whidh, were it combined vmimh cer- tain essenltzial qualities of m-ind, would lead herm to the very nheighhs _ of success, yet th-nowgth lack of nifybhese they never rise above med1'no- `~5"cr.ity. Instead" of having aporwenul, dynamic force within themselves to (lsri-ve tllmelrn on to tlhe atai1unen.t of la (lefmite goal, they are satised to glide along in an easy, matter-o fact VVEL_\'. Tlhcy are like an engine wi=t.l1-out steam or a ship without a 1'ud.de1'. Many musical pupi-ls posseuss talent I ,1, ;.\..v ! |W1}5.iF11 Inrlil ._ . ... - V vvw -vv -f-v V-V --By J. Andrew Wri~ggins--- Thoughts and Suggestions Intend- ed to be Helpful to Musical Students _and Others. L(h`\1uuA\ I was (Lri11o(l vowel `zuh. I ha; auwthoxwities refer t That seems to mu sound, one lack ance. Dhe vowel in Ltaly zmtl in -1' I 1 `1...u.r. nr -broader \.(An\.\: - _ vowel, suczh as ma. found \hal.:fwuy between the V `ah as in father and the `aw > v- 2, ....; .. Jul` ;-.mm(l. \ imt1>1*0-.ss;1o:.\ `we.-{,V DaZ\7'i d Bisvpham 3 l`:ho matter of se~curin;: vocal Ila-x1~l bili-ty sihoruld not. be postponed tool] ` 1onp;, but in most i`nst,ances taken up 'in~coa1~juncyLion with -the studies in "tone production, after bhe first prin- Thorough Ti1`(_-1(::`::' in Iu'`01`t Studelzts of mus ;,,, zuvpu-,u.~v the above F2l.'~1(]UZll(_` .-uuuw vas at vst upon the hear A1ne\1'iewn vocal | ities to `ah as in fat-her.` ;CeTns me to be too Hut :1 lacking` in real 1'e;<.on- vowel used in my ca.~:(e ly -humlreds, of other I have noted is a sliyghtly! :1` may he: ` ` -- `~~4~-vnnn Hm vnw(.'H 111. J.]l|UL`L' l4L.'.L\I.A\4 music, wake up 3` entory of yourself, c-heck! qualities and see do you beiong. Are you; at you are ut.iLizing your} .. 1` Er? ` 9 } | 2-!` `sum uuu an .- T a (H.111 ;~:oun(l, yet itli ml of `uh i-n father.` an! `doff or the 1'.~`(I { THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 Imlxierent Supercial Lazy 5 Lll.(,|.`y ut. the vowel ` properly Lh 0 -rig.-,1}1t I J sounds H ` ` smooth 1 1 . . vflC`lC'.1C1L-.5` f, lcasef \ I 3 I 7 1 idea 01' just 1eL`.ing the `voice grow with nvormzxl a~.\:erci.~'e um! wi'.hoL1tl 0I\'CL': ~.~'(_'S in zLn_\' kii1`,'(_`,ti()I1 \\':x.s the best \\ Z`._\ fur me. It was CL'1"L21il1i_\ better than hours and h0;u1's of t;heo~1'_\', i1ite1`e;~:2tin,;' to the student. of physiology, bwt often bc~wi1(le1:ing' to the young voealisit. Real singing with real music is immneasrura.b1y bet- ter than ages of conjecture. ~ Giuseppe Oaimpan-a1'i The teacihe1"s ivessponsibilivty, pa.r- vticuLa.r1y in the case of vodal stu- dents, is very great. So much de- pends upon iit. A poor teacher can do inoaloulable dua.m.a~ge. By pom tezmheiis I 1-erferr parrticularly to those who are carried way by idviwortitc theories and quack methods. We learn ho sing by singinnig and not by carrying brrickis upon our chests or uot.he~r idifxtlic antics. Gonsequ-enrclry I .1. :_ 1.-u.,... L.-. (van 44]-u1vn11n1 1 . ciples have been leamed. T:hecre- after one enters upon the emllesis and inde-scrilbaible initetrestinug eld oi` isecuring a reperti`ore. Only a teach- 1 er with wide experience and iiitimacy \Vi`t-ll the best in the vocal lite1'at~uu'e of the world can correctly f.,I2l(is. and select, pieces suit-z1il)le to the (:V'C`l`- Cllztllgllllg` needs of the pupil. Dame Clara Butt A1'tei` all, .'~lI1_L`lIlf.," is silifxilig, and I am convincml Llmt my 1m1.~: tc1"5 I0'Ln`l' luxiuuuz uluvlua. \l`\J`ll5dC\1\4I`\LuvA.-_y . say that it is better to go tihnougih life with 2. natural or `green voiice vthta-n to undremgio the vocal to.1'. ou.~re that is sometimes palmed o upon the public as voice tesacxh'in.g'. En-rrico Caruso Theme is a pee-uliar thiinyg about Italian, if the student who has al- ways studied and sung in Engiisli, :Ge1`man, Frenoh or Russian, at A L- -....-. :.. n..l:... Tlln 1: man]. \J\(I- .... .., ___,,, tempts to sing in Italia ly tu1'nin_2' a bvillial upon `his own vocal z ihas any faults which I ,\'c~zx1e(l in his sing`in}: ilanmlage, they will be }onc(.- thg. momenvt `h(_' fsrtutly I1.a1i2111. I l fwhc-t11c-r t.hi.'~:_ i;< l)<-can fc-ulturc has 21 11i_'_"l~.c1 jdiction in the CI1L1I]< ` - A, ...'|., case. Am-:lit:i Calli-CL11'ei I xvorlu-tl (lillly for four 3:22 l(l1`illin;' 111y::r:l1' in scales, npp<;:_>'::io:' and sustziinecl tones. The C0l01`LLl-ul`(: facility I seemed to possess natural- ly, to a ce1'ta.in extent, but I soon realized that only by hard and pat~ ient wouk would it be possible to have all my h.uns, trills, etc., so tlmavt they would always be smooth, arti culate and smoolh (`that is unre- stricted) at `any time. Mme. Nellie Melba In avoiding` strain the pupil m~ust ~2Lbove all thinyrs learn to sing: the urplper nomes without effort or 1~a.t1l1e~1' v1rI'I, BL :_ ]r\Pu:14l'l1`1'\ .L...+ . l I l l l strain. pupil eve 1'y lower nortes ' Do We Seize Our Opportunities 7 A lmrc . at the tortoise for the slowness of his puc:-, and at the .~u_;`_;'u.~utio11 of t`-l1(: lzutte: Ll_`.`.`l'C()(l to run a race with him. The hare wu so sure of its z1.bilit_\' to win tlmt. it t1'ea.t-ed the Inattcr lightly and in- V,_ dxulgecl in a. nap brzforcllmml, but the 33' slow, stezulny tomovise ploddetl on, and `N wlhen rhhe -lmare awoke [he found he had lost 11119 race. In our musical life are doulntless tortonisses and hams. 'Ilhe t;o1'toises- bless their pensevvering he-a.1'ts--we can usually rely upon gett.i.n.g- `ohere sotmetiume, but as to the haxres, some (Lo, while the majorifxy never arrive at all, and ail-ufre on the part ocf the uharrens is far more of a dds- credit and a. disgrace to tahemselvess than it would be or a `omit.-oise to lose atetr having made a plucky ef- ort to 1: 0 s -. . 1 uppv:.1' nuvuua wu.-uuuu n,u.uu. -4 ...-..~. Wlhlc it is desirable that a sh-wold pmetice all her notes every day, she s1h=o-uld begin with the nntes, then take the middle and then the so-called upper notes or head ton-es, wlhieh awe gen erally descnibed as betginning with F sharp on the top line of `U110 treable staff, and this line may be well regamled as :1 danyger line for Isingens young: and old. It is im- pemtive that when the svoprano sin5.v;.~: her head notes, beginning: with F sharp and upward, they shall pro- -.-.1 ..-.... M441" nnl nnv-nlv urihhn1It snurp untu |J.[)\V`llL\l, Uu\,_y .-...... 1.... cc-ed very sof-tly and enfcire1_v witlhout strain as they ascend. This czmnot ibe camp.ha.sizc~(1 too stmng`1y. Taking Care of the Piano The money investment in a modern `piano of real worth is not incon- sidomble, and, unlike the violin, thr piano wih its e1a.bo1'a.tc mechanism, vhhe ton,na_2'e of tension upon the" st1~in;:_-', and otherr mechanical fea- tures, (1.005 not improve with age, but it can, however, be kept in prime condiition if the tuner is 5,-'iven a %rc~_2'u1~zu' chance. nm-_ ....:..,\1.v Gnn wan:-In ic rnrnnr-in. 1`0_2'um.1` Often entirely too much is expect- ed from the turner, for there are conrlitiorns that Sf.'( .l.. `vzure pianos like some of the insitlious cliseiases that cmeep into the human s_\'stc-.111 and are so long: neglected bhat the services of the physician are well nigh W01'thl(2.:=(\`. The owner of .the automobile knows, if he knows :m_\'thin;L` at all, that L1; is advisable to have expert Z1\`lVlCC and atte'ntio~n at $1t2L-tC(l periods, that is, an auto- mobile has to be inspected by some- body who really k`nrow.'~'.. so tsh-zLt the `life of the car may be 1)1'ol0n.::;e(l. "The piano, on the other hand, Cdlullcl. lniot have to be oiled and is fre- `quently ne;:loct(.-(I for :1 yezur or more, and \'Zll11l.l')l(; musiical propeivty is thus more frt-quently (lcstroyed by n(-1.,-'lect thmi by usage. Hui: snhir-('.t f1Q'1`O(3 A ..;L,.1.H.'nL- nn `H(`f.."l\`(.'L uman u_,' u.~..,.L. Aut`hm~i4 tio.< on this subject f1.',`1`0(! that in m' to obtain satisfactory 1'esru1~t.a' zmtl at him szune time pre- serve the tone quality and keep the action in perfect working" onlm it is no.cewsn1`_v to have the piano tuned twice in the year, and pianos receiv- - ..-I. ..u....4.:.... nmn niurzlv in |T.W1C(`. In um: ytfuu, cull: l.......,., .~..... `.in;.: such at t.cAn.toi~on are always in fairly good condition, while those re- ceiving irregular attention are never `Au-u ...- but it` :HUu UL Lvuaonmnx, um ;' Italian. He is real- brvilliant .~'ez1.1'c]1li5,-wlit 1 ability. If he 5 have been c011- SlIlf.`. lll_`_`_' in his own 5' be 21t% lva LI. 0-1' \v11(.-111` 1LlU'\1\3`L. Here are two sets of woa`d.s total- 1_\' orpposite in meaninn': .-\mbiti`ous Ambvitious .1 ~~ n ,, ,,z:_ I LLo ; because hi:_"11e1` .~ ....., IJUCAI ........, There are few inns in 1u`x1_4-'1z1'ml` with g1`ca:trc1' hi.~'t.oric a.~;<~ociz1A'.io11:-.` than Ye Old Cock 'I`uvcrn, opened in 1549, and situatetl near h=.~ Temple bar at the end o1'F1L-ct . The tzxvcrn bun.-l_\' u>'(:21px;'1` (lcst1`uct.ion llU1"iI`._i1' H1`; 1,-'1cat fire 01' L0.n(lon. I1mno1'taIizexl in prose and. verse, the old inn has been the n1octin_-.3` place of 11u11 of h;ist`o.1'ic c-elevbrities who have wineml and (lined there. Doctor Samuel Joihn~so.n, `Ch-arles Ddckems, Edmun.d Yates and Lord Ten-nysloun have folrevgwa/ohe-red there or literary djrscussitons over their mugs of ale. TL- 3...... 1...... -1..- .....\... ...`...bu -4.. ...u.. The inn has also its theatrical his- towy. Pepys was wlomrt -to dine there wih the aaclbress Mms. Knhpp. and the taverrrn was not unknown to Ohamlea the Secto:ndr s `pn-elbty lady, Nell-1 Gwynn. Olriver :Gp1dsIn1ith, Sheridlam . and Garrick were a;m'omg' its vhsimons, and at a later date W. S. Gi`1-bent frequemly supiped there. T ........1.. ..... .... ._ ..4.4.:..... 1.1.- .u;\a\ -\.o\aArvAJ uwyyuu uu.\/Lu. In smdh an` anciemlt setting he m`e4dhuanica1 prmlwudt of a 1ned1wn`iIc.al age has been installed to safegualwd /ahe food sernvech to modern (Lay -patrons Ever since its establishment, The Cook has been renxowned for he quality of its fare, so even though the bavern 1'etains its air of anytiqud-ty, it pa"0qm'ietor has a the most p1wov_2u`c-:.=.<,:ive D1(.".h.D(l of foodl pre s01'va.ti 0 n . I In the basement, in cellars w~h0s-e mastivc o-ak beams testify to the bui1rlin_: s c-xistenc-3 back into the time of the Stua1*t.<, u hi:4v'nI_\' p0]i. ind Fvi_:iI:xi1'0 cabincf has born in- ; n u may v .- A t.\venItiet:11 ce.ntur_v prodwuct. has made a place for itself in a six- teenth century semting at Ye Olde Cock Tavern in Lomlaon, Englaml, where modern electric 1'efrigeratiom has been recelmtly installed. ` mm... FRIGIDAIRE. JNSTALLED IN I I ~YE OLDE cocx TAVERN ,' ,-- ..-.....u ..-u.., ..;.~_ n . ,.nuun In one .~'I1c- of the czlbixwt are kept" 1.-w:-(-st-. rlucl<.<, .<::u.~'xa_':cs and 0th,-`: pm'i.~7h:Ll)lcs dear to the En_L'~Ii.~"-11 pal- ate, while on the 0.bh0~1' side are hun_g' sides of bacon and hams, above barrels of sh sbrai_*1ht. from Grimsby wihere they are kept as fresh as when they left that seaport town. in c*on(h'tion. III .1 w..\....v... All od1c1' st1'im:(=. ins-trumonfts need more or loss tuning: every time they are used, than why should the qyian.o be neglected ? A pdzmo is only as good as the care it receives, and r0paire~1*s can towstify to the fact that more pianos are ruined ts1nvo`u,g1h negxlvct hh:zu1 1.11:1-0-umh use. `I'\.\In nu :4?-urn :v\ n vunn-n, off 1u:3.',n\.u ..........,.... .4--. Vi1*;:1'nu`a Dale, w'ni.tin,e: in :1 n1a,2`a- zine, said: TJ1c pi`u-no is the most 1-xpenstive zmd the most abusetl 211'- ticle in the avemgn home. Its nwe,:;- lect i-s 1zLr;.-:e1y due to the `fact nhat it is classied and t.x'eta.te(1 as funni- ture 1'a che1` than :1 musirval instru- mc-n.t of sensitive n1ec'hzm~i.=nn. Be- sides du`sIt.i.n~;r it pz1`ins:tak.in.:.:' and haw- iny: it tuned for wexhlaingrs and pm'tic~s the z1v(~.ru2'e `h0IuSL`kC`0IpCl' does little town-1`d k0Gvpil1I.'.` it off the cas- ualty list, and m`ez1mv`h.i1-e, because of the lack of i.n.tellig'Lmtt care he- hind the po1is:he(1 surface of its well- kuprt case, variorws (`.T10mi(:S. mohhxs, mice and rust, are wv01$,i:n.g its d:e- struction. ' DON'T Suffer` headaches, or any of those pains a tablet of Aspirin can end in a hurry! Physicians prescribe it, and approve its free use, for it does not affect the heart. Every drug- gist has it, but don't fail to ask the druggist for Buyer. And don't take any but the box that says Bayer, with tablets that are stamped with the Bayer Cross." :\ Aspirin is a trade mark registered In Canada \. \.wu-.n.- uclo u\,L'.I ru- lzu'::0 cabinet, built in which was an En_:]wis:1~. :1 1- .1 the ton and oL!'.u1':<, `)1 he F1`i_v_'i lvf 0` to 1.1.- .\a1.~.. -31- til P The Northern ......... V...- by Dickens, 1 `)1:m: - u uu `.4.- the inn on "i1iC411 .~:i-1. you,` 9'gc.,i1il'.-lit. t7xw.`. you u1i]izin_-_-' yuuri "c:xpa.`:.)ilities E0 Lilu utmost`! Even if`' you do not i11`LL-ml to spccializu ini the subject, yn-`L1 .~'ah0u1 have foru- sigiht en-ou,".h~ to i become as highly procient as is possible in the time! you are able to devote to it. * A....r+11~.:n`n. nun:-+.1n {|`n`1-n(" 51.1 . all is 3 i Advance This motor develops 46 horse- power--32 per cent more than its four-c_v]in-:ier predecessor. The fac- tory states that speed has :')een stepped ug to satisfy ma.\nv requirements. Notable features are gasoline pump Instead of vacuum tank "The oldest music hitherto re- corded on the American continent has been unearthed and recon- structed for production at the forthcoming Sea Music Festival at Vancouver. These are three song-dances ascribed to the India11 Cliiei` Marnbertou by Marc Lescar- hot, the young lawyer from Paris who in the year 1609 published an entertaining account of the life of the Frencli garrison at Port Royal in l\ ova Scotia. Lescarbot, like all educated men of his day. was something of a musician, and wrote down i11 solfa notation the melody of soiigs he heard this Tndian chief sing, but no modern historian appears to have realized the inipcrtance of this notation. However, in reconslructin.-; an Enzlish version of "lnrrlre rln The inspection b the delegates of the British Empire Parliamentary Association of the largest passenger engine in the British mpire, the new Canadian Pacic 3100 aorded an opportunity for a group photograph of a number of prominent members at Windsor Station on their way home. From left to right they are; 119%. Ca%d%1', special representative of the Canadian Pacic Railway; Gearold O Su1livan, T.D.; and Martin 0 y, . . from the Irish Free State; Jozua Francois Tom Naude, M.L.A., South Africa; Hon. L. Cripps, Speaker of the Legislative Assemblv of the Colonv of Southern 'R.hn(leAin: Hon. Ernest Genrrm Jansen. Roddy, T.D. Speaker Legislative Assembly Colony Southern Rhodesia; Hon. Ernest George Jansen, M.I_..A., Speaker of the House of Assembly, South Africa; Senator William George Thompson, V.D.; Aus- tralla; Sir Samuel _Chapman, M.P., Great B_rit_ain; Geo. Hambledon, Ottawa; 0. W. Mssterson, Montreal; and M8101` Guy Kmdersley, M.P., Great Britain. `_'_'_~_________ _A_______'__,_ 3 _______- _ Tlge inspectjqn the Bgitish Association of largest Ilne In mmre. Pacic 3100 afforded an nnnnrtnnitv fnr a urnnn nhntnm-n'nh you are zuuu w uL:\uvu uu .... Anyhliing worth doing at all is wo1'tsl1 doing` well. Your parents are speincli-n.g' a certain amount yearly on your musical education. Is it going to be ca.pLt,al well invested, or are you squandening the money, when you could make it pay ever increas ing clivicleimls of benc-t and plas- _,,._ tr 3100 Inspected by Empire -Delegates 1.::.;7::;:;=:':;s;:ts Corxtin-3nt s Oldest Music feed, adjustable dri'-Ier s sea .', water tempe1'atu':*c g'zmp:e on das} , and special am-L-`.c1'u1ing puny. which operates when the z.ccelcrz.- tor is depressed. Bon.. I`emps, written in French by Lnuvigny de Montigny, J. Murray Gibbon of the C. P. R., was struck by the possibilities of this music. and suggested to Dr. Healey Willan, of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, that he should ar- rnncrn if Fnv mnrlarn nrndnnfinn LUF) U]. LHUSIC, l.1li1.L UU suuuxu 6.1- range it for modern production. To an Indian, the melody is only half the music, and the problem was to discover the original rhythm. Fortunately. after con- siderable study, Dr. Willan was able to find in the traditional tribal music of the. Melieite In- dians. who are descendants of the Souriquois of I.escar-bot s time. three traditional dance rh_vtlm1s which exactly fit the melodic line of the notes recorded by the French historian of three hundred Ivnnwcv nan Tn {hie rnnnnnr fhI`m"- The announcemeni; of the new ., 1 I11S[0I`1i1I1 01 uxn.-e utunuuu : ago. In this manner three delightful song-dances have been reconstructed and have been in- corporated in the ballad opera. The Order of Good (,`hee1'," which will be produced on .l:1nuau'y 25th at Vancouver. Hitherto the old- est song identified with (.`z1nada. has been the hymn Jesus Aha- tonia," which Father Brebeuf translated into the Huron dialect about the year 1642 for the lndinn converts at Quebec. The song- dnnces of Chief ;\Ia1nl)ei`to\1 are,. however, native to (`:mrLdzt and. were noted by Lescurhot in the ,\'e:1r 1600. The p1'ob.1bili`._v is that. hey were old even at thzxt time, as folktunes are hzmded down by Indian musici-.1r.s from generation 10 zennvntinn. car reveals that C'f:--=v:'olc-1; [bu-_g`an four _'y :~r;'u the \`.'m'k, p1zumin;; and proviz testing \\I:5:_-h culmlxa e nr-xv r-:11`, "'.T::rr> H1"-n `I.')t" engineers To the research planning; provixig` g'1'o1.md ;:u1m'.n' ` in the new car. Sh re thzsn U0 dif1 erent motors are said to .11-.1\'c been built and tested. ure : As a boy I read an account of a` 'famous opera star who was talented. and brilliant, 1)-ut---the w1'ite`1' laid 1mwh stress on t1his-she was also an indefatigable wovrke-1', and her phen- omenal .succ:..4s was largely atbmbutedl to Lh-`Lt fact. I have always been thankful to that \V1TitEl` for using` just that ph1~ase--inde.fatig'ab1e worker. It has been a sta.ndard of measure- n... .....~..1+' nml nnn unhrm I Page Seven it has been a. SLu.uuva.:.u VJ. .......,...- mend: for myself, and ovfrten when I am s;trivi`n~g' to achieve sormetahing along ce1*-tain lines I stop and ques-l `Lion, Am I im1`e1':atig-auble cn`0u.g1h in my endeavor ? So `no students who long" for such cess, I pass on this phrase. `an an In ....-..-_ , law. It is next ;~'.0un< "We not the sound `ah ivr Petrhaps. the word syllable of Bosxbon, \Vll`l()Y\ pr-onaounclag, would give t lTYllI)1"C'.iO'h' n.`\';`ld Bisimham