` l. ;..._<' Parade 0110 of Seen in TOW11; A-C Q`-AMI nan, ,_n,....v;.uu.u.\.. The pageant opened with choral sing'ing of a very high order by an invjsible choir. When the simginzg `drew to an iln-pmsrsive close, there .._.I pi, . |VIv:\rV n 1.1"... -1` uu:,u.vv_y uuu wyuu v\.A_y uA5`u 11uun:. `Clever costumes, some of which were even giorgeous, ad-de to the pageant a charming note of colour. Dignuity was lent by the imposing manner in wnhich each p1a.yer was an-- nounced. Re:~*trz1ine(I splemfour chm`- acterized almost every part of the long: pe1`-formcance. m1. --- . :11 ,1 , u _.L _._.___ 1 _,, The entran-cimg story of Oanad:a -s' sixty years of achievement during` Whidh she rose from the status of a Crown colony to a nation of no l1i:btle' fame, was portrayed more realistical- ly than mere words could tell in an aivbistic and impressive pageant, `Iih~. Romance of Canada, present: ed` by the Clookstzorwn W.omen s In- stituxte in the Town Hall] on Friday night in connection with Barrie s Jubilee Celebration. Over seventy people took part in the pageantt, which was carried out with splendid (liignity and upon very high plane. f`1:-nvnu I|l\I\+11rv\'\I\.n mnwun A13 ....L..'..L. Cookstown W.I. P1'CSC11fS~ Beautiful Setting to P1-`ogress Made. Eight Pages With tting pa;t'ri!c. oism, Buarrie commemorated Can|a.dla s Diamond Jwbdlee with one of the most pre- tenlti-ouis ceebraltions ever held local- ly. Friday, July 1st, was a gala day for everyone. Despite the scormhing sun and intense heat, the enmire populace jvo-youssly indulged in a spiri-tes hioilidtay. Public buildings, stores and residences were gaily ale- coi-atedl with ags. A public pro- gramume of sports, pageantry, and a ne panade was carrieri out without 51 hsitch. BARRIE CELEBRATES DIAMOND JUBILEE, V01. LXXVI. No. 19 1.; .n_uvv;.L, .1.'u of Sports. Best Ever l Full Day .4-.-. 1 L. W. Pearsall, nu.-u un. \..\u U1 Linn. Director of On- `tario Flag` Grarlers, was present and .,::'zzve the meeting` a ne address. He r.-mpli.z1sizerl the tlangrer of farmers losing` all they had _`."ZllhC(l in hog `pro in recent years, if,, ow- ing" to the reduction in the premium `for select .li,o_;'s, they allowed their hrr.-e .s1:a.n to l`Lp.`~f(.`. Mr. Peai1'.`~'all also .= cres.=e the fact that the pre:~'ent slump of the market was onil_\' temporary. The tlellation of prices was caused by the intlustrial :~',t1'il in Britain, by the S`-l1OI`i32l_2'C of lm}_~`.~'.in the Ifnitecl Stutt-s, clue to the 1'z1\'2ij4'e.< of hog` cholera and the n.x.ux. .14.-nun corn l)<,:r(-r, and 2115.0 by the embarg`0 . placed by Great Britain on fresh pork. The British market lmtl been _;-lutted by cured meats, especially \V.iltshire sides. The speaker u1'_;_-'(:(l that conditions would ;:rzul.ualIy re- turn to normzrl, and that the Can- zulizm bi'ee(ler.~,' would need to main- `tain thztir stamlard in orrler to get ;back their former pssition in the market. Judgrrnent was 2`(`SC`!`V'O(1 in the only case which came before Judgre Wis- mor in Division Court on Tuesday. '|It was an action btcwoc-n H-ollis E. 'iB.-ckc-Lt of Tonicmto and J. E. \V'a]-1- iwjn of Mzidfhxurst in connection with `ma auto xutacident on Uh Mm Raul. K .nr- n ' n'lI| ,.1_:___,J 0.11 ) {ME .I.._.. w i! Referrin}_-" to the g`rzul:ual improve- ment in the Canadian export trade in the last four years, Mr. Pearsall pointed out thait in 1926 the pvices for Canaslian and Danish bacon were `practica-lly eqLw.l. `The recent retluction of the prom- ium for select ho,Q'.s' frcrm 10 per era.l improvement in the thick- smooth ;_"rarle of ho3_".~`. Si nce the ` im`p1-ovt-~ment was so marked that there was little rlifference in quality `and value between the better thick-` :~*m~oo'th l1`0_L'.< and select `hogs, it was :now felt that it nmight be necossa~r_v :to create another gratle to take in the l1l_!;`l1v-(:lZL.'~`.< thick-smooth type that is l)win;:' n1ark(-tml now in such grreat 1 n umbers. `cent. to 5 per cent. was due to mar- _, `ket conditions, and also to the gen- ... u..........., mu .mw.u.., ......- l'l`rc-21.3., S. L. Page, Bzu'1'ie; L'ive| !St:ock Oommiiztee, John Hunter, ]C1'aig=va1e; Howard Allan, Churchill; ! EGC-orge Cameron, Barrie; Carlin !Foyston, Minesinvg; Herb. Crawford, 10ro Station; Eugene Smith, Utopia; !VVm. Campbell, Thnorn-ton, and Wal- lter Mvidzrlietorn, Elmvztle. rrv1__ ,v_.L__',1_- LL. ., ._.,uL,, :. L, un\.'u\I. n,n.;r:1a :1 His` opp`onenft'3 wind, however, and only by expert manaoauvrinfs; lid McCarthy edge away and win with twa`x feet to spare. The parade in the early afternoon was one of the nest seen here in ':'\Y 111 KIXUI many years. Nearly cxcry branch of the town s life was re}: "11tcJ.f the oats and vehicles numbe1'i`n_2_' over .=ixt_\'. of the paradr-`.< linu of march was jammd witlh :<.p(-ct2nto'r.<. Visit.or.' E\'er_\' part seized points of \':1ntu_2'c: "n Ia\v*..< in` the forenoon, and picnioked during the noon hour while wzlifoing: for the parade. Alxnu-L I`!/`r. .1\l'\II 5.. ..,.Ln.-.1 fL1v\:I E Last yo:-a1"s pvize list was z1pp1'o\'c-(I i\Vit'h the exception of one item. 1 I xx; 1)... .11 n:.....A.. -: IN.` I I A fr~.w _"00(l practzce pianos for] lwzrle at J. G. Kec-nan .=. w....`.b. ........,. ! Four Barrie men were appointed '21s a g'vound's conumittee, Thos. Gray, R. M. Bell, Chas. Harris and V. A. Caldwell. u - 1': [IIPI EUVVI lUll.U\l\. [PU VII lath -vn -mu nvvwvuuu 1'IYm2 p]m'.nl.i' amixmed $42.06 dum- 1_eu::.~x.' and the dufentkmt counter c1z-1.i.mr~d for $38. `Simcoe County s fourth annual Bacon Hog Fair will be held in the Avgvicu-ltural Park, Barrie, this year on 'Ilhurs(lia_v, October 20th, it was `decided axt an organizzntion meeting in the local .-\`g'1'icurt`u1~al Oce on Monday n`ig'l1t. There was an attend- ance of about 25 in:te1'este(l farmers at the meeting`, 1'0p1-elsexming movsrt sections of Om, Vespra, Inlnisl and T7',~.~>n The following` ofcers were elect- {ed to take c`haz'g'~e of the fair 2 P1'es., `R. D. Couttts, Mizmunst; Vice-P1'es., J. M. Gilcurisnt, Oro Station; Sec.- .. `D. ' '1`..r... -. C` T T) ... . ..... . . T '1-.- up; 4u..\|-I|A\.vLI'A| AJLl|lIlaLl.- I The the committee is to :p1~crm:ote interest in the Fair and en- I` co.urag'e entries. ...u-. ......v this year. `mug. u. uuuuu, ;.:u.uu. um, uvvsat across Kempenfeldtt Bay fvom Rees boathlouse to Mi`nIe s Point. `I-`he you-th swam umacoompanied, and the rst his fa.mi1y knew of his accom- plishment w-as vw1men- he telephoned for them to come and br'inIg' him Home from across the bay. The dis- tance he swam is 1'on:ge~r than fnom Barrie to Allanclale (ocks. Irt is the first time the bay has been swarm 1.1.4.. "A... BACON HOG FAIR IN BARRLE 0N 001.20 1 cu sun.- About one th.ou;~=aml school chil- dren. pm-cmlc-:1 by 21 buncl. hmult-(I the parxulc. '1`-h<.-_\' V\'f:}'(.' f0`lIowin-2' by ` t.lw mr:mho1'.< of thv Firo Bri;_~'arI(- and tlccpratorl re zn'maratu.<.. .-\n in- ter-5tEn'." relic w.'1.< the town's o1r|u>'t re enlxine, manned by 1101' two 01:]- est 1'c~~mcn , VVarr(.~n John;~It`0n and cI'i`onI C:n'1(-_v. Mr. Johnston has been vit`h t.hr.- Fire Dc-pzn~Lmr:n`t 37 yeuars and M)`. C2u`Ir/-._\' 30 _\'(.-zn'. <. The en;L:ine,,xn`l1wfc1I1 was built in 187], w:L.-I in full strram. (Conetinued from page three) 0f-ii-c_e_1:s__:E-iec;.gci a'nI{i>z'e List Approved at Meet- ing on Monday. { Wlhi1e not heralded as a part of tlhle Jubilee Celebration in any way, a feat w,orbh*y of the occasion taotck place on Fridray zLfe1'-moon, when D.o`ug'Iaas' Smith, young son of Mr. and Mns. B. Smith, Blake St., swam T.7A.~..-.....0..'l.1|L `D-.. -l`...A.~. `DA.-"J SWIMS ACROSS BAY DIVISION COURT The County Mothers Allowance 3<;ai'(l met in the Court Home on 'I`ucs and con. ~:ri several ap- plications. Note---Some of the stuclents who have failed on the tests at the Coil-U Iegiate have written De_pa1'bmenrtal| Examinations, the resultts of which l will be pubLi.she about the end of July. I I ' A pupil who has faiiled in more _bh`an two subjects will be required to repeat the entire year. For those who have failed in not more tlianv three subjcts, examinations will be] held in Latin, Frenoh Ailgebx-a and Geometry (l1ll`ll1Ig' the rst week ofi September. At Uhesc examinuationsl oamlidtlstcs will be reqwirotl to make :1 minuimmn of 66 per cent?;., or second class .hvonors. Pupil-s wluo (lcsire to write in September must send in written applications to the Principal not later than Autgiusrt 1st. 17..-... 1 .\I....L L- C`-.......l Y7L.......... . -..:_v.v \..nn.:, u-4. ..... w" u. Dlmi1'd Chzuss ILon:ours-~Isa.ac (hon, Orviile Kashnm`, B(:I`I118X`(l lin. Following: the ixlecting in the De- partment of Am-icultu1'e office on I\`Ion(lu'1.\' l1l}!ll:t to o1'_::1nEz.e the Coun- 'ty Hog` Fair, :1 ; meeting of the lirecto)':~t of the '\"e:<.p1':1 .'-\_L`ric'.1".ural `Improvement Associzxtion was holrl. l P.r,-ports of the live stock census have been received fnom all but two of ;the town:~1hip s school sc-ction:~:. There `is more pure-bred. stock than wz1:< 1':~:t e: I Second Class H1onou11s~A`l1o Fer- ric, Gi|Ibcrt Calvpeniter, Leslie Hvook, Gem`-g'e Hsook, Lillie Smitih, Gordon Sylvester, Cora Bvcrwn. rr\I.:__I rVI...... 1`l...........,. 1....-- \`lI-.I J`u(lg'e Moore of Omn,L'(-\'ille, re- ccnfcly appointed Ju4l_-r- for Du`m~in Count)`, sat on :1 case in Burrirr Oaurt Houssc on Monabay due to tho` illness of His Honour Judqxe Vanca-. Felicitations from the Bar .-\:~::~)oci21-` tion of Sim-coo County upon his ap- poir3f:mc11t were t,(.-mlcrc- the new` Juuds.-:`e by J. 'l`. .V1ulcah_\' of Onillia` at the opening` of Court. Mr. Mul-J gahy cxp1*cm~=. the hope that Ju Moore would long: be ;~1p21rcd to be an arl`orn.mcnt to txht: bench, zmvl to` carry out the high Lutics: to which: he had been calzlcd. 5 1.. I"... \.I'....... ,,...............l L: ` .. .. .... &l}L'.l\IVYlll(, A-\-Ull\r\-A .... ....... -....- jack indwioalkzl in hiuuckeha, but will]! "be ailowexl to go on into the next zozrln. 'I1h.-'y Jnmtt ropeafc Ihhc stub- jmt .in which that halve hwled, h-0-W- Lxlvvclllho uuuu uh um vAAA\.\.AAwsa :_u.un. - A splendlid programme of water sports, games and stmnts is to be carried out as the classes progress, and a water ca-rnivaxl will be held in] conjunctxon with the Local regatta] in Augzustt or al those taking part in the .=Iun1m1er s pnog'ra.m7me. Ever`! precaution is taken by the instructor for the safety of begvinners in swim- ming`, and pznrents may feel condent | that their children will be as safe at] waterfront c1us.=e.:~' as at home. I The success of the venture de- pends on what. the yeoumg people of Barrie put int`o ahc :~vLmm1e1 s pro- I_2'1'an1n1e, and accor to the en- thusiasm aIrez1 shown it will be a ne success. .;.; First Class Hvonours-EiIv`ccn Duck~ worth. n a n1 1: um 71 uluuuun. The sum:mer rs pnogramme for jum- ions, from 7 to 10 years of age, in- elusive, will be as oillows: 9-9.30 -a.m.-free play; 9.30-10.30 a.m.-- group and team games; 10.30-12 a.m -swimming' instru.-cti-on. !VI"._.... ....... ..;u..-.n. j'DVV|JlILIII|II.5 IIIDUA I-N\.aIal\Illo `Teen age young` people will be given supervision in the aternroons as fO]1I>0WS : 1.30-2-free pday; 2-3- team games and covadhiing in individ- ua.L.a1:hletic evenrts; 3.30-4..45-srw1im- Iming insJt1'uc17ion or boys; 4.46-6- isvvtmming instruction for girls. I'\... '1\....~Amu '1`LmI1u(~:i.n19 and Qnhn-. I vu u\.u...;uu_y it u. Because of the un.eia.tis:t'actory con- (lJltl.O`l`l.S on tzhe watexrfront a change in `hire anrangements has been made imperatlive, and will become effec- tive on Saturday, July 9th. It is that young pelcpe meeting` at Queen s Park as UlSvUZl1, will go in g'1'o.u\ps to St. Vincent s Park for swimming` in- struction at the srpecied l101n`s_. in- stead of g=oing' to the foot of Mary St. Increased` accommoda- tion will be p|1`0Wl(i(3(i, and a" (liiving platfowm and tower erected by the Kiwanis Club at St. Vincenlt _s Pank. A v 1-: l nvvuvuunuus nun; Lnuvnvnn 4.u.. bnunwu On Tuesday, Th`u1's and Satur- day of each week Mr. Hill will be -in attenwilrzmce at Queen s Park; on Mzomliay and Frida_v at Al:1oand`a1e, and on Wedn-esduly at St. Vincent s Park. `I')...._..,.- 413 L.1.,. .........Ll,.,t'....L...... .. uuu pl-:|._y'51U'ulA\ uuauaac-: uvuuun.-n.u u_y A. S. I~Im~d*y Hill, Pihywsioal Direcor at All-bemt Ooege, Beewilile, who will be Here clrurirmg the sxuzmmex monhs. I , __,__,,,,_._, .L-__, .2... Keen enmhmaiasiii is being` shown! by the boys and girls of tihe town at I the opportunity provided by the Ki- wanris Olluib or free instruction in swimming and games. Despite un- miombi-e weather this week, ah-arut 200 have attended the swianming and p].a.yg1*o1md cliaxsses oondlmcted by A c 1:r......i.. um t.\rLu..-44...] `n1'~.m.z-hn-v MANY LEARNING T0 i , SWIM AND TO PLAY, ||t: uau uuuu \.umn..u. J`l.l(iI_L'C` Moor(.- -(-xpress(~l his up-3 iprcciatison of the ;,-;rL-L-tir1_:.~' from the Bar of Simooo, t.h(- l)anm-1' Count._\- of the Pitowincc, and (i{:(1ill`L`(i he; wou.] endeavour to tlischemxe his: duties to the szitisfac-tioii of 21.11. The case being trim] was an action between Chas. Blomiin of Tiny and] H. J. Ohztrlobois of PL-netzlnjz. in which the plaintiff sougiht to rccovu,-r a balance of $628.10 ullc-gr,-(I to hr.- owing on the sale of wood. Judg- ment was reserved by Jud:,L,-'0 .`iiC0)'('.i J, '1` Mulcuhy acted for the pluir;-i tiff ml S. G. Dudley for Uhe defend-i 1 ant. vu uum; mu... .....{,...-u ...m. From I<`ir;~1t to Second Forms: The following failed on Mm` ....L !_.l.f...`J..._'1 :. L..'.-..,..J... T...4 Barrie, Ontario, 'E1_1;rsda,y,i7, I927 Promotion Examz'natz'ons nu; D ov- I\A.JuuIu,, uuvx. V \./vlrlnvn \.4wy...,. i "mm following fzni-lc-(1 on two sub-I `jeots: George Jzlmieson (AJJg'eb1~a, r A g'1`IiC11LblJ.rl`C ) , Iboibevt Marriott `( Gnam1m1a1', Frencah), Verna Truvton (AJ:g`eob*1`a, Latin), Stlannley Walt (Literzvbure, Canczul-iun Hivstnory), Ken-1 netih Muir (Graammm-, Can. Hdsbory), Ilsobel Carr (Gmmmar, AIl.g'erb1'a),,__ Alma Tyrer (Algelbm, Frernch), Mar- jorie Smzibh (Latinv, Can.Hit.o1`y), Tom IG;uo.=.'t (Gvzmmnar, Agerbra), Austin M-`cKnvi[.-,1h-t (Glvznmnar, Alge- bra). IIVL- 4`,.1ll.\...:...... .L...I.-....L,. ...,\.... .... u;a;. The fo`11lawin>g` stu: were un- -able to write he nal exa.vrn|inationss, but obmined selcoml chzusrs hvcmours on t'heir s yem"s work : I_4u.creIt:iz1 Rowe, Agnes G-nose. I`l\L.. 4`nrlxI.\...n`m 4'nI1n.'l mu L|1..un.-. ..-"L ovcr, unlese they obtain the 1'L-quired sttanvrl*ing' at the supple-nnenttal exam- linvations held in September. This al- so applies to 2.1%] other students of ltihe Fin:-at and Second Fmms who have fzu"]0'd on one or two `swbjecrts: T I.....,1 `[').....4.)`...,` I A1,..,."L..... \ Tn A1. ngnnca ux-um.- I\he folihowinqz failed on three sub- jects : Nom'n:.1 CrufbihtNidhK)1s (Gram- mar, A]r_.:c}ma, French). !I'\\_. 1.`...11............ ...!`lCI L- ......`._/!.....I L- uuux, r1n.,v..v-nu, ; :\.nn..u;. Dhe fo-owing whl be required to u-epmt the year in nhe First Fomm: Very ,C|nwp,pe-13, Ola:-ence Cale, Mn-1-y ` Hmiett, Allw Ba.1`.ker, A;u T{.ic n- artbson, J03. Sago; Jean Webb. ` II`... _J.:....-.l _.._ DUFFERIN JUDGE RECEIVES GREETINGS FROM SIMCOE BAR Mns. Stocking expl-eyed the hope thiat the` Oounty annu-a.1 would de- velop into a Worth-.wlhi1e convention that wouildj attract vwomen from [other dounrties. She urg'e(l the need of a Leg'itlJa:tive Committee wvh-idh lmiglht bring` to the attention of thel I Government pubxl-ic he-alytlh laws which were in need of amend`men c. 1 II!\ I ! lclgvi; LuAA\.\| uu uu.\. u; uvvv ..wuu_,x.\.u.,v. `LI'cr_v Pz1x*tni(lng'e (A=Lgeb1*a), Jack Steele (Algebra), M`a1~gva1'et Coatby (Canadian History), Joan Oouttns '(Latin), Olive O Con-nor (Latin`). I 7111... l`nll.......... -l`..."l.\.l I\V\ &...... F|`1\ vv\,A\. nu nu.-.u um uuu.u\uu\.uv. % Another need` of Simcoe Counmy was a Househ\ol Sc-ience Demonstra- tor. The G.overnment suprplietl one for Peel County and s1.ou~1d also be I l 7 1 i I i I ;zLb`le to do so for Simcoe. In `ahirs age of rwsihing, it was a ::rea.t t.hin_2' to have such a sane or- -ganizatxion as the Women s Ins"bi'tute !in the country, (l`ecm'c Mrs. Stock- Hlug`. The social life of a nation was I Ja1'g'e]y determined by its rural wo- I... , VV L'|J l)IIIlllJUL.`- In her presidential atldn-ess Mrs. Stocking tiouched on ' the fact that Women s Institute work, \Vili(l1 hail been started in Stony Creek, Ont., tflizirty yars agio, hall g`1-own great, so that it was now lntQ1"lll3.tl0HZMl `in scope. Such progmas from small beginnin-gls gave cour2Lge or the future of the County or_2`anization.. It was dl1axwac`te1'is1:ic of Institute wo- men lmat the-y cawiell tlvrougll to a nish wlmteve1' they star.te(l. A study ofwllnat small gxrotxps of In- stitute women had dlone for their communities rc-.ve~a*-led a w.on(le1'ful and overv.1helfminvg' amount of work. n'v1_..-. {L....l ...I.... .....c.,...,l-A.) L.-.:... an uuu uv;z.u-uuuun.-uh unnlvusllv V; VI v.... They had also extended their ac- tivirties to aid in the support of Sick ]O}m'1d1ren s and Orutpos-t H1ospi czu1.s and |t.he Institute or the Blind. LI 4 L_-, . .\I1s. Wm. Todd of Orillia ;_~ave a} S])'101`l(Mll report as cJ`nven0_1' of the; Pioneer Hem-zx1'el1 C.om.mitte(-. She: uxzr.-'ed the necessity of In:~'titutes ar- riving; at their own ndin-_L's in their hristoricnl 1'e.:ea1'cfh, 1'zLt:l1e1' than 1`e`1.y- me; upon former histories of the Cloutnty. Some excellent lstolwies of- , I (Conrtmuerl on pag'e e1'g'ht) ] x ..uuu.n..-...n- Jrnteresting prog`nammes were car- ried uni in the atemoon and at night in the Collegiate Institute, w1h-en `memlbens eat` the County Trus- tees and Rxatepayens Association were also present. In the evennirng a splemdiikl chona competition was held in All-iston, Pzainswick and Bnadiofd Institultes oormipeted. Miss Tedid, Suipervlisor of Music in To- rono Puibihlo Schools, jrudtged their eioufbs and awarded first, second and tihird prize to tihe choirs in bhe order named. The numbers sung wyere Lead, Kindlly Light and Hast Thou Not Known? 1'\ n4. , ,1! 1I7___L-__ .I1i1h .l.'.u.Uu. Awvvu Lxrnrvvu . Mrs. C. P. Stocking of Wam.b'au- dhene_ presided over /dhe atornoon sessiizon. Distrivct reports were pre- sented by Mrs. J. MoCa.1{1 of East Simooe, Mrs. R. Bl0_\"C(;` of Souflh Sim- coe and M115. J. J. Can`ud;hevs of West Siimcoe. -.- 1,._L:_1 -.1.1...-..- `MK... I vsimcoe Ooyunsty Women s Institutes [held their . aI1iz-cl annual convention 'n Barrie Ptulblic Libra.r.y Hall yester- day. There? was a good` attendance of rcnpresentlatiirves from the various bnamnlhes. ` A N _. _..__....__.__.-__ ___ ICOUNTY CONVENTION |WOMEN S INSTITUTES Orthoplhsonic Vriotvoikws fmm $116: up at J. G. Km.-mm a. Ylour pi-uyen imshrumt-nt baker: in cxchangc. 3 1:, uvou -auuu, uwuu IV\;uLI. ('C4on-tinned on page six) Last nigzlht '1 I`i. in on some pretty strong: zuIvertisi11g' talk. ex- ]`r1`()i`t4iI1;.`.` the vi1't`uc.<, merits and gen- eral zn of B2u'1'ie, w1'it.(-.< Mr. Hill. Static, as is u>'u;11 in`, ,this '.~'ecIi\on at this . was bad. ibut _\'ou.r :<.i_L'nals came in 1`on1:u*k:1b1_v . and clr-:11`. The `pi:1n(-` solo, `R=i::olot.to (2i5:o1etto ":1n~t.asiz1, pla.\'(.-I l>_v x\Iii.<;< M-uriezl B1'x'.'=.on) was -simply wtonxlorful. The v:~:pIendiI Wtonc of t1he instrunnent, as well as: `the a1"tist .'~' ex})1'ession, were as 41`i`2I11tfu`l as could be. If the piano -hxzul vb(-on in the room it `could not,` poss-i`b_v have been better. Nei_21h- bors fty feet (lismant were also on- te1*ba.ined vby fuhe p1'og`ranm1e, >13 g'1'c-at was the Volunne. We lea1'no.d all about your town s two nvew.:<- papers, its 14 trains :1 (bay, beaut'ifu] v homes and tourist camps, and a lot about >othe1' thvin., -and enjoyed -the" concludinxr mumber, the ax trot, `Copenhagen. 'C`..Au. DA 11 T7` \X7n1I....\A.l -1` uTl1irt_v pieces ne voilcs, linen suitiinigrs and printed cotton (lfress 010-(1.3 in checks, floral ilosigrns and fancy ant pzmizterns, priced rog'u`la1'l3,' at 60c, 90c, $1.00 and $1.35, are o'c.x'e for July clearance at 49c; also 20 lislc, silk and silk and lisle mixtures hose in vwomen s sizes, vtzuluos up to $1.25, priced to clear at 49c; an-other lot silk bonot.an~(l llisle` _luc-so in wihdrte and cvoliors, offer- ; -nn_ _._.'.. 114.. __ _.I___._1_,,._ Vu,u.uuu`.,x.u. From Rev. H. E. Wellwootl of Toronto, vf-ornmerly of B=arrie, came a -letter expressing` the o.~pprec~izLtion of his 11}o.use.]vol for the J1ig1h-oIass pro- g'm.mm1c. UE`..-.... ........1-H... t\t\VVII\ in nu... .l.'/~ b.-.uuuuu.. Every number came in very `lis- . . O tmctly, and the quality -of the con- } (Continued on page four) win-ninrgr a from H. E. F102-id'a, a 1 Jacksonvillc-` mm ..Mw ... .......... w...m, UIILA` ed -alt `Z90 pair. It s an atlvanbage to see these ea.r}y. Geo. Vic ke1`s, r,i.1'x`m'e-cl. vvuxxl `ngnulluu ;;\_ -nun.-. uni. ;..u g'1'amme very rlistinctly zmzl con- .;:1`atulla.te(l -the Board of Trazlr.` on the excellent 1-?n-0 lrf public :-_. gflt out in 1'e_earr_l to the town. As far :.x- the 1n-o_e'.1'an)-me was concerned, it was all g'o0.l, he wnirtes. The piano numibers were excellent, as_ were also the vocal `number. I did not happen to have a pencil to jot down mmaes. but re-1 member a"`Yl(3`(1`l1l3'l.. by Emory vHill } and anoter whose name has slipped my me (Hvarry Shannon). 1. also enj`o_ved the I(`l'})1I.iTl'g' son_2".i . I I Strange rth `say, this was -the x-st time I ever gvot Toronto, and I nat- urally was pleased and especially so to note tilwt a })ro:res.~:i\'e town was on the job of 'lCttlTl`Q,' -'irt:self `be known. nu . .. . n .1 .- .v uvv.,\_n. , So far the ve-pbrunil box of choco- lates for the lrattem from the fultuh-i esrt point in vCan~ad~'a _2`o:.-5 to Mr. Har- I old Benwt of New Glasgow, N.S.. who wrote that the `pro.2'ramme came ` tlmough very well and "that he: enjoy- ed it very much. A close second was from Jchrn- J. Enman, a nexvspzxper ediztor of Summ~e1`s`i(le, Purince Ed- ward `Is1=an(l. H0 J1ea1' h(. pro-: . 1 u Barrie B`oa1~d. of Trade `has been d-eluged with lemters since the 1'2).-.lio p1%og'.1wa:mame obrtoadcast under its aus- pices `over CJYC on Tuesday of last week. 4` .. n ,1! n u ..........u.. In the forenoon a :.}:o0:1 p1'og'r:1mme of aquatics was stajxetl in front of the railway rlepot. T h<: events were viewed by many who gathc-red on the (locks at Bayold and Mulcaster streets or lined the waterfront Canoe and 'swi1nmi11g races \vc1'- Waxhed wit`.1__ :'nte1'e:st. The entries were not nun]:-roux, out most of the V('T.tIS s tag'ed \'.'3;'c (-1o.=.e`1;' ccntost:-.1. The dtingzhy race provhlotl the most thril1ing' climax. Four -.l.ing=11ies set .-.n+ 4~\........ LL. A... .. v-.v. ,, m 1 The -letter coming` from the fu1't'n~ est point in the Unted States ami box `of choc-olates was Hill. of Fort I wiea'cc,, town 242 miles ;~'~011th cf] 7 1 .u I 4 i minion. These medals only arrived on June `29th, ator the scfho.ols were obosed. 'I1he inspectaors in the var- ibvus districts now have a supply of med!a:1s and these will be distributed in September when sdhool opens, or any responsible person who will un- dertake to dsistnhburte a number in any sectieon mxay secure them fnom BROADCAST CONCERT HEARD IN FLORIDA M-any Letters are Rer-(rived C011g1'ai'tu1afi11g Artists and Town. M:a.hy of the school <:hL(l're`n in the (I 1'-ural diistricfbs have not yet received the medlals, w1hcJ1 are supplietl from O utaawa for all ch`iJ(h'en in the Do- the inspector of that (bist1'ict. Three Extra Specials At Vickers MEDALS FOR ALL CHILDREN Ofcial conrmation was recei-ve& `vest-er<|'.ay that the banquet hall of the American Hotel is to be B'ar1'ie s liquior store, and work has z111'ea.d.3` comrmencecl wpon the cellar in am ef- fort to have the place in openatior-. by Judy 1541111. I-ndirect i`norm.atior. has also been 1'eceived from rel`ia.ble -._ L.L..A xiv f\ n . u 1 ~'\. mu, wyyvnuv-uu,uv`ao v\:uu-`U1. D1`. Manircn of Toronto visited Barrie a week ago Satwuiay and i:n- speetLd- the tlhrce sites under sion for the Liqutor store---W. H. Kenncdy s, W. A. G1'osc s and G. Web`b :s premiscvs. He faxworcd the latter site because it was away from the (1-ownbown district and tralc cong`esti>on. ,A4. - .._-L..: -1! 11 n - n -..... \.LL.Auu41. L uut. >131. -out from the tmvn lock on the tri- angle to Miner`: Point, n-n'tl1 across the bay, and back the nort szlwre. The breeze was slight and or. the luome streltch Tom McCarthy in the B.lu:bird anvl John Rogers in High Life led the eld. Near Car- ley s dwock Ro_;v.21`s had :1 slight ad- vantage. As they crept along the last quarter mile M(:Cart.l1_\', in his lighter craft, overutlne the lead and forged ahead. R39;r,-rs 'i1'r-zw in and A _ _ _ _ _..1.-_ , I 1 , :|uu;`jv1lIL`.3 \.-...b~...;u...uu. -At a metcing; of the Bavrie Corn- sclrvative Asrsocliatzion on Monday I1iJg1hzt, the American Hotel received the ohloice on the first batllott. 7:`/1.1., L,_,, -1 Lights have alrcaglry been installed in he collar and a cement oor is; to be Laxivd. The entrance to the licxlyor store will be We present strrm-1t xiom~wm.y, and all deoovs eommunfcut-r ing with the rest. of. Uhe hotel will liar `briucked up. ..m.-g ......~-4 u\.\.AI .\.\.\,wv\.u ;;unu 1\.ua.I.u: sources tlhat W. O. Part1'i(Lge has re.- ceived the appointment as vendor; `I'`\.'. `Mr. . ..1' rn.....__.4._ ..\.-v vv uu uulu .. ...... we, wu;Lx: `was 21 blare of truznpc-ts and the Go of Fame entered, preceded by a trumrpeter" and followed by charming` pages. Mounting` to .her royal thvrone t-he Godrdess deilivered an expiosition on Fame. Fro-m `out the past, the Goddzess then e-alied ve of the Fathers of !Confederation, Macdonaald, Brown; Cartier, Tapper and Ti1`1ey. Each gave a short dissertation on the `events of sixty years ago when the iC:1nad"a of to-bay wars in the mak- iof our nation, the Goddveuss of Fame ;then called to the scene the mine` `Provinces of the Dominiion. Each Qwas accompanied by one or more his- `jtorical gture connected with pioneer Ida-ys. W'i`oh Ontario -came General iBrock and Laura Seeord. Quebec iwas acecmmainiieci by the typical} Hzabitant, Meulelene de Vercheres, am! by I\'I'0TltOa\hTl and Wiolfe. The -liatter two were greeted by loud ap- iprobation wihen they met d-ramz1ie.'ri1~ 5ly in front of the Goddess and clasp- ed their hands to indicate the friend'- ship that has arisen between the two {races since their battle upon the iP1ains of Abra.hmn. 1vv- . u \ . -n hing. Cvonjuring up, thus, the birth ~ I- Atolllbl u; .;.uAu4uu..u. With New Brunswick came the `rharle River Driver; with Naova ISCOtl'9., the ;<\ve9t-i'z1cctl E\'21m:clil1e; with Prince E Island, 1ne1`1'_\' 1]1'l'll{- l`nI{1l(lS. Oblicr 'l';1.1nou.;= folk wlio also iltltlt-ll their colorful ])1'C`SC'IlwCc xv:-.11: Pauline Jolmeon, the I`ra.pper. the Rmlrcout of the I\'o1't1h\vest, Mic c'0w~ `boy of the plains, t.l`.c `.~7ailo1' lad and lass. urn. .1 17 u !Liquor Sif:);6:-In American Hotel mmavmanrs bi W 60 YEARS STAGED ` ..,._..w. Wit.h the Yukon came the beauti- ful Snow Queen, two tiny p21g:es,a11(i an attemllant 1'c1)1'0senti.11g wfnrte L" ..,,v....,. Pioneer ch-z11`z1ctm-.< who were 1'(.- called from out the limbo of the past were the pioneer family, the sa (Cont.inued on page eight)- A Chlplet-(3 line of VE. Process Vic-tor P.cco1'drs at J. G. l\'cenan s, 0pp'o.~'i'tc Post Office. \fI`uhe duays celebration was officially ushered in at 7 o clIoc-1: in the morn- -ing`, when those of the populace who were not already about were rudely awakened by the explosion of bombs in every part of the town. Simu.l1.z1-n- eousdy bells rang` out and whistles shnrieked.