Ill LA\Jll\l(L llu|l\lLA|/ UVVU ll|.U|IL`|I.V ikL',U. M1`. ;\Ic-C:1u_u'-hm-n had been Czmurliun Pacific Rzlilwuy zurcnt in Oriilia for the past two ,\'cu1's, going 1.11011` from Mono Mills. Ho had been in the em- p}0_\' of the railway for 37 yours, re- `Lb-Eng` on . in 1916. He served in the Great War, and was :1 captain in the 76th Battalion, af- terwzmls being: tranesferred to the 126th in France. In 1917 for six months he was Chief Divisional Mus- ke.t1'y Instructor at Crowsborougi, Eng-Land. Mr. McOaxu.gihren's barri- vtory as Police Magistrate will include the village of Baaverton as well as Orillia. -Wea.tahur c-omlitions are ideal for the crop:~'. and a grood vharvosat is as- sured. It s a1w`a_vs bhat way when we do our part well. Mortor accidents at railroad cross ings are increasing: and the twin al- ways comes out with 1-ibtle da.mag'e. Why take cvhiances when you know you c`zun t win ? *`"'*""'*-"""'; ]Notes;and Commentsg A merchant who never advertises says business is (lull--exact1y ! .[1he appearance of many store fronts along Dun`l cp St. has been greatly improved by an application of paint. Do your part in making` Ba.rrie s celcbmntion a success Page Two GJheNnrthernAhnanrr THURS-DAY, JUNE 23, 1927 J. Daniel .\IcCziu`gu'on of Orillia has roceivml ofllcial notice of his up- pointmvnt as Police l\IIu.gistx'ate `of the Town of Orirl~liz1, and on his new duties this week. He suc- C(.`0(liSi1l10 lute G001`fJ,'(: H. Clzu`kc., who was killed in an automobile accident in Floritla about two months zuro. Mn. `i\Tn.r..nn-1n.,m Hm] km... r`- 1:-.. ..... ..... ..`......... Miss Finlayson, who is am Ova-n- (Ien College student, aml who re.- ceived many honors at the cl.osu:;: exercises of the College on W,-lm-.+ clay of last week, was takr.-n to St. .-\um:'r(-xv -.'~a Hospital. The car went off the road and into '1 tree as Mrs. Fnilayson attempted to avoid it buggy. The auto was h:Lll_v smash- ed. .M-'i.'~7.'a Phyllis 'I"`inlay.s'on of Mizllztnd, d.aug.p}1t(-r of Hon. William Finlzxys-on, Min`i.s`t(:-`r rcf Lzmis and Fo)'(::;ts, was cut about the fowhr-ml, zuul lwr mother was bzutlxf sihuk-':n up, when the motor car wh.-ic|1 rm.`-. linI:1,\'.~'m1 was (lriving was forrzml into thr- ditch near M`i:lI~and on Mon moon. Two Toronto 1:uli~:< Wlm wvcru in the car were unhurt. 11- y-.. . . . .-. I %j,___._ NEW LOWELL MINISTER | GETS WELL FILLED PURSE` ....-- -. we .,.\. :_Iu\vL.|. LIV` Vince was liargely povpuilated by Fl'CI1CIl1-Ci11l'a(l`iZ111 almio-sut air] of whom were `Roman C El.4tiill0`]iC$ and miucih at- tached to their old law; and customs; the remainder of the people of the New Dominion were largely En.gilish- speaking: and Protestant, in generai attached to Eng'lish laws and customs. , While the French-Canadians were will'in,;' to enter into a contract with their En`_;`, liSl1~Sl1)CLl('il1_Q` b1'eth'ren, they were not willing to enter into a con- tract which could be varied by the more nu-merous En5:,=l~is'h without their ; conisent. Still there is no difcult_V in having an amendment made when desireo. - It is brougiht about in this fashion; ` an Addrrces to the Sovereign is pass- -ed by both Houses of Parliament at _ Ottawa asking` for the amend.1nen~1 specied. Acconliing to the unwrit- ten Constitution, the vote on the A.'l- dre$ must be unanimous (or prac- tically unanimous) or it will not be forwarr.led to London. When the Aulrlress is received by the Colonial [Secretary in Lsndon, the desired ` amendment to the B.I\'..-\. Act is - pa.-;. by the Imperial Parliament as of course and without debate. The lejral conception of the power:~' | of the Parliament of the Dominion and the l,e{:islatm'es of the Province is that they are a grant `~;.' thc In`.-` [aerial Parliament throue;h the B..\."..-\. and amending: Acts. Put it is a mi.~:- ` take to infer from this that .=uch~ powers are limited and -:lelee;=.1ter,:. Lord Selborne laid this down lefinite- ly, saying,-', the ............ ..Leg`islzLture has powers expre:-`sly limited by the Act of the Imperial Parliament which created it and it can, of course, do nothing: beyond the limits which cir- cumscribe those powers. But when acting: within those limits, it is not in any sense an agent or delegate of the Imperial Parliament, but has and was intended to have plenary powers of lcgeiislat/i~on as l2l1j.',`(: and of the ..-amt: nature as those of the Im- r~(-rial Parliament itself.` OVENDEN COLLEGE GIRL [N HOSPITAL AFTER ACCIDENT ....\. \.v\.|| u.u.vAo<.yIJlL; Ah :ua_y u\:. Tlhere is no provision in the B.N.A. Acit for aniemhnents thererto, the rovaso-n being` that when the Pro- vinces of Lower and Upper Canada were united, in 1841, into the Pro- vince of Canm1n, the ohl Lower Pro- - .,.. ha-\..-u.` The difference between the Con- stitution o-f Canadra and that of tihe United States has been described (by the Hon. W. R. Ridtbell) as, speakimg ;:ene1`a.~l1,v, amounting` to this: In Cianradra. anytlming uncomstitutionizvl is wron~g', however le{_}=z1l it may be; in} the United States aniyhin-g` uncon-i st'itution~a.1 is illeyral, however right and even advisable it may be. 'I`1]-\r.\I1\ C. A .....A.....,...... 2.. LL. n \v A in 1905 Alberta am!` Sask-zmtchewwan became the eighiah and n`i'n oh Pro- vinces; Yukon became a Territ~ory in 1898, and all tlhe rest of Clanuada is Dhe Northwest Te1'1'itories. The B1'it,i11 North .-\me1`ica Act; may be termed the W1*i~bten- Constitution of Canada, zuLtl1ougvI1 in Canvada there is much that is unwritten in that Con- sttution which has been dened as tnhe totzvlity of the p1'inci`p1e-s more or less vz1_9:ue'ly and _e:ener2u]J:y sbzuted upon whidh we think the people -shouold he g`ove'1'ned. VHL... .Hl.`,\..,...-.. `l_A.|.___-__. LI, ('1, I'Dhc o1'ig'in`a1 Dominion of Cianazlna, fovmod July 1, 1867, by the Britisih North America Act, was composed of four Provinces, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Soottia and New Brunswick. M-anitoba became the fifth Province in 1870; in 1871, British Ciolumbiia ibc-came the sixth; in 1873, Prince iE(i\\'L1`(i Island became the seventh; .n:\-- `n . .~ A dec1'ea.'~ of $559,772 in the 1o.~.ises occasionetl by re during: the v1'st four months of the year is shown in the report for April, issur,- by the ofcr: of the Ontario Fire Marshal. This result is evidenced in spite of the fact that the number of res hemselves up to April 30th. 1927, are slightly above those re- corded for the first four months of 1926, and Fire Marshal E. P. Hea- ton, commenting` on the report, point- ed out that this was a feather in `the cap of the re bvrvip:ades t.hrou;;1h- out the Province. The total 1o'.=s for the four months has been $3,916,904, as c'cxnpa1'e(l with $11,476,676 last year. The year 1926, Mr. Ht-aton sta.te.v., had been one of record achievement as far as fire preven- tion was concerned, and the reportm` so "far this year seemed to indicate that; 1927 would Hh:()VV yet another marked improvement. CONFEDERATION AND AFTER-- SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA Rep1`esen1,at.ivc-s wanted, whole or punt time, by one of the best Cas- ualty Insurance Compzmies. Health and Accident :1.n<| Automobile Insur- ance. Best policies offer!`-1. lowest rates obtainable, and good commis- siana paid. Complete instruction and aahnce given personally. Ap- my uI\__,,,._.,,|..,, n A I, , asap By Lln-ir 1I,l()0fH(`H.~` from party, byi .-L lmxuvnvlwlgv of 111011 and z1fTzLi1`s _s:a:n- I ml in tho OM Wvorld su`1'1*o`untIi~n`2's, tho inlhu-ncvv of all those (listing-,'uisl1- ml ruh,-rs rhus u-nrl0u:btml`l_v been most mlujm-y. l`hu p(.up1llnuLi()-ll of the wo-rid is 0:- Linmtml at 1,906,000,000 in :1 report i.~:. by the World Peacv Founda- Lioun on tho basis of the g.-'u1'(~s pre- parml by the .~u:c1'(vbu1'i:1t of bhc I.0:L,L'uu of NHUOIIS. ....-. ...... nu... u.. nun uh./u\|IuAuAAc~ luron B_vn_L,-' w:L.< succeeded in 1926 by Vri.~'.v.ount Wi11i`n_u-Lon, wlmo, by his wi.< tact. and ,L'raciousn-ass is )':l])lll'l_\ ('lllll`2ll`llLL' him. to all class- 4-S of C:m:uli:1ns. i`,','.i:~i-mn,",'.E . `ET giji 1. .n.u ..u.-wu-\..uv -uuuu-nub. The Duke of Devonshire arrived in Cizrnaxlia in 1916 when the war was still in fu-Iil blast. He was in Canwaclia (burning,-` the 2`0c1onstructiron period and the Canadian National Rail- \w1_v.< w(-1'0 being` o1in.;zmi7.e(I. Baron B_vn5_' .\`l1ccO(: Devonshire in 1921. 'l`h(-. most outstanding` event his Lorin ovf ofce was the de- ft,-.'Lt of 11110 Union Government which had lwnn horn of war conditions. n,,,,, 1\_,, , , .,_,,, I I ' An vv`uuu;u\...n Most momentous events occurred (luring t.h etorm of H.R.H. the Duke of Connz1u._s:ht, who took office in 1911. Everyrthimg` else was over- sharlvoxvetl by he VV:orI(1 War. The Parliament Butiltlzings was burned, and he laid tzhe corner stone of the new Pumliamenfr, bu'i-Ming. 'I"L.,\ `I`\..`I.,. A3? T\,\...\....1...'..- ,.....2.....l 3.. J. D. McCAUGHREN NAMED ORILLIA POLICE MAGISTRATE |\,\..nn.-a mu. unuunu.. l Earl Grey, who succeeded Minto in `1904, saw the creaticm of the Pro- `vinces of .~\]be1*ta and Saskzntchew'.m, `the '1`ercent(`-nzu-_\' of the founding: of Quebec, the crezxtion of the Inter- national Jnoin-t Comanission, and new [trade ag`1`0emeI1ts wi~t11 European covunh-.ies. xx . . . . `.3,-.. \,v\4AAvAA\,n.7a Lord Stanley became Governor General in 1888. He witnessed the C)Cf11tl`OVO1`SY over the Blanitoba School question. During` his regime it was (Iecielc-(I to submit the B*he1'in~{.,)' Sea Seal question to a1'bit1'a.ti.on. "I"L.. T.`....1 -3 .|L_.._I. _,. 1,1 .1... \1......`..v.. vv :wAuIvLovuA.uAA- The Earl of Aberdeen succeeded .Lord Stan-Icy in 1893. The main occurrences of his term of office were [the Colonial Conference at Ottawa, `the election of Sin` Wilfrid Laurier as g z Prime Misnister of Canada, the meet- ing of the Bhering' Sea SLa`I Commis- sion at V.ic.to1'i and Queen Victoria s vDiamoml Jubilee. In ;.uu....uuu u uuLA\.u- .VI`a.n-y im.po1't.ant events took place while the Earl of Minto, who became Governor General 1898, was in Can- ada. Two cent postage came into lforces, the British Preferentizul Tari lbc-came law, Canzulizm contingents i.~:e2've in South Africa, Queen Vic- itoria (lied and 1{im;` E VII. < - [cc-ndecl the throne. 'rV1I~< . ..--. In July 1, 1867, Lord Monck an- nounced hiis a.pp;oin1;men?c as Governor General]. He hatl taiken.` a deep in-I tcurest in the Confedemtion move-{ ment, and was of material help to` the frzuners of the British North America Act. ' v :7. . . .... Since Confederation thirteen Gov- ernors General have represented the Crown in Canada. While under -re- sponsibxie governmenrlz the Governor G|ene1'a.1 has not real power, it Iisi dioubitfu-1 if any important >1e.g'is1'ation i is in.itia1e~d or concluded witihout con- i suiltatiion with the rcpresentzutive oil the Crown. GOVERNORS GENERAL SINCE CONFEDERATION , u; Oppor!unhy," Advance Oco. OPPORTUNITY ! The Northern Advance in View of the many hzold-ups `tIh1'ou.g'l1:out the Province of late Jus- tices of the Peace and MzLg'is`tratcs of York County passed :1 resolution 3.12-_r_.r3nu_g' that` the lash be used on offenders. This mertihod of do-aIin_g' '\vi"ch h=olrl-up and other offenders would have a benecial effect. ` PRICES REDUCED JOHN F. MURPHY, 1>rop.i 79 Bayeld St. - Barriel Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 85 Scotch Gra.nite_ Barrie - Marble-Works jc. q.sM1TH&co. I f f_"_`_' Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Est.v'lisl1mi 186.0 Plume 82 June 23, Queen's Park; July 4, Qucen s Park; July 15, Allandale; July 18, Queen's Park; July 21, Vvincent s Park; July 25, Queen s Park; July 28, Queen's Park; August 4,A1]anda1e; August 11, Bayview Park; August 15, Queen s Park; August 18, St. V.1'ncent .s Park; Aug- ust 22, Queen s Park; August 25, Al'l'an'd`a1e; August 28, Queen s Park. A total of 1,334 English boys have already been moved from the Old Country and placed on farms in Quebec and Eastern Ontarioby the British Immigratiomand o1oniza- tion Associatlon accordin to the figures given out at the annual ` meeting of that organization. The life of John Pope, sailor aboard the American vessel Natirar ` was saved recently by instructions i wirelessed by Su'rgeon Taylor of the Canadian Pacific steamship Min- nedosa, after Pope had been criti- cally injured by a fall of sixty feet from the mast. The two ships were 190 miles apart but hove to later and the in'ured man was trans- ferred to t e C. P. R. ship fnd rushed to Quebec. .-__. 5.....- Kidneys cause Backache? No! They have no nerves. therefore can not cause pain. Listcnl Your back- ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil." Rul) it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil from your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Rnh nlrl, house? `'9 Tm-nhc Oil" May we sug`g'est to the committee in chzu',Q`c of the Diamond Jubilee Colel)ra.tion th-at arrzmgc-Incms be nunlc to plant a maple tree in the park or solnoxwhere in town on Jw]'y lst. If this was done in the pres- ence of the school ch'ihl1'en, with a ttiny: corvmony. it would in }'0i1I`S to come be a reminde1' of the -c- casion and what it stands for. me nacxacne mmoago pam. Rub old, honest St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia. rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso- lggely harmless and doesn't burn the Ifl. According to figures of the Canadian Government, Canada led all countries of the world by a wide \ margin as an exporter of wheat, ` from August 1 to December 31, 1926. In that period Canada shipped 167,795,000 bushels. her closest ri- ` val being the United States with 94,191,000 bushels. Days of the covered wagon were recalled recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Barker and six children ar- rived at Bienfait Saskatchewan from Parshall, North Dakota, in an outfit consisting of a covered wa- gon, 19 head of horses and four wagons carrying their household effects and farm implements. They leased a half section of land. General individual travel through the Canadian west is expected to be very heavy this year according to R. G. McNeillie. general passenger agent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way at Winnipeg. Several impor- tant parties will also add to the number of travellers especially through the Canadian Rockies re-, gions. `cently _on the uanaman racuu: steamsh1p Mmnedosa for England. Foundation work is proceeding rapidly on the new addition to the C. P. R. grain elevators at Port; McNico11, which when completed, ` will have a storage capacity of 6,000,000 bushels, instead of the present capacity of 4,000,000 bu- shels. Concluding a stay in Canada on ` their ranch near Kamloops, B. C., the Marquess and Marchioness of Exeter accompanied by Lady Win- nifred Cecil, sailed from Quebec re- cently on the Canadian Pacific gnmmqhin Minnndosn for Emrland. An aeroplane passenger and freight service to the central Mani- toba mine area was inaugurated on June 1 by the Western Canada Air- ways. Limited, making the first commercial service to be operated in the Province. The estimated gross agricultural wealth oi Canada is $7,508,257,000 according to the Department of Interior. Here and There Evidently there is very little Dvo- fit in ope1`a' :1 gasoline service pump in Barrie now, and a reduction or elimination of the tax imposed on all pumps on the streets is requested. The Council refused the request. and ..3...1.LI.. .. 'T\L....H .....\ 4,-.. .......... ....... :Ouch! Lumbago Pain! Rub Backache Away Instant Relief with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil. FUNERAL DIRECTORS I iagpizne 734 J 5...: BAND CONCERTS Barrie. -"Yul s;<)pv.~'. l`hrou=,:hout this extensive forested urea around Bnn` and Lake Louise, many woodpeckers are to he found at all seasons of the year. To these fezttiimwi foresters came the sound of the rivetters at work; it.was inter- D!'919d by them as the noise of a host o(.tree boring birds, hammering and drilling in the bark and timber of nu. u. ;:\-ux'o.~: 01 nvotnng h2l.IT1ITlOX`S. F-.::' up the Forty Mile \';1llr.>y of the I .o\`.' this sound was borne; `it re- :-:-hoorl from t-HIT and vrzuz on grey .\1uunt Rnndle, it shuttered the sil-em-r.` in the deep green woods that clothe the valleys and the mountain slopes. 'l`hl`l)Il$"h('\III` fhiu n\'fnna\'n fnvncfnr` uuculvu IV( En one of his lectures delivered ut the . Bzmii Springs Hotel. Dun Mc- (`o\vun. the well-known Canudizm iixxttirzilist, tells a wonderfully inter- esting story concerning :1 wild bird convention held in the Canadian I":u-ii':c Rm-l during the full of 19'. .(i. At that time the new Bnnii Springs Hotel was under vnnstrtu-lion and l:`.i';:e numhvrs of .~xtruvtur:1i steel w.m1'I were engaged in upreuring the fabric zzreund which :1 dream ]).'1i:lt`<` had been evolved. There was the loud cinnging of steel as the heavy g::.;-2'5 were lifted and guided into 1:`-W Winn-hes rattled and engines hm ml il1t'('SS::I]ti_\'. .\ho\'o all other .s0u.'1(is rrme the st:u-o:1to rat-tat- lut" of of riveting hammers. Siinm-n in fin. rlnnn tvrnan uvnnriu H`-1+ 1 CLOTHES =---= Dry-Cleaned and Pressed :'ig'l1tly so. There are tco many gas pumps on our streets and it should 'be the aim of Council to make all gas vendors have their pumps in o the street. Those who wish to escape the tax of $25 a year should move thejly, pump on private pro- perty. -u\ .uu.u,-. Ln;.u.u.u mu. .\.~lu\..--.. ssAI\I Dyeing THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. 109 Dunlop Street. Covntion at Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention BRANCHES : 'l`:.`pic:Il Woodpeckcr hole In :1 Hr lrco. (Insert) Rare photograph of the Dlleuu-d \\'0ndpm:kcr. x nf Lin The nearest Bank of Toronto branch manager will be glad to talk with you today. Be assured that your relations with him will be as condential and personal as with your lawyer. BAN Korrononfo N sunmer months current farm expenses often prove a worry and a burden to farm- ers whose whole mind should be centered on their crops and livestock. The Ontario Gxovernment recently passed-an Orrler-in-Council which re- quires evc-r_\' motorist in Ontario to can'_\' a d1'i\'er s license. This will be ,2'ranterl to experienced ch'ivers, \Vl`.lCl1 is rlonc- as all who have 500 miles or for 21 period of six months_. upon zLpplication and paymc-nt of 21 fee of one dollar. All otlic-rs will be i'c-quircd to pass an r:xz1minzLtion before inspectors who will act at \'2n`ious centrns. An rextra fee of one lollar will be made for 1 1 This worry is unnecessary. By establish- ing connections with the Bank of Toronto, farmers with good security can readily secure a loan until such time as their crops are sold. W. FIRTH P.m'rie-Allandale, H. A. Sims, .\`.r.,r1. Iallmvale - H. R. Warren, .\I:_;'r. a urummmg ox nzmnnors on steel. Such an assemblage of Wocdpeckers ' had never before been seen in the r valley of the Bow. The woods seemed ; alive with birds of this breud. Unlike most conventions held at Bun`, this one could hardly be termed 21 Sll(`('CS8. No doubt the birds were disullusioned and deeply disappointed that the promised fast did not materialize. Nevertheless there must have been compensation in the number of family re-unions made pomihle by the call of the hammers that fashioned the framework of a at castle in the scenic heart of the acids.- F mons nrozxaeascerx so clearly. The Dileated Woodpecker, a large black plumaged bird with crest of S('[lX'i0t, vivid as huntsman s coat, ew through the woods like a fiery torch and caused the dim aisles to echo with his loud and raucous cry. Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers. lesser birds in the ancient order of fnresters, clung to the gnarled bark of trees and with heads aslant, hearkened querulously to this strange drumming of hammers steel. Sur-h an nsspmialnxrn nf Wnmhmnl.-m-. Douglas Fir and Spruce. Instinctively they hastened to the source of the sound. confident that a keen-eyed and enterprising members of the tribe had discovered an army of tree-infesting gruhs and that there would be a feast for all who cared to answer the sum- hrondcasted clearly. VVo0dDe(-knr. a lawn: THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927. Repairing Phone 229. _ _ . . . .. H.-. _.. _-.l..._ r,-xz1minzLtim1lJcfo1'e inspector A me such examinations Licc-n:<( valid until the end of 1028.