Page Four Tdivwon PHELPSTON made a one day ff First Canadian a1)p(,-arau(-(.- of this fanmus W'0lsl1 Male (`hmr as th(-_\' appv-aretl before the ,l)ul of Ym-1;. NOVV ON A \V()RLD 'l`()UR Auspices .of _ COLLIER ST. UNITED `CHURCH ICHOIR SIMMNS & CO. { NOTICE Iollier Street United Church ALL SE;\TS RflS.l.Cl\ \'Tl..I) ---COMING-u ---THE COAT STORE Women s and Misses at 20 Per Cent. off Regular Prices. EXCEPTIONAL COATS AT REDUCED PRICES xx` 25 Heavy Velour C0a.tS-Fu1'Cu].- lars, so111.e with (mffs of fur. SALE . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1,/L95 Special Prices on :Children s Winter nal-u "IF-v--iatr and .q.'1I.1'.`|'lT`d2.V. .' k WEEK-END `GOAT SALE .r.l'.|.UU U11 `\JJ.LJ.J.\.4.1. U11. pa 1 ......_... Coats `Friday and Saturdagr. Clearing Sale of `.Broken Lines in Odd Sizes from 4 years to 12 years. Our |z 1I'g`u s11o\\ in;: of this soz1so11's b19111` (3uz1t's is now on (1ispla_\', and A quz11i`r_\' and 1:1-iws 2111- the \'or_\' best You van .\`(`](!(:1 _\'()1H F111` Coat with tho uss111':111(-(- that` you are g'0ttin;: thv \'01')' best `I m- the price asked. --in- FUR COATS K A limo boy said to his father`: ( I ,x_:Dzuli;.', who was Hmnlot '3" : Hg, His father replied: Your ignor-t ,,_}anc`E "is appallima. Don 1'you ever 'read the Bible 2" J gSTEAMER MIDLAND ClTY i SINKS AT MIDLAND _'.DOC!( On Szi.tur morniI_1;.:, Sept. 22, the stezuner l\Iidla,nd City sank at the Midlztnd dock. A liaise in the waters of the bay was responsible. as the guzml rail along the side slipped over the top of the piles thal `(Lock and a sudden receding of the [waters caused the bout to tip out- ward sufficient to dip water throug:h `the wheel box, and it only took a few minutes for the boat to settle Capt. Mcl{:1_v was`(l the vessel at the time and so sudden was the : accident that he had barely time to - reach the dock before he boat went down. It will be quite at job to raise the ve.<.sel as the water is about twenty feet deep. omn the outside cribbim: of the` l Plan on fur garments and get the benet .save you money on your Fur Coat. HATS COATS The public is hereby cautioned that ARTJLLERY FIRING will take place at CAMP BORDEN between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. from October 15th to November 3rd,| 1928. " 0-..- ...m an rfamnl Buyeld St. from Grove St. south to Wellington, and even Ross St, has become a real race course for motorists, and a large majority of cars race down at a spoetl of from forty to'\si:\"ty miles per hour con- tinually. BAYFlELD STREET A RACE 3 COURSE FOR MOTORISTS So the expected lw.prpene(l on We mo1'n~in`5._:' when a. Fort] bo.wring; car driven by W. Miller of M:cDonval(l St., crashed into a dairy 'wa;:'on loaded with milk at the corner of Dalton and Bayclul Sts., scattering` milk bottles all over the roar1rwa.y, spillim,>: milk and leavin_.'>,' quantitir.-s of broken glass around. :11 I 1- u, _._:n_ ___ _. The drive) just vreturr .5. .. .. L .\....,\ l Th e I (letaimwl at the scene of the acci- _ (lent, to catch 11]). Lluun l\4|\/A\.-` \lL .,....\... ,,-.._._. ,V_..__, (l.).`lVC1' of the milk wag.-;un was vi'etui'nin_2' from Il(5ll\'(`l'ln_`,` milk to a home when the cm`. which from for some C)`21Sl1C(l into the l'(.'2U' wheel of the w21_;`on, br".-alcing the unrler part, alln\ving' the 'nor<(: to run zuvay with the :slia{'ts nnd front wheels intact, foriningz 21 m ace to other traflic. 'l`h(- l1or.~`v in lhis excitetl state ;2;allope as far `Wellington, and true to instinct, stopped and turn:-l east on his Vl`C_`. ,'lll`dl` route to -the l`St house sewerl, vvher<.- he stopped, then moved on to the next, 321.2 so on, allowing: the driver, who haul been The wheel marks on the :;'ra\'el slmwetl the speoxl of the Ford car, which the dirver cliz1i.m.= w-4.5 forced into the wagon by a truck go-ing north swerving` toward the centre of the road, but evidently the truth was too much speed with both car and truck. SMI'[H---At his late residence, Con. 6, lnnisl. on Wm1nes(l`ay, Oct. 3, 1928, John J. Smith, agul 82 years. Funeral on Szlturday, Oct. 6111, at 8 ~a.m., to St. Mary s Church and Cemetery, Barrie. SHOULDICE In Baxrie, on Friday, Sept. 28, 1-928, E4hwa1` Shouldice. Func.-rul on Monday, Oct. 1, to St. C0'I"I`EI .-In Barrie, on Wednes-N day, Oct. 3, J. L. R. Cotter, in his 93rd year. Funeml on Fri- Ihay, Oct. 5th, at 2 pm. Inter- ment in Barrie Um".o~.n Cemetery. ` ;\1a.ry :-1 Church and Cemetery. I I The Northern Advance DEATHS FURS The Danger Zone will be Camp "Borden area lyng between the fol- lowing bounda.ries-ROAD, North of Mad River; NORTH AND SOUTH LINE--One mile East of Lisle Line; Due South of Brentwood Line--- Fmm 1`io;ra to Baxter. By Order of the vMinister of National Defence. IUZB. ` H.Q. 808-149 Vol. 2. E .lMIDwA1KN TRIES [1 T0 ABDUCT GIRL | ' .I.V.l..I..IJ VV '1 ( Con Throug who had wood elvi science, ing her where s] the 131101 be home tween '0 T11u`1's(la up to 1 and the lmd not wood :11 to com; the vet After ering` o to get haul om of Frid ciently mee-ting introdu opem.-t( who-re tied o .u,._4. 1., ' (Continued from page one) Tlxrough the aftern-oon the man driven the car to CoI11ng~ evidently had a prick of con- 1'.~. A. Ll... vu-n4-nnnn AF +n1(- wooa .. ..v.. for on the pretence of tak- for a walk, he took her she could call her people on the phone and tell them she would home as soon as she could. Be -eleven and twelve o c1o(-Jh '1`hu`1's(la_v night a Barrie taxi drovr the gate at the Amos farm girrl was let out. M1`. Arn`1o.~ not yet returned "from 'Col1ing`- wood and many friends were trying -to comfort his _wife, who verge of a collapse. (3Vl(leXlL1_V uuu a bun, \V2LS 011 L A `L-...I Lin. vuxbx. .. .. . , A After her .return in a state bord- on liysteria, it was imipossible :1 clear statenmeunt of wlmt occurred, but by the afternoon Friday she hail recovered suffi- ciently to inform her parents of meetinig the other girl and being introcluzce-(1 to the man, who was an operator in one of the concessions the throwing" of balls was car- ried on, blankets being the prize, gtha-t he had offered her a job at $15 per week and her expenses, which Lziie declined. It was then aboui 4VU o'clock and another man was introduced to her as Mr. Aconley, cluiining to be a first cousin to the iAconle_\"s of Shanty Bay, and say- ` .. . 1 , l-`-`H-.nv I. (run xun" i She nle.'~:c1`ib0d their `L-`oin-g` to onc` hotel and nding it full, 3.-'oin:_>' to anothm`; the cloings of ']`hLn-.s the c0n.~'cience-st.1'ickon Acon- iloy, who gave her money to te1e Ephone home, and later hove her jintu Barrio, then payin5.v' another `taxi company to drive her to her` home. in the meantime `ah? main con-I ;~`pi1'ato1' had (led, and \\`on'i<- to! death as he was, the father was in- formed by the police that nothing further could be done. The fact that she had been returned to her home, and that the man had not een found with her, would make it (lif`C`111`t to convict. In Collingwootl she had been told that they would buy her the best dress and the finest fur coat and her mother would be sent the most beautiful (l1'e;~1% she ha(_l ever worn. if she would accerpst'bhe eiigagfement and go with the company. Miss Amos, who is sixteen years past and 21 very n(: looking: girl for lier age, bears a most excellent reputa- tion znround her home, m.:m_\' of the n.eig'hibor.'~`.' her modest char- acter very hig.-:hl_v. I SEPTEMBER EXAMINATION I AT S.S. NO. 6, VESPRAI Sr. IV.--F`lo1'cnc0 R.u.~'.s(-ll Bert Smith (SE). Mavis Grcenlzuv Alex. FinLz1_v 65, Ma.1'_v Dw_\'m' Marion C1'ai_,~' (50, Wm. MscGinnis I Gene 'I`unvn-y, 11e;,v_vwe;g},t 1mx_i ing chvampion of the world, was mar; 1'!(:d in Rome on Wednesday to .-1&2 '1 Chicago heirem. J1`. IV.--Hm'0M Wallwin 73, Ch-arlos: (SS, Do)'oth_\~' Poole 67, Vera Poole, 49, Mabel GM] 48. tvv I f\Yl"l,\!ll.. QI III, v\.Lu L\I\lA\, ..., .v.....n.. Sr. III.--[.L-on-.1 O I{0ill_;-'m- ru- Carolinr: Smith 77, Ethel (`,1-z1.i_-.1` :4, Anita Groenlztw 73, CLha.1'l(-.< Gx'<`0n- law 67, Oliver Carson 66, Archie McGin n'i~s 5 9. tr! n ,A` ,_ nz ,,, nn I f\I\ Au.t,'.I||||ua um Jr. Il`I.-~Dorotl1_v Pic.-rco 8:2. Leo O Reill_v 72, Evelyn Finlay 67, Clar- ence Gill 52, Oliver O Reill_v 50, Helen Finlay 48, Kathleen Smith 47, Alfred Wallwin 40, A1*tlru,r Coo.l<* * denotes absence four exams. L. M. Mistele, T(!LC`l10l .` The following` recently accepted office positions, Kathleen Sloan, Edna MwKee, Hulda McKee, with Toronto rms; Sandy Coutbs, Mal- comson s Insurance Olrco; Leonzml Hand, Bank of Toronto, Allisboln; Albert Leonard, 0n~ta.2'io Machinery Co.. Alliston. Estella IvIcBmide and Emily Gwollop. who 11-ave grnod postions in Toronto, recently paid our oice a pleasant visit. More than fty pupils enrol! `courses tihis teum. \r- 1. A-u.,I -n,r.,,u, 1 Lu .:\.n mug vumu -Night School, 1\.I.o.n4dsa.y and` Thur. day, 7.30110 9.30. BUSINESS COLLEGE NEWS OCTORS MEET IN CONVENTION FIRST .'r1ME oufsxma TORONTO The med-i-cal fravtel-nit$' of Dias- trict No. 5, which includes the Cuunes of Peeh Onmao, York and Simcoc, met in Bwrrie on Wednes- day afternoon. and evening H] the O(1`(l"fe110\VS Hall, Collier St. D. McLean, of W4oo(1b1'i scor, prcshled, an(l about 75 doc- tors were in zLttt'mlancc. I):-. J. K. M~cGre;:;0r of Hamilton` zunl Dr. G. S. Young` of Torono ;_v'-ave vm-_v illwminutinp; Zl(llll'(.*S.~3('S on suhxms of gnwu inuuwst to thy pr0wsknL E - In v|rl...... ..A. 4L.. .... minu- Dr. G. ; Coun- . Welsh Imperial Singers lo n ;::tth :1 very uc~tiviLi(- .s u ppl y .. I ..,\ nut (36 J I for `L110 uucuulllxptuxxmu. I Election of Vicc-C0uns<.-llor fm-' the next _\'L-.zu' 1'(.'suIte(1 in the selcc-`. `Lion of Dr. Orton of Ncwma1~ket,} and Dr. W. A. Lewis, who was Vice--`I Cou_n; this year, was unani-| mously recommemle as Coun. for 192?). . .. 1\.. I7` I . A` ,_,__:___>_ l(l U "011 We(lne; nijrht, Sept. 26, while D. Jones of Lefr0_\' hzul hi.~ [1 car parked near _ the c0rnGr of . l'1lizz\l>e1`li St. and .VlzLple Aw-., the H `0ceL1punt.~' felt a .~'e\'ern- jolt, and V reali'/.e their car haul been struck by ano eher car, a Che\'r0l *t coach. 5 -owned by William D. Sproulc-. of Park Ave. On Tll1lL).`S(l':l_\" morning, mi;<.=in_2` i his car, which hatl been impoumlx-rl the nigrht before after it. l1`;1(l crash- erl into Jones ear, Sproule phonetli Chef Stewart, following: his 1n=ssa_:e ] by a visit to the Chief's oice. after . which he was Cl1'd.1`g'0Ll in police` court wit.h' caused an acci- , dent and failing to return and _<:ive his name and address. Several per-" sons who were in Jones car gave evidence 1-eg'ar(li11g the crash and of`- `the (l1'lVJ.` eoolly getting out, -and} without hurrying`, 5:0 to the side-. walk and mingle with the crowd, being: lost Si4`Z.ll1t of. Neither coul-l give a very clear description of him.` But all the witnesses with one accord declinexl to identify Sproule as the man who walked away. .... . 1| 1 . :__.,,\1 LI. 1`,... 101' 1:14;). ,_ At. the evening; session Dr. F. 1] P. Patch of Nlontreral _L=ave 21 VC)`_\` y intc1'0stin`_Q` arldross i]1u. hym sli(lc:<.. Dr. E. A. LVICC'L1`:l.if;` of 'I`1'<.-n-I ton, Pl'C1Si(1CI1t of the Mctlical .-\.~:-" sociution, and Dr. T. C. Itoutlc-_\' of T '1`o1'onto, Sr2c1'eba.1'y of thr: As. tion, briey zulml1'es.sL~ the con\'(.-11-. ( tion. `t 1 CARS IN CRASH AND `i 1 DRIVER .wA1.1` AWAY Jll'd.ll WILU Wu.u\t:u u.vva_. The (lc-fend-ant entered the box and _2`a\-'0 evi.(1on:co as to his move-' lments on the night in question, al-I `.hou_<:h there xvas no neco.<:.sit_v for him to :10 so, as ho had not been conn('c.tml in any way or itlentiml as the man who 1--ft left the car 21f-. tvr t.h(- collision. i ... .. __A, __H` I COMMITTEES APPOINTED FOR THE GLADIOLUS SHOWI 1 At a. n1cetin:.r of the Executive of, the Bu.r1`ic Horticultural Society and 0the1*.< intcrostetl in flowers on Momlzly ni:_"l1t, 2). stzxrt was made out the a1'1*an.p;ements for the big: -G.la1l- ious Show to be held in Bz11'1'ie in Se', 1929, under the aus-i pices of the Canadian Gladiolus So- ciety. poin-ted general ohainman 1 C C ] l l Mr. _George Vickors was ap- 1 of the` local committee, Mr. C. R. l\'en secretlamy, and Mr. W. H. G. Mar- wood, treasi.1re1'. l n-u,. 1_..:1,1:..... .........:H.-m L~ hmnlml TUESDAY, QCTOBER 16 WOOH, L1`(-."`d:su1u1. The building committee is headed by C. R. Kendall as chai1'm-an, andi P. Love, E. J. Dibbon, E., Geo. Brown, I. F. W-elsm-an, W. 11.` W1`ig'ht, H. Hoqk. mu. - ....I.......:.y.H`n.-. nnnmn1H*.H`n will W1._;','nt, 11. nugn. The su.bscri:ption con1zn1ityt.t`e will` have Major Knowles as chairman_ and H. A. Simus, H. Hook, Dr. A. T. Little, Dr. Spencely, W. H. G. Mar-N. wood, H. M. Lay, Mrs. Newton, Miss` Csutngxbell, Miss Rai-kes, Miss Lyz1l1..l Miss Czaldwell. -_........:u,.,. .111 n.-m:i.-f H1155 u&uuwr:n. The Show committee will con.=i. of H. Jones, Allston; Dr. Spencc-l_\',, Cookctmvn, and T. F. \Vc-L Bur-1 |'U""` -u u. ... .-..-_-...--. \ Ji.-i.Jn...Ln and H. Lay. l-ilk` LUIIJQAUII. The c-zx.~:(.- was xlismissed. ' cornpru|1:nsiv(- Ht-Vi('\V of the R. 'l`. Mom-(-, at the (:vcnin",'," li.x`cus.<(`l at COn."~'.i(l(j`.`11*b1`(3 the nztrcotic question, 5,-'iv`i 11;: 4.. uxnlllun H111` n;. The pu1\Iic?t_v -r..1 ..z- 1 A commi'.t<.`-,- is com_-,_, I. F. - ..- 1 Ill LIIU P , L Q. E 8 J Izxmilton 'l`o1'on/to L*SS('S g c I A reception was tendered `by the citizens o`f'.Tho1'nt-on and the com- mnin-ity. to Squadron Leader T. A. Lawrence, who for the past fourteen months .has been in clmrge of the Hudson Bay e::pe~dition, and who ` has just returned to `his home. Previous to the reception, Squadron ' Leader and Mrs. Lawrence were escorted to the Town Hall by Thorn~ Bland. As they entered the hall the 1'gvatherin_2' rose and sang` For He's in 3 Jolly Good Fellow. Seasted on 1111`. :1 platform with the guests of the ;: evening were Major Geo. Rlotlgers and .Lieut. W. H. S. Mu.cklin of g! Camp Bo1'_Llen, Mr. Harold Bell, 0 Deputy-Reeve of Essa '1`own.~:hip, g-Eaiul a representative from the H, Thornton War Veterans. ml On behalf of the citizens, Messrs. ,9 R. D. Henry and Frank Sinclair pre- t_.sente Squadron Leader Lzuvrence gfiwith :1 snnoke`r s set and a. gold- lyiheacletl cane, suitably inscribed, (3_iW|l`lil(.` Dr. B. B. Horton read the 1;; following a rnL.,\....+.... Q:n\+ 0'7 See us -about `our Easy Payment of our low prices. IWe can save you 'rHU_1_;_DAY, _ OCTOBER 4. 1928 your . map. I \ . 11. I As you pas:~:c(l through the t1'iul:~:, 3hzml.~:hip.s and (1a11g`c1's which, of necessity formed an intcg,-"ml part of the mission entru:utcd to you, your '_evcr_\' move, made known to us ,th1-ougrh the medium of p1'us.e and '1'zuli0, was I'o]10\\'e(1 by your f1'imuL+ with fear, hope and sinc01'0. \\'i.~'h-:3 for an early and successful outcome `of _v0~u1' hfLZ{1`1`(IOL1.< vcntu1'(:. `.\`Iu_\' it `be your lot to 011jO_\' a long" aml w:1l- Vca1'nr; r<:_=1)ite from all 21:'miL1ous duties. A v 1. 1 L A4- m..,...:. . As a sli_L`ht token of our 0.~'tvr,-n1, and our joy at once mo1'<:- ha\'in-4 you in our midst, we would ask you to accept this cane and t.his .~:n1oI set and trust you may long: be spared to enjoy them. A L..\1.nH' A4` vl-U. nnI\'\\\'\\1n_ _ . b(urI.n\;uuLuun. Squad.1'on Leader Lawrence tcnl~ 'ie1'e(l his thanks to his fellow citizens E l y l and speeches were made by Major 'VRodge1-s, Lieut. Maoklin, Mar. H. _Bell and the Reverencls E. S. Clif- ton, F. -VI Abbott. S. G. `.\IcCo1'mzu:k, ER B. Beynon and T. J. Dew. i During the evening` the g'atl1e1'img was (l91i._L`hte(l with several selections by Mr. W. J. Lennox, an oltl-tinpe ddler; a vocal duet by Miss Regina Mulligan and M1`. Neville G.. Jamie- son; a vocal solo by Miss Nessie Speers; a piano solo by Mr. Mei-v_vn Corbett. M1`. J. A. Corbett uctml as chairman. A nu A I ._ ,._ ,,.., ...... . .. J .:..L.. ayuxuu Lu \u.,u`. . . . \ . . .. Sigmwl on behalf of xhc commun- it_\' by the committee J. D. Stc\V- art, Franklin Sinclair. `.\I. C. \Vig~lo, J. A. Corbett, B. B. Horton. 112 71,11 (` -....~r\..|-.1 RI...` ll: g ; Miss Bell Stewart ])1'cs(*nt<.-(1 Mrs. Lawrence with a bouquet, of (:h1'y- sa n't.h em Luns. 0- I `r I_,, T -,,,______,_ 1.,_`_,| vux uuuu, u. Ll. .;u.uu--. .....u...(.... | After the p1`og_'1'a.n1n1e a dainty lunch \\'as served by the lad-ies, \\'hic`\h.b1'0u::hst the leligxhtful (.-\'onin, to a close. HIPS. IJUIHI L\Cuu_yo Mis McK`ew of Toronto spent 1 Sumlay -Iwith her sister, Mms. Vin- . `cent Kenny. ,iNl;rvs. 1P. Kenny and Miss Mary Kezmny are visiting Mrs. Way in 'F2l.TlWV01't|h. ` I ` ht`-1'. 'i Messrs. Francis and Russel Stone I have returned to univer.~:ity in To- ronto. v av V8.15 p.m. 'J_`i(:k(:ts on sale at A. A. l\I.V.Ll(-mnson's '.lT`i<-k(*1' ()i<.-.0, Car0_V- Hur1b1n'1` S1100 Sim-(-, pr any n1oml.wI' ul Cullu-1' St`. (`hnilz ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacRac of Stayncr visited Mr. E. Shzmahzm on Sunday. 1: A x P` ,, 1\.,.._._u._ _._... I.....,..\ 1 . C ' ` . ' --REA-D` THE ~ADVER'I.'ISE1MEN'DS. k)uII\|Ll.V o 1 M1`. Acheson Dbnnelly VVLLS home `for the week end. .. as I nu nr_, 4u1 unx; \v\.\_u gnu. Misses: Nlae and Rita McC` of 'loronfo were home for the \\'ecuk ` oml. ICong'1'z1tuLati~ons to Mr. and M-us. Don -illd Whitrton (in the arrival of a ba`b_v (lra_u.wg'11te1- last week. -u.. r<,_....1,1 QL..m.L..n mmlp 2| ucuJ_\' l|'uu.buv\.1 A14-vv n\,..... i M1`. Gcr::1(l Shunahan business trip to Toronto this wek. ' In A `D1115 W`UUl\. : Mr. George Robertson of Evans- ton, Illinois, is visiting the vicinity. xn -3...) ;... 1.,.n.. Hun NT.-u L011, llUll`UI`.\, In vnanuwg, mu, vu,u..w_,. We azr 4:.=;La(l to hear that Mrs. Jos. Loftus is on the road to re- covery. __ -- . .-A. . , _ _ _ i Mr. Hugh "Sexton and son of De- troit, __Mch., are visitin.g' Mr. and ` Mrs. Joh"_n` Kenny. Inn 1|r,1r.\,,- .. fl1....;...&A nrvunr\+ J.ZLlllVYUl.'u.lh ` P. Donavan and family 1mve`re- turned to Humber Bay for the win- SIGN OF THE BEAR