Sale PYREX DEEP PIE PLATES or Shallow Bakers, size 8x15} in. Sale pric V Size g inch ercha, make Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . . . . .11;-c SNAPS ON LEATHER HALTERS Leather Halters, d011blc and stitcllod, size ]. inch. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.15 Size 1;} inch. ,R0g'ul.m' $2.00. Sale Price . . . .$1.45 20`/Yo REDUCTIONS ON ALL REACH S BASE- BALL MITTS AND GLOVES Sale Price; We want to make this a History-Making Week at Ottons and are offering exceptional Bargains in Hardware Barrie s Shopping Week Commences Monday, May 14, Ends Sat. May 19 m**mN HARDWARE co. F2. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923. COIL SPRING WIRE CORRUGATED RUBBER HOSE GLOBE ZINC WAsIiBoARDs . $3.85 cwt. THESE PRICES ONLY HOLD GOOD DURING ABOVE DATES AND ARE STRICTLY CASH PRICES. GOODS CHARGED WILL BE AT REGULAR PRICES % operate on same principle as Coleman Lamps and Lanterns. '!`1u)i1' ame is 1`h1*0e fimos as hot 21% Hmf 01 (-0211 mi]. V3,~.\'*.s 011]) abouf 2 (0n rs pm` 1101.11` to operzrro. O D-....... A... Sale Price $24. 75 `iifer, regular $29.50 price, 63c lb. . . . . . . .430 lb. Wu are equipped to give you prompt, dependable, first hand in~ formation on any Cancdian Minn INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING VISIT OUR BOARD ROOM-lZ OWEN ST. price 490 ea. foot . 39c On Sale $9.75 Woodyatt Mower, 4 blade, 16 in. cut, wheels 10%,- inches high. Regular $12.50. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.50 GLASS FRUIT BOWLS, 8 inch. Sale . . . . . . . . No. 8 WHITE ENAMEL TEA KETTLES qrn "Du-Inn "" " are rightly known as the World's Best Mowers Star Mower, 3 blade, 14 in. cut, wheels 9 inches high. Regular $10.50. Sale Price . . .$9.00 Same as above in 16 inch cut. Reg. $11.00 4.1V: V I Sale Price .-..n.-\a\aa.v .nJ\Iuu.l..l-.l.I\Jl J.V.l.\l.L DJ with handle. Si1ni1a_1' sige as large O mop Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..95 MINES and MARKETS 2-Burner Nesco, regular $17.50. Sale . . . . ..$14.5O 4-Bu1-nor N csco, regular $27.50. Sale . . . . ..$24.75 3-Burner Puritan, a product of the l c1-fm-1:io11 Stove Co., in sliort chimney typo. Re-gul;n' $26.50. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22.5O 2-Burner Ovens with Thermometer. Regular $8.50. Sale Pricie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.95 Wicks for Perfection Stoves. Special . . . .35c each Pheasant design. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale Price are the fastest oil cook- ing stoves. Easy and economical to operate. Nesco Perfect Oi! Sioves Bring your boots and shoes for x-st-class repairing if they are suffering for good soles and new heels --free fasteners and shoe shine and rips besides re- pairing. Give him the rst trial and be satised before going elsewhere. First-class repairing; promptly done. Don t forget the right place. Rum kin `I1-ia 'a-inn 39 cdnurm 51'. 97-Piece CHINA DINNER AND TEA SETS THE EXPERIENCED SHOE REPAIRER THOS. HAZELTON _. 3 --- -C- E4: Shninrd Stock ind Minin[ Exchange BARRIE MANAGEIl--H. A. HENRY. PHONE 1440 Private Wire to All Bruwlno I\omnzao Windsor Londoh St. 'l\hoxnas Kitchener Orittia. Peearboreo Lincbay. - TAYLOR-FORBES LAWN MOWERS HIGHEST GRADE IWHITE LEAD 13.13. qL1u1i r._v. Regular $4.50 M-inn m: .....,. or: . FLO_0B. DU_STING MOPS Tm. 1'\ul'T_hel`.(l A(iVarI(:e Al I! -I-\I.l5C\l `Au '33? his big `sign ya in c011ve11tiona]. signs. Reg. $4.98. Sale Price . . . . . 23-Piece CHINA TEA SETS Vaodyattg .n.-vv per 25 pounds border dc- It Pays to Shop in Barrie, Particularlyuat Otton for Hardware Tglizueach BARBIE. . $21.50 . $10.50 - $3.25 22c ,1, . 95c vvu, u-on-.a uuu 5`Ac|;3c!VV'aa1Cy -pu,\IvU Irvine, U.F.A. member, remarked that the people eviden-tiiy wanted this sort of thing; if we want and are going` to have royalty, let us have real ro_vahty," and con- tiniuing said, I want to see enoug'h [knives at Rideau Hall so that aftei the Parliamentarians have been there there will -still be enough knives left for use by the help. P01:)0l111i`_V he d`oul)te the need of the expensive provincial grovernmeni houses or Rideau Halil, but izf the [people wanted bowing" they would have to pay for it. I .Exfpendirbures plianned 01` this year on this fancy residence are a fence to cost $6,000; decoration of the balflroom, $2,000; insta.lla1:ion of ad- ditional baths, $1,500; carpets, $10,- 000; dishes and glassware, $3,000. Tx7:h1:...w. 1 ...-...- 71- In A _ ....1. -_, ... .... ...u..n. [ Of all] the population of Canada, who pay for this expensive outt, but a very small class, a Very ex- clusive ollass, get whatever benet there is to be had from this kind of ex~penditure. Only a limited few can enjoy all these things, which are charged up to and paid by the gen- eral populace, he srta:te(l, and pro- ceeded` to read the items in the iestima'tes--coffee pots, $330; coffee sets, $2215.50; cream and milk jugs, $550; at dis.hes, $518; HOT WA IlE~R JUIG, $14-2450; knives, $581; spoons, $170; -tea sets, $219; dozens of blankets, comforters and towels, hluntlrechs of__va1'(ls of linens; a billiard taibe, $851; clocks, $292; radio, $352; piano, $540; baby | g'1'and piano, $1,650. I .'x\...n.,... u-...... .-_-..- A-....:- W A- JOHNSTON S FLOOR WAX. Sale OTTON FLOOR WAX. Sale price |!.,.......u -y-nu, V4.,u`uv. `Further items were tennis courts, $1,754; -materials for repairs, $10,- l858; labor for making repairs, $12,- 484. 1 ...... uu vv vuc 4.a.uu 'uLu.u ul a,u.uJ.u>01I to the $50,000 item then `before -the House, there were two other items, one of $60,000 for general u-pxkeep, and another for $19,000 for heating and fuel. V 11f\n n .. $142 for Hot Water Jug Strong` criticiszm of some of the expenditures on the vice-regal 1'essi- dence of the Governor-Gee-nral at Ottawa was the feature of the de- bate on the estimates of the Depart- ment; of Public Works last week. Tmmn- ur- .. .1 -_---..LL .......v v; J.4u.vL`H\. vv'\u.x\b uvacw WL`.L Lh. James Woodswo1rt11, Labor mem- [ber for Winnipeg, led the attack on the Rideau Hall expenses, calling at tention to the fact that in additiion In. H... u-zn nnn :L____ L`, }Is nt It Great To Be I Governor-General pnonucr or Gntmu j F. J. GRACEY - u-J-.a-`:4 a. 1.1. Is: sumo UIJIIIL Dlylllls U]. U Pontiac s Fisher-built bodies, you will nd the master touches of skilled craftsmen and designers . . . the unmistakable evid- ence of engineering excellence. The big, husky Pontiac Six engine--with its GMR blue-streak cylinder head, its crank- case ventilation system, its oil lter, air- cleaner, etc. . . . is the result of the skill and experience of Pontiac engineers, plus General Motors great engineering and re- search laboratories ! The fuel-pump system (replacing the vac- . . . the Lovejoy Shock Ab- sorbers . . . the sure acting mechanical u...... wn._..: n...I.,.. 4.--- .-_ __- .1- N0. 9 gauge. Frost qualify. Regular $5.00. eral Motors resources make Pontiac Six , -_!_,-.-_I_ ,1 _., _, . .,....1..,..":g~"..:g;.*"'"*..,a.;g:..`:..*; ;-.::.::.:.'; make it a revelation of nix-cylinder value. nun. 9 514.1115 . . . thesetoo arede- velopmentmof Pontiac plus General Motors. Jain boot tlu G.l.A.C. Debut P Plan 1" ,0. -du buying coy. mt ;-I-xoc [NDERLYING the smart styling of Dm.o.'...~ . l::..l..... l...:|. I.....I:... -..... ._.:n 3 Don t buy Asphalt Shingles before 1 you see the new heavy butt shingle we are selling. The Sarjeanrt Co., "In justication of the expendi- tures, the Minister of Public Work.'a e:-aplzained that for many years the fur-nishings and equipvment of Ridezm H-all had been aliowed to become dilnaspidatecl and to deterioraite and he suggested that it mig'ht be found that even the amount asked for n1i1;`h.t not be suieient. L'r_... ...-- `I\ 1. .. F` ....... .... nut.-u Anuv Iu\. uuuu,-\,uu. How nice to be :1 Governor- General. vu vv\uvI.A um; . Eight outgoing` and eight inccxming mails have been arranged for, and if they are successful it is probable that the Canadian Ai1-wvays Limited wi include passenger carryi 9; in the near future. uu_vo vvJuuA| no uvvv L\?\lLIl1C\.lu About 37,000 letters were carried by the Faircihilcl plane, which was piloted by J. H. St. Martin. There were 10 bags of maid for Montreal, 6 bags of British and foreign ma.i1, 56 pounds of exipmss from the T. Eaton Co.; 23,000 letters for Mon- treal, 13,800 oversc-a.'s letters, the total weight being 756 lbs. From Toronto to Rim-ouski, about 660 miles by -air, it is calculated the ying time wilil' be about 8 hours, instead of the 21 hours now con- sumed by rail. This will mean a saving` of 45 hours in the case of liners arriving at Ritrnovuiski on Fri- day, when instead of mail being de~ livered in Toronto on Monday, as formerly, mail wiibl now be delivered awn Gal... .1...- CLOTHES PINS, 10 dozen for TOILET PAPER, 8 rolls for . . ......y.. uuuxuyu alnuuw u_y u-uv a.|Iu.. A few days ago it was annouvnced that a transcontinental aerial mail would shorty be esta:bis'he-d, crossing -the Dominion from ocean to ocean in thirty-six ho-uns, instead of the ve days which is now required. Ak....+ on nnn nun. -..A-.- ---~=- I ...- u..- -..s....., vLu\.L Au avmmulu. On Saturday the first regular air mail T001128 in Canada was inau.g1ur- ated from Toronto to Rimouski, the most eastern ca'Iling- point in the St. Lawrence. The plane wenrt soar- ing away while the noon wlhistles were blowing, carrying seven hun- dred and by-six pounds of mail and express, expecting to cover the seven hundred miles by 8.30 a.m.. A :---. 4-... ....... :4. ---.~- n---~-- ` `(Since writing` an article on an- other page on Distance Annihilat- ec, another surprise has come pra.c- ticaly unannounced, but smmrises are the daily order in aviation. t'\... O..;._._. 2.; u - THE FIRST AIR MAIL Page Eleven SANI-FLUSH, sane price