Page Four MRS. A. STROUD mhi, Grac ,. v. on . .., ....u. \.aAsA\.u , n10t`ormI to Toronto spent a few days. A. MACKAY \\'. Do\v:1u_\' enter- 1- rn music and gmnos. :1 In-:1:t_\' vote of `n the host and -Dons last week n-vnihn... 'I`02-onto IT1111c11'ec1s, yes t11o11sa11ds, are b11_\fi11g in our 11p.stai1's depa11'tn1c11t and saving f1'on1 '1:'t.oe11 to `r\\'e11t_V; yes, 111111 as 11111011 as t11i1'ty-\'<: pm` (-0111. on 1)11y111;;' .2111 st;1p1u dry goods and ]i1'1)sicry.. T1115 week we are _3;iVi11g.;' 111111511211 1.)a11'g;z1i11s in l*`1z1n1101Ct1 e, C`nt`1o11s. '.1.`o\\'o11i11g;, G~i11gl1a1111.~', 51111121111}; 1, iJ1m\' C1>t1`011, in 1311-1 , 111 . z1p1(` )'211'(1 }_{'1)1)11s. C1m11- 211111 111111;. "11-, sc11 1'01` 11155. Extra Specia_1-(`)m- t`11m1.\'211111 111111 111111 1mm-, Ladies .-11111 C11i1111-1-11 .s' 5101211 - ings :11 111111 ]>1'i1`-0 and 1oss. '1`\\'1> pair of s1`0<*1(i11gs for 1111+ 1)1'i<-0 of >111-. SPEUAL Only Marshall Mattresses - % ON SALE Men s Suit Sale At Tally Ho! Dunlap St.., Barrie `I-IUNTER S, BARBIE. HUN TER/S, BARRIE HUNTER S, BARRIE Shoes with uppers made of pa1)0!`.'1hlA- and I-u. handled in the Inc- may soon be on sale in En}.-,'1ish ru1`_\'; it has ztln-adj. been tested for shops. The new woven paper ful)ric,'. and ndoor wear and fori `it is claimed, is very strong, wash-` iI1I'zL.1hs' use. | i . I For the Royal York Course Next Week NANCY COMMITTEE The committee in charge of the Tuesday afternoon and discruxed furtliel` -plans to beautidfy the island in the Nottawasa-gzi 'Rive.1' where *Lh.c gsallant ship is housed, and restore 5the Nancy to something` of her ori- ginal appearance. H. J. Moore, a landscape arcliitect of the Onrtari-.0 Dept, when at the Baech .recently said he would [)1`Oq)Z1-1'9 :2 plan for be z1utif_Ving` the .island, and the secretary was instiwucted to ask Mr. lVIoo':e for a copy of such plan as soon as possible. mu- 4-Cll\I. -4` .. L'..n+ lu|v:r]n-n 4?.-nm-a schooner Nanc-y met in Staynr on i nuuu ac yuan;-uu;. The matter 0-f 21 foot b.1-id~ge from `the shore to the island was also (lis- cussed. M. P. Byrnc intimatel that] plans and an eustimatc of the cost` [were now being` prerpared. Tfhe dis-I ',tzmcc is about 75 feet, and it was lthoug'.ht tlmt a one-span br.i(1g'e lwould sufcc. .n 1:__-.__:__... u... ._.....1v| I Fu.rmers are mcperil-nelng much 'trouble in ha.rvc-sting their root crops, largely due to the cert-timxed wet wea.t'ner. In many sections where the lam! lies low, buclcwheat ?is still stan out in places. Pan- tures have been quite pnodructive. and most of bhe animals and stock are in _L'oo(l condition. Potatoes ,t.ha.t huve been grown in low or clay soil seem to be subject to -blight to a gm-eatel` deyrree than ltl1o.'u.- from the higher ground. iFlowers have practically;re I from the market tables, but 3. great- or variety of smaller vegetables have taken their place. Toronto eprg buyers haunt the market and buy every egg they can, of course at a less price than the housekeeper ipays. 53c was their oflerin~;: on .Satunla_v. l,0\'el".' lonkinvp; Wolf River Apples were K-(,~.llin;;' at $2 the `barrel, while clean larg.-re crab apples 3.=0ltl at 35c 11 l:1z'*.:`:- hzL~:l(et. ' 1<]p;_r:s were '50 to 55c Uozc,-n, but- ftt-.r 436 to 45c pouml, chickens 30 :10 .`3.3c poizml, fowl 280 pound, 'tlucl 300 pound. l"or l'l:1llnw(- :~n tlwrv wort pump- 3l lz11`.L"- 11ml pu1m:kin.< small, from 15c to 0111- j.;'i:1nL 2,1`. IL");-. Citrons Se marl lllc. .qu:1..<|1 20 zm-I 25c, vege- 6..l\l.. \liI\i414AH !l\,, ,, ,,I'lI ur, l x l l wuu.1u auiuuu. `E The matter of nancing the w01wk'[( lLp|DCi'.11'S to be the big` thing. All. committee cxozmuposed of W. A. Boys, 3 M.P., and D. Williams are to ap- 1 lproach the Dominion Go-vervmnenti {for aid. It was felt by all present 3 `that this was national in character, If lzvs the ship was defending; our coun- C try. Another committee con.sistin'g i of M. P. Byrne, J. E. Jamieson and V C. C. Begg is to wait on the Pircr _c i c vincial Govermnent asking` for fur- ther aid. These two committees will be ready to report when the iN`;1X1`."_\ committee meets 21_2'aJ n in January, when a denite plan of ac- tion cun be fornrulated. 1 Those present at Tuesday s meet- in-`: were Mayor Arthur of Coiling- gwood (chairman), J. T. Simpson, `secretary; M. P. Byrne, C. C. Be-gm", and W. Tom, of (_`-ollinyxxvoiod; J. E. Jznnieson. D. VV:illimns, J. F. Ham- 1 `,l>l);. J. J. )Iel\'ni_;'ht, G. Glover, D. 5 EC}. ~}el1 and M. D. Morrison. ::1n I V t:x.l)l OWEN SOUND SUN 5 BUYS CORNWALL PAPER` I . ` I I I I ` other parts of the Province and has} 'l`!`:c Owen Sound Daily Sun-_ Times is extending its activities into} I-wcquirocl the Cornwall Fz`ee11o1de1'.f hut-` of the oltk-st and 1n'.).~:t widely , Imown paper.'~: in the eastern part of Ontario. [ -.r i /1 r --rI1 -. .. .. ~ Overcoats at Hunter s, Barrie \/ - Mr. c. J. Mc I`avish of the sun! Tim sta is leaving` Owen Sound to become the m-anaginp; director of ,th<.~ newy established company. Mr. !VV. B. Dulunagje becomes manag'in g' Ir.-rlitor of the Sun-Times, with Mr. {C J. Beauclare, of the Peterboro [I`I.\:a.1niner. as telegwaph editor. THE SATURDAY MARKET .. , \, m:Lrr<:w 10. (::1ulil|mvm' 15` w. ()Lh:-1- small xv:-3;-1:t21l)los umh m:1int.z1in(5 usual prices. ' \IAvLlv|n 1 n :41. MET IN STAYNER The Northern Advance BARRIE IBOYS SUI-`FER DEFEAT IN COLLINGWOOD RUGBY TILTS Saturday u.ftc'mo0n the Barrie` C4o11eg`iuutc army of rugby unthusiast.s` b>oIt.}1 senior and junior, invvzuicd Calling wood dotcr:m.ine to av(.-nlgc the fommur victory of Co1l`in~gwwool. Ans an-d ulaok! The [>051 laid (lu- te'1'miv1:1tiuws are some tinws wrr.-c-k- ed. aml Bm'1'ic Lea.m`s, osrpm-ci:1l1y in the junior, soon fuunql Lhuy Wt'I`I` outclzlxwzl in xi /.~ and w(-ixxlwt, us yvn-ll' as in skill. " E u... . wsaunlnbn After the p1~ogra.mme all repairml to the Sunday School voon1s, \\'l10l'\~ the ladies sewed light 1-ef1'eshn1er'1t.s, and the people were able to get bet- ter acquaixlterl. The evening` was lispent delip;111,fulI:.' :.n1 ])l'Ot1bl_\ . A short p1'o_u;r:1.m \\':1.' first (-11- ju_\'(1(i in Lhr church, thv }.:1. Rev J. J. Black, prusidin_-4'. Mr. A. J. Sarjeunt. on behalf 01' th(- St-. wc1comc_-d thv _2':.1t.l1u1-i11:.:. whilv Dr. W. A. Lewis 1-xtendud zi welcomu from the Buard of Stcwurd.<. Rev. G.. Cowultor brou:.r:hL ::rectiii::s from Burton Ave. Church. Solos were given by Mrs. Laidman, W. S Moore and E. Lambert, while Mr.~;. Wilson, Vlrs. LZLi(i`D1:1H, W. S. Moore and A. Knox delightecl with several q1La;2`tettes, and Miss Czunpbell with a reading. AIL-.. LLA K......_......._.... ..II ..,.....2.....l Your surbscription to the Advance.` will be appreciated. We "can save men who buy Overcoats at our store` from ve to ten and even fteen dollars. See our West show window. Come /and see the Overcoats. Everything new in Overcoats is to be found at this store at popular prices and at `a great saving. We Sell for Less-HUNTER S, BARRIE. uu nu u-nu. he _-.:*:um-.< \V(`l'l' plnyml on the (3X1\i\b'itiO]1 g'm1II1<|.<, which Ulv daily rains of 1.110 W(`("]( h:ul l('.H.2 in :1 soft and slippery contlition, and it was not tht` least mn'usinq: part of the gaunt: to wz1L'(-JI1 the tuznnns in th(:h' l`n1zul 1`u.s`-hos take :1 sl\i(l(: into :1 pool! of W'lt(':)'. I ` ..-n n . . 1. u The com.r1'cg;zLtio'1 of _CoIlic1' St. Unit:-ml Church _u`ul,lu,-`rvul i.n 1:11'_L`,`u I1l1mlM'r.< at the <.-hurch 01`. l`Lu-541:1-_\' l(?VUl1ilLL1' just to _s:<`t betlvx` :LC'(|ll:lilll~ led with each other. 1 er.som1l in- vitations hzul been (3.`\"w11tlvtl tyu every member and zullmn-nt by Lin SL-.~:sion and Stmvztrds und u I1v:1rt_\' rL-spn1m- vvus mzldc. I A ,1. ...,L ,... , p A n ll|.\.l . I The B=zL1'ric seniors lined up as, fo1lows-SnzLp, Smith; in.~siles, Hook and; 1T1i(ld1e'S, Mather and! 'Stephen.son; outsides, Powclj, and LCook; qum-tor, Hart; halves, B1-yson, [Kennedy and McGinnis; f'l_ving' xvinsz, Ncss; subs, N. McKenzie, D. Bil- llingsley, Mm-shall, Little and Plaipps. 11.. -4 T7_.__...'l.. ._...I (`L-...L,.......n..l `uu,,..u\._y-, .uuuuuu.u, ......v... ....... ....-,_.1.i...l -Bryson, Kennedy and Stepvhensori stzv.1'rc in this g;:1.1ne, which was lf9at:1ll`G(i by a dispute in which the `crowd. of spectabors insisted in hav- ing; a say. However, the dispute was (.0011 adjusted to the satisfactioni .of both sides and play resumed, end- vingg` in a score wf 8 to 1 in favorl `of Coilingwood. I VF}...-\ I.... um AL` LL,` `l\tI1\` .'.....!n..-. The line-up of the local juniors was as fol1vows--Sna.p, Lovit; m- sides, Rintorul and Mcclelland; mid- l.,* vu.....uuvu. `miles, and 0rd; outsides, Inc- I I I I i son and Perry; quzu-tier, ]{enne halves, Spencer, Dyment and Mc-5 I{ni_:rht; ying: wing, Stransman. In this game, which was lost byi :1 score 0-1' 16 to 3, the out.~'tzLmlin_-' 1)1aym's were Dyment, ;VIc1{11i_g:1it and 1 St;-.1n.x'1nan. .... .~... __ .1 -......`b\... . Opening with 3. parade, numerous styles of dress. and faces were seen and m.a.ny min- utes were spent in sport and laughter. Several prizes for best. costumes of Ha1.lowe en, hzml'tin1es and fancy dress were given, llllti various gannos, singing`, violin selec- tions were much enjoyed. "IVLA ._ _-._4-L:_.. -2 - nn_., I_.__,, vvvvv u vvuL v Auuvnn \.uJv'_y vu- The prcecnmtion of 21 floor lamp was made to Mrs. Singer as a token of her kind hospitality to the W.T. Taken by surprise, Mrs. Singer tllarrked the ladies for their remem- ua.su4n\.a Lunch was then served, after which all adjourned hotme fouling they had spent an enjoyable evan- I mg. COLLIER ST. UNITED CHURCH HOLD ENJOYABLE AT HOME T I The members of the Women s 111-! stitute and their husbzuuls, to the9 number of about eig`]1t_v, held 21 very} peasant; Ha1lowe en party at the} home of their preside-nt, .\'Irs.' r\-_-__:._ _. Au, __. , v This old-time stage coach will run twice daily from the new Royal York Hotel, Toronto, to the new Royal York golf course, which is under -construction in the =bea.1` f`u1 Humber Valley area. The coach originally `belonged to Mayor-G.enera1'S'ir Henry Pellatt, C.V.O., 1 ' (1., and will be used for the con- voyance of guests of the rC:1.nad1an Pacxhc h.o.st4:1ry, who will can intuit u.. .. -.1-nproved fashion or a. by-gone nv at the old Mill for the re~rres1nm~.nt of man and beast. The route w.;I be via. the Lakeshore `--..-v..--.. 5.....- .,_, . W U. h I At the conclusion of the gz1.1no.< 211 jbanquet was given to the visiting`? !teams in the Collc.-giate. Principals iBe]1 of Collin},-woc(I and Girrlwoo-:1 `o=1' Barrio made short a(l After the banquet there .vas 21 short: !p1'o9,'1'01n1e and dance, and about; nine o cock the B-a1'rieites left for: home.` 3 The Bax-rie Collc-_;'iate __-`iris soft-I ball tam also _iou1`ne_\'r.-d to Collins- wood on S`:Ltlll`(l21_\' and won it hotly [contested game by 7 to 5. \A. 1.1.. _,.,,I_. 2-.. _1- ;x ,, ` V`-"1 The day after Guy Faxvkcs; Come everyone to our xncctimr. Special roll cal1--zu1 (-conormy wrinkle. R1.-munJ1)c.r the sixth of Novem- 1 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE CONFERENCE IN FULL SWING 1', AT CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH The rst C`onr;:'x'e;:tit)r1:Ll Cxonfc-r~ once in the United (.`.hur'.-h of Can- ada was opt.-nml at Ct.-.nt.ra| Church lazst SrLL'n(.la,y by Rev. A. L. Atton, B.A., Clmmnmx of Simwm: 1"1'(::4by- tury. will I)(- hold (.1v.:h mi},-`ht until Nov. Ht-h. I -.... an... m... ' one nnagistrate. Monday's was '1l`V01.(`,4l to :1 COH`~:i(l('.l`ZJ.U()ll of Young; l r:ulwpu -4+) iwuwk, with zulrf1'(.--.='.s`(-;~' by Ra-v. It. (}_. l'lulb'.'rL, B.A., Ii.l).; J. [Inward A. ILL... T,,,,.. 11_`,,_ 1: IL,` II 1| A case came be-`I-are a police courti involving: the o\vne.1'ship of an 0i_:ht- (lay clock. After listening to both . the mzLg'istrato tu1'no(1 to the` pkxinstiff : | NV... ...,.L Ll... ..I-..1. if` 1...-. .-...!.l A. E. SMITH You _;`2'ave1y. ` `And luu.u..v.u . ml `. ...-. , The funeral of father and d:1u::h- tr took place from the S2\l\':1t.i0n Army Citadel on S:1t.u1-udy. Thr- .'-\1'1ny Band headed the funeral 1)ro-- A . I V l. Bax-xws. :1 \'ct.e1-axx oxnployeei of the town. passed :1.\\`:L_\' on 1rid:1_\'.! Oct. 26th. at the 1:.\'. I1u.-pawl. u.-.-cal ($3 _\'oa.r.'. H0 \\':1s born in Innisl'11[ 'l`own.<.hip 21ml movml to B:u'rio `.23! _\'o:11's ago, cn1nin.:` from 01-0. Dc-1 :1 .. . and 1'oug'.l1s had become the nmst' taunted them had never made any .....u-..., ..a...., ....;., -4. -n-rvvuu-A Guest, M'iss Jenn B.'.l.|ll'Wlll, V. M-zml.~4z1l1 and A. F. (iarrett. At Tuesday's session Bruce John- ston of the Beaver Bo_v.~. Club de- livered an mldresss which :U'()ll.'~:(:rI enrtliusiaswm and marked him as :1 boy of promise. He viewed the church as 21 stz1rtin_e,' point for any boy who` would make u succe.~::; oi'r2. AL ehurn:.h a boy met people of the bet-3 ter class; there he was taught to be truthful and learned the value of discipline; three he was guided in the straigylit and forward path. He declared boys who had been se-orned as church going Sissies hy rowdies zumous men in history and been` distingruished by fair play and hard ,g'hti~ng, whereas those who had mark in the world or been con-: spicuouvs either for bravery or good work. i Bo:Lt.t _\' B:n'1'iv; B:u'1'iv si. Sometimes mon in the church act like balky horses-they don t` ` - ` want to do much."-M. L. Chantlmz: Mzmy outside-1'3 think they do: B8111-F)$?011 Of L-Omion Visited not need the church to be as g`o0l,0\'t`!` S_l111ti3.\' U11-kl` the parental as many in it; every man has :m}IT00f- . ` a.])p1~0;1c.l1 to some fellow man andjv 3112 fa`-lid .V[!'s. D. Ricmuxison and sltould use it for the cause of Christ 0hd1```0i' -A-U-1'01"-1 SP9 S11d3~.\' 113 in the w-orld.-B. J. Kolcey. A. =R- P10'i::ht'-`x M. L. Chantlcr was elected Co'n- M1`. and .\[v.-s. C. Pztrker and rm-once C'|mi1-man, Ald W, J,I(lnug:litc-1` Jean spent the week end Craven So(:r(`tm'y. C. J. Soitz andiin O1-illin. J. H Gucstt ns:=ist.ant so.c1`eta.1`io.<. and! The pupils and friemls of the M (`h:n'lv`.= 'l`rc~asvui'm'. Cnntinu:1.tion School held :1 mas- Let us live our lives that our boys will see in us the example of the heroes of the Christ we desire them to know and fol1ow."--C. J. Seitz. Rev. G. A. Crtlse of Hawkr.~. said the dreams of youth would be- Icome realities by the pursuit of 1ife :~: gleam. Using` L\'IzLrt7na .`~: word.=,. The Master is come and calk-:`n for !you,` he "1r':icC1".r,-rl how Luthe:-, }Livingstone, Gmenfel and othr:1';~: had fheard His call. The an;~*.vr_-r to 'ionaI, com:munit_\' and church I1`.-:rL. Mr. Cruse said, indeed the salvatior`. of the world, was depr:::r,le'::`.t upon youths answer to the .\Iast:-1.= call. He added young people must no: he satised with things as thq: are. but rather in the up and at it" spti` `need individuall_\` 1n ever)` place and !ci1~cumstzmce of life the call of [Jesus Follow the gleam of youth`.-7 l Conclutling an eloquent a ( Ithc speaker .=:1irl ; to oi_<:ht_\'!C lper cent. of all convicts wcro per! `sons who rarely attended a chu1'cl1. They lacked what the church ,2-'ave,l-` !n:1.mel_v, will power, (lets-rm.ination,l5 scapacity to 1-(-sist tmnptntion, ,2-'uirl-! tancc in the selection of companionai land the ministry of pmym` which-S ;.-`ave l)oy:- the ,r:'ui of Gorl. -- ,.. . ._ _ A, u Regular $28.00 Sale Price $23.75 vision, he concluded. until you: `dreams are crystallized into the realities which will serve numkind for God. Other striking: t.hou5:hts at Tues day s ses=ion included: HYOU I wlmt (lo I get '. complain- accused. 1 get the eip;ht days. 1'ep1ic I . .__:..L___L_ DOUBLE FUNERAL I got. the clock," he said ,....... \.f_']IiH.Ul1SDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928 Mrs. '[`he1'L-.<;1 Lone, wife of A. 0d 2L\v21_\' 1);-z1cci'L11l_\' in the R.V. Hos,- Eli\'i11g` in .-Xllnndzlle since 1VIz1y, pass- 'v :z\\':1_\' p<-:1c<-`full_\' ii the R.`\'. Hos- pitu on Oct. 31.~t. She lzzul been in poor health for .s'0-voral years and .umlerwL-nt a ;~'uccess1.`ul ope1*zLt.ion on the 25th, but complcations set in, owing: to her weak con.11'tion. `She leuvas 1101` lulsband, one son, Rev. W. E. Mztckay, Weston, and two dau_v.'htGrs., 1\vI1*.s C. R. Holden, Allan- dalc, and l\* Russell Richar(l.'~1. To- ronto. The funeral service will be how at the Church of the Trans- _L',=u1`ation on Fa+12:~da_v. In-temnen-t `at Mount; Plea.sa11t Cexntery. I Mr. Jack Neely of Toronto is visiting: with his brothers, Megs;-5_ C120. and Wm. Neely. II`. F`... IJ....L.\.. ...__.,; :1 , .,... ...... ..-.._,. I Mr. Geo. Hunter spent the week end` with friends in Toronto. Mi:-as Ina Black of Midland is vi;-zitingr at her home here 111.. _....n n/r.... n.,.__ u veynce of the U:Lnau1:1n yacmc, wno w1u must 1...... .~_...pn_w - day at the e`: ,;`h;" zzsgzg Boulevard, Suunyside and the Humber `Boulevard. ..,,..v. Mrs. S. Ruth has 1'ebu2`nc-d to her home in Toronto after .spending' two wm.-l with hr.-r parents, Mr; and Mrs. John Hoover. i M1-. and Mrs. Morley Black and dumghtcrs of Elmvale were the Lrucsts of M1`. and O. R. Black on Sunday. `ML- YY-..L \Ir,L.1 ...m..... ...,...c um Mr. and Mrs. Percy Louks and baby of Walkcrvillo are the guesta of UN: Iwttt.-r .s' mother, Mrs. Wm, ` Wri;:M`.. I ..__ .. .. .. . M1`. and M1'.<. I tnxinml 1'1-ioml.-4 from Sumlu_\'. ! I E ; Mrs: A. Rona: and son Mu-1'ru_\', last \\'m-k and s] E Tlm the lquormle party in. t.hv hall on Friday evbr`.ing:. The builaling was nicely l~`cm::Ltml \\"it.h H:\llowe'e:1 emblems, Jami the Costlunos xvorc .~".1`iki11g' and `pict.u1'csqm-. G:m1o.< of all kinds naul< \\'o1'e o:1jo_\'ol and 8 [d:1.l11t-_\' lunch served at the close. 'l`ln~ Incmln-rs of th-1 beef ring and Ilwir t':\.milio.< u-uj0_\'exl :1 fowl suppvr at tho home of Jns. CourtneA_v 'on 'l'l1<`s c\'unin:.~:. .-\!,'ter ljustico to tlw _-good :l1in_-.-5. the even- `in_-: \\':1s spvnt. in IT) .A` H. I ... ,,,.'_. I . _ . . Lhunlis hostess. 1 ....... A.AA\4lI\.IL) nun AICLIIIIIUUH U Miss Meta Huntr.-1' hzmsrc-t.u1'ned ghome after spc-mIin.2' two weeks [with her niece, Mrs. N. M. B_\'crs, in To1'on r.o. :11 . -- .- _.-.-._ -_. ...... _.. J_I. xx.-'ucL1L: auu Rev. Jas. Brown 3. reax.iing.< bs. W rear. and La`"t Wice. Songs, recitation: .r.d musical numbers made up a moat enjoys-.bIe program. This s.nm.1aI event is be-coming more popular eaclm _ve-.12`. keeping pace `with the gmxx-ing lodge. Webb :~'.pcnLI 4 i `I/(3.... 1.1.4., 11,, 1 v with friends in Hamilton; - V . v - A vu. |M`r. and Mrs. Alex. Graham of St. Catharines spent the wek end here. Mrs. Graham is remaining for a couple of weeks. `MK. `H1..- 7ur_.L,-n- n nu . Walk Upstairs and Save \/IIIJ . .x, 4... u.v\.cu.;v... Rev. Mr. Brown will takb for his `subject next Sunday, The Soul of ]the people was much d1.=,couraged be~ }causc of the xvay. I wur, :17 1. n .. .... -., .-...;. ;a-..u:1.~,UH. 5 `Mrs. Emily Baldwin of Aurora" ispent 2. few days last week with her `sister, Mrs`. Martha Patterson. 'I"oI.`i-:1 an.1 son Allan c;f Gilf-01'r.i visited with _\Iiss M. J. and Mrs. R. M. .\IcC0nkey last Tuesday. 17.`..- 1' .:1_ , 1'? -; .u~~..v;uu._y ;a:4 Lucmla). Leila 'Ha`:'ring'ton has re- turned to the village again after spending a week with friends in Gilford. ;-.:;.'.AS Ds`~L LilJ\`.H LU d chicken supper. followed re;xte-rtaznxn-:-z`.:. music being '\ provided. o_' 3-[_s$.*s. T. Hunter and S_v?.w:-~_':c`r. vriti Ir: S HE-_'nO1dS at 3-,*Idr&=es were .i D. Cousins and 3 , v- s _L. the organ. S bite. {given by Rev. A. 1)..-- T-- 15.,` :4... u vvuyw u; wccna. E Mr. Wm. Metcalfe of Thornbury `is visiting` with his (lau5_'hte1', Miss [Carrie Metcalfe. `n,,, 1: -n ... . `. N31}. `and Mrs. Chester Mcconkey and Mrs. Gunn of Orillia spent last Tu:-;-: witfr. _\I2:~:. E. T. .\IcConkey. \r,,, :-v,,, rr 1 w uuuuu \lA. vuv wag . 1 Mr. Walter Patterson was in ,Owcn Sound on Tuesday, acting as gone of the jutlrxes at the plowing Imatch. -., . -- -- 5 ....... .. : Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Wilson of Aurora spent the week end with his siste1`, Mrs. Martha Pattr:r.=on. |>-d]4\4IA7 .. -~.. u.._..; u...;u \v\,L.A\ nun nu: .sister, ! Mrs. Sid. Browning of Churchill `was the guest of friends here last ']`ue; ac . - 44 -4 Our Suit Sale, now in full swing, is of more than pa1ssi11g interest. Men, we can give you real l)u1~gai11s right now in suits. Ever_\k day we are Si1\'i1lg' our suit (-11sto1110rs from vv tn rm and (`V011 'f.'h*e11 dull2.11-s on 1 suif of ('l(>1 l1(`.\'. S00 0111- East Show \\'i11d0\\ . Colne. and see our suits; Follr h1u1d1'cd and n101'c suits to select from. *0 .5011 for loss.