Page Six a few This quarts. ' f4'1`2l})L juice, mint, `.5011 to So We a |\|| pa-r vvnl. of Lhv ;n:L.\'w-x|:_~`t-x'.s' uml p;iI |:e." Scrmnhled Eggs ' ` '|'lu- pzmwlmy of :1 |.'L)`j_`_'(' suzmwr rm--4.-:im'_' Hw AtI:uI!.iu wftc.-n [)()>'..~`('.<- .':v:( I:,()()() nlxi ('f|u~n.s anal 2i5,()00 <';::.-`.4 `l'm' l.h- In:-:I|;+ M" il,:< p:x.x`:-1I}4`t-)'.< Iur~ in;;' mun \'()_\'.'l_L',`l'. J.A.W.) thn-` ............ .. L0 lw llw (,-.:L;<-, for Lhv l'u:.n's of (`.lIHIHIl)(Hl :u'- Hm-I_v ('X.])l'('.\`Sl,'(| at UM time they :1.r<.- In-in}: 1-x.puriunc<,-I. A Im.In|l)(-2' Hf It.-`Lu-rs luuvu lwun rvm-ivml. sinus tho nrticlv vmhicl` nu-nlimn.;| tlw `pr:1_\':-r })(`}.','i!lllil1:}.' Nmv I lay nu- ulnwn" npprrzxrml, and .wI11- of the-m :m- nm.~`L i|lLmnina.tin;;`, '|`|w_v flnvtlwr shown how act- uni is l":L(-.t that many chil|1't`I: h.-l\'- lwvn tm'r0ri'/.<-(I hy the L-nrlinu of that ti:nu,--lwnorwl l)<,-(lti-mu prayer. If I slmunld nliu lmforu I wake. .-\ fzutlu.-r 01' five writes, I ITCZLH my -:1rl_v in1!])l'(?.\'.\`i()ll.\' of this pmym and recall how for weeks I could not go to slot.-1) until, after my pray- ... .._ . .. l...1l` nu lmvv UH` J IN 1|I\/V `_.., ..., IlI\:\.ll ........, .......... ...., V... er, I haul .~vpent possilvly hall.` ax`. s hour in Lhinl 01' \vha.t I should g be (l`0llli_L_" next (l2L_\'. My parents n were not taken into my confulence, C nor wl1e1'-e my brothm'.< nnrl Sl.'~'t1`l'.~`.`(1 and as time went on the .~:u.bject re-,1 my little _u`i1'l to kneel anal tohl her 1, I would teach her 21 litttle DI`:,L\'('!`. T I t:i.u:_;'l1.t her this one: \'o-w 1 l'z1_\' me down to sleep. I know that God His child lothl keep, l I trust Him for my daily foovl. l l My life, my hezilth, am! all my ` . good ; May I `,_`.'1`C'\\' st-i'on{:<:1' (l2l_\' h_\- 1 And learn to live the trut-.~`t \\'11._\'. All this l 1l.' hecziuse I know Thou art the love that wills it. so 1 I am sure if the Cllll(ll'( l1 were ta.L1(_~l1t this D1'11_\'O1' in: of the oh `one thou.<:uul.< of them wfulil ::1-mv `up in 3. much happiei` f1' of mini? L i-:__ . .,- 1 _. ( ,... .1. H...L ..A.. 80 Dunlop St. Phone 23 Inake this an nppual t`:n'0u_L'h pa.per. I 7111,}. ,1_,___,A 1...... L`.... r..._._. t ,,...,.... 'I`h'I.= . how far from trivial this 1'utl1(.>1' c0n.=i(l(.-1'5 the (-a'Tcc`.` of :1 ifr*a1'-s`u_2'2't=.<.tin5: 1n':1_\,'(,-1' ! l l A motht-:1` of twr; _:irl:~: .~`:u's: Ii \'(-ntu1`0 to f.'o1-warxl thv p1':1ym'.< l l'.z\\'(* ta::u`l1t. my two girls, zzml n`.:`-.1`.:' c-L'lw(:r cl1il'l1'v-1: m.-fmvr- my m11:'riu_::'r-. As you will ;-('0 for y0nr.`:~Il', lm \\'C1'(l. ~'. arc: lw-atatxful, simple :m'i' pr-accful, wl1ic.n. to my mind. is` what (.'\ (:1 _\' little (-hil ll-"(`(l.< at l)(`(l-| time : I H... . A.| llI mtlwr lwllnw l.|n:m I . . wnll uxunlly mvv u.: ;u t-:lU!u;'. Ill:-'l,U:|.t| "Y m-I 1,u.l,.m-.: in Llwir :+kim:, hnlv:-a~' with :1 hot kniI'-- ,ml`p with 1: hot. .-:|m the-m in :1 ho! rliwh in . . . Fut,h0r, we thank night, I `mum urf sweet potzut-om an ylranm-v-II `mm hext. pmmn m a. good a-ti \. )aR~.diY.-, anti `S will not Inko it M, M 3.3,, m,g,;,, .,,,,m.;.,,.,_ .nm_-pugs-` 'Imci`L `They on-Iaunmcmi o. Mbie. and 5..,,,.,.g ,,.-.,.: my` \1mlru~.H.-'1 mm! of I<"vr:. Anul for` II(-lp - ; ..... H, rm `II 1-:~p,':m| l-u fa-:1 /\||rl MIDLAND MAN DROWNED `.`, AFTER `ALL NIGHT PARTY [in ,1 um 1 al1;h:t .'mh r u]|. the ntil, half ...L.. ..... ......L`..l..._..,. L-;I:nInv.<.<, low- hlvs In-v: lilllw A. E. SMITH II };1':1yc-1'31 rirls, 1.11 l'{l(`l UH`- that you I Hp mil . I u|)llH~ for the -:||i'/.1-1 . . . . .., \.\`|Ii('ll um!` I On 'l`\' body of W. H. found in th< h: I I. with each chop or roast: mu-at and })m`ha.p.' some dish ;1'r:1\'_v comv m-av to ptgrfc-ction, so I will 0ncl`."sv my recipe. Mashed ;Sweet Potatoes ` Peel and slice the potatoes, put them to cook in only so much water lax is ll(!C`(IC'(i. to start the steam and prortoct them and` cook over :1 bit of ne only, and olicsely covered. The ri_L-`ht amount of water is not c.-no-u,:1~ to completely cover the ])0i.L't0(.~`. Wiwn tlmy are tc,-n add salt and n walnut . cf butter for ouci` potato u.<.c and ma. then add two or thrc-L tz1b1o.<.poon-ful.~: of hot cm-um for reach o1'i_L'im1l _L-"Cod .' ' potato use-I. '1 Stir urounrl and arouml with :1 ' m:L2<'i1(`Y' to 5.-'ivv thu wholn :1 ,4-'0o ,,... ...` whipping , u \'i`L',"`/)'0US om-. The Inzmht-ul pobz1tor~s can thvn bv Inadv into onu or more moun bru;~`hr.~rl ovvr with mcltctl butter zmvl grivc,-n a nice brrrwn umlm` the broilr.-`r or in u hoi oven wht-n it cannot be .,.. . ....... ........... ........,... ....-. ,. broilr.-` canno s(,-rw-(I the minute it is 1'real_\'. Frosted Sweet Potatoes These $4`V(.`Ct p0 Ca,t0(.-:~` are timr-ly l)(-cause sweeit potato i. '. f.`XCf.*ll(_'llI a cornlbination with fried chicken or is so ne with chicken ;rr:u:'_v. When lurgre nuinhers of people are to be servetl the frost:-I sweet pc- tzxto with chicken is a rli.<.h to u:~:r:, because alniost any such thimr in 2: hot dish will keep hot extra long. Use msashml sweet potatoes far the li.~:h, and for each four groml sized poitatoes u: allow two tru- sp-o'on.fuls of butter, or even :1 little, more, a tcrzxspoon of salt, a little hm cream, or even a little hot milk will Iclo, and whip thc-mixtuw: tlmi-ou;:In- ly. .uttm' a baking lish, put in til`. ' potato. c w'm' with :1 niixturv of mzn`.-=l`.mallow.< zmtl clmppml r'.xi.~ir.~ `put into a hot oven, zmrl `I\'E--I'll f`.` has puffed and l)I`O`.\'Tle -4l .~l]2'.:`. .lj.': 'i|t:1ke it up. i t I prefer white of C-92` whipp-wl .<.if sand .=weetem>(l zmrl 1`nlI\".~rl with "i2'zxisin.< for the t1`:-pints. and thi- !cn. l mix the l)(,-21Tf-H _\'0lk.< wit? " {U10 1h:21Sl1(:(i potato. so I-n1`ichin_2` 1" lish and mzxkinfr it . alzv-`-~' for half 21 meal or to comb: lirlit. meats. s Gczlf is :1 form of work n`.:1:`.`- xnonsive enou_2'h for a rich mat`. `r-njo) . It is ph_\'sic;1l :1n'I nu? `(V-:~:(-1'tion made ntt1':`.cti\'v by t`:::- I` Golf is 1 lin tho wm take it up :1l't.-1' you twol\'(- _\'(.-:1 only }::1n1n `... l(H.\ ('0\'('l' `him in :.lup~. wlnr II (|ll:n'l-M` nu-1' H111` -u.\.x... \ .. Vi*'rc-i1.,'.htc1' VVHAT IS GOLF? H11` Hu- ultimnt--1_\ \\'h:|l llml \\"itl1.litIIv Hllllw '|`h.-. |l;:|l 1:111` :|H_\ ;lecczx.=(~ 'll1:I Villld be 1 mph` uml nth l.. . .... Ujnl I'M`.- huh-. H I"! _\' with FLO-GLAZE PAINTS PROFESSION ALAC.4-X_R`.?)7 DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. RN-........ 'I"......_l_ D|J- T` :a_:.:_ RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Rat-ri Rnlinih-we no. non..- TEWART & STEWART, ristm's_ Snlir-ifm-c Nnfnv-39: GSTEN & ESTEN. BARRISTERS .'\`nH(-ifnra in `-Huh (`mu-+ A: 1... KLEXANDEB COWAN, SUCCES- nor to Lnnnnv (Tnmnn R. 12.-Am BOYS & BOYS. BARRISTERS. Solicitors, .\'oLar;7r::~: Public, Con- veyancers, etc. .\Irmr.-_v to loan at 1owr::~`t ra'/:~' of int`-rest. Ofcea 13 Owen Street. in the premise: form:-r!_\' occup:7r:d by the Bank of Tororvto. B*';:r;c?. Ofce, Elmx.-ale. Ontario. W. A. B0133. K.C. . }I.P., 1 D 12...; -.. ... ......u... an Bnrristor, Eh-. Money `,0 Loan at Lowest< of Interest. Solicitor, Notary, 1 I:Of5ce, Ron Block. (-(I Um 1`:v iL.(: `, Ym. v ._ v ,,` , in ,,`u 1 Hamlc_\', `vs -1" `~`v"t~= ii` '1m-`'..;" 1 Ln -A-m\'--x. (';. >'.:vu.:i.4; Mun!-_-y W11.-l boat, uder a.rrc.rt. 'l'.hr<-.2 yuumr wu Invxd $300 and 005141 (or braving man wen-. ski! Johtned In xritncsall elqun u an urunrrrw-r Plug-. .nun.nn qua L` 62 r1AMMUND. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oice, 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. 3nrrister. `J.1VV. 1I\]. oz a11gw.~u<`1', risters, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. Money ` in any sums at lowest 4 rates. Oice, 13 Owen Barrie. D. M. Stewart. Ofce and Re-3:7 A5 A 1.-.x ..~..~ . l0H:nce und Reside? (Fo`.'.':*.-:-:'?.`-` 3`: Phone .ce. 9 c I uns. u... \: n..`.._. _. ['z'.iver~`x'tY. 4 I 1 Graduate of 3-{cGE`;! ` Montresl. {DEN dfid R:`s"..-:r`.ce---L`o"!`.-`.' F,'c.'za.- ,` beth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. ! Phone 105. _-. -- 1\ ..\ . . A _, . .u 50` ;0f3ice Hour>\-9-10 ` '.'-Q n .o11:u.V oz n.c1niV. 5.-uut1b"1`1:.`k(-3 Solicitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Office, 1st oor Masonic 'Ilempie Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. --.-......;.4;y, Iu\.IJ.JL\J.LL\Jl\r, I141 Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie lTf\\TII`V '11{\ T A l\V ..,......,.... .....x............ nu... .a.u5.-.y.y nun.--21.1.--a-.a 60 EEIZABETH ST. PHONE 405; . WE ARE DOING A NEW TPYE OF DIAGNOSIS BY RADIO PROCESS-WONDERFUL IN _ITS RESULTS u.nA.~uVunn. UUVVAA`, b'UL1U11iD'- B0!` to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate pf will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancr, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hind: Black, No. 8 Dunlop street. - DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE | 1`1l\'S\L`1.~\X-S .~\X1` SL'1~`.G-.1-`.U.\'S Fhone 213 47 Maple Ave. Oxce Hours : 1 L3 p.m., `L9 p.m.. or by appointment a /5.. T. Little, M.D. %\'\ . C. Little-, M.R., Associate Coroner (`.\III\.\' nf Rivnnnp ; :4 DR. \'lt"l`0lI of '1`1`init_\' 1.:'nu11|.-nc u mnv Rum l\'()lH".l{'I` H. SMITH. Slum-i:x1`.-"I. :=1u'-m-.~'.~=n1' to 0. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street. Barrie. EH12, L6. Phone 80. ` \.-a:m'i:11v (`wrath-I ` Phone Cl. OHL \ nm.... `VlC1`OllAN Rn ... . I'l\.\(\l"l\l Successor to Creswicke & Bell F;2..rn_=tLr. Sc-Iicltnr. Etc `r AV ll 1: I... ..- 7R Wr\r:~:1<-y St. J. ANDREVV VVIGGINS nr-.v1:V::.1~`Eev'- Harrie Citizens und ` ~"r.,! (_____.. 'I`HURSDA_Y, JULY 19, 1928. Cut this advt. out and send it in, naming disease `you would like information on and same will be sent free. Opposite Post Office Ye Olde Firme Heintzman 69 Co. Pianos Orthophonic Victrola Vict cr Rcuztis Fada and Westinghouse Battery and Batteryless `D...-1-3.. _r_u\\ . og- Umct`. vu 919)` Sts. I I-\':.... nu. *`.l`|MUND HARDY. MUS. RAC., I.'l`.C.M. T:-:uc'n.ur of Piano. 01'- \ m~:u1 wvl `-fusical Theory. Ornrnnist and Choirmaster of St. Andrnw s Pres`h_\'terian Church. f`~-Id Mr-nlul-'=t 04' Toronto Consgb vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsiey sf:-opt. Phonv Nwf? ____._._.._,.___ om. Ra; ROI: Bic-:L-1, Barrie. 0:`. v..... .u.un..-Ac unu., DI VMONEY TO LO.-`LN l`1'xvun- ;-._...y.. .` V, instruments lfor uppointmenl. plumv 446 D. F .\1cCUAIG B.A DR. E. G. TUR.\'B`..'Ll Private t1:i*.Ao. . on n11 1-.-1--numnnfa GC`RDO.\ ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE AUTO TIRE AND TUBE REPAIR BUSINESS IN BARRIE AND STILL ON THE JOB ALI. WORK (}l.'A RA .."I`I-LEI) H. H. CRESWICKE OR`l/\N ORDER OF NURSES Barrio Branch NURSE M. I. THOMAS " ` "L Dknnn DR. C. A. AR.\'OTT `;`v'.cGi';`.,` >~v `~.\- .\'<\ av-v~.-vw DR. VV. A. LEWIS l*Ilt\' .-\f\'l ) Dlb`l'}.-\Sl')S OF \V0`.\H`3N ,,,, ._ ..r c:......-.- llllr, l\l.n., r\ss0cu\lo County of Simcoe. Money to Loan MUSIC LESSONS ..v-.n -l_.EGAL - VV \'.ur.n (`m-unvr, (7uunL_v of Simcoa I. ()l1'\<'<- ~58 Colfier St. Omen Hours: l`.3.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m 55 Eiizabt.-lh St. _I.1EDi(..-`-.1. nxluu-ux_~.n 1ll_\'. stonmcl l\`l' :\_\Ii1`1(i l-Intr:mcc off until 8 11.111. Bhxk Bcrne H:~\l\"1 urgxx unu onmch dis: +2 .I.x .....l nu-n (11>'L':xa'cu. M and Wor- \\./orsle) \JJlr\>J Phone 866. BAR- ; Fubhc. ` to loan current street. ----S('ZOTT S---- 1.-\ D L7.~\ l`E n Barrio. 97 Du111op `St. J. W. Scott AND VARNISI-IES MAKE THIS i):i`J`ii"1&'AiibWAR.E STORE PLUMBING~~TINSMITHING S[)l.:("A\lJ .\'l"l'J`I.\"l`H).\' 'l'() .J()|1lI_\'(} \\'()l.'l`( PHONE 180. Baby Carriages and Strollers FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE Regular $12.00 to $45.00 To be Cleared at $7.00 to $15.00 Jwbvvvv; J \AJJ.L\II. .....,...,.,..,.... Radlo Terms to slut p1n-(-11asc1- t"I7I\ViY1"1f|':1nlI| -`an 1\I|'u.-4-in 1"I-IONE 1040 FOR YOUR.HARDWA.RE` -unnn Cartage - Ice - Coal Wood ] I3(`).\H"i` SIC'R\'T(fT5j Hidden conditions undermining your health revealed We also have the best New Tires on the market C.. R, and E. A. BURNS Licensed Chiropractors and Drugless Therapists ct I7ADc'ru c-r rnlnvuw A Get my estimate before you have wurk (nun nunnuu HARRY BARRON (NO INCONVENIENCE TO PATIENT) VULCANIZING ..L 1\1 n:\LLu LJILI \rI.l(l1`\.I Everything in Music PO. Box 555 Phone 243 ACCESSblES--GAS AND ON. G. G. MOORE alive : lust Mlund, ` J. C. Scott BARRIE thtr ` E11.) nu. . .. .... 'l`h E-X-I-D-E Car Batteries From $9.95 up T. E. HARLEY WM. L. BRENNAN Phone 89, Barrie M. J. Brennan QL'-\L1'1`Y & SiJRJ\'.[(;L Our Motto Phones 50-51 Dunlop St. WHOLESALE and RETAIL BUTCHER 129 Dunlop St. dune and MULCASTER ST. C. R. Scott Phone 86. Safety First-Harley Next Phone 105w. ho 'jlU')' v-rdict r! in 2; ~`L.'Ltv n1.l_\ um! i G1':L1)<.` Apple Punch 1 One c`u.pful slljrzll`. two cupfuls iwutci`. two cuprfuls 1`C(l _;'1`:Lp(` juice, lone-half cupfu1`.< orangv juice. one lcupful 5:r:it((l pinezwplv. four sp1*i_g:~? mint and the juice of four lemons. :(`0ni.bino the sufrm.` anal water and lboil w minutes. eo"1, mix the ijuico. lem-tm juice, m`:m::c ; .-:i'atml pinnzLppIL- and the iwhich has been s1i::htl_\' b1 UiS0(l A ;-mit the flavor more o:`.. Serve `Cold, lflutc with a-ithor mineral or `icrx \\':xt01' an-I _::u'zii. with `x~.:z1ve_~' .- OC\i'_-ti white 2'1'2ip0;<. , . , HM` \\`:\h'l' VII H11` in`. hon`! u::v .`Il1`0l\Uli(` lI`iuk::, if you h.'l\ 1` thvm -h`lllk plvnly ul` \\':rl.<'I`. Dru`! cold pIuI1_x-.`v.~< if you hnvu :1 (`NM or s Fmm lu~:u1l truulvlu; h:\1lu- in lvpizl \\':Ll,<*l`. I`I1n|\ln_\'m's . shm`l(`n wm`k glmn1`.~' to six or .~'v\'vn luvurs in Um Fruit Ic-e Crc-aim One cupful . one tea.'poonfn'. _;'1'anulatel 1.-'e1at.ine, one-half cupfu] ;:rate canned pineapple, one-(1ua1'- iter cupful lemon juice, one-hall 5 cupful xvzitc-1`, one tal)lespo0nful ` Clll wat.ei', one-quarter cupfu`. orange juice anrl two cupfuls heavy `cream. Cook the su.;-at and watei `to 240 tlr:e'i`c-r_~.< F. (l)0lllI`lf. .' pfint is 212 (le_2'n.-es), zulxl the gelatine, which has been soaked ve mnute: in cold water. Remove from the re and add the oran2'(.- and Ir.-moi: juices and the pineapple. Chill in ice box and fold into this mixtui`; :the crown. which has been be:-.tcr until stifl , then pour into tra_v.<, put into the rc-fx'i}:e1`at.o1' and freeze i;~:ti1`rin.e' every tl1l}t_\' minutr-.'~' until the mixture will holal its .~t'nzL])e Serve in squarr.-s on fancy n`:i`e.s oi in ;~'.he:l) :.;la;<. with 21 che"r_v on L If ynu huvv m`(`:1-. 1:0 lrv.'1.t :1 ` p-`r.<: n . frnnl h(`:l.l 1n'(>.~:Lr:1- !1.inn. lil*.~`t l:1_\ tho p:|1.ivnl. on his. 'h:u'.k. Lhun :1.prpl_\' an icv p:1.ok to thv ,hv:M. Buw with an ice-cohl (`mn- Epnct, . with icv \v:Ltrr unmil ithu t.vn1\por:m111`o rvcv lcm-.p the ; pmimlt quiet. top. J .J G. Kegzan .. _.-m AI\4'4 , `Inc-w combination in salurls. `la particularly z1pp(,-ti /;im_" or One cup nr.-1_\' zlicwl 1 30m; cup cuc-'umbm', }cup f'mI:1_\' rlicv.-l cv-]w)'_\', mw `hlicc.-I upplr.-, om:-quu2'1<-r cu] .1... , ,. I .I.... ,,A,., 1c-cipe will muku l\..m'l |`nH- Alum! Hus Mosul; Uuu'I Lol I! Wm-ry Yam '\\I\\II\i.'~':in`l\'I` ll:u`1`i-4 lhu all `Mu-ir `hey my `.zuk'uy` ;sdv`n.zt,w:.- of opp-0r-\ tunrtbm when we um an-nd :u mpgu-N 5 1:, , A '11. ,,,,, u,,, _;_.I,A_. I zaker ;Delicious Cooling Drinks Vegetable and Fruit Salad Robinson s Hardware ml Hu-~u- inn 4-mum, `\H7I`I\Iz 1|`. "I" (`H-_\' Ml!` nlmui Llw luv!` Women s Section Sex lncrcnsinx; as cat with morn an uightyi been })inin;;' for 21! .--qua The Norlorn Advance lite about two m-i-4 ul`ll<`l' vnnmmmlmc-nl.'1 M.a,1'tin-S0n011r 100% Pllre '.l .-xints .-uni \'.-n`ni::lw:; McClary Electric and (`mil l\`:1n_y;os Jolms-Mam'i11e .-\s1wst'os lx`nut'1u;,~;.- E1cch*i(-,, Engine Drive or Tlnnd l`u\\`m` \\':x.ul1in;.~: Maohillos. Etv. `II A T713 I"I'IT1"I'l` "7'I'\T'I"I" `T1 A 131`??? A 111',` A'VI'I`l`\I\",1 lat.-])f)]v In uul ::l:II`\'u ~:1.llh.|`u| fnml. \\~m~k; kmnp \\':ul<*I'; (`hill "4: 1`:lI1f.`. C bruis: :1si]_\`. ..., I-.. ...\.. rm:--h21H' cu]: ' cup ch` pm-u" l:m::'l_\`.` |".uHl:-1| lry t`lul.hiII;.:`. I I , pim~:1.ppI(-, l , nnt~-h:1H' .. i The Paint that Endures