FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM-ER Nu. Free ! FUNERAL DIRECTORS SUMMER TIME-TAIBLE ms B:1rri- Sumluy. ... ` Open Day and Night Sumlay. HS, luu` Repairing \|\\ \\` Tho 2uZ\v_-rti.=L-Inelatz cf the '1`1'zuleE and Commerce Department. in t.hi;<` i.-. is intrndol to create an ex- pm-t trzule con. Can-adz1 s -_\itL-rmxl 1.1-:-ulo has g'r0wn as few - . . l:m-iv 11.30 p.m., daily. Mi1~1:unl-I m1r-imm 53, lvuves Afundalc 12.45 :n'ri\'m-.< Mitlkmd 2.10 p..m., .. An . Southbound n luuw-.< 'l`m'on"Lo 10.32 U:1l'1'iv 12.-I8 p.m., da.i~`.y ort hhot Phone 229. 'I`~|-(mto 12.30 p.m.. 2.-`>3 phn., Szuturday B:u'1'ic 4.40 .55 :1.m., '1`o1`onto .52 p.m., Toronto `. Iii" -u...-. I Canadians 1'c-alize, for the scal year nto, except :u'1`ivcs Bar- Phone 2 18 IL50 p.m., dally ex- 3 `3 ( l\ \I `b \\ N`\ K. E; I daily ..., dzfily ex- daily I) ll"!-1 OF EVERY BUSINESS DAY~-- SOMEONE IN CANADA BUYS ANEW GENERAL MOTORS CAR EVERY TWO WNUTES QINCF. the days of Confederation, `~ General Motors of Canada Limited has been supplying Canada with trans- Eortation. Each year as requirements sue multiplied. the scope of General Motors service has widened . . the qual- ity of General Motors cars has steadily inmroved. Each year more Canadians have looked to General Motors for better automobiles, until now, every two min- utes of every business day, someone in Canada buys a new General Motors car. These cars are bought by people you .llll.'.\c Lana uL\. Llvubnlu -1] ryvrnu Iv ----- --u 19;`, GEN ERAL MOTORS I-orAn nu-or-I: AND :AcTomEs-OsHAwA.< l'\ll \Jl'l'I\-E any rr\\.. I\.ar\u.u Va... .`...._.... .._ CHEVROLET - PONTIAC ' OLDSMOBILE `OAKLAND ' M`LAUGHLlN"BUlCK ' LASALLE ' CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK _. __ A .. pm. A -;u.Lu v .-.. .. _. I<`rer* instruction. l.llHlI:_', nun u . ._4._._. uld see the contests! 1): made 21 h-31i The rc~ason for the? gsr-mont. \v<- umlm-. some me1'c.h:mt.< thinki `t by kec-ping` open on : 19 .=w'1mmin_: meet. We`. if they will {rain much} 1 Eentlimg March 31st the total value oflgl our expcwts re11cl1in._2* a billion amllt la qua1't.e1'. This represents an (IX-`( port trzule of more .than $130.00 for "(-\'cr_\' man. wmmm and C1l`lll(l int ';C21na(l:1. Our export trmle is `pm--l "`l1z1p.'< CzmzL s f_','l`(:ill(.`Ht :L.~'.set. Our 2 l 4 4 nzx.tu1-al 1-os0urce.< zu'<~ sn vuriml and so rich tlmt it is`.: lo to con- `sumc thmn all at l1I1mc, uml our: I lfuture p1vo.<`.p<,-rit_v is bounrl up in i.~.:-rkin_L` ma1'k0t.< zxbrozul for .' - procluction. ` l ) l ` j, Meet your fa-i(-ml:< at t.hi- liiwzmis} Km`ni\'al on l\I0nxl21_\' Ifght. * , __.__ i France recently took $14,000,000" `iin 3:011] from the United States and 'stilI has S-13.000.000 ovf g`0M to` be "shipped. France took in all about` `$350.000.000 from the U.S. during.:* `woven: months to help stabilize the "!. old .fr:mc. Old Unc1e i - 3 .. "`,Sh_\']0ck Ices not seem to be such Eu very hard customex`. .1 I I In London. En_:., still by 21 good .- 1na1`_2'i11 the big'_:es.t city in the 1 3 world, thor-` were t.\ven.ty-so\'e11 mur 1 (101-.'< in 1927. }i]\'e1*_v lmmler n1ys~'. tory was solved and ten of the` I n11mlcro1's committed suicide after, `I-(u'rest. A p1-eminent. American '11)2xpc1- rmnarks: It is to {icommit murder in G11-at Britain; [th<:_v take it seriously. \': 1 'l`h<> Prince of \Va10s ct-Iobmtccl 0 {his thi1`t_\'-f0u1't.h birthday 1'(3cent1_\'. I: '|_H(- danced, played golf, 'd.'Il(i . he t. ilwas too old fcr :ift<. Engxluml wor-1;] `i1`ic;< b<.-c21L1. the Prince does not`; kin1a1'1'_\' and D!`0\'i(i(` future P1'iuc0s" niziml I\'in:_-`S. But the Prince ti()(`-S not 2 C `|.<<,-om to \\'n1'i'_V in th(.- luzist :1h.ut it. I] "EH9 thiiiks his b1'0thc1".< c11i1 `v\'ii1.( an `H10 i I.l .:Ull`ll<'lllt I._von:<, n:Lvi:;rz1t0r. and cultural wezilth of the Dominion was Jami-.= \\";u'nm', radio 0])(`i'2l t0l', of six liillion. .-iL'\'(`ll humlrctl millions of ltll S0utli(.-rn C'1'0. who lll,'\\' l'1_'0m while t.0~4lu_\' it has risen to the L'nite St.z1to.'< to Au. zu'el. billion. nine l1l1l1(ll'C(l and `1'(:po1't,ccl coming: back, l)l`l1lf_,lll;. two sixt.y-i.li1'ce million rlollars, an in- `HERE AND THERE well. W 1 KT j-- HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES-OSHAWA.CNTAR|O ___. ..........a... IAfAII` Every boy and _:irl in Barrie should learn t" ;~`.wim. There is no` 1 1-.w... .. :.. .c......+:nn know . . by people like yourself . . for the very reasons which would guide you in the choice of 21 car. The are bou ht because the are the Y 8 _ Y _ product of the most progressxve orgam- zation in the world's most progressive industr . . because the reflect the Y _ Y General Motors pohcy of constant ad- vancement . . because they are better They represent the latest dc- vclopmcnts of the world's leading automotive research I ?;kzmg`aroos. One will be p1'e.s011t0 ito P1-esitlent Coolixlrge as 21 mark of lc-stec-n1 from the Au`s`t`1'a1i.'u1 people 'I`he zwiat.o1`s 52:13 it is an :LpIpropriz1tx- lg`-`ift, because the k:1n5:ur<"0 also` ll0C.<.-not choose to run." It. l1up.s.\ People in Centml Europe are dy-` ing: by the dozens from the heat. ! . . 1 We compluln here If a warm clay!` 7., L..A. .l....41~.~ 4':-nn-I hnnf 5lV`('x I, G>11m':11 Nr)bil\', Io.~*t" in H {.-\1`c'tic 1`0::ions on an icv 11:0 whiw is slowly 1m:Iti1L5:, woruhl h{LV(` 1 ;. hilnsclf to death :1 fvw you 1Xj4`O, but now hv :.:'(`t.~` his .~'vcm1l i stulmont of .~:upp]ios t.1n-011:.-'h the :x and tho air mun whfv brin::s 1 Hood [lies low and -t:1kv.< nmvim: p `nu-vs of Nohilu and his crc-.\\', clutlinfr .\'0bilc .s smull :lo~_u', vu })1:1_\'ful, on the ice. 'l`hv m :L(-hiew--111eI1 c \VL1.S his . 1 n A - nu ,,, 1 i ,.-..-..V ,.-r. I Swo _\'ur, on the ice flon I.<:1.fet_v. tho`u3:h virtual impri. some time. rst 1)i1`t:11d:1}'. Hon. 1 . C. l.r:n-kin * ' Canatlian I-Ii_;'h Con1v1m'.::.~`iom-1' in I I`In_;'1zmd, made :1 stzltmnmrt t.h:Lt ' 1`Ca11mliuns were most pr<).wpm'- lous and 1i_4'htly taxed people in the \\'o1'M t-0-xl:1_\'. R(.'\'i(~\\'ir1_u` this 1 . 'l`Ju- Daily Skvtch of Lon- : don commr-meal: We have [won so 1lu'/.7.1c(l by reports of thv mvt-1111.11 "&\I1(l prt`spo1'it_\' of thv Unitvd S`mtv:= D that we mwnl to be forcibly ruminl- Led of the position :1chiu\'od by` . ` ._ n s 1.. N __., A ions and ll_L','ntl' L:1X(`u ])0oIp1(: H1 LIN.` Ida / of land l L`l!lll](l- .c Uncle Sam .~' llL`l_L"l1llOl`, C-anaila. Even here in Ontario we haw lwvn so accustomr- to talk and think if the 1)1'ospr-rity ac1'o.~`.< the lino that we shut our u,\`e~.< to a realization of our rwn t*l1\'l:l.l)l(` position, and we have hwn at fault for pcr1nittin:.; their apparent ]n'ospcrit_v to (lmw '|att<-ntion from our own almost Ii. al\'.~.ncc-m('nt, which ? still _:oin:: -in h_\' leaps and bouncls, and lll{('l_\' to for many years. Mr. Larkiii pointuil out that 00 D01` cent. of C'.1na who li\'(- in the l11`f4'C 1) 3' is Announci-mont has been lTl21(lCi that tlw Stamlzml Bank has `an-ti takt-11 ow-1' by the Bank of Com- morct-, sl1ar(-hollm'.< in the Stamlziiwl to FL-C('i\'(' one share in tho Co-m- mc-rco for (.-\'<-r_\' E~'l1L11`0 holrl b} thom. 'l`hi.< will plactr the Bank Hf Commcrc<- in third place among" the l)ank.< oi` C2Ll12l.(i1l, and it will have n.ssvt.< of about $700,000,000. The` vntii'c- stall of txhi: Stan will b: hll\'(`l1 ('an- of, thr-1'r- l)r~in,: 0`llj' about twunty ])lacv.< \\'l](.'l`(,' 1hr:1'(: wllll be uiincccssury duplication oliic--.<.l "l`l-an comrplotion of th- 1m-2*j:(-1' willi lilu-l.\' t:1l<<,- ;<(mi(` time and no clian::=-i l `in tho local ollicc.-.< is :mticipa`u~l fin montl`.;< at l*1l.~'T. I ,|l E. J. BYRNE l I 5..,.-.... .. , , b0uml.<,!' land likt,-1_\ to M1`.'- !Lzu'kin ccnt.l in cont1'e.< of population cwn their own h0m(:.<. Six years ago the am`!- v -n- W L.`.. I...I -..IllZr...~ n4` .\t. :1 colvubrution of C:1muln .< sixty- The Northern Advance 1nhnr:mrr_\'. offering; these developments to the public as .suun'.1sthL'y ht-conican-.ai1..l!c. They are proved in advance, at the expense of (icnc-ml Motors, not the public. They are hcttcr curs because they are (lunudizm curs. And they embody greater value ho.-L`;u:.';c of (iencml Mumrs muncy-saving mczhnds of quantity buying and volume productiun. This p()pul:1v`iIy of General Matnrs cars hulds more than a passing interestfurtl1c(I.m:uli.:n car buyer . . fur (iencml Motors utilzyu.-s in- creased dcmand tu reduce production costs and to offer still more outstanding :1u:umo!:x'l:: V1u<=- G M-1 9 25 `I he I trm7'_`V '1 owcr 0] nae `Dominion "P4rI,x'ament '73u:'lt1ingS at Ottawa, from w/Jic/J the flirring mcsm e aft/Jc carillon rings art/J. VVC CU`Hl[)lil.Hl nuu. u. u -mu -.-~ comes, but deaths from heat 111' . Km"! .\'Iarx s. book C21.pitz11,"l f'- iwhich Ruasiuns call The Bible of isocialism," will be shown as u mov- Thi= is the holiday sc-zisrii and t.he;ing. Di(.t`ul.(,_. The Russian G0vem_ `lccmmt -`~""- J`l'~"i~`~" fmm t'h`9`i1nent has the power to m-.1.ko peoplw number of fatal accidents the mm w_h(,t_hm. me`. like it or pzmt week, is it worth taking" :1 mm That h(,]ps_ ` chance. on :1 ho1id:\_\' ? I 3 1" H ._.,..u.. ..,.1. c-1,1 nan nnni `Tbs I/':`ctor:y Tower of the 'Wnm:'au'nn "ParIx'amvn! 1lt.1w sh: mm inl- fur by '1`! I21. mnn!h:mk.< 01' I `COMMERCE AND STANDARD Al BANKS HAVE `;NOW '.ME.RGED'- FUNERAL DIRECTOR SPECTALYST IN EMBAT.'.\ JNG All will: Body by Fixnrv Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268 1 im I'f::'d ,.-....._-.-.__-.a (lam! but. 0`-111:1 -1'<- on W11! `z 141 ch21n::=-In niciput--`l ___..a\ RNEI: !.HEARD IN SIMCOE' FORESTERS E LINES Go\'m`nments love indireci tax-E ution because its oxtymction of cash from the t.axp:1_\* is p:1in1o:\~`. Thus. 11 smoker who buys t\\'ont_\' cif:ar~ (`bins per day nnokc-5 7.300 ci}::11'- ;. ,, :_. .. ..,..... -1:11` nun`: _\ H1! The Bz111(' haul just return- ed to camp after a IIying' `Visit tc Bznwie on Sumlay afternoon, am xn<.-L-ting` a couple cf the banrl boys `Art Mc-I.<.-an called out: H0110. th(~1'(-. -thzxt `.0"'k;< like : nmv automobile. Baml1nz1.stc1`--Yrs, 1 just :_"oti lzlst \\'(-ck. .-\rt--WL-ll, _\`ou (I hut.1-rpxxti |'u:1Qk hvf01'(~ the owner n1i.<.=o_= it. ' `B\[.- l`his cm` 1)(-1.\11}:.< to ma; Free! on `all Used Cars Bought from July 21st to July 28th inclusive That Goes as an Extra Our Prices are Always the Lowest. Elizaberh St., opp. capitol Theatre -:CLOTHES =-+--- Dry-Cleaned and Pressed THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. ,Ya.g*aannMr$a ,!.=*d_- n.1, \...un, ,.. . , __ 3nuY hdv nus drhng 35 nhm nu |unn':nn| wuunuultn stop suddvnh'? H.M.-~NWuw1 shvkl do unn shu nlw:1) .< loos ` .Anb~-VVhuLk that? BRd--Jhun into a tree. Arvm~You ought to have a mhw ,_t1-iq). How Maw` do you cxqusot to I 1w on `H19 To.'u.1? _.. \..\,vr on... 4.`.m. .. In 1. |_` Dyeing l` UL . [Jl.'l nu. .-..v..\. ..,,V. . <.-ttes in 21 year and pays in taxes to the Ot.tzx\\';1 G0\'01`nmcnt. Yet if he wore ccnme-l'ed to pay an income tax of that amount he woulll It-nounco the Govt-rnn1ent as -x- tra\'a_2`ant. Not knowing: whex`(.- his c.i::aret. t<- money 5:005, hr- (V05 not worry and smok<:.< on in peace. 109 Dunlap Street. Hf {HI |Hl' luau - \B.~2`.`1'.---A.h: ut. .1m'!..' 15 Day_ l?1_'ee _ Sgrvice I'Elk('.\` Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention ;11)l_\' ninly . a l l`lie Canadian anmtcur swxnmnnsz mm-it will be held in Barrie on Mon- lay. August (5th, but civic liolirlziyl will be on .-\11_L:'11st 13th, one week` later. `Nlould It not have been hot l('l' to have the li0li on the (li1_\'1 01' t.hc_.- . nim-t '3 Ever_\'- A ~ -- ,. .1 In/\v'\+f\(`+C W. FIRTH which 1'1 new-(1 them. .1 410; sI.1mm.~' (She him: . ::ut f'mn`- .` 9 3 .~'ul]<-nl_\' '. `-\\'hu- S|)11l`\' \c. G. SMITI-I&CO. Motor Ambulance in .Connection Open day and night. Chapel Esta ':l:shedt`\i`-9 Morgue and In connection. -T-\&- r Ul L-HLZ nun.- lmrly than could and it. could b. worth while. Th }n`o.<(,-nt a1'1`:1n_uv-m is bccaus<- >'0IT1( t'ne_v will prot 1 thv (lay of the F` arm doubtful t` Phone 82. `I47 Elizabeth St. | |e.\`c\-pt 1| \'__ THURSD.-KY, JULY 19, 1928.? I on] y. ('1-pt |n.. u---- '- '"" - l`um~t:1n.`." 3-30 I -vm- N(,_ em, |0z\\'t.:s Ban-ie 7.10 p.m., arrives Mi 9.19 D-'m'o P0119` {an}: 9.15 13-77`- \v.. :4 Imnma Milllanrl 1.25 n.m.. 1:111): 21.111 11.11:. No. 54, leaves Midland 1.25 p.m., ax-ri\'(:s ALI-and:a!e 2.50 pm. No. 96, leaves Midland 7.15 tum, arnivt-s Barrie 9.05 a.m. - -~ Daily oxxcept Sunday. H.ami' _ No. 61, leaves Hamilton 7.40 a.m., arrives Aldmndale 11 a.m., ar- rives Meaford 1.25 pm. L---" u.......|+.... Q or; ...... P.C. LLOYD TW08 .iVlc(1|.l\nHn Luau ,....... No. 63, leaves Hamilton 3.35 33.23., `arrives Mlantlaie 7.1-5 p.m., arrives Jhleaftrd 1-0 13.11:. Comments