smeu. Dr. C. A Arnott testiecl that he was called about 8.10 p.m. to 122 Bayeld St., where he found Mr. Johnston unconscious, his heart was scarcely moving. Articial respina: ti-on was _aprplied and he slightly re- I spun-ded, but The nasa-1 bones were fractured, also the right cheek bone. He made an exaxminaztion with Dr. Canson and was satisredv that deeath was caused by the blow on the head. To W. A. Boys, counsel for Mr Collins, Dr. Annxott said that death was caused by a fracture of the skull. 1|A'_I`1_...._..... 4.1.- nnvlv 11r`l'+v1\fJoQQ it was ouf no avail. _ Dy DUB uluw U'l.l Dr. skull. Jas. McGregor, the next witness, said that he saw the a.ccide.n=`r. and Uuc `uccvu. the plans and distances made by him were app1`oxim1a:te. The fire truck was about 30 feet f1`0lIT1 where Mr. J ohnustoln was picked mp. street. He saw a Clhevnolet coupe street. He saw :1 Chevrolet couple passs, svtraddle the hose and hit Mr. Johnston. The car swerved a little to the left before it hit him, and then swerved to the rie`h-t. Mr. Johnston was starting` to drain the hose preparatory to rolling" it up. His head would be three or four feet from the _e=rou.n and he would not notice the car unless he looked up. There was no obstruction be- tween the on`co.mi.ns`e` car and Mr. John.=to.n, but it was very dark and the pavement was black. The speed of the car was very moderate. Mr. Joh.n~. was thrown about 8 feet "Ito the west. The car : at the side. m \.1' T)...` \r.. \rfn{`1w.n-nv mnirl One of Barrie s `oldest citizens passed to the great beyond on Tlmrsclay, Oct. 4th, in the person of Mrs. Geo. Soule, Elizabeth St. She was found by her husband ly- ing lifeless at the foot of the stains when he came down at 5.30 in the ject to heart attacks and the doctor believes that she had taken a bad `spell at the top of the stairs and fell down. The late Mrs. Soule was born near Newcastle in 1853, -buxt had spent the last forty years in Barrie anntl vicinity, where she was well and favorably known. She had been at the Barrie market re,<.g:ul-arly every week since e0rmin.~g: to Barrie. Mrs. Soule was a woman of fine Christian pninciple, a loving` wife and mother and a good neighbor, and will be sadly missed by 'her family Zmd friends. She was a member of Central C:l111l`Cll for the .last. twenty-ve years and a regular attendant. She :r1`eatl_\' missed her little g'ran(lso-n, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Soule, who passed t\\':1_\' 21 A < .few weeks ago. i rni, ., .L`.....,.....1 11vn;'] ll jury, swbmitte tions to guide Did the ded ulently zretpres 1, that the good clay l( yes. (a) If morning. Mrs. Soule -had been suub-*WaS it a fals krwwledugve Otf If it was a the kmocwledigr the d-erfendain1 tiff Cave, (ll( the plaiintilf ~ representataiox plain-till` acstec p1'esenta:h'non Did the de ulently re;pre< 2. That t ] )l`0(l.l1`CC bcttw farm ? Yes is yes, we tion to the Yes. (b) I - senta-tion ms the plainti . `tend the pl: false repre :1h1r-Has the pl? the sme. V To Wr:<. Boys, M1`. 1\'IcG1`c;'01' said} that Mr. Johnston was \V01`ki1L2`! ( about two feet to the w(-st of the ccntvo of tho: .<`.:`v( t. A car \\'as;` stzxndinyz about 150 feet from the%- accirlent on the Grist sidr- of the`: . facing: south with 1ig' bu1`11img, and another czu'.neare1" Sophia St. With the t1`uc.k 61.1`-0110' side and the cars on the other side there would only be about ei.g`h`L font in the centre of the road. There was novthing to warn an_v~o.m2 - r,, u:__:._ LLn4~ Hana-A um: nnv. ' 1 1\\'%\L stanxl-in&g' near and saw the acci~ l.-`l1'L1't`. \`V'db n'u'\.nu->_.. vv ..--.. V, ' U1 \J1t."\:llI'uL\. uuu. -.-_ or. to imlicafoe that there was any- ley some of North Bay. "~'. TWO. there` . \ Besides her hwsband, s1 W11ham Salter testled that he `rved by hme Sons will _ _ peg`, Wesley of North `le.nt. He would _]ud`_2'e that 1`t`Gm,n`ett of Barrie wovuld be imxpossible for the driver to see 1\'Ir. Jvohnston against the dark pavement. `L, 1.1. r7,..1... n-mm r.~in1i1m' g`1~z1~ring head1i\_ Did mri-la.n_vone movi.n`g~ a1~.ounv(l. Di l ,,...-...-.... i Mi`. `Al. Zehr gave similar evi- demce. * H2Lr1'_v Hook saiul that Mr. John- ston, Mr. Anderson and himself were rolling: up _the hose when he h-eamd the imapact, but did not see it. There 2 was no one directin-g` traic amli other cars had from-e through. 'I\he 5 car was groin}.-; at a modierate speed and the night was Very dark. To 5 the Coroner, We have no inst1'uc- 1 tiions about stoppinvf: t-ra`ic. 1 " ``Y`:` '` " " `H `"11" I'\`1Ivi ih i u..,...j _..,.,... M1`. Willivam-s was at the so east of the re truck and saw coupe cut am.-1'o.~:.s the hose with wheel, but (lid not see it hit John; He helped to pick I! 14l..-..&.\.-. uvhh Nlv p;\,f,fn1 Cut. 21`-L:1`u>,.s up Mr. Jo1m: with Mr. Patterson and Mn`. Czu-ley. He was lying about 15 feet a.he:1~d of the truck. He, would not say the coupe was .:oin,<.: fast. The re was at 118 B:.l_V(`|(l St., and the }1_\~d1 ant was at corner of Sophia on the east side. l`hm`e was no one to stop or (lire-ct'Iic uml no lights or signals were L111: IIVQL `M1: ( 1 was u-sud to p In re... I.~1`-kllllx: Luxu nu ...h...,... .,. .,._. protect the remen. M1`. Carley said the men wonkingx Ln the dark and more 1 would be a pnobection, but the s should be closed till the re is M1`. Ha.n'_\' Collins, driver of car that hit Mr. Johnston, said he had been (lniving a car for teen years, fnom 2,000 to: - --~--u no nnvcm had . lnrr should be closed mi nu: me .3 ...-.. of the t.ha.t J olmston, that four- to 3,000 miles a year. He never had any trouble in the heaviest traffic. With his sister he left T01-omso about four o'clock to 5:0 to Collinigvwood. He did not know there was a re till after the accident; did not see the or fire truck. He was ` looking: .=t1'aig'li~t ahead zm-d was tmk- , special care. Noticed there! were two or three cars on the east `.1: 0!" the .=t"r~et. two of them hea(ll v.":lh he2\(lli5.:l`.`..s on. A` car (ml .-.: 4-1.. V` 1- w - ILL.` up :13 \vms.:in-o`Ll1e1' H0. 5 DALI: S.O.S. Ci.eua}1ser When Things Look Blackest, Use S.0.S. . 212...: E UUJ the ivronpc sidu LI_v n um ....~ .._,, Eda of the road with 5 [n1|v;.:. mu-:u.. south 1 I A . nu. 1 1i5;ht.s'. L ~_- `nearer 0- I `on (T1110 S mm sue a ut f he 1\ 1 C was 1 ` Efow weeks ._..._- -'0" Sf"`H, The fu.ne1~.11 was 110111 on Satur-!Has 'V1'km`*Q`!`(1a_\', a short :~:e1'vice being` held at`fa1sve t he1the 110.1111: and a service at Cm1't.ra1,Yes. `ur vms`. ~ * ` ` 'C11u1'crh, comluctod by Rev. A. In. W: `om th'1B aker, assisted by Rev. VV. S. 11wirn,: Ca-mq tiPasto1' A. C. VVx11itcIom1) and Ens`Lq`11$mo1't 1i"ht'S` La-n0`for(1 The pa11-bearerw were :111'(11(1 '..".`.3.3`" old` ne*iglrbo1's, Messrs. Wa1'nica,:boun 0 9110' Sp`1*inv_2', Reid, A Do`b:son`ag'1`c-u hi?" _s]1: and Ma-rrio~t1;. Among relatives`-u cn1( u cum - ~ . 5 from a dlshance were Mrs. Pe1'1',V and` J1 "9 Mrs. Howard of I`m'o.nto, Mrs. Weiritiff. an-V`' of Cmemo1'e and Mr. and Mrs. Wes-% ~~ - 1 .-_._ ...... .. -ur L`, 11.... IIAW Mus. W. Jacob and Mrs. Larke of I Toronto spent over the week end visitinug Mr. and Mrs. D. Jacosb, Bayeld St. 1 -r r\ r|__L:_.... 1....` sun, .4-.- Gwovernor J. J. D. Bam-ting has re- turned from a two weeks motor _trip through V5/xestenn and Eastern , Ontario. Mr. and Mus. T. Blain spent over {the vsieek end visiting in Toronto. Mr. C. A. Hobley of Walkerton . spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. - and Mrs. Jolhn Hotbley. `W1 u were . ` lights .4 street` uaru u... v..`.... __--__.. Mrs. W. J. Ballantyne is attend- ing the W.'C.T.U Provincial conven- tion in Tiomomto this week. ? spt.-:ctAz..- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller of Sparrow Lake were week end visi- tors wti-`oh MT. and Mrs. John Bmw- At the Supreme Grand Lodge odll the Loyal 'I`mue Blue A;ssocia;tion in Hamilton, Mm. J o-lm Bowman, 1 P.W.M. of United Allies, No. 337, was appocinrted D.D.-G.M for. Simooc rt- .. _.J... u-4.... the ~ Uarnetm 01 F-'*=f_?. \g`l~z1ring h anyone rm since lea Au1`o1'a 17: M1`. Ev. 1. e 1- l`- e -(1 struck sou Cmemn-(;1'eK Wes- she . . . .. xmn nf WnnI_ PERSONALS not see` zmvone movinw Did not sho . ' , . v I -__.. .. rn..,m+n nnlv at: niowng` 'd.1`:Uu1ru. um Iuvv ......,. I] leaving: 'I`m` only at 1 for gas. i Evans: Did you know you 1 SOm0!b0(i`_V ? I felt a shock A and pulled to the side to examine." i To Mr. Boys: I tihink I was 5:0- i.n.9: about 15 miles an hour. Bob Lee, driver of the fire truck. K said the truck was on the west side . fa.cin._r_r no1't.h~; both i'1(3ii1.(iiii{2,'ii7tS were lit. He would not say that the tail` 1 :L L,..l-A111 ll)` L111. ..,, heur. of re ta ligvht was bunnIin;e'. He `mid it t.este(l next m.0r'.nnt.>; and it lit, but was veA1`_\' dim. No span-e bulbs we-re lJu_Y u . 1iyg;ht;s to stop traffic. The Comner in adr11-a-ssi`mL' the jury Saxid that evi(1e.nce showed it to be a very bad n-i.e'ht for seeing` a.n`y0n.'.- :xh~ea`(1. The position of the c=ars \vas a little c0n.ictin:.,v, but thu`. was ounzly n!a.t.ura1 at a time of com. fusion. A nuam~be`1' of czrs eNi(1e.n\t1_v followed the re truck. There should be more pnotect-ion for re- men gro-i.n._2' to and at a re am] the Town Cotunuoil s.hou1(laut.h~o1'ize some .onne to see to this. It seems to have been an utnuortzun-aite accident and no particular blame can be at-tac'he.d to a n ycme . 1-1,, '3 A\r Fmms said that ca.r1'ie ntotr were there any wa.1'ning' Manet; Pkg. 12 You can Always Depend on These Being Fnlh ' to stop. an_v(mc. Crown Atto1'ne_v Evans Colins should have taken special p1'ecau't.i.oms cm a dark night. For a man that has beem (lrivinzg a car as ' long {US he hrazs been there is no 1'0a- ; son why he should not have seen the re bruck. He a5.1'1'eed th:Lt_ there should be more protection for the rermem _at a re by having some rhvi:n.5.=; that would cause tn'a1c about fteen -:u|\aI1 unmc nnf, MRS. GEORGE SOULE LU auuvy. U1 U1! minutm and was composed of: J. J. In 0` `Meme (foreman), R. J. Gamble, G.) This` lMc.Cc1*kind.a.1e. W; F. Stonrn R. Bid-{Ph0n0$ `well, A, W. H. Sk'Lnnez"`1 and J. H. blxtm. `stxumen was out about \ n 1 r:l Luu, mm ...~ g... ` of Wuinm-~ \Io1*th Bay an ('1 d" 'B10Il`S U0 1;`,`l.L|:u.t: 'U.lL!:lll. de\femla:nt Camiplin fraud- eth represent to the plaintiff: / and he Caimxplin farm was a e loam farm '2 Ansnver, you answer is _ves," en false represenibati-on to the 5 Ca.mpl:in? Yes. (b) false 1`ep1~ese1ntatio-n to knaorwleclge ocf Camplin, made by 19 walslthe d-erferidant Oamplin to the plain- 53, did the defenvduant intend ye.-a1~,g' inlthe vto act upon such false wasi1`E-p1``JS8nt1tIl0n `.7 Yes. (c) Has the ac.i:ed uxpon such false re~ 'e;'u11a1`1_V' to his loss? Yes. deft:-` Camplin fraud- ne re;p1~es'enIt to the 1)lainti': guy; the Oamplinv famn would 1e-ig-hbop, ])l`0(l.l1`CC better crops than the Cave fa.1'm? Yes. (a) If your amswer was it a false 1'evprese:nta- knlowled-ge of Campl=in ? l r0.2'ulai-`Yes. If it was a false repre- ssenl hergsenta-`ci0~n made by the de.1'-entlmit to Mu-...Ethe plainm, did the defc-ml2Lm in- zuvu_\' aitend plaini` to act upon such `false re.p1'c~sena.tion~s `I Yes. (c) `ll plaintifl acted upon such at false representaxtion to his loss`? . x1-,, Crmtral, Xes. 12.} Was there any fraud practised by I1`\v`m,;Ca-m1)1in in procturving the $4,000 Ensi.:n mo1'tg;age? Yes. If so, in xwhat tore a11`did `such fraud consist? Havinsg fa1'nica,:boun`d Cave to an um'eason'abIe Do`b:son`ag'reem1e1mt, Cam-plin extracted the `elativeslutnlost he could in this. wjay.',_ 1'1'_v am(1\ Judgmlent in favor o.~f p11g~_.p1axin- (Continued from page one) ofce aand Oamplin instructed him to draw the agneemnent produced. Later Camplin axs,ke:d Gave 170 go to his place with his boy, but not to bring his wife. Cave went as requested next mornimg and as the snow had disappeared he had a. good look at the farm and found it was not as represented. That night he called Camplizn on the phone and asked him to wi-thdraiw the deal, but Cvamplin no. C-ave s wife also talked to ' him askring him to cancel the deal. Gave nst oered to pay $500 to - have the deal camlcelled amd nally - wemt as high as $4,00, but Oamplin refused. -.- .~. ,x_ ... 4.--}. 6.`./\ ed-nmzl FTRADED FARMS AND ; THEN RUED BARGAIN I'B].LlB1l. Mm. Cave them. took the stand, slmowvinqg; evidsefnt signs of the effect of the worry and strain on her `nerves. After amsrweerinxg a few 1 questions she fazinted and court ad- journed until W-edunesdiay momhng. ` r\... `XT.A.1w\rue.:`1n\7 NT-va (`.a:vn grave Pure Honey New seuon'I _|vUul.`lH:-Ll u.uu.I. vn.u..u,.n..;..._. .....--.....,_,. -On Wuec1nesdra_v Mrs. Cave gave her evi~d.ence with more composure and com-ubonated her uhusslbaml in every detail. n-..._..1:.. ,1......`:..,I all nnnxxand-innm n.`f every ueuau. Oamplin (Lemnied all accusaations of! attempting to misrespresent or otb~ tain the mo1'tg~age by fraud. -r,,_;_-__ 1ur`..A-...... 4.. ..1..ns-rrinu H10 tam `Lne uvu1'u5~2.u5t: uy J.Louu'u. Jlustrice 1VI1c;Avo-y, in ch~arg.'mg the su'bmitte.d the following ques- guide -them: r\:.I L1... ..:....49.....`A..m+ F`.-;vnmH.n fmnnla J udgm1ent tl . ii uuunuuu U. V. I `MAY NOW CONNECT WITH 3 26,048,000 TELEPHONES For some weeks past the lead-img ':cit.ies of Canaxla harvle been within `reach by telephone of practically all the more lm'pO:I'l1aI1l . centres of Great |B1'ivta.inv and Eastern E-umoipe, but up 'lto this time a1'range.ments fo-1` bring- ing tlxis t.r2Lnis-A clantio service to I telephone users at the srmzxllier Can- : adian exclmn`-gas lmavwe been incom- plate. 7 _...4,..-.......l luv l\/T-.1n~nn~(-r PIUDU. It is notw mmounced by Munagrcr A. A. Smith of the Bell Telephone Co., that from Momlay next, Oct. 15th, telepihone users at all points served by the c0m.pm1_v will also be lable no call, 01- be called by, any ltclophonc in the European` count.1'ies `whose service has been Linked up __fo1' tran.-oceanic teleph.onin.g. -' 1- - :__4."..m.+:nn- 1-n nnv`r.r- xxlnert. `.;l1is 4.\.u u.....-. .._V, It is intei'e|;rt-iing to `note wliat `amounts to in the number of phones brougiht within the m1 radius of Canadian subscivibems. Tnlnru Total in Europe .......... ..5, 766,000 ` The Canadian telephone uses!` is also within noadh t.h.rou.g'h the instru- ment in his home or ofce wi.'Uh -telephones in the VVestc-rn` Hemi- y _ sphere as follows: : In the .U.S. ......._..._.....18,900,O00 ' In Cuba. ........................ .. 72,000 1 In Mexico .._ .......... .. 30,000 In Canxad-a 1,280,000 This makes :1 ,'rranz_1 total of tele- mtphones \`.'i.'.:hin the c'1~;c':(- of oral ,.`communica.t.i~on of 26,048,000 in- ` st.run1ents. G1-oat. Britain Gcwmzmp; ............. .. Be19:ium1 ............. .. H-olland .............. .. Swit.ze`1'laml~ ........ AV Framce ( Panis) Wu- 1 4-Mm. rmlxce (Pauis) ............. .. 3 1 8 0 00 Denmark (Cope mhmgen) 1 2 00 Norway (Oslo) 4.83000 11/: nnn xuxvv-a._y \v---, Stockholm .... ..116,0 00 Gothe'nvbu1-gr 3 1,000 M-almo .......... ... 16.000 'ean1c Leu:pxnum..-,_,. resrbi.n.g note tele- Lgiht talkinrg` ,,_'L ..__.. 11, 1928 Telephone ...1,G00,000 ...2,850,(X)0 204,000 237,000 224,000 _..18,900,000 total .. 4` p n] ...5.'766,000 - 163,000 nun -,. _- . Cream of grtiey M. a-Itnv':.-cookn D I brcurn Ul uuu scy .'.`-F.`. .'."i.`?.i`:'.. Plush 23 C ake Flour nnnlrar BL- 09- u-coo . - . . .- - Lima Beans II A. M, Brand . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-Pad Pkg. 14 ` Iccocoooooq SPECIAL# : Finest Quality *_ cA1.u-'omuA i :Prunesg I H! C llvllc. New 8euon'I No. I Tin Page New Pack DOING I uvnm Qugkor Brand . . . .. .. hunu lacuna B. & M. Brand No. 2 Size Iln . M. Brand On passing the turnstile an attendant will check : This is another exclusive Loblaw feature, whicT stores much more pleasant. After you have con are ready to leave, an attendant will hand you ba you to your car, if necessary. Next week-He1 V .;I;.'C'tAt.a Agnunn SEPTEMBER A BUSY MONTH FOR V. 0. NURSE THOMAS` 2 Tins 27c Anothercioblaw Convenience -1- -..... "fl; 24 Pkg. 23 , Tin 61 Tin 33 Tin 17c Ibllk/J. .L4\'JnJa.u..q. iv v.._. . -,, 'nstile any parcels you may have. xclusive which makes shopping at our completed your shopping and . back your parcels and assist f week-He1ping Yourself. c QUEENLAND 5 White Onions 36-oz. Jar 46 . Queenland Pickles 1c at Sweet Mustard and Sweet ` Mixed 1'" Jar 29c ` J8: . . . . . . .. Sweet Mustard and Sweet I Mixed f[," ______ __ Jar 43c Sour Mixed and Sour Chow Chow }",,Jar 38c Gherkins }; f__.__ Jar 31c ` ` - 4-0.. 11.... Ullcl Kula Jar _ _ _ . __ .. .l.'.obIaw s Cal`:-eh ` Delicious Cherry Cake * . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lb. 36c Rich Fruit and Nut Cake {.13. 32c Nurse, veiports a. very busy month for September. A total of 278 visits were made. This necessitated working nearly n-"me hours a day on the average zund two and a half hours every Sunday. Besides this, five child welfare clinics were held, as well as attending the 'I`.B. Diag- niostic Clinic. Miss '1`h.otmus visited v ve infant homes liceanused by the 1 `Board of Heaalth, gave zi talk to the c .NVotmen s Institute on pre-niatizml came` 1 `land helped at their baby shown Fees 'c'o11cted for the mo.nnh axnmumml 10 $91.75. 1 "---n. A-Ln nknvn H ho g(`_s(\_n 11' n :1 C xVIis.~; T1mn1as,i'E'z`:iio1'i~a.-n Omen` o o u o u n o u n - n n Jav- Fresh Valencia Cake 1 1. Real Tasty - SARDINES Miss acknoxvletlgresg with X ' thzuvks (hon-aations of chil(lren s'clo.tl1- `mg from Mrs. A-tkinson zmrl linen_ 1'1om Mrs. Mc.\'z1.`ob. Other Luna-1 L'ions 01` clothd-ng or linen will be` _u`rea.tly a.ppreciate(l. Phone Miss|1 Tlho-mas, 366. '1 At the xneetirng: of the V.O.N.l Iieclutrivc on T.ucas(la_\' nigslwt -.m'1va;mg:e-.1 ments were completed to hold the? unnnuul 1'u111111zLge sale on Satiurtl-a.y,l - October 27. Mrs. Mc\ iven is con- l vvenor of the committee looki-me` after .- the sale and anyone hzwim: clothing 1 -- - -- 1----~Ln ..1....... 1429 l CROSSED FISH Choice 1-an Pink Tin [Inc saw: zulu gunnguxnc un.n;._.. ....,......._.,. or amticlos to donate phone 1438,` `anal same will be called for. The nine vear old d'm0'h`er of.UhumneS aw plmmm H" mm" Mr. and Mrs.` Aex. Burton; Co1l3112`~ie?ch and Burton Ave" Church 50 wcc. has been mi:<~:in._2` sine.-; Sz11u1-5.b"nL`K" diay last. A sea.1'c}} party 1011' by` ` :29 tP`;"`* `"3"? '` ` W `Y=` ` READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. cae er. - ' " ` SA L.MON CALEDONIA Pit: Ln my y. ~~...... -gplcmdi Ll work. i;c:uitsu=.23e T`: ns 31c FEA'1'-Ui!ING sp:cr.4L- Ch:-istie s An-own-oot` ~S:P`Ei'IALa \rlClKC .. Lb. 21c 16c The Standard Since 1853 Marshmallows mu-mu-. fnr Toastinz .. ann0u~.nwu 1-U -.`-'IJ..|u. From the above it will be seen tha:l'.- the Cctmmlunoity NL!t`>:r`. in Btu`- rie is axppmciaroed and is doing I -. .).'.I ...,\,.,|,. C ; OV(-.`Ol(1te8 nunnn Ann:--A Sardines Skipper Br. ~- us Daralnes 2 Tina 31c 7 `S`m Tin 21 1?; `L51 " " _ Assorted Flavorsg Pkgs. 15C B SPECIAL ` PEARL WHITE _. - _--nun-`Q5112! `V1 (lT5lllHuIsvouo Finest for Toasting . Campfire Br. b4lI\l|.\.II Queen ` ment oi no-oooownocs Corned Beef Ir.-an Rnnfnt 'f'_'_ 9,,` I ACCCCCCCC CCCC Orange and Lemon n, J Crosse & I L 94:- Fruit Drovs Tun: Fruit. Flavol I` run LII vua True Fruit Flavor ` Assorted-l-lb. Box Box ` Gum Drops F esh--Assorted F{avoi's-1-lb. Box . Box Licorice Allsorts I:-nut. aualitv D Cherries Red Plted-Cholce QuaJlty-No. 2 Size `..._.-, _ - Vita Wheat Dunn--I'u`rnnn :--Th` L; U! lllilvt Ll our Fray Bentos No. 1 S!1.e Tin . 11 The Yo NIis,`.s|the Tor-c `United C1` .O.N. Bzu'1'ie~ 0 amgze-| Sunday n l St. Unitez ml-a.y, time thmwn 0011-1 'I`oron.t.o, people of 1438"w1th 0`pen than 2.50 which C Churches 1` of 1l5n':~ ; each and ?1.:I1ut..~:. LICOTICC rluavn to Finest Quality Imported-1o-ox. noxBx I V ua V7 lltul. f1`f;" ci;`.T3L'i Pkg- 28 D8`@33C$C1 VLAyNDRY \Il Illlsc uuu Peel Blackwell : .'.`0lal5 ~n Anne-A Delicious Assort- t of Hard and Soft Centres 1 IL Dru-v YOUNG PEOPLE OF UNITED CHURCH MEET IN BARRIE `| Young` Peoples Societies of `the Tor-onjto Conference of the Church meet in con-ventiorn in on F1'ida.y, Sa.tu1`day and |Sunda,y morning service in Caolli-err iSt. United Church. This is the fmst l`t'nmo thuswe so(:`ie t.ies have met outside ` I I,A.._... 4.1,,` ILUIIIU Ul|l.'k`.`L aux.-u...-.-., ... - - l'I`oron.t.o, and undoubtedly the ` Barrie will welcome them with open urmis. There will be more visiting` iielegabes, for Collier St. and Central _`Churches are p':o\'id`ing 100 `billets bi.l1uL.=.. `B3335 1 d Centres 1-lb. Box 39c $339 `Tin 34 Tin 24 A1 Soap Powder Unrlvalled for A113 Pkgs' 14 Domestic Purposes Ivory Soap 2 Cakes 9c Spinach 1l3'?)?t2h izc Tin . 27 The Northern Advance 19 15c 20c 22c 28 NO ONE TO BLAME FOR DEATH OF FIREMANI We find that William Jrohnshon .i came to his death through being struck on the hvea,-d by an automobile di-iveirby Ii-arvy Collins, while de- ceased was penfomning his duties as a reman. We nd that no blame can be attached to anyone. We would recommend that in futune ` the members of the re brigade be -1 emxpowered to direct traic as welll` as the police, in order to protect remen and others until all work!` pertaining to r-e is complete~L. This was the verdict brougiht in 1 by the jury at the inquest to de- tevrnine the cause of the death of Mr. Johnston, who was killed on Bayeld St. on the e've.n'ing of Oct. 5th. Coron.r=v W. A. Lewis pre- 1 sided. Large nut:-ac