Page Four No woman is so hopeless that she cannot approach near to beauty in the 1-1'g'ht-kiml of evelnr; clothes. May, lnsteau 01 hill: acuuuu. Mrs. J. Shelswell and son Gordon viisted friends in Toronto last. week. Mr. D. J0!1L'S lawn 2. Mrs. Stewart and sisters of To onto \\'~.1`o \'is?'tors at Edwin Smit.h s. p.m. Barrie s Big Shopping` Week, May 931's, espc-cially to retiring` president 3' filled the cl-1a`7.1' f 5. Campbell rep1ie< , ,1 A.,_L.___ .1- The Slum Cook s. MINESI'N'G 0120 SUNRISE CAFE Shopping Wee k, May IVAKIL an.` 31. )1. i2e11`,` .a...... .~v -..y-V-....a of smallpox. Ivy was in the vi1~ r.f'or three years, lied b1`ie_\'. The lie Tupling 01 nday with th( and Hrs. 31. .\I. .u.-._; .4. the \`il1ng,`e v uCampbeil=. .- L..- < >'dis Mrs. Ir vote of 1.. - ....., for as SUNRISE CAFE Announcing the Opening of the new the Opening Day will be donated to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Charles Lower Entire Proceeds 36 Dunlot) Street, Barrie VISIT THE NEW CAFE SATURDAY Five Points Men's Store. Tailored To Your Individual Measure Extra Trousers FREE Saturday, (May Skiii Gmft Clothes Hundreds of Barrio men know the quality of Skill Crallt clothes--wcll tailored, perfect, ttin_0:, and :L hu_L-_'e l`1ll_L,"O of cloths to choose from. This is umloul>tc the 1no.~1t son- 5I.tl0Il21l value you will l11\V4.' offered this season. Mr. Howard Geo, an L-.\:pc1't tailor from the Skill Craft Co., will be in our store to take all 1ncusu1'cmcnL;. Order the suit you were plan-ning; to buy uter in the mon'th--you will save money, and 1-cmmnl.)o1' the usual LOWER g'u2u'- unto of satisfaction goes with every suit. We dont Tie you down! We do not limit you to One Selection. There are better grades and finer materials from $29.50, $35.50, $39.50 to $44.50 2-Pants Suits poiujnapjo :0 jcjtvzojntoiojojcxojo of the Ladies Auxil- BEST EQ UI PME .\".l` See Window Display The Northern Advanr-e Miss Elsie Cowie leaves to-day on` -a. trip to Scotland. She will be ---...-- 45.... L..." .... +1...nn mnn+L.o Through the generosity of S00 Wah, proprietor of the Sunrise Cafe, the plat- est and most modern addition to Barrie s Cafes, the worthy `cause of the Children s Aid Society will be greatly benetted by your patronage on Opening Day. - vzgy vv -.;vwu......u. -...u\. .. ..... away for two or three months. -nr._ .....1 mt...` A `X7 `DIM-n1n wvvaq .L'\l.l vvvu nu vA|.J.\.\4 u.u..v..... and Mrs. A. W. Fletcher ar- rived home on Tuesday a.f`ter spend- ing the Winter in Florida. `I A `l'Jn.....~ l\' (`nu-f:nu anon? aq -.1. u......,, .-..-..v-... .,-. i The Misses Brock of Toronto, ac-` 'companied by Miss C. Roberts, have; `taken up their summer house on St A !Vincent St. E 111 -u , h___._,__ :.. __,` 111-; mu: vvlumux u. -.v....-u. J. A..I-Iarris of Cartier spent a few days with his family on Eliza- beth St. . .1 ,,,_ -9 'T\._..-..L.\ :_ -.:,.:L Ucuu LJII. Mrs. Struthe1's of Toronto is visit-` ing her mother, Mrs. A. E. H. Cres- lwicke, Bayeld St. 1 -r__ *r,1.......n ...,.1 `L...1... nr Dru-+ wxunc, JJc|r`ynu;Au U. ' ` Mrs. Jos. Harris and baby of Port; Colborne are visiting with Mrs. J `A. Harris, Elizabeth St. ` n,,_,1_ An rn,_..,__`,, A l V llluuuu KID: . { Constable Wa-'t01' Raym:--1' is re- ported seriously ill with pneumonia ' RN . 1115:] I/Tu: `K7411 pn FL 1hl]i`Il`\ I1 puneu ht.`11Uua|_\ u. nnvn ,...w.....\...... . Mr. and Mrs. VV171. Park, Indianw Trail, Toronto, and Mr. Harvey Mer-l Erick spent Sunday with J. W. Mer `trick, McDonaM St. man. .....1 `.\;T.... mr (`inI.h-uh-Ia Nfiea` . (Continued from page one) )1; lhappier how much br_~t`ter it wou1d`,I be. We have erected war memor-3| iials and our ch':l4lrr_-n play around '_them. In school i)00l-Ls` ehilzlren an V _ 'taught that- wars -are necessary ;Wars in the past have had an in-. fluence on our human history. TO( ' mucih at/tent-ion has been given tr _ war heroes and too little to men of creative mimls who have 1'l\'(*i\ fthe world . worth while `Every boy and girl knows abou1~ Hannibal and .\apoleon, but how many know about Gutr,-nl)ur_<;', who in vented the rst printing; pre: Menl can be heroes of peace as well as`: 4 heroes of war. The .:.p.-ake1' refs,-r _i1`e(l to a man in Toronto who dives" "'i 100 feet in the water twice !`]1lOl1`Ul1 to see that the intake of thr M city \VLlt c1' sumwly is zilrifrht. He? takes his life in his hamlrs every time. `N he does this. He is a hero of peace j` Men who work in coal mines never" know whether they will come up` :Llive are heroes of pa-acre. Mothers` who go to door to l)1'ing another life into the world are? .l1eroe.s of peace. .. ,.....-.:n 4-A Hm-. 1-nvnom: hi l`lL'.'K, AV1lZ.LlUlIu41|l uu. I ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldsmith, Miss _No1'ma Goldsmith and Mr. Arthur,! :01 Toronto, were guests of Mr. J.` [Andrew Wrigrgins on Sunclay. Y i 11,, -r-_, 'r'r......._ N0 7'l`....n-Ln 4-unni. A cordial invitation `is extended to all members iary, their friends, and the general public. rxuuxcvv vv -5,-bun: vu -.,........._,. i Mr. Jos. Harris of Toronto spentiiiiitlay with the lIatter s son, M1 Ia few hours on Sunday with his old Wm. Marshall, in Orillia. `friend, Mr. J. A. Wiggins. Mrs. Annie Gibbons and daughter Mr. Joe. Clark and Mr. John W.P>hair of Toronto were the guests of !Me1'.~ick were in Toronto to-(lay 5-the former s sister, Mrs. John Kc-l'_v | . 11.. `MTi1+nn NI:-(`.nnL-av nnrl Nlitdo ERABBI ISSERMAN * E AT KIWANIS CLUB vl|K.'I'Jl'-V UL ` Referring again to the ravages of war, the Rabbi said that no one can`; remain loyal to the teucl1in;`.= i Man of Nazaretli and plungre a bay- onet into another man. \Vhen dril- ling; pi'e.pa1`at0i'_v to pining: to the `front he hzul recoiled ag'z1ii1.<~t. the hzL_vonet drill. when the sohliers were. (told to t.wis`c these b:1yonel..< after. plL1n3_';ii13x thm in to make sure that they would kill their opponent. Asl- time went on he lost this leelingg` and was impatient to kill. No. you can-ll not remain true to l'(`lifl'lOI1 in war. In I<`ru-nc<- he ;':1\\' on one side of; A I..LL.,1 ll\.A\. \. . of the ` ` l Fmrr the rozul with row I\ . UH` 1'U;u| u m.:.- ;\...... :xf`te1` row of white ('1`0. es. On the other shle of ihe roznll :was another cemetery with hrmvn `and black crosses. The. white c.rosL<-|: I 05 marked the resxxgz pace of French `,1 ;~'0Mh`1`>: and the hrown cro. tho; `of Ger.m:u1s. Further on was uni] _.-\.meric:Ln cmnet-e1'_\`. where restedgl jPz'otc\smx11s, C:\.tholic.<. Jews. 2111 SHOT] jby side. \\'h:1.t :1 pity to wait till ` [death to e.~*t:Lh1'i. such :1 fei1ow. ; We fOl1_Lh.t to make :1 world safe for : denmcrm-,_\' and it xhouhl he the duty` 10!` we who remain to rear the struc- Lure of :1 new dem-ocracy, when war `j.~:hz1.11 cease and the brotherhood of `N mum shzrll be supreme. \ I i . PERSONALS Ottawa.--The Department of Agriculture has issued -.1 report showing how the Canadian "Moth" plane is combntting wheat rust- how the Canadian Air Force, the Federal Department of Agriculture and the pathological plant of the Manitoba Agricultural College at Winnipeg are uniting: to fight the enemy. The report says: The work consists mainly in the ex- posure of slides at different alti- tudes and at different locations. These aeroplane exposures at- tempt to collect from altitudes of from 1,000 to 5,000 feet the date of the earliest appearance of rust spores, the -region over which they first appear, the rate at which the spore content of the air increases over various regions, the visibility of spores caught at these higher altitudes and the relation of cer- tain environmental and climatic factors to the rate of development and spread of rust. Tightly stop- perod bottles are used. containing wooden paddles to which are at. tached microscopic slides lightly smeared with Vaseline. These slides are exposed for 15 minutes at v;u')1ng altitudes; the slides ro- Iilcvd in the bottles and then re- v-.n-'m.i `n if Government labors, tea` at Wum1m:z:." 513 o visit ti` ` w `y Port ; '1` I1 ronto, ac~ IT `erts, have i C 15 b . 1 101- xs 1'e- :- meumonia 5}) k, Indian` trvey Mer- '13 . Ln 'i mith, t Zr. Arthur, ` :1 1.12. ukuu -21 of: utm`_\' Int-tml - an Break ~ 1`es:ted'oy, side 1 pices wait Choiu ~11 owsh i p. grzmu :1nce. duty he rhen Th` -rhood Luck : very BESYJ` OF FOOD -- BEST 01*` S]ClT{\'1(`]`C - BE? LOOK FOR THE SUNRISE SIGN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little and Miss Cuross of Allandale and Mr. Good~ ,all of Barrie called on Miss M. J. McConkey and Mrs. R. M. McCon- key on the eve of their birthday. Il'___ 'l1._L.|. 'u'._rw..1J........L -4` "l`n..nnrl>n M, .... ..... -... VJ. .,..-.- ...... ..-_,. Mrs. R)obt. McCu1ILough of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Angus Warnica. -- ,~1- .-u 1:-,,,1,.- 171:: VV i1-1 lll\}Uu i Messrs. Oh'as. Aikens, Morley, Ed- die and Clifford Webb, Haro-Id Heath and 1\IIurray Hun'te1' of Rockw-ood spent the week end at their respec-~ |itiv<; homes. '~ ALL ""1--u------- n-.1 ..ln'].]u..n Llvg: ||UJllCu3- Mrs. Robt. Thompson and chi41dren `were the guests of Mrs. Harry 'J`hom~pson of I`o`11c-mlale on Sutu1'd'.1y.\ I mr.. 1)`-1`-Ln 1\r,.r~,,..1..\.. I\` xmml-..m ; xnuurpeuu u.L lVAAt.nuuA\. uu ..,ww...x..._,. -Mr. Blythe Mc`Conke_v of Win(1SOI .ubcing' their birthday on 1VIa_v 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin of To- 5parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.1v<.-_v Martin. J The play The Vil1zx__L'e Lawyer, put on by the Sharon young` people -at St. Paul s Church on Friaay even- ing` was a decided success, each one a taking` their part in splendid style. , enjoyed it. I `LY... nu; mi...m..-...... nrurl 4'nw-\i1u spent a few days inst week with his ' `mother and aunt, Mrs. R. M. ;\Ic~` [Conkcy and Miss M. J. McCo'nkcy, it " u ronto are the guests of the for1ncr's 5'Llll': rulunlcxo cA.aul.:., uxxu. uvuu I Mr. Milton McConkey and Miss`; 3Hil Sedcn of Toronto are visiting} {with the 1'ormer`s graml:n1othe1', Mrs !E. T. M<:Conkey, for a week. J ,.. I ,1- `uvuxyuxnc UHJU_\k.\A w. ` Mrs. Robt. Thompson am! family -and Mr. John Marslmall, S12, spent 'Sunday 14at7ter Mr lwm. r1:`LL-___. -...`l ,J......Ja4-nu \JuUKlG_y- ' About twenty-ve of the youn_4;` 'people of the Stroud United Church ' 'mct at the parsonage on Thursdayll -evening; of last week to cong'rat.ulate:` `ill/Ir. F. Fawcett, manager of the:3 gstamlarzl Bank, on his recent maul irizLg'e and` to welcome his bride to` incur community. The time was h21p~ 3 lypily spent in games and contests and ` ldurinp: the evening; Mr. Howard Con< flistable read the following` a(ldre:\=. and aillr. Bruce Wallace presented Mr. I land Mrs. Fawcett with 2; Coleman :'ilan1p. Mr. Fa.wcett., who was Olcompletely by surprise, replied brief~ gly and e.\;presse(l the hope that he ` land Mrs. Fawcett might be able t jrtiholcl the esteem of the people. Af-: V [ter refreshments were served a vote _pi,of thanks was tendered to Rev. and 1. .\'Irs. Brown for the use of their home. The address: ; It 1 sun, 1'1,.__-....;. \`{`\ (L .81 I I V 1 L. L. Au\,\Juunx._v .L\JL u Mrs. B. Har_ring'ton and daughter. Forcncc have rc~tu1'nc(l I`o1'onto. v-\.\.... home from 3 ` 1'Ul Ulrbu. ! .\'I1'. and 1\'I1-s. T. Royce and Mr.` land Mrs. Wm. Little of A]1:an(lale'| icallc.- on ;VI1'.<. E. '1`. MEcConkey on` Sunday. | A L _,.A_ ;._.....;... C..- -9 4-Ln unnnn Now Men! Here s the chance you ve been waiting for L llC (1LlULCDDo Q Dear Mr. and Hrs. Fawcett.---\Y` `have met here this c-vening to exten- {to your our he-zlrtiest cong'ratL11z1.tio2: izuul wish for you :1 long` and `napp; ;ma1'1'ied life. In the short time you `Mr. Fawcett, have been i ]a_-:0 you have won the 117 x_-_, A. 1;.` .3. ... ----~ T ` . . ` . 4 I . I `uh ; and 15. .1 Loku} 0; om :11')~`HOMy_( `proclatzon we ask you to accept tE1v._x.}1__mu_.\_ V . ` . .*W .. .- . . ' r ` * Elamp. 3111} Mo 1435 be a factol 1n;Ben ?contributing' to many pleasam e\'en~| Y I ings in your home. of `_Ula1` Si_2'ne(1 on behalf of the YoL1n_;*1Sumh\, `;Mon's Bible Clzxsxc---How;u' C0n~ \h_'_1 {st:Lb]e. p1'esidont; Bruce \Va11aco. the hon `lvico-p1'osident. Mn 8 ` I i The youm: people of .-`~.l1an ;P1'esb,\`t.e1'ia11 Church will present. fheli `Itwo-act comedy drama. "`.-\mong' the. jB1'e:1kers," in the `G,r:1ngc Hall. 140-: 'i'oy, on any 23rd, under the z1us-l lpices of the Lefroy United (.";1u1`cl1: Choir. 'l`l1e1'e' will be :1 musical pro- .g1`a.nm1o and an orcho.~:t1`:1 in atteml-ll 0 `Ia.-.\a u. -1.1 ....__..._.._ The numy friends of Miss }~_`mi1_ \ are sorry to '~1c:\r she i.~. 111 very poor health. u-.. -__.1 \l..~ T..- D:\- 1-nfnvnn.{ i I i \L"L LJUUJ. lLC(L-1`L`Al- M1`. and Mrs. Jas. {ix rot.urneJ4 . . I to them` home at Cra1ghLu`st. ` -nr ,1 u.-,__ \r- .. n. A4` Tn ` \.~U LIU;`11 nuuu: ab V:.u.L5uu;.u. ' Mr. and Mr". Norman King of L0-`| I froy spent Sunday with M1`. and )I1's. - Gough. 2, 1\".....-1 1 "AL n6` 'T`nv-nnfn uuugxn. Miss Muriel Luck of Toronto: spent a few days under thu roof. -1` rr 1 rw1__..-l1 D \Y ....\.\v.-4 FUUL. Miss Hazel Chapell, R.I\'., spent a lfew days at her home here. AL 4.1.- 'r..,J:,..~7 Ah! n1no+u'nn~ fhn '.lL \vV (lit): an JICL uuuu: u:.;~.. At the Ladies Aid meeting` the date for the garden party in aid of |the United Ohurc-h was set for July v-. The Ladies Aid of St. Janles Church are planning a garden party for July 2nd. m..,....u.... 1:... 1:14. Hm \Vn. YOUNG MEN! Here is a chance to get that 3Button. single breast ed Suit with one pair of trousers and one pair of plusfours. Double breasted vest and top pockets on the trousers in the new spring shade Tango Tangerine. " J.Ul' duJ;y auu. On Tuesday, May 15th, the W0- men's Institute will meet at the 1,. __._I_- .... lllllll D LAIDI/Avuyhx. V704. ....~..,. __ Plans to be mdae gw home of Mrs. Rix at 2 p.m. Plans to be made for convention, summer meeting and county conventi on. `everyone wa.rm.1y welcomed. come. Bvan-ie s Big Shopping Week. M33` 14 to 19. STROUD CROWET EEILI cx\\' nvu mu. ~-._... .4. I \Ve have appreciated you".- our Sunday School amlw 1d as token of our ap-! we to thisn 1} its factor in` mg evc-mi 1 ,,,, LEFROY and .\11's. r'awcetL--nc_~--~ H-- e extenu`. 1`~b1.V lled 317 he-artiest co11g'1'at.L11z1tiox:r,-`MYS Campb `nappy -\i`~t10T1?-1 --`-`- you, mil J been in our vil ;M`~'`- vo c-s`t2cn1 of; - e . HILL Thi: Offer good May 18 and 19 Only Miss Kenybn spent the week end in Toronto. `lit up ~\ .. .. -.. v.uu.-v. Mr. and Mrs. Pruett of IsJ.in5. .`ton spent Sunday at Wilmot C-ook .s. ML. .....) mi ..- In fV._I.l_'_._I _1- m, \Itl\-AlIl ~uuuu._y uv vv uuuvv \..rv'v-xc. Mr. and Mrs. T. Culford of To- ronto were in the village on Sunday attending` the funeral of the late Mvs. Brown. vvv -. . - ~- W. J. Ar-n1st.1'~o1Lg' was in Torontn -over the week end. Miss Hilda 11-. turned with him for a few days. A `nurvn n.nML.-... .-.4? J`..:,\...1.. ..LL....1 .n...n.u n--nu uuu ;v4 u .|.L.vv uuqn. A large number of friends z1t.ten ed the funeral of the late Mrs Brown, fovnxcrly of this place, at the Union Cemetery on Sunday af ` tc-rnoon. Mr. Joseph 1`oml~inson pa.s.sed away on Friday 121:1 after 21 short ill `ness, imd \va.s laid to rest in the family plot on Sunday afternoon, lservice `being in the United Church, conducted by Rev. A. M. Pope. Dc- ;cez1s(:(l was one of the early settlers here and spent all his life on the old homestead. He was of a quiet, retirin_g' cli;<.po`:~:ition and much re- spected in the colmnunity. He leaves one brother, to whom is ex- tended the s_\m1path_v of the commun- :,_,, 1x7 ,,n, 1: .' av `The funeral of the late Dr. Mor- ren of Barrie was held from the fam- ily residence to the Union Cemetery here. Many neig`-hbors and friends attended the burial rites, as his circle 5 of acquaintances was very large. ,vHis early life was spent here and a.f~ ter his removal to Barrie his pro fession brought him in contact with rimany around his old home. He had ,ibeen ill for some time and his death `wu:~: not unexpected. The syrnspathy _ of the friends here is extended to elthe l)(.`1`Ca\`C(l family, all of whom n are well known here. The Women s lnstitutc: hehl their g:annual l)us`.ness meetinj: and election h 0f oflieers on Thur.<,day afternoon vilast in the hall. Thu.-re were about Q`|twrnt_\'-ve present. The nancial e`rc-port was read, the ba`.ance on hand ..,ibein_e' fty rlollar.~:. A cistern is to :0'be dug at the cemetery in the near ,futurr_-, which will be nanced by (1 the ln:~:titute. The election of officer: A11 THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1928 nu. .u;_-. 1.4 `u s.u.....~v... i Mrs. S. Fralick was elected `lDiz'ecto1'. Representatives to di 'annua1 are Mrs. S. McLean, .\`I`. } Johnston and 311- . Lane. A vo a 3 Dunlop St. The `I "" " L . 3. ronto \'1.::to1`s Miss Ruth Smith -!f1'0m an attack 511` 1` u 1` 1 .- 12,, Barrie s Big 4 Ln -In .\I1'. and Mrs. L:-sli goneywood spent Sun `latte-r's parents, 311'. an `Bell. 1'\ `r 1 `v-.. y u-..... ...._. . `of Allaudale were in u uuuu ; . 311'. and Mrs. J. H. Bell visiteci 211 home of Mr. TL:.1:' of .-Xlliston, and .\Ir.:. \`.`;alt.v.-1` Burch 05 .\Iidland and Mr. and )I1's. C. King of Orillia were visitors at Mr. Rob~ __ -, , ` E1111 Reid of lage on Monday. Miss Thelma eJnnet.t of Ivy has been st;1_Ving' with her g'1'andpa1'onts, -. v `I xv \r 11.1! 1.`-.. \I\. LIA .:u.u_v .5 M1`. and )Ir.< ` week. l vv .uu.L v.:.vv 2 The Algozz Club met at Mrs. S. {Lena-i"s on Way 1st, with an attend- izince of 1-1. Oicers elected for the `coming: year were as follows: P1'esi~ ! .\Ir.=. `Km. Link; Vice-Pres., M13. Jas. Shelswc-11; Sec1`eta1*_v, Mrs. Bert Shebnvell; T1`G."lSL11'01`, Mrs. S. Lester; P1-.og'1'am Com., Edna. Link, Helen Link and Mrs. C. E. Besmer; Sick Com., i\I1~:.. John Dicker, Mrs. Hazel Shelswell. After the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Lester. The next meeting will be at Mia: Helen Link's on June 12th, at J.`i LU` LE). Servxce ncxt Sunday at 11 a.m., and the iollowing Sunday at 7.30 p.m. It has been decided to hold Mothers Day the 3rd Sunday in May, instead of the second. IL... 1' u1.n1.um1:`| and 5:011 Gordon Children s Aid Society