WITH THE CHURCHES UIl(:.s" Millc Q... V [21 [ILL 21 Duncan \'n\..nu n lmru muss Honouns---l'.Jvu (iuuf hey, A1'Ll1ur Blair, H(-l(:n l. :u'r, . l;1'/..' 'l`l1omp.s'on, lilla McQuzL(lc, Jack Cu: Vin, Ruth Cumming, l"2';.u1l< ljmlix .l\/Iu1'gurcL Caldwell. FORM 1C. 1i1`sL Clzlss Honours-But,?.y Mur- phy, Eric Hardy, Francis Hinds. .Ernie Ryan (the last three equal). I Second Class Honours--M:n-v Rm-L-. 51311110 nyun (me last three equal). ' I'Ionou1`.s--Ma1`y Buck-l lcy, Helen Plunkctt, .\Ia.1~gu1'ct Cum- cron, Enid Carr, Jack McCuaig,` l\'r:itl1 McDcrmott, (the last, four. equal), G2Ll`l')lll.t Smith, Mark Robin-J son, Bart Simmons. . 'l`l1iwl (`I-,r.-.- LI.-mn..m. u:n...`...1l we last Lwo equal). Third Class Ho11ou1-s--M:l1'ga1`r;t Ballantyne, Wm. Pratt, Geo. Vz1ug:'l- an (the last two equal), G-:0. Wall- .5011, Rota Simmons, Wm. Scott (equal), Bert Ha_g'en, Vernon Mit- chell (equal), Bcs.~ie Jiennc-(l_v, I1'wi11 Ilclx'nig'l1t (equal). TZ'(\T)\f 11?` sun, nan DIIITITIOIIS. Third Class Honou1`s--Hillyz).rd i Chappell, Eleanor Graham, Delittai Hammer, Austin Smith (equal), Gic-0.; Thompson, Barbara Cooper, Glenl Kell (the last two equal), Shirley; Eonney, Douglas Simpson. . FORM ID. I First Clziss H0n0u1`s--Victor l{nox,; Alla Porritt, Minnie Kemp (the lust- Lwo equal). f\'.4-r-nnll (laws Hrmmm. n.......,- mu cquau). Second Class Hon0u1'.~:--Hzu'ry E Smith, Cllarlotte Scott, Walter Swan` (the last two equal). Third C1: .` T-Tnnnn1- ` nu1<..u 1r`. i:~'.-'t Class Honours--Luel1a .\Iin- rm. 1.`(\1_v\T II}. M (`hum Honours--EiIcen Hol- WELCOMED NEW MEMBERS ` uuuu :;t:nL, by cuts 0!' all the 1"OlL.\I IA. 'J.1\J|In FORNI 3.-\. :: 1Innn\n-;- FORM 3C. `Inna unixn` ||LL: l\Ul)L'll/D\l FOIRM -1 A. 1 Ilnvwun... FORM 2D. ; I I\1\| In FORM 23.. :2 nnI1nI1\._~ ' FORM 1F. : Llnnnn ' IHHJ COUL- |nnI\ ring .~4Lu !ui(l\viu1:.v- ;.~. Ilonouz` `mu.-.x _ _ I Hi,<`ed. of I`._~-Ttb':'cl, lC:=,~'v:.:. ll ` )MiVI=S-ln Orilha, on Thurs(la,v,l 1:md_ Mar. 6. 1930, John Edward Emms,` in his 86th year. Funeral service at Dalston Church on Friday at Rural sanitation will lack 21 rm 3 p.m. Interment at Dalston ceme- foundation until every fmrmstea(l is tery. `sanit:11`il_v cor1'ect. nJ`y: r H ur.-:t. '.3'--'E1V nn U...... pup sLu -Olympi:1 ])ou1.lz:..~: IIVUSS 1l.ll'IlUuH. JHCK l`L`1'C_\'. , Third Class Honou1's-1\I:un'ico `Pearce, Arthur McKenzie, Austin Blo- Knight. 11r\11'.\,r .- ......buy. FORM 5 I First Class Honou1's-Do1'othy Cul- ]vin;2'hznn, Clam:-nce Davison, George iKidd, Bob Sinclair, Ea-1.110)` Leigh, .Dorothy Irwin, Pzxrker McMillin. l.Do1'ot.hy Sinclair, Jo'lm Sinclair, Mary 5Hendorson. ' Qnnnvari I"l.`.-. u.~..,...... u...-1. Encnucrson. Johnston. Bernice Jonnvtt. Vom :L_vons', Myrtle Ilnnlun, Bhmcne Hon- kins. John I.:1_v, 1.01110 Howls, .`I.-wl D)'ur_\'. Dm'i.< I\0u1'11s, Evelyn Marks. 'l`hi1`(l C1:2.<-= H0nour.<--.-\.nnirz I.vi'.':h, n.-.1.m 1"-nu-.n \\'..n..-:.. 1 ~ . Second Class Honours-Hm:h. t - . . 1-Iezllth o1'jr:n11 /.:1t1m1 1.: the o. Itial I'ram1c\\'ork of :1 . ipolltic. `man, .1215. wemon, some nckox-xmr. Second Class H0nour.<--.\luriol |1\IacArthur, Ruth Mac.\Iz1.r1in. Lmmrc `Simpson, Iiric Mu1`p11_\'. Maurice |MacLarcn_. Mary Crew, H:1r1'ict Hurt. |Ross Turnbull. Jack P01'c_\'. Third Class Hnnnm-<-`\Tnm-L-.. u d 1-. Lllb U1. 1.. L. own be ;.1'zm .\'e11es--Lon Police Commit -.- r<~r)<- `Ln 1; I I ` 4 CENTRAL Y.P.A. den, Jas. Weldon, Nellie Picko1'il1_a:. Ho1m1n~. `gxxu l5>l>'lilIlk'C, U10 l'L't'\'U.< ;cd to have the clerk \\" (i._-pa` ::xc.:l. .u.d.i11g :1 re `cons cleration would be gmauer. nxulucxpzu 11n:mc1n_2'. The as. should be 21 man who can size up the ivuluu 01' 21 buildings, and his term `should not be less than ve yours. l The (`Ill(*.\'1.l'nn I)?` h11\'1'n0' Han o~n\-_ usuuulu HUI; me less than nve The question 01' llaving the gov- `.m-nment pay the full cost of the cc11sl1'm`-.1011 and mzximenzlnce of ;J1ig;'l1\\'a;.~: \\'z1s b1'oug'ht up, and it was =1)oinlvd out that \\`e1'c this done there :\\'01`.](l Lu: :1 (-1'_\' 101` high\\'L1_Vs in every xSL`C7.l()H. \\'m2'.`-Ix vixlr Hm m.m.'..:-.( nun gnu: , Ldlxll up of Hi;`1:v.':' (In: . 1\\n .1 IHUIIL. Deputy-Reeve Lowe 1'efo1'1'ed also 'to M1`. M(-l{:1_V';~: pzxpcr, sz:yi11g` that. `the work of the zLs.~:c.<.sur and tux collector was the corner stone of all Immicipul Ii11;1ncin_L_". The <]`:n`. hr :1 nw--n nvhn I-run ah. nn sh uieuu uonc away with. Hon. Geo. S. Hom'_\' stressed the building; of l)et.to1' rozuls and advo- cated 21 top of g'1'z1\'0l with 21 binder of asphalt and mm`, which will cost but one-quarter of pztving. The g'o\'ernn1cnt was now paying" "0 pen lcent. to the n1u11icip:1liLies in.~:tcz1(l of ,30 per cent .115 i'o1'merly. r ."-.1`. Mcliuy, ml.-mbcr for E15,-`in, gave an inst1'ucti\'e paper on equali- zution and :1;~'. in xvlwh-lx lm iuv [1l.'1 cunt. .11: .LU1`HlUl`I_)`. : u. in which he . the 11ece_~'.~;it_V of cure being` taken in theapopintmcnt of us.~:esso1`s as so much depends on their judg- imcnt. ynb. no f,'XL(:nt1f:(1 Lnrue Ions. ' Radenhurst & Hammond notied [council that Aim. J. Carley had fallen, on the siclewzxlk in front of Can- (ciH:). s store, injuring herself. The `fall was causzr.- by the ice on the walk. Dzunagzcs claimed. I Co -n, ('. p.rnu'n nn I-ml-self` A6` 51-U-. x;_;nuIu:u, p1'0\`!u(:(1 compnance 15 made `with the building by-law. I A`. I. Z\IcGu1'c asked that the side- `wulk on the west side of Cumberland .St. be r;.\:1;cnd(.-(1 three Ions. i nnrlnnhlww.-f Xv I-Inyvuvvuruvnpi ..-L'=-J Pay Cash and Buy for Less mauu. Deputy-Reeve Rogers, chairman of Fire and Police, said that when in T_or)12ltothlastlwetek f the] 1'.E.:'.'$. had visl e e pan 0 t e ' Franc works and inspected several re en- gine; An engine to have the power required_ would cost a lot of money. ;To repair the present re r:-n;;1nr=. Iwould not help very much eitl-lei`. as jit has not power enough. He . gt `gested that the whole matter be gjone .1nto thoroughly by council. I On mntinn n`F T?:.m-:.. f'-.- 1x"irl.'.1 iREEVE REPORTS ON Dkht Ff `|w:.uK. JJiUT'l':l.gf:S claimed. , Geo. C. Brown, on behalf of the V.O.\'.. asked for the usual grant of $500. hz.v.n+u_T>,.m.r. D,....,..... ,.1...:.___-A .2 .` LU \V1lLC iasking th: `St. be (. E Highway. ('vr:\\'( - K.-1'l:5\'{1CKL`- ;Po11ce Commi .y~..~.ho:- Mnnrln v I U11 mo .-1~ ; and L0\\'(:, .+n um-1+.-. +r _...-.,,......\. .u,vv 1. sun The 1\'Izu'ket and Parks Commit: ecommcnded that the property ms 1 by the town south of (,'I:1r'4.I: lzzrkc b_e set aside for park pl ases, and 21 by-law was ])21.$.i(:(l mu ,-rring the property to the Pay ommi.~:.sion for control and 1n:mu.;, mm`. 'l`I-IURSD.-`Cf. 11.-`.I?.CII C. ,,)`..; ` '[`homp:xon, .4 v.1. .l.l.l.'.I.l..l.J.'.lJ. FIRE PROTE:3TION _. W. .4-,., nv..uL uuc siding`. The request was ` providr.~d compliance is made buildimr hv-l:nv LFLJIX 1 D \J`.`- ROADS CO.\'VE;\'TION ll OI. l \.F_'\-'4 the clerk wz Ha I) hay.- I 011 SL011. Toronto rr rwm. .Ll ihrr `If I . applied 12,000 n ,-r\n` H68 111:; [Lil R.'\'. Hos; v LU]. u1;.5u\\L1_V: 1uL:\ t:1'_y `(`.l.~ V1111` the D1L1Ul(.._{ ` to 15:1)` :1 .,<}xu1'e of tin: 1'0 1'; I-\'D1't`i<:-(I in 1?.-_ s`.\(.'(.` ` nth Mildred Walls. DEATHS 2:) at snare u.\'c1'c1s/ed U'H!Hrll`1'. l.~`:lI)f!1 MI, Ir'n1k Mr`,- Cnn1'`?n:1 Bhlh`, ` ` "Tar- r`vnr` \Vuu u 1. no 5011 th x.*+o nvvr un ;;zmu1111e buildmg at , near the snllncf \vn;- -n.;.1 .m for made (`1`.'.'l\, `RUU1 szllml T\rY,. LU \`\' II >?. 300 _the_y ermit _n|:nn , UH.` LIUHLCH SCIISOII the next six weeks held every Wodnes n`r-Inn}: f'nlln\\'nd h UL` IICXL SIX \\'l,'(`JiS SCI" xcld Wednesday` Yclock, followed by :1 hul l;\~' i:n11r\l'n dhl-- ' 'LlU_](`L'L \v\v' il_VS ; Ch1'1.\-tizm G1'atit.u(Iej r of the Chrxst L1fe.; . evening at as O'ClOCl{, muoweu Dy lecture lllll>'Ll`2liL`1l by l;lI]L(`l`Il . Fvitlay :1fte31`1ioon at -1 o'clock H . litany will be said and this coming: Friday 21 special mission service for the VVomen".~` .~\u.\'ilizu`y will bv hold -in nkanmv-nu.-n n1` Ham u~m-l.- nl' v\|-4I\'n|- IIIIUYHOH SC :11 \Ve(lI1us 1: Lemon : n nnvl cI\' Walker Stores Limited 5:; the Young` of Central Unit-;` p1'i\'ilc_re of lis- id (Jr.-\'ot.iom11 ml-I Thompson. The; 3: \V:1v: MEET hold u\:\1~n, 2 A number of members of t rie Club paid an inturclub the Ki\V";1I1iS Club of Orillia ( day, this being" the date for cmnpc-Likion at the cL11'HI1g` 1'31 lllI|1I|:.Ail\ l~.-.:.x~ ..-. .un. ..- 1.310 l\1\\'iUHS (] ='1'ou. number. 1` well sum; in good Pluhulolphm in tin Mr. T1105. Gaul, 0. nn:';r\nn` u~ Han an .v .u;.. u. 1.. u :Vi.~:it01`s \\`:1.~: ;zi\ 'Cz11m>kin, and \ (Walls, 01' B2u'1'ic ; At. one o`c1oc` curling rink, v zmombers jof 46 to 30. '1 ibe p]1`._\`C(1 in Ba the score may E nninh. Cu "\t\`>`-\ . . .~\[ one ouox-=< nu rep.ure(1 to curling" rink, where the home dc1'ea1ed Barrie by :1 n` of to The 1'etm'11 5_":1me v.11 51:1: B:11'1'ie on Friday when `the 111:1)" br` reversed, the total `points in both g'un1e.= to be countzed 1` m.- ciub Ito determine the winner. The re- `sult in brief: Barrie Orillia W. H. ,7Cennedy...S D. A. Macnab .12 1'1 1xI,.m. I ,\ 7,...L1. 1n GRILLIA BEATS BARRIE IN KIWANIS INTERCLUB CURLINGI The Women's Association of Cen-b t`Z11 United Church held an em thusiastic meeting Wednesday after- noon when reports of the past month s work were presented. In every way the association is gaining and the assistance it has been able to give the entertainine: of the var- ious church conferences, such as the most recent gathering of C.G.I.T. oaders, has been most gratifyingr. Seven new members were welcomed at Wednesdr.1_v s meeting. n1akin_9; nine in all who have joined since the rst of the year. The meeting was pre- sided over by the president, Mrs. John Bowman. L'UHl[) lunch I3:-n.-I (`YOU 11 `-VOLT`. 't\vo booster by M. G00. by Mr. J. Ii v1-1 fan: 1:` V\J. VV 1,` UU..... !W. "M21115 .. iA. H.L11'ris.. I I I I i | I I .5 I Y-IIS'1"ED---`VOOD--Tn Monday, March 3, 1930, at the 1'e=idCnce of Rev. Canon Roinor. Betty, only daL1g11tm' of Mrs. Wood and the late Hennv Wood. Dumfremline. Fifeshire, Scotland. 1.0 Guy F .H\ist0d. of Toronto, on`.v` .`~'(". of M1`. I-rL+nA and Mrs. "`. E. C. n? T`r`'1`2r\1vr1 1: . `(.`~\ Buwio. on` r'1`< .. and nnn UIUUH [115 111 LHU ClU.Ul'. ight M1`. Wi1frc .\Ic1{'in- nt 01' the Barrie Club. his qu:n'te1'Lc~ 511.1139,` :. bet". Mr. Allan T. Cald rvnru] vninn `* l n. l'\. ` on MARRlED the Bar- visit. to 1b on Mon- annual Lh-c rink. Thcl \\.u.< mo:~L onjoyzxblc. -H \`.`.'x< in 1":1.- rhsliv rk nll rep.x where god The -1 \-m' a nu T4`- mg 211, 1u..5u, gzm. Durin_<.;' ` vices will be n\~nnu'nn- a} Q Orillia .... .. ` W'c:1thcr\v:-Ix... H. McN:1bb...... . T. Madden ..... .. J `by nvnn ivlcail Patteriis M iss 1`/I:u'ag1'et M rs.` A. E. Howe H. Creswicke spent the. week end at her home here. [visitor to Toronto early this week. Mi SF Leila Hunter is -visiti11_'.*_ friemls in I`o1'onto for a few days. .'\'1I.= * Muriel Pzuldison spent the \\'uc1~: end with i`1'ien(ls in Toronto. Cu1'1'1e, 01" I.un.~:~mp;, Nln-31.. .:v~<-211 :1 imv Lluyx last week wlth M1`. M1`. -1'1. 7\? 1-..- IC. MU-n l"n`r~ was a 3 Mrs. T. S. Hounsomo ford dL11'm_:: the week ..~ilvL-1' wedding` of Mr. .1, n:r\< -J. [Hill f A. H. F011` is in London this week.` :1 \`i. to the l\`i`:-.';1I`.i~; Club 0 I that city as representative from th | I-}zu'1'iu Club. { M1'.~:. Alf. Woods, of Dalston, who; 1. C ;was 1'econtIy o})(:mLo on at the] Royal Victoria. Hospital, is con~; vnIescin_2' at the home of Mrs. Young,l Berczy St. r 1\m=n.'m.~nn. T.nnnnv \|v1\n1sn.-E Durczy BB. K Mlsz Hlldreth Lennox. who llasl been cnJoy1np; a successful tour of} the \\'ust01'n p1`ovin<:cs, where she 11215` `,r:i\'en many recitals during the win- ;tm- montlw. IS not expected home un- til :1I't(>1' 1C:1st(*1'. `Mu um} mm. In W\`r:IL~A ...~:~---rJ nu; L110 12151; ln1'CC 11 `C-.':11ke1'\'i]le, Chi(r:1_:` Their son, Dr. H. pnnied Llzmn home. No1.hin_Lr is 1'eaHy wot would rather be doi olsn-.--Sir J. M. Barrie. Dental h_v_9;ie11e service is only re- pair work on the door tl1roughw111ch nearly cvey 111 enters. Monday People's .-\:<: ed Church tening to :1 (lresc given .~n....bn.. .-.1~n \\'IU1 stock. ll ... Personals 1'(l \;0lC. `. llu1'ibLu't, _a st :_~:iL_v of Toronto, week end. I `u.n~.~.n I).-.-U1 rl\lI 3, ZUHI Li'll3I1t1.`a'. , Bluckstock came up` ) spa-ml last Sunduyg r, Mrs. Ethel Black-` The Northern muuxu \\'u.:' 111 .D1`zL(l-I wok ztttenclmg the and Mrs. W. . won unless you` domg somethmgl l`1`lO. emu. rrn, B1'z1dI.'o1'd St. 71'!` 'nm- dd` rhfn. student I nhfn u-n _< ' 2 L'.\_:J.'('>.~1ll_L:` L-3I(` (.`:-`LL`Cn1 %s0('iz1.Lc.-= and friends, glnbout the casket dur F svive service held at tl -`i(_1z_1y a1'Le1'n0on at two lmcluded I`[o\\_'c1's fror 513.110 Ass0c_1at1o11, . Ch ltlon, Bzu`1'1e Curlmg 3 3 F l`:`l|I\ .....l 1)..LL-_. n, S})L v'.LKCl' L'I1U.~`(! 21: of I`Ixp1'c-wing` and the Beauty f Seized with a heart attack, Wil- `Ii-.Lm A. Grose died suddenly '].`ue;~:day `morning.-; at his home on Bayeld St. The decesaed, who was in the prime. ;of life, was born in Egbert, Ontario, `September, 1875), and had bun.-n en-, ,g.zg'cd in business in Bztrrie for the} Ppast yr.~2u'.s us] (gr,-:11e1' 1`u1'Lh-- ;()h1'_vs er cars, \-:it1 mow room zuul jg';11'u;:;e on B1`;ul1'0rd S1,. Prim)` Ln <:umivg' to B'.11'1'ie M1`. Crone fzu`med jubout two nwiles from 'l_`ho1'nLuu. zevelxtltztlly coming; into Lhut town 1.0 build a ga1'u.g'e, \vhic11 he ope1':xLe:l {for three or four years. He \\'u.~: u :1m,~mb<-1' of C()o1<. O<!(H't-l!r)\v.e` zlmlm. \`r. 11:`: . ,1 .. ,, - Iuuuuvh L-HU L'il.\l\l5L (lLlI'lll}. ,' Lll(_' lIll[)l'<?.~.< S(}l'\ l(?(3 the home 'l`hur.~;- lduy two o ulock. 'l'l1:-.er- Iineluded [lowers from the Automo- gbile .`~\ssociuLio11, Chrysler Corpora- jtion, Club, Goo(lyezu' l'|`i1'e and Rubber C0,, B1-yson am! 1' Morley, Cookstown O(l Lo(lge and Collier St. Bible Clzxss, as lwell as those from the family mull lintwimate friends. Rev. J. J. Black. conducted the house service, while the Oddfellows ofliciatcd at Thorn- ton, where interment took place. Those acting: as pall-bearers were Messrs. Woods, Cowan, Beelby, Gil- Iroy, Morren and Dr. Rogers. . J utlgxment was reserved in the ap- peal case of Rex versus Mrs. Mary Malcolm, of Covllingwood, when it came up before Judge Wismer last Fri afternoon. The defendant, u:!';o was accused of selling liquor <.-ontmry to the law, was represented by W. A. Boys. Advance . ,.,,, 4 0. um, and .=ndzmt at Collier St. 10 is survived by his \ 31', Agnes, of Toron `hr n1 `..nvnn- 4-n n:..a MARY MALCOLM APPEALS on Lu, .3143: Thornton. \uI:<:nu` Hxn WILLIAM A. GROSE P11c_>_ne With th comm in Trinity Churcii imz; at 10.30, the (run, Dnvinw Hm Lwo SISLCT , and 1\lr:s. 1011)` broth M-nu. T4`;-(`.1 H0, L`1'C(l Many esteem I 4-'..:,...,:.. t11(lS, were mm; (hlrmp; the nnpm homo 'I`.hnr L`d.l.`5. ]'l(.` V awn OddJ'<: ul :1 1'c_L;u!z` ,. United Cl ; widow, `J. (I xn(n- -- ; Hora! x of busri \lvr\\ur\ s, Lurs. .51 Scyghcs _- nlw 'l'hi shall. FOR/)1 2(`. Second Class H0nour.<--.\lar<:`2u'o1E ` Osborne, Mary I\'ce1zmd.~.', Irc-no ` l)un: I 'I`}`.ir(l Clzxss HOI]()LI]`.~ --BOL1 ;' -1011:1- yston. Ruth Quuntz, .\Ii2'i:1m CULlpl1il1(}.` |.\I211':.:`:u'z.-L Whit;-, Ida H.'1nd_V, M211`-' 3.5:-.1's,~t Jones. TV/'\V\Vl .... FORM 3B. ` Iir.sL Class Honour.'---Gco. Potts. Second C1zL. `Honours--.Beryl Jones, Velma Chapman, Marjorie Patterson, Jean Couttst. Eva Barnard.! Crmnpton Lewis, Mary MacDougnlI. | 'I`hi1'd Class I-Ixonou1_-.-:__.I?m.h Rm. L_r1`()mI)t.On 14:-\v~xs, Mary Macuougall. I'Ionou1-.-;---luth Bro- ther. Bessie Hunter, Clm-n Campbell.` Maurice Park, I-Iorbert Smith, Wilda; -Carr. T7`f\`D II 4') f`! ` EMM- NT.` IT 1"Ul0lVl at). l IN .`LIlr.st I _]C'Ias5' _ HOIn0t1:1'SfF1'anc)s `.11 1. .01 (1 an, Sa. 01 McQuay,! lumory Nelson, Cathx-inc Brown, Viola Partridgre Maurice D:1\'i. S('('lll| 0151;: Tlnnnun-.-_J-I-n-..u I S(,-voml Class Honou1'.<--Ha1'z`y , Juhn. Dorothy Price, Dorothy] 'l`e:1.s-dzllo, Charlie Donnclly. ` '|`hird Class Honours-~Ruth Jo1m- slnn. H:Lm1(l Meredith, 1(z1thIeon `Rwd, Flolmlcte Robertson. I 121/1111 n I u A IVIOIH. J"11!`LI`l(lL{C, lVl211]l`l('0 UI1\'1.~`O1`l. 9 1 r UU(.i\1 -1.~\. 1*`-.~('(m(i Clztss H0nnur.<--:\iIr-on I\'I(-,- (`mvk-_v. Marion Webb. Helen Con- .~-l:xl>l<-, l l`uu.'k. .\I:1r_::':n`<*t Hub- luml. l\':\tl1lovn F11-emnn. I 'I`hir:l (`.ln.<.< Hmmm'.<--Jo:1n Mur- I`.-hull, 1"Ul{.\l ZU. 1ir.st. C1:L I~Ion0u2's-Lucindz1 Puddison. ` Secontl Clz1.<.< I{o11oL11's--Gco1';,'ci Osborne. 1` 'l`hi1' Clzlss Hon')l12x~-F1'zmccs . ,.-1-{Zn-l()ttc, Vt: 1 T1'21c;.', Jack Im--V mn. I-Iilc-on .-\x'n1; John _`!ix`"/- .`:lzu'y Thompson. n h\/r -1 l l`Ul{.Vl 3.-\. l l*`irsL Clzlss l*lonou1';<-~Bob Grzllmm. G.(eo1'_:;'in:L Spenrn, MzL1`g':1:`r.-L Campbell. S..-(soml Class Honours Elliott` l{<-_\'nol Jim Cameron. ,` 'J`l1i)'d Class Honou1'.<---G=2o. Cross- laml, Jim Webb, Helen H0r.l1zer., Gor- don Jzunicson. Chas. Hinds, I\'o1'1'na,t Poucher. l } I . muu. Second Class Ho11ou1'.~`--Ph_vI]is` .Fu11. Gerzxld I.oJ'tu.~:, Wm. Hare, Evelyn MacDonald, Mo.~'. McCut'- choon, I-lnrry Rooke, Russell .-\(l(Ii-` son, l.zuv1'm.-11cc D:1\'i.<. Third Class Hm1ours--St01lz1 Cald-i \\'<-H, I'I Slulicr, ldxvzml 'l`1u'nvr. .\l2L1'j01'ie Glcnniv, Kunnuth H0u;.-:h- Lon, Gordon King". Ho\\'2u'd (`nn1n}mlI .uiL1'JU1'lL' UlL`IlI1l(', lxmmulh H0u;.':h- Kingr. Ho\\';u'd Campbtall, John Cole, John Swan. 1-`A ..~. 'HONOUR LIST BARRIE - COLLEGIATE lNS llTU l'E NEED OF BETTER _.__. , `E'T'D1:I `Dun:-.x~r.1n The followin honors at Hw I ihcld at tl'u_- ()<. .po1'L.~' huvu hm ito the p2m:nL:e once ulnus, Ullbert Horton. f Second Class Honou1'.<--Clzm>nccg Baldwin, Edxvard Shortt, Orval Fleet-3' hum, Jack Hammer, Arthur \V0bste1'. Jack Rogers, George Smith, Lorraine lieetch. rm.:..,a r~1.`-. n_..-.,, n- v Page Four | land. J."Ul(.`.\`1 215. First Class I-Ionou1's-Richa1'(l .-\b- bolt, Jack Cochrzme, .\Iz1u1'ice KcI~ lzmtl, E -`u. .T< ., .-\1f1'od C 05 Qnr-nn:] I"!..r.. T7------ " ' .lV1]llL`l'. Sucond Class 11.01 Smith, 1"'ru1t.-ip;h Crow Dorun. Chc.-stcr Luvcry. '.l.`hi1'(l Class: }-lonou1'.~;~ Almlm M:zI.... *\.1....1. n llllil. Second Class Ho,nou1's--Hi1dz1 ! Cole, Wilmer Rowell, .\Ii1d1'ed 'l`zx_v-i 102`, Pearl Thompson. 1 T`I'Li1'd CIQRQ T-Ynnnnv: T\nnn-1n.-. wt, ream Inompson. Third Class Honou1's-Doug1as Muir, Ernest Nye, Wilma Parr? (equal). wnnxr 0,1 1"Ul'L\J. 23. First Class Ho11om's--Hon1'y Sims. Flora Young, Jeanne llumly, Flor- ence Hinds, Gilbert Horton. Sm-nnrl (`lace Hnm~.m-.- r`lm-n--.-~ UULCJ1. I Third Class Honours---Richa1'd Heppleston, Grace Little, Cluls. Mills.` Tom Hare, Jean Howzlrd, Evelyn .\IcCann, Ross H:u'ri.<, Com Quuntz. FORM 2B. Firtf. Clue: 1-Innnnu.~ T)?`-kn---I `L I Fimt Class Ilrnmoum Ont.-schook, I-I;u'1'y Goodwin Mill:-r. J)1'U\\'H. SL-crmd (}IzL.~;.s Honour.- 501', (Jar) Jcmmtt, Both K(:]C(.'_V', John L`<.-g.L,r, Mu l)oro1;hy Webb, Fanny 'l`l1`ird Class Honou1'.s- hmr Amln... 111..:.. Llnl -\, _u.,. IVORM 1E. V First Class Homou1'='--M::1`g`;x1`e1; O .Vcill, Edythe Zeihr. ' Second Class H0nu1's--l\'z1 MI:-. F:u'l2'.nd, Mabel Richar(l.~'on. ' Third Class Honou1's-Doroth_v Illuck, Muriel Rogers (equal), Ruby; Barnes, Verona Appleby, Haroldl Cooper, Myrtle Foster, Marjorie! Freeman, Wilson Lougheed (the last` four equal). ` `l'.`f\Y`A'\l rs TRINITY LENTEN SERVICES