rt-ml:-rr\`l 3hzmt"cr am] oronto VE`Si.uf/Cd I` um hcdway. J. J ohnston W0 all` hope Semvice Hu mt Aikman I l`:H1_v."lnl.:~r M`: M .-.. l{:m~f :man and`, Oarence I uks and I `to spc-nrt Arn olkl. I..(),I4. u IS and visi't,eI(l L fer a a few dollars down a quick, simple installation . . . and your icelogx I ht-er. by 1 .. .-., nu. vIv\a\\ wv llwvluv u uvu \vvu\u (I vtahu-ed at 320,500 cr stock in an d Canadian Radi-artor. He had Euxw ,_ emrployed as a salesman from .\Ia_\'. 1926, to October, 1927. \iU1`iI`.j_` wlhich time his coamuissions mount- ml to $10,000. R.oberts.`n. `no saxid ,,'ha tolkl him that the C:1n:1`.i:n7 H Razuliator Company hm! :1 p'u:`.'. iv.` ]opr~rzLt.ion in Brantfoxnl ;a:`.\i xv.-x..~` m:mu'facturing' automolu v.:~..: : t1Quo..4tiom2:l by Mr. Ln 30:1. so] for R0be'1`tson, Stvix: .<.~.'..I 1`:.-`.1 f-;1.ln'r-:- .~':1`t.-.~'.mm1 had sohi .<'.nc.'.-'\ :: _,l\h'.~'. {zmkin and that .. [him-I ("l]1l]\i>'.s'iOI1 was S-1.300. \\`:.cT I1 8 :,. C Vn l "' i 'l`h(.-re xvas it l2n`_;`<~ `-rut} I|O*'d Knzcx Church, Oro. 01 `z1'l't(-moon last. when t'n\- . ,_, V , . . ' . Ottawa, Federal and Provincial Vments prediclt a 1a1'g'e increase O\'C`1. iiast _\'cz1r in the number of tourist;: 1visitin,:' the Dominicn. Mona-_\' spent by visitors from the United States last _vL~nr is estimated ;17zi1't11iC1it 01' Tl'E1(iL` and COITLm('1`C('_. at $206,000,000. Durin_: .thL- _\'c-211' some 2,15-1,000 United States au-tomobilos cntcrn;-d Canzulzi 'fortnu1'in5.-' pu1`pL Sc.<, an iiici'ozL. .01` 52 per cent. over 1926. On- tario accounts for the major portion of this total. by the Do, |'7r?he'"i~o1 about si I `|\\'}ln` :1 :_"m1:.1`2il :_z`21tl1u1`l1z:_-' of `L1- ,`c':1n.s from u\':~r_\' part of thv (.'1.`Lll'1l_" .Rr-v. ll. W. I`I1li.< of Willi.< mini 11 son had clm2'_u1,- if tin: cmgmnumi and was as istml by Revs. C`L.i~. ulu }`[l\\'k('.$tOllC, Hood of Toroxzto 2111": .\l:`.lcvk(,-rsic Ll` .-\tli<`1'e_\'. Old fam- iliar psalms were sung.-; and Mr.` `Donald I\IcI{c1'1'01C of JzL1`1`L1t`(.<, 1'~2ulE ltlir: ,103r Psalm in the Gaelic. The; nfE`v:'i::_2' umountcel to $53, which wil. be used to nance 21 new roof -in: ithe old kirk. The old ce-mete1`_\' xvast ,`vi.sit by many, it being` 83 _\'czu':; ;; `the rst burial took place. E 1 in Hamilton `Stexlwing: Bon second in '1`: I.-. th oft V...,.,..,,\.u .1; in the comg commission `ofcos were The Wonder V`-2/'eeE< books of defraud, the ct m] I issvu i m: l true s-ta called`: e,ng`a.gted g1, , [OLD KNOX CHURCH, ORO, .TO (HAVE A "NEW ROOF I HUGE LOSSES BY mvasrons ! m CANADIAN RADIATOR co. 5 Cl1a1'g`ed with con..~:pi1-ac_\', H. IX-E }McC0y and Fred Robertson of Ham-. ;i1ton are now `on trial before Jud;-`en 'lCv:m.<. Thc-1'0 are four counts on th(- indicnmcllt agrafnst .\'IcCo_\' and Roln.-1't.<'on, cox1. to (lefmud th'Csc who mig`ht become .<:ha1'ch0ltl- <.-r.<. omitting` to make oniric-s in the the company with intent to c011vc1'ti~n,g the 1)ropo1't_\' of H. .., ..~.-...... 4... ___,__ _ , -__ 1 ,, ...,.,.,.uun,uuu,-. H1 1:vz11"l lC (l'i.s7t,ric.t. Mr. and .\'Ir.`. Ia`. I11}.-'-zun and 4I:1`L1j.:'ht<.-r Betty zm- \`i.~:itin_4` Mr. an? .1VIm.<. 'l`. Gzmhn,-r uml other rolu. tivr,-s. I .. gaml `..... um. unln. vv. u. uU.x.~,', ;\1l`. and |I\`Ir.<. H Olivvr, of StzL_\'nv1'; M1`. am]! fMrs. H. Do(l;:4.- uml (l21U_'.i'htC!'5 of` I`0rom;o, M1`. W. 'I`h:m]).~'0n and I\/Iiss 'J`homp. of .VIun:.~vfi(:Irl, Dr. Violet Mitltliftebroolis unrl M1`. I1u.~'s0l' ]Oarr_-foct of St. Pr,tc1's1>u1-:4`, FIm-i ! Mr. and Mn`. Ii. J. GaI2L_L'hL-1' of! lLiml:~tz1_\' are visi tin_-_-' in town. ' l _. .. `J:-I175, 9 Cmtw-I Chevrolet Garage. Barrie, Qnt. The Misses Alberta and Islay Ncwtcn are spumli-n;.',` a week at their home before goiru: to Hamil- >ton to take :1 special ; colzrse 'in homv cconumic.<. Mrs. W. Gray czf \Vin is 1'c~ m-win,-4' ucquaix1t,:xnc<,-.~: in Bzlr-rie unrl [Univ-u'n+ L'J\IIg,'d4l FL` uulvvs. LMastc1- Jack Ross` of Staynor spcn~(h'n-g" the holitliays with his y,'1'an(lpzm'cnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craven. - run: --. --- | M 1'. Wm. .`.'Ir.~:. Frank \'i.~:iLml \.vit=h aliso } Mr. G. S. Fittus of T01-.intm> spenfi the week end with Mr. and I` Fred Marr. ' - ...u unall- T. Howard Beatih of Toront.~ spent the week end with Barrie _ai_i} Ed1g`a.r rdatives. " U I:f.. .4, T I vs .. .._ J ose.ph .... u puv u; nuuu-_ Wyeb1'i(lge, l`f\/I` Y1 .... mpzm _\' nu. 4-..... Toronto becomes (1 F1 0 1g1 da 11` ..,., .. ..... induced u . ....-H .... ..-.. nu .uIu:. IV. 0. \;lil\l,'lIS:I vuml I\'Irs. W. G R0s.~,', M1`. and LI nu. .A- cum a prospectus S`t21IL`n1(}l'ltS. PERSONALS ..-. n.>uI.n\I ad by Rob: company ........__ `Ar L- . . - . .. ..-.. unu .v;1_r.. \/UIILJJIUH Mr. uml Mrs. W. J. 1 `..V'(:)` the wcck end. f0'10win:.V-` were Sunzuly visi- , V111`. and I\ Irs. W. J. C1`z1\'on .s`: `.1 ur rw u )h Stein, _vezu"s it I`ch~onto Ha.mJ'l*oon 'c1'e opened, Iton undler t] Bond Comp nlvv unu- weeks. ihh Mrs. nnd ll. 1 The old uimgv 1-ouch. 5. The Kuurdluu of Hm we-nl. contributed so much to the `pro- itrr,-.~a:+ of the \Vr:.sL Ln-tluy. Sl(1Z.I and -bruinzs W1 Hump:-!.r: with ._-15H] nun! L... K. . , - A- said that he Robertson to )any at $15 21 to be 50 per . M . _ .l CL..... I 1'oct01' and M1`. and Proctor of Schombcrg 1'\/Ir -nu} \/[I-4* (`nu ~- . .u.,..u. um ..)uuuIl|rUx,'l'g M1`. and .V[`r.<,. Coma)? on \,1.. ., ...I TL .. HI 1 in1pr3: A . . l.`.-n 1... . . _. :1 11:54` th 0 their ov mh o Llllk -.n..... f rcrm .'as the ...... up . Smein tt Rankin. pant w C) few` sto auu. u;r:.un:s' will (:t)mp: skill and brulrxs who-n boys climb Lin: hu:k1n;.: for U): U111: of the \-.'orK1 ing cbzunp. nu risonment .,.....,., under Bond L` 1)11t`k to .\h`.< ;' .2500 \\`n:`1.h`, ot it am! _s:mn_c5 .' be}-n'g 1u'c-1)`:-911` ..-. .. Stein 2` w \ih\mnex~~~.. . C - ... \ V ` n..~;~-`--- V x ope-1~at.ed .\.'._ 5-11 with `1;L'M. told \.nx;u I\w,,UIL bareback Ir ` the mock bu and the x sentenced nt for the rs. Rankin rst witness had been se"1 stock share, H33 when said. C ompa n _v. .;.J A.-. "BE iii; T oro nto . n u \.`4A\ 1 bonds the! 11 1117011 :1 .\la_\'. d L11-ixzg I x I W Tw 0 and UL` uczu is to In 13;; his Sh e an... \'\o\ -4 013564 d mun. s,nu\. na.~ L'UHSlllL`1'L`lI aoat, but it took him flto rvac-I1 Imm<- t1':.x\':,-lI'I ously i'n one (liroctizn. atcvly, there w(:i'(* no 2 lofferorl at that t?m:- fu .-'that, in fact, not many [fn n{`..x- M " LL, 7 1 ` ,....m..`-..\ mu. U OK. t papgr =mmj:* r:. " W I bas .xxe).=-s.~.a1ux=1;.. ?tho1'o .1:hv -mconi I.\'o\\' `N-1':-:i:".1's . . .. I .4 . Other `tripg ` j-time Ki ition,' `\t`I1`e a1 ix 1 1 . redced rto` 2,8. lxnizmtoq {JR `$- I ....u...-.. ='u:'.c'.a--~` 14"` ' real 1'e mun. instezul of Lhe ere:-xticn of the imz1_;'inutEve miml of Jules Ve`1'ne, who in the seclus- ion of his .<.tul_\' .-out Philkaus Around the Work! in lC:'3.r'l1t._v {Du_\`s, and won :1 but of twenty lthc-usaml pounds. This book be- came :1 best seller because it was lifull of thv`1'il's and -xcitenm-nt, but Ito the a\'e1'z1g'e pexzson zxrouml the world in`eig'ht_v d21_\'s was like 'iv3ng.{ t\\/`e'11ty'l:.l10.us.un l('zl:4`ue.< umler the sea. That was ft-_\'-`four _\`e211`.< 219:0. Svev-enteen _\'ezu's later the pro- prietdl` of "mm New York Wor1" Jvoseplw Pu.litze1', c:1l.lel into his 0-f- ce,a lit"e.gi1'l who haul been a spe'c:ial feature` writer on that paper. Her n_a_me was Nellie Bl) . Of course e\'e1`_\'wohe has heard of her, and without any p1'elin1inzu'ie.<, SEll(l<, z'1 n"l" 3'-33511 sltllt t,o-mor1'o\-.' 1 uml she sailed ne:\'_t morning` for the 0%! laml 't`c$ml')rc-ak the record for 1 tzrip around the world. Her time was lr-n 1 A vs . .-.`,...... .... ......\.. ..-.. nun, vvuu 72 (lays; One yc-ax` later F*a.nk Train diduit in 67 days. The next _vc-zi1".` ix)-"'1'9`()"'f,' the time was out to GQ_ and 13 hom'.' by Chzmiie Fitz11{F17171's,"`6ne time chief of police of Chicago. f\A.L-__ -. i)i(l .it.,v. 1 . . ..u||.$ nu \uL~L-H lull /.'.1l)()?.`h, , `and bl, i1`;,L" :1 man cf grout 1'02`:- behcid the possibilities of the new ;\\'o1'l across the seas, and he pur- Esuzuled the Queen to nance an ex- `pedition. Hv _iou1'noyml around Czxpc `lHo1'n t.o the Pacic. aml when he 1'uz1c.hc- CaI31":mi2x and .~:z1w the be:1ut.\' 01' that count.1'_\', he im- n1cli:1tL-ly clzximed it for En5:'zxn ,In those (lz1_\'s. tlmse joj11me_\':< \\". 1'C `rmainly for bo-t:h cx`pIo`rat.i0n and pro- - gt. No one thought of r:.rui %a1'ouml the wo1'l~ just for sports sake. .-..._. ...k Lll-Ab; `ed as the truck we 4 . 'pxnnr,-rl unrh-1'n~at.)\.. T Tho rsb man who went into the :wo12'd tJ1`:1ve]1'in:: lm. for the {purpose of making' 21 rc-cznl w:1.s the cc-Ic~1n`ated Philr,-as I70.-g-__~'. whose imuch 8(1V(31`tiSC([ :1d\'L-nturcs were ipure ction, but 11e\'e`1't]1(-1es.< caused I-x.- \\1Ivt-`x 41.. LL-.....L I17 i,_-- ..-......, W. as much stir as `rt:-:11 stu 1:11 - ,,_._. .v\,uA\( (.13 d 7Porte2'u(=.=o .=uiIo1' cullml l\'I;1_-201-'2xn, wh-1 in the . c<-htury mzule thv _~zn"i<.-st _:1obr.- ci1'c1in_:' trip in a ship that \\'z1.~' c0n.~:i:lL.-rot! thv fastest three years .`:o t1':.x\'-1I'n::' continu- ou. L'nfortun- u`r<.-at prizes t. m:- for fc-z1t.< like IHUW {H +`r.n4 H; ....,.,, ` NIAIILA J. H. M0a1'ns and h are the two intrepid fly:-1 z1mb3t. ou.= to be the fi: :1_;=ain.s't the moon. I.TI.4,...., ' ` .\x: .`L\ll PC.` U1 mi-\-'e11tu1'er.~: who mu` n for 5:'0b<.- tn-u\'<*!lin_s:. [which we have any IPorte.2'u0.=o cw 1'eco1~l.1 The rat of 1':-con! was a Mz1:.>'L~l-'an, C(`l`.tlll`} ' the: .:..._xy-uu, ner _]0lll`h8_V round the "W `U9, --for once a month -she civcles xa.nth,- taking 27 days, 7 hours and'_4'3.~m:inumes fcr the comp'ete _]'01'i`l"Ile'y.. "'*'I`.he best record that man has so far _a`c h-`ieved is 28 days, 14 hour zind, 36 minutes, so the moon is a Iittlc more than. one rIz1_\' and a quai\tc~.r ahead of man. _ N-I-xv two man have announced Vnhat thvy will try to boat the moon in a race in which 0}! had thousands of _vear.< fmlcr-. Luna has of o.\:per- Like thv :ul\'<-ntur-~!`.< 0f'the Pa :::1 n m yths. 1w 0 human b(~?r1}::~; aw t:'_ving' with an :uui:u-30us _2`0S- turc ti` tlefy tho uh-1mnt.< in :1 race 35211 i nst time. 1 17 au- Man has set 1'ema1'ka.ble standards l:f"0:_k`-;fast;~jg11`ube circling, b._ut _thex'e is ` a r0cord`olde1- than histoxv that man "2r1i1;f``}`i""i* been ab-'e to break. And to-gday .t;,}>1, moon is still a-hvea'd -C-f ` I}1*.!'2'_h'_.='_- -`i 2 L"I' tfl:4e1* journey I AVIATORS `STILL A nu..- . (`1`(` 1`(=aI,\' to M1 ...., ... 4auL, nuu mz111_\' cm-1` him the pl:-.ur|it.< ..l ..x., .. u. were th1`C*wn ag'a:'n.=.t the rack, over- ba'ancin_2' the truck. Marlill jump- ed as the wont O\ u1'. but was` \ [Tuv-\1\r.:] .....l, ...., ....L Thos. J. Madi, a we-I`: known` Mono T0wn.~`hip farmer, was killed on June 29th when crushed by a, truck load of cattle. The cattle: .j THURSDAY, JULY u.._.,...-.uumu u in the of _.,__ 1-\ u H(- \vu.~' _`.,"l'(,`i1t].\' -.~'tu`u-. and pvrfn: 40115 for Qucun _ -.. .._--., 3 stands. H`:-:i1".`x'.< mm` C olvlyer to '[u`pak t`n;1t. record \`.np:n=._\'. that from Octo- \\".1on m.1nufactu1`fng :1` o.~n'1_\' in the pmsexlt 400 1'::dim.o1-s and cores made. Then. the plant i `PLAN REMARKA,`_'BI_.E FEATS kept reducing` _the tin-troduction of avia- 1913 the record was 1 . nu _ flays, 14 hours, 36 --`secomls. by a news- "We1ls. _;1n:i 21 Detrdit m 11,- '1 . ..-.....,.n.-yg. th ou 3:11 F0 The exlxibi |n huh! l..I.. who .U..._, Hf :1 vfctox`, ':maI ic.< that l"r:r his to make ...._ .ux.; anal intre- i11t0x'(r.>'te um-I many I*}li7.z1l;(_-th, . p <. Collyor who are ready ..`..g_.. 'anLs' I`z1tL-1' 'I`housun Us V let us A small rst payment and l"*'.'ij.~idaire made `ii: a wide range Cf house- hold mocleis El`.`ii for every commercial use. Complete cabinet mod- els delivered in your home '.'::\d: `.r` plug into any eiectri: 01:?- let. terms to suit your purse will install this Frigidaire Frost Coil in your ice-box. Or you can have, at anmzingly low prices, your choice of the complete cabinet model Frigidaires, including the beautiful new Tu- Tone models. COULTER rntodeis 1`.-ad, A unit . nvH.uL 11.1.10. v\vI:.5L u)-u.'Iy. will r:mnp::1,u 'aln.s` Um .h: hm nf H... ..,.-...1.xv.. of TH:-53 `Western World U llll His. `zunpmlac ` Hm Mn -refrigeration which is now the cho1ce of more than half a m1ll10n homes. P_gge Four LHU U ) ln'0n:lm:+ Ililllf WU] M1.h,uml [':xr-.v-ll-n- vs uh! anv- L tin: Ht-I-I ..; n,-rn - nu `llHl.]HlllH',lI hj mm:1m:9 Lmly Wxllllmzrlur bll.'k~ tn [p.'I!'l.lt'.lp:I`|I9 dnlrhw, Hm v.wr~l M I|ru1:a.r tzvuul II; M: U Ht: lt:a`ll'/my m_)m, In Hm vxlvul. 4:: . " r.'nl~'1 In H:mH' (':|luu mp 11....` 2 pm- D I LI will . .,....... m l'. II|"1 wllh `7:I.H'.:o.r'y, thaw. c-malrlln ht: V,llI'J`. I1 or Hm I! Hlrllcl wl-h;.1.-,:m|'/. . A, . .. cy VII-s(:l)llnl. Wllllmgdmn, who will I`l(](:`:l.1.|.hl7 `ht-znl of this m'su.t. >+'l.'nnpI:lI- ]J:I,r:ult. ll- w1ll Im .`|I"Uln]:'IlIIi:lI by llur l'Zxm-.l,lnm:y W wlm hwm-H In In 111;:-vs-m.u| nVt'Jl.l..1 Hus v.m'l. Mn HI1'A`[)||l'< Hrn. .'s.1 1:`/I-ul Hm lisunnrllml l'.m:1~ .II: may cu 4.1::-:uHm{ "?"l`lI| U,` UI'ft,Ihut Ia-uiluuul 3. A mountain of llvlmg flrvrs. .,_- ...._..y.. . K The Calgary Stampede -- An. other introduction to the public of Kndghts of the Ransre, I{in;;:~: of the Saddle and Rope; competing for (Canadian and North Ameri- can championship honors in pic- turesque, romantic zuul spec.-9.:u,-u- lar pageants and contests in-L'i- denta to their country. 3 1I'..._.. .~...I\.- 41. u-A.1...-.. -3 .1, - ` _ce. I l ]wo b2ll'Y1S near CollInu".v00vl were struck by 1i;:lm1ing` in the recent storm. Om; \V`d..3" con1plr:t::'_`,' (Ir.--1 A.~'t1`o.v<-:1 14' re which followed. -j [II III nfrczrlu H" MU A.n...l.lx.... 1-H nu-IIIIIVIH tu. IIIIHJII, vmllkms In ltunfl` Hpr!.4lg.u 17 .u Hunm luuwm .:lu,u: y The Northern Advance wA|1' 4`rlt`|:|uIu has this year FzJ.m`iI7y '4 Arnold, Miwa El: the wee It .'H'!' Aull. u... (la:l.l1.'}.',7h with I - . .. . .. ', "'. . I `HHS .-plrtt an lhv l ;rm. lun1'pu-<- is ,(m:- oi` thv most lll'])l'|lllZll)_V(' pn;<. i.~'iJll.~' uml will lw whili-' i":_"l1~t isl 'ri:_v'ht uucl (loll is (lonl. l`I(w.< tliv (:h:1`lvl1g'c 01' t.l1o.~rr- y un_'.'` lH('ll who lll(`(l for tlwir couut1'_\' `lnvun :1n_\"t~l1ihj: to you '3 Dm-.< Lhv: . I I clmllt-i1g.:'e of the -100 L1` 500 bli::ht- f(`(l lives in C`ln'i..=tio St. Ho. =mr-an ;1u_\"tl1ing` to the _\`oiun;g' nun of ithis count-1'_\~' ? ll you could see l3l1("SC men live and thn-: men (lie, :_V0l1 can (lc-vpoml on is G0 `mother, not fzttilier, no l)1'zlttCl`.h0W f;2Lit.hful. then you would knrrw the on"_\' thin_L:' This is all I came to` say to you to-113:,-'l1t, a n1e.'-u_4`e of hope. l And picturing" in his fluent way ithe sulfa-1'in_2' of our con11'a(l(-.< who `ie year` after pear in the l`.o at C-llristfe St., Capt. Lamberll brotlght teams to many eyes as he} pleaded fcr them to be 1~ememl)ere some of them from Barrie, l_\'f11_q!: there for ten _vear.=. We would 2.1)-'( preciate the ])lL`zllSul'L`.\` and pri\"lL-5;'e.~`:t of life, but if we could know how} those men on the slopes of Vimy Rfllm: on that li::.t.'.' n10.-x:`.n_;~` a-1: ( (lu1'e(l, it w0u":l ln-in_: a 1-ealiz:Lti0r.'t of how brave men feel when the) . ,'l`ll} a l)zLt`l;l<: to the L'll(l, knowingrld full we"`l tzlwey are _g'oine' ta lose. l We pray for the lay to soon dawn when all nrations s\lm"l know; the T rinc<.- of Peace; when all thel w01"rl sl1al live in peace and ri.:::l1t-ll l (law.-3h with I few (1 ox".< :x.rmy in ('ru.-5 Lhv lino- hntt-l:~ < .l`ut|u:u1 |mt.tI- 1Ypw.~'. ()h. Lln-rv wnu 1| lmvv l, in .~'rlnur_\' Lu lvI`3 `in 4-uch ( iunly for Uhv }_-'.'z|`|:x11t l'oI`(:u.< that 1 LU'(`Il'l[ us. '|'ln-r<- wnuh! h:1\`(- I1 :1 tlHI'vn-nt . if it. hull not 1: [' 2` Ulv ln':l\'vr_\` um] (l('\'()ti()Il of EHH.:% \\' llt`l`H.:l_`.'.'l'. txl . I )l'L<~l1 ' lhuvr !!:I..mwlI:-I 'no nuhlv six I I l):l,L'pi.p:-..< in A 1 !2()_()()U Il.m1 wlu-1 lmnl 1-ni_1:v1.<, I I'M-mlrlml of I Sm`:-1 | (71110 |):xW'0.s of Ypros. Vimy Ridge, `Mons, Willi] never be forgotten`, bud t1wrs,- is lmznutxvvy mbout it all. 'I`huy wave hlu-ir `iivus for the Empirre- t.|w-rv is no 01.114-r l')m:pir<- u'mlm' the sun lirkv iL, st,rvU(ahi:m.-,' around the wmlci. 1lH([ Uln-rv is rm luml like ou) nwn. I wzus t0"l Lhv othr-r (l~:1_v Uhui` thv ('.:-ntrv 0| (`.iVir[`i'l..`l.Li()ll of the [\\"r`u'l w.'1.\' in (,`hi('1:L;r0, but I 01111 mwvr lwlivvv t.h:1-t 1.|1.'Lt ('t`l1`Ll`(! (21.11 luv umlvr slmll IlH'll as Big I!il`:i uvuuau wv u...-... \,........_v. ` Here g :Lther the redmen of 111+-J hills and 1)lz1l11s. the r:owIo_vs :uu_1.{ -~`v-ls from Rio Gmnsle to Um I`, the pioneers and the E -the original R0_\'al Mounted Police who: `TABLET QJNVEILED |_ A.T CENTRAL CHURCH (Continued from page one) to-ni,2`I1~ t we p:1o1`y in. their deedls of hrc-ism and Vadoor. I{ i.=$tory shoru"`d I`0C`O1`(I it f`:ui.thwl'1Iy. These men knew tlw txerrivble thrirngvs Tahvazt go with \V7ZLr--`b(`l'l'0I1S that b1"Ln.g nigfhitr murvs in the hearts of men years Llat(.VI VV'-}l`I'(l. Hnnia M.i.~u I Dr. and u.':htur E ...`., ts Elsie week I: . Pri mu- r'l'iV2Ltl` I ri vutv Privzbtt: P riV:s.t,(- Pri VzLt.L- Private Privzxtc P ri vutc Sc.-rg't. A. Cl,u_vi0n Jour S:-mi. :VIorlc_\' 'I`h-omns Corp. W. Vincent Priv-zLtu Ab~rt Quamco P|'iV2l1.(' (`vlv:'u`l(-.s' Rohinsor. ya. ,.. days ti [1'. and ERIGID/\1 RE and Call 0( I The RV]! of Honor PAINSWICIIKJ A HI ... I`) Betty I II. n.1, lvl in cast: . 4 I l()|`(H'.x` pro- l'ln-rv- lm.-11 I V I I mt ht-on lH':l\'vr_\` the 1`-:1n:u|izm.< Ulltlt-1` ;_\'n::, and `t in ;ri`ti.~'l1 l`Ixn'pirv is . .l. `.I..l.'. .,, ... ,. L .u..:. Doris and 3 this vs I, by . l)_\' sui`l()1'.~*, by Lh<- hu,nrl-,.~:t ciL?zv.-n, Lu iwus ICIII/pi`l`(', uml in II ('7zm:u|-:1. this _4-`lo-ri0u.~. txlmt, is wlmt nlmlv tlw (Izm- gr) Hn'oLu:l1 In-H it- wmnlt-r wlmt w `UM iI' H14-rs `l1.:u| hm-I1 llLll1(Il`(`<|~----ll() Scotch .\l'};|lI:1Ll1iFUlll--:\'() Bul- ly lino-110 Atl`l`.~` ul't~n uwln-I u this` .. ..-.u. Ln .. ' Toronto and Mr. Norman E? W'ata~`.0n. of em! w1i41h M; I it Z7C1IGIDAIRE-TH(l:`/.7 CHOICE ` OF THE MAJORITY, uml h.u.\- A 4 I zml.~ Louis C0l(-.~' (.'l(-mt.-n.t l'Zt-l1M'i11_u`t I{(l)(,--rt Lr-(ecu Ch(r.s'L('1` l`hompson Hnzxrrisnn L(3;;`p,'O L1; W'i`1`Ti`-.1vn1 Hook Clifford Wi.~z(m1an Gcomxo Bi-shop l`1'j.;'i( .4; Mum. wee-Jc. A w,' Hm H`irL ,'h A J.umIu T` V!` iv you own a good refrigera- tar, it is unnecessary to dis- cardit in order to have electric r~;;f';'igerati0i1. :Z;zs?::1ll Friejidc-.ire x I; >19:-.;f:mentiz1it. This ch.::.::ge is eC.silj.' and cj1_:5-.':kly m ade. Its cost is moderate. And it brings you all the Lenets of healthful, e.:C.1omi:s.i Frigidazire electric refrigeration Simply us rar {mod- com : clelivex `cut (in_~.:' 1-fmtnn Eher Mrs. Lt l'Zt:l1r~'rin_u"to11 r l`hompson m 11 l Chzmtfcr Toronto vi vV(*.)' hcnl l'.lh vu-no-Q Hodgrins London vi '1` Caro nlto 5 1 n . "um ni1I:~' but it is in Cvor;_-;- Iivwi 1 is VVht 1`t' blur and U1`.-u.`wl1t 1 ,_. ~~ 1. Here we are! leather ull. .3, A redmnn of the plain. xu:rc