Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Nov 1927, p. 7

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'.I.`IIl.'RS F331 , .`.'37.'Z;].\{I3IR 10, 191?? - A T" E`. Potato JuIg~in_2' Competition Junic1'---Cli'onl Bzxldwick, Dzlrrio, R.R. 3; Jzxmns Wolalon, B:11'1'i(.-; VV~a.1te1' B011, B2n'rie, 11.11. 3; I.:1w1'- ence McW:1ttc1's, 'I`horn=ton, R.R. 2; Jim Kenn-cdy, Allandale, RR. 2; Roy Walt, Midhurst; Vex-.nz1r Walt, Midhurst. Senior--Stowart Bell, Barrie. R.R. 3; Gordon Johns, Allunrd.-110, R.R. 3; Isaac Welklon, Ba1`rie; Mel\'ile Aye-rst, Thorn' RR. 1; Ross i\":n- nedy, ALlsan~d Lle, R.R. 2; Edwin Rich- ardson, Midh-ursvt. I'\_ ._ IV1 .. .....` .. I Vs/INNERS .,... .... .. ,. .. month.~.'.) Exhibitor co1nin:.: I.o11_::('s:1; Di: '---N01`mzm Munro, 'I`hw1'n-ton. RR. 1. :I.z11'1:0. Potato---StI:wa1`t Br.-1?, Bar |,, hh n tho wo K151` Pvr-rrso d"'1'o<~*.= "'f":`V and pur- (`,'-[`1`|Ol'I1'4(0l]. I 7,` J11,<:<::~ut Exhil)it01'---GiIbc~rt P.z1M B:11'1'ie, RR. 3. (7 _\'('Z1l`S, 9 'ERS OF I-{IV/ANIS PRIZES AT POTATO FAIR uh... . - - . . .. I\Ic`.V:*.`.`(r- `F E. `$ 5,0W~W CASE-E Jun 1'tif_\'n 5 Section m ])a1'ent or! :m\'(_-1' p:1rt of` -Oswa1(l Mc- a ;-ti the th 0` A community tlianksniving service was he-Dd in the Baptist Church, Clzup-' ])01'1~iA1l St., on l\[0Il(i 2l._\' at 11 u.m., the church being` fairly well lled. Rev. E. J. Wham, the pasrtor, was in Cl`rZ11'._Lf(' and the church choir led in the singing, also coittlibiutimg` an anthem. The lesson was read by Rev. J. J. Black, While Rev. J. S. Shortt lead in pnay-er and Rev. G; Coulter pronounced the benc~d ict.ion The zulidress was 'given by Rev. A. E( Baker Clf Central Church. Tvakinwg for his text the words from the 117rtl1 Psalm, O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and wonderful works to the chiltlrern of men. Emphasis was laid on our grreat heri' and our responsibil- ities in laying well the foundation on which the nation is to be rear- ed. The challenge comes to us on this l`h.annlcsgivinvg' day to countenance only those things that will make for` 1'.igl1te~ou.sIie&< a.`n`d g`c.dlinees. THANKSGIVING SERVICE WAS WELL ATTENDED Thistle CurIin_9: Club was held or? Tuesday of last week with a :.:'ood` at.tend`ance. Prospoctsfor an active season are b1`iy.`ht, nc.-a1'l,\' sixty mem- bers 1m.Vin~g' al1`<*-zulvy >`ig`!1C1I up, There \vz1;~: 21 (liscu.' 1'(}_L"1i1`dil11' 21 new club ho-u.~:o, and 2x cmnn1ttt:c inc: of 1\'Ies.a1"'. 1\Ie1'1`ick, Boys`, . nu-n1 ` cunsi h-) ` The annual meeting of the Barrier I I `)I\1 .t BARRIE THISTLE CLUB PREPARES FOR SEASON New Elements put in Irons for $1.50 ILIDCAU nu-3 u \||n\\.n_v.' -u .\._\u~ committee consisting 1\'Ies.' Ro Rolu-1`t;~`0n and Goodf01- Wcw xvas zxpwpointcd to confor with :1 committee from the Barrie Club on itlxe ma`tt01'. i OfI'1c(.~1*:~: c-I<-c`.c~-(1 wore: Hon. Pres,` :W. A. Bo_\`.<, l{.C.. .\`I.P.; Chzlplzxin. X {U2 E. J. Whzm; P1'0. Rev. J. Shortt; \7icL-'-1 1'osEsl;11t, D. W. :ICmm.~:; Sn-c.-'I`rr.-;1.=... J. 1". Goo-.lfL-1low; . nn \ 71 WI T"... . . I I-3 ucutwc Ric-1m1' -7 ;fc-lfow; 51:. '1nomas,_ unt. -- "1 won: Iour bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhnm s Vege- table Comound and found grea_a.t re-' lief from t e dull, heavy pains In the small of my back and the weakness from which I suITered for five yeala after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkl.:2m s Snnative Wash '1 am feeling bow.-1 than I h:w- for the past seven yueum, and zarlvisn my ('1 form. x to take it." ~ Mr-:~: V" .Irnv"'~:(L\`. Barringtun, N. S.-I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. M husband and my father did my wor for me as I have two children and` we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham s' Ve etable Compound, and then got a- litt e book about it throu h the mail, and my husband sent to Jaton s and` got me a bottle, and then we got- more from the store. I am feeling ne now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my" friends it is Lydia 1}. Pinkham's Veg-- etuhle Com ound that makes me feel- so well. - rs. VICTOR RICHARDSON,` Barrington, Nova Scotia. Two More Cases of Feminine Ill- ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-' l1am s Vegetable Compound mama When bun Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. --I took four" mfnq nf Lvdin Ii}, Pinkhnm'.-1 Vmn-_- WHY NOT THE BEST ? Something Special for First One Ordering 1 Stove `u. ..4..._y , V. H. A rm st ro n -. `(I -mun, .-u. - . J. H. Rod-I: ; Club Izlxncuti `(Y A .Lx\..\...-_ said when /. .,.. N. ... S t.-31) 11 c 11 1 `IN. u..A\.-.., .... S. Sho1"Lt, 1 1.1 `ulf or article can- Committr,-c '7 V: 10% off all Material and Time for Short Time u..., . . by all. . . 4.. _,u........... H am 1.) I _\'. \ \\ \\ \\\\\ ' the ., ... 7. Good~ . Robert` A_4\.nv , Joint -.v- n 1111.. A 3--n-:-u -_---j _____ , Offers this tremendous Fortune to any Man, Weman or Child. Find the Words Hidden in the" Letters of the Word ' Estimates Free `WESLEY BISHQB THE MAIL AND_jEM_E HRI'; BOX 633. 43 DALTON ST., BARRIE. 1_.a\4-,1 .-~ a1,` 40 .43 - A A A -,4-p /`.-_,`f, ~/l`/4/L.~.-L-5." /I-' 2- ~/L-`Kw ..':.Jn ___.......... .-._:-......_ GAME WARDEN SEIZES SEVEN "RIFLES IN ONE DAY_ IEONSTANTINOPLE I ,Coun-t._v on Mond-ay and seized seven ` :2-un.< of various sizes and makes ;.'"z:-`:1 1 1<>'1 without `1`ice'mse\'i. :.\.T1'. :`l:(.:'r~:.:'0r loft Barrie b;F'~" .~ 1:x'.'i.~:<- :1 [HI h-ml n`:ul<- :1 clean ' 7! . . n $200.00 Special Prize ,@&@ Ea Mzeswill Be Awaned t he an mp C%4SE~?% :-:P!:j_g'_EZ...%E`.;:$nnr.B;..%?HEdEY_g;l] My $Z,@@ $i,@@@ T ' 1 The greatest opporiunity of your life Is v this word game, to play and _learn`' while "play anu learn enjoy the hunt for words in this g; In and have a jolly good time. Pu Eobby .1 pencil. Both parents ta Ma! it a game. See _wno car} u: Here you are folks I --tl;e big cash ' awards! lIH' Iuuu: ul'rL'- Remem`er-- A fully qualified - 1 oruninrnv uyvnc {awn James McGr~,;`or, 4G; and Fixh.` ' /Ovcrstc-r, upon rcce"vi.~_:i1~- fo .a`tion that illeg'a1 huntimr Mn. been czu':'iwl on every Tha.n!c.s-;_:i-,-in_~_; in .t.hc TM ms of E:L\`L Gwi`lZm. W/inning An.~':v( rs lull rucc-we cash prizes ac(:ur1IIn,'; to (I'm (able bore. TI ' all VVCF VVLII3 L larger amounts. $59@W in Cash Prizgasf J-5&5 `lU&IJl. - I ova-our `vwv--v-. -- -;I , , Leslie Iuuutc, Puzzle D-Luxuger, lioom 207, Mall and Empire, '1`oronto, Canada. Enclosed nd $ . for which kindly send The Mall and Empire to the Iollov/111,: persons. whlch will qualify me for the Big Cash Amlrds in $5,000.00 Constantinople word game. .3-e. ' lst the Kindly am; 'I.`-'.c and Empire to Kindly send The Man and Empire 150 Is this subscription new or renewal? Remit by money Order, Postal Note or I ntcst w 1 "play and learn" e = `.hIs_gan1_e. Al` U nun.-. ... /"Oven to Qation c:u"'i' the buw l` h o `Cash Prize Qualifying Blank HI /'/In M:m:u_vcr_ Imam 207. Iilnmre. lnpqucus ......................................... vvv yvuu [Carnots, Beets, Onirons ......... ..50c peck `Tomatoes .............. .. 10c, 1b., 50 Husk. 1 K- L........L ; vunuauvvu ............ -. Celery ...... .. Squash .. . i ba.'o})agc- `I 1-:r'u33eI\ Sprcnzts ` ."'.'1l`.. ?m\'l.,1 . L u-uuvvuu Apples . I (V- ....-A... The Bzmtric mzmket was `largely at- tended on Satturtduy, ducks, geese and chickens `being sc.Ld in large quantities for Thanksgtiving. Garden produce was not solid in abundance on Saturmlay, there being very few farmems on the market with their wagons. The interior of the market was crowded, almost every available ` stand being occupied. nu , ........ W...-E, .........,....... The prevailing prices were `Chickens ................... .. . 28-30 $2,000-09 FOR YOU! ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS CALLED FOR $100.00 will be added to the First prize of $2,000.00 lif the subscriptions [to qualify the list winning First Prize are re- ceived in The Mail and Empire ofce between November 16th and midnight, November 30th, 1927. sts of words submitted. The answer having the : out of the letters in the word Constantinople will ;1ew. -`S(I((`)Vl;(.`N`[`)`X`viVZ(;,V $1,000.00; 1] Ilzird column gures in prize list.) inst:-ad of $50.00 will be awarded to the answer winning: rs! prize, |)r0Vid(`d two yearly subscriptions to The Mail nnd F.I11|)i1`v.liaxve lnrcn sent in. one subs_criplion of which must be .m.., kmnmx m-izn, SH_000.00: thud nrizc. $700.00. (See instead of 850.00 will be awarded to the answer winning first 11 ':'.c. providcd_ one ycnrly subscription has been sent in. .`3r.:.'~ond prize. $300.00: third. $350.00. nnd so on. , The Market ty what The Mail and Empire is offering you In ny earning a big cash prize. You cannot help but ds game. All you need is an observing eye. Let`: all join :1 time. Put all the family in this game. Give Mary 2: pencil, and take a pencil, and any other members of the family. wno can find the_mn5t words from the letters In the word Con- , .. . ., A._ . , |LI_ -4..-...._.... .....I :9 2 Folxrliz [ lfim. : isixih Sccuml Pr 430 Third Pr 1.1- . IF.-r-I5: I 5 Prim _" new or rcnewul an 50 (lR.\.\`D l'I:!ZlS5~' .sub. m|',,,"-jlnion of are sent | Is sent I .On All Kinds of Electrical Work in Barrie or Surrounding Towns ' - 11:11 7',I,r:}:1l1 ['ri'1.c Ninth I`: I, 1`:7'l1axve-klI_t}(`.t 1Vs el1'K in.'om- subsriplion Sm-ond prize, $1,000.09; prize, rnlumn Ii.-_vuros nrize n_\ pr:/.c-(-xlT;:(-Ii full :1Vl11oV1'lVI1t..('JtHe:'.: to each tied p;u'Llclp:mt. Advance Print, Barrie. .... .. u any \.vv\.J- 10c, 2 for 25: ............ .. 10c qt.` ..... .. 10-2': each . 10- arch" .51., UV yuan. 15 bunch 15-25c each` Non.-2 lab. ....... .. 30 lb. . 2I5-28 1Ib.l nu- ...... av`. -av. 50c (1102. ` 42-45o `Lb. $1.60 bag zn- ....._1. ' Cheque. Do not send cash \1nregIsterel. PHONE 285 ;: . U U 5.00 2.00 To qualify for highest award this subscription must be now. When Nelson bade mrewell yester- day to his wife and aunt, who tra- I -.-c-1-ted all the way from in . -lI`....L 4.. ......... 1...`... Gun +'kA nv;1_ `nu. cuuxu DU aavu uuuu LAUMIIA uuv hun- I . `lows, he resmamed unmoved as the w".`1en sobhed out ther cnnviction Now that they have sentreuced me to death, I hope the police are satis- ed, is the only statement Nelson is reported to have madse concesminzg L.'.. And-n l Vt.'l4\,'ll ill-I hilt? wag .LA'\Illl \/(Z-AI.L'\IAuAn Au `an effort to save him frocm the gal '- ..-_._-..__.: ...... ..,_,: ,_,, u_,_ Prize H 'l`\\'() Prize 1! ONE nubbcriptionu are Rout, one` I SELL WASH G MACHINES, ELECT'UC STOVES AND ATES AND INSTAL SAME. $1,000.00 500.00 350.00 1)0.()() l'.`~().(3{) Sill!!! Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 8.-The " Dark Strangler, ofcially Listed in ` the records of the Manito`ba police as Earle Nelson, of Palo Alto, Calif., has resigned himzsedxf to his fate. Ac- cording to guandls stationetl about the conde.mnedJ man s death'ce1l, he has assumed a cheemul air and since sentence of death was passed wpon him has devoted most of his time to reading the Bible. _' ;_I .1- AL, Nelson, who was convicted of the murder ozf Mrs. Emily Patterson of Winnipeg, will hang on Friday, Jan. 1 n.|..I_ 32.50015) IWINNIPEG STRANGLER ` READY TO MEET FATE` 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.90 5.00 (Connnnd nxnn nage "n0\ In closing` Prof. Squirrel con_:rat- `uiated the Barrie Kiwzulis Chub in enco-u1'ag'ing` the boys in growing po- tatoes I10 noted that one boy had grownx double the quantwy of pota- toes on ls pkm that he had the previvcuus year. If e.ve1'_\' grower in the cmnwy wouhl do s R woum zukl ten million doillans to the wealth of the county. n-_-_1.:..._ :.. u... ..u......`...,...-. 4;.` mm.-n- `Potato. Growers | At `uVva;';is Clukvi U1. mu. yuuu .._,. Speaking in the afternio-cm to merm- bens of the senior and junior sec- tions of potato g:rowers, Prof. Squir- rel discussed several pluses Iclf po- tato 5.-`rowing, seed, planting`, culti- vation, spraying, fertilizing-, l1a.1'\'est- -in.g' an.(l maxvketinvgx For best resulits and maximum prodiuction seed weigh- ing about two ounces and having from two to four sprouts should be used. The size and number of eyes was very essential in the growing; of a g'ockl crop. The (1-istanyce to be plumlteud avpant varies with the va1'.iet_\` onf pottaitoes, whille the same applies to the (lepth to be plzmxted. Gener- ally spevakinzgr, it was best to plant or the level and from three to ve inch- es under the su1~.l'-ace. In reference (to szprayingy the average grower does not sprau_v often enloufzli`. The ques- tion of when and how often must be letenmined by the SC`Zl.S0ll. Somv _\`var.< will require :~`.prayin:.-` oftmie. ithuan dthe1's, The crop should be `\V"dtCllL`(l anal if un_\' tlisezise L])])L`2l.l`E I I l S])l`zl_\'lllL' .\`h()ul b<- (lone ol'tm1. 'l`lwrr\ is fqrezit new! in Ontzxrio zit ilu-L-. of fewer vzu-iazties and nmrc; `!:iit.-ntion paid to cu`.ti\'ut.ien of the Hr L ilzxnzl lwI"1'v and :\l"u1' })l:uitf1`.:.". `|f,, , ,, 4'. `Ll l. i 9 There is nothing hard to do. And there is Two Thousand Dollars to [T S E A S Y win. All you need is paper and pencil. It is easy to understand and play l I 1 this game. Just sit down and see how many words you can make from the letters inthe word Constantinople. You will nd all sorts of words that can be made out of these letters. For example, cat is one, pie is one, pant is another, and ant, etc, etc. It is as easy as that. It is a game for the whole family. No expert knowledge is needed. All you have to do to win a fortune is to play the game according to the rules announced today. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. ._ I run! | IV__Al__ {ho |I.|I|\II -.1 adaptr/-I to this <`.3:~'t Irish Cobblt-1' and These would uppea l'0ctovl b.\' (]:>'l"X.*(,'. v -\J~auI.yu\:u Juu.AI\x,n, ;_au...\,, ..-v., Beoath, Shanty Bay; Wm. H. wan", 1ur:.n._...-.a.. In Y n .11 `.|f[:.lI\\.....d~ Avsluluulab, 11. LA. uunrnu. A`|l|.Al'L.nIu- Green Mountai11-s-1:.L, Roy Hick- 'l'ing, Barrie; 41.11. W. G. I{exme A1I.....J...I|- T) T] 0 anlnb, yuan, |vAs' Allandal, RR. 2. `I'..!..I_ f`..L`|.I.... ru.1unuu|':, 1\...l\.. (4 Irish Cobblers;-3rd, Cz1n1;pb<:]1 Raike-s Ban-`Le; 4th, Gear;-:0 Viczkers. Barrie. I tzxuto In spector` tiotl Soul. 'I , . Open Classes 'Doo1c~ys--A rthur Wzrt, Mirlvhurst; Campbell Raikos, Barrie; 1\Iur}v*_\' 1)..,.n. c1.....4.. \'7..'. `LI wn1+ Aaucuvu, un. ;:u_, n-u. .. UY|4Vl4l lMidhrurst; W. L. llus.~'1]I. 1`/Ti1.'1`1.ur:~tt. I"._.._ .. |t....-z.: .. 1.- 13,-." Lnb 0.1`, and he (IL-mr.>nstr: en-ce bctiveen a d-i.: potato by :~1pecimL-:1*s |hftl)ih< on 1li.<'pla_\`. $200.00 will be added to the rst prize of $2,000.00 if 1 subscriptions to qualify the list winning First Prize are V ceivecl in The Mail and Empire pfce between November ` and midnight, Tuesday, November 15th, 1927.

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