ARTHUR OLIVE,` F1yvweigh't: nboruts have provided some of the veny bust contests in` other `places, and it is not moo much; to expect that the 125-{p0`unLl`C12`s,' S-ig'.mn. Pleunnkelbt, of the R.C.S., zmd, Shwo-ot Gushly loaf Ithe Air 1*`-o1'ce' will provide some lively entO1`hain- ment. .n.\ I u n -.| ......... , I-n the 160 pound class, Ba1vrie s| orwn Archie Thiompson will be miatch~ ed against rtluat veteran po of faces, Hancock of the R.. and right `here some surprise is coming to some one. Archie has a stone wall to run against, bun; there is cer- l tainly n-o fear in his `heart, so watch out for results in Ibhis set-immaige. Tn A-Ln 117K -.A.u~.,1,\..... 4.-.... .....L......... FLYWEIGHT BOXERS FEATURE : FRIDAY NIGI-IT'S PROGRAMME} v u v ; -4; .\.uu.uuu `u -nu-u va\4|.AAAuA|n(.u5\. -In: rthe 175 povundetrs, two extreme- ly well :ma:ted- heant nders, L.-Cipl. Watson, R.LC.LA.F., and E. Stany-er, the popular -and enengetc deifencc player of the Camp Borden hockey team, will battle to a nish and the ...\.....l.L ...:H 1... L.....1. L- _.,__:_'-.4. avuunlt "nu. an. -uaouu uv lyL\3u'A\4Uu Amomhver pair of heavyrweights will be A. C. Wood, R.vC.A.F., and: Pte. iByewaa:tea*, Orillia, of the Simcoe Foeres5ters, who has been in many battles bath in the old country and Eon this side -of the water, and who! `has not been beaten yet. Birth 01 these men believe in d=oin:g' p1en`ty 0:! leading and their match should be lzm in. one. T .-..l.'..._ ....,. .."......_2..._. A.3_l__1._. ...._._,v.... V-VA. u;AAnAu.||\.v`y uvu; uuc I }ring. The Simcoe Fo2'est.e1-s Ban(I qund-er the direction of Ba11cIa11zLtc-1} |Wig'g'in-s, will play from 7.30 to 8: and michway in the program. I !SHA;\'K-In Barrie, on F\1`ida_\', ` April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. O. E.: ; Shank, a daughter. yuan, nmu uuuwu. vv n. uuuuu an! result will be nh:a.rd- ho rpredrict. A-...-.n-.`I....-... -.m..'... ....-L' L...-........--.'..n..4... .... .........,.....5 V... ! Ladies are securing` tiokeafs as] Eeagerly as the men, and the galler- |ic`s will be relserved for ladies -and |tl1ei1` (zscl-orbs, from which not the ileast mrovcymenrt will be lost to the I spectators. 5 1 I2._.L.'..,_. _,n r-- I I Cv._,...:._ , ..,..-...,,..-.... Special ligvhing a1`1'a11_2`0men`ts are- being installed and this will as.s1urc- everyone of bri1lianc._v over the 1-`um 7| -\ C`!.....,...,. L`|..,....a._ _ `n. .,v I I i | 1 rvvwu\...u vv uuuw .4-. -of `hewting. 1 12m~.< ....__ L. ..,\... ..- o.L. Dividend Notice 331 Bay St. W. A. JENKINS 85 SON, Allandale BARRIE FUEL 85 SUPPLY LEWIS 86 00. THE SA}? FFICE IJISCOUHI (VICE L.l1s(;4;Iun. ; nu.c LII-7\.\JtI|l| ; nu. .4..n........ Stove . . . . ..$16.00 $1.00 $16.00 .75 $16.00 .50 $16.00 .25 Nut 15.50 1.00 15.50 .75 15.50 .50 15.50 .25 Egg . . . . . . . 15.50 1.00 15.50 .75 15.50 .50 15.50 .25 Pea . . . . . . . 1.3.00 1.00 13.00 .75 13.00 .50 13.00 .25 Coke . . . . .. 13.00 1.00 13.00 .75 13.00 .50 13.00 .25 THE ABOVE DISCOUNTS ARE FOR CASH `WITH ORDER OR ON DE- LIVERY ONLY Those wishi_ng to avail themselves of the above discounts are asked to place ' the1r orders ea.r1y so that prompt delivery Inay be a.ssured.. . Coke.` TAKING EFFECT APRIL 15, 1929, THE FOLLOWI1\IG- DISCOUNTS WILL BE ALLOIVVED ON ALL ORDERS FOR VWHICI-I CASH IS RE- CEIVED WITH ORDER :OR AT TIME OF DELIVERY... TENDERS FOR ROAD SUPERVISOR S. E. Nicholson, Sec.-Treas. W. M. Dinwoody, Clerk. BIRTHS co-uiEFsImcIum.:h1 New Ericzes mu Fuel Regular MAY Regular Price Discount Price Ann...` A. _. ..._....._ Toron'.;o IN nl\J.l..n..La.n. SARJEANT CO. ---FUEL DEALERS, BARRIE--- Plan opens [at Dreamland, Thursday 19th, 2.30 to 6; 7.30 to 10.30 Mon. 22, Tues. 23, Wed. We cannot play all file p1:_(-_t`ures But Satllrday M':T1t`i1Ic<-V 2.15 --'l`l1e 011.\:tz111(li11,t;' t1'i11m])l1 of film l1i. -Tl1e most \\'].4(1(."]}V (llS('1lSSCLl and admired of all motion }>1'<-t 111'0s. -;\ .~'.fm'_\' and 1'l1onw fllzli 1-ulo l1111mmit_\'. --.-\ s(-1'oo11l ,1n21;s'101'pi(-(-0 that will live fo1'eVo1' in H10 l1(`:11`lR of mankind. MONDAY MATINEE, 4.15 PRICES 25c-501: EVENING (1 show) 8.15 PRICES 35c, 50:, 75: ALL SEAT SRESERVED .uuu-. son, Mrs. Laiclman. So1o--Selected, Miss Sadie Brcmner. u;_y LL-.u\1 ..-.~. ..v.u.\.~. nu 12300 11 1h'()() lbs. (`:11-I1, C/1_\'(l(.*.\` and I. 1~1'<-l1c1'n11.<. s0\'(*1':11 111z11(-had 10111115; :11] wvll hmI~:v11 211111 ;:v111l(*: ;1_s1'(-s 3} 111 8 .\'(-z11'.<; .~'m111d 211111 1'ig'11f 2111(l of _ q11;11i1`_\'. ].`11v.s'0 2111- 1'11 110 . 1d by 111111111111 in `BARBIE, APRIL 23rd. Dr. J. W. Glendenning, HISTORY S MOST SUBLIME DRAMA GARLOAD IGF ,WESTERN HORSES JUNE Regular Discount Price] -v-I A41. an `Tl:nWuArs. - Fri. - Ramon `Na,varro--Flying Fleet T0111: G.-i1be1*t-Dese1*t Night THEATRE r JULY Regular AUG. Discount Price Discount _._ ..`A-. An COMING : Ste.nog'raphea* Wante -`.a.l::= cv?-, (lence in police court and assist in general oce work. Duties to com- menoe as soon as possible. Applica- tions sbalting qualications and sal- ary wan-ted will be received by the umle1~sig'ned till moon of Friday, April 26, 1929. A. W. Smith, Town I"I ..`~.'l. C. J. SMITH CAMERON &: ELLIS J. 'G'.-. SCOTT Comedy--- Our Gang in Noisy Noises --F-acin_g' death while w'-omk- ing` at the end of a migrhty boom, he bravely 1'i.=ked his own life to save his pal, but this did not prcvcnut them .1` rom en,g'ag'in`g in a `pistol tlvuv;-I because of a woman who was unwortfny of eibheqr __.. .. u. u 3:155:11 DVRAEV/IA -- ICOMEDY ROMANCE -- THRILLS I AIII`I_lB Directed by I\I-`Ann: THURSDAY, APR}. _ fllv}.:l.1l;1I' Prices r we pIay>f[i1_ie` best VI-:AUGHS Howard (Higgin .I"l`1llr For Sa1e-F1o'ux-mcmned cottage with shed, in Hawkestzone, no` fan` fnocm laake, close to stmre and post ofce. Will be sold cheazp. APPLY at St1one`s Store, Haawkastuome. Owner. morning I _-\nthem~-Oh Hiarken Thou : So1o-I Think When I Read that ' Sweet Story of O1d--Mrs. Hor-V ace Wilson, by special request. Chi1d=ren s ?\"umbe1`-Selected. SoIo-Se]ected, Mrs. H. J. Heath. I Wamte-d-A good man for general farm work :Eor six or seven m:n`th.'s.' Frances Fnannkcom, Michhurst, `On-t. For Sale-~Six ne black driving horses, quiet and some suitable owr light famm womk. Apply Geo. I1-win, 27 Ooullier St., Barrie. . ;t.uu 5 Clerk. EGGS FOR HA'l'C.HlNG frorm J0thI1 S. Ma`ntin s Regal Whirte Wy`and~ort1tes and Pantaridsge Wy1a.n- dmrtte-3. $1.50 per setting. Phone 1338. 42 Perneitzang St. E. Shumecr. Sealed tenders ad(h'essc-d to J. D.E Wisdom, l.sq., Sr>c1'0tz11':,' of tlho| Building C0n1n1i`Ltc<.-, AllZLn(.l`Ll0, Ont.,1 will be rocc-ivc- up till one rclockl on 18th day of April, 1929. for the` erection and completion of an zuldi-l tion to the Bzu'1'i<: Collc-5.-`iutv In-l stzitutc. ; u . . , I`,, , l,,II_\ Regular Sunday I Servichs 10 a.m.--Glass Meetimgs. A 11 a.Am.--Public Worship. 2.30 p.m.-Tea.chen"I`rain1'n.g Class 3 p.m.-Sab`ba!hh School. 7 p.m.-Pwb1ic Worship. Bright rhelpful services and th1toug1h~he~week meetings. Strang- ers and visitors are cordially invited , :1 ,, ,1. f\_._A_..-I I'|L._.._L UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA cu-3 auu vLouvv4n aux, \.v;xuu,u._y u. to worship at Central Church. __..-_._,, __r.,_ SUNDAY SCHOO L ANNIVERSARY SERVI CES I Rev. G. A. Brown, M.A., B.D., .of -Chatmcvrs Church, Iiingston 11 wa.m.--T0pic, The Christrian. Community and the Child. 3 p.m.-Discoverin.g' Treasure. 7 p.m.-Specia1 Young" People s Rsally. C.G.I.T. and Tuxis Bovys occupy the seats on the plat- form. Mr. Brown will speak on the srubjeot, Ce1'tzLinties About Life. Stranigcws and Visitors Cordially Invited. Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Minister Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Organist and Choirmaster Sunday, April 21, I929 .__.-__ .-_ .....--....- .-.---..-......_......\~. March 18t, 1929: REV. A. E. BAKER, MINISTER CENTRAL CHURCH 132 9:9. Eight UlU\-Lula: General con:ract.urs semling temlcrs to statv .sepu1'atc-Iy the 'l ... -1 `L...4J.:.4._ IN...` ` .....I `..,.... Phone 909 after 6.30 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS TENDERS WANTED `I_y aunt,-Mu:-u. ; Jnhn Wilson, Architect, ` Collingwood, Ont.` 1 0L 1 non I tars bulki epzwzxtely costl and .~:p(;cio'.Lti<)r1sl : Omc-L: of the Set: 1 1 IV- vnlnwu u; mu, sax.-. . '.- La` at the office; ]:}xchan`g`(-. 110-1| On~t., or at `.-he, :-.~,.i_x.-`nod ax, Collimg-I `nu. - vvun -Iv: |1II. rU'.'AWIIHl` llIl' [Hill to take over any of tho d/utius of i-the Iatv Inspr.-ctor l;on;.,wn:1n in South ';Simcm,-, as has hm.-'n s.u;.a1.rL-v.'~.'t,<-I by` the Dcwpt. of Erlucntion in 'I`m'0ntn. M-rs. Day has notied the county to this effect. Isaac Day, school in Eas:t Simeon, is in Oril `}rccovr.-rim: fram an 0; uppr-ruli(:iti:~'. Hr has bu,- 5}:-inzx .'.u:l|r-nly ;~1trick Inn .. . . I Calgary Herald remarks that thorn `still reside in `chart city piorncem who lcame over the prairies in Red River I "Cilrs- Probably the Rolls-Royce of that day. . .-\t the time the .-\tl1<.-1'1c_v l)1'il_r:c was built it was a.,':1'cc that the Dominion G0vc1'nniont.'~2houll pzly 40 per cent. and each of the counties 30 per cent. The cost of construc- tion was $40,000 more than had been estimated and a rcbattr of $18,000 will be solught from the Dominion G-ow.-rnment. County Treasurer Coleman zmtl l'lY1f_"lll(t(:!` Campbell zxttremlt.-(I the mt.-(:tinu'. m .........,_. ( can be seen a: `chu- retary at Allaxxdvalv; Otf the Builclm-5 Bay St., 'l`, oicc of the under: wood, Ont. All L...l.\.... .....`A. E V\ e(l`m:s<.4l:1_\' nif.-,'h,t. " (,'(; y, 1000 F`o)'(-s1m'.<. Oxfliiu. r.-nt:rL:1in 1hoarlqu21rtr:r.s' 511,111!` of the rt-; [from Barrie, inclu1Iin.;.-; Mujur :by, Major Kendall. Atljt. (Jr:-.4 ILiL-wut. Ruikr-5 um] Lireut. 'lwm. Orillia company provml guml Ianrl an t,-njoyublp time w:1.'-: sp I IORILLIA SIMCOE FORESTERS ENTERTAIN HEADQUARTERS] > Last week officials of Simcoe and Onwtmio Cmlnties met in O1-illia to plan for :~:endin_2' a (Ia-la}.-'21ti0n to Ottzuva to interview Hon. Chas. Dunning: and straifrhten out thv ac `counts between Simcoe znntl On'tari0 Countic-.4, and l)eLwr.~on the twu c-ounties and the Fedora] Govern-! ment. 4 I QCOUNTY TO SEND DELEGATION [TO OTTAWA, ATHERLY BRIDGE Miss Marion Henderson of To- ronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. Albert Henderson, Burton Ave. I..-.........1.\.~1'l C1............ ..-.... l.......... ....A.. I uucvuuanu 3 Mr. and Mm. Ohas. Neely, Brad- ford St., opened their home to the L..O.B.A. ocf Alland-ale otr a euchre on Friday evening of last Week, nine tables being played. I rm. /n1.....J`..1.. o,..u.1-...11 A-..m.:.-.+1'...'.. -- The Easter t.ha.nvk-offering meeting of the Collier St. United Church was 'held Friday, April 12th. There was a suitable responsive service, and an `appropriate solo was well rendered `by Mrs. McCuaig. The address was -g'i\'en `by .VI=rs. Bel], missionary from China. She told of the difcultiesl experienced by a new n1is=ionar\' who cannot s'pea.k, .hea.r nor see until the language is learned. She de- scribed the awful diseases of the] people and the great need of medi- cal and gospel ministrations. She also gave us a glimpse of what it is to be in China during` one of the raids which are constantly going` on in one part or another of China. {The offercing; amounted `to $190, and King. it was dedicated with prayer by l\Ii.<~` 1 u \.v..n unnu- The Young People s League of Burton Ave. United` Church are giv- sing the play, Mvother Mine, to night. 1|/I .'.... `l'\......LL.. 1F................. 1...,. \Ir\ ...5....,. Miss Doro-thy Fe1~.gvuso`n has re- turned from a. visit to Belleville. Rev. J. J. Black occupied the pulpit of Burton Ave. Church, .un- der the auspices of the W.M.:S. rm... !I\1"D ...w.n..+.. .-. 4311]` .4` +'m-w Gnu. Mrs. Black, Brradzford Srt., had the cmisortune to humt her hand in the wringer attached -to the washing machine. 1 1: nu , , 11, ,I._ 11---) " vvu, um. All tenders nm.~)t be :1ccomp.'mir-l by a ccrliflctl cheque pzxyublc Lo tzhc.-I Sr:cr(:.t,a.ry of the (`,o'mmi~Lt<.-c for five? per cent. of the amouv/c of such` temlv.-1`. 'I`hi.< clnsquc will be fr'I:'-l fa-'i`.(,-vd if the tc.n(lc1'e1' 1'01 -usc~.'s to; oorm.plut.(: tho c(m~br':ct if it is awzml? ed tn him. Uxlsucccssful tc-n(lerc1~.s will have their c.ln-qucs 1'L~1.unn~cd "o 41, .._. 4.xu.u.;u :_a.x.uu\.:.ouu, JJLLLUUXA .';v\.. Campbell Spearn was home over the week end. an 17 V-\ 1 . 1- . u;o'uLu.u uvumums Anon. Jlnbunn Mr. Bell of Orillia was vislifting his brother, Ch'arles Bell, this week. Mrs. Robtt. J-olmson and daughter Mary were in Toronto 1301' the week end. 1: vs: 1 n. up, 1 nu 1 ,1 4.1.- ca us;-AAL5 111:; \.u. Tl11.e AJ1a.nd`a.1e Softball Association will `hold a. meeting in the Y.M.xC.A. on Friday, April 19th, at 8 p.m. On Sumday next, being the anni- versary of St. Geo1'g'e ns Day, the Allandlale and` Barrie Boy Scouts will assemble at the Orange I-llall, Allandale, a.-ml headed by the Al- liamlale Baaitl ,marcl1 to the gvore at Bradfor(l St and back to the Parish Hall on BLl'17tO'n Ave., where they will be joined by the Girl Guides and zxttend service at St. Ge01'g'e s Church. Rev. A. R. Holdeai will conduct. the service at 11 a.m. ut:'1.' nut: wumyluta V1 mu: vvuu.-5.1. The CNR reports a fall of four inches of snow in the No`2'.th Bay district dcuuring last night. 1u'.. 13.41 -4` n..:n:.. ..-.... ..:...:+:..n. I I I >:c Warti Six Live ews ST. GEORGES DAY OBSERVED EASTER THANKOFFERING INSPECTOR DAY ILL , in.L1p-ctur f'rn'| ` Orilliu hu:~Ipit:nI| "am Op!-.r.'xtinn fun`: In-rn vt-ry ill, nly on March he iYl1.[)()l.`L's')l4- for him ..,... -1 LL |,.n ,: Lllllll. 'IThe lowest or am xxccc-.'~w1')~i`] y acctmtui. l..l_.. \Il1I-.._ tender not A ....l.:o..-o- I` (W Sim- wag-: .:p:nt J, nu linml Lht: Th4: | of ;_v'ull, luminutc-cl at `Ifnrun jm-:~;~n1.: .!|n\vr-r:1' to Mr; (:i:x1.ion of In-r is`. to Lin :L(.'| folk. Bnndmasler, Barrie Citizens and School Band: Learn to play piano, quick, easy mohvod. Pupils any age. Very modevate terms. Private tuition on all hand instruments ' I For appointment, phone 1446 n-u.u-up. ,un-u wn.u m;:vu.'\: Ia.`L. ! In ;~ron_u', with 1.-`uitzu' zLcc0m,p:u1i- .'m(:nt, he ]m,.< mm'(,~ul his ]'I(."1l]'(3)'.~I by `such sou1-."~:tirrin;: songs as _/3.11 a 'Boy fo1`,g'(.-t His Mothe.2', 'I`h0rug`h Down in the Path and .~avc Yo-u !G,ivr-n All 1.0 J(:s'11s. . .u..-.. u-uu on the nc(.'.'x term! to Fa` Curnlcl Dalt- you 111', pr-up Bu-nn:m wit .u.nnp.~\.unu, uni: :\u}.',un. I I His mcssaf.-'e:<, so deeply spiritual.` and with the insisitent call to h.o`Ii-I |ne.~`.=, are (1l]iCkI :l1iI`LQ' and f1`c.shenin_L-`.1 r I S]wakin,: on the !4'(`flCl`a.1 themr-, .Je~;-`us in M0lt_~rn Life, M1`. Irwin `at all n1<:ctin;:'.'< hold up mo the p1`c.<- cnt has imlicatr,-d that the call of the Kin_L' is to tuming'--i't:pent.2Lncc,i `snip. ,zmd then p.,....... ...!LL bavnv >.I\.A\.vv\.\L, .u.;.-. 4... u. ..\uuu. Evening` Anthem-`Hm'k, Hark, My Soul C.G.I.T. Numbe1--Se1ected. Duet-My 'I`as,.k, Mrs. Horace Wil- _.. H`T..,. T .\:.l-n-..-.9. I 'REV. FATHER BRENNAN I RECEIVES CHAIR AND PURSE I Rev. W. S. Irwin, father-in-1-aw of; Rev. A. E. Baker, minister of Cen-', tral Church, assistml in song` by.` members of his family, is conduct-i in;-' the second week of services in, connection with the spring: mission at Cent,1'a.] Church. Mr. Irwin is: well known in Barrie, having` occu- pied the pa.=rto1"21] chzu'::(:.s of Dalsiton, Hawkestone and Angus. spiritual. nun] u~iH H. ;r\:~:rv`n\-:4 ....H Ln 1...!.' George Young", the famous swim- mer, was in town this week over Iiempevnfeldm Bay as a possible place for trainint-'. i The 1'e_eju1ar meeting of the Col-i Iier St. Young` People was held at} the home of Mr. Frank Dutc`he-r and; rwas in cI1a1'g'<:- of the Missiovnazgvi Department. Miss Helen Smith was; the speaker for the evening` andj gave a very int.e1'e:sting' address oni the importance and value of homes missionvs. During` the evening Doug`-I las Smith favored with a piano solo.` Men s Merino Sox, srpecial 29c; Men s Fine Black Coitto-n Sox, special 25c, at Sutc1ie s Dry Goods Shore. It won t be long now-so make up your han' want list and hold it for our opening early in May. It will pay you. Arzmrstvong & Rain Apron sale and afrternoon tea, Circle A. Of Wome.n s Association, Collier St. United Ohurch, May 18, in Sunday School moms, at 3 p.m Women's Canadian Club. Annual meeting, Saturday, April 27, 3 p.rm., Public Library. Speaker, M~rs. Chas. T.hoz~.brurn, Ottawa. Smbject, Can- ada's Book of Remembrance" Elec- hiorn 0`f oicers, etc. Altexrnaoon tea. Jvullxulluvux v v .a\.;.- 3. . u . ;vu:ur mage Sale on Satu~rday, April 20, at 102 Dunlap St. Store will be open on Friday afternoon fnom 2 o'clock to receive donvaltions. Doors open for sale at 9 am). Saturday. Dorma- tions called for if (lesireld. Phone 510w. | ya-1&1, an. tJul|.-Llluca ;.u_y \..Iv'vuu ...wvu.. Rock-fast Shirtings, srpecial 3v2c yard, at Su'to1iIfe s Dry Goods Store. PIANO TUN'!N'G-AND REPAIRS: On Wednesday at noon little Jack Griffiths, only son of W. G1'ifbhs, Maple Ave., was kl1'0Cke(l down by a Pontiac car by Mrs. R. Sim- mons at the corner of Elizavbeth and` Mary Sts. According` to eye wit,- nesses the boy darted out suddenly` in front. of the car without lookiiigg for the traffic. His face was badly bruised and also some minor bruises about the body. After being` at-l tended by Dr. A. T. Little, he was' removed to his home. New Fig:u1'ed Voiles, special, 59c yard, at Surt.clif fe s Dry Goods Slbore. -n, 1 1- , nv_:..A.:._...,. .... .1 O0- SPRING MISSION AT CENTRAL_ COLLIER ST. YOUNG PEOPLE I /1131, lVhu1'.~2 _Ramembetr the (W.C..T.U. Rum- , ...__1___ A.___"I nn _; J. ANDREW WIGGINS .... ..,.~.. -- nu-.u .vuvu,.,.w, I\:.xu--I us. Aft:-r [luv ]M'U'j4')`.`l`lIl Mr. I l'):1l-y 0n lmlmlf of H14- V pr-nplr-,. In`!-.L'r*|nt(-4| F:u.}1<-2' mm with an I-zL.s'_\' chair` and :1 with :1 lw-u.1nLiI'ull,v il- utml :ulvlr- Miws A`p`m~.`~' 1 gm-:-;r~n1:-I u hug,-'(: lmtuquot of ".3" Mrs (lnmwlmul in app!'-- n .='<-rvict-.<' aw nccmn1p:m- Hlw zwtivitic-.'~' of thv _\'ou1:*' l'I`;1H \ utlo ..,u I:1thr-r Re-aligning and Tuning Player- Pianos 3. Specialty. Fifteen Years I Can accept a limited number of pupils on piano. BOY ;RuN OVER LOCALS \ ..-w,.,, u;. unul _\ -V` .'1.< lls.-I to 116 l`oor.< n of :1 b:Lnqurt t<'ml- r Hrr-nn:1n, the lovml .\I:xr_v ;-: P:xri.'-`J1. by Hu- of tlw c()l1;:,`1'(.-;,','uLi0Il.l hrwn to the wu.ll--l~; vrnl 10:151.: worn hon` .-`NI with .\:o.11:.-;.:, r(.-:ul-- .-r Mr.` Th'e Northern Advanoe St. '.\`I:u'_v .- Tendours for the position of Road! f!Su:pervisor for the Township of E3921" :for the year 1929 will be :1'ecc_-i\'o(l tjby the Clerk up to and inc-Iu1l4in;:` 'Aq)ril 26th, 1929. Applicants must! _-`state salary by the hour and tleay, ljand must bo- marked Tender. The `_,1oWest-or any tencber not 11ece:\'~)z1.2'iL\' accepted. 1 . I _ ` III II I\- u n. ) i The re-`g'u1a1' monthly vfi 1.1% on the RC(h:(}n`I.{Lb]C 12"/r Cumu--E lutivo P1'efc-r1`0 Sl1m'(,~:.<: will hr` p:zi:i' on May 1st to Sl1a1'cl1.0I(Im`.= of Mn cord on .~\p1'iI 25th, 1929. SECOND STANDARD ROYALTIES` I I { LIMITED With eighteen we11-1nsatcl1e(l bouts co-m1pris;iwn4g' the p1`og~ra.n1, the Czmw Bxorden-Simcou Foresters buxi::_.; I `bouts to be held at the A1`m0u.1`iu=s i.y_ ax-ovu-sing a `g'1~ea.t deal of Major Kendsall zmnvounccs blunt 2: most u.n`us'u*aI demand for tickubs h-as shown itself since the mmouncumcm of the bouts, and that he 21.n`tiCi`p2Lt0d a crowded house. ru - 1.. u . I 1' Items of local news are always! I - gwelcome. Phone a3. I FOR ADDITION TO COLLEGIATE` INSTITUTE