Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Nov 1927, p. 8

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_Dom(-stic Heft]; _\>VVz;x.1-tL-(l--Gir1 `wants.-d as general help. Apply Box 781, Bamie. . I `, Hanrriv l'in--mp---~~Forwur4l2~1, Victoria Quin|nn. l)m'i.~` l\'r-urns; contra-, Fthr.-W Hlimlm; ulc-fc-nm~, Chm: Quinlun, An-| .m: Gurml<-, lm.|w ! Smith; sub.-4, Dor- ruthy Plclwlml uncl l'}v(-lyn Tuck. I Aft:-r the ; tho Burrin girls` |._.., _. ......_.....A. ._.. ....I... .... ha;I t. coke. dirt, BARRIE GIRLS DEFEAT @ MIDLAND BASKETEERS 7 };1ii;'1(i;i,. -`spring (See tublt-. ~` m. C`-\i11m t'o1Io'.\'(:-:1 ton : Nut. Zelnmuw ,,..... Young` People da_\' o\'<-n-in},-' at LOCALS . a lfomluy. ]'J1`0l' that '[]`.I(`1`(- owest prices. 11 or clock clw for $1. J. V advertisement 71' thr- lurinyr Tco Cream M 1'11`; church nfT'|(:i: :` thr- ztftz-rnom .. . -1 .~ . .. ..... .,. ...l...,_.. . and (.-lnpluyt-1-.=." T p.m.--TTn> .`.Iin'.<'.<-2'. 2 L L; .11- ec-ric-s on 1':-lig.-`iou.< fl-, ""X'h R4'if_"i0 cf the Roli;:iou.<. MI.\3'IS'[`RY OF PR.-USE Miss Jessie Bryson, Choir I.(:;ul(-1* Mrs. 1'1. l{ic11aul`son, 01'}.-'anE. 1| ...... public The I\ u1'tnern Aclvuncea hr var--:1nt by Dr. (Tr Prott vw and Briu wt (1 fife); 1':1pi:l1_\' 1:1:-,._ 1 1*)` un- ;J"\\'l`lH'l_\' illlll -I Iuur an-In-_, V 3Ir1l(n. 'l`his ;lI'rxI.~'.- \\':1s rt-portt-I `J-mnml':u1<~i_\' mu! :1 tl10r01u.:`h .s`I`dl'(`h `Jul the |i. \v=u..< mzule, with Ihv w H-.s~u*It that I .(`. Nvill p-ink:-wl up tw' 1__voun1: men. ayrv If), lmth 01' Mon- - -treal, who 1,-`nvv their n:mm~s ns'l"`r(-I ?`:Iry-r and 1):-nni.~: lh-rkin. 'l`hx- two ':,V0un1: men were found .-let-ping.-' in 1'31 1lI"3l1l.hl':|(l ('n:|(.-h in M10 .-\lhIn | ON. wuv11l.s an-I were placed under Iiarrc-sat ehzmxsetlw with vap'rnnc,v. 'l`he_v 1 were bl'0ll}.!fht to the police .~vtut:ion ' uml l`l"|YL'ln(l('(I until to-morrow (Fri- twluy). Seve-ml val1m.bIie pieces_ of "ij('W('H(`l`_V, some of which were tukem 1 frmn l1:n'ri- l`(`Silll'l1(.'(3S, were fouvwl: -9 in their |)()'-`-:~`(.'SNi(7n and the charm): " will p0ss'ivbJ_V be calumve-erl from \'.'I- ` ` p,'runey to h0u.~u- brt-:rki`n=g' and theft ` i I I L; "iwlwn the cast: is h('u)'1l to-marrow nun um-.,. Lt was announced tm-lay (Thurs- |du1y) 211. police head|uanters that the change of vagrancy against the two young men had been chan~p:e-(I to charges of theft from a d.wellVin~gl I `and Ycrcpussinwg on the Canadian. National Railway. Owing W the ,a1l(aged theft being` done before 9` `.p.m., they will not be chargc-(1 with! hou`sc-brezLkix..g. > I `II, ,L -1 LL- .2..-....1.... ..n.I nil-..\u n0ll`HU|lI`Uwn|1u.',. 3 Most of the jewelry am] other wmhalea found on the men has bc-enf irwmftmed by the cwners. Junior Qu2u`t<-`,tr.-- The E 1`;L\'m- Pr-1'f(ct" - Harold B1'_\'son, Stewart Frank ('1-ui`-_~', Dou_:1z1:< S Junior Quu1'tette-Se"iected. L'nl'.'<-rt, R:1'I'.\'in `\\'hvr<- u ('()ll.`=`i(ll 1`_i'*\'\ (-H('l'_\ uml :1 ;I:1~k<-n. u'- .:i`mnt-l n1.vi_\' : Inf (HHLl`i( .l W-: . . u. n `V {Two YOUTHS TO FACE T: i CHARGE OF VAGR.-\NC`{` l Where Most People Trade. Successors to J. Sutclie & Sons. ` ' :7-X _f:t-rrs` uzcz:'me e;_%@. Seasonable Merchandise All sizes and weights -carried by your shoe dealer or repair man. He will attach them in a few minutes. ~ \\'m'km| 1'1lr`.`1:*"' ll1.- h0m-- of Jau-k I St. .4\II:1nl:1l:-. 1 1 0 I l:-r:1lrl<- unmunt nfi lx-r:1l;l '- Hith- w:n.- 4-In--1':-I um] and twu fmlntnilx Sunday}, Dec. 4. Anniversary Services: Spr-akcrz Dr. '1`. _-\'.`b(,-rt .\I00:`e Soc. G-~mAr:1l C uncil United Church. Sunday, Dec. llth ; Sacrzunont of the Lord's Supper vwar, uv:u|`_-.: wuu u_y unnn. nu.- The tea table was very p1'etti~1_v ` decorated with red candles, carna- ti-cns and` sil've~r tea servric-es addoed [greatly to the zuppearance of the ltahle. Tea was poured by Presi en.1 Mm. N. S. Jones, Vice-Presi(1en~t.` Mm. A. Wolfenden, Mrs. Russo"1]. `Walker and refreshments werefl `served by Mus. L. Vail`, Mrs. W. A. Coulter, Mrs. J. H-ewitt, M115. Jackx` Goring`, Mrs. W. Peak and Mrs. Spar-g 1. row. The .procee will be used for ` imprcvc-m.ents to the club house. I I Umlt.-1' the zxusipicos of the L'.uldes' 3 1` 1. ilmwn Bowling` Club, a very success-N? 'fu~l Victory Bnidlgo amd` afternoonit `tea was hcM in the Eamcrn S?tar{ rooms on Saturday afternoon. ( "l`~wenty tables of bridge were pEay- lod, Mrs. Roy Jay tawlmg bhe prize for , Y1 'l1i1:h score Mrs. W. C. Walls won?! Ithc mystery prize for the nearesitie `:~2c01'e Lo 1918, the armi.~')tice year.`9 Faml Mrs. N. S. Jones took the con- .15 solation pnize. Trwo ta'ble~s of ve! Jmnrlrexl were also played, the prize,` u( siflver cm-(I tray dtonamed by Mus. Vwir, being: won by Mrs. Kerr. rm.- ;_ 4-1.1.. ....... vvnv-Iv n1-n+\1 {LAWN BOWLING :LADlES f HOLD SUCCESSFUL BRIDGE QUEEN S HOTEL. BARBIE-,V Young and Temperance. ' ji 1 i Mr. (".h:ns. H:1\\'kil1.s', Barrie, an-E ,n0Ln1cc~s that he will not hu rcspon-i llsiblc for any dubrts incurrt-cl without `his .~'ig'1mture after this novice. I 1 1 w J. B. M9I\'E)AY. NOV. 13.3. 19?. 1-u.r\/\r~..t` Makers .of Patent Structure 1 4 u..u. Choir .-\nth(.m-God 15 1.0 JOHNSTON & KNIGHT Boys Ma Boys Ma Coats to LADIES` Chi1dren s Wool Mitts . . . .350, 500, 65c pair T0ques--In hiar n.<. mt` .\'1_\'If`.< and Ladies Wool Gloves Girls and Misses Wool Gloves Save your Silk Hose and Silk Lingerie with - Chex-Run. 250 package treats 4 pair.` Use it every sixth Washing. - .~ .. ...- .. ..__ _ 1'urm-11_\' with Dorenwcnd--Pember Advice Jon the Scalp SOIo-lt Was Alone" W'm. Ballantynv |{_\`riv-Bi1'l(.< \l(HI1j_`.` . ... -. x Inud big` You H Need Gloves Us Mackinaw '|`lI(-st Mm-,kin nm(l- up in A ('1 )'lu1'.\`, NOTICE Mackinaw Coats-.* Mackinaw I and . ,...... Choir--Son of My Souf." -Turm:r S0lo--GI.(l is 21 Snpinit Mrs. H. E. McCullough Match GENTS m 500, 650, 750, 853, si.o0, 31.25 Toronto. 'l'l|[7HRl).A\Y, N0\/ICMBER 17, 1927 . a J`m'n1s of 31110 are 10 per cent. of ;thc pllrchasv price in cash on accept- ,_E:m-cc of the t`cn(1e1', and the balance l_Iin twcn-t_\'~vc equal-. annual inL~:-tz1l~ mrncnts. with interest at 6 per cent pcr annum on the :mno1-tization plan. V V Each tender must be accompanied Iby an accvptocl cheque for $100. It `ton-dcr is gwccpted, this sum Willl be 5c)-edited t6 `the yiurchase price of the i-jlanxl. If ton-d<.-r is not acce:p-tend the _ fmovnoy will be retturned to the : tenderer. ' E E Tenders Vwilllcbc opened at Toronto, `OWL, on Nqvcmber 30th, 1927. mm, 1...'....L.'.;+' AV nnxr +....:,... ....a. o IVIIIIIIIIo ,'W. J. Munro, W.M. - Alandale. F. Longhurst, Recording Secretary. uunuuuu. J. W. Mc:Kie, Disrt. Supt. Dated at Toronto, Ont., this 4th iday of November, 1927. 7L.o.L. No. 43 Allandale 1].... 01...! __j 4.: -I-u `uuuc Q: In AB uuamy uualpvauu U1. ! Tenders s-hnoulxd be in plain en- vve-hopes marked 'I`o11de1' for the pur- 'chase of Pt,."Lot. 24, Con. 1, Oro, Simcoe. A'(Ml1`eS!S tendem and en- quiries to: The Soldier Settlement Board of Canada. 1' try `I vr- ~n- . .-. SPECIAL N0 IVlCE Popular Sunday evening: after- meectimxs will bn held in the Church Hal, Toronfo St., commencing: Sun-I day, Ncv. 20th. - - - - - - - --7 1 Menu 2nd nnd 4th Thursday of each J Il-_AL .,....., .... ..,.-..-..e. -.,...., ..,.... The hig:th.t' or any tender not _necessarily accepted. If the land` is not soikl on the date above mention- ed the Board will be pmparecl to re. fceive offers to purchase until such `time as it is naiiiy dnisposed of. I m.......1,..... -L..M.m. 1... :.. ..|..:.. -_ L The ]J1ll`('h:1S(`l' of t.hi. must. l'<*I_\' on his own in.~'p(`CtiCl1 and .kn0wlc of the farln and not on 'the above or any other pzx-rticuIum~ 01` 1`om'o. made \'c-1'ba`Jl_\' or `in w1'it.in_Q' by employees of tha- }So1dio1' Settlement Board. m r ,,1 ,,_.. 1n __,,, , ,. ,1v 10 `Per Cent. Cash, Balance in S Twenty-Five Years. The SnlIi<-1' Svttlvxnunt Bozml of ;C:1n:uI:1 uH1-1'.< for szxlv by Public. , 'l`omlc-1- I Oro Farm For Sale 50 Acres, North-West }4 Lot 24, Concession 1, Oro Township, Simcoe County. Wes . . . .700, 85c .850, 81.00, 81.25 " . . . I The mlms- cer wul.l commence the; sermon serial, Fishing in Strange` Waters. This will be precemlcxl by] beautiful colored sTIi of the call of` 'l`hos. Crosby, pioneer missionary` among` the F'lwt~Hea Indians. | Monday, (Nov. 21:! l A chorus of over ty voices will. present the Royal Plawnate," under} the lea of Miss J-essie Bryson, in aid of the Sabbath School. V./uu vnuw-vuu. 0DDFELLOWS' TEMPLE Kitchen and First-Class Conveniences Piano and Tables. ` See George Vickers, Sec.-Treasurer` To Let--Small xt, suitable for couple. Apply W. Coles, 103 Bay-g eld St. | UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA HALL FOR RENT Dances, Banquets, Card'-7 and Conventions. -__-u-. - 1\IIlBI -rug-nan: rs Page Eight Divine Services will be conducted A . -. .... l_ res_b_yterian Chmfch 11u.m.-Ro\'. VW. A. 1 LA`, Assistant. Secretary Eonrd of .VIissior.s. W.M.S. Thankoffering. 7 p.m.-The Minister. SunrI:\y.Schoo1 at 3 p.m. P)`11}`L`1` 1m"-r~tIn,: \\'ml11es (Elizabeth Street) IU`:V. .-\. 1`). B.-\l\'T`1R. WIN! 4 -Special ;\Iusic-- )Io1'nfn_: Sim: a Son}: of Praise -Har2-is 5 rth-1-tn %cJaN;:;g::%[Lmca` I a.m.--Tho .\'Iini: 7 p.m.--'I`hr} Ministc-1'. 2 p.m.--Tr>ach(-1's T1'ainin:." Class. p.m.----Sun School in all do- 1 .2'tmcnts. ..._?______ I Found--In front of Children : Shela ter, Elizabeth St., a sum of money,! a ring; of keys, :1 mag'ni~fying' glassg and watch fob. Apply Clef of` Police A. Stewart. MISCELLANEOUS Sunday, Nov. 20, 1927 Sunday, Nov My souw u ; :uu. ......_,.---. Let and Choi1'ma.=,te1' . Bryson Smith. IV :1 . ~ rx. \.uuu..u..,l 'Secretar_\' of the: Society o'clock. ,,...,_,. In:Iu.~7tr_\`. ` for <-mploy us.-.-.1 . .\II.\'IS'1`J'1I: 20th _ __ _ _| To Le`.rurnishecL room, suitable` for two, with or without board. Phone 1409, or ca`.`~1 at 120 Bay-eld ~'I`u1'n( on Mon- ~-.-Nevin ! Subject. ..4.... n I , ..,. I 9 T1'e21.=u1`c1`_. 3.\Ii.<.< Ma)-_\' .- --Wm rrr:.' .-7.`.-zByJ1,}_I__E,1i.l friends in Toronto. I `Ir ,,,1 1ur__._ rc x7:..1...n,. r<...... Mrs. Fred Whitney is visitin:.r` .LL.II:uua All ;.v;uuuv. ! Ma`. and Mrs. C. Nicholls, Cum- iberland St., spent the week end in lToronto. -nun ru 1 "'VY,,,A_ ,;;,__ In. .1 LI... I ;. Lvlnvvo I Miss Blanche ifuneral of her John Atkinson, 'day. I 31.. A 11:.....1 1`: ua_y. Mr. Alfred Little of Doronto is spending a short vacation with `his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Little, William St. i uy -r 1n,LL 1.-.. ..-4......_A.! Money L0 1.40311---piJ,uvu uu Avau uu good farm property. Apply J. B.` Irwin, 78 Dunlop St., Barnie. ` ?_____-__________ 1 I VV Ill-ltllll k |n Mrs. W. J. Wwebb has returned from Toronto, where she spent a week's vacation with her mother, Mrs. A. Lyons, Degmss St. Mrs. William Avn1st1'ong has re-l turned home after spending two, weeks vacation with her (laughter, lMr~s. Albert Cooper, Parry Sound. VT! 11! `r\..L_....- A. 1)....-la Qhlnnu Aurs. nrucm. vuuyuu ;.u;, uuuuu. F. W. Dobson, A; Pugh, Sidney Thomas, Wrm. Be]?! and Clarence Ridden attendeed the New York-I Maple Leafs hockley 1n:1.tch in To-` inronto on Tuesday night. IIVL. .._:.._ -VJ -.u-1 .. T.-.s-or-'.-7 4'umH- '1'UJ1Lu un Lucaua; .u.4.u~- The wise cld ct} at Ia.rV'l5 fruit` store knows a good place tar deal.` UB0 wise like the ow`! and deal at! 1A\ `|lk)|II k/luau`: \vhc.-rt: hr: 13: I(](,'l1U_\' think? J` `ronto. ` The !da_\' : \Vo'.i1i1)fuI Master Gi]i)er'. occupied th<~ chair. Toast: :]\'in;: and cou1m'_\', the 10:11. 1.1 *1\I"5 ...,..,_, ..,,.m,..__ .. _ ])l"(.'l~HlMl on lni.~' way, but thr- l)()5' tank his nu.mhrr. ' On Sntur-lz1_\' moi`ni11:' Duvivl Win- hr.-. l` St.. plozulwl ,-_-'uil`._\' to 121 olm1';:- of ;1:<.-'.2iult on his wIi'r-, .\Ir.<. ;.\l:1n Wintr~i'.~7. Mi`. Wint'-1'.< :1.~:km| for `unit-nc_\' for hm` hu.~`l):1ntl, .~:tut- ing` that Hwy wauitl try to lwivv in-' 5;.-`c-tlwi' p W .~'.:1i4l that [if ;:i\ r:n 21 chance he would live` lpvac(-abl_\' with Mrs. WlI]i.(:I`.'i and` would surpport her. ;VIu.;:isti':Ltr- J!-ffs remamlml the accused for Ha-ritt-n:-,l warning` him that hr may bu cullrull Iup at any time c0vYT'llI)11hlI1tS urn ht.-zml and be sentenced on the charms. George l\'ell-r also app:-urml tn Saturday morning: czlmrw-cl wimh ln-in}: in-toxiacatwl in :1 pulr"ic plum- iaml was fined $20 and mmls, with. ;an option of 30 lays in jail Kt-ll:-ri lwas pic.kc.d up on (flnppc-non SA. on iF`rr1a_v night and spr-nt thv rniwiit ll! - `himl the bursa umlv-r Hw pnlim: station. Anxrus 'l`i'ickt-y nml David l*):uh_v [of Om Township, :mp:m't-4| bu-force .Ma2'iS-hate Je's on 'l`u-mlny clmrxzc-1| `with stealing a set of liowhlv hnrnr-Mn` and it sat of simrlv lmrm-`m from `Michael Hayes, on Nrrvumlwr .'br4|.' !'l"h(2_v will be trim! bc-fnr- Mmri/4tru1u' ;\`IcCau1:hrin in Orilliu on Nov. 2l,l meantime they are gnu-sum of (luv:-rnnr Banting. _. . V, Money to Loan--$5,000 to loan on -...-.I ....w. uumnlnofv Arnrnlv _T_ 'B_, ` DOS: : Spvnc<:1' who . n y w 1 I The Prince of Walt-.9 in ri;:h1,. 'l`h4-i rslt Armistice Day vma u my 0!`; ire,-joicing. Subsequeni. 1um'ivuruuri(-x/ .arL- Dayx-5 of Rt.-ma-rrubrznnca-.. | spent .r..1I . ., T 11.0. ALLAMJALE n..-. . h:- annual bun ni11:: of H1: Or: Kc-n1pcnfeTrlt = h(`](l in the Ora an at thic- 11;. u; LII`. v;u..h.. -v...... Lodge, No. 360 hold in Orange Hall on _`-ion- r.~venin,2'. About fifty O1'z1n:_`~": and Izulic-5, includin`-.~' rt-1_n'e.=ent:1 of County Lo(l::es and Gram . .____.____ For Painting, Papcrhangwingg Wall Paper sample book on application. Rhone 539w, A. Berry, 21 Gowan St., A~IJIan-dale. _ `the POLICE COURT ..., Social. fur Paton. an accident and xvzm r 0111- WM-k. "l`h<,- action an uccirlr.-nt on N0v(:m- W'iI.-`on struck a bicycle by r.~n1p]0_\'<' .y\.uu._'. luun nu... -. 11.: on 115 way home .... H. vs . Pc0p .c ;< Soci `t_\' .1 I`-.. I Board vvv Plant attendk.-(1 the! g'ran~dxmother, Mrs. in Gilvford on Mon-, 0 Toasts C(')V the ]0:l_'."L-, thr: .u. , brit by W; u.- 4 . . I":1<:tm'_\', By?- 360. mu n-u_v uunu an-w;u,,uuuu nu bun... V H. (Ilmm and Victoria Quinlan wnrni "lilv .s'ta-rs for Barri:-. Victoria scored: the b:u~'.k:-its Fur Barrio and Glare,` p':1_viny; rltefc-ncu, ])l`('Vi'llt,(`li many :1 `Hem-1 in-in;: m:ulr: snwzririst Lhv visiting`: `,t,-um. in the rm pt.-riml Victoria "iQuin`;xn moor:-rl siglit timt-s for Bar- "irit-, mnkng Lhc-ii` Hi poirims :Lmuin. "`Milwlnn 10 at lmlif-tiirru-. In thv! "`:-~(:nml h~nM' l)nri.-1 l\'r~zn`n.-r and liltlmll `` ; Ilimlx uzuzih tullit-I :1 i):l.`*`k(`i. and Mimi '!Quinl:in maorc-I frmr Limr-.34, zuul murlv: " Lwn fr-u- thruws. mukim: the final?! m!(n'r- 30-20. Mizllnml govt ve} V Jnmkc-L~: in mmh hulvf of the mxmt-. ...y ..v.v -. ... [- Aft :-r Lhc Bnrrin g'i'rJs ' nml : clrnza-n sumturtt-rs who we- :-mrlpuniml Uu-m to Mil,|unl WON` tnheiu gupm.-< of 1h~ Mitlluncl girls at an '_nf1A`7`llulHI ta-n hI`rV('1` in the school, I'ol":wm| by n lmlf r`vI `- R Hm no-xi p:.'un- w1.l.l "|l)ril|i:1 on .w'uturl.'1y. ho p1.:1y'-d in 1mun"+ l;nnc'im:.' t I Jubb, Dunlop Hotel. 13.11). K. ALULUI. Genuine Coco Cola served at our Soda Fountain. Sing'c1"s Blue and White Tea Room. Afternoon tea and homemade bak- ging sale at Trinity Parish Aid Bazaar 'on Friday, Nov. 25th. Young` man, fo1_' that new Hatt or Cap try Sirmmons & Co. Best qual- ity at the lowest - Any watch cleaned or ._...:.. ..._..:..... 4`-.. m1 T T nl"`Y`7 Annual aquaxc. Special Sale of Misses and Ladies Cloth Coats, with fur collars and cuffs, at Simmons & C0., F1'i(lz1y mo-1'nin=fr, Nlov. _18tl1. , Tllinking` of _4`etti11p,' a new 1*a(lIi~o this fall? S00 Cecil R. Livin_9:ston., local DeI<`orost-C'1~o:4`.cy agent at l'Li\':ing`ston s Ga1'a::e. _ . AI` - 1 _,,_1_1 ; ! Radios All size-s and models at i\':11":/Sllxs prices in DeFo1'e. `sets. Cecil R. Livin_:srton. Livi11:_"- ston s G.arag;c. TL `L .H...._.. -;4nmu;.-,-cnuua \.IuLu5x.. | I I .....l 'l)nn-.I.-H.-{>nn 1. For fresh fruit, sh, lour and feed, try H. `He may be round but he ] I square: | ouuu .1 \A,uLu'_L,\. ' The Kimikconfr and Remins.-`ton Hunt Cubs ]121V`u returner! from a `successful hunting` trip up north and `1'op01't that ouch man get his allot- ment of deer. v\ . 4 1 , , :,,, -.. In thc-Ir first }:; of thv .~':-:_1.s'n11% th- ;yi)'l.~" hznslcr.-t.})ulI team of tho: B.(I.l. Ivfr-ut(.-tl tho girls of Mirllaml I~Ii,u;h .S(:hrm`.- in Midlnml on Sntur-I (lay last by :1 .~'.cur<~ cf 30 to 20. 1 'I`}u.- g-univ was fast frmn start tof _1'mi.~'.h zmtl Imth trams put up 21 gxomlll fight, but owimr to the {inn work and: team play of tho Barrio f`crw:1rd.~'.,V ;B.C.I wurv abl~- to k(-0]) the u-lug.-v on. the Buy town throuyrhout the u'am~.j ._-.I \I:_A....:.. I'\.`2._I.,._ Prompt and ` \va`ccI1c.<. clock: urdzly uftr-rlmo In Dunfop St. .\lr.'=. Princv an 7 J Rev. J. S. Shoru, M.A., Minister Edmund Har(l_\'. Mus. Bac., F`.T.C.M 0)';:`anist and Choirmaster. Sunday, Nov. 20!}:

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