I<.`mt.1'i~;< for the Cmuulf:~.n ?\'u.`.fon:1l E.\;!1ib5t'ion s 550.000 .~n.vI'n1Inf1::_' nmarmzon pill-`SUI the 200~m.u:2'k yv_:s- tL an-(I tiko race in Lazke On- tario, Ineref ire, can ju:-vt-_v Abe refcn-~ red to as thr -Lfjrgmat evunt in aqumc Wiimfnw-L` cmmnrn g'roun4l of .~'=u(-.h :ln'1fiu,' `__ "_L n Augustt 2, 1 92 7. `,pu.~d1.-I 21,-.-=z1.i11.~ut the h(?:l-l't, -1. l'1ho dizxgallutmnny which is am im- ;pm't:mt 011;.-mu that has to do \\-"ith ro- beime; pro-arsed down . 'sp.`mt*io11, was the body .in; of up the body. Ir a p1'()[Ju1` aprplication the clizxphmxn is \\']1ch its :turn 1m-.~.~::-s a_;'a.i1mt the lun;_-'.<. f.=qur,-vzim: ut the air and thv :U`.l' uh-n 1'-.~l.-:x.~'o of the ])1'0ss1n`e pern1?t..< , jllh; heart zmtl liver to fall' back, t:1k ,iz*.`_;' H11.- I-Eupilmun with it, `czzusv s n tpwm-xxrlous suction thr. 1121: 11-11: mouth zmrl 11ostniI.<. thus lling `.I::- IL111,-.;.~: .-z_:.-'.'1;7n. 'l`h<- \\'inlo\\`.< hviny: cIm~'mI in- stutul 01' op:-Haul )n'-vv-ntml I`:-(iv p:1.<- \\'hfc'1 . w;{..C. WOOD. '8'5 Rictmuumcl St. W., 'Doro.nt-o. .1-1 J1-.1 uu_\. U.l'.'\-')I'.~ HA1` m--m- Wu-rs of the _'.:1l'(.*lt('>'[ t1'mir.~ union in thu. wo~.`.l:l. Th:-_\` are intr.-n<'-L\' .i (2-u`.-4 for t'nr:i1' 1>1'<)-1'c~..~'..eio11 and for 1- Jay.11mn tr) be able to suvcceed xvbc-:1 vhety fail is inzfm dig. 1 Y-0:l].l`S turn I y, T)` f` \11f\f\1\ . I Thu qua-:'.i 11 nm_\' be 2lkx't |.<!:'l th- lrrctnrs not pt-2'm.7t thv Ito continue Lhm correct m(`.` :'<-.~u~."C1::1t30n. T1110 only pos"l <\v:\- Hsaf T (Inn H..(..1. ..4' th at .1 . . I can think C1 25; A _ n .-.....uu. nun` uuI_\ ]JU.`>. ..... ....,..-........ .... nuu;.'.c. 3. 'I`.hu heavy nmtrtress b(.-ing lplucvui on tihc pat.ienL s lower Limbs, `\\'l1xi]s~L not :1 . hm1`d'icv.p, was I l1.~`u]('.~=.<. vlt wa-sia waste of valuable time to take him uipsitains; seconds count, let ` 2. The doctor wlho was emlc~avor- ` ing; `to po1'.1'o1'n1 msuzsoitatioin was us- ing the obsolete S_v1vester metih-od= and Q (lroin_4` that i11co1`1`0ctl_\'. The correct i position for that method is or the `I 'opcx'z1tor to kneel at bhe head of the patient liookring towards his feet and b1'in_u'in_4` the arms over the hezul '00- crc pressing on the p:1tient s body. The ilocrtor was k'n`eeJing' at the side. ' faciiig his head, which pawzvemed thi- fuill lo\'ovzu:(- and p)`0s.~`111'c on the_ pativnt. Moreover, p1'csSu1'0 on the . pations ln'r.-ast bone and ribs makes |bu~t little im-pru-.~1sion on the lumrs. 0 "IVI... I. ... ` ._...4_4._ , L I alone '\'Hi`lllEiib1C` mrinutes. I I I Special attention ghren to corns, bunions and fallen arches Rerparing in all its branches neatly and pnormrptly executed on the shortest notice, or while you wait. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAII Begs to irvfov-VI the citizens of Barrie and slmxvunding district that he -has mr/ved be the above address, where he wild carry on as a Rubber Work of all kind.` repaired. THE STANDARD BANK ('Tl:' r`A\vA~1\ A' J. A. Hughes - Shoe Maker 56 ELIZABETH ST., BARRIE FIRST-CLASS BESPOKE BOOT ur s.r;.LVt5,.I.g_,F,,= BARRIE BRANCH-R`l.R. White, A/Ianager Branchen at Bradford, Bondhead, Crnighunt. Hnwkestonc. Lefroy, Kenvick. Stroud, HilludaleunH__El_mvaIe Please note the change of 56 ELIZAB1--}TH STREET HEN dealing nrith purchasers of W uncertain na.m:ia| rating at home or abroad the Standard Bank can be of signal service in ap- proaching the new or untried customer for collection... The Bank.is in a posi- tion to protect your interests without compromising thecgoodwill of the cus- tomer. Enlist the .v_er_vices of tli" Standard Bank to safeguard your pro- perty by conducting diplomatic negoti- ations with customers whose standing is unknown. Let Us Your G.o:jdwill WALTER MclNDLESS 68 Victoria St, - B o1=' cANAp _,p,;; BRANCH--R:.R_ White. NOTICE wh .\' 3 Routine business occupied the H(-spita Board at its .so..~). :io11 on , Tuesday. .a \,.\u.\. ;-rs incIur.l<.uJ MIP. from `Gurth1-i<., Cc 1; (-M111, IV . . C`;m.~:vr\`utf\'r: I(21(l0l'; people on- of C0]. T. at I.~'1w'and OW.-1' t\VL'l'VC tl1'ou. j._\'(`d the h;ospita4Liy Herbert Lr:nn.ox_. M.P., _Grovo, Luke Simcoe, on M10n(lI:-1y, and ::H votwl it. tho best ever." 'l'h1'ee !'.'\:'..l< 1.|!:z_vr-I thro1L:.-`bout the after- nuocr. :m{ the n1i was a 5.-'1'_-at zxttzuctfuxn.` Thv p1"_;'1~zu1m1c includ- ..;I ' !.<` .<-;1'thaIl 5."zun.~s, footbaLI, Ivy`: 1., 1v`.I`.(I l)a.-.`.-bull competitions. One of the m0.~ut ])`Oq)11]:l1` ut1'1".1cLi.o.ns '1' t"n-- l;x_\' \va;~' an old-`t'z1.~':I1`ion(.-d firitllc-1'.=' cox1t The ba-by . ul- so crc~z1tm1 much inte1'e.s't. The . ms` intclu-.l<.-I Col. Hzn'1'_\' .\ LuI]L-n.~', ox- from ;\I:1nitoba; Hon. Huwh Wm. Mc- Hon. am! Ch.-15. C ' I. ox-M.P.P.; .\IcNicol 1\'(~:7`tah, C)`:1r*; John LI.-n- `lv.`.`:'2:_2' 1'; 11.13 plu .110-(m, am zxttwctfon. ""1'}.<' /\ .u' . i . There are now two vacancies on .E-_t e Su-`pi-elrhe. Couirt bench in On- | .;.ta;'-iio, .Vand_i.t`.is said that W. E. N. isinclair, leader of the Ontario Li,b~ i-I crals. is s'1ated by Ottawa for one of them, and tihat R. T. I~I:a1' K.C., - is a-likliiihnod for the other." In the ixiezintimu noshodvy knows wheat will liixmivii to provincial Liberiaiism if '.\`I`1-."Srim:Ja'ii"is removed. Not long a_-:0 hot-]1__wet and dry Grits were Lis- _L"l.L$S`i1)"_.`.` i'epi a.czi~n'g' Sinclair by some one vL.~`<`. l`he (h'_\"s \\'va'nt Hlon. N. W. Row<-lifibut he will not suit the xvvts. O1'th0(i0.\' Libemls zinc in- ce11. sug;g'0stio11 made in the Gluln: that if the (llh-V5 shiouhl pvovrz iinnnuni -Anal I:.\I'I`IY(`A1l kn...-...._ I.._.I TWELVE THOUSAND AT i HERB. LENNOX PICNIC J` JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES We do anything you have to do and anything else you have to do. --ar:-.. ...v.-.r-- I v ...`.. -. nu. xu_vo .vnuvI.uu ]H.'U\|.' dominant and Howell becomes load- :-1-, W. E. Rancy, Pn'og'ress-ive I(>ade1', `wo.u~]'x be w'iIlinI:._>: to me1'g'e his wing `of the O])1)()a`i`t-i011 with tfne . Grits`. `LIB!-2l3_A.l_. -l,E_ADER MAY L ` ' fG,Ov_TO sumuama counT THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1927 address to Terms Strictly Cash. St.Andrew s Presbytfri_2_nI__ _C|_1_11_rch Flat to Let-Cor. Dunlop and Mul- caster Sts., six bx-i_2:h-t rooms, furnace, grate, bath, su-itable forr pro-fessiona] party, rent reasonable. App]-y Henry & Cewan, Olarkson House. Eam $25 weekly up at home clip- ping newspapers and addressing en- vcrlorpes. No canvassing. Eve1'ythi11rg furnished. Sp'are or full time. Par- tic-ulars for stamp. Gillies Maiahingl Service, Box 8, S_v*dn-ey, N.`S. i vn-ru-`-.:_-,yv ~-3;`-,v_v vawgn yyvvol L1.uLu\l-A v`. Organist and Choirmaster. Sunday, August 7th -Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wantod-A lady to represent an ex- c?usive line of. French Beautiers Cosmetic-s. La Marie Beautiers, Ottawa, Ont. For Sa1e-R.o\v p1'actica.lI_v new, will sell dhesm. Appl_v`J. Grant, A!- cona Beach, Stroud. I Wuinted--.Wai'tress at Riverside Hotel. Waszga Beach,` gbod "p/ay. ` `write E. P')d tno1`e," Box 104," Co1in.gwood, Ont. D21..<`l at I~Izn'rI. Au_u`ust, 1927. n Want:ed-Youmg w'pn*.an as as=`st.-mt matron at Chi1dren s Shelter, Barrie. Apply to Matron at Sholtc-r. ' I _... ., ..._ Boys & Boys, Solicitors for the Administrator.` 7 p.'rn.-Evenu'ng Service alt `Col-E lder St. Ghurdh. l Mac s Dime Delivery Phone 830w. BROCK__ snqs. I11-uI..rr\u-n v--.-x-u FOR RENT--TYPEWRlTERS $3.00 a month FOR SALE-TYPEWRITE'RS $25.00 up Typewriter Ribbons, 75c. BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE -REV. L. B. KJIBSON, Ph.D. "z\nlzn .n f`1..n....rL. "l`n1.....4.... .._Z'll1 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS UNl0N SERVICES Notice is hereby ].:'i\'('ln pursuant! `be the Trustee Act that all pmisonsl havain-5:` claims a,,<:`ainst tho }<).=rtatr of` Stephen Marshzull. lmr: of the V i'l-laurel of Lefroy, in the ('uun1_\' of S:'mcoe,l gzenmlemian, w=l1o (lit,-<.l on or` about the 20th lay of .`-l.'it'ch, 1923, l are i'cquos.'.:,-ll L7 .~:'n p2i:LI('ulzx.r.`~' of vtheir claims to thv 1in(lc.'.=:i;.-'ml oi; or bezforc the 201?: izxy of .~\u:;'u.`L; 1927, uftm` mhicli dutv iilln lixr-cutor: will t`l1v u.\`.<-t,.- of [hp <.-xstatc, li21\;iix_L-' n-.::;'.:' 0113) Lo Lit claims of \\'l1`ich thv_\' .~zh;Ll.l then lmvc *.0tsfc(-, and will not bu ro:~:p n.':'lil( to zmy Otll(al`.<. vs. I n .-av. nuns av; want. I nsihxrah, Elizabeth St. MISCELLANEOUS AUGUST SERVICES Sunday, August 7th PHONE 1048 this Zml 4l2|_\' ID ems; -...- `w I` 1,: \ Il\l||]A 1 Alli)` |I Il'.'|l| \,l.l (I 013'. 'I`l:t.~x,- 2m: in the lmmls of couz:1). mlice. . Mzns. Donm.~ll_v of :\Il:1lul2:l{- co! Iu_r.~su4l w.lmn mild mf blur.` t2'u_2'm`i;v. -ML-Olr.='l6znn(l claims he was blfnoleal H'_v `..V.o l'I_:I!*.".:.= of a.r:o9`her cm` and did not kn .-w he . the puopie. I 1 I 1 ! \\`~-)'<* killm n!0`1'.< on 1 car struck Hw thin :11 So `.fg_-wl1tl_\' 131:)` \\`<,-n- Tl: couzxt); pol Do u -;"I`vo1'onto, the mother and si~stcr of; l 1.11 an accident w1hiah shocked all lOntan*io, Mrs. Bri(l3.ret Culnan and nun, mu; 1101 u L` lllXlL' lJ'lal.'lv vol-lwous g1l1.t- to win. . softball. A crowd of up bl HILU" lit" was 2-"rent abvowt .300 !hc~i' dauglhtcr, Irene Cwln-an, of New 'pc-oplc witnessed the game. i.\'Iim<. A.n~rlrew Donm.-lily of Allantlale, were killed ca1'l_v Sunday m-ox-nin.2 iby 21 spewing` our on the Dund-as `Hi,2'l1\va.\'. Another sister` of the Surmnei'vil-lc, narrowly cscapr.-(l tluatzli -by IL-apin:.:' out of the path of the ldcath cur. VV'm. B. l\'I.cClc-llund. {lQ`(:`(l 27, of Brampton, gave h-msulf 'up to police on Monday, Poll-ow'in.g an 21.1.1 n.i;.:Il1t and all day $l`2ll'Cll for him by the police. Hr: n6' - ,.I.....4.-,. .... .,.1.......1.;.. ithc last of the ninth lfaiis icitment (Inning: the nal f1z1n1r:;:. ; balloon ascemzi-on ; over third ljust being` lllltl l/01'!` , i wild Iwz1.< 0\ L`l' Plocal woman, Miss Kathl'con Culnun, iSt1`0l1 til? :1 2l-m0- I `and a companion, Cecilia Knapp, of jmn UP 5" The 1l21~*t 0f 1310 ninll, W3" base. elded for Uln'ow< to 'hom:- pizitv .~'c0rr-cl him. hr-fore at As innin_-_~,,;, 'I`vhe ganie was tied, om: all, up till and \V_-1'0 shrieking` with ]mn'.-up ex- A the lust cost B'Zll'll(:S, the first Uhe ball '4 1:` he rounded f'n`~'t .~'.-coml. A .~<-)'iv.< 0 1' i : < ` 1 ;<.-cond, thml and tin- Tht: ll2l'/.-`ll g`uc._._t- a `know what had lm]ip-iiurl. _<.-,:1ni~ 4 l'.'n1s ` 1 I-lo\I o :.u Avvu `tun, rnuuuu.-xu:; Menu 2nd and 4th Thursday of oachi Month. I W. J. Munro, Wm`. - AI1anda1e.; F. Longhurst, Recording Secretary.) 202 Bradford St., Barrie. I men who wu.11- Wu w<~1'r- r.-3t ow1'1.21k. \\'-h- w:1'.ki11q.=': II)`:-nv. 1111] \Vl,`] ,4 vv 'IvAA\.\. uu .-uuuuu l.lil tlaj ' cl1zu':.-'<.- of nxansllaug.-:l|t4:-1'. I rm. .~....o.. -1` 0...... I A successful garden party wasg Ihelhcl by St. 'DhIomras Ghwrah, Shuanty` Bay, on Wednesday evening . The; `Banrie Kiwanis Club went out in ai body and gave mosrt of the pro: gramme. . .- ` _ I ., . I , __._____ 9MoT1-u-:R AND SISTER or LOCAL; WOMAN `,ARE `KILLED BY CARi '-.u.n.m nu, uxunnx xx. Coolcstown-F. Wilson 3b, Geo. !Baker p, C. Rzamsay lb, J. Wilson c, ' [M;0Ma:hon 2`b, Houn-some lf, New'~ls cf, |Gd1eman ss, Broley rf. I D .`-\I1andaIe---Montcrieff c, Binnie gpesourdie lvb, J. Plant 2b, J 3Plant 3b, Kelcey rss, W. Henson 1' gFrasey1' cf, Blain vf. f"....l-..L...._.. DI nu - nl n a When AJ1I]1and.ale soi`-tbaril stars de- 'feated Cookistown in a tournamenvt at the latter place last week -the sou12h- ; erners demanded a second game in: `which to wreak vengeance. Tvhei `game was played in B`a.rrie Last nig1h`. Iand the locals again toppled Cooks- [town off their high perch by 12 to '7. The teams were : .\n_,,1,v 1: . .. `.- I I l I Pmsby-tel-ian Social The annual meat suupfper of Essa St. Pra Church was held on ' the dhumh lawn eon Tu~esxla_v even- ing and attn'a.cted large mlatbers of `people. A short progrramnne was given afterwards in the basement of` the dhuwh. Rev. Mr. Butrhiss acted as clraixrman-. 'Ehe numbe1-'5 in cluded solos by Misses E. Dobaon, Marg`a1%et Ha_vner and Mr. Arthur Jay, an im- strun1e4nd:.a:1 by Mrs. J. Steele and a_ lreadv1'ng' by Miss G. McBride. The! llwvhole af f3;ir was most succeell. I L.0 L. No. 432, Auanaalei Mani: 9:-ual an.` All. 'rL....-.I-_ _l -__I_! v;u-5,uuu.Aaw uuu uxvvvll Aunm. Rev. G. E. Coulter and family are 9 , tholidayin-g in Humvwville. During ;August the services in Burrton Ave. and Holly United Ohm-ches will be' comlucted by Rev. R. B Beymm of 'IThornton and Rev. W. E. Wallace of Barrie. ' ....._,. Mr. Victor Cvollins was in dwrgel of the services at St. George's` Chvurch on Sunday, wehile Rev. A. R. Hodden conducted Holy Oonmmunion services at Mrinesing, Mid.'}mrs't, C1'aig,1hJu1-ssrt and Crown Hrilvl. D-.. I" D r!._..u,._ ___,1 1`,,,_SI,, -un.;. AIAVIVIAIAI4-, LJLo A rink composed of W. B. Webb, Ohas. Cckb:urm S. Gsnide and C. W. P-ouciher (skip), competed at Stayner bowling toumnamem yester- dlay. I-If \7.'...L_._ f`1-11!.__. .__,, 2.. .1 `I Mr. and Mrs. Burton Iiearns and lawg"ht-or Lois and M-1'. Wdlmot Kearns of liinoardine visited E. W. Kearns in AL1andJale Last week. Mrs. ('Rcv.) R. M. Mevlviie leaves [for Saskatoon to-day 2Lfte.r vrisiting Hher home at Shanty Bay for u monmh. She will be aceomptmietl by Mns. Melville, Sr. l ..:._I- ,_.-._,_, 1 ,p `I! n uy 11 vu... Ivan CIe=m.m(ms and D. Clifton have returned from a holiday trip 00 Cllear Lake. Harold Wardman, Clark Sco and V L. Ma.c1Doyug'a were week end guests of Roger Wtilscn at Big; Bay Point. W/I L~.(. "l\l.....,..... 11.1.]... .. .........,I.'.... VL AVUEVL VVILNJVJI (Uh Ills uay L UJlI`|l- Miss ]1heresa Hroluden is spemling, hoIid.ays with heat sistel` E4i`l~een in Culetton East. at u In n . .- ')':-}{iHM1. T `rs t-ht,- }` 1' )1`!-o - and or I341 .. _.. .. l. 1 , . .. .. , . ; ' :4 `Tom Rulford is visiting fuicnds here. Dr. Hunter visited friends here last week end. 1- 1 nr 11 - . n. I` .. . a4.A\.>v u null x. Mxorley Wallwin of St. Oathalinvs is visiting` his uncle, Dr. W. E. Wat`- u_ v . -4; u. [\.alA.an.r\JAV, I 11.11. of Cooke -s Churdh, Toronto will con- duct .bO:`th scx'\'u'ces. 9-xzznucznc ` ALLANDALE upun 01' their tmn1;) :xI`0nr.: tJh:; l1 _:'h-way w1:o~n thv motor )1 txhrm from bvh'in B) turn of fate the two w - \\'ull bnhincl um!` m`x'1.z1k.-n by n whizz211_u` unin_iu1't,=1. 'I`hx- two who inq: nlwaul. .VIr.<. (1uln'.m and 3 w.-1-v last to h- ()\'l'l'1ZlI\'n1l. 11. 'l`wu h:!lItHM.< from the! hf_41h-Ilmml sitlv of the )1?`-.< lrt-nv Cuhmn um!-1 ml on tthu . ~'idr- of the |":u-v. rifcl Lhu h21Il:H('S ,:'Mp that l)ut'.h rippml frr.m1 ti;-v' H.~`(: MI Mr` UH`; mm f \ ; thu! 5 t,I.- '3 .mI;-=.l<- `u_2'm`i;v. as :1` ;,op`.e. f 5 hL':.:I'i~: :stuH'ud ill freely hctzxlllanc mi` :1 get 1| sllxznll lrulc at nu) drug; slum-. frn;.;r:ml. ;Im.i.~:cpli: trils and lut. it [10] air p:Is~a:xgu: of _\'0L hculuzg Lhc inllzut ummhruno and you Ah! How good trils are open, yo more l1a\\'kin;,I, an more hendmzhe, cl: for breath. Ely : what south-rers fr oatauxrh need. It": xxu:mnrmu.- and gut matnnt ruliuf. ] it feels. Your 1103-` open, your head is elem`, no unnling, blowing; no dryness or st-ruggling Urenm Balm is just from hand Golds and 11. : a delight. gut 2| ruxznu nulllt.` Ul I31)` .3 L1".lJ.lll Hzlillli ml) ;\.ppl_\' :1 little ul` Lhis ` ;1nt.i.~:cpliu- c~rcnIn into your Im.~`.- ' lut. [H-Ilulrutc through e\'cr_y your head, soothing nnd inllzuncd, :-exmllcll mucous get inatnnt relief. good if. feels. Ynur nm4.; WH.S0.\'-~-In 1 I i IJl..al'll nxu ('1hic:|j_"I). on VVI-.I'Ir~ lay, .-\u~.4'. 3, Mu-.9. I'JlEz:ahuth W22 of 1:110 1:111` Dani: Sww.-(m`;.' of Barrie-. lnt,m'm-nt :1 Bur-1'i<: Union Ct-1no`u~x'_\' on "`rEl:1_\ sun, If _\'<~ux- nn.~!ri1.< are l`lI);_'gld and _wm ht.-:.:I i~: um} you L':uI'i. hr`.-.:HI(:` cold or cuhlrrh. _iu:;x (rut 1| .~`lIml1 ]IuHl- nf I<`.l\v'< {H-.-m... n..1... i... .....,.....,...,...._. ;uug,uu nun:-u|uIn;.',al `game. The match was pilayerl in+ [Barrie Ag.-,'ricuItu1-al Park last Thu1`s- ` |da_\' night. Stroud haul won the rst ;of the home and Jwme piayaoff Ell-g .g`ag'e1nents, and Witlh eve to` win, the Barire nine put up 21 mar-, `vol-ious _-Teati _softbal1. witnessed i i 'T`,in nVn1r\1n m_ H...) -.... ..n .:n E In the second play-off for the` ;Patterson Cup, representing Uhe Dis- itrict Softball 1:ea:;'ue ciJ1-aynvpioxwfnip, {Barrie defeated Stroud by 2 to 1 in ia ..~:t`wb'born]_\' fougvht nine-inningsl ! out In a 'T`J1 n wunl.-Ix iIvn.\ ..n....,. .1 Rev. J. S. Shortl, M.A., Minister Egm1,u).dAH2dyy 1\1u. Bide.` F..T.C.M.3 1"` n..m..:.4 am: r ....... ...,.......-..w._. .,.. ...,........_u,._ .4 ` F`i'om Oslrawa to Ottawa tihe cijopa ` gwere giood, except that the corn crop ; jis mositlly a frailn.m'e. But ncwhereir '(l'Id they measure up to thew" average .t' ` 'zttamla1'il loca`l!h`. `h Returning on Sumla_\', M2`. Page is ;d:'_l not see any wheat cut until he lb l_r.:.ot near Toronto. In York`an(l Sim ! _ gcoe fully hallf the wheat is now cut, and all is reatly to be cut. Be-yondi lKemp cville only 60 per cent. of the H1: haying has been completed, the fa1'm- It] ers. of the Ottawa valley having` been i he-lxl back by rain even more than le; local farmers. `;:r rvvAA 4;... un.:-:. . Much barley has already been cut: in Simcoe. P (1. ! !BARRlE TAKES SECOND GAME ' i IN THE SOFTBALL PLAY-OFF. on--uus. nu ;uxn uuwuwua. I I didn t. see any countay that] looked as gsocrl as this district, he,` stated emzphaticatllly on returnin_u;._ ' II\...-um na1......... on n++....... 41.4 .. i ! On his trip to and from the World s Poultry Convgrex at Oattawa, lAg'ricu1tural Representative Stewartl L. Papgc did not see anyvwIhen'c crops{ `that look better than the crops of! Simooe and York Cownties. I uv 121, n . .. . I vvvAA\.\.I -:5 yum. ;.\.uu. In the early hours of Sun.'la,\' morning Ma`. Percy Binghum (lis- coveised a bun-g,'la1' bi'eakii1g;- t;in'oug'h a window of his house on Collier St. T`houg.xh (lresrsed only in his nigih-t dotvhes, Mr. Btingllmm tackled the ma,ua'auder and vianqui.-shoal him. There was no telepihone in the house`, and liaving no way to communicate "with the police, Mr. Bin;.vl1am allow- ed the man to go. He ran lawn Ceilier St. and up Dayald St. The buirg'la.r balked like an old country- man and had liquor on his breath. KSIMCOE CROPS SURPASS I THOSE OF EASTERN ONTARIO. l With their dtingihy 1'en help-( loss by a broken mzbst and torn deck, J. W. C`-hapm-an and four ot:he2';~: were rezscued from the bay on Tuesday a.fte1'noon by C. W. Car- `ley. They were in no imm'e(lvi~aat3 (lamg`e1', but there was a s:t`uQng' win} and 1'0u'g4J1 water. The was `owned by Jim. Ford. 1`- LL" -._..1.. L-.4.., At mu. nu.-uo u; 4u.x. ;. ;wu;_.-cxa vu. Ulll: Barrie Planing` Mill. The renm.-lel-_ ling of the present place has not yet commenced. I 117-.` 1.1 - .- `u Barrie lliquor s1:ou'e is not expected to open beore .-Xmgxust 151911. Plans prepared by zwclaitocts retained by the Commission have been placed in Mm hunt) A4` '.\.I.. m n,....,...` A: 4.]... H... u... uuuu. -.13 \.n\. A1-.'u1\I. I Cibizenzs, visitors and tourists are` hesartiely invited to wonship with us.l: l'Dhe Board of Works met Tuesday night to consider bauihlingg an ap- proach to the Theresa St. hill. No decision was au~rive,l at, and it was; a:1'.rangod that an inspection of the` `him be made by the Bcmtl. `n-_,.,_, 1.1,, _, L vvu..uu.~.uu uuv -. uv..\_u the hands of Mr. T. Rog,-`e h____.:, h1_.,:, J, nun: I`.he Richamsoa&`1'a`mi1.ies held ta annual reunion on Saturday Wasaga Bcadh, when about 75 tended. 4 .. 1eir at at- unusse m cold 01 1: of lily : mu A.lml\' LOCALS DEATHS Y ' ' rc put n1a1~-l`` `_-'1'ca1':Ewiml c af It ;~am(3_ incm-~: [C81 111 \\'h`11|t `txh film`- ~`r al WOW` I 1 The Northern Advance .. .., [,.`..;...u u.` .; `.- Lu - 1;. !. f`::1t Ah` 1vm:' busy haul rw r'1:.m<'-..- l`.'.'h::.1v\'o~r at t=h:- h:.ml:< of the five doctors vdhn tn;-`uteri him. Let me mutt` the cnror-:-1 maarlo : 1. The boy sihrulrl .hs:1v`e bean` trcuztod on the s"lmrc wihere landed. in charge of Rev. A. E. Baker of; Central Ohumh, Elizabeth St. ! u_ . . ,.....L. )1 st`.-mns S1;1`ll1:{'(` in this yvar of incm-~:1. k11o\vl:.-l;u':.- that ve medi- }'cal men .suhou'lml lw so i;no1`:n1t 01 ] is comrnwn k l1f)`\\']-` (]_L'(,` to thous- um!;~`. 01' la_\'mr*n. 'l"ho.-o \\'.h:n , .v111)])o. :1.~2.~x'.=4t1ing' thq unfor- tftunntc boy .':.m).-m-mly know but` littv of zmticiul rm-.~'q`)irz1.tIi`0n. 'I`h ;Jz1n :rH nine`: 1': know that Inc-l.ic:Ln7 -:1-n.nn.'. ...... .n- -v -` uI\ Ill `t.h- in-mm: 1'11 `nu , - v.- y..._.; um uc.u:u alum UL UHC patient Vi `Ion his ohesrt. It was this crude and is Jobsoleito work tulmt caused me to ask if lthuat my kn-cwl:ed:__2'e may be used, as Lt iit was apparent to anyone who was ,con-versant with correct metihiodis of e lreszpiration that the work tlhen boin:1 m'per_orrneZl was worse than useless. :Upon my roqucesrt to assist being: i!ig1`a1ite(l, I immediately rem-,ove the '3 3ma`tt.ress that was covering the boy, E Jtunnad him on his st-omzxoh, placed '1 his face to one side and amp out- -`s L1'etc:hed and proceeded wlithout fur- C ither delay to a-psplry pressure at the p I _ ;rate of twelve times per minute over ` " lhuis oating; vibs, 1 1 wlhen wiater im- mediately was expelled from his inieouhh. Art the same time I asked : ithva-t the win-diow near n1'i_9,1l1`t be open- ; god to let in fresh air, also for those jsta.~ndin;2' close to stand aside to al- Ijlicw a free puss-ag*e of air. I was |told that the window had been closed (because it was cold. HlOW\`(?'_. it rwas opened. I then called for some- `.`one to go to the al1'u._2' store and ob- itain liquid ammonia on a srpongc in a srmald bottle, wthicih. was to be ap- : [plied to the patie.nta niosftnil-s, also for Inntnnn nnn I-n .~w..\..1. u.- _..L 1- - t1`!".'ltH1(`l1f ':h'nwn-1!, I what- ._ -.... ,...........vv.: uuau..uAL'.3, anlu IUI some one to smack the soles o-f the .patient s fee-t, whuiah was (bone. 1 was pm-n1'itAtcd to opwratc on the pat- `zient with t.hr-.- pr-on'e p)'esv. or TSc|!w<.--fe1- mchod for only ve min- utes, w:h-on the men decided that t:ho_\- .t;h`r-m.-r.-lvr-.< wou-M revert to the 'mothod t-hlat was in orperation on my arnivu.L I suppvosu: tzh-oy cLo.<(.-I tho winl>ow aftrzr I hrzul gone. 14 - - I I ' vi vii n g` I1im. _-xugwm; A, 1.`!.. .l. To the Editor. Sn'ir.-.=`i news item in he press of this morniniw stated in reference to C` the unfortunate d1'ownvin_L-: fatz1I'it_\' at Barrie, that ve doctors worked .over the patient for three hours with- out .su`ccess. 'Iihe writer was rushed to this unfortunnate boy with the hope that his kn0wl`ed,g'e of articial respiration n1:ig1}1t. be of use. On en- te1:in,e' the upper part of the boat- hrouusse, wiere the boy was, 1 ob- served that a man was perfor111ing an obsolete method of resusc-itvati.on.` I asked whetiher t-he Sohaeer method should not be perrformed and expres:- ed my wnilduinvgneas to peri -orrn it. Af- ' ter a moment or two of csunsidemtion t-he mem su`r1vound.ed the boy l12,'i`0li 150 permit me to operate. This is what I found. The upper storey of the boathiouse was stuffy, with all the windows clioised, and the paitiem sunrc umed by those assisti-11,9.` and desiring` to assist in the work of re- A heavy mat!-ress was oovern-g` him up to the waiait. He was Iyting on his back wiith an in- struiment fastened to his moxumh w.hIic:`n mi'g'I1t'l1eve been a hyipodueitm-ic S_V1`iIl=g' fastening` the tongue to the Lower Lip. 'Dh'is may be inco-rrecit; that is what it a.pr_peared to be to me. 'A C`uIS`hi0n was under his shoulders. A man was kneeling` by the side of: and facing` the patient and was press- ing the exed arms of the patient} rm hi: nlmcrf T1 H... 41...:. ....../1- H. 1 --Z-: ' I Mr. R. C. Wood, who was in Bar-3' `1-ie cm Mzondxay: as Honorary Secre-v tary of the Swimming Association,` claims to be an expert in resuscita- tion He is the aurhhsor of The Soldier's First Aid, and dm_'i:ng` the wa.rtau~gvI1't First Aiid to 20,000| soldiers. For the past three years he has taught bhe Sdhiaefer method gcf 1-esuscitabion to Hydro enmphoyees in Toronto. J In Mail-_B;x- V . . .- up v wtllll llll \l||I.\|41' 0:111 110 111nt.l11in,_u' more than "l l:1_vm':Ln can do 311 tnhvl 112 of :1 p:1tE<-nt :1pp:11-m`.tI_\' I I, tl1(-1'1-1l'n1'<*, :1 (loci-01' and :1` I 11 a.m.-Momin~g service at Central,- I'\L.......1.. `l:?1:.... L .21. cu.