Page Two I-Iul C j:-:--7 BOX 633. 43 DALTON ST., BARRIE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927. I-ncluding . War Tax uvuuuuu. W. A. TURNER, Prop. Repairing for $1.50 Phone 229. Gr.-nerally speaking` busi11(:ss condi- tions in Canada are favorable. Farm cr0p:<, are more encou=r:1;;'in;_-' than was expected a month ago. In some parts of C'.ma s vast arr.-Va. tihc-re are (i(ci:.-ncies from the averzure, but over the whole cf the country the outlook is good. n\1,. _..I..\I,..` `.. .....l ...\o..l (.....l.. Uuutlvn An guvu. W10 \ul1olr-safe and retail traclc. laurely inuenced by more t'2x\`omb1-.< crop ro.pc1't.< are more cheerful and morcxlmaanms are buying- more b(,`l'1)._\ . I, .._ .:.'....4. .......1... H......\ .,. IIlK.'l\.`I|`(Lllik~ Lllx; Ilujnnnh |||\J;I, .--an.- In manufacturing.-' circh-..<, there rc-t|e'c`tz~*zl ex ~m'aint1ino(l optimism. Boots and shoes, w-oollens and Hour milling: are some exceptions, ai- tzhciugih conditions in these indus- tries whow no m-miked change. The automobile industry wport-s .~wtc-zniy sales and thus reflects the ;::enem1ly hopeful attribuxle of th'e purcl1r_-1sin.: public. Foreign CKdi12llL}.','CS have with few exceptions shown no marked mcvemeint. Bank clearings am: most favorable. From nearly every part of Canada txhere is shown improve- ment over 9. year ago. Al`1is1;on s tax rate is 47 mills on the dollar. W-u Tina` Fangs`. Chinese amba:\qa- Fr to the United States, always iwd Confuciaznism being` far xv-`A ( .`hri.~':tianit_\'. He spent his last I-]:'rl_\' in .\'ew York City before \'II`l_L" Anmrica. Trho Rev. I-Iuio 3, u CIn(-so pa:~vt.o2', phoned .\I1'. .1 and asked him to attend church \'IC!'. >.\`I1'. Wu rL-])I.i<:d: WIhcn ] '4>' 3. boy in China I was acquaintc.-d 'Zth some Christian people and )u;.iht hi_"hI_v of Ch1'i;~:tianit_\'. When was appointed to_ An1(.-riea I dc:-I Iml that I wanted to throw in my t with Ohristian people there, and ado up my mind that I would a.c- pt the rst invitation that vvaa ven me to attend a Christian ser- Uce. Tnhcn aften` a mom(2n~t s pause `:..- zul,lr.~d: Tvhis is the first invita- `..'on I have had ! IS AMERICA A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY ? BUSINESS CONDITIONS `UNDER GOVERNME;l` coN;riioL l Ilhere is now connsitlerable justifica- tion of the declara.tion made during. the p1-ovincizvl election campaign last cr fall that it was a desire to make On- a\ tario g'rit that actuated tlhe prohibi- c\ tionists more than a desire to make cr `Ontario dry. The fact that absolute fc ly no life has been apparent in pro- (11 hibit-ion ragnks since "the election is 1'1 not an indication of very deep sin- tc cerity, not to mention other deduc- `(ll tioxrs. When the people of the pro- [hi vince pronounced a continuance ofati ' the O.T.A. it was still possible to Cl 3 keep a g~overnment vendor of liquor F1 lout cf Simcoe since there were but.CJ two or three places in this count_v C` where one could be established. Had v u -` a concerted effort been made on theltl l part of prohibiticnists there is rea-in `son to believe they could have pre- `v\ vailed on the commission not to open `I4 a shop in Barrie nor in Pene-tang- `O v,uishene. But nothin~g_>; was done, A liwhieh was not a little surpr.isin,Q' af- ll 3 t-er Wlt!1(.`SSl4lL .` the apparent burning ta` 3`vsincerit_v with wuhich the issue wasla :f01l_L`l`l't, last November. Nor are any i C lof the predictions concerning` condi-kg ' tions ` ad-2: govcrnimez s-antral be-'1 in}: realized. The one iear that lay` e ` on the mind of most people, n`amel'_v.l `I than-t the roads would not be safe. ii 3-has not ma-terialized; on the c:n- l: trnry, some men who drive a. _e'reat;= *" d=z:l declare they -have seen fewer `Q cars in charg'e of urns- tea,d_v driver.~i3l 1' und-r e'o\'e1'11=n1e11t control than the)/`l used to see under the O.T.A. As toi` ,cond.iti:.ns in border towns there can `a it she no question about the improve- -4.` .ment. 'I`h-at the tourists are .u'etti11.:: giiliquor is to be freell_v arlmituted, butl El itl.ic_\' are ~g~ettin_2' it le_e'itim~ate~l_\'.: iwhic-h the_v were not do-inc" under the! ll` iold 1'e_3:ime. Just so long` as a certain; `C ielement of `the population is deter-* 2` imined to have liquor some provi. oiwill have to be made to give it to- "'"~t~l1em unless the whole nation re-` '_'isolVes to eliminate the traffic e11~_ GJ_l11>Nn gtytrn A_hnan're. < 1 0 ` Vsnaall Czlnarlian . I I I is a certain woman in a town who cannot ;un tun \\'h_\' folks like hr-1' 3_bettc-1', and who is much hurt ha,-~ icause so often now she is left out {wlmn thmm is a small and jolly part}' {for carrl..~t. If some camlid Trimni wt.-1'0 to enli,Q'l1tr.-n her. ;would -yet learn to play the j_":,lh]f; `and be a :~'p':rt. sort of ])lE)._\'(.')' who always feels that the rul<:.'<, of the game should be for- gotten when .'~`l`](_- makes a slip. Oh. I clirln t mean to do that, .~1h(_- (-.\;- claims when she makr.-.< a poor play .....I.. . IL Th(.-1'c- -.1.. maybt: srhnz l I i As it is she is thv-` I THE REAL SPORT ALWAYS WINS ` `hibits for I illllll L Illl.'l.ll LU IIU hlluhg . in any gram:-, and .~:h<- maka-.< it plain that she does not r,-Jepc.-ct h(.-1' mistzlkc-.~ to be counted z1_L'ain. her. As this is nothing` more nor ](:s:~' than chc-:1t inf,-' : has long" sinc-'A worn out ht-1` wclcmno zmrl mo1'cov<+r slur: has nc-v<:r lrzlrnetl to play an_\'thin_L' well. It all st.-r.-xn:< very chihliszh, dm-.-~'n`t it `P Wh_v should at grown wnm:1n .' unlt,-.'~`.~* .~Jhn can hzLvv- thv numcg of winnin:;". For thv name is all. she czu`e~s about. Yet the worhl is full of pvoplc more like hr-r than they rezilizu. All across Czlnzulnv c0unte.~'s peopha are p1'epm'in_u ax- . I ,, 1- ,,, ____ the fairs. Amcng: them` v ullrlnn nu. nu. JIAIA-7. .. u. U... l `we fear tlicro will lw :1 fr-w poor ; sports who will sulk if nlu.-y lo not I win rst prize, and who will criticize the jll(l_L`(*S lI1$.'t(:Z1ll of SC`il.l'0l1ll1._Q' out the f-:1-ults and il2l.\V.< in their r,~x~l: hibits. 'I`l1,-x'r- wvrs a Camulizm boy this sum-mm` who haul thv l'l`,1`l1t i He re.-fusc,-(I .to accopt :1 prize which` he felt zmothcr boy had won. To him rm.-rrw po.~1; r)f_:L pri7.<.- xv-\: an vm.pt_v mockery if his could not! fr.-cl that ho hurl 2lClLU11`ll)' c'mu- {ir. Tho true sport always plays to win, pla._vs by blue rulvs of th-- ;,-:m1:-, and 1-l)(`ll if he losvs, trir~s morv v:1|i:mb|_\' still m-xt timv. What mlucutimml V.'LluP has any fair unlt-.<.~' wo prot by tho n1ii`.x't.:ik(;~s as \\`(!ll as by thv-i . wlwtlu-1' tiht-_\' '14- mmlv l:_\` ()lll'.\`L'lV('S or our cmnm.-t.Etz r.~' "-- i Farmoi-.< A(l\'0CZlt(.'. I years. It is roportml that thv briclu c..-wricd 21 hamlsonio bouqur-L ul tlowcrs. zuml both the |))`M(' uml grromn m1tL-red into the ct-r-nwn_v with all th-r zc.-.~t and spirit of youth. Mr. John Cook of (.`.011im.;'\\'n> I town.~1hip amt] Wary Wi(`tl of thu- .~'uxm- \'icinit._\' weer marriml by Rwv. R. Wiscmzm of Banks on August 17. `Lne.-I .wmbined ages t:tnT l(-I H3?) cm riod II , ,, I I.,,,AI_ A`.. l.`.T.l. .....l II UIIK? 1 " 1vea-many. cas |warn1ng_{' ` openilem is 114 ~tang- `0f cia'Is c done, Associ-ati< g-l imup orta n 1'ni.n_: the Asso` ~ w:1s`at the C : .-\(lmit1 have " nnot for vrf .L'1`mlz,- ` it cost 1 in.:, f ) r t J l Au Illualio C1"Ua':. ....,,.,.,.. W for collision with motor or horse- d1'a\\'n vehicles. However, it does not require any e":al)01`atien of statstics to brinfr home the fact that every (lriver of motor 01' 1101-5-e-(l1`a\\'n ve- hicle must exe1'eise the A;`reute.~:-t 01111- tion \\":`1L'h upp1'oaohinj_-' lCVCl-)'i1llW'.'.L_\` ci'ossi1ig`s. The newspapers con- st.z1nt"i_\' reccnl accidents at _::ra(le .ci'ossii1g's. While ne211'l_\ e\'e1'_\' _e`1'ale cro 115,-` is marked for the benet of .u. of the ihi:.,-'l1ways, it is evident that more protection is 1'equire(l in many c'.1. than simply the f-amiliar warning_{' sigrn. This perplexing: prob- `lem now receiving` stu by the `oicials of the C-anallian Gioocl Rozuls Association zmnil it will occupy an imiportant punt of - Associa~tion H annual convention at Gliftcn House, I\ -izLg'ara Falls, `on September 27, 28 and 2.`), anal he given comsitlenatioii at the next in- `1e1';n7:ovirneia`l conference. Call for Co-Ope1'uition Oflicials of the Association take the _g'1`ou-ml that the . of thL gxraule C1`Os~`Slrl1_`.1` menace is <?.\'.\`vCl1`iLlL1l .l_\ .... (`nu "P11" `. 11;: nn nun:--uhnn the 1)1`o`g'1`am at OUR ROAD PROBLEMS ', REQUIRE CO-OPERATION, ' . I ](iw;mis I{a1'niva1 next. week in the Armouries.-Don t forget. " T-`here are` some 30,000 grade c1`0s'sin_:'s in Canada. Supposing an z1\'c1':1_g'u of four t1'z1in.s a day pass cvcr the railw with these gzrzule ' `L 44 1-10 nnn 01-... nr-nc :1 IUI cnqu i A pro 1 t1`zuli:m (J: 5111{\'i.~'itEn_u` no I it u poi) H was :1.~1-`u j;.'.1`uue c1Ui>a11l_`.; lHL'II I0 ~..v.-\_. a matte)` for co-ope1',z1ti0n. The rail- l\vz1._\'s must be con.=~ulte and in Llie lpust both the big: Cmnulizili lllllrn l 1 l D jliiave their wil2in:_-n ito act in this respect and lmve (lele `gatetl some of their ol0Ve1'e. expz.-rtsl lto _<.,~`i\'e the problem their attention :Those who are active in municipznl` I l l '_;;'overnment nmst also be pai'tie.< 1:: in solution, because in most c2L:~'es the I expense in connection with the elim- Eination of _;11`zul(- Cl`0.~,``llli_QS must he .islia1'eml by` the munici}):1'litie.<. "lire; l Cianzulian Good l{ozul.< .~\.=;~u-(:i:1tion wfeels :1 direct 1'e.<,pon~sil;ilEty us well.l .'because it l`2l1T_`.`,'(3 part of the tluty of -:the A;~m to-Ilia)? is to 1`Cn(lel ,safe for human bein the inipmvezl` l1ig>ln\'a_\*s alrea(,l.\ l)uilt.- T-he Caina-(lizm GOC(l Roqule .~\.<,s4o(-in-' Jltion has .`~`0`u_g*l1t to co-er the ,j\'iews of all inte1'e. To this en-`l -lthe ef fo1'ts of the .-\ssoci21tir`n s fact - mling" committee have vareen cailml Eiinto use. Every fact in connection 1`;witl1 _Lr1`a c1'ossin~:.-`s in Canuxlu tlmtl (`lit is po.x to _g'athe1' hu.< law-11.4` 5'|tz1bu'zitel and 1`(.`\ lf`\\'|L`(l. .-\utrmrtiv<-N figeiig.-'inee1's and 1"dllWl_V11l0l1 ll`d\'(.` con-_ 11 tributr,-l important information for` ithc committeds use. Tuhe uses 01"` 0 gates, ll2l_:`mI:l1, \\vi:_I'\x'z15."s and bells an ` :all under con; and it ii {po-.~"l)le that :<:1nr,- le.nit- recom- S )11<'lltl21tl0l1.\' will be mzule sh01"tl_\'. :.-\(ll'lllttf`tll_\' the ideal solution is to ;_1`lld\'V: . or over-l1<:al l)1'i ;t \'r-hiculzir trafe in place of I:\'(?l`_\' .1` Cl'0.~'. But CH an aver l-~ cost: $:')0',000 to clr--g'1'ale u c2`0.<.\- 11 l,i1*.4-4', so that the (,-.\:[)en. of the com-i __\ iplc-tn l(l('.`.ll . 1:` prol1il>iti\'e for", 1.1 `the time l)r:inr_-'. n 1 l 2 '14` 1110 U'liH."' \\`(_'] |' H0211` in ()l'(]l`l' what motori.<'t.< would` (lo. n1oto2'i. I1f'\'t:l' hu2 thv t.houg`h it is not ct-rtuin \\"h(:1 inot t,h actually hr,-.-ml it. . took 21 ha.~'t_v g'Y:mc- i lirc,-ction;< down t1`.r- truck zmcl ed up to gut ow-r. Four `:I1'iv.~r.< stoppvd arm] nmzlu mnr . . . ful <,-nqun-1:-.4 hm-frnw procw-nlzz` I A I 9.1 ...uuu \..,`,.. .. ..... .... ,._... i\'i. lh-itriin t.hi.< >?llmml'l`, mmlv iii a point to 5.-`:i`.l1rvr . data. H: iwus :1.-1~urmi that I*In_;'l:1.n| hm! . It-hr g'i'z1rl- cro; pruhh-in h_v il<~~ fg'1-u:|in_-_-` i.i1('h1 or 0tl1t~r\vi.<- |Yl2lkill,L tihz-m i'orl-pr0ol'. His first 0h.~'vr\'n~ ltions hon: out what lw hm! i)l'1'll itnfcl. Hnwr-\'r~1'. hr- hm] 0c(':tsi tn ..~p-ntl :1 win-k c-nil zitiuc iuntry h-omv Vin rural i'Jnu'I21n 'l`n his :nn:1'/.-- `H1011 , hv had to lrivv ()\'(!)` no fv\v<~r th:.m thr(-- -_'.-,'i':ul:- C)`0S.\`iH_".\` :15 i)2,Hi :|.~. `_zLny in C:1n:1 h(,-fora he )'4-:l(`il(-Ii Hu- `.p1ac<- of his visit. Dnn iL tn-ll rm.- ilh('_\' h:iv- no ;:`I'2uir- c1'n>~..'i~x1:.:`.~* in Iim.-'- izmnl. hr comm:-nti-ll. '|`h-_v 'll:l\'I' `tihc-m ton, zzml if tin-_v lmvi-n t, .-n`lvwl Lthv p1`()|rlMI1 _\'t-1., w(- '][.("l"l t4 v-x- `uctiy ;ish:nnmi of ()llI'.\`t'i`.'-S. Hui i,w|1.'xt-\'('r wn min or -|un't do, w:- in i(`:1n:ul:1 5-vtil] hummvr honw Lilv warn- ing: to 10' k and list:-n whvn uppri:-:u-h ing :1 miiwuy cro.-\~`im: wh:-ri- Hu- vivw in x'it.ilI'l` :lir-cti'on is in thv !v:1. i)(` ..,. -.. M- `:l1'iv,~1'.< 2 tful cnquirir-.~ bu i prominr-nt ;zuli:m (Jami R `:), n n|.~curm|.` . hihit of ln.~It:ml' T 0]i. at HI" `(?..\'.l'3. this _\'-zn`. um! r~]mrl.< .<:pl<-n did rt-smhs from 1:.-r .\'hi|)it. lIL~ul:ml Poli.-sh is xmum.'fzu-L11rt-(I in l!2u`ri:- :nLl is mlin:.:' I!--dl|_\' .~`:r'v- HH()ll_L'_7Il`U-llL H1.- Dmninion. I\1i.s..- AYIIIM has wlal t.hn11rm1 of lmxv-.4 :ltn'i.n._L: tslw Ex- hilnilimn uml hm I):-awn .~<|m-m~.-.~'f't1l in c.lo.~.-imc :1 I:-tmxlwr M" (*(lI11I'm"1.s I`-m` `.~uum)lix-. uf this um-fui m'li.cl1.-. 'BARRlE PRODUCT BEING i ADVERTISED LAT C.N.F.. u'Vlis.s Arnold of Bzm~i:- wlms nu s: .12.] .......`H.. l`........ L ... ...I.2l.2A l.. Barrie's Big` Fair is only a few \\'(;-.`K.< off. Are you p1'cpa1'ing' for| 3`:- I/UL` 1VZ1`l\r\'iL.\`D \\'LU|I \OIl\z'A}K4 _u,ms\I\4 sings it means 120,000 chances _,.n:.:... ...:y-!. mn+m- nv hrn- A R.ai1wz1_\' 'I`(.-.~'t lcct-ntl_\' :1 Czmzuliun raiIwu,\' much to. cf bell .~'i5_"na1s on 0110 of its Iain ]im:;~'. The bell xvus 1`LH]_L` whn 0 wc.-rm to .~'w .. . 711 I'M-fr)I'r' moct-mlfnu t Inr'n1hM' of thw "zuls .\.=:~;~nciz1ti()n, The` Northern Advance I` .~:i-gnu] :t,h-1' r 1' '['h(;\' I in but-1:` .\'})f'4.'ll~ 111' ton W11 4 - n ` H. Chasse of \Vo\fvil1e. I-___.. The `apple crop this year will run to 1.250,000 barrels. according to W or a fif:_\ percent increase OVGI` last year. while the crop of the Eastern Staues is repoxfted only half that of last year. ! K 1 The Department of Lands and Forests of the Province of Quebec have planted 1,600,000 trees this yez1r-a record figure and neariy double that of last year. Next` summer it is proposed to plant N 3,000.000 trees. Canada's net debt decreased byl $52,-198.429 during the first foux months of the fiscal year. It now stands at $2,295,335,940. During the corresponding period of last fiscal year there was a decrease of $41,251,655. Both revenues and ` expenditures show increases. Those who went to the Torrmtol Exhibition on Mon will 1-1:.g;1*ce tlmt Labor Day was well named. l I Tourist travel this season is in excess of previous years and is even more cosmopolitan in its derivations than formerly, according to C. E. E. Ussher, general passenger traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway, back from a tour of in- spection of the company's interests at Banff, Lake Louise and other favored tourist spots. E. J. Chambers, President and v General Manager of the Associated \ Fruit Growers of British Columbia, ' states that British Columbia apples are now bein;.t sent to South Africa, China, Sweden, Norway. Germany and Denmark, as well as Great Britain, the heaviest market. New : York and Chicago are hip: consumers i of two varieties, the McIntosh Red [ and Delicious, respectively. A further party of 40 students representing many colleges in the British Isles arrived on the Cana- dian Paoific steamship Montrose and proceeded to the harvest field of Western Canada in the care of the C.P.R. Department of Coloniza- tion and Development. They will be placed upon farms in ` ewan for the duration of the har- vest by the British Women's Immi- i gration League. v Construction of the first commer- cial f-ish hatchery in Alberta will be started in September, announces R. T. Rodd, Dominion Fisheries In- spector. It will be located at the mouth of Canyon Creek. on the south shore of Lesser Slave Lake. = to in ne+i.nmt-ml that 100.000.000 shore of Lesser blave Lane. It is estimated that 100,000,000 Whitefish will be propagated at the hatchery every year to maintain ; an undimini. supnly of fish for j the many companfes oerating in3 the lake. l i being So great is the interest which is evidenced in the music fcstival organized as part of the Hi,':'nland Gathering for Banff. S=ptemher 3-5 that the Canadian Pacific F`.a'Il\va_v has arranged with the Alberta Gnvurmnent telcplmnes to install the am]il`2fi(:I`s of the public address system that were used at Scottish l l i i l the Diamond Jubilee brua:lcz1.' so , that the (`\`(`Y`.il`.g` concerts will be heard nnt only in the ballroom of the Banff Spring; lotol. bu: also in the lounges and in the opnn air on the tcrrav.-e. U.S. Sc-c1`vL:n`_v of (In- Itunt iglhfs :~1hou.1l lu- (-i\'ili:m _\'iIlj;' n~:.:l|l:1tmI. | FUNERAL DIRECTORS Open day and r.lg'ht. Morgue andf I 1 a I Motor Ambulance in Connection E W 4 (mums: -u m|m-cLiun. \ gc. G. SMl'TH&CO All who 2Ll)lls'-3 liquor permits by g'ettin_;' zlrunk or iaeiing :1 nuisance are `to be punisho(l by liaving` said perm-its czmcellexl for all time--z1i vc-1'_v sensible move. | ir`.dust1'ial transportation and ugnculturzxl outlook (from re- ports rea.-hin;_: him from all parts of Czmarla) is excellent and will continue to improve as the marlcet for (`amulian products wiziens. said E. \'x'. l3r_'a`.,1y. l{.C.. cliairmzm and presirlent of the Canadian Pa:-ific l{ail\vn_\', H-(' at Cnl,sIai'_\'. "An inipnrtunt l':u~tur in the zutter will bn u .~'fezul .`_\' ii1:'i`e:1siz1; pr-pLil:1tim1." x.,. .. J ~'1`1m u-1<'.! ~-tntinn com- muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all cl-.-sire to retain our youthful a - pcarnnce and attractiveness. By dar '- enim: your hair with \\ ycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, be- cause it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark. glossy. soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. 0 }.':cnor and < :vv\II\x`C ('(m)p:iI`<-cl \V;Lh 25"`. _\'(zu'. l.HL'l1' m'o. L-ax'ni:v:s :n`- i::g:hL-1`. but in-l M'L':1\'c,-rl costs ho.\'<.nI Hmir control], have rvsultr.-xl in lower m.-L earnings." }` Common gnrtlvn s:|gv lurvwml into a ;hc.1vy tea. with sulplnxr uml ulrnlml `.1dt.|c will turn gray, stl`r;1lu~:l zuul ` fmlvd lmir hmulifully dark and |n\~ urizmt. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul- phur racipc at home, thnuglu, is Cflllll some. An cnsiur way is to gm-I the rcad_v-to-use preparation improved by thr mlnlilion of otllcr ingredients 1 large botllc.:1t litllc cost. at drug stores, known as \ Vyctl1'.~: Sage and Sulphur Cmnpolmd." thus zwoitling a lot of HIIICK` V'53M% ;-ETA A I GRAY HAIR! Darkens Beautifully and Restore; ` Its Natural Color and Lustre: At Once said. v\Ir\:_` , Established 1869 .y nu Th-" ,..\n In spite of spring oods, f1~ost.=,il cold winds, ruslt, insect pests and fungus diseases, Canada is 1'ea.pin_g' a 1.-'oo(l crop tuhis year. We ltcwe ax gizoat c.orun:t1'y. I I 1 I uf UM` I `A ..,- . \':|\'_\' thinks h:mn~.l :1. I I16 ` Travel in Comfort TO CLOTHES = Dry-Cleaned and Pressed THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. ` Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention This Means Best Service at Least Cost Dyeing FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5th COURSES-C1erica,1, Secretarial, Teacher, Com- mercial, Shorthzmd, Banking, Auditing, Type- writing. SPECIAL COURSES for Normal and High School Gra,dua.tes, Public School Teachers. 130 ....- J..-n., 1 G;oo:l p1'og'1'c-ss is being` nmde in I the 112).`r\m-stirmf: operations in W`e.~,1:e11n Canada. Ovei' 50 per cent. of the wheat is now cut and with c~o`ntin`ue ne WC (11Jh`l` this week end will see a_ 'Ia1'g*e pe1`com:ag'e out. Other ;:'1ains ure also being l1a1'vestc(l 1-api T.}11'e`sl14i`n,2' has commenced and the yirzltl and _::'ra are bevtter than an- ticipated ZL few weeks ago. _ . POSITIONS await ._._I..._........l....o- From Barrie Via CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 109 Dunlop Street. n nun \u\-v.- Writu for rates or phone 445. On All Kinds of Electrical Work in Barrie or Surrounding Towns Get in touch with Your Local Agents for Train Times and Reservations. I'll .l-I |IlI|lI?l'lLI\IunLvu .......-.. av-.. _ _ 'l`lw only schoul nm~rh of 'l'm`0n10 that is :1 member of tlhc Busi-nese l*T\h1cutm-.<' Ax-~c(-.i:\t.ior1 of Canada. . .... w A TIIDNI-`R 13...... TOHONTO EXHIBITON l.|'1("|`li`|(`.-\l. l{l'Il`.-\ll{ \\'0l{l{ OF .~\l.l. KIN] New Elements put in Irons Woies and Comments I0? off all N I SICLL WASHING (`DAT PHONE 285 EXTRA EQUIPMENT IS BEING OPERATED ON REGULAR TRAINS TO ENSURE THE MAXIMUM OF CONVENIENCE TO ALL PATRONS. \d`llU\.l\Il\`Il\Jk.J .- yum--- .v___, ,, ITIONS those properly qunlied-62 graduates and uudergr:\du:\lcs secured gdod positions during 1926-27. ... . .1...` :. .. .nu-\'l-\n\- n-F 4>IY~.n llnnlnnn- wl~`.LL Material and Time for Short Time MACHINES. ELECTRIC STOVES AND GRATES AND INSTAL SAME. Something Special for First One Ordering a Stove |`l`|(`.-\l. KINDS CALLED FOR PARLOR CAR SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE $3.00 W. FIRTH WESLEY BISHOP _ . . . . .... An nAIrnM Q U C ;st1ma tes Free .VIi zuttrzwtionws m.a_v still be" x ce.ssary to the fall fairs, but we ` ieve that their usefulness to the 1 vlue of the fair, if they ever had ] 1', is zone. It was feared by any that bh-e atten at the 7rl -S Poultry C,ong2'1'e:\': at Ottawa ulrl be Very slim,` as there was no` ' lway attiucticns. but such was not ".- case. People came to see the "':n only. Zllltl all who came VVQVE` '2.res.r.-I. The fall fair should be mle interesting`, so that people will .l`.c for the educational value alone ` good clean mirl\\'a_\' attr21ct.< thc 'lLren and may not do any harm :` :`.t (leitracts from the real education l 2:` value of the fair. Contlitions artl ~"'in;L'in_:' and unless` the mi faring to fall fairs CllallgL7'C some- 1".at they will soon be a thing`