THURSD.-KY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927. 8c Tin 18c .1b. 57c lb. 29c .lb. 43c lb. 220 Mivss -Bessie Hunter was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Fred Reyrnolds. of Knock, last week. 1UI .. 1-1.... hnknnvi A4? Qf I`.hnm`n: OI l\I1UCK, ram. wuun. Mr. John Dobson of _St. Thomas` spent a day last week with his sis- ter, Mrs. Thos, Hexvson. xx,-,,L___ ..-.........! +I\ \Tnuv E01`, AVLIRS. LlIU:{. L1::\_vaun. Adjt. Minton returned to New [Jersey on Friday after visiting with `Misses Orchartl. n t\..-1......l ...-.4 \` `Lot VVebb'.=. ! M1`. and 1\ I1'.<. H2u'ringto11 Hughes ;aml son of London and Mr. and Mrs. E J o-hn Hughes of Barrie at John 1 "` Hughes . 6 5 11.. \r'| .... Y.u.l.- (`.n~1.- nf' ..\\'v- :1? NIISSCS U1'L1Ilu-III. Misses H. R. 0u'cha.rd and N. Maneer 1-spent a few (lays with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Maneer in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. O1i`ord Webb and fam-i'1_\' and M.r. and Mrs. A1-bert Ferris motored t.o Penetang` on' Mon- day. A.-.,...,.. 4-1.nm-. dun urpvo hm-n Fnv may. I Among those who were here fol `the holiday were : 1u:._~ 1.. `DI.-".1. A4` 1\,T.Hnn,1 n+ Dnlxf D110 no1mzL_v wen: . ` Miss Ina Black of 1\Ii a.t Rob: Black s. M1`. Chas.Mzu'quise of Toronto at . 71 -r `.1/r_........,.! Mother knows from ex- perience the health-builch ing value of vitamin-rich l ITILISTICB I il Mr. and )'I1`s. Jack Ca.rl\' of .-\_\'.1' at Rev. Jas. Brown s. ` M1`. and Mrs. Jack Hewson and vf-:.mi`l_v of Toronto at Thos. HL-wson s. | IT'\.. T).Jl.l. f`..m~4 A4` VT`:-u-nnfn viaH'. 11'-lends tor a row (rays. ------- -~ ;Wi]son, Miss F101'e.~n*ce and Master .obbie reiturning home with them. `Corbett and daughter Bet-Ly of To- Mr. N. L. Wilson and son '1`hom~z1s LOW V'3" spent the week end in 'Io1'ont0, M1's.'E- H`l .`1`30- Flowers M Nliss A. .'-\rI`1a Mrs. Geo. Allan and Dims. Chas.11*``1 M* `-`- G Glarlic.1i, . `ronto are ]1oIid:1_vin_9: in the vivllagc. C0U~ inSv M1`-` 1\/Iessrs. Wm. Hunter and He1'b.1 Ham` B0 \V0bb attended the C.N.E. on Mon-N9" 17-P`1' f day, She1'rin_s:. I .u.. u ur n-...`:M.. :.m..1+ Hm Sunowers v.Lcuuu_v Lu. Luxuuuu ow ; uvc. -..,........ -. I I \Dr. Ralph Guest of Toronto visit- jed with his aunt, Mrs. Fred J obbitt,1 ;last week. ' av 71 I511 \v._1__..1.. 1...,. ..,.+.....`n.l` ' Auau n \.\4J\u Miss Edirth after visiting` i city. xx 1- 1 vv 3 `Mr. John Hunter of Campbe1~1~fo1-dll :is the gucrst. of `his sister-in-law, Mrs.` Geo. Hunter. n__,I .c I11........L.. -.-..... UUU. LLLIJILCL. 1 ! Mrs. Jane Good 'of.Toronto was| the guest of Mrs. E. T. McCxonke_v| I on Wo A u. u `I 1'1 1 1 L144; ,.._,I .. . UH VY k'un\::u`u_\`. M1`. and Mrs. Fred Jobbitt and son Ear] were the {2;u0st.s of Toronto! friends for few d-ays. 1- \v -r x-11-1, ,, ,,, 1 run. _.......t `\la_y. ` Mr. H. W. Dem\~ison spent holiday at his home in Toronto. `at -r m ru ,,,;1.__ 1.-. L HUuu (ML HAD uuuu; u; A.vA\-'11/vo M1`. _J0f f1`e_V' Chantler has been ' Ziting; with his brother, Clhas. : ` Ge-onge Ohantler. `II/I'..,. 1" T) Lfnux-`nu 1':- {Jun nw1nn4 \.1t:'u1>`5\: \./`nan uv:1. . 3 G. R. Harp_er is the guest 01 ifx-iend`s in the city 1'01` a few days.` |` 1\ Ioss1`s. Murray and Geouge Hun- iter spent. the week end with frie-ntle in Toronto. ! -- .. .. up u-n ___,v _-.. 12....` PO1i0I'--Flu0l' \V;1.\', it` is 1'(`a1H}' better ....Med. Size Tin 22c Pure Orange Marmalade- Sl1i1'ri1"f'.~', `F1'mn :1 rzlro old 1'0- (-i])(.-, 4 ll). Tin . . . . . ..Tin 62c Porridge Oats--'Rz1])id <-nnkingr, Rnl)'mlmnd brand. .~.n'I'| 'D17n 1`).-n i III I UlLI`Il'\/U- 3 Mrs. Sadi e Miadiil and son Jim !:'dl1(] Miss Addie Alpine are v.isi.tinig with their sister, Mrs. Frank Water- ``field, of Toronto. 1 n._.____1_ 1) \1' l\ HlULllL'l UH tJl.lll\|0l.V- ` Smhooi has re-opu-ne here z1_2`z1in, ;'!vu'ith M2`. Richalgds of Bythe as tea_c:h- {er of the sen'1or room and Miss Ram Abe1'nethy of Lefroy teacher of the` ijunior room. --~ ` ` ` 3 M1`. and Mrs. Marsshall Mabee of `Pictonn. Miss D01'otah_v Breeze and Mr. Wollbzmrls of Nexvbum were the ggmests of the 1a.tter s dau-,2'hters, Mrs. `Geo. Young: and Mrs. Martin. rn n _n r\_,_-.3- _.J1..J I lIL'I\I, \`|. I U1 UXI|/Up i 1\'Iis-s Laum Sproule, R.N.. of ,|\_G,u(-lph is spond.in_g* a couple of ;\\'cek.= with her mother, Mrs. J. VV. 1 Sproule. I ma. .4 T,...:.m..,l ommw -. fnmx `>J`jJLULlICo Mr. A~I-bert Loomard sspent I . . : da_v.= last week wxth frlends 1 . , \,u/_v. `) Mr. and Mrs. C `of O1`.i1l-in called `mother on Sunday. - 4-.` v 1 _,. Church next Suinil:1_\' I M0 the city. S('l`\'iC(` will he helil in St. M'ark ~s afternoon at : ..20 o'clock. Siimlziy School at 2.30. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G1'i`nstea.rl and baxby are spending; the ]'l0]idlr'.l_V with Mr. and ll/Irs. Hector Pcrrymzin. Miss M-arjorie Cameron has gone Mr. zmd Mrs. 'I`homa.:= R. Coo oi ` NEW LOWELL Mr. and Mrs. Frank McN'-aimara are still sufi'` fro-m painful in- juries received in an accident on the uigvht of August 22ml, when they `were thrown from their buggy. They `iwere (11-ivi.11g' just east of New Lowell ; Detroit are spcmlinvg` their two weeks i when 3, cap (1.1-iven by David Duff of lo ivacation with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hol-l_\'. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kil`1{] 3`21t'l`iC'l\' and i`nmil_v of Barrie Dfllli a visit to Mr. aml l\1'rs. Riclmnl Hl11Zi(`t-Oh over the `week eml. l\Ie.`~`.: Henry and C:ii(1l`leS Hol_2'c.=. l`.:1\'e r.turnc-(l home after spemling :1 f(~\\' (i{l_\'S with relatives in Toronto. ` Tho l.)o_\'.= who left here for 11, 1 'n..L...._.... 1 _T the | Brentwcml cvzuslictl inuto the rear end of their bl]_Q1g`_V`. Mrs. McN~zL1nzm'a Huff:-1`c(l several broken ribs, a scalp `wound 1'cqui1'iny.' several Stit(`.l'l`es, and `many bruises. M.r. l\I-cN:a.m~:u=a also received sprains and bruises. The hor. was injured and the buggy ismashecl. Mr. and Mrs. McNa.m-ara iwc-re taken to Creemore, where they .recei\'e medical attention. M1". Thos. Brown of O1`i1-lcia called I at the p2u'sona.2'e on Wednesday. 'n.r.. -...: mr..- n M `.w...r`..-.-n.1,.-m am! \1U|'-. .lUuIIQ_' uuu 1711-`. AVL(&l'\4llI- ` cu mu; ll'u`A.Vvnu3.\. vs: Mr. and Mrs. D. M Bernice of ion the form:-1-`s sis Hunter, on Sund`a.\'. u \l',, nu... I'lul1LI'I, UH x.>Lu|ua.\. i M1`. and 1\ IVho.<. ROM have re- _t'urnod after vi: with their i4l:ruAu'h.t;1-s in Toronto. : `r- x: ,; \IV.......:... .4` 11...-en`! F1eX0---'l`l1(* Pu re `.F:?z:i{(:s-H Large Pkg. 19c 1llZKiK-'.ll.|.|,'l` Ill l\IlI1llL\Jo 3 Miss Mm-::a1'ot Warnicn of Hamil- ton was thv 5.-'u0. of her father. Mr. .~\n_:us Wzmrnicu, last week. 1\'\\ uu_\.` nun LL'uuuvn;.~ Ann .1 \IAvIA\.'\I- west are Fred Patorsozi, Henry Ho Jr.. .'-\`.`1`rml B_nv:1tm' and Alex. Fr-ry:11: rv 11:. .-_, __,_, 1__11 r A`. _ 1 i i \\L'l,'l\ L"Hl|. I I , Ho(I`_2'n.=,. few with \ I s . Irv`! u 1,. 1-); L_..- 1... LL.` Thv \V.A. mr-etin_e' \\'a:'~' how at the home of Mr.=. .~\]l)e1`t Lr-i_; h lart Wod- 1m.=1a)' aftc-moon. Tin` "was a svplon-| dill turnout of the members. The: next meti:ng' with be on Wednesday, S. pt. 29th. A u.........`...,..- - -- - -- -.___ Marquis . t .-\-Han Webb of 'I`or.onto at`. . . . , STROU1) EAST ORO Neelands has retvurnedl friends in hhc-I Chester McConkeyl| on the fo1'me1".~=`i uu u l;uuLn\lu_y. . M. M=cOonke_v and Toronrto called s1'. Mrs. Gen. SPECIAL- a few` in tho` 11. LJ. \`ULlblllh. ! Sllwslcx l-Ioll_\-'.hocl O. R. Black. Miss Allan, Mrs. G. Shorving. and D011blr.= I{c.l'l_vl1ock's--l\'Irs. W. n Black. Mrs. J. Jacks. isit. Single Poppios---Ml1*s. G. Sh-e1'1*ing`. ,itt,l';\"I-1'5. W. J. Goodfollow, Miss Miller. ' Double Poppies--l\'Irs. G. Young, ne(]`il\l1*.=. G. Hzbrper, Mrs. Jacks. ' ...--L n,\..,. ........l 10,,,'l\lI u~c Mn. ' gag R th 0 FINE :BLooifs AT I INNISFIL snow ` E\'e1'lastAin.g`--M1`s. H. J. 311%. H. R. Orchard. L 114... ....11..~&.1'4-us J\ .u.un. LL: AUO V- Sweet Peas, Marquis, G oo'd`fe11ow. \.lUU\l`.L\.uA*v n . Sweet Peas, ica, Mvrs. _ E. Wice. nu, . wxce. Best Specimen Dalhlia--4Mi-as H. R. Oro11~a1jd, Mrs. R. A. Sutherland, Miss ;\J-`ITi11 0 2'.` Y\ :4 TIMELY '2/7 ADVICE M11102`. Dzxmizl. colIection---M.1's. 0- R- Black. r1 51,- , -2 ru_.1:..1.._ `M -us A macx. Best Spik"o of Gy1adiolus-Mrs. D. Ccusins, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. lwobb. 15 1...; ..:.. ....11-nu `AT.-n vv Luv. G-Iadioli, Ro._\`no]d:9, J G. Hzu'pe1`. I rw-.v:-v: |Lr. r1zu'pL-1'. ' GI!-amlioli. 3 spikes. 3 \':11`iet,ies-Mrs. H. Reynolds, 1\'Iiss B. .\4'e(:1a.nds, Mrs. `.\l1`F. U. r1u:1`pt:I', Aula. uuunn. Sweet Peas, named, 12--Mrs. Mc- Ewen. x -n u . nr`<,A |I`4VVl.'Il. { Basket of Cut F`-1*0-\vq1's---1\IIiss Jean i Wice. I 11... .._.4. III... f` I_Tns~nnw- ' VV lllli. Hwml G. Harper, lM1`s. G. Sher:-in;:, Mrs. Jacks. . r`r1..LI,. 1),...n..,\+ 1'UI'...- U I lA\1`l'S. K1. 0110:1111-,-_'., AVLLB. uauma. | Dining` Table Bouquet-M1~s. H. J. 1L\'Iu1`(1uis`, Mrs. G. Young`. Vase of Cut F1 G. Young`, Nlrs. A. D. Cousins, Miss A. `Mmer. x y n, L 1'. _.._. ..,_ `ILL... `I C1. ll\}(|l_'BUl|- Mother used to Grow-- Arltlan, Mrs. R. A. Suther- land, Mrs. G. Sherrina`. nu 1, |l2lIl(l, 1V11`>. U. s.7u1L:xuu`,<. ` G1arlic.1i,. 6 sp.ikes_M1~s. A. D. Cousins, Mrs. J. W. Lat-imer. 50tt'5.EE3`3`35`?. boumlls, mm. .1. vv. Llat-uuvzx. 1 Bouquet, by boy or girl un- [dor 17-P~h_\-']]i.: Marquis. Tsahe-1 N n V _, H- mr`... O T,1..-u Sunowers-Mrs. S. J. Rey`nold's, Mrs. J. Jacks, Mrs. Bvoyes. `DIll_`L'l`lll_u. V 1Iv'1 v nu, , 1'7u_____..._ 1|A':.... 1\)I'1flnu ;u1'.~. u. -JcM;I\.3, .Au.u.3. 1Jv.v\..V- Wild Blue F1owe1~s_Mis$ Mier, `Mrs. Sloam, Mrs. H. J. Mamquis. l xr,n_,__ unm 1:n...-.,_.. lt\~:< U T `iV.l1"S. oluzull, D1135. u. u. AvLuL\1u1:y. Yellow Wild F1wowe1`:+-Mrs. H. J. `;_Ma1'qu'i~s, Mrs. E. H. Sloan, Mrs. J. IE. Hvcdgson. |' urn/1 !.1,.....,. 1\II'...~ LY T `.\/T.r.n-nnin 1 H4. 1l'L'L|gBUH. Wild Fems--Mvrs. H. J. Marquis, Nlrs. R. Boyes. n..-.1..:.1,\ 1:\I.....r.... 1\/H A Millpr `l\'1l`S. I1. DUyUb. Roadside Flowc-1-s--Miss A. Miller, `Mrs. J. E. H-odrg`son, Mrs. H. J. Mar- , Wild Plants, Red Berries--Mrs. R. lBo_ves. u1,:1.1 D1-.. `X711?!-n Rm-1-u'nc_T\/I'.ve. boyes. Wrild Plants, White Bor1'ies-Mrs. |R. Boyes. xn-nu 1-n,,,;.. `BL... 1)......r._~ `R/fun x. 1 . \ l}\|.`,Hn`. G1aclio1i,co11oct.ion, named- wan [JV DU\'h S ! R. Bayes. .11 11 .-,,, 1-7-.--.. r>1....- 1\,T...~ `I .\Vi`l<.l islants, Blue Be1'1'i(-s-~M.1':. 1\'. Duyem ICo1]ect:ion House Plants---Mrs. J. sHoc.ver. 1\`Ir.<. 0. R. Black, Mrs. W. `Black. . 7* ._,z__,. nr... 1' I7 Llfnrln-, MELK, Plant F`.o\vering'---Mrs. J. Hod_,g- son, 1\'I-rs. G. Harpc-1*, Misu "H. R. 0(1- chm=d. . J * Ir 1- 11-....- I ! I i LIl2lCli. 1-.1 `\.l|(ll`\l. ; Plan-'t, Lea\'(!S----1\`Irs. J. Hoover, 'M`1's. O. R. Black, Mrs. G. Sher1'in;;. $ Collection of Snz1pdr21g'on--Mrs. `G. HILYDPI`, A. M`i`lil'er | Collection of Annua1s--Miss An. Miller. '- NE Co-lvlectdon of Peronnia1s-.\I1*s. G. S1`-emmsin-gx, Mrs. H. J. Ma1~.rquis. IV n.,L_-_._ 1.` T\..Ll2..- ......~.-1 Mm (Continued from page one) v av: J-rA6~\/I-1 Flolxvers, not 1 Mrs. G .Young, I is. J. Reyuirohle; 1:71.. ,1 .._.- 13--.. onL1m1n-:4, llb. 11. u. ;uuv;\1um. Collection of D`ahli~as, name O. R. Black. _. ,L _u_ ...._.....- ....-..:A..r1 ` D. IJ. J\\':_\'uruuIm. I Window B'ox-Miss Jeam Wvice, M")-s. W. lack, Mrs. O. R. Blade. 11... -.:`. 1)....'I.,\L 7|/I..- A `D Dill`. VY. lJl.(1V\;I\, ;P.|JAD. \I- AV: Aanupun H`zLn`g'in`g Baskot--Mrs. O. R. Black. ` Zinnia&~M`ixss A. Miller. ]710w01's _L`rown from Tuber or Bu'-1b--Mr.<. O. R. Balck. 1|: 1,` ,., I T3I1:.....4 ........L "I'...L..:n.. M`akin_;` and Filling` most Ent1'ic~s-- Mrs. G. Harper, Mrs. H. J. Marquis ` (oqu211,. 31). Yjr\I\r\:VI`.\`il'I` 1\/l,..~4- 'D..:.mo_.1\/rue O D, (rquun, UL}- Receivi-ngr Most P1'izes-Mrs. 0. R. Black, '.VIr.<. H. J. Marquise (equal 18). I ' Mr. Ed. Sc.ho1`l has 1'et?u`1'ne(l to 1Dot1'oit at-c-1` . he-Iid`a_vs at lhis home here. Puf"fedA Rice 2 Pkgs. 29c. I ; dz1u:1j .\Ir.=. W-alter Stacey has been un- rr the dootoz- ,ca1'e for some time. Mvs. zmd M1'.=. G001-3'0 Falconer and mx::'ntu1- of 'l`o1`m1tc are \'isiutin,Q' the -V!`:\`_x-1"? 1:11'::-nt=. on the Second Line. Vase Cut Flo\vers--IVI.r.=. J. 1 v best six spikes-M1's. H. M'.1's. H. J. Marquis, Mrs. c-as, 12--M.x's. Wm. Warn- _E. H. Sloan, Mrs. Earl '1'UHi|l(l. . co11ection--Mrs. H. J. Mm-,E\ven, Mrs. W. J. otherwise sapeci`ed--- . Mrs. G. An'no.ld., Mrs. Page Five Ma1'guiS. JV` `:3 - at 2'; :0 _f?.-in:-2-.-*1 CHERRIES 19c 2 3 n7- Bottles Specials are Rep3[kable Val_u_s, oSze Sept. 8 to 14 EUAKER NESTLE S CONDENSED RED MARASCI-IINO 2 3 oz. Bottles Clll\,l- Small Pkg. 12c -5 "I'll .\]vI\rw "`ii;i.'13c A higVhly 1`_0SnIJeC tO(l pioneer 1'e'si of Nottawasaga Tvcnvnvshuip passed 2 ` away last week after two mont-h.<"i illness, in bhe person of Mrs. *.VIzu'_\'i `Cmnpbell, at the advanced age of :3.0| `years. a I ...| Mrs. Campbell came of s`.:ur1l_v|l Higvhlancl stock. She was the (lau:.>;l1- ter of the late Hugh and lVIar_v Cur` rie and was l);\:':1 in Duntrooln. Hm` fat.l1or, one of the earliest settlers in! Nottzxxvaumgra, was an elder of the` l z'esb.\`te1`iz'.n Cl1vurc.l1 or`6P _\'e:1r.=..! and on his farm the rs:-t Free Pres- : lly1.,1'ia11 Church was erectml. De-I, .e--;1su-ml married the late John (,':xmp~1 ' J,.,.`...--ml \n-.- 10 \ rn!\1":l I ,4, ,. . WEETWLE SPECIAL- 3 born`, MRS. MARY CAMPBELL A p (1 luuLLn:u uu: Au.L\- uvuu .......1. , who predeceased her 19 yeursi Pure Honey--Boekist, N0. 2} `(in I Tin 38c Soups-Ay]me1` Brand, assorted except 0hi(-ken and chicken with 1'i(-0 . . . . . . . .2 Tins 190 Evaporated Milk-N0se s, the 1m`r1er kind . . . . . .2 Tins 250 Christie s Mixed Fruit Biscuits lb. 360 `Fancy Qua1ity- -Extra Large 1 PEcIAL- DELMONTE SEEDLESS Double Cream Custard-Ha1-r_\f Bm'ne s, 16 oz. `(in ..'1`in 24c RinSo-S0aks clntllcs xvhifel` 2 Pkgs. 15c Ingersoll Cfam Cheese- Sm-<-zlcls like bllffma 'lV|'nr`H11~m 'p1z( D[H'l'ElLl.\ llI\k' Uluu 1. Medium Pkg. 14c Small Pkg. 9c Marmalade--O1m1g'0 zmd Lemon- ndo, Kei]]m"s Li`r r1(`. Chip. _Tq1r- 920. While the Fountain is the .popular meeting place during the two weeks of the Exhibition-the Lobla,w Grov- ceterias are the popular meeting places of Ontario thrifty housewives every shopping day in the year. Chicken I-I2Lddie-Lil_v Brand Ti11 22 Pic1(1eS--S\\'vof Mixed and S\\'(v1T .\l1x.~'1:11'(1, Q11z1li1`_\' Br: :35 07.. jar . . . . . . . . , ..Jar A Nonsuch Silver Cream. Jar Salmon-f\`<>\'m-oi.9;n Brand. mt (|11;1li1`', Sm-k(~_\'(~, .`_,'.s' Tin WRAISINS "ncctillg 5110096 5-ULV \ \-..l..l.l. places` `2 lbs. OX0 Cubes-]0 uubo par-}<;.1g0 Pkg. 24c H.P. Sauce . . . . . . . . . . .Bt1. 26c Pure Honey-]:3(,-ekist`, N0. tin Tin 67c SPECIAL- Tomato Catsup lqc Medim Size Bottle 2 Bottles ize , _-__ . 1! Ijdmomon, Am`... Sept. 7.-VVit.h:a [3 ve 11'.-nth. from infantile '_)zu'a1_\'.s-islt` ;. .during' the.wcek end, increasing the!` ;. ';m'.mber :1` Vic-t`m\s. hero to nine, an(l_ -.":-epo1't.<` of C-l.lIol"`I\kS .11`. out.-;iL'.v :1i.~:-it ..jf,- :-ls, :1 conference t) ~:1?.=,cu.=.= thul nation has been calls} by .I0n. . 11.21,... -1` '.Y...`lH. ` 4 ,. IV 11 I Mrs. Ca.m)_~!.n-ll is survivor`; by ve. *sn'.1.=. and m daug111ters, 27. grantl-` cJ:7!dren and one g1'eat-gx-zu:dr!~.ilzl` Three gene.`:`a`.'.u:1s were rg-pro.sento ;u`. the funeral in the `p-3:`-.'.:".s -of Mrs. ' Wilson, daug`h't.e1'; Mr`. John` `Wilson, gramldaughtel-, and Eleanor `Wilson, great-g'ranLldz\ughter, all of. 1 'l`o1'onto. ~ ?SPECIAL- % Luun was 3.30 Hozull-:3 PARALYSIS EPIDEMIC 25 .`I`;i3 23c SPECIAL- f\'l"l MKMiADE 296 9; 13 n7. Ja Ijt-u. . .I1\/I ITEZID: _ Tliyn rzmd ' 43c `le 19c n- 22:3 'URE BRIGGAR ORANGE Domestic Shortei1ing-1 lb. pkg . Pkg. 17c The Noithem Advance SNIDER S TOC1dy-Tl10 Healtll D1'i11k lb. Tin. 54c lb. Tin 33c Soap F1akeS-Princ-ess, ideal for ne fabrics, Lge. Pkg. 21c Macaroni-(.`a`ro11i s I3.en Cuf 2 Pkgs. 25c Fry's C0coa-]!`mmm.< f111'o11g'11- out tho \\`m'1d. . lb. Tin 24c SPECIAL- AC1! 2 16 oz. Jars Dill Pick1es-Libby' ivc pickles To a ' 01iveS-C111b I-Tm1so Brand , Lum-11 Queen, N0 5 bottle. `R1-.1 ' Cl1:Lrm-C]oans c,-V01*_vt11i11g. D191 Pitted Dats-]{a1`ax'2111 ]3r:T11(1 Pkg. 19c Fancy Quality I1 Green Label . Quantity Limited 1 Zebo--Liqui1E Polish 'T'in .L.I\J-I.lJ_IL_.\.IV Iv xv-.. _ ._? You will more than enjoy these delicious blends I1 rrr-7- High Park]gr anc1 Special Blend Gm?! Prons. ';7'1e;dL'!'L' ` LOBLAW S COFFEE EIAL- Aylmer Crushed 1 lb. Box -11c 2 Bottlzas "XSSORTED IEXPECT NANCY" WILL BE RAISED THIS WEEK Fin-al preparations for the 1'aising_'-a River were completed ing on solid footing` by the end of? the week. It is some job, as the sc-epin_e: of water and silt l1inde1's the work continually. Block and tackle l:LS.'~`l.<`i(`(l by jacks are being` used in `the rai.=ing`, and the work of 3:1.-t.ting .tl1o.=n in poslition caused no little con- Zcorn. The cont.mcf:.o1'.= :u'c- condent,` =h.o\ve\`e1-. that the schooner will stand the :=h`;1in. of the schooner Nzmc_\" in the! early this week, and unless something wen-t awn the old ship will be 1'est- " IIEAD THE .-\D\'It`.PK1`ISE.\II:`.NTS. Kin F `R Brand, tin. I11 , I` in 176 Tin 23c Banquet Queen--I\*o. 12, Club T-T011220 F31-and . . . . . .Btl. 28c