The pzm't_\' than disbamlwl, ex-` [pressing the hope that u .=im`.lar out- ing couul be :u'1`ux1-:e(l for .9x1; yo-.1r,! The MiLk P1'o As:~ocz1tion arc`: to be cong'r:1tud`z-.ted on having: ::r-5 ran-grml such an in:terestin._~,r and in. structive trip. STROUD lll. . \llI\ A.1|.\ vvltnv nu-_-. curl) potty thefts in - seen l1zu1g'in_': a1'0un shouT` lw immodiatolj I I I I I I I he. returnedi with her noico, Thnnpson off ri'.l1 the form- . '1`hon.p.=on. Mzwtin spent J. 1.. LL. ...o.. y evening , S. Shovnt. ' the oven- ` St. Paul's J`~ I 1'. Nov. I If in doubt as to when your sub- scription to the Mail and Empire ex- pires, phone the Adrvan-cc, 53. We ho,vc- just received a list of all sub- scribers in this district, with late of renewal. Leave your subscription with us aml we will rllo the rest for you. James Birnie, pcultryman, who re- sides on l{em;penr1`el(lil: Hi'.`l, shot two lar_2'e owls on his proper-t_v this week. One he killed aml the other, which he shot through one wing, he in- temls to have mounted. He ln-ouy.-sht the live owl to Barrie on Wednes- day and ])l`2lC('(l it in a cage in the window of H. A. Jarvis, fruit mer- gclumti on Fli7.:Ll)eth St. The hinl lS't{lll(l.< about two feet hi_L`h and the ,.~`rp1'(.-zul of its \\'ll1_`,:`.~' l1lC`2l.Ull'(,`.< z1pproxi- 'matel_\' fun` feet from tip to tip. the wise OM owl willl be on ex- hibition for :1 few in Jarvis window. The ladies of St. Ma1'_\".<` Church `held :1 \`(-1'_\' suc-cossful buz'.1u1' and afrternoon tea in the Parish Hall, Col]-'ie1' St., commonc`ing` _\'0. afternoon and continuing` t0-1l-ay. A fui1'l_\' 11\)'f.,"(* uttrrmluncc wa:< .<(.-on both yo.'etv1'(lay uml to-(lay, and the var- ious :u'ticlo:~' for sale are hr.-in_L` quick- ly . up. Afternoon tea was ser\'o in the anmlx under the .~:upe1'- v-i;~'ion of Mrs. McDou_L'all. The fol10\\'i1L2' Izulios presided at the \'zn' tables: Homemade bak- ing`. Mrs. Caley; caml Mrs. C. Doviiln; fancy work, Mrs. Moran and Miss Fm-Ion-g;; apron table, M1-s. Bray and 1\ I1'.~`. Hipkn; country store, Mr`. Raymoml and Daley. I .u. rr.-. lPASTI\ IA5Tf"Z!7.S NLGHT AT I CORINTHIAN LODGE, A.F.-A.M. r -. \'Al-lA\/Ill Rev. A. E. Bzxkcr a;l the gutherinvgz an the Hig'hwa_\' -2! ]`;x'th, taking` as his text part of St. Paul ; cpi.=.tTe to the I-1:.-brexvs. S1-rcial music w.-1.: 1'euI'am'e1 by the Iclwcir under the able (lil`CCti0l1 of JML Jessie B'.'_\.~'0n. Mi.`~:;< Vera .Irwin sang! a solo and Mr.<. E. R`ich- I ardson oiciaterl at the orgran ithroughout the service. L`..'l1.....!..... L1. ,. H... 11,... \\7 C ....u...b..\.... vu\. ~,3\.Vl\4Ln Following` the service Rev. W. S. llrwin of Mono Road ciciatetl at the 'bauptisrmal service, assisted by Rev. 3A. E. Baker. The following; chi-l< `-dren were,ize(I: | 1.'-I..:.. nu..- - 1iI\hI .4! mr.. .w..I ;\..... VVLLL |Jlb`l|.'Al4\.\.|- ' Kelvin Thomas, son of Mr. and lNI1~s. E. H. Ward, Allandale; Jeanne- Elizabeth and Jolm Alexander, son _zn1(l (Iau_u'l1wt(-1` of M1`. an(l'M1's. Vern- lon Camor-on, Sophia St.; Earle .F1'ank1in William. son of Rev. and !M1'.< A. E. Baker, ;\Ta1'_\' St. As a ponbion of the celebration of the 751511 anniversary of the found- ing` of the Orange Order In Barrie, the Barrie and Allantlale Oransze Lodges, Lady True Blues and Orange Young Britons held a sprcial churc]1 parade on Sunday last and attende-I (`.i'\'1n(- service at C<:l1*.'_':11 United Ch`-.1rch. 1\ A nu 1: In, 11 unu. u. u. ;.:_y;u\.q. A banquet was served at the close of the lodge by members of the Eastern Star. ORANGE ORDER PARADE AND ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Lunu. wn . W.M.. R.W. Bro. A. W. Smith; l.P.M., R.W. Bro. Alex. Cowan; S.W., W. Bro. A. B. Coutts; J.W., W. -Bro. F. C. Lower; Champlain, W. Bro. J. S. Shor~ ct; Secretanv, W. Brc. John Martin; Tre-as'u1'er, W. Bro. D. H. MacLaren; S.D.. W. Bro. P. Brenmer; J.'D., W. Bro. John B. Barr; I.1G;., W. Bro. zRobt. Manuel; S.S., W. Bro. F1-ed Otton; J.S., W. Bro. L. J. Simpson; u'I`_\'Ler, W. Bro. H. G. Robelmson; Organriszt, W. Bro. C. R. Spencer; D. of C., W. Bro.. Wuarren Johnston; Questiors, W. Bro. Jas. Shrwbsole; Secrets, W. Bro. A. G. McLe1Ian; Invenures, W. Bro. W. A. Lewis; Charity, R.W. Bro. J. `D. Byrnes; W-orking` Tools, W. Bro. 'A. G. .M<-.Leuan; Introduction, R.W. Bro. J. D. Byrnes. A L........,.n. ._.... -.........l .4. L1. -1--- obs:-1-\'mi at the 1w-:.:`11':11' nu-etix1`g` of `;Co1`inthi:m ;\Iz1. Lotlgxe last 1Thl.1I`.-'(|1_\' \'enin:;' Once 21 yuan` the 'l ast1n;1.-M-r.~r L1` funnel" ye:u's are in- vitml to ll the chairs and ztgzxir (:.`(L`l1LI)f_\' the work. and this ye-.11! was no exception to the rule, in that each one showed p1'ocienvc_v as well ski.lud -craftsmen in haml1`ing' the work. The chairs were lled as folhcws : 117`: r. `Iv n A 111 n ,,,-u I i P:L.st1nz1.-'tL-r.<` Ni}.-`ht was ttingly BAZAAR AT (Continued from page one) were going" to add to their equip- ... , ._n. SHOT TWO OWLS THE WEATHER Low Higrh n. -4 --W. H. Buttery. s'r. `MARY'S Rain 0.10: 0.18 Snvcw `\ \\ xiv.) nu. `um. uu uvntu numm'ou;< vr,-nti121tm'.=., c0ur. :<.u1'1'0und.< thei y......... .` .,.u....,.. Mr. W. Smy, u 1'e. of this` _ lplucv for ftm-n .\'vz11'.<, p:i.<.~'ml :u\'a._v 'o'I\'e1-_v . on \V(-lm-.-:l~:1.\' ni;_-'ht.; .\'o\'. Zml. in his 45ith _\'e:n'. He had `I not enjo_\'e ::oo(l hoaltli for .<':1ne o'tinw. He w:1.~` of :1 quiet. un:Ls.~:u.m- in}: nature and will be missed by h.i.<` lnei;'l1l)ors and friemlsx and e.~:pecinll_vl l L` 1. in the O1`zm_:'e I10(ll_LL'( , of which he [was :1 fziithful member. His funeral. ion SzLtm`(la_v afternvoon was lr21:'5.=,'e.l_\'i Eguttemlml, the service at the house | buing' in clmrgre of Rev. A. R. Hol- wlen of All-an-(l'ale aml V. Collins. .~1,u in chamre of the An::,`l`ican : Church (l`ux'in_2' the past summs-r. The `l_servico at the grave was in chzuzru " of the Ourange Order, six of the 1m. ' ter being` pall-beare1's. The sym~ Hputhy of the V\'ll"?le community is L'.\'- ` ltemled to the \Vl(lO\V' and twq_d-.1ug'h- itvrs, Mm. L. Arnold of Bafrie and! ~jMr.~*. A. Smith. and the son, W. Smy. "who was not at home until afteni` his i E father s death. ya . 3 : C` .mp2m_\"' . {Dowm>_\'. 31/.'m.,.. nr ED.-\WE--0n Thursday Nov. 10. 1927,` to Mr. and Mm. Kezmrth Dawe. Capreol, :1 son. I . . . . _, .,. .,. v....k.. ..-.. .... .., ` : .\Ir.<. R. D. 'f`eu. of 'l`w;1'o11t.o \\ L`)`l.'| P hOIIrlz1_\' \'i.~`it01`s at Gyco. G. John- ston s U Mr. and ;\'I1-.:. Howard Fisher mu]: `four dau_9;htc1'.< of T01-cnto \vc~1`c at} "F. P1'ie:~1t s over the week enrl. } .. LLIK.-'0.` \lI\A ...\ ...-.. ! f A.mon_g' the ho`.1'(la_\' vi;~:itor.< we:-tn} V] C. A. Sollitt of Pbtc-rboro at J.{ `Youn::'.<; H. I`). -`=1'id:_-' of Toronto !:1t J. .\'Icl\'m1u_v'.<; '1`. Uuxxvr-11 and E. : Garmw of 'l`r1'onto at .\ Ir.<. A. On: ch:ml'.<, M1". and .\`I1's. F. Small 0t'3 0 'I'01'm1t0 at D. Cun1pl)vIl .~'. ` '1 Mrs. Gi'r-n is \'i.-itin:_~' in Toronto" '1 : at p1'u. ' I L. L`....._.L (`L,`l.. . .... I L1. ' .. LI... -UVLJI. LIIU uuuuu_y. , The \Vmmm .= In.<.`t.itute met in they [hall on Tht1rsda_\', Nov. 3rd, `there; ibeinp: about thi1't_\` l:1 pm.-.-(-nt.']` |! I`h(.- roll call xvus 21 question rl1'zLw(-r}I izu1ri\vu.< wnll rospomlml to. .\Ir.~:.;' jlrvin Johnston and .\I1'.<. Wm. Fra- ,Iick \\'(`1`(,` um)r;`int(:(l to the 17 conv<~ntion in Toronto nr-xt \\'r-(-kw 'A pap:-1' on RezuIin:;` in the Honw"}" ixvus rr-zul by Mr;~t. G. Jr)1m.-wt0n, zlndm .,. ,, ... zxvv . .1 i... ,,.-.._.. I IC1'ne; Stokvs um! his', .\'Ir.<` `J. Jom-.<, mot.01~ml to .~\L\'mr1' for H1: [h0li I 111,, , IIIL. .. As the time was getting" late. it '\\'n.-' 'l"Cl(lt`li not to cnil at Mn`. Alex. Done1".< fnrm zit XL-wnuu'l as tlmy: or-ulal quite r-n. 2'0 tln-2-v nnothr-re time. On nrri<'ng' at Allan M1-.f John lluir took the party in to` see his lmnl of .-\_v1-:~:l1ires, and while it was quite dark by this time. the, stables were well li,r,-hted with elm:-I tricity and they \vc-re able to see his`; stock to very _Q'0:d al\'ant4L}ze. 3122? I 1 I l Hunter has :1 number of cattle 1'ea.d'_v to take to the Royal Winter` Fair, and after sceimz` these vhow" animals one is inclined to think thzxtii the A_\'!'Shl1`0 is the mast beautiful! of all cattle. It was openly expres.e- lj ed that after seeing the variou.- spkmlid l'l0l.`(lS in York County tli:it`_ We in Simcoe County T1-ml smnet`nIn4.1 g to be equal-ly prouxl of in Mr. Hun-|1i ter s herd of Ayrslhirc-5 and we wish] him evc-1'_v succexa at the Royall` finfnr Fair I )Iis.- llhon, principal t-inuation School, 91):-211 in Strz1t.fonI. and .\Ii.<.- .\[.-;~' `kc-n_\'on visitotl in ' ` Mrs.`W. DO-Wl1(`_\ was .ove1' the holiday. ` T1... \XY.\...,...`7... 1.. `J.7A...A._ NIi.<< .LVuI.-I.-Io` JEILIJ L` \.l Est 211-1 of Montreal '21 S 21 'l`l1z111k.<}:i\'ix1;.-' visitor at Rev. A. NI. I 5 Pope's. ` 11.. r\`' \7.\ n.) n.-43 ]l.\}1JU a. . E Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Vandorf Jspent the hCli(la_\' with their ml\au=_2`h- iter, Mrs. R. W. Plo\v1'i:,>'l1.t. i A.inon~g those who spent the holi- ! at their respective homes were: .\Iiss Szxru .\Icl{iniey of Tor0nt0,; Mis< .\"crmz1 M(:Kinl(:_\' of Mid1and,i Miss Lena Orclia.-rd of 'I`0ront0, Mi.<;a' '.-\nnie Ci}L])])0i, .\Ii.<;< Edith '].`rac_\ ,: ';IVIi.~L:e.~; Bernice and Winnifrml Youn_:,l all of Toronto. ! 11* n 1- A. - 1 xr u i i . U`, .....,. u. u id rvan'in_: on ,n MINESING `._L._'I1 -1: m1-..a...,... uuv. . n J. O B1'1c-n and Mr. and] , .~'itors at John-1 . , . . . .. null. uuu - Unr*xp(-ct,ml by M W. V. H, Vuu thu holinlzty .<.~' B"_\'t.h and` '[`o1`onto. W. V... , in Toronto [DAVIS-.-\t the R.V. Hospital, on [ Thu->; Nov. 3, to Mr. and I\/Ina. F. V. Davis, Utopia. a daughter. `M.-\IlTIN--In Bzwrie, on 'I`h:ursdia3'. Nov. 3111, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney- Marbin, Mary St., a daughter. ` nuuu \ v x x v Winter Fa~ir. BLAIN-A.t the R.V. Hospital, on Tuesday. Nov. 8, 1927, to Mr. and | Mrs. Thus. B'.'ain. Elvizztbeth St., a I I .\'vxL Sundziy will mark the com- iplvtion by W. A. Bo_\'.<, I(.C.. M.P.. rot` fty _v0ai's service in Trinity An igyficzin Church choir, whch he joined lat tho ago of nine. During` the last `few yo;-ars Mr. Boys has several ftimos been faced with the xiecemity [of sev01'in_9,' his connection with the `choir. but each time purposely post- poned his reti1't.-ment that he mi.p:htI complete a half cenitury of service.` Il.`.`.FHl:4 Lil.\'Ul"cUH_\ Zl1'L('. .4 ' opemtyion. , Mr. ML-lv:']Io Fr-r1'ic1' [spent the war-k vml xx !M1'.~'. R. Fe1'1'ie1'. 11 1 . 1` 1`: ECOMPLETES FIFTY YEARS l R IN TRINITY CHOIR] Duvirl Wintm'.<. P:-m-tan}: 11.-211'f'(| before 1\'Ia_;'i. lB:n'1`ir- Po?ic<- Court thi:< m4 in (,'h:l)'_L`(' ol a.'<.~'z1u1t on his v at . up. . ... { Mr. Rafxph Bell .< Sumlay with his sister, Mrs. Dzwinl J<:-m1(-tt, at Ivy. E , ---. ...., .-. lof 'I.`o1'on co visited at Mrrs. Geo.` |:\1'no1d s over the week end. 1 Dr. and Mrs. H>odg'ins and (laugh-g {tor of London and Mr. R. O. Hurstl {of 'I`o1'onto ;~1pcnt Thvanksgivin`g with| M/Iv)". and Mrs. J. Hurst. 2 M. Rr.-.\'noI \ .`cL1.~'in.<. Tviiss I'IiI(2L~111 !Cou.. and Mrs. C. Cousins and 11 v\\'orc T]1a11l \'i.~'ito1'.< at Rt-\'. A. D. aml M1~.<. Cou.~'in.<. y 1 I .\I1'.<. D;1\v.~::n of S]}!'iIL'_"l.']([ spr.-ntj :'I`l1:1'r1l\*.~;2 i\'i11}.:` with hm` aunt :1-ml! 'unclv. M1`. and '.`\Ir.<. M. Bell. i I\Ii.<.< Viola Ruchvr and the ;`IiSS(?S| Whit\\'0)'th and Mr. C. Brown of` Toronto and Mr. Sp(Azx1'c- of 1.03111-! ingvton xwru \'i:~'it.o1'.`~` at Mr. and Mr.~:. F. .21ch01".<. ' Mr. and M1':<. W. Cur1'uthur.< and :chilI1'-n (f O.~h:1\\'z1 .<}n-ht `.hr- \\'v(,-k M-ml with Mr. and .\Ir.<. J. W. lnhin-I v , I.........., ..... ! 1\'Iis.:< E(1r_vt.l1e oral with I Mz11'sl1all. 141 |.HIl|'. U11 r it ~l>..LI..,. .. . .u. ;. L\_LJA\.l.a M1 . Geo. Day and 1\'Ii.<~: i I !:\1'no1d I\ `Ir -.-7.. .3. 4.Aa.a.1lu Iv ul-`I-La. l\'Iix< Luella Wilson of Minesing` is \'fsiti11_<.:' her aunt, Mrs. III-.. , 1?|,1..LI_, r1:,1_ , ...u.. annals Mr. and Mrs. lily of Toronto :with Mrs. W. C r1 |:l1\. nu L u:.uu\g;_. v :5, C. .aml'a.11. Fzul to report Mrs. T. Cook pro- in:.-' t'avo1'ah1_\' nf~t(-1' her recent I irl Pf-!1(`t2ll1f." St., up-P 1\'Ia.2'i; Jr~'_~: in: mornin_L` on` ,. .. .. . .. I PAINSWICK. II.. ur:1..\_` .1: mi \/I I \,,......~.., uLu.,|.)Llu\.\. mrlml Wintn-1'.< until Satur- n_: at 10 o'clock to give] oppo1'tu11it' to procure BIRTHS UTOPIA ...., ... -.,....--v HickI.in_: visited sev- her si.'~1ter. M1's.J.! .`n\|\A(.|I1|\. ayv-nu Luv \.\L\.usu t`\.I.l-`\lII-`- l`l1i.< farm, consisting` of about 700 acros, while built on rather mcro ox. trzw:1g'antlinc-S than would ztppcm c-0n.~'i.~':t-nt \\'it.h ])l`Ot2l.l)l(: fzxrnnj.-'. a])peal's to lw \'c1'_\' well n1ana5_>'ml am! the stock L \'or_\' high _:rmlo. E A. Ranrlall an-(1 fam- spent '1`}1anksg-iving V I7....,lnH I l\'Ii. E. Sc-well; . u . 1!` n. I I `r-n'ic1' ni Tor-cnto with Mr. and} Adxmlcc P1'i11t, Barrie. ..........-....._.._. I ` ,`I{ELCEY--In Toronto, on 'I`1mrsl'.1.\-', } Nov. 10, Wvilliztm J. kt.-lcoy. Fun-, I eral on Macnday, 141211, at 2 13.111. ` from the residence of Mr. A. Hoojx-r, 78 Burton Ave. \Vhile the bride, we-.rlv ::u(2;~vts and clerg'y111en awaited, Ale.\:ande1' .Buchanan lay dead. in his room in Glasgow, he having` succumbed` to heart failure while dressirug for the event. 'l`ho funoral was hvhl this morn- ` i:z:;' :11 9 o c10ck to St. 31.11-'.".< Church lam! C'<~.m.-tcr_\ , rm-n11)<:r.< of U19 8. 01' 11.1`. attentlimr in 21 boly. 'l'lv: many frinmls and acqu:\"tuncu-4 whc uttomlt- to pay t}n'rir last 1',-spa-;ts. to their dopart(.~(l fricml and thv mun:- llloral tributes wero_ (`Vitl-3116-L` of the hi}.-`h re_:'z11'(l in which dc-cr>zx.~'r,-I was ht-M, and the sympathy. 1.-'02:` (ut to the bereaved family from the entire communrity. '_.\ .-.,_, .... ....,....\...~, ;_uuu\ UL [.W21ltz1, Momama; FL-Iix .mi John of `I!r<-nt,wool, Jr.<<-ph of I`)-imonton and ]i'm.-tor of Detroit. and threw .-E.-tam, llrs. J. Foisio. Nz1:::1L1n(:c-. I\'Iich., Mrs. `Wm. Horne and .-'\u_2'u. of De- !t1'oit. ,, ., .. \.._`..-_-u. I.)v(-<~;1. vvzu 2: mnmh<:1' `t' Stl '.\Iz12`_\".~: Catholic Church and \v:1.< .11- 50 cnnm,-ctoul with fhv H07,` .\ z1mc S0ci~t_\' and the Bzu'1'ic,~ (Icuncil 01 jthv Kni_:l1ts of Co`un1bu.<. I'l(- w21.~: al- .-. :1 member of the Bx`0tho1`h0):I 0)` }I.oconmti\'(- I`}n_-Jim.-r,-r.< an- was held 3in the hi_:z'h0.~'t esteem by his fellow ;m<-n. 'I`h.c Desjzwrlin t':-nnil_v hm` lived at 81 Sanford St. since their ':n'1'f\'aI in Barri<,s and are well Iikcti `am! rL-. by their mz.-\\' fvienxl: }:mI 11ei5:l1rbo1':<. I Deceased leaves 21 wxfn and four .-'m;1lI children. Frank. Lorne. z`vIu`:_v mu! Reta. Ho aiso It~zxw:< to mrurn ihis loss v(- l)rothm:<, Frank of ;`\yf..H.. - - ' ` I 13 1:, r - . \lA . LAAcL|I\IclJL' LU jzmlin to the I1:".*~`])ital, but 11 21 few mom\nt.< after b_-Eng` in tho calvoose. i M1`. ])0.~'ja1'(l1'm_- xvas horn in :\\'0()ll in 1880. \\'I1<:1'<- 310 at lpublic schooi. He was` mar: |Brrntwor ftot-n _ve211'.~' ag Itook up 1'(x=i:lm1c(- in Bzu`1'io, .which timv he had been (`IT by the .-\lla11luIo Division Czmzulizm .\'utionz1l Rz1iI\\':1_x p1'u\'(l 21 V! 11`l`7 zxb': 1'L-ma`n ` ,1. \/IILs|uA\. nA\|\ uu\.. Llll. vvvun ..u...| t`1v.<.- 1':Lbhit.<, which is pure whitcia zmrl \ L'1`_\' sot, is worth about $8.00j] per 1b., and is plucked or clippr-41;] t.\\'icr,- _\'ezLrly. .'-\ nwmher of Mxa.-llzn-I30 tlucks and (`tlwr wild fowl are kept -` on :1 pond nozu'b_\' and 0'(*1' con-i . Sport at covtain .=eu. ! I rr-I.:. 4-. 4....-. .: ..1.,...L r-.-nn . ( .......,.. .._. u uunuuuuull piL.s5t:Il;.,"8l.' train and (ll(.'(l a .sl1o1~.t. time ltell \\'hil(> lwinvg ru.~'h<-cl to Barrio in the cul,\oo.<(- of the fruigrht train on which hv haul been ring. The southbound` frr,-i_2`ht l1Z1(l pulled up on the siding! lat Colw(-3'] Junction to allow No. (S3 521 northbouml }):1sse11._:1'(-1', to pzzss L-n' :rout- to Mt,-aforil. Dc-sjardin unn the l'rci_ comluctor cro. to the l.-`tzition, where they . until the {arrival of No. (53, when Desjardin ileft the stutiitn to return to his own train. No one saw thv man strucvk and he was later found lying` be- tween the passon,-,-;e1' and frei_4'l1t ser- i0usl_\` inj1n`L-(1. He was 1'0)-`now-cl to the cz1l)oo.=(: and tlw train left im- ;1nulnt-l_\' for Allll](l'2ll(` to take Dcs-l `jzmlin he died? mom\nt.< bu,-in_2' ])l2lC('H in Hw- l ('nl|nr\.-n I 1` 1. ...... .vuuuuu 1LlH\'\` vc1'_v zxb'v r:-1m1`n and In '11)]? \\ a.< cl2x.~'.~'rul as an v11:'?11uu2`. I , 'z1< St. '.\Iz12`_\ ._oI_.' Nznm` n Hz11`I'y J. D(:sja1'(line, 81 Sanfor St., employed as a reman by the [C-.m:1 National Rzlilways, was! fatally injured at Colwt-ll Junction on Momluy r,-vr>nin_;' last when he was .~'t1'uck by 11 northbound passenger . . . I tmln nml :ln..l u .-In---6 4- I..A._.. HARRY J. DESJARDIN DEATHS ... ..-uxuxr, L.uu) 11! vmployod of their 11 Rzlilwz :. He] 1 I I. LL. .__, ! : Bront- -11- uttuxudcd 'a.< mzu'1'icd In 'I`hn annual 'I`hanko{Tm'ins_-' n1L'(`tiI1j.," of th:- .-\A:n(-s Cowan Yr:un;." Wo- mr,n".< AuxiIiz1r_\' of St. .~\n s I m.=l)_\'tm'ian Church was held in the Ir-cturu hall on Wm1l1r.-.<. L-vcnin:.':, prosiclt.-4| ovm` by Rev. J. Tho spociai` speaker of in: wa.< Mrs. McI(ll`Im- of ` Px'.='btym'z1n Church, Hamilton. who spoke on Servvice, strc-.=sinv_2' the im- portanco of the members placing a`.`l gifts and talents at the I'L.~1po. of ` the Chri.=tian work. She stated that this was the p1'ivile.::e and duty of all in order that the church m~ig:h.t pros- D91`. V1114.` u__..I...uu..:..... L- 1.,` 4'.- `ICI- '1`hc thanko`erin-::. to be used for Hom(_- and F`o;'eig2:n Missions, amount`,- od $75 over $100. i I Never try to 11z\.~x~v zumthcr cm` un- til the way is absolutely clear. I A numbm` of .'-\n:.:'ora 1'zLbbit.s are} also kept, which prove to be a very! ])1`0t.'lb1(.' sidc-linc-. The wool from]! u. . ....1.! ' .. ......r. ...I.:..i ,,,_..V -......._, ...e . 1 Next Sund`a_\' evening, Nov. 13th, .thL- Sac1'amen~t of the Lord s Supper `will be z1(lmin`iste1'e`d in St. James ,U!:i Led Church. 1 Mr.-. Wi1.f1'e(l Dickey. H2m've_\' I\'es. Maurice M`zu*tin and Cl1as. ,Mzu'1'quis cf Toronto attemletl the` 1'01.-'ulz1r meeting: of Minmwzx I:OllgL'(',i ==.~\.F. and .'-\.`.\I., No. 30-1, on 'I`ue.< . (-\'en1ng'. l I g'o.~'L.< that to .arriu- an_von(- 5 11,. :1n_\' rc-. l't'[)()1'll'(1 to the pollce. ,.<\v(-ral vuluzrblo rinks stolen. From appt,-arances 1110 house was entorml by :1 from. door by mvnns of 21 key and was h-ft by the .-un1(- exit, the person 01' persons having: locked the door on lozwin_:. A qu0: 4-haractvr has buvn soon l\ateI_\' l021n_: in the vicinity of Ross and Mztlgv . where the l\'in_<: rosi- dvnco Stilll(lL\`, and sL-\'e1'al other p0tt_\' t1: h:x\'(- bet-n )`(.*})O1`t(`(] fvrm that .l A .... ... .....\ lI\.lll ...,;v.u.-. ..~... uuvvv llocul police are of tllv opinion that it was 21 local job 21ml are investi- :.-':1tin_L' in l1opt:s of makin_L-' an a1'1'c$tl axon. Chief of Police Stz.-wart sug- . 1 n. 'l`hv 1'1-port 1n>z1 i homv of Mr. `hurl been (-ntm .u...., .. .. ....... .. K Mr. uml M`1':<. CI'ifton ;VIcKa_\' of, l`o1'onto spmt 'I`hanks_4'i\'in: with M1`.' and Mrs. Scamllan. \;r - my an n .1 n rt! 1 I I r 1 I I I I .uuu .u..-. uuunnxnnu--. Mr. and Mrs. Ch'a.<. Butler of ` 1'0nto >}])0l1t the week mm] with ' H. T1'ac_v. 1: f1 vw-u In In... \/-uvA|n'\. uw o.-umuv... | I R. Spence of Humilrton spent the holiday with his mother In:-1'0. \n 1-. . `Ir up 1`! u n Mr. Brown and Mr. McC1':1c'kcn of| 'Pet0trboro sxpent the \V0(`k and with| `relatives: here. $ ] Mr. Delaney is on the sick list. } M1`. and Mrs. Hi';:*g'i11s of Toronto spa-nvt Sun here with f1'iond.<. Owing` to the cold wnzxthm` the `m~\\' hall is at a stzxxxtlstill. IH\'IlL. The pa.._\' `(hon drove north th1'oug'h Maple and King: City to Eaton Hall Farm. which is l`0caltr}rl: about three miles sou~th\vnst rf' Aurowra. Here Percheron l1o1'.~'( -.< am`: Holstein cattle took the z1tt(,-n ti0n ofg 901119 of the pzlrty who hurl not l1(-l`r\- tofore been _2`1'eatl_\' (`Y]'tl1L`.>'(.*l ovm A Gur-1'n.<<~_\';< unrli J01'.s<.g\';~.'. A number of the Very` l10z1\'_\' p1`ol11cln_<.-' Hal.) . were shown to thv pzu't_\', one `I with a record of over 25,000 lbs. 01 milk and 1,000 lbs. butterfot, anrll another heavy p1'c wilfh an a\'01'- ; iv age test of 5.2 per cent. buttc1'fat.1I On this farnl :1 \'c1'_v hi_u`h quzLlit._v of l7uttr:1' is mz1nufuaot.1n-r- ht-ill-5:` sold ( to 21 special trade, and the skim 1 milk is fed to poulb1'_\' and hc_:'.=. l. l(l .. ... .. . .. .. >. sq .-uw w1\11-.`N. L. Wilson left last Thurs- l`a_v for B1'antfor(l. v'v1r'v\ '\I<.|_v LVL :.uuuuLv;u. [ Mr. H. M. Dennison spent the week xend in Toronto. ; n .; L6\/`I . ` Ma`. and M1'.<. G. Finlay and fum-i ily srpent the holiday with M1`. and? Mrs. O. at '1`ho1'nton. m o 11 -n 1 n -u; vu. J.Vl\IllU\l my AILAIJI JJIIIIJIJ uUlI\.n- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Black and| daughters of Elmwale were the` guests of Mr. and Mvrs. Robt. Black }on Sunday. 'V|l[.. \.' T 11711--.. I..1`L l....A. Y'l"1....... `\_..u nu Avnvllyvn l M1's.Dou_;'. Mowde.-1' of Toronto spent last F`rirlua_V in the vi11la_2'c-. \Y.\..L 6.... .1... ,`-... ' \T..-. 1 `)LL l.u;a u a_n.,v.-an. .AJ`l'z.1n Webb and friend of l'I`oromto at Lot Webb's. `.11 ID .u.u.m.v an uwu n \/llll u. Mr. and Mrs A. R. Jones and fam- iily of Toronto at Mrs. Emilly Jone-s .` NJ . .....l `.\/f.... 1\I....1.... `!).I....1. ......! mun) Ana. unuvn UL unuxuwunu uuv Rmbt. B-l1aok s. Mr. and Mrs. M-ax Wallace of To- ronto at Herb. W-al.l'ace s. Mr. and Mm. H. Orr and fami'1`y of Grenfe`-I axt Mrs. J. W. Sprou1e s. Mr. and MN. A. E. Page and and Mar. and Mrs. H. G._ Balliston and son of Barrie at Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hanpes. Mr. Fred Leonard of .[`o1~cnto at Mrs. J. S. Leonard's. vvvuu u n- u . uu. v.,..._v Irlnlu vv\4\.A\- Dcn"t forget the bazaar to he held in `the United Church basement on Dec. 9th, under the zms/pices oi the `Ladies Aid. 1 u :- . .4.-u... ...u. Axm-ony; those who werre here for the holidiay were : 11.. ......! TUT..- "nal. Ll ...... .. .....Y P1'obub`.`_v tho most out.~'tamlin{_fi fmituro of tho Eutnn Hall Farm \va.'v. :1 huge replace at one end of the cow . Our p:u`t,_\' was inclined to look upon this as a mtiwr now-: e:-:trava._;'ance, but :\Iz1nz1::m- Wh_\'tock (2xp"z1inr-ml that thv re place was an e.=.sen.tial feature of their \'miti1uti.'m ;~g\'.<~.tmn am! on certain (law, when ti1(' air is quite muggy and vr~nt.iIation is poor. :1 rv is .=:ta1't<-I which im- mediateI_v draws the foul air out through the vr,-ntilatmzt. A ,1` __,_ , , ,,.,,,,1 u,_ Iu|\. `nu;-xnu; vvvxu Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewtson and family of 'I`orc'nto at Thos. Hew- Mr. and Mr Frzuik ' Toronto are v1.~:iing' xvi` 01".: b1`othe1', Mr. Robt. `AL. ._.- .1 `Mr ..- A 1-....- `.1 - |JA\lLll\.A' ..... ...,.,.. ..,.,...,..,... Mr. and Mrs. Alva)! the ho`.`i(l`~a_V with friends in the cit_\~'., 1VIes-rs. Ed. and Mr.n'1e_\' Webb left `for the city this week. 1`\..._u. .L`_..,`...J. 1.1.- L......._.. L, c__ L51.) 3115. John B-unt`:*L*` to Ivy after \'i. '.\'i1 Mrs. O. R. Black. . 11' -v y vu L)- Mrs E. H. Ness of Toronto at Irs. R. M. M-cConvkey s. M-iss Ina Bllack of Mi at .... I vu.A..I.U\I\I.-.. Miss M. J. McC0n-ks 'ith hm` sistc-2`, .\I1'.<. 1'}. $100 FOR MISSSIONS THIEVES ARE BUSY -port \\'as )`('(_`(`i\'('(l at police 'tm'.< thfs mornin_: that thci Byron Kin-_~'. Ross St.,| n <-ntm'c-(I l:1.~=t !1if.`.'11t while no at homv and 21 watch and . II '1 1 vs MIDHURST r1`.:L'L, ,, 1 LOCAL BAIRYMEN ON SIGHTSEEING TRIP;