As a means of fostering interest in middle distance running in Cun- :ulu, the Canadian National Ruilwa_vs Recreation Lezurue lius presented to the Amateur Athletic Union of Can- ada. the almve l1:1ml. lr'on" > sta- tuette and medals. The l,l'Upl1`_. is 8. hamlsmne bronze statuette, on a b;2.:4e l of native Cunmlizui wood. It is a perpetual award and will be held for .-mn veal` bv the winner of the one- I u VAVALJAI I \asociate Coroner, County of Simeon Phone C1. Ofce---58 Collier St. . Ofce Hours: } R-9 n.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. `. A. 1. Lune, M.D. IW. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. i rnone ll.) 4'! Maple Ave. Oice Hours : 1-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m.. or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. IW. C. Little. M.B.. Au...-:.o- 0------ DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice, corner Bayeld and Work sley Ste. Entrance o Worsley. Office open until 8 p.m. DONALD ROSS, `LL.B., BARRIS- ter. Snlinitnr. pto, Masnnin Tam. nl|\. :4 u. I \JI\AV.DUL4l. Graduate ;>f McGi2l University, Montreal. i `om. 4nd Resident/:e-Corner iir ` bath and` Bradford Sta.. Barrie. ! Phone 105. Oce Hours--9-10 a.m., 1-3 pug` 7-8 mm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Rnrr;cfov: Qnl:.-Mmm of nm... ESTEN & ESTEN. BARRISTERS Qnniinuo in I.In-L. (`nut-f n4-' Tun :Oce, Ron Block. A HARVESTERS! I ETEWART & STEWART, I-infnrq Qnlinifnra Nnfaripn IALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- nnr tn Ynnnnr nnwnn K7. `RI-own, i H. H. CRESWICKE }Bnn-inter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. i Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. GCRDON LONGMAN IBM-rister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ron Block, Barrie, Ont. nan. vv. 1-1. LDVVID SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN ._,,,:_;- n_,,,, uuMu1\'u 11Atu), MUS. BAC.. F'.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster of St Andrew : Presbyterian Church.` Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser~ vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. 10275 tk BUYS, B.-\RRISTERS, \ U..lC..:t...... '..o..u,.n `Dnklin (`nu-n, DRS. LITTLE & `LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phona 47 Mnnln Au- runguau nubb, L4La.l5., DA1u<.1- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. LAUDLV 1'1 U K1' GE HALVIIVJ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. lst oor Masonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rates. Exterminate weeds on every square foot of land on your own property, on unoccupied lots and farm lands, on every highway and lane, in city, town or country. Il.I1aVVt'\11.l. OZ 'l'lLWAIVL', D111? riaters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, , and Convey_ancQI_'_s. Money to loan in anv un'w\""e' M lnmpnf nnrrenf ADIILIV OZ ILD'1'I`4lV. DAICIELDLDIVQ Solicitors in High Court of Jua tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers.. Office, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. LLISAALVULII UUWAN, cu;-uno sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining prdbnte of x7iH, guardianship and administz-?'.iu:1. and Gamma! Schu- tor, Notar), Conve}.'.'mcv.h*. e'.c. Money to loan. (`1 iice.~:: H1m.`..-I Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. _HU K./UllVI;') f4`llCL:l_'_3~ }!n|Ull_Lfy LU LUHLI in any sui at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. ` H. rm at Lu 1 I D. D.-\1i.I'1o1E.1`.D, Solicitors, Notarir-s Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale. Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., J. R. Boys. a. uA\.\\J11l\J, u.r-.. Successor to Creswicko & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Ofce, Ron Block. Barrie I1! muuuvs AND SURGEON Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Hours : DR. E. G. TURNB-ULL ...l....L.. -. Il_f\!|I . D. F. McCUAIG. B.A_. . _ _ _ _ . _ , ._ rt, _ I MUSIC LESSONS Many million dollars worth of farm products are ruined annually by weeds. The` loss in rental and sale value incurred by weed-infested farms is incalculable. The weed pestilence has become intolerable. DR. W. A. LEWIS `DDV A '\YI'\ hrnvn A an Barrie Branch -l.EGAL . Phone 366. Barrio. LVL U AV 14'; Office, Build- lowest BAR, Dnlnlhu '1`:-avg!" Every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land is required to destroy all noxious weeds before their seeds ripen. Municipal councils are required to destroy all noxious weeds growing upon the high- ways. Let everyone co-operate to end the weed nuisance. Department of Agriculture pt-nvnrp nf mntn v-3n Under the provisions of The Weed Con- trol Act 1927, now in force, the destruc- tion of noxious weeds is no longer optional. The destruction of noxious weeds is now compulsory. :--_j.j. Special Truius fut Winnipeg via Canmlian National Railways: PORONTO (lfnirm Sf:1finn\-A|.l2`. 30'H'I- Fl` .... .. ..n.......\. ..-...._., - `1l\rlCI-`J -..,.,.-.. --_ N1.-us; uV Minister LJDI-J. pl-J.J.\p4Ll.Iy \.II. A A b Province of Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto Page Six ""'1I'i3iK'i3i"Ki?i"."'ii1ii`i`i7`f5AL WARNING `v./ |$,,'-.?;V;..,I ONTARIO August 2nd. The rumiers who are first, second and third will receive gold, silver and bronze medals re- .-apectively. The presentation of the t1`()ph_\ and medals was made to the A..-LU. of C. on behalf of Canadian .\I:.`.i...iu1 officers and employees who are members of the Canadian National Recreation League of which Sir Henry W. Thornton is Patron and A. J. Hills, President. The League is representative of Cana- dizm National sports activities from Coast to Coast 11:. Cazmia. , \ W. B. ROADHOUSE Deputy Minister 74 Plus hal 21 cent per mile beyond to all points in Maui- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,~-Edmonton, Tannis, Calgary, MacLeod and East. RE'I"URN|NG--Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, nhu: $20.00 fn dezfinatinn. K: I IIIII`II`\I*'l1.HH 3. C plus $20.00 to destination. j ,:-A,.1 r\_n:,._._--.I 'n-.._.... nuwuuu; un. It is also bhat zrmixn srrowinp; Manitoba is s(-n.(Iin:g- u dele- gvatimm to Denmark, I-I1o1~1and and Ire- Luml to investigate `their mc~ oh;`o in prcclucing and oxportiuuu: butter so that the tlzuiryxnon of M>u,nit;ob`a will know exactly the comlitions under which they are coxnureitinp; for a place Sn Hm Dninql. r1\1.:,. :.. .. uiu-uu vIll..y u.|k. uunnqlrunuuunp, un u. pn.u.v.: in the British nm1`kc~t. I\hisx is a move in the right direction which other pivovincn-.`: niimlit ver) '0 fol- low. perpetual z1\Vuru unu wut uu ucun 1uL one year by mile race at the Dominion Chz1m}:im1- sh.1p_ mcet at Tomato, Saturday, The zulvt-rti.~'in_2 p,'0ol.s' hi,<,vl1 .st,wmlnrrl.~: would In.- izuul prr>t:1l)!(- umh-vt.:Lkin.L:. 'l`}w :mn-uul M(`l!10l`iil ] Sc-1'\'ice in connection with tho SI`hlim`s' Monu- ment at Wzlw.-rlu-_v will he held on Suml:1_\' nc-xt, Supt. 181.11, at 2.30 p.m. AVI ...A....._ .l`AL I`..,_A \lI I, .... .. ` All Vt-t.m':1n.s of the Grvnt Wm` urv: 3 invited to utlnml. Rev. Sinclair of 'the Unitml C'hLn'n11, WHIHEIIM. will lw| [the spc-ciul sponlu-r. ' ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE AT WAVERLEY At the last : Government was authorized to spend $100,000 to advertise foorl products, ])l`0\'ill(.`ll that prolucer;~' and export- lers rf tlic-so _e'oo were willing` to .`-lD(.`l1'l 21 like amount. So far nothing` has been done. The onus lms been ra.t;her unfair-,l_v placed upon the proiliucers and exporters the Ferleral 'I`he former class are not org'ani7.edl l generally for such a purpose and ii is advanced on behalf of the export- ers that they are unwilling` to 1)u1 money into such an :1(lV0rtisin.g' pro- lgrrani until export smmlartls are sel | up for Canzuli-an ,L'.'0orls so that hones.*l (.-xporter.< will not be victimized by those who would be (l-isposetl to ship inferior products. This .s'(.-ezms 1:. fair position to take but one wihiuh ud- mits of an easy SO1`Ut4ll0n. Let we have proper ;~7tan(lar sudh as exist in Denmark with tuleqruwte penalties of the to enforce tzhe CIbS(,`l`V'HlC(` stva.mlar(l.'. v. u l l ;VIcs.'~:r;~;. J. T. Clark, D. Cameron and J. Lit.t-10 are in Montreal Iayinq: ,Q'rir-vanco.= before the G1'J'evan~c0 Committee for the L.B.E. employ of Vair & 'V>ickc~1's to enter `the (Iress _2'c`0ds de.pa1'tment of the` '-I`. Eaton C0,, 'I`oront0, and left town on Monday. I Mr. J ovlm Arn1st.1-ong: has left the` Mr. and Mrs. Fred No-1'man,. A1- lamlalc, have returned from their wedr1in2' trip. 3,000 b11:~'}1(=1s of wheat came to Bamrie on Saturday and sold for 64c and 65c a bushel. I I Mr. Noah Grcse of Owen Sound lhas purc`ha.sed the Barrie Hotel fnom W. P. Lewis and takes possession on the 241311. .. Canadian National Running Trophy .. Looking Backward On Tu0s(lz1_v Mr. C. B. King` and fzm1iL\', ztccompzmnvietl by Mrs. and Miss T1`cve1_\'an and Mr. A. 'I`1`evo]_van, left. Barrie for London, Engz, on their way to New Zcaland, where they intend to reside". Ttho loss o-f :-1 twonwty-ve cent piece made a man pull up with 21 pick three planks of the sidew\aLk, which tocnk hrim nnearly an hour to replace, but as he said, :1 quarters :1 quzlrt-01' thozso (la-ys. Wilbur Scott, a Sumx-izlale farmer. thrc.-*.hed 460 bushels of wvhezxt off 9 acres, and 150 bushels of bzu'1e_\' from t1]u'ee acres-11ot bad. 25,000 WANTED Bz11`1`ie s tax rate is TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Advance Fyle, Sept. 11, 1902 Advancn Fyle, Sept. 6, 1877 A PROPER MOVE FIFTY YEARS AGO HON. JOHN S. MARTIN Min ister The Northern Advance 16 `,2 mills. 1| ])l`0[)(`l' uuu unwu nun ur vvun _s;Lxun~\.L. She will l-(00)) her z1.l)b1'0viato(l! frocks boc:Lu. t;h`<:y ru nttx-z1ctivv- lurcnuse t1l1c_v rc comfm'tah1c- and h_vp, l)ecz1u.s-(2 .wl1e s :1 W0- nmn. Salw will keep lu-1' hobhml. r-I1i.ny.-'le~:l or l*}to11-cvoppcrl hair bo- v:u. l)ocuu.s<- it's (-zlsit-1' and look.-; nicor. : She will continue to smoke ht-1: iris,-':1n''i1' .\`l1L` lmppons to lilcu? lt.ln.~n1, mm to play hm` _u':1n1c.~`. be- .4: .-ulsu of hr-1' spz;_1'ti.11,u' sense. ' uu-an unumu wcuuunu \u un. _\ vuuu. Yet, beozuuso she is :1 1'(3.~`itJlu. :1nim:1l, and l)(\oa.usc she is n lwzultfliy young; zunimal, and because .~1he is--(,-xcopt for her c`, h.=.r wirler knvowltulgste um] hear insi,.~1tcnce o.n frc-c(lrcm1--nlo (l`lfT(`l'Cl1lt from any otl1er_vouln.g: female nnimwl that has ever existed, silo will ovolnt.-ua ll_v re- fuse to lmvo hor in-liofs l`lZll1(l(`(l out to her rearly-nmde. In the nwttor of ' l1t`1' molm'nit._v she is little lll{('l_\ to (!llHlJll1.','L`, but she will ml her feet orv ion. and with the ph_\'sic-:1l utt.rz1ct;i0n.s' t2l1z1t she nncw p0.\~'u.~I.s`0.s` will come :1. mental attrac- tion lzlmt will bu oven .u`rL-211.1-1'. LVN... II I.. .... uuuuh Ivvn uu yum.-vuu-uh. So hhc modern _;'.irl, mli.n`_u' little! to whiah she can andhor h-er f:1ibh, rlrits nr the nmst; p:wt'to pleasure and the zwnmursenwnt of the hour- bh-at most ulzwuml (lo.sir(\ of youtih. I u.. . . ml xouvw uII\l l(lbl\ IJL \.ll|\l| laVUIalI\IlV|I.L',o Her pare-nts, .f`a`iIinq.-' to ro`aliz(- her; _v.ourtJh and hm` Iomring 1'-our frt-c-(lom.' drive her by their vmgv imtolemlnce into tlho rt-zuly :.n'm;~' of those wlho, would bc-`Hove bh-at love is sloppy,` t.-hm: honrcr is out of d`zut.v, and that, u cyn`ic'a`l outlook on life is `the only! bhmp; worth cuAI`tiw1him:'. Ch L.L,. .u`,..l L:...I.'..... 12441.. . ....-;...u_y . Girlmooxl fresh from school and! OC`C_L!,'O with brains Il1ltlh(`l`I1&lUCan) ,! ('[&L~`.ti02tl`1_\' and ]0g'iczL11_v fzu` zmlwutl of: `her orenbcms, oiten mtls 1101:-If to-I day the victim of pnrenvtul intt;olor- lance and lack of undo-rst"unliu1_:.-,-. LI,-... ..........L.. vuv To accuse the mmh.-rn grirl cf be- ing` b1`1iI]-lL". ~`S is even more foolish. Probzx-bly there lms` never been a peviotl in l1i.<.t,02'_\' when _L'i1'I.~' possess- ed more brui.n.< than they do now. The only t'.1'oubIe called elders and betters are sin:.-'u1:u-- ...x.. 1'3 incznpzublc of teaching` them sen- H'Lbilit_\'. f`1..l.l...-,l 1`... 1-..- ._ .41 -.1 I is t.h:-l.t t411(,*i1' so-` London, Aug`. 26.-Va1c-ntinc! writes as follows in the Sunday Pic- torial: When will the critics become reconciled to the emancipation of the modern girl ? I see that Miss 1927 is being` attacked again for her dress, her bmims, her lmmncrs and her monals. rt` Exterminate Weeds vA|\.A|I cuAA\| ll\,V\.l. u\; .VIllLhL'lI- |lH`L' Ul',:-`.iLll|l1Z|L`lUIl\ JUI n\.LlA(il-U11.` lU\7d'l For simp|.ioit_V and freedom zLre|tions., whore n`1ac11ines coul..I land furl, `the keynotes of modern dress. .-\.ml}1~epai1's and refuellingz 1`11c-so have, wuhere t.I1(~s(= two a.)'- allied with :Lt- ,al1 beem 1`ef01'1'0ml to Camp Bonioxnf t,1'activcn0s.<, such :1 \'c1`_\' 1'e1ati\'c}whioh is from half to t`m'(\c--q11z11'tr,-1's ( term, as imn1o1l(n is lwittlo likely toiouf an hour ,\'in_;' distzlnc-3 from To- cut ice. I ronto nn .. . .. - ( 1 i 'Dhe1'c.fore I halt! to the belief that` the surest test of the (Iec0n~cy znnd: sanuity of a fashion is the number of? people who, having` adopted it, die-! cline to consider any other. Rather? `than believe that all the gzirls of to-7 `day are inrheren-tly immodest, I holdi ,t:I3ua1t they have rliscovewred so many, ltlonite arlvamagos in fuhe clothes che_\= E ..,..... ....... .... ,.- ._.-.... 4_._.-,,A IS GIRL OF `i927 IMMODEST, ' RECKLESS AND BRAINLESS ? ..-.v. .......z. The sages have laid it down that what ever is nu-tura.l is right. And if this is so, as I rmly b(tii0\'(.' it to be, by it. czm the modern girl justify ihenself ? ~ I rx .-. '.For until rcce1`t years she I1-(1.5% never been allowed to be her natural self. In that peltiotl of unf01`_:'t-tt2Ll)lo .l1.istory that gave to the world anti- 1nacass1zu's, crinolincs and side- wl1i.~1ko1's, she haul about as much f1'L`olom of tl1ou_"ht and acticn as 21, . oh u \'vE\'L~'(*ct01";~7' 4-...L.l/. ".5-.. .... vv..- ...uun..v nu; I wear now, an so many comforts and` benets aoc1'ui11~g' from them, that; they made up their mind.< to stick to; them and never be shiftezl. 1 m_,, I A I n . I -V l I .4111: table. A sudden 1w movul of all 1'ost1-ic-E. tions inva.1'ia.bly rosults in an alnlsc` of 1'rec After long` _vL-ars 0-1- cterxmal 110g'ati\*u.=: the .-u(l rrm`li7.u-l tion of lib(>rt._\' \\'u.< bouml to (-ml in 5 ton` 7pr:1r_\' . .-ck. . Set down :1 thn-c--p:11`t.< .~:tu1'\-'(.-:3, man to a Lord M>u_V01"`s banquet and z'in_4' up the doctor to stand b_v for .~Wub.equent evontuzulitios. U- ...:4l- 1|/r:.... 1nnn ml , u ll\.A uA\,u.:n:. i But what. is this immo(lesty in (h'e>`s? Prc~.sumabl_v it coxisists inf wea1*in:. ,' abb1~ev.iz1ted frocks that leave the a.1`n1s bare and the knees? obvious. Yet, if this is so, one is faced with the fact that ninwty-n.ine per cent. of all the }'. .`il`vM`lO0(i of Eng`-l lando is immodest! Which, Euclid would sa_v-! i m. .- y...... ........I \`I.l'JL\-\l|ALIIII \,V\.Al|l\.4l/Ill/lL'Qu I So wiml1 Miss 1927. She n1crc-ly] (lis.c0vc1'ed contain tlmimrs that lookedl nice anti tasted nicer-aml she pro- ceeded to over-eat herself. n,,; 1 $15.00 To wmmm: \1\.\,|I\,l| U\I uv\,L`L;`(.lU II\JlDCIL- But she is no g'o`in:g' to her diet. She 11` n}erely use : lmoro discretion one of these ( 1 c._,| LL-L .1 -I not ch2mg;e a little more lays. I nd hlmt there are three prin- cipal ohar_9:c~s levelled against the sh1i.nig'Ie(l hezzul of the poor little mod- ern girl, by the kind of person~ who SOUS _`."0O(i in all a5::es except the` present one. "l`l..... ..... 1.1.-.. L, : I - 2 yum... uuu. l They are that she is b1~ainI(:a<, that`. she is obsessed with the (lesirc for: pleasure and that 9110 is immodest in" her dress. ! 'r\ . . , . ... ... ` And anyone who essays to put her ibuok to the mid-Vict-orian tlzlys has ?us much hope of success as Joe Bockot-t would have -.L.mainst Gene Tunney. shire. next Sunday. Premier Baldwin first speech since C:u1:ul`a at Dou_:`l~as I `I113 is likely thalt most of the ac- cused will elect .spee(ly `trial soon af- ter l1.u.1'vest, but if any go to the Assize;~' the case for the Crown will he conrluot-ed by a special Crown pvosecutor nimnetl for the Assizes. The A.tto1'ney-General will have to (|(`tCl(l(` \vil1et.lic-2' he will appoinlt special Cncywn counsel for the speedy trials. `Crown Att-ornt-_v F. G. Plvans was in con:sL1l'ta`ti0n with ofcduls of the Att0'rney-Genom-1- .s Department in '1o1'onrbo last. week, but no decision was 1'oac'l1orl as to wIl10tl1e1' iln~(lict- monts for ])C1'jlll'_V and for znttemrpb in}: to `hold mp and nob Alex. Hovdrge will be preforrml :mg'ai nlst Joseph Mc- Denmlcmt before the Grand Jury at the Fall Assizos. 1-: u .u . . n AI lxmuvuuun uuu mu. uunsn-nun n , '[`uhc- '1`-01-onto Aero Club wrote the iBom'l of (`o.n`t1"ol last \\'(.'0]{, :1s1:i11:: .u`ln-ut tlhu L-stzuyblishment of :1 flyizmgz ielnl ho1'e.--'I`:o1-onzto Te1o.g'1'a111. J`l1e1'c- are ve cv'2'zmize(l il_\'iI1_2` compztnit-.< in Canmlu at the pix-sent{ time. 'lll1(`}' woulul like to be able to {land at. Toron-to, but now have to use Camp Bon`l\.-n. Some nf them i>t0l'C I`l`l21.Cl1ll1(`S at C`-amp Borden on 21 irental basis. '[ll1e.=e mzichines would lw lhijntiigvlit to Toronto if t.lw1'e \'.':1s 21 {l_\'in_<: eld here. 5 With ll. [lying eld at Toronto, the Dominion Govermnent woulsl 4 mzvlce mzmy lm])1`O\'01`I1L!l]tS. We V xvoulrl have 21 civic airilrome anal tnei` Provinciuil Gov-eimment: machines co`ul(l also have :1 base here. These nmttei-s would, of course, lmve to , be woi'ke(l out between the city, the Pirovince and the Domini-*n. nu rI\ . A nu I _,,.., L1.- The Federal Government is pre- pared to conrsider the removal of the eenrtre of [lying activities from Camp Borden to Toronto, providing a suit- able location is procuvable in the vicinity of t1he city. rI\1.:.. :,. um :..c......-..n+:.m mhinl. rm- Pnuu V-vun. .v \................,.. _ AUG. 80th-From Toronto, Caledon East, Becton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol, and South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute. SEPT. 7th-From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jct. and West and South thereof. , \v,_ _-_..u n..:|.......... :1 -.~- .- u ACTl_VITIES OF (CAMP BORDEN ARE WANTED BY TORONTO VI`/llfllty UL Lilly \.Au|ya This is the inrformation which Con- tnoller Bert Wemp brin-gs from Ot- taw-:1, wiho.r<.- he conferred with ofoiials of hhc Air Board. Within the next few months the v.stalJlisil1- mcnt of a [lying eld likely to be- come an important issue for the city. |The Ciamuliztn Aeronautical Associa- tion is lmltlinz,-_v' :1' in 'l`m<'.nto Hhoi*t.l_\', when some important pro- notunccmcnts will be inadc. uy-.. . I ` With the applications that are `' made at Ottawa, of which Tc-5 ironto is now unawasre. there is noi "' or reason why this city cannot be niadcl. MEDICAL lain air centre of the Dominion," said, ` iContrc-Her \Vomp. 'I`here is goingi DR. C. A. ARNOTT ,to be a tremendous air trafc north (McGill) ganrl south, with Toronto the ch-a1'inf.j: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONV jhoiuso of Northern Ontario. There I 055:0 and Residenco. 97 Elizabeth St. `will also be considerable east and (F1'm-`T15 Dr. A1'na11's Oice) .wost _\'in_:'. Toronto is the natural Phone 557. W! 'ba.=e for it. i Demand for Flying: Field 3' DR. N. W. ROGERS ; Ottawa has had :1 trvn1c-n.1o`.1<.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON `inumber of requests from pvivatc: special 8tt6n'Ci0n to Obstetrics ins_~' org'ani7.ations for sui1zii_i13 10021-1` A-Ssociate C01`0D91` f0!` COUMSY Of itions, n`1achino.< couH Simcoe `repairs `.1a\'C:OFce and Residence, 50 Mary St. nil knnn ..n4`....u,\.l vn (`nuun TZ'n.-.i..n 131...-.. 1n1 Witih aviation l)ocomin:.:' )'L`il)'I._\' an incre:asin_4'1-_V important branch cf ytrzxnspmtation, C0]1't)`0(:l` Womp de- 'c]zu`L-s that 'I`o1-onto should not he withom; the facilitiv-s far zLcco mnI0- ?lz1t?n_: all typt-5 of ying` mochines. ; .\iu'Lu:1l :n'1 an`:'r-in. -nt.< wi`:h 1311- l)"-i minion and P1-ovinciztl (;")\"`:.'ln]l`llt-Ti to have their machines u.~:r.- the civic 1l_vin:_r eld, p21_\'ng' tzherefor 21 rental, would give the city the, opportunity of havi-n,2' such a utility, while the ca1'r_\,"ing` oha1~,(:es would nct be too heavy, Controller Wemp think.-=. Borden is mot an alvto_2'ethe1' sz1ti:~:fac- tory site for a flying` field irom the view of Dominic-n oicials, hence` their xviillimziness to con.~:der n1oving; the camp to a site noaxmr the citjnl Would Benet Toronto 'Ilhe1'e are 50 machines at Czunpl lB`o'rden at present, with an esta-blisli-1 ment of between fty and Vonc-, `huJn:h'erl officers and ve hundred? nu 1: . 1 "F0 n`1e(,-t t,l1;:se vII_\'iwn,<.-` t.-] is I `..w..-..\.u v...\.\_..,~\| nu. nun-..\.u | ! 111011. Should an a11'an_2'en1cntbr_-2 `possible with the Dominion Go\"c-1-n-; lT1(.`l1t to rent a portion of 21 civic y-`L king eld near Toronto, the G-overn-i Ement would erect equipment suitable; for (lay and night _\'vin;:j. This might {be operated in conjunction vith the iprovincial and commercial ying` ac- i tivities. I 1l1Yva.I .1 1' .-- .1 . ' 1CONSULTS DEPARTMENT o uuu L\:1ucuun;_. ;uu:\ .:u-n. 3011 to .\s.o-us.--yc, Phone 1 01 av xvulry CI: from thwe--qL1z11'ta'-1'5?Ofce Hours: 8-9.30. 1-2.30, 6-8.30 I1_\`in:_-* To-! n .._j_ is n 5"! Ilmnvinlvw - Special rm TORONTO (Union Station)-AI.Ig`. 3oth- From OTTAWA-Aug'. 30th- 12.01 am. (Mid- .01 am. (MidnightAug.2Utli) 12.30 p.m.;10.40p.m. night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon. Sept. 'Ith-2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p.m. From PETERBORO -- Aug. From WINDsOR-sept. 1th From PALMER_sTON-sept. 30th - 12.01 a.m. (Miclnight --12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th - 9.00 a.m. via Guelph, Aug. 20th) via. Lindsay, Blacl:- .via Chatham, London. Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood. water and Atherley. and Inglewood. ' cost. u2`1`an;_-~~n1r`x1t.~: ` 1 n 1 thi- ,. ._u rcquri1'c111cnts a civic 11L*cc.vs211-_\'. But for operation of such a u'om~ 1115:'ht lw r,-x-_ will make his retu1'nin_9: 1` rom Castle, Lz1nark- NURSE M. I. THOMAS 78 Wnorsley St. Phone EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC.. F.T.C.M. Teachnr nf Pinnn nu. !PROF`. D. E. WEIR, TF3.-\(`HE'R OF 1 Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ROBERT H. SMITH, EYESIGHT Specialist, suocesvor to O. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Hours 9-12, 1-6. Phone 80. v THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927. I: _:_: Through cars from otlu.-rv principal points connecting with above special trains. For details consulL local Canadian National Agents Through 'I'ralnu-comfortable Colonist Can-s-$peoinI can for women and children _. _ LLQQLQQQ: :j:.LL1L1