'X1'iI::m(')'I~'I" 's'}&i.'rI' KT V "1`H ESE? VERY LOW PI-{ECES MAY 1917`; PA11\I`sWIcK Pkg- Pkg- `Plag- 3 9 SPECIAI@-PURE ORANGE 8 1'3 an-nnnninmnn 4. 1. E. \ SPEClAl,-t"UK M A W; 5.1%? L x gg I-.-;3\.i{_G_._E'.z1:(72'-(OZ. JAR &'V%` aawosaaoaooooaoooooa ,3 was SELL FGRLESS '1 He 1Vnv+'u-- n .`-.1\'nnr3-0 11c nauuu uu nun um; -u.\.uuu\,u ..u .....w. Two other childropa, Ma.1`9,'u.1'o c!t Ayerst. aged 1] yc-um, and Arnold 1~ Rogers, 8 years, more or less com-o-| bomted the previous evidence. ( 5 11:-.. 'u'........ A-Ln L.\....L.-n- u-no no1:1_` I 11c c1otI .`.=. L1.-5.; n..u-__.x IIV_.\lI~A 32c 19c 25c 21c .I4c 23c 21c 23c '1 . ocoanut Bake:-`s Snowdrift Shred, Fmest Quzxl. v..... .-vv.... V`/ednesday, 8 a.m. I,, n Buck_w(:eat Flour ____________._:______ srom-: HOURS 8 a.m.-6 p.m. -In -an D01'H.Leu but ykcvl-Uua K:vAucuv\,. Miss Mason, the teacher, was cal1~ ed and told. of her comp1aix1iuy,' tol i I the trustees. who held a meeting on .-L. 3 ,1 J. _: 4.L.. 0...: .._.l 1...! L... ` Pure Maple Syr `Rnr i ahf, I'D 1 I Llcvo 1.15:: 5 Ryland, Weatherproof 50 ft. PC3338 2 SPECIAL LIB I-lIl'l AY LMER J\CC - w- Tapioca and Sago II`zn-mv Java 0 II 3 NO. 2 SIZE TINS 25; CROSSE AND BLACKWELUS ` MALT VINEGAR BOTTLE ancaI2e Flour A..._L 1............. P'REand THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1998. ll\-.'\.Axn_y hf ....... .....- Saturday. 8 a..m.-1l p.m'. mow`.-xv - coo. Aunt Jemima. Brand . . . . . . . lsvv-swung an Aunt Jemima Brand . . . . . . . 9 av. 69" Boright Brand vsvvwp won on Fancy Java Milk White Elicia? 52111.3-ff .-:.-: The report of the Women's Room for the past. year is as `lows : Czxrrictl fo1'war(1 1\Iinesing,' ................ ._ Thornton, Jr. ..... .. Thornton, Sr. ..... .. ` Ed pun` W.I. ........... A4 Ivy W.I. ................. __ Oro Station i Holly Ladies Aic Olowes W.1. Stroud VV.I. .......... _. Guthrie .................. __ VE.:su Council ....... ._ Bzu'r:7c Council lnnitflll Council . Vc. Council .. f\.... f`....._..2I I :FlNANCIAL REPORT OF I WOMEN'S REST ROOM] Contunts of Interest ........ .. Shanty Bay . Crown Hill .. Dalston ......... .. `Painswick E Churchill ...... IV i'I`ab1e cover . 1 Postage 'Balance on hand ! Smzu`t Parisiennes are wea1'in_9;" `twelve-ibutrton glroves which wrinkle `on the arms with their ensembles. ; RE AD TUE ADVERTISEMENTS V .B.:ttle 33: 1 -ubv 1 1 _2 lbs. 17c KAIVDL 26$ W 5 "Pkg. 22c Dates _ Pkg. 17c Edch 32 Expendiulre box Re c 0 i pts "'}{iLi " Tin 14c Lb. 21c $397 47' I Rest fol- L7` SCI \,IIIIIUCIl\II&I\, % ,`; ;,`, ,`' Tin 34c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. > Canned Grapefruit VP: nnlininlua" "`.'.. Q- iiuairal `nrih Duple or Triple Times Why should there be duple and` triple times ? That is, what do bhey realiy mean, and how can I tell the `difference, a pupil asked me. | rn.'.-... .. _..............I Am!` A-nuln nu luuu:u.:u\,c, u ywyu. u.;)A\\,\| .u\,. `, [ Time is arranged as duple or triple to mark the recurring accent, or stress, two twos, or by threes. It is a simupxle muatter to telll by the : itime sig'natu1'e whe't.he1' the time be Qduple or triple. Common time is duple, the accents occurring; on the first and third beats. YVVI 1- . x 1,, ,I When the time 5 fraction-- I .. .-. . ,. I\ 1 -. .. ., .,, lnumber is divisible ` ltime, if by three time, therefore 6-4 i 6 quarter notes, or notes to a 1nea_=u;'e. DLUAKI)` U1 l.' pm \.n.:-ua \. uh...----.- -- Diatonic and Chromatic chest Len`,-`Lon n1u_qcIe_v4_ VV1~on.gv]y What is W m?`i-' Of Diatomc done, the staccato note is produced and 0f C-h1'm3'tiC ? by a spas1mod'ic movement of the Diatonic (Greek, diatonikos) is the ab(1,0m(m_ wch not l.equirin_u' a separ. term usua11_v applied to a scale or ate, c0n_\-cqous, physical, bodily ef. Ch01`dS b@1 01T2.'in`' `'0 One key 01.V:`fort. The effect of 21 1'zL1)id staccato Cn5i5ti`8' Of `COWS am` 59mit5-tscale .each note demanding" both a St1'i<`tY Speakillsgk the m0d91'n hm" powerful abdominall retraction and monic minor is not pu2'e1~_v diatomic p,.0h.uSi0im may be better 1'n1ag-ined owng to the presence of the zLu_g'-'1_han d(.Sc1-bed_ ,._ "L, 1 n1 1__;______.. n ._...l :7 Aims... nn . - 1 N, __1.: _._ . .. ,.......,-...6 6lll\| UL \/-AAL\- AAI(I.l/A\z n be1.`on~g'in`g 01`1i.V,`; semi-t0nes. ziug-' mented 2d between 6 and 7, diatomic chords, melody, p1'og`1'essive modula-b tions are those in which he note`! foreign to the scale in which they are written. r... . . aux; Vv:.u:v<,u. ` Chromatic, a scale consisting 01'. lsomitones, in its ascent generalllvyl formed by signs of raising, called sharps; and in its descent by sigms of depression, either natufal or- flats. , Another Nightingale Story The fo1l1'owing' is from an old book of travels by George William C-uni tis, of a visit to T1'e1rt.on Falls, N.Y.'l us, UL cl. vlona LU :.:.\.u-vuu ;uuu, AVIA- My c`hzu'io cee1` was a ne boy oil sixteen; he whipped along: ovel` the plank road and all the while: _,`OFSi])p0(l of horses, the people am` places we p:1s.=e He was sharp-; (.`_\'(:(l and clear minderI-a brig'ht boy who miyzht one day be President. I , _,,, ,1.~__.1.. -1. .1-...l LLA 1-J1` 11:15:11. unuall cuuun lfrfhmallows wuu ulxgjnu uun; \Iu_\ up `u/.;.u~..... A: we .~'l0w\'L\' climbed the hi1l--` Have you heard Jenny Lind, sir `I '_ inquired my Antihous of the stz1b1(`::<.` Y0<' oftv-n ' * ., K. . ` Great woman, sir. Don t you .. .. I up, git-up, Charlie." 1-I ;l;,.: ~ She was here last. week, sir; Git? ) Did you hear her 7" l asked. I Yes, sir, and I drove with he): to the Falls; that is, Tom H'ig_2'i1i.<.` drove, but I sat. on the box." i v`#..A1ul she was pleased 7 Yes, sir, only when .~h<:- was from` in_;' to see the falls evo.r_\ borl_v in thot hotel ran to the door to look at` her. and she went. back into her? room and then : out of thc h:1c.`.:_ door. But. there w-a.< some thing better than that, sir." What wzls that 7 Why. sir. as we came back passed a little woods and :-:he : pod the Cl1l`l`l21`_"(` and steppml out with the rest of the party, and met and Tom Hi_e1e'ins, and went into the wood. It was tvowmwl . ant" the wood was beautiful. She walk- ed about a little and piclxr- up owers and . like to lio1':.<-r.-lf, as if L were pleztszxnt. By and by sin"! sat down upon a rock and hr;-_;'an tr. sine" :ll0U(l. but before she stonpexl :1 little bird came ?`!`1 ])C'l`Cll`\'t up-_ ... T ` \\' C 1 , 1 .14-, L. .. i S `(.1 a P i f sir. with my own o_\'e;<, the whole of it--and when Jenn_\' Liml had (lone, the bird bey::=.n to . an-I shout the wz1_\' she 1`r1(l (lone. VVhiln [he was :=i119;ing` she l0-')l{uIl lr.-li.<:'l1tml. land when he stopped she sang` :1_;`ai11. iaml, oh, it was beautiful. sir. Bu`. the little bird woul(ln t gxive it up and he :`:111_-4' a}1';1in, but not until sln had (lone. Then Jenn_\' Linrl : as well as ever she could. Hey vo-icr |,`s-eemr-rl tn ll the woods all up witl Hnuslc, rrvl when it was over the jlittle Hrrl was .<'t .]l for a while, but "tried zL_2'ain in a few minutes. Ht co\ul t :10 it, sir; he 52111;: very bad and then the foreign _r:m1tlenmu witl J | `U1: (1 Llu'u_`.,u Ldvct. L\I u.. . .,.... .... I Jenny Lind lau`g`he(l. and they 211 ,came back to the ca1'I`iag`c. on :1 boug'h close to 115` t`-_\'L;~1 ..-. u 1 -r 1 The F|eet staccato The word staccato mmns. liter ally, (lisconnectml; cut apart by means of silences. In music this means the shortest sound poa=ibln to . :the instrument creating" it. I . .. . . . . H A V _4-..-. .1. ..-.<....,. :l.HU IHHL/I l1ll|"r'-Illa l4LColaI.lII_\ Iva ! Jn the sin;,-`inc, voice it nlcans the briiefost length of sound the voca` chords are capable of producing.[ When not in use the veal chords `lie folded buck from each other, in `semi~circu`ar Yayc-rs of "acordeon- l p]oa.tin._sz." 7.. u..- ..,.o A4` r-v\r:nn1r\ M. :nn:1- H-uav pl L7\.LlaAIl>_44,. In the act of speech or song` they Iszpringz forvvard only to return quick- ly if the dcwiw-c~ sound be short, or `to He paml`-Mel in close proximity while` vibrat1'n.~,~: for :1 long: note. On srtuaocnto note they `spring forward, is imlicated if the upper by 2 it is duple only it is triple is dwple time, or 1' two dotted half-i I _meet -and rebound; spring, meet and rebound again and again. Their touch is as lightning-a1'ike as the wet 1Lg'er tiip of the laundress on the hot steel! of her polishing iron. Between these tnansient. touch- es lies a silence as complete as the silence of inter-steltlfar space, even though its duration be measured by "the thousandth part of a second. _L_ .1- - ..n-.~.w1n4n +11snn nu. .. . ea<=. 3i 'tn0 tnouszuluui pan, u; u .w.,....... A staccato note is a complete thing ,in itself, and being complete, it must `needs `be made beautiful. The be- ginner will probably produce a sound resembling the cackling of an agitatr ed hen; but beauty of tone can come `if the 1-iglit means are en".-pllvoyed. 117. 1_,.__. e..,... I-L.` unnnhnninu nf Han `ll Lnu rlgnt, unccum aL\. \....-k...._,`.... W e have seen the mechanics of the staccato note are Localized in the larynx or voice box. We have now to look at the power which sets `these mec'han'ic.s in motion. It is lg'eneral1_v here that the crux of wrong` staccato-note producti-on ap- p():u`.<. Rigrhtly done, the staccato- note is protluced umler force of a stea p1'e.<;su1'e against the ' -' A, ,,,n.- 2,. .......l.~..n.l 'Lll21H lIt'blLl'llL'Ll. The physical sensation in correct `staccato singing: is lioc-alized wholly Fat the larynx. The staccato is a coup de glotte (a stroke of the g1`ot- tis) and if there be many of them ,in succession they form what we cwll 1aug'hter, and right there is the key to correct staccato practice. Laugh a rapid laugh; that is, a rzmid "series of mirthful accents on the same note, and you are in effect sing-i-ng a rightly produced staccato. A rapid laugh on any note will do SA. | Y-ou will nd that it eliminates iautoniatically and convulsive bodily imovement and produces the little `machine-_<;'un fire of vocal pearls `wholly at their proper soua*ce-:the larynx. Inasmuch as any sung` note, `long or short, L7h0U](i possess the 'quality of roiundness, it is advisabl`e to do much of the staccato practice `on a round vowel, to start with; 00 (as in shoe) for choice; from that sound :1 ])1'0_2'1'e:=.si011 to the gmore open A.H. would be the vowel 1`OH (as in show) A.W. (as in sztw) `UH (as in up), and l:1. AH. istaccatos should alxvays be done at ,.t-he be::innin_2' of a practice period, I las they make more demands on the i!]_)h_\'SiCa1 strexigtli than any other iwform of physiczil exercise. 0kzm:1u:n1.\\'m1 is received fmnx \\':1shin_:'tnn the? the (mana- ;,-;1n pz'0ju(-,t.. dnrixu; the lust year. had :1 higher pm` more yield of :'.ppls:s and 3. consequent hi`,-her awu return to the grower. than any government irrimatinn project in the United States. The local project, with 3.567 zurres in apples, has a yie1d of 35,142,750 pounds, or 9,852 pounds to the acre, a yield which brought the L`{1'O'.V`CX'S :1 re- turn of $1,030.85-1, or the high re- cord price of $23!! an acre. On the Yakima project the average yield , wus 9.602 pounds to the acre or at the rate of $246.16 per acre. The nearest approach to the Washing- ` ton record was on the Sun river I project in Montana, where the average was $153.33 an acre. fol- lowed by the Boise project, with a price of $148. W-alter Brown had :1 valuable camera Stolen from his car while parked on EH7'):hbf"[h St. near Con]- ter s ;;'a.ra4re. The police hztvn in- formation that may lc-ml to its re- lcovery. Don t buy Aajxhalt Shingles herforc Wm new Hm mvw hnavy M1-ft sh`Tw:1e we are selling. The Sarjeamt Co.. U)`-5) Quebec.~-\\'hen the 1928 ship- ping seasmi opened here April 22, the (.'uuur.1iain Pacific St. Lawrence float supplied fifty per cent. of H.` ~h`.n'iIn!`u that iint-L'i*r1 xviih llL`l`l. .s`up}nwu LHL_Y [H51 `JUIIL. UL L1: .;Lc-azncrs tlmt dockcd with S.S. .\1m1tcIure. .\Inm1'oy:11 and Melita. The Ihrce ships carrier] in round figures 2300 ixnnmgmnts aboard nxostly 01' B1'iLish stock and des- tined tn farms in the West. II1l.(`1`l1`dU()l]l!l Arl\'e1'tisii1g Con- vention and Exposition to be held at Detroit. July 8-12, is already at- tructiiiu wide notice and will con- tain umler one roof overytliing re- ltlLill;.:' to oi'g:ii1ized advertising in every plruse. Advertising men from oversezls will attend and h(mkiI];:'S are being: made on Cana- dian Pacific liners from Great llrimin and Europe well ahead of time in view of the large demand for travel that will arise. PC$C(F$I i SPECIAL Sixty-five miles of salmon fish- in: in the (`aims River, New Bruns- wick, were enjoyed recently by five anglers from (lhicnxn and the U. S. .\li(ld1e \\'es1 and by u patty of New York n0\v;~wpz1perx11en, in- clmliu:.: W. .\1oGor~h:m_ internation- ally known .\'ew York Herald-Tri- bune sports wx-Erma Both parties wmjo . for about a fortnight in the <::1re~ 01' Il:11'ry Allen. well luxuwn .\`uw l5r1m.-.wi(:k mlide. They 1r:1w.>.1!mI <'anat1':m Pacific to their |'3.~|u .x..:.Hn..v it\I\ K\X4U\\ ll .\\.'iV LJIIIXIDVV fishing` destimmnn. [BIC and There \ `X { q \ . \ \ Celery Relish ,;`, a`,`, 3, J at ` M araschino Cherries (Conetinued from page tlirr-el kicked tlic l)-oy and pulled his hair. He denied doing this, but z1 that he lizul pulled him out of his seat and sent him home. I To M1`. Boys: Have liomi li\'In_L' in tlxis suction oi`-:l1t _\'oz1'1 . _~'; did not know his boy had bl,-on 'ca1~1~_\~ix1:: on. n \ n,:..1. x.., l ..... . .. ..~n..l~ . in `$3,125 (i``{ ............. .. Tm 439 3 o 3 Special--The one and only 9 ms F%.$E%n 5.5.. 4...-.43.-_-z.,..g=. -.v:.~ .-nun;-.van:z9_.mms:x:.-I4.asuv.`_ 9 Q 8 6 0 ' $3 , E`: l. U 3% 6 Special-1 he and onay M msgsa Ti" 2633 u Bonelgss C hichen --rw-.a----.'..'-_. :-_v iva sau. FOR LEZ*~Es;3 2 PKGS. 23 THE FOOD TO GROW ON Golden X-Iallowi 1 Bright Clean Stock ` 1 1: 5-uvso \pI corp- It's Delicious" No. (5 Size ... I 2 230 .`-- Dir`: Aylmer BL, Halves No. 2% Size . . . . .. Harvest Brand, Halves No. 2 Size .. .....,.. ...- W, .... -... .. , Did you think 111- was Ll 1:006 boy`? Yes. ` Do you think now that your bo_\".~: conduct was Iisgra.cvfu1`. No. I Do you think that (.:1kin3.: the strap from the touchn:-1* zmvl pulling: her over the dc.~. \v:Ls 11?.`-_:`1`;xcvfL1\ conduct? No, just :1 littiv unruly. 1111 1 I- . _.` ..__11 I...-. ... .\. nun. 14-16 ST. lilsclllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `'` "i Oatcakes .... .. 'EC I AL . Dainty Puddings 0 Assorted Flavors g! M E R o Harry Home's . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ` Florida Wet Pack . . . . PEA CATELLPS MACARONI Lmcr ISL, II . 2%; Size ' Ell-IOICE QUALITY J... call bri n; ..., .,...W. ..-_. less pranks. 2L letter from * \\'2r~1 *~v11.~:pvmiml : `Y- . Lxn. '3 .nading_,>' it he idc-ntify this a~ wLL\.LI1 night of the 3rd am; ed her 60 write and deliver the: letter referred to, and of Mrs S'tu.'r~ gis refusing to accept it. Shei positively denied that Mr. Mayes. :2 lbs. 21c Tin 26c Tin" 34c fTin 14c :;ttle 12`/zc iwho hm] a.1`1`2111;:'e(l the previous ni_g'ht to bx: within call, and who haul boon: =cul1ed by her when she could not`; svcurc the apology, or for 1..hr: boy? _to leave the school, had used any un-3 necc.<.~'.u1'_\' force 01' any bad lL111}:uz12't=.} She further emphzxiically stated: :1 1 \l, \r,.__.- I_...1 AA, 1.:,.1-ml H. our 1 Lu L-111:1 \.unluu.;vu,uu_, ..~.u..\\. , llthat M1`. .\I2L_\'L-5 haul not kicked thn-Q boy, but had jerked him out of the: seat and owing to his st.ru<,r:.3;1c-:< hud- f2L11(-n on the oor pretty haul. and that might account for the bruise. Norman Munro had witn('-.<.=u~xl th~.- u 1 1 1 ,, .L L .\u1nnuu .uuunu Inuun u.~...~. .. .... lmmlu and a t.tnd he had not been` 5abovo rc-proztch himself. 1 H1`. VVo]]in:.~'t011 Webb said he \vz1.:n :x t-su.~:`tce and was at It met-`ting on` 1- 1 st \1 an. `thv RM. :1`: which M1". `.\I:1y<-5. Mr. MLIUYO, Hr. Wench. the s0crr:~t:1ry- 11`:-:L.~1u1'0r; ".\I2'. Keith, Mr. Bull. 1'1-`. .\IzL-con, fLlt}1L'!' of l\Ii.~_1s ;\Iz1: and tho toachvr were also })1'oscx1t. Thu Vaction dc-. by Miss Mason v.':1;~` aut,horizo by the trustees. He had `mvt .T:1c`.< .~\,\';2:`.< t,. \\"no told him about ?it and had also said that Mr. x\I:1yo.~` had not kicked Gordon. - 11- 11 . n , h _ H 1 `(r`__ SCHOOL CLOSED,"PAREN'I`S AND TRUSTEES co TO COURT Hun xnn, nu...-. \.u,uu... Jack W'zL1ko1'. 10 _V'('lI`S, EL!!!` VV(.`~ ley Wonch, 13 years, gave co1'r0b0:'- `ative evidence. nu (V n "11, ..__...__. l.\1 1...`... `KKUIVU L7VlllCXI\-Ua y .'I`hos. Small. Iho1'nt~on, hm] be-n-n` `talking; to Jack .-\_ve1*~.st near his own 1:."Z'.t(- about two miles frsm HM` ischooel on the afternoon of the 41.11 Eabout the fracas, and in the onvema-` Etion Ayerst had said to him that '1\`Iayc~.s had not kicked the boy. a.l- `thoug'h he now swears he szuv him 1kick him. I run nu-,,,_, ,1..n.__..1.._.L ,...;,\.. i Thomas Mayes. defendant. nntur- \ ied the box on his own behalf. Hel `denied thv a.<.=z1u1t a1le1:r~d and was; Iacting in pursuance of the action of}( the trustees and for the protection i` !of the proper auth-ori*ty, and in com Esequence of his position as cahair-| |......_ ....a u.,. ........1 mm . .-.m-hmil u 1 4cL[uv'x'.\;v:. u.L use yum.-vu cue \AllA|-IA man of the board had a. pet-feoti ' iright to do what he had done. Barrie , Big shoping Week, M33 Judg'mcnt was reserved. 1'14 to 19_ _ Jar 14 Maple Leaf 1 r-u-I151-rrwri W ! A nuu I J Jun nu Shrimps , Mushrooms Carrots .-n n... _ u ` "5 " U2`.llIOl'l'llil ' Grzivy Salt Blsto Small Size Quaker Cake Flour Chili Sauce `?J;}`:?a`{;`f`.. zsaooooooooocoooooo 3 Special Combination Deal V 1-u..L. LOC$8COCI Graham Flour BA-.. (` IIlI\nIn `I 195. , At this: point it \vu.< Ii.aco\'orod` that the letter shown him and idcnt.`.- I ed by him as a copy of the t0z1ch- ` er s letter, was an o.nt?rc3:1_v (litfcwent E letter, and on the right one being,-1 handd to him he identied it also. I _u. ..._ ._1_:v,x .. ... `AL. nu. .-n4 IVLEKB llllfibl H1! Corn Starch `III: In urn-won wu- Benson's or St. .~ Lawrence Brand ............. Skinless Figs "I`nvaa_nv-up and nnlnv Lhbl M"_s#s_ uncut: luring ucau . . . . . . . . . .. Wheatsworth Biscuits_ IV 3.ll.ll'C S ISCS Black Figs (1.:-n' vv Jlbllll. I G\IIpII Stone Ground, Whole Wheat Make Ideal Muffins . . . . . . . . . IV. I [66:30 I 55:) Texas--Scrve and enjoy this delicious Dessert. 13~oz. ..... rn:...._ nun...) awuwvwvv. _. The Health Biscuit .. I , I-lnm I Ql, You can always depend on these being fresh . . .1 n- -. - wen: Whole, Small : N:1turc`s Best, ` 1 r- 1 \\1||\Au\.v . .... VVhat :10 yo u into school, sing` 1 ~ u BARS OF COMFORT BAR OF LUX TOILE"I:_SOAP I I-t\r\ $`$$@@$@$$$@@$ 9 SPECIAL gx.1::.E l\ \\l Made in Canada MAZTCHES ` V C C C . . . C . . C C . . . . U CI - V _ _ _ _ 7 , _ __, , . 0 9000cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeswoon` woooooooooooooooooooo00000000nooooouuoaOOoo00OOOO00O00O5 ___ _ ..-.n rxnt 01111` A"l" 'rLIl7c~n2 CAKES " HAND 5121: FREN-5:1, IQPEEEF unuu .-\.uvu., ....,, ._ over desks du2`inj2_` Oh, a few hzu*mlo.ss Did yml {Jet 1: tc-acher ;~\z1yin_<: 110 was must z1polo~p:ize `. Y< 1', 1.1.1- .. ,.,..... '7 ??`;AP 331;: I. A\l"IIlu - Tiger Brand Large Wet Pack . Finest Quality Imported . . . . . L and Tender , No. 2 Size Fancy Quality California . . . . . Qnlf IL &I\ra.-- ALL F0 hzull SOAP`; copy. Did you and your wif.~ re-.111 it?` Yes. -r .1 - .2.` 2; .._._, H ...A......n.-I i Mr. Stuiiley Carpeim-r of Vineii mount and Mrs. L. Aikman of. .Grimsby spent the week end with` `the former ; :si.~:ter. M1`.-=.. G. .-\rnoI(i, ] The play entitled The Villagell }Lawyer, given by the Sharon; ;Y.P.A. in St. Paul's Church on Fri-( `(lay last, was 21 I`i(:Ci(iC(l success. `I Sorry to l'(]')(J1'i .VIrs. Tribble on '_ the . list. i\Ir.<. Louis Guest of '_ :Lefro_v is 2Lt`1CI1(iil`if;' her. i] Mr. and Mrs. D`.-\rc_\' Lennox and ] `f-.1mi1_\' .'<.])<.-nt Sunday with Mr. and 1 Hrs. Benjamin John;~:0n. E] 1 E ( ] Mr. and .VIrs. Clarence Arnoldl `spa-211 .-i,-verzli days \-rith Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnohl l21=t week. , A \wr_V ph,-a.~'z111t social gmthering; was hr,-hi in Puin.~twick on Tuesday, _ Maj. Kth. when .\Ir.<. R01)ert.~i, one of 1 th-- n.`:r[e.~'=t and most respected in~ i`.11i)it`di`iT$. of Lhe \-'i1ia;:r_-, celebrated 4 ti`.<- >:l.<.t zm:ii\'e1`. of her bi1`th~ I tiny. .\.'mnher;- of her neighbors call:-ii to conr_-'i'z1tu1at<,- her and a ; ve1'_'v pli-nszlnt time was spent from . four to six o'clock. Mrs. G. Arnold and 3111:. J. Cook poured tea. The ' Rector and Mrs. Cousins were among: 't1m.~;e present. Ever_\'body exp1'e:x=.ed`. `the bcst. wishes of the community to 'jt.he asred hostess. Object to Giving Lots Away g An offer of $20 per lot haul beeni made for three lots owned by the; town on Burton Ave. by Messrs.` Ambrose and Little to build a ser-! vice station. Reeves Creswicke and. `Knight moved that the offer be ac-1 zcr-med, but Ald. Moran and '1`y'x-ex` 3 objected, as this was not enough and `-,-__;-.: ;L,. 1- ..A..,...+.u...,: rmm lwantod the lots advertised. The, |n".o1:'.on carried. l ;lIUJ!?Ul.C\l, an mun nus Axvv \...u...,.,.. ....\.l 3 PkgS- Baking Chocolate Bottle 24; ' W" " ' ' :3 .:.l>=3$C33@C@$$$' Lin '1'` 11, 3 pkgs. Tin Tin 2 pkgs. 252% 2 lbs. Tin 16c Lb. 17c Pkg. 8c Pkg. 23c Bottle 24c ...-.....-.. .-l.- -,, _ Is this a copy answered yes, I copy. :4 ...... nu.) 1-.