1un 1.. . . defence why , before, .-`.21-Ea. go to law v. month--it w: ran;/I In. Hun. QDRAINAGE CASE AT i : SPRING ASSIZESi ,ious 1Zn0l`Cl;0. j When Alfred E. Archer, S1'., was Icalled to testify he took to the wit- lness stand like a duck Lu \\zLL~:1. .-.e ,k1_iew what ne knew zuul nu lu.~._ye1' =w1se. 3vvas g'oin1.:` to make him state om:-1-~ `ly two l1ou1'.~' Wednesdzty z1`l"tm'11r)nn, he showed himself shrewd and un- jmovuble. He proved the 1]-10>-`:4 val- uable witness for the L'1l.5\, :1la.'.m.:;:li prone to ;:i\.,- .x1or(: ii'.fum:.~. ..u.. t... n ;wus ziskc,- 1'01`. l-ie (lid 1:01 `J\':l1l the court to xniss :L11_vLi1i1ur. l.' !~1- 11 I,`.:.' ll . u L\'..`. .' Although questioned for near- E |,\.`.`.} .1) L...` ..y `..&'ulu.ll \...`.\..}.A}" in evidence, (laurd Juno l!. .1. Sept. 2, 1019; June 15. 1512?}. '."I he had ('0m])l2Lil1Ld of the izmzl hm _flooded Lh1`oup;h the neglect of council not h:,n'i11;:; iulliul ;})1'0111is(3 to do somet;hin,.r about ; comhtion. J1 PS . 1056. \.AuL\,, :u\.`.LL .ulL'.H plliu. with \\':1.< HIM hn 9_|v(;-'v~;'~! u\.` Luu. . 1211- 9ow11sir) eve]-yi too ovw-=1 H-2 he \`fO`.',l _;r-.'o. the! drainage system a. fair trial and :ul- ` mitted that in 1924 he had a fairly H; gowns had not? ~'!uh.,1 A In -menu Dy Silylg ll} \V2J.S 21 UP) year.` The counsel for the plaintiffs pull-; ed a bone when they called Ed\\'ardv Pilon, of lot 16, who would havei made 21 better witness for the de-3 ]fence. Between the hearing of ex-3 Inert evidence given by engineers and: ;the large number of witnesses fox-= `the plaintiffs. the counsel for thou igood crop, but qualied the state-` mcnt by saying it was a dry yCa1`.i I 'T`1-m 1-nnn=n`| `Fnr H10 'n1ninHfT: nu-` V41 Dunlap St., Barrie. Aulunnoialer S; Am-ialesat Husln-zanuee Co. Ltd. Head O/flee: Vx /'::terloo Toronto Ofce: 159 Bay St. A. Fr..':AL%.'*lVIV';$i(:31:rnson Aummome Imummcs AT Low COST ronnac \X hippet Ford Erskine Durant 4 Dodge 4 Chrysler 4 Inrlmlcd in cl nnn I :.u Chevrolet r.'...... unappcn tun: .a u.. REV. ARTHUR HALE, Pastor Choir Leader, Miss Margaret Sincla-ir O1'f;anist, Mrs. Erythe Rowe lII(`III(l(. (I 171 $1,000 Lisl Protecting You Protecting Your (1 legal liability up to $10,000, regardless of number of persons injured, or whether damage is to persons or property. 0 against damage to your car from either FIRE OR THEFT, against uamzlgc to y< FIRE OR THEFT. SEE THE LOCAL AGENT Private Passenger Cars " _ THEE E-"*EHL(D'1`i_" pun. ;u\; \.u.1a1o UL L110: \_;lll'-JSL. Mr. Holland is a most forceful speaker and we wish all our friends to hear him. Sunday, 3 p.1n.-~The Bible School. Monday, 8 p.m.--The Young IN,-ople s Meeting. XX7,..l...\...!..._ O M -4- "*1 "" plug. 1: 1_'.1\ \.41'\L Cars not c-::cc:'J:~.g ,5 .')g'/ L L.4L\ \.r\L\ Cars not exceeding $4,500 .4/A `I`\YV1'\ t'VA1~n VAVJII L 1_l.L\ \a4"1L\ Cars not exceeding $1.500 A-.n I-\r*r\ /`AI'\ JO r1_.1\ \..r\1\ Cars not cxce:-ding $2,500 a-/ A`! Y\Y_`f\ I A T\ yflul L I-4L\ \Al7XL\ Cars listed up to $1.000 A-sh 1'\Y1'\ r'I.A r\ \auAn luvs \.4\x\;v. u.--5 $43 PER CK}? Cars not CX\urLiIL $33,500 $57 PER CAR cxccedinrz 34.500 ; 5g1;"a:; " c::cocc'.7m: $5500 $27 PER CAR listed my 51.000 .9 ....u.... an.) ..u y. vv Q30 PER C./3.12" exceedinrl 81.500 5 i5i=Iii'E:X1'i" Cars cxcu:-dins: 32.500 Barrie Real Estate Ofcei THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930. Efarmers did not rest his c:_Ls,o until .6 o clock Wednesdzxy evenmg. At [$3.30 Thursday mormng `clue case wa.-2 ,1'esumed to heal` the \\'1tnes. for {the defence and is still in p1'ogres.~. gas we go to press. A. .-\. Inegram, of ?_Midland, is appearing for the plain- ltiffs and W. A. Boys and Mr. Dud- lley, of Midland, for the defendzfnts. taaaaaunlg Phone 447w. $50,000 r"7` Special Inclusive Linbiiity Limits J l'Zl( M 1051 .. u....., u p.m., 1 11.111. Parents and scholars are expected to attend. Dunlop St. Dt&.."J. zmsfj ,_ . .-.... nub Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Tvhe Prayer Meeting`. For Szile--in Barrie, or exchange for Ci-nveiihurst property, small store, groceries, tobaccos, school supplies,, park across street, good ice cream trade, well away from competition. Books kept, will show results. Amly Box D.. Advance Office, Barrie. UNiT `A: .m . XV` *1` K3 \ {V o: \>` Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Minister I-Zorace Wilson, A.R.C.O. I ' :,;anist and Choirmaster ` Sunday, March 9, 1930 11 u.m.--Communion Service. , Reception of New Mem' bers. .-1.m".:c111-Cl11'i:'t Our Passover --Goss. 7 ;).m.-~Ge110\'ic"c Booth-Clibborn, who is conducting special, se1'\'ices in the Town Hall. will preach. Sclectecl Gospel Music. l.'T7T)'\'Dr\`n\.' xxnwv (`1r\1r1-u DUSIHESS rroposxuons WARD-PRICE-CRESWICKE CO. f\ (V. 7 p.m.-The Crisis of the Clnrist. 7\rT~.o T1.-.Y1.u,.,l L. .. ...__L 2., 1- v F;%rst j3api_ist Church > Sunday, March 9th Rev. J. K. Holland, of Orillia. 1! :1.m.--|Forgive Us Our Tres- JS `:`. , ,,,,_.., ..-.-...... Mu Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday .\IidWeek Service every Wednes- -u.v -n R van ` T. E. BISSELL Disk Harrow aiwim cavac NiTELD CHURCH OF CANADA Ca. .;f1'cgation:1lists, I\Iethodi.=ts, 3 ro.--hjxterimls, worship at D. C. HOWARD NOTICE TO CREDITORS `noun L. \,.,....L... U: \..\.u \J\I:n JL A Auuaxu. VIJZZVERYBODY W1;1LCO.\IE 24 Mulcaster St., Barrie. 1-uvnqur. anur Homes to Buy or Rent Business Propositions ;RT).PR l(`_F,-r`,n FQ\Nlr`l(I'.` r (-111 nursing done-Apply to Neely, 86 Mary St., Phone THE CELEBRATED Coilier St. Ua1itedChurc;! ANTIQUE SHOP nmns In Pun: Ar 9.. (Elizabeth Street) -X. E. BAKER, MINISTER I11 p1'1vzu;e 1101119, 110211` IIVE Apply Box F., Advance! Clapperton St. A T`l l \Yl YT`I) U \ I L` For Sale By Market Hill Corner. I(.`\V (HIYS 11: Eelr HOIUGS. Mr. F. W. Dobson and Art Pugh took two car loads of young people. down to the hockey game in Toronto` 'uesday night. The Railway Trainmen have com- |.,leto(l zlrrangelnents for holding a `progressive euchre party in the Orange Hall Saturday night. On this occasion Divisional Superintend-} lent Way will make a suitable pro-| sentation to three of the C.N.R.i `veteran employees now retired. These are Kenneth McLennan, con- lductor, who retired Feb. 28 after 46 VPIIPS Dl`Vll"P' W Unnr-an Inna-n-on-n_| y(;`U.1'S' S8I'VlC8. Operations began to-day (Thurs- ; day) to extend hydro service along the north side of Burton Ave., where several trees were cut to permit the putting up of electric light poles and stringing the new set of wires. The Ladies Aid of Burton Ave.l` United Church are taking their suc-_ cessful play, Marrying Ann, to' Stroud Monday night, where it will be put on in the community hall. Later on the cast will go to Hawke- stone, where the play will again be given in the church there. ` v The Bishop ............ ..M1'. '1`. J. wmiams` The Convict ................. ...Mr. C. Gmlmm I c1'.~:omi--- l`ho Bishop s sister, :1 ' widow_ .... ..IVh's. R. J. Sanderson '.`-I:n`io ................. .. Miss Batty Creswicko !S`-)`!:(~:1nt of Cm1(I:11'mm: uucwr, wuu 1'uL11'eu 1'60. Z5 amer 40' years service; W. Duncan, baggage- mzm, retired Jan. 31, 40 years ser- vice, and Richard Thomas Scanlon, aged 70 years, also baggageman, re- tired Jan. 31, with a record of 41 years service. nnnrnnna hon-an 1-n_rl-up I'I`1.....~ |I\/|l\al- Au unnul IUKD Notice is hereby given that all (`re-liters and otliers having claims z,,"...'CLi10 estate of William B. Taylor, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, gr,-ntleman, (i()C(`Zl$ .`(l, are required on or before the Seventh (lay of Mzxreh, .~\.D.,l 1930, to send by post prepuicl or tol deliver to the unde1'si;:ne(l at Barrie, Or*.tm*io. Solicitors for said estutt.-.l their full names and a(ldreses, u. fulll statement of their claim.<, duly veri-' fined, and the nature of the : if any. held by them, and after sztitli date the Executrix will p1'ocee(l to` distribute the assets of the s:1ill| estate among the parties entitled` thereto. hzwin_e; regzlrd only to the claims of which sahe shall then have had notice. hnoml ..+ T2-n...:.~. Ha. mi. .1.... .1-. Miss Annie Garside Florence McQuade are s few days at their homes. TU)`, F` VV, nnhrnn and Miss Winnifred Black, W.A. Dea-I coness Missionary among the Jewish ` people of Toronto, will be the speak- er at the annual meeting and, ``shower of fruit, etc., ,in aid of the Church of Enzlantl Deaconess Train-"l ing School, to be held in Trinity Parish Hall. Wednesday, March 12,. at 3 o clock. i 1.\' TH E 'BARRlE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE i AUDITORIUM I l |(,`m'z1 Prout---A popular novelist I I ........................................ ..Mrs. Sparrowl [.\driun I r0ut--}-lcr stenson ~:\uxmn 1'l`UllL--TIC!` SLL`.pS0n Mr. How:1r(1 Guest ---A doctor M.. 1.... 1:--..,.? I . "I`hom;1s (.zmlne1 I ...................................... ..Mr. Jas. .l"0I`(l1' 'Chri. I"(r\'e hum Mrs. Prout s I I Sm-1'4-tury .... ..`.\1iss Guldys Caldwell] I 'vl2ll'l(3 .. .\`H. 15011; :S'-rgozlnt of Gondzlrmes . 11.. r:,...,|, In the matter of the estate of John Cohantler Roy Neelzmds, of the Township of Innistil and County of Simcoe, in the Province of On- tario, Authorized Assignor. Notice is hereby given that John Chantler Roy Neelands, of the Town- ship of Innisl and County of Sim- coe. did on the 26th day of Febru-' ary, 1930, inztke an authorized as-~ signment of all his property for the` benet of his credito'rs, and that John M21cl{ay, Esq., Oicial Receiverf has appointed me to be Custodian of .the estate of the debtor until the 'r:~:.t meeting` of creditors. Notion lx` fI11`1`.1rn~ zvivnn Hunt 1!\r\ 1 TENDERS FOR WALK AND STEPS: Temlcrs will be received by the: under. up to Satu1'dz1y, March` 22nd, 1930, for the construction of :1 cement walk and steps in Bayview Park, Barrie. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the Advancc O`nc<.-, 123 Dunlop St. ! I, Lowest m- nnv rnmlnv m.+ ..,......,. mm n0'.'1('e. Dated at Bzwrie, this Feb1'u2n'y, A.D., 193 Stewart 8: Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for Executrix. TH: Th`?BFh9Pf59aPd.'9$1i"k I 77 V(i"`-'__ on an incident in Victor Ilu1:n .< I.(.-.~, .Vlis:mbles, and ar- rzu1;.r(:i by .\'o1'm21n Mclunnel. Ward Six Liv 9 I. J | A llL`>'-L meeting` 01 C1'C(l1tOl`S. I Notice is f11l`LhC1`_ given that the" rrst meeting` of c1`edito1's in the above, i1n:1tte1- will be held at the Court. House, in the Town of Barrie, on the 12th day of March, 1930, at 3.30` o L-lock in the afternoon. l 9 Tn nhfifirn vnn +n vn*n `1-~~~-~'-`- ! ulu permanen-L trustee. 3 .-\.ml fL11"tl1Cl` take notice that if` you have any claim against the; debtor, for which you are entitled tcl rank, proof of such claim must be} led with me, or with the trustee` when appointed, otlierwise the pro coeds of the debtor s estate will be tlistributetl among the parties en-I titled thereto \vit.hout regzu'd to your] claim. h..+,\.] ..L rru..A._L- L1,- A11 . - The Barrie Theat;MCElIt`i PRESENTS l ilfnder the direction of Mr. Horace lwil.-;on, the following One-Act Plays U CIUUK in me atternoon. ! To entitle you to vote thcreat,i proof of your claim must be lodged' with me before the meeting is held.` Proxies to be used at tho nmmina; \\'iu1 me nelore me meeting is held.` used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior there- to. . I Dated at Toronto this 4th day of! March, 193 . F` lu |u-tr_; r-,,,.,1- For S:).1e---Six-roomed brick house. on best residental street in Barrie, all modern conveniences, garage, etc. Apply at the Advance Ofce. Phone 55%. .vL LHOU. I F. M. Moffat, Custodian. .\Io'at, Hudson & Company, 1118 Federal I3uildinp;, Toronto, Ont. mus vrn ) |UH1<.'<:, 124;; uunlop St. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. P I M... L0. _ I And further take notice that 211' such meeting the creditors will elcctf the permanent trustee. , ,\n,] f)]1vf]1{n` 1-uL-n :1.-.+.~.n 41...; :t ..i\/lrs. Adrian stepson ,`1\'1r, Hnunr Thursday, Mar. 1 3} THE BISI-lOP'S CANDLESTICK THE BANKRUPTCY ACT The" Stepmother R A v n A I J D n _ _ . AL P. Love, . _ ! Chaxrman. Parks Commission. THE STEPMOTHER _ --r_.._----v By Arnold Bennett .~\ DMISS1 O N .l('ll(l?l1'THC5 ...Mr. G ordo n Lu n_L:m:m AND ex uu('.L0r I ....Mr. Jas. Form _.._n`/In-u D.-m.H.. I Oc UH. thcreat,i nnaf hm lnrln-nil` News (`:,:7);1b1e woman wishes care of invalid` 0:` <'Jn`.'a1escent, experienced. Box B, .-'\d\':-n'.ce Office, Barrie. and Miss spendmg 21 's'. 11 have nornmg to i it was officially stated by. M. L. Chantler, clerk of the session,` {that Mr. Baker s letter of acceptance had been received and notice of his resignation from the Central Church charge was in the clerk s hands. Mr. Chantler thought it would hardly be lpossible to hold Mr. Baker here as .the eld offered him meant a cliancur "for wider activities. Mr. Baker will 3`probably go t.o his new congregation ` Sthe last of June. ,, Z} 1 l . l > , . I Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the` estate of Kate P. Devlin, late of thei Town of Barirc, in the County of ;Simeoe. who (lied on or about the lllth (lay of October, 1929, at the l`o\\'n of Barrie, are required to for- ward their ('.llllTlS, duly proven, to the un(lersig'ne(l on or before the 20th` :day of March, 1930. ' I Aml 'f'nv1hmv mlm nnnn.-. 4-1...a. ..m....I ;uuy U1. mnrcn, UMU. u . I And further take notice that zlftori J the said date Lhv Public '1`1'ust0e will! proccr-r1 to distribute the estate. hav- ing: ro<,::1r only to such claims of-` which he shall then have had noticew 1 1 Dam.-(1 at Toronto this 17th day of 1*`eb1'u2n`_V. 1930. wmcn no snull than Dzmrt! ` 1*`eb1'u2u'y, A N N For i;.i1'el1v. Corsets; see Mrs. John Howey, 201 Elizabeth St., suc- cessor to Miss V_Villc1's. A sltipment oi` the new type Gil- lette 1'-..::ors and new Gillette blades have arrived at United Cigar Stew. The rzL.`u1' sells at 98c, blades 5 for 39c, 10 for 74. Keep for tho g'ra1nm.~ Admiss": l March _.' 1 Two pinks of Bziriwie curlers ship- -ped by W. H. Kennedy and Dr. N. `Rogers were in Cookstown on Wed- inesday playing a friendly game. `Both Barrie rinks were were up an {the nish. 1 A nu:.:bc1' of Barrio. Masons \ve1'0 win '1`oro;z`Lo Monday 11i5.;ht as gun. `of Simwc Lodgv. Hon. W111. 1'. layson ;;uve an address at 1:310 bu, quet \.()H. U, VVCSC u\v11nmuury. 1l'llS 1S :1 very desirable 100 acres. Immedi- ate possession. Further narticulars on application to Miss Elizabeth G`.l1!1P1(`l`SOI1, Bradford.