T}I'L"1`.f.-.D.\Y, 37, 117-3- Upon receipt Canada, the 0 _ They came from Vancouver with a number oi i the hats at the Bani!` Highland Gathering. They nl dunno too--to the tune of the pipn. 1. CUMULATIVE 12% REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK The Preferred Shares are a rs: Lien on all the Assets of the C-mspany with a xed (livid-end of 12% per annum payable 1% monthly on the x-st of each month to sha.rehol uf record on the 25th (lay of the previous month, and late 1*cLlecm'a;b~lc- at $1.10 a share. 6. qIA\1\nnu n unu An am.o~un.t equal to at least `/52 of 1% each month on the outsta.n(lin=g' Preferred .Stcx:k of the Company must be set -aside out. of the Income of the Company and deposited with The Imperial Trusts Com- pany of Canada, `as Tnustee, for the Re- dempticm -of the P1'efe1"1'c(l, Shares on the 1st April, 1943, at $1.10 per share. :ULl, W111 uc 1u1vvuu1uuu. V1. -...1...-.,_, When purchasing units please make cheques. draft: The Imperial Trust: Company of Canada, a.n wt of umlus the Share Certiczxtes will be issued by The Ofciai 'I`ransfer Agent for Stand~a.rI(l Royalties, Limited, mail to the .purchaser. Months Operating March . . . . . . . . . . .222,650 April . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258,420 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314,25O June . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413,674 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468,265 AUGUST . . ... 532,502 .r-__ d-Continent Bond Corporation 331 Bay Street TORONTO -- CANADA 1.-..-. . A.-I..|.;.I. 9177-8-9-0 CAMP .BORDEN PIGSKIN CHASERS TRIM U. OF T. 12/0 With Safety SINKING FUND F iv_e Braw Highland Lassie: It in the first qaurter counted 5 points.-i ' In the second quarter the Airmc-ns: found their bea.rin-p;s and though; they did not succeed in scorin:g,; they woxe the Varsity men down. : The thinl quztrter rt-.~:ulte(1 in one! more count for U. of T., but thn f1:,I;~.g .a'quad were not yet (lone. In: the last quarter Camp Borden: 1 fought hard to save being; complete- ly sw-am.ped. Va1's'Lt_v was kept in I its ovum te and then Spencer. Phones: Adelaide 9177-8-9-0 the shares of- Preferred Shares Issued - `umber there, all _pu ils of Miss J eun C:-zuld (contra), to enm- had their in: and their scann triubhas and sword Be Done Camp Borden ootball team met the L'nivevsi.t.y of Toronto st'a1\\"u`t's in an exhibition game at Varsirty Stadium on Saxurday `a.fte1'noon It was perfect football xvuather and attractt,-rl a crowd of 3,000 specta- tors. The nal score was '7 to 6 in favor of the Camp. -v -; zwu- ....+:.... .-..n.lu -nu} MUIJUI heques, or money orders payable to and forward same to : % per monih on the mrstanding Pre- 3. SURPLUS FOR REINVESTMENT - Two-thi1'd-:3 of the Surplrus Inco-ma must be invested in Prodiucing Royait-ics to in- crease the A$ets and Earning Power 0.! the Qompany and the r0muinin_-.r_ `C-'ne-tilild is avililable for Common Stock Dividends. 4. COMMON STOCK DIVIDENDS n `I. \a\I[lAAIA\InI .,-..v._ __ One-third of the C0mp':m_\"s Sunrlus Income is set aside for 'rn Oom- mon Stock -and in View of the Large In- come dividends are `assured, and the Co~m~ pany will commence paying` 2'ug`ular livi- (lends on April 1, 1929, as Uri.-.-;im1ll_V pro- uirlntl vided. KGS, etc.., the Chzu'ter provides as follows : by Impe-rial Tnusts Company of and forwarded by registered .Lv,vv-an-4.- Actual Monthly Income Received STANDARD ROYALTIES Limited $11,661.31 13,099.98 14,069.25 16,712.57 18,002.51 |t\Af\t\l\ .iToronto s strong man, was injured,` gand the Camp tied the score. The ;Airmen made more gains and ;Hauling ended the scoring with a `;1'o1:;-,' kick. which gave the Ainmzen l lhn rlesci-.=ion by 7 po`.n.tos to 6. A juclvre has found that pedes- trians have ztpvpa`:en1;1y no rigshixs on the hig-.hwa.ys. A g'cod many pedes- trians found that out long ago. The Northern Advance `The Church To-day and Possibility of a Bevival Revival: fare not Peculiar to Christianity. On Smlsay evening a great sermon was preached in Collier St. United` Church by the Rev. J. Johnstonel Black, B._A., B.D., -and such an im- pression did it leave on tzne minds 01 those who heard it that it was a common topic of conversation in business places on Monday. 1' ..!-..2..l .... J .~1...........4 I._..._......... In vivid and eloquent laiiguage Mr. Black traced the _x;'vea`4 desire of the Whole church for a country- `] wide revival, the need of_ a revvival l and the good to the home and state 7 of a. whole-usoule- desire to get ' tight with God. The mind of th= United: Chsunch expressed t;hrou~g`.l' ` the Gencmal Council and the Con` ` ferences is that the world needs 2 ` ;'i*erat 1'e ViVf_3.l of religion. In the history of tihe church there has been ` periods of great spiritual quicken- `ing, and during the next. six week: he propose-Ll to discuss six grecat re- vivals at dieren-t periods of the world's history, inol'ud~in.g the Floren- tine reviviazl, the German revival, thel Swzisx ,1-evival, hhe Scottish revival `and the English revival. " 1.. .,_..L 11.. `n1._,.I_ _..:,l LL..J. _. no-uu unnx. ;un,u..a-n l`.-.vuu In part, Mr. Blank uaixl that re- Vi'VRl'.`3 are not peculiar to Cl11~istian- 1` ity. J -udaimn had revivals, and we find the same thing true of the r.re- > ligions of India and China, and `while revivals are not limited to any` form, no survival of the church could be complete if we ignored the nxuonce of these times of revival. I 1.: n n vs mu, nu--.-u. It is izhe same t.h-ought. At one time we have a revival in science, poetry, art or ` .r.ccrn.e other realm, but each out- `rursat is in the nature olf a revival- ' the world is never left without a ` revival. If in one part of human t1.cut:ivit_v the wave recedes, in an-I odaher it is at the ood, and when` we see that revivals are the metfhod` .wi;*.;h which progress is made in alli o*t,h~er realms, does it not free as: frocm the bi'2_s, and suspicion and! oven morn some people have when _\*ou -talk cf rovlvuls in religxion. .. A . ,,,__._--1 _.. in the {balm of ` ..u\,.-vs. vu. Illnwuv u..u..\... u... ...-.. I If we .-.tudy the matter carefully We will surely be convinced that re- vivals are part of God s method ofi I | 2 `svpe1'a.tion in hunnan history, evezrl` :1 E 1 ou:`m*i-(Le the church. 'Bherre is an cbrb and ow in the law of progress but i.t is the ebb and flow of an ever-mlvancin-g hide, and this is seem in the history of the great nations cf the eamth. offer one of the safest and Inost protable investnlcnts on the Can- admn mu1'ket. Summary of the Company s Progress and Monthly Income The Company is i11(+01'p01'-utcd under the laws of the Province of On- tario. The D11-actors were cloc-ted and the Cmnpany conlmcnced Qperatlons on March 7th, `I928. which "` ' ' A..s....l Monthly I_\uu 'Ld.ll\ L; L1'vAvuxn .u ;x,..__,.v... _ I Preceding; every great revival inievel the the history of the church. theme wam`.aW'ak'e` t ,3 time of spix'i tu\al :`1ea.1-mh. No grea1i"-395 and hope cheered men's he~arts--a break- :m933ag'C` gimg away f|l`01 l1 the church of the back to 'masses, and while the outward :Ch`m``h- duties of r4:1i=g'ion may condainudwiu h? with the old regvu1ar1y, the spirit :the vital {and life are gone, and the p1'aise.=!1ife- E` `are but lip praises. `It leads | Dawn "comes with a prophet. `and Cart '1 we nd to be commom with L350 31 all of the great revivals of the Ch1`i5tx t church, that there appears a man'=t '1`"55 Eldostined to be the leader, who su-ms`. The d [up in himself the longimgs and as- He may `piratinons of the times and `lmtevprerbs 891'- h Luz: uvuunuu u-uu uu mu. ........ -._..., as per a.d=journmen1:, with all mem- bems present except Counci-llorm Dow-ney and McLean. n_.__.........-...L.:....... ...n\.n I-nut` fnnm` uuw-ucy auu mcucuu. Czommunicazbioms were read fnom Dept. of Lands and Forests, enclos- ing ch-equess for $350 in lieu oil`) sclhol taxes on Pvovlncial Forestry, 3 and $30 for pine timber; Dept. of Colonlizatioon Road-s, en-clrosinlg ehequel` for $3,998.49 re by-l-aw; Chas. E. \Vt1'igh=t., M.L.A., re bfid-gt: at MLi humt; A. A. Smistlh, manager of ` Tlownxshirp Hall, made his qa.rte1'ly` reiurn; Hydro Electric Power Goun- mis-sion, return-ing one copy of agtremnent with the township, ex< cuted by bhe Commission`, Wm. E. Btvown applied for the position of Collector of Rates. F v ,_,,L, cu T7103. Pattentlen, work at Minea ;:in.g gwavel pit, $6.00; Dr. V. A. Hart, (lisin-fcctanbs, $71.50; Wm. H. Mason, Jr., work on C0]. Road No. 11, $50.00; Jxas. H1o5_~L1n, g;mveJ, $14.85; R. M. Bell, g11ave'l, $23.40; D. Fe1~:.v:uson, repaiwrinig 10th Con. line 0p,po..~:tB lots 21-22, $6.50; M. \Vc-bb, putting bridge over 14.th line award nh'ai.n, $15.25; -Geo. Irwin, trip to Am'ora with measles pat- ienatv, $10.50; W . W. Scott, opr:rat- inf: _t:.1\dC11`, $6.60; North A-.merican Life Assurance Co., prc.-.1nium re W'ehb, $133.65; Robinson's Hm`d~ x.,,___.. 2-.. 1-..n on art. V T The Council met on the 17th indz, _._:A.L ._ ll .-... r.-as vv cuu, upxu-uu, |vvu1u.vv.n u ........ ware. by-or..rm for hall, $2.75; W. J. Biw.; gnvavc-1, $6.90; M. Seadon,. l;rr:\\~<-1. S'~.4.5: Robt. Light oo'c.. . `::\1 _-`-`J'`"'. T`` .`(. ..`'`.`':IVl`." .. .-... m. \ .~ , , ,._.1 our v.. . ~r;nsn Hzedm-1'1. szwzwc]. 311. Brown, grruwi, $17.60; A. J uu\_.\..u. \IJ .-...\..~. The followig accounts were pass- VESPRA COUNCIL free ~asipI"d_\b Lll"dJl4 ll: Ina; vs; cv. ` don and`! No revival of religion. will be V-C Whenlwonth the -name that leaves the: g,0n_ Emasses owtside the church, and what-` WW3] iniever message is to be that will have the church to fresh loyal-xv fresh life, it must be a ,3, that will bring the masstx:-" h their heritage within the gchrunch. Whatever form it takes it conrhinuglwill bring us back to essentials, to -_.},e tlhinlgs of the Christian pagsesllife. Every true revivtal does that men back to the simplicity p},,g_ cerbainrhi-es of the faith, and mm, wqthiabove all it will bring us back 13 e p S 256 the previous year. Prisoners seanstenced to penitenti- acry increased by 136, while the number t1iansfer1'ed to reformatories was 814 more than in 1926. Of those committed dm'ing the year 7,798 were msamwied and 12,730 single. The perc~emta-ge unable to read or write was 16.6. One in 20 was borrn in the United States. nEivg1hteen prisoners esoaaped during the year, of whom nine wesre re- captured. _ `To T.orom`.'o jail, 7,522 persons were committed, exipenditure for the year being $49,963. One prisoner 1-,he`,Chri5t, back to discipleship, anl ' cross bearing. -II-n _ 2--. _....-. `L... nu- rs man'it II`-nan r\ !\\U escaped and was reuoarpturred. Ono died. ';l.V01' ()1 Mn: \/anup. Varsity got. inrto action early and um"; ~m.;.f 1'3. Coutts, 7 to his day and g'enera:tion their own deepest needss. When we look at the leaders in the wvo.rld s regenera- ltive movemenrts, how differetnt they |.__._-.- o rn1_._-. _...._1.-..:_-.x ,1::r.....,...4 I uvu. uu.rv\,.u.vnn.u, Alvvv nun.-. ~ . u v u ; . \4v were ? They emphasized diffecrerd aspects of thegioepel message, but it was the aspect of the Evanigel : \ that answered the greartest needs of their respective ages. A deepened sense of sin. A greaxt outburst of joy. The new spiritual light that breaks unpon` men at such periods 1nla'l{(3\S sin stand out in awful black- ness 'Ilhis is true of individuals and of the church, and in those re- vivals came a great burst of joy. Nlo joy that the Sarth has to offer can compare with the joy that jol- lows the forgiveness of sins. Men have exhausted the lailxg-"gage trying to express it. The -mou4n~tui'ns and the hills break t`-'oi't.h into singing, and all the trees and the lelds clzrp their hands, This joy usually finds its outlet in song. What about the church to-day `? \ l iihistoric revivals, every one of them` followed a period of spiritual de- _ cay, surely tihe time for a big re- , [vival is not far distant. No one- preutends that it is well which the c.hu-r.n-h to-day. Many people imdi`-erren.t to her servtices. There 1'.- 3 d 3 h tune in hex pulqiits than ever, yet the message does not convince, moi tho word convert. the church by new stm1cha1' They e I Y If as we see in studying the gwbait -1 1 are` in higher average of axbilit'y.and cul 3 Men rre judging. see -a COTlK .1`a(l`iL`liIlG:l1 between Clntist :. 5. Ir etbitiude to the pom`, outcasts of so- ,. icierty, and that of the churclh. `I "l`I_,..-.. L ...L,...,; .... 4... .1-" n klvr, I i 1 |I,A<:=l._y, unu Dun-u V`; Lulu \.uw...... . 'I`hero h about us to-(lay a bur-`YT (lened sense of social injustice, and, the church has been silent. The` ,chu1=ch, too, has been passing ; C t-hnouugk a period of theological un-` rmt. What is before us? Is the day of the church over, as someil would have us believe `.7 No. The. church is on the eve of a p:1'eat_V` spiritual revival. Day always comesiv after night. It is not 21 question 01,3 i will the church he 1-e'ive(l, bulls ` w1hen- will it be ? Oh, Lord, how!'l , long ? Is God even now calling his"- ,iprophet? The si;-ms of the times i [ proclaim that a (lay of visitation isl lllnear, and every earnest Christiax"! Siprays that it may be so. .1 \r,. ..A..:....1 ..4- wnl:n-inn mm 11.1 1 1, to nearing. .. .. .... ....e. ,, -W 2' ~-. I day may be near, Even now died. 'He may be pre4pIarin.g His messen- -Suipeurinrtendent M*arg*aret M. Car- son, of the Industriial Farm for Wo- \_mern, Concord, points out that -the ltyrpe of industry should be suitable gravel 60; winked Dagger gmavel for those expected to do the work. $3.45; Mrs. W. J. I-Iiolmes, gtravel, $10.65; Bert Murphy, $12.45; A. B. Coowtts, drawin.g' deedl Downey to Township and reg'ister.in\g same, $6.10; Jas. `Doran, services as Reeve, $20.00; Albert Ford, ser- fl`N. Hidklrin-g`, services as Councillor $10.00; Walter Dzowrrey, services a: Councillor, $20.00; Dan-iel McLean. f - Conuhts, quarter salary as Clerk and , expenses re Col. Roads, $228.00; A. f A. Smith, earettaiker of hell, $5.00. y A bylaw was i-n.t.roduced appoint- 1. ing Wm. E. Brown Collector 01 if Rates for the year 1928 at a salary ;. of $190.00, given its three reading: 3, and passed. if Council adjourned Oct. 22nd, at 10 a.m. to meet or 5' A. B. Coutts, Clerk e<. '0. OPEN NOSTRILS! END :31. A COLD OR CATARRH vices as DepruIty-Ree've, $20.00; Roy We should develop the sheep in- gmvel dwstry, she writes, instead of hav- ing heavy grain crops, which women cannot could manage to look after a good- sized ock, under supervision of two farmer guards. imte the necessity of having` male prisoners working here, which can- . . not be avoided at present owimag to isemwes as Counmnon $2000; A" B' the heavy work. Without doubt the presence of male prisoners is ruin handle. I thinnk our giorls My idea is to elim- oue to the discipline of such an in- stitution as this. The habitual drurnkiard f-orms a large part of the `repeater class. Several of these women h-ave become so degvraded morally, mentally and physically as to be unable to earrx a livl-ih-ood. They are wit-h-0-ut friends, Lluwe become ostrange-(l from` relatives and nally die in some dive-no one knows how. It does not seem fair that human boin-gvs should be left to such a. fate, while they might be cared for in an in. stitiu.-tion (luring: their decliri nig Ve'a.rs. * o....,....:...+.....1nn+ Nl.nI'vi, of the nyuu um ..\..l......_, _,_, - "N. lCo-uhts, ~~--~----~ -- rm um-no @902 no: A... `L.0-unts, qruraru.-u; .smnu_y (1.: v...... ...... I ` 1928 n L- .__._,.L .... vvvvvvvvvvvvvv v v v v V V V . - V TV Count fty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos- trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snullling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or hendnclle; no struggling for brentx at night. Get. a. sm-nl-l bottle of Elv s Cream. SY.l'\lgg|1Ilg I0!` l)l'E`:IlI|ll (ll: lllgllli. Ely Cream Balm from your drnggist and apply 41 little of.this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It pi.-netrntes t.hrou,r:h -we-r_\' ah` pnysffge of the Iznurl. Hnnling . .-.l lmuling the sxxollvn or inthunc-d 1mI- ` \.:nhr:\n('. giving _vml insfrmt ru- Iief. lrlevd colds and rnhu-1') yiehl like axngh "-'-"'1 ~=tn_v _.~1t.u'u-3 up and !-ai9er- ` able. lklid is tare. D`H1`,|( "-`-" K. '=IYl_V `$11.14 Able. Bend 39 tare. The Company s Income is now 31;}-'70 mm` fem-ed shares. After the O.`\'1)(,`llSOS of i\[a.11u.g`o1ne11 r, Taxes, for the dist]-ib11m1 of the Iucmne tour \\~'a?_V'S, 1 0 reg'is t,err.in\g $20.00; Ray 1, ` iel 20.00; s cod appoit- ".n11zu\ nm nf 1 At the home of the bride s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J._D. Knapp, Cundles, on Sept. 18th, their eldest daughter, Vera Id-a Agnes, was united in marriage to Mr. George R. Snead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snead, Elizabeth St. Rev. E. J. Whan performed the ceremony. The bride was un-attended and was gowned in a peach bisque at crepe trimmed with French lace and bril- liants, with shoes and hose to match. She wore a tulle veil caught with onange blossoms and satin ribbons, and carried a shower bou- quet of Ophelia noses. Miss M~a.r~ garet Sinclair played durin-g` the ceremony and during the sig'm'nAg of the reg'ister Mrs. E. J. Wuhan sang All Mine Alone The gwroomis favors were, to the bride a :l1cque, , to the pianist a silver compact, and ` to -the soloist a pair of Dutch caand-le- . s ticl The bride received rnlany beautiful and useful gifts. Ater a buffet lune-heon the happy couple left for 'I`o1'-onto and points south. I\h-e bride travelled in a rose crelpe satin dress with old gold trimmings, blue chamnine coat, black velvet! hat with orie-ntoal trimming. Mr. and Mrs. Snead will reside in Too ronto. g"In Ont.a1'i:o last yew` 20,578 persons L.,we1`e sent to jail, of whom 6,342 tlwere convicsted twice or more. There {were 18 corm:mifm1`ents for murder, 1_an increase of two; 49 for m-anr 1lsmg'hten', an increase of 12, and N72~8 for crimes against the person. The total of insane committed to jail, 273, was a decrease of 25. [Si Total exepndi'tu1`.e for mainten- p'ance of Ontzu'.Lo s 4'7 jails in 1927 was $331,091, comrpzuwd with $306,- ,e 1\_.:.-._......- ,.,....+,..-.,.n.l +n nnni+nn.fL l The Wi`nnd Free Press esti- Emntes the wheat crap in the Prairie :Provinces this ym art 534,621,412 ,bushels from 23,098,505 acres. In iMsanitoba the average yield is plcaaced at 22 buahels per acre, and a `corbal crop of 57,:?:02,7w`50 bushels; the ave1~a.ge yield for Saskuatcllewum is placed at 2-1 bushels per acre, Ema a total top of 289,607,434 Ebushels, while in Alabenta the esti- ,`ma.te in 28 bushels per acre, with :1 |_t,otal yield of 187,810,728 bushels. I `GREAT WHEAT CR0? 1 I IN WESTERN CANADA 4 ONTARIO JAILS HAD LUU LIIC yxcuuun _\\-`OLA. " `acry -number `iwas no .1 , .. __._......:L4.,..! ,l.u.inn- flan UayvuLCu. T.oron t.'o perso`1-us `year J:-.I yea.rs.'= Supeurintemlent Morrison of the Jail Farm at Langxtta`, reports that! from the standpoint of heulh this was one of the most successful years in the l1istO1'_\' of the institu- tion. Tl1r;`:; was less alcehol`isn1 and (lruys; acldietilon, less ir.sanit_\' and epilepsy and less tube1'culo.<:`is among the p`.'isone.)'s. The zliscipline of the istituton WP." excellent. l v A , an/r-n1.-...._... A-n1'\n\'*c' +l1.nf ':"*.st1tumon W2!` U.\ClfllL`.ll'L. Inspector McPherson 1'0po:".t.s that during: the year the Snlv-a|ti~on Army were friutful iv .vr~:Lcon and `out of season in mEn*I."*.:f;::; the zspirimal needs of {Mn p1"`W`~~v'9 `and 9:`1e moral and n1.r~..~ ial 1-Lzedu 91 : their dcpenclcnt iamili-` ." . , .\1'nntl11_\V' ],)i\`id(-ml cllcqlles for the P1-0.1m'1'0(1 Stock at t'hr.- l'21'[(` of 1 pm" (`(`Il1`. :m- i.~'.\'11od by The In1pe'ria1 T1'11s r.s Colnpany of (famzld-.1, and Hxis (livi- dond has lwmu ]~,:1il P(s;:11l211'1y since April 1st, 1928. $I}8,()0(,).(){) lms uh'v:x(1_\' b<-on im'0st(>d out of H10 Sllljplus 1 m1's in New .1 mdn<-in_ Oil 'Rn_val1 iT(-.< For the Cmnpzmy. No otlu-1' ]{n_\'al1_\' Colnpzxny ml the Contixwlli l1a.s'.Inz1d(` _g'rv211`m- pr<)gross in S0 short 21 tinw as .\".l`.\;\ .IL\RlT) l{(`)`;'_~\1q'l`I]1`.S, L'l'.\T1 l7E]), all (luv To the C`o1np:111y's 1un lwi11_<.r '111\'0St(:d 0111) in ])i\'<-1-siml 1 ro(111(-i1\Tg; ()il Ru_Vz1l- ties in Fields of 1 m\'m1 Deep TJ011g'-]4i.f<* Sands \\'hi<-11 are 1wi.t1.;' 0pm`-.1t(:(l by the A-l';?1;j01' Oil (f`mnp;mios. ' . .1 -, ,,__:... ...:: 1m'\ 1`) 1un- 4-nnf 'Prm"m'I'(*(] s11-ares at $1 SNEAD--KNAPP r-3114-: llrlnl 20,578 LAST YEAR Page ' To-1 ll1Li 4V1(,l.J\JJ. \llL \,u...l,.....\.,. 'l`l1e s11:u'(*s are snld in units of 100-~12 pm` ])(`1' ShU`(` and 100 C011nmm slxures at `_ :>t- pm` 5 be s111)st`a11tiall_\' im-1'vus(`(1 in the 110111` flltln-0 (J Common Stock 1)1\'idcu(1 Fund, as 1)1'()\'l(1(`(1 for ` ' , ,, 1|__`I`I -:-v|f\'|n'|fV\f\4 the i\-111301` U11. \o'mnp:u11vs. <-(-nt. ] r<\fm'I-(-(1 slxares at $1 (7o11nmm :'><- S11dl'(`. l`l1eT1m'sv11t yiolcl will out of the .R:1]n' [nm'0:1sing for in the C112u".rm'. A Descriptive Circular giving full information on Standard Royalties, Limited, will be forwarded on request. -_ __.-I._ ..|.-.....-. draft: or money