OFFICERS OF BARRIE LODGE, ` N0. 63,`, INSTALLED. `Mi, NOTED SWIMMERS TO BE ' IN BARRIE ON AUGUST lst Page I~"our AUTOMOBILE INSPECTION BRINGING CONTENTMENT AND T SAVINGS TO BARRIE % ToRE HOURS-8 `am. to 6 rpm. 1e DUNNLOP ST. 16 DUNLOP ST. LAWS A BRIE GRCETEBIA ITFM FRIDAY, JULY 22nd 2 PM- Housewives of B arri e and strict : In introducing `the Loblaw IGroceterias to the thrifty buyers of Barrie and district, we feel assured of the Isame large vol- ume of business that [we enjoy at our other fty large Groceterias situated at the principal centres throughout the Province of i0IltELI'iO. You will now have the opportunity to become acquainted with what thousands of Ontario women believe to be the rst principle }in the good management of the home-shopping. ` Everything is in readiness-our most attractive display of shelves are crowded with super-values of nationally known articles. The grocery prices have `never been so low in Barrie. Everything you can possibly need in `the way of groceries you will nd here, and at prices which are only made possible -by `our modern merchandising methods. * . We urge you to be here at the opening hour because we are going to place `on a '-number of nationally advertised articles price tags which will carry markings that are much lower than the actual cost. These super-specia1s will only be on sale fora few hours, so again we `urge you to be here at the opening hour. You will be welcome as a visitor, and ';nothing whatever will be done to disturb you when you visit our store to make compari- sons--in fact, your only obligation to buy will be your own sense of economy. a A 1 n Articles marfzej; Luncn nous, Imperial, 1.) H to a roll ....2 Corned Beef, Fray Bentos, I I}: On TLlC`S(ia_V evening` the 0iilCel`F oi Baarnie L0(iL2'(. , No. 63, l.0.0.F.. were installed by D.D.G.M. Bro. A. l son. His oiccrs coii.-`E.-"Li.-l of A. Pugh, Grand Marsiliall; .\ . Marshall, G. Wiam; H. Coles, G. Sec.; U. Colos, Jr., G. Treas.; V Vanatter, G. Ghlap.; R. Jtolhnston, l.G. It was an - open -insta. l'l~at:ion and a large num- ber were present, including` the mem- bers of Beaver Rebekah, No. 190. Ater the insbalvlation ceremony a shout programme was given, incl-1:d- im: piano solo by Miss Jean Tucker, solo by Mrs. R. M. DeGccr, violin selection by W. Logan, and recita- tion b-y A. Pad-dison. A tasty lunch- eon was served by the Rebekahs, af- ter which a short toast list was given, the Noble Grand. R. Jay, pre- siding. A toast to the D.D.G.M., A. I'ad and the D.D.G.P. of the Relbekiahs, Mrs. A. Paddison, was pro- posed by Bro. Geo. Vickers. A pleasing feature of this toast was the presentation to Mrs. Paddison of D. lovely bouquet of flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Paddison responded. Bro. N. Manslhall proposed the toast to the Grand Lodge, which was responded to by H. G. Robertson, P.G.M. Bro. T. Gray proposed the toast to Bar- rie Lodge, No. 63. aml wris respond- ed to by M. D. .\`I-)2-ri. H. .-\. Jarvis proposer . the toast `in tho R- `bekaihs. saying it with ll *wc:'.:, in 212:- :form of a l`nZ1_`_l1it".'ll`. lmuqin I. .`-Ir.-. `Reynolds r(r. R. .\I. Di-Cw 1' spoke for the Pzist Gmnel.-'. `l".~.-`]`nl1|~ cd to b_\' H. (`o`v<. while .-\. Col and A. Pu_2"n .-.p3l~:.- fr i`m~ 1!. -an--' to-am. nm 1-P: : v,. _\-,< Crab Meat, Fancy Japanese Halves, Mayonnaise Delight (a delighmul san,dMriol1 spread) .... ..8 oz. jar, 31c 4 oz. jar, 17: Pimento Mzyonnoipe, 8 oz. 4 n1, a so... ,uu, .. Lunch Rolls, Imperial, 15 sheets .1'n 2: rnll 2 rnlln. LIFEBUOY Salat/I Relish (a del`icious and ap- lpe/aizin-gr rel-ish) ....... ..8 oz. jar, 3 4 oz. jar, )1 Cooked Salad Dressing 8 1oz. Plain Mayonnaise Drening 4 perfect Sal-ad (l`ressin.g 8 oz. SPECIAL . A. 65 H. BRAND Washing Soda PKG. SPECIAL CALEDON, a Fancy, Pink Ofcers of Barri'z~ are : .\'.(`... Bvo. R. Jay; V.G.. B. I. H. A. Jut- vis; C-on.. Bro. G1irhle11: \\'112-.. B?!` A. Clifton; Rec. Suc.. Bro. 1:`. Cshown; Fin. Svc., Bro. G. Colos. S12; T1'ea.<.. Bro. R. M. DOG--~1': ChzLp.. Bro. A. Col:-S; RS.N.G.. Bro. R. Johnston; L.S.N.G.. Bro. W. I.` PzuI(li.=on; R.S.V.G.. Bro. J. C1-21i;`: L.`S.V.G.. Bro. W. .\Ii1Ic-1': R.S.S.: Bnc. Stimson; L.S.S., Bro. Corbett: I.G., Bro. Osborne; O.G.. Bro. G. SHIELD BRAND 1MAYONNAlSE SALMON THE LOBLAW SELF-SERVE, CASH-AND-CARRY WAY The Health Soap SPECIAL Ta.11 Tin BIAS rolls, 5c ( 'Uh e ,. jar, 2 tin, 26 - jar, A, l\'Ivoto1'ist;< of Barrie and (LiStl'iCt are to We checked up in re-_2'a1 (l to the condition of the brakes, stem-inf: gear and lights of their autom-obiles bhrough a serious of inspections to -be made by police when cars are in garages for repairs. Mr. M. M. Mc- Bride. Supemntendent of Traffic for Ontario, was in Barrie ye-sterrllay se- curing the co-operation of the local police and garage -owners. The co- operation of the motoring pwbic is also looked for in order to lessen the number of highway accidents. rnL_ 1..,.:...... nub km '.......1r,..I_ tin 39 , 31c 31174: *, 124:: ` 28c 14c ll` 61 Bzizging c`ozitez}im2}2% 5'av1'Izgs 5,c emarkabie values ihat are on sale at these 1g;rices until our mext Advt. apjpears. J-u, nun. Roquefort Cheese, nesrt quality, French imported ....................., 42 Chateau Loaf Cheese E lb. Pgk., 19:: A .- an -1 n A Story. LHIIOIU I..0II' UIICCIC Canadian Chess, mild avor, lb. 22:: Canadian Cheese, prime old, lb. 32c Assorted Meal: Patten, Pocku, jar 23 Prepared Mustard, IJibby's Brand Post BRAN FLAKES The Northern Advance WEDNESDAYS-8 d.m. to 12.30 pm. CI1 CHERRIES SPECIAL RED MLARASCEINO HANS E:i.i=:.Z.$na:1z vrucu. An uu.yys.u- n$,. The 100-ymwl Dominion Champion.- ship race for men (`back stroke) will also bring` out some wonderf-u.l swim- mers. Bert Gibson and Johnny Goss, the two upon wihiom Toronto's hopes are pinned for the Olympic aquia-tic team, will both he in txhe swim. They will have to be at their best because they will be oppose, by Jimmy T.nomrp. who has been 1210- ing like a- house on re, 3.ccor(l in,;.-_ to Mr. Men and who may upsefc the dope. . Other ambitious comers will al- so be in the race, but aside from Tlhiompson, are not so fOTJTll(.ll8JblC` as the first two. Gibson was born and brought up in M-usk-oku. . 0-..." A6` F`-.n.nA`,a a lmncf lnnrr :lic_ 3-Oz. Bottles, 2 for No. 4 Seive No. 2 Tin U IANER 2 TINS 2 SPECIAL SPECIAL _\'I . \__.....l,_-._\__n_`_-,1: C3. I-_.l'I\/I [TE F r IX`. *1" T11 `IVI TIWT" 2 PKG-S. Lobster, fancy quality, Nuortlh Shore, NOW! Scotia ................. .34 : tin, 28: Lobster. fancy quIa:bLty', North Shore, Nova Scottiia .................. ..}'| tin, 43c Sardines, King Oscar and Skipper 2 tins, 31:: Assorted Meat Paste, Puck's, jar 23c Shippam s Assorted Meat and Fish Paste 27c DI'UU,].;lIlL up In .u-unuuus... Some of Canada's best lomz dis- tance girl` will also be in the Across-.t.he-Ba'y swim, including Mary Ouanson. Peggy W`oo_ and Reta Fox. ' 19c 21c % 46") . _1?9?7der 1\"ff` AsSort.e'd Flavors PKG. PURE ORANGE Mar{r_1_al31d SPECIAL Imperial Dessert MATCHES % SPECIAL Dominion `or Maple Leaf -2 4 jL-:_: A'rURDAYs--.s -a,.m. to 11 p.m. Jlullllllff UL un;,uvva.; u\.u-ru-..u.v.~. TDhe idea being: `worked out by Supt. McBride is that faulvty `head- lights, brakes and steering gear cause the great percentage of the fatal motor accidents, and that if the cars in each mun.ioi,pa.`1ity can be brought up to a maximum sbam1`ar writh regard tokaflrty efficiency, the accidents. on the I-Ivigrhwayns will then be reduced to a mrini-mum. '3 lb. Glss Jar Orangeade and Lemonade Powder K'hovah ............. .. . ............ tin, 22 Small tin, 121,-_ gc Lime Juice, Montserrat Grape Juice, We|ch's, the '. Drimk ....... medium size I Laige size I Lemonade and Orange;-ade, . I Raspberry Vinegar, Dalton : bot! Boneless Chicken, Aylmer B :-jand, 7 oz. bevelled tin, 43c Paris Pate and Devilld Tongue H.-. Salmon, Sovereign Brand, nest qualrity Sockeye, -the pick of .t1he catch, Ilrualveus, at 22:: 3 BOXES V An idea of t`he rt.-al treat in store-4 for Barrie people on Ausziust lst when the Ontario Aniateur Swim- ming and Diving Championships will be held here, may be yxleaned from a letter received t,o by G. P`. Doyle from Shier Men(lr,-Is'~;sr,:}1n of the C.A.S.A. executive. n nr1,, EECIAL THURS.'_`_.\_y > 7 33c 17c 5c 5 Nat'Lcn-wl bottle, 32c 2 bottle, 59: bottle, 35c .~, Dalton : bottle, 24c ans bottle, 26c Y, JULY 2-1, 1927. 12c ulu: u.n.u.n. r:Au\.uvn v u.. .'Ilhe l<.-titer stun.-s that all of Can- ada's outsnancling lmly aquatic star: are busy prc-.pari'n;:; for the 50-yard free style (lash carrying: with it t:h(_ Dominion lailies championship title BriJlly Crllll`lll). ,`, Rteta Couwhlzin and Hll(l'l Hvutestis, t;h,- present champion, have been training hard for tnhe event. Mr. Mc-n zulviscn everyone not to bake their eyes oil the Huesbis pair], because wthon Starter Wm. Wonhhington says 230 she will [:30 so fast tlwlt the ract: will be over before most. people know what is happcnirug. 'I'\1..... 1nn um...l T\Avvn'...u. f'.l.n.~...I,.n