Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Aug 1929, p. 8

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Page Eight X:)lic<- is lien-by ;:i'.'n-n p;':1'.~'u:'.i1`. lo :h<- 'l`ru. _-\(-1 Llmt. ull ])(.'l';50llS l-.zx\`llI`L1' claims a5:uin. the estate of I\ lyi-llv Annie Gray, late of the Town of I-`:11'rie, in the County of Simeon. \\'l(l0\\', (l(.-ceased, who iliml on or about the 18th day of Febru- ary, A.D.. 1928, are requt-. to send particulu1's of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of September, 1929, after which datc the Executors will distri- bute the assets of the Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claiins of which he shall then have notice, and will not be re. to any u`.l](`l`.\`. n..4,\.: ..; u......:,. was -Jmn .-Lm ne'l wul IIUL. uu lcblvknnruun. nu um; ...x., Dated at Barrio t.hi.'< 20111 clay o`;'[ August, A.D., 192:). - nun . EXTRA SPECIAL gaibma FLOOR WAX Johnson's - gives a lasting polish to floors: . . . . . .. .69c 1.35 oz. """"-"N .I~vwnIr-WI?"- GONNOIVS GLAMS EA I`O.\'l_~\ '1`:-.`_-\-- .uw h1.\':s~-- A delectabie sea food .`. .1c ions cup. Per lb. . . . . . . . .'.'-`M PASCALIRS ENGLISH CANDY \Vholt5ome satin nished o-"AAA. 1.... or`).- NOTiCE TO CREDITORS SWEET MUSTARD Valuable Property in the Village of` Tollendal Duncan F. McCuaig, 1 I V Solicitor for Executursu! Extra Special Irradiateci MUFFETS 39 H. 0. S. CLEA.\.~-V Everytlnng 14: Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons h:w- ing claims against the estate of Walter Thompson, late of the Town- ship of V ospi-at, in the County or Simcoe, fariner, dt-c.e:1.~:(-cl. who di-:(l on or about the 13th (lzay of July, A.D., 192:), are rcqur.-stud to .*x'C!1(l })%ll`l-lclllilfri of their claims to the undcrsigned on or before the 2nd day of September, 1929, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate, having regam only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and will not be re- sponsible to any others. I n..t..,i ..+ u......:n fkin no rvn. Ar |.`I|JUH5lIJIl.' LU an) ULIACLD. I Dated at Barrie this 1st (Ya! of August, A.D., 1920. I'\ THURSDAY, .-\L'G'LIS'1` 22, 192:). NOTICE TO CREDITORS n..u., .LqIg.4Ila Duncan F. McCuaig, n Iv . 1- r.`_.__ Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Minister Hmuce Wibon, A..R.C.O. !\,,__,_.A __,! fTI_..'_-_.....-sly...- uunu I . AI|\-\a\Ic\A5, Solicitor for Executor. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contains.-d in a certain mort-`N gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be '>fl`r\rml for sale by public auction at I`|.._..._ - Ll..a..I I2-.....In ;.u; gush u_y 1;.-nu. ....... .. .... | Queen : Hotel. Barrie. 1: by W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer, on` ........_-...r AIvt'IIIn*r< -. >-.r SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st 1929, at 12 o clock noon, the fol- lowing lands and premises: Y; 1: ....A kn Qnufh hon` nf` T.n+ `-2 |U\\|u5 Aauun cunu Lullllavu. Lot (3 and the South half of Lot 5': on the west side of Colborne Streeti in the Village of Tollendal, Plan to Lover's Creek, with right-of-way` to Kempenfeldt Bay. g There is said to be upon the said.` lands two good summz.-1' cottage.<, garage and an artesian well. `, Said property will be offered for sale subject to a reservod bid. ` Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur-T chase money to be paid on the (lay of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. :U ll>l11*-`>' Robert (Bunny) died in New York City on .-\ugu: 321 extending from Colbm-ne Street` 20th, following an operation for 2113-; pendicitis, was buried from his home," for boats, etc., over Lover's Creek`80 Burton :\\ 0.., Thursday afternooni ' 30. ill 9 Tm. .....`v. .VIcQuade. impre.<; held in Burton Ave. United Church wh 0 service \va.< conducted by Rev. Georgze (.`oul~ tvr, ` but now former pastor of the church, located at Richmond Hill. fHI- was a:~`: by Rev. thr~ pro.<<.-nt minister in charge. `ts-rmvnt took place .\ . at th(- A u7,,n .n. \:n.... 111-` Union `` ("mm-tc-r_v, where the wealth of floral: t(-. to tho For further particulars and con-H) . T15 .V0U"L' mall- ditions of sale apply 0 Eaten & Eaten, .\l r. .\lcQuadc'.< death [first hrcak in his family circle. popularity i made th; 3 Hr: . soucgmrs for the Morggageel i is sur\'i\'<-d by his fathcr and mother,` Barrie, Ont. {one brother and seven sister's, who - I have the sympathy of the commun-` Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. every Sunday 10 a.m., Sunday School Hear _._-. .-. _ -1-Ivv-`Ir J(llL ruuJc\.u nu as xv.,.u.Lvwu u|\A- pur-{T day" within_ ; con-; . I r:-_.-_ 9, c_.-_ I Sale of Lands for; Arrears of Taxes TO wn` ; l `.\'otic(- is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be soldl for ;u*r(.-an of taxes in the Couiityl of Simcoo has been prnpziretl and is} being publi.s'h(-(l in an a(l\`crtiscinc-mf in the Ontario Ga`/.ettc upon thzel 1011, 17th, 24th and Pilst (lays ol'l Augu.<:. 192:. 1 r*,...:. . ,.r ,...:.I 1:": P: |.....),. -.. ...x 15 For S1111---.Si:'(-roomed house, with]; sun parlor, solid brick garage, cen- trally located. W. E. Weegar, -'16 Toronto St., Barrie. REV . A. E. BAKER. I\UN S I`ER .-\ugu.~.. 1:I.::v. , (lopie.-: of :~':Li(l list of l;m(l.< or z1(l-l%l vex-ti.<<-n1rant can be seen in my ollicu; 1! or will b- mailed upon making: up-`,` plication for . In (lr.-fault ofl payment of taxes as shown on said list ,on or before l`hur;~:(luy, the 1/1th day of November, 1929, :\,t the hour` of two o'clock in the afternoon, 1~ 4 . x 1 l I ,. n S I l l 'l shall at that time in the Council` Chamber, Court House, Barrio, On- turio, procec-d to sell by public auc-1 tion the said lzmds to pay . or-l rears, togetlmr with the clmrgosl 4L*_ __ l there.-on. Treasurer, County of Sim: I`reusur0r s Oice. Court House, Barrie, Ontario, thv 15th day of August, 1929. CENTRM CHURCH Liberal Leader Sinclair says that` his party is preparing for a fall` election in Ontario. It looks as; though everyone was preparing but` Premier Ferguson--at least he isn't: saying much about it, anyway. 1 MISCELLANEOUS Sunday School EVERYBODY WELCOME Ertgagg s7aI11=.7 : j---_~.-_ _._.._. High c]as`.~' furnished upzlrtments, 1, 2 and 3 moms, very central, newly decorated, all modern conveniences. 40 Hayeld St. Phone 307. `n the County of Simcoe ; ; L s u REV. G. R. TURK . - H. Coleman, Simcoe. I'l,....A. `l...--. l Mr. 1:. E. Reid, chief dispatcher` of the Cochrane division, C.N.R., is! V i. -$itil1g' friends in Barrie and vic-! inity. | 1-1.. I r r 2;.` .....wa. Mr. D. Watson and Miss M. ling- lan_d arc visiting at. the home of W. J. Blair. u -j- : ' I W. E. Weegar, Supc.-rintendeni of`: mu Allzindale division of the c..\'.R..|L_ lhas` been transfen'e(l to tho Strablt] `ford division to l'(`])l21(`(` W. J. Pig-ls` lgott, who has in turn been trans I O lfc-rrml to London. Mr. VVee,<:z11' liasi ibtwll in Cl121l`f.Z't of the Allamlulv (ll\'- i 4 :l>lOl'l for six _v0:11`.~' and (right months.` ldu1'ing' which time ho has nmclol 31121321)` fric-mls who will regret his cl--f 1pn1'mro. He will be 1`9])l:.1C0(l by W. R. VV`;ig:, foi'n1m'l_v Superintcmlcnt ofl : ;thu_- ('ocln`zmo (livision. Mr. Wa_vl .~.s_r< 10 his new post the (`)x`p<`I`-l ;i=-ncv oi` fm't._\' yours spom. in thwl north country as SL1[)(`1`lI]L(3I1(lt"!1[ on` the (`.l .l{. and Gl'i111(l l`runl~: Pm-icl , l-mowing` his job. Mr. Way is :1 f'am-: "lily man and has :1 wife and three; in-hil(l1'on. His only son is n1z11'riml`;] *1':uml lives in the States, whilv 21 mar! tried (laughter makes her liomu ix: *0 .\I The other duuglxtz-1` . "ll.-~::1\lLiiL at .\IcGill L'ni\'c1sity, but is 3 |at present spending her holidays with; lhcr parents. 3'11`. and Mrs. Way ex-j mlpect to make their home in Barrie. l"_-__-.'"._- -__?' 1 Ward SIX ilve iews ;.,._............._..... ;.; ....._, Mr. W. J. Little, assistant super-5 imemicnt, is conned to his home `.hrou_9;h illness. mr- `n nr..4.--_. _...l 111.. ll 1.`,._ ` N11: z1nd';\'I)`s. A. Henderson and? Miss Speam have been ho1ida_vim:' this week at the home of Mrs. Stevenson, Gravenhurst. ' I TUT2..- T\....!.. 171AL..L.... .._L.. L.... L,..__l um. v\.A|n\)|A, uAuv\ Miss Doris Fletcher, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. Henderson, is returning shortly to her home in Detroit. $3,000 will purclase No. 60 Maple Ave, Barrie; five bedrooms, parlor, living room, dining room, combina- tion hot Nvater furnace, all modern conveniences. P.O. Box 388, Barrie. nJ\.vLUAv- I Miss Lenore Reynolds of Toronto, who has been spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norman. ,,,uu 1..-u .~r...! In. . .u;. uuu A1110: LLK.\4l LV\lLlllGllu Rev. and Mrs. Melville of Saskat- I I chewan have been the guests of Missl 1 I McC1ennan. 1 . .. . I AVA! -IA\a\2AL.IIlAuyAA- I 1' In the absence of the pastor, Mr.| iJ. E. Morrison, superintendent of` `the Sunday School, will conduct the; :morning service at Burton Ave.` `United Church. ion..- .,..-u.... I ` Mr. George Trask IS progressnng favorably after an operation for ap-; lpendicitis. \T.'~.. l".\.......2....\ 'l')I...'.. 3. W ......... U. Miss Georgina `f1'ir>nd:< in Buffalo iSUPT. w. E. WEEGAR I I GOES TO STRATFORDE 1 I I IMPRESSIVE SERVICE FOR BUNNY McQUADEI '5 SATURDAY, SEPT. 7:11, 1929 2211 tw<-Ive o'clock noon, the follow `Wing lands and premises: :1 T111` \V('.~'L(:l']_V 50 2u'n-.< of the South half of Lot S, C0n('(-s.~'.i0n 14, ` Iunisl, and that part of Lhrs .\'or1.h h:huIf of said Lot 8 lying South of r; .ul Lune, Plan .307, now in UN: 1`E'|`o\\`n of Bzu'ri<.-. Hf, 'l`hi.< prop:-rty is said to huvv _;c-routed upon it :1 good cenu.-nt burn, ;_ 1 .`%0x40. h Al\'.\Ul.l)---l`.zU`ly on >;un(1z1y, Aug. {Valuable Property in the TOWHSMP 18, 192$), at the Royal Victoria i l 05 lni5l- , l'l()S[.)lLHl, 'l`l1omz1.< Warran Ran L'nd(.-1' and by virtue of the powers `of sale contained in 21 certain mort- Aigage, which will be pl`0(luC(.'(l at thr- ltimu of sale, then: will lw oll'v)`(e(l 0 and Ml`.<. '1`. W. 1%. Arnold, in his fourth year. ill)!` -ll ll) Public EWCUO 311 `the [McCl,lCI.LA.`\'--lr1 Barric-, on 'l`hurs- i Queen's Hfifelv Barrie 5 (lay, Aug. 15, Jooseph Clarke Mc- l On ' (ilellun, ugml 75 yours. Fun:-1*:1l 735 \\';!.\` lmld on Suttlrtlay from his lat 'L'l"l`1 00v "3 l1l.l(` ru.s'i(l(:-nc(-. 20:": Bz1.Vli(,-ld St. ;lL' 5 -"ll lntr-rmvnt Barri.` Union Cumntcry. l Wt-. of H10 dolph .~\rnol(l, yotiiigvst son of .`.Ir.l i Said propt-rty will be olT<-rt-(I `Fm i.~`llf' .\'11l)j<-ct to 21 I`(`SCI'\'L'(l bid. [ Terms: 'l`(-n pm` cent. of tho pur- lcl1u.'<(2 money to he paid on the (lay lof sale, and thv lJH.l1).n(!(` within `thirty days thereafter, or half pur- :chase money may remain sm-un.~(l by :1 first mnrtgrage on propertv. Further particulars will be made , known at the time of sale, zuui in `lthe mr-antime may be learned upon uvvl-\]:nn4:nn tn Choose and order your Roses now. Agent for English Roses. High class gardening in all its branches. Stock supplied. Geo. E. Mizen, Steel St. Phone 440j. 1 Further pari `the application to Mortgage -.-vu Lu Eden 8: Eiten. Solicitor: for the Mortgages, E___2_ f\_A Blair is v`1sit111g this week. r Ina AVIOTIKBKCB, j'-?--j Barrio, Ont. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. t vVCCl\- I \ . K TRATFORD intenden`. of` ' C..\I.R.. 0 Strut. Pig-g tr:1n.<~ h21.< ; llandulv = ,_ -igrht u- Inudc-I `egret )lz1co(l E . . . ` -. Sale Mr. W. J. Carlton, the new In- spector for South Simcoe, with his family, a1'1*i`.'ud in Barrie lust \\'ca-1'. `end and ham taken up residence or. I}lig'h St. ~ l`he nal game fo ship of the Town will be played in ,Pzn`k on l*`1`i(lz1_v at %Capitols and C.N.R. V _, ` `Applications for old age pensions re still pouring in and so far about 75 applications have been received, said J. '1`. Simpson, secretary of the [Pensions Board, to-day. 21 2 Co#iier-,SL United Churchi A call was extended to the Rev. Kenneth McLe1lan of Montreal last Tuesday evening from Creemore, ,Dunedin and East Nottawasaga. The icall is laearty and promises $2,000 `per annum of stipend, with manse land one month's holidays. The call lwill be issued by the Presbytery of iBarrie at an early date. | i5. SIMCOE AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE QUITS i F. K. B. Stewart, Agricultural Representative for South Simcoe, with hea(lquzu'ters at Alliston, has mesigned to take a position at Mark- iham, closely allied to agriculture. During the short time that Mr. Stewart has l)1'-..-n npL'--.~'::i1.`.;1ti\'<- in `South Simcoe he has been energetic and p:1in.~'tukin;: and has won the ',(.`Sl:t`L`I1`l of the agzricultural folk Ll1l`0ll_2'll01l'L the (li. His .~'ucces- lsor will take over the duties of the `ofliee next week. , e `_ T119 mitry lists for the two big ~5s\\'im.< at the C.I\'.I*}. closed on Mon- rlday with :1 total of over -180. Last 'lye2us total \\'z1s -132, of \Vl1lCl1 360 lwere mt-n. 'l`hi.< _\'oa1' the lists shut.` VGI women out of the 480. If the llwuter is warm there will be some 3 real racing, but if it is below 58 de- fggrees there will be but few in at 'th.'- nish. | n 1 1 Barrie Women .< Institute held its `annual outing on 'I`uc-sday of this ;week when about twenty of the -:1T1(3n1b0l`.< motored to Horningc Mills "land were reeei\'c-(1 by Mrs. Huxtabie, iformex` president of the local W.I. _ On a1*1`i\'aI the party had the op- "`:portunity of inspecting the hatchery, which proved most intex'e. Luncheon \\'a.< served and later 21} it program of sports \va.< run o", the "prize.-' for which were (lonated by V.the ho. After ten the picnieker.< "left for home, expressing their dc.-~ ilight in the fine outing and arriving hibuck in Barrie about 9 p.m. 1' The president, .\Ir.<. Singer, an- 1. ..e..._,.. . .L.... ...,.. 5 7| y | I 4 4 i kw" 41.. l\1..i' '1 |/180 ENTRIES FOR THE BIG i MARATHON SWIM AT C.N.E} I nounccs that xnm.-ti11g "ibranch will be rcsumcxl ternoon, Sept. 3rd, in ';Hal1, to which \'i.<.itors '1 rliully wc-lcomc-d. `BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE { ENJOYS ANNUAL OUTING | Mr. and ;\Ir.<. 'l`. W. R. Arnold`, ;zm family wish to thank their rt.-lu-'; tives and friends for their kindness` _and many exprc.<. of sympathy lduring thc-ix` b<.-x~(aa\'eniunt. 1 `A1:.\'01.nw1-2m-1y nu 11 preach. a.m.,--Dr. Sunday, Aug. 25th. McDouga1l .":O1l('.(' is lieruhy givx.-n pur.~:u:mt, to the 'l'ru.stcc Act, that all creditors and onliers lmvinp: claims ugrainst the estate of Robert Martyn, late of the , 'l`own of Barrie, (lc-ccuso(l, who died on the 11th day of August, 1929,a1'e i'(:quirc to seml particulars of their claims to the un(lersignL-d on or be- forc the 9th (lay of September, 1929, after which date the Executor will (lisztribute the assets of the estate, having rep:ar(l only to the claims of which he then shall have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. ;u ..:...r chm. uu. nu u: v v v H osp i Ln 1 , ~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS LOCALS` CARD OF THANKS Esten & Eaten, Barrie, c_|:_:.-__ z, I-,,_ ,,, u. n u. uancu, garlic, 1 Solicitor: for -Executor.` DEATHS for the chmnpiorri 1 Softball League. the .-\gricult.uralJ (3 p.m. between} D i .I.. I . LL.....'l. LL..Z.. .., 7 p.m.-Rev. J. J. Black, who has` returned, will conduct the service. | l The Northern Advance Sunday, A ug`. Victoria. \M.........` n.... I DlIl}.L'I`, EH1` I 1 of the locali 1 '[`u(:s zxf-Z 1 the I.ib1'zu`y` will be (`or-` I No in u is hei'el)y given pursuant to the 'l"ru. `ee A ct that all persons hav--l in}; cl11ll1l:- aguixisl the <;.-;t:1t<- of Janet Rankin. l:u,.- 01 me Town of Burrie in is.` Luunxy of b'in1eoe, widow, (le- ce:-.-;~(i. who died on or about the llth \`:1_v of October, A.D.,, 1927, are requested to send pzxrtieulars of their claims to the un(lersigne(l on or before the 23rd day of Septem- ber, 1929, after which (late the l12.v.m-u1rn' will tlh: zxs.-:et.~i of `.`.;<,- :~.<!.'m-. huvin): regard only to the clni::1.< of which he shall then have native, and will not be respon- sible to any others. Dated at Barrie this 22nd day of Auy:u.~:t, 1929. Duncan F. McCuaig, an'::|:IA\_ I-.. I?__-___._._: _ Nineteen cases of infantile pa;--| I Creemore Council at its meeting `nlysis have been reported in -Ottawa.| Stayner s tax rate for 15129 hasast week struck the tax rate for the }Of these ve have been reportedebeen struck at 50 mills, being twojyear at 40 mills, the same as for this week. - gmins belbw last year. j192s. Yr-2 ..` . V / "`-"'5\';~ 2 -.~f";--S3 .~.:r ' //HRE? AF*`3E YOIIII EAIlNIN$ N by Shopping at the TGN _.. a an UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAE NOTICE TO CREDITORS PER 1'13! kinhggg. -fFigs Jl I They're Delicious RASPBERRY ...u... .. nuuuua-5, I Solicitor for Executoni I Bu.-ckw1th s Egg. [ R.E5IIEI . S.\ L.\ 5 : DRESSING .23: MILLBROOK BUTTER 1i,`;:,:;f.;:,`y`1 lb. 43 x\L.v. u. us. nuns.` Ex-President of Toronto Conference? A powerful preacher Male Chorus Choir in charge of 311'. Douglas. Smith. Tourists, visitors, strangers Most cordially welcomed.

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