ul-` 'z1;\'.~: Intel`:-stc-v. often in sev-' zmd c:hm"m i.\` not the abil-, m1 _;'i1'l.~: n1.'rrr)." tionul z111:1lysi.~: kml up. and 3m czxpclhlu of ck . nf t'n-'-. ` his \v:\:< .<:`-mm! ( ho w:1.~' kn0wn `ad .1 . u ---n _... her own poiitcly bec:1u; b _\' ..u u. v;`1V'O.'< `.1-mn'rl1!_\.' 0a.n t ,_.jve Baby mecncme meant Wtim, wn-n]m~-or shouldn`t! Casboria. ill ` ' _' e snllltin. It is always safe. It al- " fways does the work. And although it Mn] nu `acts us swiftlv as an opiate 01' It mu`-, the ' ;m`~o1'e avo-rlewss in`H:u uvl. v\.u. I Dried or candied fruits bl-endetl ;with fresh are not really a;gw1'eek'1.ble` T1101` just in the cocktail, because ithey 1'e`d'uce its viviiliness, and they are yet more unisuidaable in the saliad. Slices of green or red can- died e.he'm`ies greatly reduce the 'livenesxs of a fresh fruit mixture. ` A canrI.ied1 oh-erry, indeed, because iof srueh uses. has frequently become 13 perfecit reid mg` to me. It seems to me like am a.-rwienxt spiritwous icoocktail orphuan. I never did drinh `such coeiktails, burt s0rmIe.'how I halted the idea of the cherry limit. Thowgtli ,a fresh c'herr_v is as vivid in avor `as in books, the candietl sent seem dried zLppIe'.=. :At any rate, they are u~.=`ed, I think, ;to excess and so have become too icommonpiace for wonis. 1 `Law - . N2Ltura1l_v Di'esse Salad 5 The most ancient account; we `have of salad nmkin_4' give us a pic ture of a pezL.=:mt p!uckTn,:` all . `of ,:1'(.-ens aml` (ii'(`.~'.~'in'." them wit}?! salt and 0.5]. We hzixw 1011: u.~:e(:j . , `rrxri ti." 0!` UN. .r>Iim\'inQ' inrzthfwri ...-.,...u.. sanurupructorl anu urugleu lheraplsts 60 ELIZABETH ST. PHONE 405j. WE ARE DOING A NEW TPYE OF DIAGNOSIS BY `RADIO PROCESS-WONDERFUL IN ITS RESULTS To.poo1 the f.01nnt.oos :1` inc` them in cold \\':1t:2' 3 them rub thom all LL4 L-.1. _n n u -n ]rm:~z ful. ...... . um... uni. l]u:lHLllH . i Two tovnm 0o:e.=. an equal amnurii` of boar] lctt.uce-but blanahul r.-sca- 'role is superior so---three--f0u1*th.= 0" 52 tab!r+:<:po`on of how. szzlzxzl oi}. Ru`. /cxhe bowl with the cut cm] of '. clove of garlic. put in the washm) and dried salad frreons. and cut the peeled cnmat4o over th"m. sprinkle with the oil am] turn tho". ou2'h1_\`. This O!10l1!`h for t\\'.\ ' people. who will not miss th- \"'1=~3 i z CR [0 sicup wuuu uucawuv nu -y-v --- the night. t Pnronts, t mn t try to do without good I (`:\sturiu.! It isn`t fair to the baby, ` nd it mxlkcs things had for you. You , nnn f. nivn Rn.hv medicine meant for fin)`:-1 does the worn. Ana zutnougn 15' `sets swiftly opiate nar-. gcotlc, it <-onbains neither. Oaatona on `,p1/rrl-1' vvgctable. Give it whenever ` tm-res cunst.ip9.tion, colic, diarrheao 05$. lms than ve Ilion modern r-c `um :-I have come to de nd on ..>r"1, fu twenty-ve million hottlel W!-rv bought last. year! Get yours H)- dny: Jon t wait far some night when iti] nom1.ud. and the drugstore a closed! 3 ' I ` k....-.... -.1. mu; 1v.uu\\A.'l).'. HIU -. 'u.t1]17.1n_:r what we }1:1\`c- on rz1thm' than thr2.=o svt quantities: f "|"v,-. +-.n.u-n.nd>.n.n.. .. .. - . people, who will miss l1-- v vl.~~ gal`. To. peel t.om21t,oes after \\'t1.=h- 11ml xvipizw over wit`- tho hack of tho knife \`.'lw11t`-`W ln`n.~:~m=l skin will 1`r~:1 com? of` 'l`h?n :=licr-3 of =c:1ll.?on _2'iv<- ful piquz1nc_\` to thl= .t:1l:ul. l l u i shortly We are Barrie headquarters for these nationally known Radios, that for (volume, tone and perfect reception have no equal. We take your used Radio or Furniture as part payment. Thr~re s peace in the household guarded Custoria. Peaceful sleep for Baby. Eiziunusrrupwd rest for Mother. For a ' Imps-1 of pure Onsmria. will y frvtful infant. Or put the little Egk to sleep when tberd Ln upset E Hm night. i ` Fruit Salad am! Cocktail ! The only lmtaveen these itwo in some cases is that the rm ;is servecl with a cmmn (lres;sing` and ithe second in a synup. But a salad Ethaxt is abiom; hnal-f fruit aml half glert/Luce, 01' an equivalent, is more 1`aSO'Hilib]9 than one like the cock` {tail mixture, and` more J'8fYC`Stl1JlI1lg'. ETl1e cut up fruit of a fnmxit cockmil ;ought to be in a vivid c:on(l.itio.n and `seldom is, and if it or a fvuit salad ii-s to be in this oomlitiovn it must `be_ ;pre:pa.re'cl! imzme(l:i-ate.Iy before it is sewed. 5 I ` _,, `about life, and it is seen in your lversatiility, in yo-1.1.1` activity, in the -way you express your `sympathy and liking for oitlie-rs, in the quick, eager [light in _\'O`lly eye. in the thrill you gget out of doings; fillillgs and in think- 'ing; life golod, 1`cg'2L1`nllcss of the facts Eof yo-ur exisitence. T nn'l.3..... 1 i JV--.u x;.\u:u.L.'ulC(;`. i Lookim; happy, iwitsh the help ,0mc`tio'r._s, bc~,..g.:' h: ` of happiness. 9 \Vhr Appetizing./Dishes l\ _uays .n n...I.. 1:m., ' ha 1)'13."' F rede-Eisemann Electric acting` lmppy, and of tube combined aprpb is the . for Spring I EDMUND HARDY. MUS BAC.: F. I.`.C.M.. Teacher of Pin.nn_ nv. DR. C. A. ARNOTT (McGil'l) ` PHYSICIAN AND Sl."`."!IOf\ Ofce and Residence, 97 Elizabeth S! (Fomn-rly Dr. ;\:"`z:A1'!'\: C'f`i<'- uuuuuc > :Omcc and Redencm E ` Phone 101 jOfr'<- H urs: '7~`-'.7.."-(I I~ VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929. L[T}iOTf"1iio}IAL CARES GCRDON L(.)NC;MA.'~' Burrinler, Solicitor. Notary. Money tn Loan Roan Block. Barrie, Um. .. v....... \.~.~oc1aLe Coroner. Count) of .Sm.cm- Phone (21. Ofce-~~f\R Collier St fsl-.. l'1'...._... . J. ,'W. Scott BOYS & BOYS, B.-XRRISTISILS So1ici1;ors, Notaries Public, Con~ veyancers, etc. Money to loan av. lowest rates of interest. Office: 13 Owen Street, in the premises fonne1'1_v occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale. Ontario. W. A. Boys. K C.. M.P.. J. R. Boys. ` .""T2W1\"I` H. SMITH. FTVTVSIGHT Sm-cinlist. . to O. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Hours 0-12, 1-6. {mono 80. -a 4\.rvvI;ll um, A.lcIllACo A uuul: `QUU. MONEY TO LO.`L\ R. 5. Cameron. K. A. Cameron. IESTEN & ESTEN. BARRIS'1`ERt2 | Sol-icitors in High Court of Jua tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofce, lst oor Masunit . Bempie Building, Barrie. Money ' to loan at lowest current rates. G ` H. Esten and M. H. Esten. DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. BARRISTISR, SOLICITOI, ETC. I..-..._.:._ 'l"......_l- DI_I._ n ALEXANDER COWAN. SUC\,zb so: to Lezmox, Cowan & Bro-.r Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and udministrztion, and General S~l1C'?"` tor, Notary, Covveyancer, ecu Money to loan. Offices: Hind: Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. LEGAL CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. I:\l'\....... CL 1).. _ ,7 7 Ant` c<.ADENH'.JRS'L` & HAM1\1UI\*; > Bar1'i:te]'s, Solicitoxzs, etc. 01"c-5` lst oor` Masonic Temple Build ing. Money Lu man :.t lowe-~". rates. ;;;;s.u\.:.1.\ r._\J./ x: Special attention to Xssocia t-A. Coronu :' for DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PH\'sl(1l.-\.\'S .-\.\'*D SUl{(1EU.'\ Phone 213 47 Mapie Ave. O.ic2 Hours : -3 p.m., 7-0 ;).m., or by appoima; I T. Little. MD ----SCOT I"S . uuuu VL. uIuL x:-~~ur`- Lzulnur t. Cfc:-. Hours '0 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 p.m ----.-------j:j-2--j--j-&:.--{ .uMuNu HAKUI. MUS BAC., F.T.C.M.. of Pia-no, Or- gran, Vocal and Musical Them-_v. Omanist and C11oi1'n1as~te1' of St. AmI1'nw s Prr3sb_vte1'ian Cvhurch. Gold Medn1i.=t of Tcrmto Conser- vatory of Music arzf of ac Uni~ versity of `F o1'orf:.~. 18 Worsley `PLWART & S'I'EWAR'1`, BA1:- risters, Solicitors, Notarins }'ublx<-.. and Conveyanccrs. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current" rates. Office, 13 Owen stru-L Barrie. D. M. Stewart. Grad u uu. vv. rl. Lu. IV In: '\'LTRGI`}RY AND Dita`!-.'ASl`Ii-` IN` WOMEN .(.--...........-.._-...., uJ\.rA4L\JJ.I.\IA\vIJ .Au:.\. 5 !Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. 1|ff\\YtV'\7' n1r\ Y n A 17 D. F. Mr-.CU.1&H', E./3|. Successor to Creswicke & BI--0' Barrister, Solicftm. Hr Mo_ne_\` to Lu.v.r- Office. Ross Block, Barn: DR. N. VV ROGERS PHYSICI.-`.:\' AN]? 35 W :v.._,:_v Masonic Temple B|dg., Barrie Mnmrrv rnn Innxv ._--, ~v;4..u;;.v4y, AJA .111., (-21 ;).In., D_\' apponm. an! s T. Little, M.D. . Little, M.B., Associate Coronet County of Simcoe. 97 Dunlop St. ......- -au-us." NURSE S'I`I?.'VENSON run MUSIC LESSONS H. H. CRESWICKF. - u . . - g . u - uynu unugu nu MONEY TO LOAN .. . v.\.,..u u. Barrio Branch v-unvw r1rI11`.v7'r-Vsvru `Phage $57.. \JI-l -4- L. w ;4.u Phocn e 5 68 MEDILA 3` \-..-,. A Simcoe u VH3 my -Remember that orders left with your home town printer will serve to pay wages of worlcmrn who in turn spend this money with local business houses, thus serving to main- tain that round of business which is necessary in order that rural towns: throughout Canada may ourish and prosper. A. LEWIS Ir`. rm.-w A 1411 JRNBUI 50 Mary .`.`u`./` -230. utn Ii .lS("J I :u|vi VVorA .74: Wornles `-115- G139 uuu ~ I18-?-' L\I'J\ OUR OT_<`FIC\E JR EQU'IPl, II`3 \"()l"R PI?I;\'T.TT\'G, N0 M.\'%" L.\'R(`rE THE JOB, OR 'lTO\\' [$.13 J .()\'.\T. TO .\ `\.'.l) `P;\'l"R( ).\' .1 `RI XTER. 1g`_9:s \vv1'- thr~ prevailing cam. modity on the market on Saturday, (-\'(.~r_\r' tublw brim: Ixoauled. at 25c to 28c dozen. -n .. . u . . .. . (.{`lI I I\ l('I'TS \\'H,L (`(`).`.H .`RT.'I \\ THOSE OT ANY ()U'I`SlDI-3 1'" l']?M. Northern Advance THE MARKET Hidden conditions undermining your health revealed 1--.. -.._..__ ____, _, When in Need of Printing , _. --__.__ go `no A-J\IA\L1hJ Licensed Chiropractor: and Drugleu Therapisti ELIZABETH _<'r r-um-"'-' - (N-0 INOONVENIENCE TO PATIENT) `YAJ\IJ YOUR. H();\H7. 'i`()'\\'N P.=\ l`R(Y.\'IZE \'(H`l.' H(>.\Ii {.m_and_ E. 3.. BQRNS nus. \A'vu\. u. Potted plant; made their initial bow, ;:m~aniums selling at 10c pot. G.....:..... ....l...... ........ .` `....A 7.! l,, ----THE---- PHONE 53 J. C. Scott nd it in, naming disease you would like and same will be sent free. ..,.,.x....-. .u. L\l\. uuulun 0.1 O .\"l(1lK:s'.| (hick<-n.= were quoted at 30c to 34 pm` lb. Dai1'_V butter held rm at 47c. .. . I pk-.< were few in qu:1m.i?c._v, 30c bzxskvt. Rl1ubarl) in small qu-antitir-La appoxlwnl ut. 10c bunch of 8 . f`l~.'..1--.--- ---~---~ ---- ~* ` ' ""` ' Sm-vl ::'!';1ins wrro quoted as fol- l-0w.=: Hm-l<-_v. $1 bu: alsikc, $15 to $18, accormlin.g to kind; aH'zLIfu $2; clover $15 to $20; t'm1o.hy $4; to S5; buckwheat $1 to $1.10; com! K950 Ga ('0 oz. . .7 an A, .v.n -. i BQL/ . H06.` T. E. BISSELL Disk Harrow D. C. HOWARD .,.,.., ,,.............~ .m.....,-. M W. yvv. S;n'in_Lr onions. :nown m1L wnre :xl.'~z0' in evidence, :1lt.hou1.r11 small. 5c` per bunch. P:u'.s'nip.<, very fresh lookimz, at 25c (I-quart basket. Potatoes at 50c bzur. Ap-I 24 Mulcaster SL, Barrie. THE CELEBRATED 129 Dunlap St. For Sale By TFR H R.\1'.\L ric Radio 'I`0""1`>'<'f) I? n<*>\\' ])('.'1s C. R. Scott W1 ' M.J. Brennan Phone 86. $1` l ,..-..-...-...... I If you have any acquainance with girls of the roma.n~tic age you must [have been imp1`essed- with their `quick dlismissal of the young man `whose teeth ave not attractive and [the en-bhusiaxsmi a gvood sek inspires, in their summary of a `newly Pin'tr0,(Luced~ girl _frie;n`d the fact that `she has prebtzy teeth weighs g`re~atly ,'in her favor. ` We heard of a young` woman who {had been reading` a s`L01'y of a haml- some ear1 s love for his szovereign, who was a woman of amazing` char- acter. I don t believe he ever loved her. the girl exclaimed -and thurew (luown the book. How could when she haul such terriwble teeth? When you 5:e:t the affec- ;tio.ns involveml with a pli-ysical char- :1ctei'i.<:tic, you can ceum. on the velopment of its ultimate dc-_L*1`ee of perfection. \.. ' :..n.... zu. that clmracte1'i. to` -...~v -u~.\.w....n. .u.\. .. .....b c of poor te0tt.h eventually in '-.111`:-ctetl in spirit in 110:1` reactio.n.s, on if one ims the habit. of o0vei1'i11_4' a part of the mosuit-h which is thou.2'h1 bottei` loft un2'e\-'ea]e she develop.) un110_\'in_L` face mzmric-ris.m.< that h.ur`.4 hr.-r social .':"Iu'.11il,i iilQ' . ~:-omewihat. Modern for itself :1 proy,-"ram to prove than entirely (.'l`{l(ii(.'21`u*(i by c2u`l_\' ])i`t:VcI] is I21_\'in_2` down` `:.n initial 4[C'C{l_\ can be (:li1ni2zz1.14ctl 0: : 1i\':.- nu.-z1sL1rc.'< ilistrituicti l)ci'0ru i)i1'L-11.? as soon ztfti.-1' `uirtli 1 Y. anti .`n.i po nvv. oL-. I\n\ ..,.. .. . . . . ......,~, u\.__.;\,\, v; 1.u..;\.`\,.:u-n. l Anohher psycho1og_`ical influ0nc( `b1'ou`g*J1t to bear on the t,ee.-t.h p41`0'r)~ 'lom is the expresased opinion 01 `1v`:11`m:d men that many of the fact mv.n.no1`isms and even emotional ac lions are has:-ti upon the oondition 0!` the teeth. A woman who wears an LLn;-m1i1ing' face because she is rno.`..h-2' : lmvv l m` 1311- <-.<..-'-mizxl foods for buildsinj.: . . . . .. ..... vunu u` -nun L'l'I' ;l1(-.uIt11y tn-erth. and C0211-so, hard? fOOll'~` 1`vquirin}_>' n1u.1ticz1Lim1 . he grivon the child. It .*1]1OLl](l lm tvuu:_~'h\t. to m~zu.~:ticz1t.<: its food thor- oughly, and tzlug-11141:, 1130. to chow on both sitlos of the jzuv for thtl .~`nl 01' <~qu'.1I (It.-velowpm-t-.nt. B<-1'0)`(- thv child is old cnougvh ta ck-an its tooth alone, pznre-n`t 01` nur.~"o .\'] I`0L1] cicun them witll u lpiocu 01' clczm :_"uz1zo or c0t.t.0n wm.p~ pm! around thv 11_1:m-, and which zhns been moistenml` with boiled uvuO..n u. .-.1. L-.. , \....\, u....\.x uuuwlt; (LLZ'l`ll UU UHL` [NHL of boiling: wzxtcr) or n01'm>z1l szxlinn. .-ynlmion (half tr~z1;~mo~o'n1'u1 of ordin- ary table salt to a p_']`2tSIS of boiled w:1.t.(-r) and the use of :1 botoith bxwusk sho-uxl not be rlelrayml utcvr the up- ;I)(`.`l!`. lnC(` of the first molars, sz1,\'.i gDr. Stzol-off. ; -/ . . v~l|v'\IL'\JlIl At.t,on`ti`on to cwavivtics in the early tooth is also lll`f.I`0(l on pzu~ents., and has I xvzuer, weak l)orzuc`ic acid solution I (one ounce boracic nc-id to one pint hf hniHnn- u-nun.) nu u\r\un~mn` ,...1:... Phones 50-51 Dunlop St. av, v'.A. v1ALvA\.LJ\7 yuvyuc vvduv 1u.Lu:cl: to take advvanlbage of the p1~eset1'va- tive inuences to reckon with for faulty ~teeth, but tlne srtridexs that have been made in denrbal i-m'pmove- ment in our otuntny within the last Iten years have been nothlivng short | of phenomenal. If nothing` `else had `been accomplished but the mouth and to-outh consciousness which m-arkvs our immeclii-ate genlezmtion in theii teens and twenties, it would still be phenomenal. . 1: .-.... 1.-..- ,_.. -,-A-r1r How [to .Have Perfect Teeth l It is not necessary to dwell even the length of a. pava.g'rapl1 upon the advantages of good teeltli, but we will say at the outset that constant care and amtentioii in youth will be rewarde-Ll in later years. So wel`E has the p1`opa;gxzLn for the smile with the perfect thirty-fawo incisors, bicwspids and molars beem `bi~oad._ cast, that the smallest child in thel house is taught to use her tionotth brush W'lit1l 1 the coming` of the rst set of teeth. .;\..u \u. vuuuu. Of course there will be always a body of careless people who refuse +,. +n1rr\ ...1.m...+..~- or +1 --.-.~----- zlm zmtta c k `.-\ft<-2` the uulrl an uftc 3' this ( Women 3 Section fu-tur t]1(~ WHOLESALE and RETAIL BUTCHER UALITY & SER\'ICR Our Motto <;hil --ci:1!l_\' r pl<.-ntvy ... -1` ...., {abh- tc-nxler The Northern Advance ; mu. Ivu.\I hose book, . ........ .,.uu.'. l)ce.t.s, cur110t.s, \ .--. born (Edited by J.A.W.) nple Eggs Six KT out mm-.. Pemonal charm worul-(1 seem tol need lirttle more expl=anr2vt.io`n than: a that describetl by the term itxself, ex` !r cerpt tlmt the young` authovr wu'sa}1e.si"g to cmrpthasizc the fact that pa-1's.ona1:t charm is more than raising onc s}c physical assets to t.hci`1' best t.a1kin{_~f po.in-t. We h1~Ll'.'>7t not fo1-goat that it] is of vital importance to be tm~ne , sartovrially perfect and withlh isuch physical pr0ci.~1'~on as to be unit` :Lt11'21c*.i\`e eyoful from :1 1`z1\ is'11i1xL-'0 7c0il'i'u1'L- to neatly turned heel. Hg` 1-`.i-opl<,- who hu\'-_- ciumn, .~u_\'.<.i"' fthu aurthor, arc z1i\v:1;v.< Ix1tc-11,-, U` I t , kept telling` :!h'ZLi1`.~'. the u |l\l`l'l[ unu-nun uu. I Then the third factor, :1 fovr living`, is simply ont .,, `_\lA .....- .n;m~uu u: u !.'l'l|.illHI :_-`m1tIcmuzm. (_-.\'t1'0mul_\'. ;~'m1thm~11-1:11 on the subjt-ct of cheil(h'L-n, bornowml u si.-1t.er';< two small _:=,'i)-ls for a oor'u.p](- ` 0-f hv0u1\< to czrcam` 11110 (losivn-(I t-11'1".-c9. du.1'in;g' a call from the man. Thu. lo-Vina.-: abtyn'mioI1 she 1:1\'i.~'-hml on the c.hild-ran made :1 favorable i1nm'rx+' siom, as the m2n'riag'e a few month 1z1.tm- tt-Htietl to. l'I'VL..__ LL, 11- . - utt empt I ...... _ \ ' zxrou ml and .' \vhv0se cxt.c1'i0r wrvulrl load 21 1 kslnp in tho 1 I (,~m0ti0n. .nt' uh hm. .... . I _ \'VL- mright nttumpt in -x.p]:xi=1 t.ht-. 5.:'irL< with icy u1no1i0n.~'. but: as (`ow of Fm} mt-n whom are in`taerc~s10l in emotional U1(`_V sim;p]_\' pz1.~';= this kliml look for thosv who somn ]0\'im~: in the nicest wmwl. Thu `muth of this h_\' `:1 _\'oun_u' woman who ` to her comp;u1i011.< as t110hnuj:l1!_\' 01 hrit.tlr~ u:ml(-.2`. hm` hm1o_\'ml ('.\it(.`I`iO)`, who, for the 1)C`I1(`t of :1 cm't:1inf" ,_.L,,,, I .- The above analysis of the way; men are taken f1~o`1n the unsocizxble state of b21Che1`0.1WhvO~0(l is _g'i-ven and-e1 the name of Jane Johns, as author. of The G.irl:s Men Mxarry, puJb.% Iiglwul hv ID. `ID 11`I1+AI\4I'I .9. rm. nu: v.. ;..g; \_1uILu) u.n:u .l.VL1'I1'1'_Y, [luJD~.i Iis.hes,d by E. P. D.u a`ton & 00. T01: diisseot these three gre-at essentials; than w'ou~1 seem to be the job of: one interested in making every gii a t-ting 1`c.p1'esenfoativc~ of he bo:ok 3; tiutle. A. E. SMITH Three -Essentials for Successful I _' Marriage Any girl with an eye to a funt-` ure with an udtoring husband in it,E must povsse.-srs tharee qulalitzies, znml o:f crourse as many mare as slhe may be: able to cultivate or possess. But; there are three esscnvtxials, wiwthoutj which no yuoxung woman may exrpecctf to have her name enmolled amm1;g{ throse W'hlO n-d' security and happi`1 nexss th-mugh Irorve. They are peurwj sonal chvanm, the promise of love,` and a passion for living, and it is` by these attz-i`bu.~tezs men are led to the arbor nook to pour out their love, repeat dates, and eventua-lly to" the av1t:a1'. 4 nu - - ' `a dentist s exaxminafdon a.t 3 or years is advised. F1.l1'tlh0.1`, he suys,| the st1wz1ig*htex1`in.g' of inregutai` tc~et.'hi is an im>pe1'ative duty unless the} parent is willing to see her whim, .2-rvow 11\[) with irrc~g;ula.rity of face? i `O-l.lrt1`iI1(?. 3 with xvrmiltl `ho `_ gnu-..` ...`w.unn_'.; IJUA in nito b o.1'u bee mount no`t'hin,_Q' to :1 z1cquai11t:mcC.<; but, ' :1ut.ho1'. if she hzul : fucv . I rd pa.=.=1or.f c-nt.'husi.'1.~:m ~.....\- nun how mm conduct man to suppov :1 as umvn-loomo as n and with the ch:mca- \ . . . v,., t-hv cold Cut this ndvt. out and send information on nut