Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Jun 1929, p. 8

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,_.., _. _...-.-...-- H.-\'I"I`OI\'--At the R.\ . Hospital, on Sunday, June 28, to Mr. and Mrs._ J. D. Hatton, Elizabeth St., a son. Collierast. United Church! UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA} will hatch chicks until June 30 (last hatch). Barron strain White Leg- horn Chicks $12.00 per 100; Lay- ing strain Barred Rocks $15.00 per 100. Howard Brandon, Oro Station, `DD 1 For VSaIe-Vcgetab1c and ower; olants, also some nice cu(:u1nbcz's., Special at gardens. V. Babcoc-k, corner Cook and Codrington Sts. Wanted to Rent-From 5 to 10 acres, with good dwelling and build- ings suitable for poultry, preferably convenient to schools. Box 500, Beaverton, Ont. Page I'f!H"' For Sale-)Ie(lium size house, good` lot and garden, centrally located 0:1` Owen St. Rare: bzu'g'uin for quick.` S1110. Apply .-\dvzmce Office, phone: K`-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Minister REV. A. E. BAKER. MINVSTER .\'oticc is liercby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act. that all persons; having claims against the estate of! Douglas Allingham, late of the Vil- lage of Hawkestone, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of` May, 1920, are requested to send] particulars of their claims to the, undersigned on or before the Zndi day of July, 1929, after which date the Executors will rlistribute the as-" sets of the estate, l1,:1vinp: 1'eg:n'd ` only to the claims of which they,` then shall have notice, and will notl` be responsible for any ot`ner.'~;. ' Eaten & Eaten, Barrie, Solicitors for Executor-s. l I Services at 11 a.m. and 7p.m. I Rev. G. R. Turk in charge of bothl nV1':IIn{v I ggnmm CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME ORO CHICK HATCHERY Homce Wilson, A.R.C.O. Organist and Choirmaster J. ANDREW WIGGINS MISCELLANEOUS Radenhurst & Hammond, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. I Sunday, July _30, 1 929 ,se \vho1""\" '""."_ . .` . 1 of . Lonmluhlty night 1. l)e1ngplun- Sendined for I mght, July 12, m : the! Queen's Park. The. anlards for Zndithose \\:ho [)us:sc(l luwanls 'test'.< In hich daml192S w1ll bu glvcn.out on tl1l.~' 111ght. C aS_`.A'progrzunn1e of m terc.~'t to Is I: rcgmlbexng ilI`1'2lI'l}2`(?(l, With compctmve ch thevigannes for the young aml 21 good old no't|fash1one(l slng-song for the older 4 folk. Specxal features are also on `the list with the help of out-of-ownl talent, while an old folk dance on `the village green is being suggested : `as a nal item. | 111 . u .1 - - lrrie, lxecutors. BIRTHS ` ANSC/OM`BE-On S:1tImi:1y, June] 22, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Anscombe,1 Berczy St., a daughter. ? -rvnnu-..\-. . and ...... ...,....,.u. :.\:r.u.u1L:h are also on """` """" J `U1`U"l0- the out_of_0wn The Mission Band of Burton Ave.` I Church 9 an enjoyable Picnic in: " the St` Vmcents Pa-Tk 0 Monday. item_ Mr. Jack Hamilton is visiting Mr.` l Watch the press for further an- and M75 Albert Fleetham. 3 nouncement. and it is hoped that M and Ml -R -1- 5- Brunton motor-' ; everyone will arrange their dates soled t B"d Lake 0" Wednesday! `as to be on hand and enjoy a good aft91`""- i 1 :ime_ D1-_ L_ J_ Simpson is chair- Allandale softball team were de-i :._man of the K_iwani_; playgroundifeatetl in Churchill last night to 14 Committee. `in 9- ..... .. 44;. u. . man Committee. \ 1 I . [ ' acted :\ 1 !th0 vac ...... .~ul1\;l.\rl.`l' uu: i.u.'LI\`ILlC>" of their playgrrountl and athletic league. Mr. Smith, the new instruc- tor from 'l`or0nto will he on huml July 2nd to begin the enrolment for the :summer month ,and as this is open to all boys of the community be- tween the ages of 7 and 20 years, it is hoped there will be a real turn- out this year. Mr. Smith plans to give special emplm. to pl21_\';;i'ourm instruction {his year, and while the in. in .<\vinmiing' and life .<:1vin_g' will by no xm.-zins he lost . of. it is hoped that this effort on t.ln- part of lllv i.i\.'n. vlul) (levelop into inure of an all-round lprogmnnm-. There will also he .i()l11("d(.`1l\'ll,l(`.~' orgzmized for the girls this year. _.:.,_,-I-' I I 'l`h(- B111`)'ic l\'i\\`zmi. fzu.~:z1i11 sucun- lhv .<<.-1'\'ic ';:rom1d and .<\\'in1n1ing' oragnizc: and . n`r' 111r-in ..: !KIWANlS CLUB ENGAGED , ` PLAYGROUND INSTRUCTOR iand e:~:pn-.<..<.-d up] Sl?l`\'iCC$ remle1'ed {by Mr. Cumpbt.-ll. ..-.,. n.....\,n gu nun umm. Capt. and Mrs. Powell of We]- .l-and, Ont., will be in charge of the ;'Salvation Army work in Barrie. 1 REV. NEIL CAMPBELL GETS -PURSE OF GOLD` ..x s,,.. I And take notice that after such! last mentioned date the . execu- tor will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having: re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. '.`A.,\.) -A. n,,,,- I A--' 1 Ensign Langford with his wife and family leave for Dartmouth, }.\`ova Scotia. to-day, xvhcre they will `be stationed. During` their stay in Barrie Ensign and Mrs. Lzmgford have endeared themselves to the citi- fzens of the town and district, and best wishes go with them. F..-` -....1 u., n n -- --- - I Tuesday, June 25th, was the last 'day on which a discount could be given on the rst instalment of taxes for 192$), and up to that date 869,- 000 had been taken in by the treas- urer. Last year on the same date $59,000 was received. %ENSlGN LANGFORD LEAVES FOR NOVA SCOTIA TO-DAY Owing to the illness of E. White- bread, town assessor, the council at Monday night s meeting appointed `Z-\lr. O. G,. Hart as assistant assessor. ._.--- - -v.u.v The Sproule-Lennox reunion pic- Inic will be held at Killarney Beach, 5Lefroy, on July 5th. All those con- Inected with these families please ac- icept this invitation. I I I Wuhoopee Felt Hats, all colors, i `best quality felts, $1.50. Simmons .9. r`. O. G. HART APPOINTED ASSISTANT ASSESSOR \4Ivv\.A uuyyux, v uu u gun. Newest Flannel Coats, all colors. Simmons & Co. St. Paul s, Innisl, garden party will be held on the church grounds on July 5th. Bob Wilson and com- pany will provide the programme. Good supper, 6 to 8 p.m. ?\'oum=+ Winn...-.1 r'...... ..n -_1_.._ _ ,,,, _ .......... .. u. uv. Choose and order your Roses now. Agent for English Roses. High class gardening in all its branches. Stock supplied. Geo. E. Mizen, Steel St. Phone 440j. /V1 -. _ .--r ........ ....uu unvc uau uuucu. ' Dated at Barrie this 15th day of! June, A.D.. 1929. K Children s Reefers at $2.95. Ex- tra value. Simmons & Co. 1 .\Ien s Straw and Panama Hats.` iSpecial values. Simmons & Co. I/'\` ` Old Boys ':L`llHi0l] Picnic at Ivy `lon Monday, July 1st. All former [1'u.eiciex11s kindly take advantage of |this opportunity to meet old ac- ] quaintances. ; i Boys Khaki Suits, ages 2 to lyeals, price $1.25. Simmons & C. SPROULE-LENNOX PICNIC r-nu $69,000 OF TAXES PAID LOCALS l\'i\\`zmi.< Club has n~ . of 21 play- in1|nn;.- .'n.o ... in. to the activities ............. vvvununb, ucncabcu. Notide is hereby given pursuant of the Trustees Art that all credi tors and others liaving claims or de- inumls 115.-"uinst the <.-.~;t:1t(- of the said- Louise Hamel, who (llvtl on or about the 26th day of .-\p1'il, 1929, at thc town of Bzu'ri(2, are l`C(]Ull`(:(l on 01. be-{ow th-- 13111 day of` July, ;\.D.. 1929, to send by post p1'epai or (11%! liver to the un(le1'.sigm-I. . for Lllv (.'.\'('(.'Ut01' of the last will xmrl` testzunent of the .<:1id llt,'( (`Zl.~'L'(l, their" names, z1(l1'es.<<~.~' Zllltl full p:u'Liculm'- in writing of their claims and the, nature of the security, if any. lu-lull by them. \__,i .1 -- -- ~ . I Mr. and .\'Ir.<. .\'orman Marshall have moved to Toronto. I rI`k.. \1.'.V.'.`._ hr ` " " I l ...u-Anna. Mr. 0. Walton, ,\n-.-. 1:. \*y-altonif and Mr. Donald Blow: motored to|' Toronto on Sunday. Mn. and .\Ir.<. (",lz1;'c.-nv.-- ` '-_ul`E were up from l`m' on Su2ndv:_\'. `Mr and \I.-.- I`---~-~~ -A .....- uy ;1uu1 xurntlio Mr. and 311-5. Cummin, ronto wcrv visitors at Hutchings last week. NI. `If... \I 1 n A ....u.-mugs uni. wuex. 1\Irs. Wm. Marsha of visiting .-Vlrs. .\IcB1'i(le, C1 94 \(.A ...m. .1. 1' ugu. I Mr. and Mrs. W. {usk and M... Marjorie Johnston left on l`uesdaj/ on 21 motor trip to the WO.s'lCl`Il Pro-i vinces, going" by way of Chic:\g;o, 'Minneapoli.<, St. Paul and WiX1lli[).'_L;`. They expect 1.0 ha: away about law lmonths. `g, f\ ... . ,{_:-:.j---uu Miss .\Izu'gzmrt Sharp am] Mr. \.::1 lace Lcggc 01' 'l`oronLo and Mr: Young of Port Colohrno an-u guus: of Mrs. A. Pugh. Mr and \,l..,. n7 1. u - ~- .\1z;`.L;11 Orillia i.~-l Cumberland .31 1'. John j?- I In the matter of the estate of Louise Hamel, late of the town of` Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. married woman, deceased. | \v..L:.x- :_ 1,,, 1 - =a:_EAToN`sE6cETERi 6 7 / Mr. and Mrs. McCubv and .\`I1'. =' (`c-cil Dunnett were week and guests `:of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunnett. } .\'I1'.<. Harvey Johnston has return- ? ed to Toronto after spending` 21 week with friends here. The full summer time-table on ii UN? (`..\'.R. will become ofi`ectivu on Saturday, June 29th. l`wo addition- al .\'Iu. trains both ways, also Sunday train from Toronto to Mid- ..;-.n and l"Llll`l]. , St. Patrick's Parish at Phelpston `held a most sucessful garden party `last night, although a shower of ;rain in the afternoon somewhat cool- 'v~d the atmosphere. Several hundred 'people were present and enjoyed ithemselves with the many amuse- ments and games provided by their ienergetic hosts. The Barrie Citi-i zens Band supplied lively and in- spiring music. ' I `ROIE-BALDWIN--'I`rinity Church, on Friday, June 21, by Rev. A. . Y T`...-.-1..-l..n \t.',... 1.1.. \1.... n In GARDEN PARTY Al` JPHELPSTCN I I c The Barrio lady 1.'. 0]f(`1'>` dufcuu-(1 thv Orillia ladies by :1 score of 7`: to 2!: in the t}`1ird county golf imatch. The Barrie ladies will play |in Orillia 0:: July 1111). vna 1 l\II.AJ, u IJIAL ad L, II`: II. IIc\'c1']u_v, Miss Ida Hay win, of Gco1'_::etov.'n, to Mr. fred C. Roe of Haw1 MARRIED wB:ald- . W1l- ` ,. _-____._., _.....-. ....;_.. 10 a.m.-Class Meetings. 11 a.m.-Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.-Teachea` Training Class} 3 p.m.--Sabbath School. ` 7 p.m.---Pub1ic Worship. Bright helpful services and ! througzh-tihe-week meetings. Strang- ers and visitors are cordially invited to worship axt Central Church. i 1 Regular Sunday Services v , .... .. ., \.h-) \-.`::.< g'i\'en z1\\';1y by her i'21th~!'. . . . i wore an c: grown of 4.--,5;-. lace with uneven hem line zmzl Lla- up ` bodice with long tight . `.2 11*." it \\`as worn a largu mohair zvwl l':~~ hat. with slices to xnatch. :1:\.(l :1 (liu-1 mond and platinum guard ring. the -Igi1`t of the groom. She carried 21; ;sl`.o\'.'0r bouquet of butterfly i'oses,l lil;'-uf-t]1(:-valley and bz:l)y .~` breath. Miss Isobel Poucher was her sister sX lbridwmaid in a frock of orc`*i printed georgctte, the full skirt} 7 fashioned with petals. Her satin`. E shoes and mohair hat were of match- ing orchid shade and she carried ail bouquet of Columbia roses andia baby s breath. Mr. William Apple-!` gath, brother of the groom, was best e V In 9 n \' < l t = t I I t s 1 A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride's` ...,,., "nu. `nu \1(Ihl|U1lUy ua1u;.';nL01 of Mr. zmd .\'lrs. C. W. Poucur. Barrie, \\'a.< united in 1na1'1'iag'c to Albert W'altL-1' .-\pp1o;.rath, son of Mr. and .\11'.<. A. W. Applcgztth. Rev. ii. .Ii]`.o:`. Beach, u.<.~ i.-`IL-(1 by {L-\`. G. .`.or1'i.= Grey, oiciatcd at the ('('I`(' 140111., '-.:itl1 Mrs. Raymond at Llxu organ. During the signing: of the 1'-:_ .`i>".-31' .`.`l1's. .\'i(`ol .\'l21cf\'iL'0l, J1'.. .<::|1g' "0 I"r01ni.s'- Mr,-." 'i'h:- 'l)riuw., North Parkdale United Church,` Toronto, lovely with rose pennies, palms and ferns, was the scene of one of Junc s most charming` we- (lingzs wlu-n Eva C2lLl10l`ll1L', (lz1u;:hLo1 nf` \.1,. ,,.,,q u... H u n... , APPLEGATH--POUCHER A--u\,.VI\.\ll, u1.. 'El_\' 1';1Lhu!', of c;:j.*. LI;-up mm ..1.., v--: 2 ..4. Va.-n..n._,_ sq}. gut. run was 00)`?! in 1850 iii"lnnisl township, and would l1:1\'e5 `been 79 yezirs of age on Friday. His father (lied when he was .-".ill an infant and shortly af- `ter the family moved to Oro, where 4: they lived for many years. In 1880 Mr. Hill married Mary Rinehart and t'they resided near Shanty Bay for nlsome time. Later he took up farin- ;ing on the Penetang road. Retiring 1912, he moved to Barrie. About 'jfa year ago he went to Saskatoon to ivisit his two sons and only return- ;fed to Barrie six weeks ago. Sur- iviving are two sons, Edward D. in Saskatoon and Albert G. in Gran- 2 brook, B.C., and one daughter, Mrs. sKAlice Aikins, 137 Collier St., Barrie. L- y u (1 3, 9 011,`-\\,[i=.(lnle ;` y- afternoon. June 19th, 5 _I{`{>_:_b<:-l;"t 3-j!(eo1-ge Hill pas.~:e .wa.y a`."il1_e'_`l1on1"of his daughter at 137Cdllir5 Sp "Mr. Hill was born in man i.i'h'n.:.n1 .-.....,.1_:.. N -..,- ...'v_.:;.`.._._:...%_;)x. \/u._y Lulu OI ;.~nin'.<. "I"-he bnde travelled ix: sxnart en. beige with and hoes-'ttr match. On their tL.r:1'f .\'I 1'. an_d `Nlrs. .-\p[)](*f.{`2lth '. ` rv. .zm-.16.} Dascelles Blvd. z1L1x1t,'.}i1_'.. :1\'in-01 .VI2u-Nicol, 29 Wood- isidu Ave. .\I1's. Poucher received in `a beige 1a_ce.ensemb1e with black hat. and shoes `to match and Corsage of roses ii'1i(imniililof-the-valley. Mrs. Applegdtii, fliiother of the groom, worn at` green, g'curgctte c11. with i1z1t4 A213_1Vi'>.7`_l1oes to inzutch. l`I1 l1z1pp{ :1);i1i1:fi@ later on a motor trip to .-t_li1x1;_ic. City and other uninw |"-hp hr-1:41 ......nn...i Bandmaster, Barrie Citizens ant School Band: Learn to play piano, quick, easy me oh~od. Pupils any age. Very modevrate terms. Private tuition on all band instruments For appointment, phone 1446 - ( 1v 3. 3 1 '1ioBE 1z"1"'.i-foRc.E HILL .1pyx\';;1l 1a>scc:1les T'HL'P.sDAY, JL'.\ E 27, 12:9 hat EOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS

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