Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Nov 1927, p. 2

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A petition from 21 number of citi- zens of Mi asking`: `ch-at Coun- cil submit to be \'0t1C"(l on the ques-: tion of 21l)v"Ili. the election of` l(l('lm(:1] by \\'21l`llS and revent. to the former method of electing` all alder-' men from the town as a whoie, was presentexl at the last meetin_:. This: the council u,::`ee tn : do if the peti- tion is suilieiently Slf.`.'T10(i. This is a question that the citiezns: of Bm`1'ie nii`-;ht well consider also. The w:1`.'d _ system of electing: zllclemnen is not K?-'izxl\\`a_\'s in the best inteiests of the town 21:` 21 wh-`ilz-. `Too often -ve nd al(lc-rim.-n . into the council .A, ,_ ,,; - Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. v 1 Inter-Reszlmcntal Trophy presented by E. W. Beatty, prmidentof the Canadian Pacific. 2 Lt. Charles Dunbar. wlnncrof the trophy. 3 PlpcrNci.lSuthedand, winner of second truphy. Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Goods Calied for and Delivered `WK ETERTH ()pr-n day and Hvon. Geo. S. Hemry, Minister of Highways, is seriowslry considening the matter of reducing the motor _ve-lvcle Inlcense fee for 1928 and im- breasimg the gasoline tax rate. The idea of the Minister is that those who use the h-ighrways most should rwnu .-vm.\~I- VTVL- 1........~ .__..-__- .`._ LI... j G. G. SMITH &% co I`]{L'RSD.\.\', I\'OVIi.\1BER 10, 192 ? - Toronto r E 1 ruling Pi e-Major McPherson, of the `Scottish Regiment, ranks for second prize of $50.00 and Pipe- Sergeant Hugh McBeth, of the Calgary Highlanders, for third prize of $25.00. Piper Neil Sutherland. of I the Twelfth Signal Battalion, Cana- L Canadian Militia, the trophy to b dian Corps of Signallers, Regina, is awarded the first place in the com- petition for a trophy of_ equivalent value as Champion Pipe Player, e held by the contestant who wins it in two successive competitions and the ` trophy remaining the property of the unit to which the winner belongs. Neil Sutherland receives $100.00 cash as winner. Second in this com etition is Pipe-Major James Haxni ton, of the Canadian Fusiliers, London. Ontario, who receives a substantial cash prize. 9 Mover Ambulance in Connection FUNERAL DIRECTORS Chapel in sonnet-Han. Repairing night. Morgue and . M110 S~. .f.`. Page Two -Two youths near Wimnipeg were convictekl of shoplifting and` the Magistrate turned them over to the commruwity from which they came to be spanked int puhhic. This may be an `old-ashion-ed way of punis}`nnemrt, but it will` lose none of its effect. If more spanlking were done 1n pri- uml-n hr! 1'... ..k1.. A... :..M;.. .....,1 ih1>Nnrth2r11.`~\hua11rr THURSDAY, `.-\EOVI`.`I\IB-I32 10, 1927 '"' """""""""'i Notes and Comments; ouI'| not who ermen inn any opposivtio oft: n trouble Rzv. W. P. Flerhcher of Oshawa says that out of a pcrpu.lation of 26,000 in that city there are 15,000 who never a.t.ten church service 01 any kinxl. Mr. Fletcher attnibutexs three causes for this, the habit of go img away on trips on Sunday, taking the children along; the age of jazz. and the moves Back of this there are no doubt other causes, indiffer- em-ce in the home we believe the chief one. The homes of this country are not whalb they were a centuny ago. when rakigimu inshructicms were a tpm-t uf the day as rg'uJ.a.r as meals. 'l'\`|..,. ...:Hnv Man Dan ...........I ...L -J impro ..2I all I )roven1r>n-ts for ;'t shoulnl work wh'C town, :1 -1'3) U10 D1'iC0 that \\' 1:i;`5_-'oo(l 1'(.`&1. t;) bv*`im'(,- that if 0u1'ib010 U1` 59} b0f`Cn'0 115- RIM 1.-'o\'m'nmrm.'t .~'h.ouI offer tho u.:r- nf:(?-`S0 35 "5? 03190 m0`~'L` C"Jm':$2.500 on fair tm'm.< tn _\`oun:.:` 0111- SC?- Tilt d2l.\': U10 V'i`*`i011 Of a farm boys them \vouM hp 3 11 :`z1\'e '[h(-ii` 21.11 will cmnefquitc a na.m1b<-1' 1'c-zu|_v t-0 z1ccpt_=Gov am. Are we n'masu1`i11g Then if immig:1'z1nts Wt-1'0 1wmlt.-I to;M1'- 1("1'iC9 that W115 111'c1d("? take the city jobs. im'it.2Ltion.< cnulrl 1`-`Fm _:1`:11ion policy of the` 'c1-mnr~nwt, cznmr under` . 1 n v'\ to req).1'r2 n .. .. .l 0 ;>D0mi11iz 3at111' ....-.- ...... 3....-. vuuunov vvxlvu As a man plows, so does he farm. Good p1orw'in.g is the beginning of good ammim: and for that reascun, perlmaps, a plowing match continues to attmact an audemce, and the fur- row straight and true remains an ach1'avenn\e-nt wonth the effort of any ma.n.--Fa.rmens Advomte. |\AA.Ax mw \,lI14.Al\All `l\-ll kl|ll `l"\|.'. I. `plow \\'u* Ihv .~'t:u~1.i11_::' },~(~.i::'. in mi]: 'ti I:1_-'L.~ :1\-my buck whvn flu: l'.'u',\'pt-i i'.m.< built thvir 1111;.-`v m:>211m1<~11`.< of j.~tr,-nr-. zmrl with tzhn C(l1).\'UI`1m:lt(` iskill rc-c0i'lc~ in lif0-siz pictlxn-4 1111-` L ;0i.< and implomo-nt.< of flugi: c1':xft.<. Plo\\`fn.y_-' may be done to-(I21; xvitn` powerful motors (II1`zuvin_: :1 whole: b:l.Ut'-(l'_\' of plows. In that c:1s(_- Ino- chzmiicsal zuljustnlcnts mro morn ro- spcmsiblo for the `good quality of the work than is the eye or the arm of principle is the same, and u c-Id the operator. But in any case tm: well plowed field is a credit to the man who did` it and an inspiration to those who pass that way. A, .. ......... ..1...-.. .... 4-__ 1.- vyuuv uu. v|l\. uu-,7 no Av-uunn. an Aucudn The family altar has paged out of th e lives at the 1927 hams; them is so much going on, that everyone has to nush after the evening meal to rot somawhere. We sometimes wonder if the churches thormseh'c8 are not 9" over omrunizad with ma- ChiI1(.*l`_\' that tIm_v have fai'.-I to over- look the work of 'fn1p1'o`~:; on thniv own n1(~n1lwv.; thr-. inmortrenco vs cn~nt3m:` :1 r--`iciolxs zximmnlwr--~~ .th:- homzx l`.Iw .;:`urr-.<'. -` ' f\ I .__ . . . ` . . -.... FINED FOR CARRYING GUN Wi1'!iam Graham of Holland Land- ing was fined $10 and costs in Ta- ronvbo on Thursday Llast on a. charge of carrying a -gun in York County without a license and was ned $5 and costs 1`/:12` `being in ~po9sessi-on of "aw furs, to -wit, three muskrat and two mink -pelbs. -The charge was laid by J. `F. McGregor, Game and Fisherias Overseer, and was heard before Magistmte Brunrbon. 4, true, VII 1 . \.IJ. Va. nnnn uu. Ansbvu JLIA||\.\A mu. vu a(l;ian and British Gvariiinciits have agreecl to speml $5,000,000 in thr- next ten years in -brin_g`ing British * boys out to the Dominion. The only * two provinces not yet in Ilhe scheme ` are Mancitaba and Saskatchewan, and it is expected these will join in be- fore the year is out. Manitoba is in the fiontuneite position of having: a farm avvaiable for the training of the boys at Bilrtle, Man. The scheme is to `bring out to Canada boys be- tween the ages of 14 and 20 years and equip them for a career on the land. The boys will be brought ou-t ` at the exipemse of the two g;overn- menftzs. At the age of 21 the `British and Canadian Govemments will ad- vance up to $2,500 to each boy to start him upon a fanm of his own. This lodks like a good immligration policy for Canada, as the first we need in the way of adkiitions to our population is man to go on rthe land. But what about our OI11 boys ? Wank! it Id In lth while nding out whether n can measure of as- sistance extended to sons of our own Canadian famners would not be suff- migratioxi scheme whereby the C cient to inl(iJl1CL` more of them t'*[ `stick to the land in-`.~1ea of g'oim_-' to; `the town; and cities to make a living! at some rrther kind of w.o1'k ? 'I`l`I('.<(*J` l)o_v_< 2Lil'(`Zl(i_V' lm\'<- the training: not-:1-`; ml to m;1k<- sticcc-ss.fu1 fu1'inoi's. but; on!\' :1 ] )(`l`C(:lli`.f;'(' of` them h:1\`<- v\'<~1" hm] :1 (filil-llC(' to :'LU'll (`ll()1lf;'i1 mom-3." .vu..,. \ uu `quite ziccupt.` to; c .uliI ;b0 oxtomlr:-I to men from the B1'iti. `cities to come and take thr.-m. As it 3 is at p1'e:s(>nt in Ontario, boys 211111` :54`?-1`Is who are crowtlc.-I CAT t-hv fzxrm ;and 20 to the`{ `ionic in dirt-ct; `competition in over_\' trzulv and cu11~! in;-4' with youn_-4' men and wunn,>.n from the lnqro poepulous British T.~"I(.< or `c0unt`1'ir>s of Europe. Thrro is and parmitly 21 new! of new 1)lz1n.< in con- nection with our omlc-z1\'01`.~: to say `cure men to cultivate the land, and: In 101: of money is being spent in 1 - . - ` 1n1`n1:`_2'mt1on work that h1`.f.`,'ht i)Ci-t(`i' be offered to native born farmm- I , I boys as a bonus or loan to (,'11Eli).:'1 them to start 0' as 0c of the: 1.\'o1'th(-1'11 Ontario 01' in the WC-. lzmid in eit.hcr t`.`nc- old so-`t.t1 02'] become pione in new (li: 01. P `. .. .. \4llkl'Al\4\/ .., \.I.AAll -..v..,,.. ....,... Ho set the1n. up in bu.=,in(=':~'s 0 ja 1"m`m in their cnvn old home neifr] `boyhood or 21n_\wvho1'e else. 'l`hu`.`0 ;_;'oo(l to on 1 -v m .. BACK BOY lM?cilGRATION- WHY NOT BACK OWN BOYS Seven out of the nine p1'ovinc<-.< of Canad`a have joined the boy im- .. ...I-n<.-.-... ...Ln...`Luv 4L/ f`.... THE LURE OF THE PLOW" life-siz(.- p!ct1:1'(.-4 the onts n1'uft.<.i (lone mt: * whole ,, L, I-`1'iti.=h: Lko it, tario, and; ed tlw liwcti ` -n-.-u rm causing` 1111:1.~*i1nA.~'.~' and Wu-n :1'.:u'n1.i It is 1-\`iIL-11". that . cure is` not taken in the s(~l(,-ction of immi- ,qrm1t< and too lnzuny of otlwr than B1'it,i. stock are coming` to Canzida. H`: n. Robt. Forkc-., Minister of Immi- muntion, 0.\:.p1'c-s. a wil.linsg'ne-as to co-operate with the Provinces in the matter of immiigration, but politics play too big a part in the system to make much change. -It has been reported that mine unauthorized man has been through the country rc-presontinu: hiinself as an ofcer of the law and coliecting $5.00 from fanm-ars who have not Iipjhrts attached` to their vehicles. Anyone approached in this way shqulid nepont the matter to the near- est police station. Fines are not ccL?ectu in this way am! no one has ` berm authorized to t.:I.l-'L- ony ':.ction with w -~ ` ` ihn irzqaizmrr---nts of ' .,.v_:.v,. 4 . i:1:;m1c_\' which t1`:11`.. . |`o411m';.:`_\` into chmniczxl r~nm~_:'_\' and so. |p(~1tn1it~' 2'rowtI1. Tln-1`ufan'c in the `Iz1bo1*z1t01'_v c-ho.mi. have zlttnmlmml the work p(-2'l'01`1nr-(1 by the leaf, knwqwn as photos_\'nLhesis. In Proi'c-s.~:or Ba,1y s experiments, a pure, in.~*oIubI(.- co]o1'(-:dp0\vdc1', |such as nickle 01' cobalt czmbonatc' was SL1.`-?[)C`I\'(I`L'(l in pune wa.ter. Cur-` bonic gas vvas bubbled th1`0u>_L .`h the water and the whoile was exposed to the lip:ht of an inczlndcsccm. bulb. ,ll_I,, 9.1 -mu. u_.,--u uu. uu un\.uu\r\,u\.Lun,v uuxyu. The experiment yielded unmistakc- able evimloncv of the fonrn-ation of small quzlnntities o.f carb-:1_V~d`2~atves. D! In]. Ifl 4- .4. l\r\1: - .Ll_..J. h..- -....... 4....--.w..,.\..> uu \aolLlJIll_V\I(AI.'L't)u British sciontisrts boliove thwt Pro- fessor Ba`. y has produced on a small scale what takes place in a plant and` therefore the rst stage in the manufacture of lraboratorry focids has been passe-.d. which -! EX])f.-1'il]1 uI1't - 4 pool Univcz-.~:i of P1`o1'e.~:~r~o1' jish Chemcul ] 1;the day when r 3 useless. 1` If the oxpc 2 |C(`5-Sflll conclt -.'+,, ....,|.... .. .I plzmts l`._ _. uncu nun. During` the past six month.s there is some evidence that Canadiiaii Na- tional -activities had been 1'etz11'cleI(l by Mr. Dunning`, while those of the rival road have increased. This in- terference has been marketl in frown- ing upon intensive p1'opag'amla and what Sir Henry Thornton considers lijustiable capital expemlziture. 1 In the case of the `Halifax hotel lSCl1C111(`, Sir Hen1'_\' was placed in an ie1nba1'r21.~:. position by political li11t Now there will he two ilnsinjx lmtei }ni'opo. in thzit city iunl(-.~:s the Cziliznlizm National with- inli'z1\\'.< 1'1'em the fix lrl wlifcli l`lf;'lli.i`ll1.i)` ..,.\. .... hotel. : Governmcx I111`. Dunni `ernment 1` ftinct as: ,terminal c L`lUuGlzl\IlA uu5v.u_y iuI.o\.Uunu v ..... .. Mr. Dunning has been accused of being more frien-dy to the Caniadrian Pacic than to his especial chiarge, the g'overnmen`t raiiwagns. Even if this -accusation is unounded, Mr. Dunning has [lent scolor to it by his actions and aociat.ions. In Sask- atchewan the criticism is even more denite, in that it is believed `he -Woulkl not be `averse to succeeding Sir Henry -as -President of the Nat- ional Railways now that further poiiticai |pI`O.l I10ti!.`-11 is apparently (le- nied him. v\ .v . 5,, .____,LL_ u..,_.. mu. 4.-.5;urva_yuu uuvuu auvuuu pay most. The lange increase in the numzber of motor licenses this year will give increased revem-ue, but the highways demarnd increased expendi- ture and these who use -the most gas should pay more f'Cl1` road upkeep. Sir Henry Thornton leaves shortly for ~I\Iexicco to repqrt on the re- o1`_::mizatio11 of the railways of that country, and if he decides to remain there Hon. `Chas. Dunning, Minister .c.f Ruifxvays and Canals, may not be disappoinfced. There have `been .the usual diplomatic denials of :1 breach between the chief of the National Railways and the Minister of Rail- ways, but as such details ware a".wa.~ys in order, those familiar with the .'situatir.n Largely acliscount them. 11., r\_.____:.... L-.. L-.. .......-.,.,..`l A: `uun. `b01on_u` 5 SYNTHETIC FOODS MAY ` SOLVE FOOD PROBLEM DUNNING GLAD THORNTON IS GOING TO MEXICO .. .`....... aborator ' t1`aH'1c that this 1`ailwz.1ys 1` 21. Because the Conserva nmcnt fzzvma-cl this cxpemlh V 1.: r ra i I wa _\' iszulvan ta` A WARNING ([11: Dc-p:u'.t.111en1., 1'o1`e.=1m on farm p1'o will .. ..... ..., \,.......\_u. ;u. soumlcrl t1u`ou::h:"ut there \va." rt-j0ic.in_2'. the J'ut.u1'e xvvrc 1'01` 1 gotten in the t.hou_g`h -; u such The Northern Advance ...u-... u my--. *- may be z1b':c follows: u . . 1 11` is the C11(Ht11l'C Pacic l pas- h ave cnnances its appearance a nunareu-rota. Don t stay gray! Look young ! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of V5/ycth s Sage and Sulphur Com- pound, which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition of oth- er ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use prepara- tion. because it darkens the hair beau- tifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten .1 sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through .h- nair, taki:-rg one small strrml at .1 time. By mowing the gray hm disar\; af- ter `.mnll1ex- ~: " ` -- ~ ' Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred-fold. Dnn t stav gravl Look voumrl pea; year: yummif. --...-..-.., .... .,...- IIIULL .4... memo1'at thzlt (law, 0: those whrte :."z1\'c- z11`.' com. up fresh 211.-'zLi11. Are measuring up to the sxac-rice nmr.Ir-' The second shi ment of horses from Canada to ussia was a re- cord shipment, according to Louis Kon, Sovtiet representative, there being only one horse that died dur- ing the passage. The next ship- ment is expected to go forward in November; and this will bring the total number up to 3,300. G. N, Torgen, ex-M.P. for Sweden, recently left for tl.e Peace River Country in order to locate suitable farm land for the establishing of a large colony of Swedish farmers, who are said to be in a position to undertake farming on an EXLEHSIVE scale. He has already canvassed Mexico and the Southwestern States. which he finds untuitable. An amount of gram greatly in excess of the entire production of western Canada in the year 1887, 4,454,000 bushels, were hauled to elevators over Canadian Pacific lines in one day in the west during the middle of October. This constitut- ed a record haul of grain for this railway company. The new Canadian Pacific Railway elevator at Midland has begun :0 receive grain, and shortly all the construction work \vill be complex: and all departments of the plum. in operation. The opening of this ele- vator marlcs the .-xtun.-ion of (`,zm:1- (lian P2u'.il'ic enterprise to 2lImLl`.<,')' port on the Great Lal\'0.< and a new factor in retaining` 21 g:l'<:xIL'I' pro- portion of the F'iIl:l(ll(1Il oxpurt ;.I;m2n trade for Czniztdlztn ports The largest party of xnujm` baseball stars to hunt mm New B1'u11s\\'ic1: entered the for a two-wee1<.= stay ilfx World Snri(=.<. 'i"ne [)a\`'`\' c at Clarendon on the C:-.x1n cific main line and inc-ludzd M.n~1.- T-,'.vu-ni-~ nnlm c What is considered the largest` g'riz2l_v shut in the Canadian Rockies this s-,u'suz1 was taken by Miss A. Van Vleck. daughter of Ernest Van Viock, proniincnt New York archi- tect who headed a hunting party] I I into the Selkirk district. The party went in north of Revelstoke. ISAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK when Mixed with Sulphur It Brings Back Its Beautiful Lustre At Once \Vl'lLt'l'5 ill clud ed in there FUNERAL DIRECTOR SPECIALIST IN E'.`VIBALM].\'G Owen St. Barrie, Ont. The tm nv1rrnV~ - uu 'e1`pu-~ of 1' [ere There I) and 1 the ( Phone 268 BYRNE LLOYD 101` 01.; cuznu and .308 I Pamfic r ,.o' \vl shzu-(,4 The Phone AND W, .1 I Markers Monuments T3za w1r.`i:tJ?. 8; scotch Granite I-*m`c12s n1*.mTm*.1> I m:~IN F. MURPHY, Prop -' V` Q1`. - T-3~n`rir' I } Barrie - Marb|e- Works Asa question of military status was involved in the regimental bag- pipe competition held at the Banff Highland Gathering in September,- the nal decision as to the holders of the trophies was referred by mutual consent to the Minister of National Defence, under whose authority the competition was held. The decision has just been given by Major- General Thacker, Chief of General Staff, to the effect that the trophy . given by Mr. E. W. Beatty, chairman ; and president of the Canadian Pacic Railway, as originally offered to pipers from Highland Regiments, be awarded to Lieutenant Charles Dun- bar, D.C.M.-Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario - this being accompanied by a cash prize of $100.00. Under this and Pressse R62-;;?;fi3.; ?:.`E`3;'aT`;Zc;`-ll Piping Awards Announced THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING rLAN'1' CFUTSLDE Tl~1'E CITY HANDY TO YOU. _- ........ .{,..........,, ....... \A\lAl\4 1.5-1.4` vate and in public our jails and other institutes would ndt be so ....-_-.,I . ,1

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