v(AII5 uv (on . .\.-.ruu.. T110 .-\ttCTl1(f_\' Ge`ne1al s Depart- ment gxave notice that lcgxislat-011 pro- vide-tl for C0.unt_\' Council to meet on the fou1`.t.h ;\Ion of January, in- stead of 'I`u<,-:~' `Ix u.4_v uuu...;u.-u 1: .~ I-1 v .. n C-0u1'11`_\' Cn1m(,-il Now in sinu ; 1 1'o\'i11cia1 I11sper:t01' Ur}__;cs .l?mp1'oVement to I-{cg'1st1'y Ofce; \Va1'don s 0u`r.1ng' at M1dla11d. Mrs. S. D. Eplctt of Coldwateti 1`_=qL10sted Colxncfl to g'1`ant her tine; am unt of r-xpo~n.-_.~ in the mzrinten-| n.ncr,- of :1 blind person. Victorizx Il1(I'LlStl`id1 School put in: its account for $424.50 for the up-I kn-n of 13 ptmfls from trhis County. I St. John's Iml'u; Schoc-I sent; accounts for $511.50 and $305 1'01 ; inmates from the County. I111 `V A u n rs n- _, ,-, I ,,,..; Inuluuv.` ;nunu un, \4ULlII Thos. .\IcCz1be of Collingwood sent in :1 claim for frwn urn ac- count an 21 County road in Tecum- Seth. Ann v n n-n:_ I I DL'LI||a Alfred Borrow of C0]]Ji11_Q`\\'-00ti laid a claim of $20 for (l`ama_2'es to his` car rc-.. from an accident in Tocumseth. ;i`w0Turkeys Cause Of Jury Case Between Stayner F armersi A dispute over the owncrsl_}ip of` two t111*ko_v.s gave rise to a $2,000 aw suit before a Junlge and ju'r_\' at` the June S s:: of the Peace hast- wook. T-h`0.~`. Solfe of Stayner sued A-n_2`u.< Campbell of Nctta\\'asa:.'.'u for 1'-a1. and n1u`.iciousL_v swearing an inf-orm:1tion for :1 Search warrant, t.I1ur(~b_v damz1;:ix1_L' his (Se]fe :s) repu- tation. The case `as tried before Ju4l:_-"v \Vi.~'.n1--1' on F!'i(l21_\ afternoon! and S:1tur and \v:1,< di;~`111iss01 with cost: usuint the pluintitf by the ju1`_\'. A. J. 1*`. Sulllvzm of Slzlynm` actml. - .1 . .... uy n n. I'rw 1 u A. uuu:;u| um uuugu-,1 us. .. `f0-1' t.'h<.- plznintilf. W. A. B"ys, l\'C., and John Hood of Stnynor Cd. ` The jury on thv case ` posed of: G.ord`on L:1uder, Rythcr, F`l.r..<; Arthur J O1`-'I`.1i:1 T\vp.; Clark Duvitt, Motlonte; K0mxc(l_\`. Nott';n\~u.~~:1:_~':1 ; S`.lne_v Robt. Mm`:-ison, A11i:~=ton; .-\2'chi<~ Oliver, .~\lj:1I:1; Albert .\I:1di11. Stuy- ner; Wm. S!~.r;-rixlam, Orinia '[`\vp.; J. T\ `CL..nL,\. "`r\,-,-r\\oru\0:r\n T.`.....l VVould Have Highway Dept. l Take Over County Roads] U (xxx.- My. Soe t-stifle-I t.lmt last Oct"-'; bar a ock of II ne tu1<}u>_v.< wortlx ` 1 $10 mmh t.fi~.=1:-'mw.~:n'uif from his `:u.n. xun , vv .... _. ...., ...,.., .,.` D. `Stu-phr~n.<. 'I`0.<.-oromio; F1`wl: \V.ood, W ;-;~1t. C\v.iIJi1n)m'_\'. and: D'Arcy Imxrnox, T1111`-s*l. I `I n 15- A. _L.'K_`_. 1 LL77`; I__L r\ ; @133 Nari!) mm Zmmmm \\'il.\' , Oro; Jos. Sohrumm, :, n; udill. ia ;io; uury. CUIH` I I r I L I I l 1 l}(7U[IIL \\ lI.I ..A(t`. pIz1i11tiII".< t.urkc-_\'.< W0l`( on Camp`Jo11'.= premi.~:e.~'. .'\-I1`. Campbell tvh1'C`.'l'LC`lC1l court; ac-ticn to clear tho i`J11t-tL`1` u.p. am`. Sc-lfo, who w.'1.< In num.-Ea] .~tmit.<, a::1`cc-ml to .~*.i,-.211 :1 =t;1tc-msm that he \\ as satised that '15s turkey: we.-re not on the '.l~".-fcII(l:1Ilt s place. nun .<..:|_\ 111,, mu; Frunli, 1`l1c statement wa.< 1)ub]isIu'-J in the` and iS13a_\'ner Sun. I'\ A ,'I 1 out. 1 nu L.. .. ...l 1x17: 1 | \ UU. UIIU UU`LUb5 ,U'5 unu luul/\.'1L`n The Depam-tment of Edm:abi~on sent notice that the grant a.ppor oioned to r1m`a1 public sclhnonols in Simcoe or equipment and acoommJoda:t:io~n was $2,307.61, awn-(1 for rural separate schoodns, $57.99. The County is re- quired to raise an equivalent of the itoml, $2,365.60. ._ _ ..._.. :4; - A J`..nw. A mno nun!-n | kzxllma Ulvlllllllllslla A $24 account from the RV. H:osp*ita~I, Barrie, was received in ccnnedtlion with a jail inmate alleg- ed to come from Angus. Sxumnniclale Township Cle-rk wrote hlnafc the man came from Vesmm, and that the ac- ico~un'c slhoau-Id be c`lna.1~ge(l to that |town'ship. Vespra Township Clerk wmte hat the man rhad been a resi- ldent of Essa. The Clerk cvf Essa jTownJsl1vip wnote `chat tl-.e man came from Sunnnidlale `and denied all lia- bili1a_v on tihe part of Essa. f`I_1!...._......\.I T_T..~.:A-A1 -...-~ n... nu, | The Ontario Safety League wrote 'calling' attention to the dxangemuzs trafc co.nd at Wasaga Beach, land sugwgeshing the tblli|1'(li|I`l'g of a road parallel to the beach. and back of the cota.g'e's and hlotels. rnL- 'l'\,.........i-.~\.\..4~ a-.3 I7:l11.n.n+x;`nVI ca???` ua.L, ups-,uu'u.uu. A coznmnitbee 1'mQm Angrus vmwo-te askmg Gonuncil t'o suxnport a move [to have the Barrie-Owen Sound High- Iway designated thro.u_mh Allandale, l Essa and Stayner rru,, 11-1 /1..-..- o....:..L... ....a...+,. (Jr ' .I:J>T[H"d: Ull\l 'lJL(al`y IICJ. I The Red Cross Society wrote ask- 'in]g' Council to assist in the Rezl Cross ca.m,pa.ig'n. A can: ..............J. .L'.......,. Lkn `DY! uunu_v um mu. ywxv \lJ. uuuu. Cdllinxgwoord I-Isosqpital sent an ac- count for $33 for a New L`cvweL1 indi- gent patient. 1UI'.. \T-... f"..,...v.... -9 r:v\t\ Counci1 s inaugural sessfcvn wa=,| held on Monday a.ft`enn.oon with a1]' mem'bcrs present but Colun. 1{ieu':nan. Aside from the receivirng of com- mn.1nica1ai`on~s, the W~arden s in-aug*u1'a] a<:\I.'-2: : was the only item of busi- SCIIID HQLACIIV Mr. Nap. Crevier of Si-ngwhsampton tendered a $15 account for damage -srL1sta:in'ed by his bu}g'.g'y on a County _ro:ad. Liabilvitty was denied- by the iG-lotbe Indemrnlity Co. rn_.;_,_,.4.- f`....-.....1 T_T...~...3L...1 .-u.J-\-.:A- |\J'1u'u<' LuI.u;'Aunu--_y uv. T01-`clnto General Hwospital submit- ited a $36 account for maintenance [Of -a Creemore resident co'mtm'it1:ed to - Mrimico. I . . .- m-nn . .34.-an PA boulrvvvl :.vL put:-go .uuu.v\.. 3 St.`Mary s I.n(Lustu'ia1 School for} _g'i1'1s sent in an account for $90. 1 \',.;z..,` A4` 4.1.... ....w.w..'L...-.,...4-.. nu -` as |_5-uno ocuv nu uu u\.\.vuuu 41.1; -yuv. I Nuoitice of the commitments of a |13-yca-1'-old C-`oI']ainig woml boy and 12- |_\'ca1'-c-kl Bmrixie boy to Victoria 111- (lu>stria1 School, Mimico, were given` Eby .\I`z1_2'istrates W. A. Hogjg` and} EC-ompton Jeffs. i . G ' 'l`!., ..i. .,\.. \....... .\..n.-m1.\.I ha [\"UlIX!IL\IIl Ul.'ll:~ g The Sz11\'2Ltio11 Army nppealetl to {the Cousnty for a ::rant to assist` in I Itr! rescue work. .- ya... . n f\ -n- . 1, 4.... .-\n emphatic protest :1_g`:x~.n: the`. `1`u1n0\`a1 of .\`Ir.=. F. A. Bassctt frcm` ::`.Ilc- Collingwoctl Bozuvl of '6-m!uc4atie)n'| ixvas submitted by C01'.'n_g'-\'o3;Ii vnrv rn TY uuIuu'n..eu. I Accounts for $582 and $137.50 were sent in by Anlexandera In.du1st1~iaI I . . ;SdhIoo1 for puprls from S1mcoe. 1 cu.- M'......y.. r...1..,.-.:..1 c..n..\..1 cm. I VVC.T.i T` 1 VV \JulaLJu V. Lamonat, D. G:11'm'z1i oh and` ;ot.hc1's of Orillia Town.~:hip, seeking` a i:`i\'ision of a School Sr=::'ticn for the ic:':~ctio11 of zxnother school, petition-| 30:! for the z`-.p1; uf 3 boar ! of a1'bit.1`at:u:`s to c.'v.1side1' lthe mut- (Continued on page four) ,... lLn`lL,|.l\. i Geo. Elliott of 01-mm wrote seek- jin_u' nancial assisbaxmce because of` iinju1'i received in 21 County 1,-1`a\'o1 ipit. in m\'\\I'\`IIl:l\ v'\\or\+tx'-4- r\(|`t\:l'|`:`+ 4-I-an Warnlcn Cumningiham refe`:1`e(l_\v2tl1 regvrest to` the (leatms of Ex-Wardens Wm. McDc1'motrt. of Tucumlseth and A. C. Garden of Hamilton, and of a brother of Cronm. W. A. Lx.-we of Baa-rie, of a son Clf Coun. Ase12ine,| and the nwtther of Cloun. E. Dutto.n.* On the briglhrter side he mentioned the clelcvbmti-011 by M1`. and Mars.` I Syks of Medone of their 70.tl`n. wed- (lng anmiven~s:a1'y, and of the birth of triplets to 21 Mratcehdash family. 0-wing to the late season, crop comllitlons in the County had not been very favora.bl_v until recemtly. Present prospects were for a bumper cmoap for the yezmz The County might well look fovward to- prog'ress and prosrperzity. "IVILA `K7,.-...l,...-. l.....l 3:-rsnnl-nzl 4~nr\`|n| `He suspecte(l that they had stvayetl onto the premises of the defendant, I.-\vng.-`us C-zumpbell. He went to Camp- -bell's place on two occasions and ask- lC(l if he had any turkeys in his {lock that were nm his own without get- ting` szitisfaction. On Dec. 16 he went. a third time t0l4l M1`. Campbell that the nei,l1bo1's were sayings; that his eleven turkeys were lon his (Czunpbell s) premises. M1`. C`::mpl.u-ll then declared he could swezir positively that he him.~`.el.f haul l1':1i.sel all the turke_\'s tl1.:1t were on? `his px'en1i. The witneskc took .\1r., Cz1mpbz;ll`.< word as -.1 I`l0l_L'-l1l')0l', but would not (lisclose the names of the people \\"n) were .<,a,\`i11{: `.1151! the wen KI`. ("u-nnlx )`.I Hn-nninun.l l --:vLJ;l_\urx nun. ` ' On April 1-`tih, 1132?. two tux-lxcysl ;c:uno onto Mr. Se-Ifc-`s f-mun mad pm- Ecm fled to l11 (L`k1` Y'}_'ll"1I.\`6-.'i\ ('` at home. E V (Contmwti on p:L:~e~. eight). 1 Ms vausammsr : , PAY FULL Liam} Jul |L\,n:uuJ alsuuun The exclusive me-n s clntliiers at Monday night s meeting; pemitioned, not for a We rh-ailf-hzo1Iida.y, but for an amemlmient to the by-law 1'eq`uri~1'i.n.g` them to close 511101) at seven o'clock in the -3v(:1`.ing'. The petition was signed by Miinz: B1'o:<., J. F. Craig`, R. A. Stephens, F. Lower and H. J. Twiss The latter in a seipai"ate cIcmmu'nic~atJion vvIit;hdrre~\v his name from the petition. m .... ...1 -......:.1,.,.,\.| Hm wm+.+m- in Wednesday afternoon will be 0'0- served as a ha`1i'-h-o1i.la_v during` vhe sumimer monsthis by the dry gicods, milliinery, jeweulery 'm:1 t'u1'nitur(.- merch-an.-ts' of the -town, as a result lcuf petitions pre-sen-ted to the Town Council at a former meeting" and a by-.1~aw passed by the Council at its meeting` on Monday nighrc. Boot and shoe merchsants will not be closed -as Council decided on recommendation of the Finance Cmnmittee to take no action on" the petition from cer- tain boot and shoe dealers on the g'1'ownd that the petition was not suicien-tly signed m1,_ ,_.AI..._.-... ....,...!- ,.1,.-I`-`me: nf J.J.'U`lIl lalli }lC|alhlUlA. I I Council considereml the matnter in comlnittee of the vwhlole, but decide" not to take action. It was argued that it would not be fair to let the exclusive men's habertlashers remain open on the ground -that other mer- 1chxanrts ca.rrying' on a dual bus-inerss in men s furnishings and dry goods, such as Su-tc1i"e vs, V-iekers, Hn.mters, ST,ra:nsrr1an and `others, would be at a duisadrva'n-tage. If the latter b11!Si- ness places were also 11Il`0W(1 to keep the men s tlepartxnent of heir stores open they wow1d_11ave to take steps o close the other department.-s. ____1_-_.- ......._):...... -4` 4x1... 4-A117 UU UJJUDC DILC vun.:. \u..`yu...u. ..... .~. The g'so11"ne vendors of the town petioned Council to reoounsider the reqwirement of a $25 license for gtasoline pumps on the town streets, declraroing that with such a high Ii-'= 3-. :4 -......;~ n...nn+Jnn'lIu .Yv1.nn.c.. LIUCIEALIAJL5 u|2au wuuu ouvnn u `nan .. scnce fee it was practically impos- sible to operate the pumps except at a loss. Messrs. F. V:mPatter and `Bert Fmlicx appc~a1'cd be1'0re Coun~ , . ,.- -..,) ....1...-.:o,..I .. .-.,-u+nn gin-marl Council Rcfllses to Lo\\'(>1' Tax; Closi11g' ]3y-la\\' for Some Stores. .D|f1'L .l."l.u;L;r\ appL'uLL;u l)\.A.l|L. \4v\.AAn `cit and submittml a petition signed by themselves, Chas. Robti-nson, G. G Mncore, W. Tumton, J. J. Jamiesom; Livingston B1'os., Buchanan and Son,` C. & W. Motors, Hubbar(l s Hard-* iware, T. R. Coulter, S. Goorgianra, J. I IS. Brunton,'J. Mz1rs1m.1l, Geo. I1'win`~ and H. R. Palmer. J J-'13-r- Wu.` `.....,.'.....) uuu l.rLuawp\.unu_y. I The Wardem hvad inspected some of the Cmunty in.stitutons and found them in me _comIiti~.on. 'Dh.e I`I10|l1'Sei of Refuge was specially well take-nl care cu . The jail was also very sat I .'..l`....A....... uuu .L1. 1. Lllll Anrot'hc1' petition was received from five hz11`(lw:11'e 1ne1'01i`zm`ts ask- in_;` for a $20 rebate on the $25 li- `ccnse fee for ga-solinc pumps. They L1- they (lid not have the -o,pportunit_v to sell j;:L:<'o1~ine that was possessed by g:m`ag'c and service stations, which -`could remain open after (3 p.m. and .011 Sumlays, and hie`-li As a rule they were 1a1`_:01' taxpayers than the 'owners of service stations The peti- ` (Con-tinned on p215.;'c four) de'c1a1`c-(I tham as hz11'tlwa1'c me1`chant.~:! lo Hear Carillon Bells: Dalston F_a:ll1er Killed I The car.i`1:1on on the Peace '1`ower ,of the Federal Government Bu-ildwing, Onttavm, will be repmdvueed in con- nection with Barnie s J`uvbi'1ee Cele- !b1'ation- when it is rung for the vsrt time on July 1st. A-t Tuesd*ay s meet- ing of bhe Barrie Celebration Com- mittee it was stated tfhat strong radio sets would be insmlled in the Town Hall and Arrmouries to 1*e.pvo- duce the evening: ozmilwlon p1*og'1`amme for the crowds attendihg the `patriotic pageant. in the Town Hall and the [dance in the .~\rn1o11ri'es. `, . I meeting` was that the 3;ene1'a.l cere- mony along` the lines laid down by the Central Commtittee at Ottawa wouvlal be held when the July 151' 1::n':ule reached .-\_Q'1'icu'lt.u1`al Park. 3 Major Knowles will read the n1essag:es 1 `lfrom the .G.o\'e1`nor-General amlg lPremier l\'in_2'. I Another announcemen. at t'h'ei l 1 l A liu_2'c 1)`; nre will be mzulc after the soltliers .\'i_L-`lit Attack on Satur- day c-\'0nin.,-'. Fiftt-on entries lmvc been made in the five mile road racc- luml six teams have cntcrexl the soft- lbull tournament, some coming.-' quite la distzlnce. 5 Irene Smith, five-_\'e:11'-o1(l `rlau:_"I1t.e1` 10f Mr. and Hrs. A. 1-}. Smith, sus- Lilzlillitl 21 broken leg: when knocked idown on Satu1'-d:L_\' morning` by a car driven by Miss I\Is1_v Un of Biz Buy .-P.o-`Ln-t. .['.hn c.:hi`Id run onto the `dues `ti-nto uh qmhi: ti` the ear. ]_3A,r>I?e,A (11tario, Ju 23, 1927 t the Qu.a`li;ies they will need as tlrcy pass out of the shelter of an insti- tution to make tlheir own way in lit`-> Iwere ably described to the six !1!u1`SC*S gwmliulating from the Royal Victoria Hospital `by Dr. Oorcoran of Elmvwle at the g'1*a(lvu~a:tion exercises nelcl last Temple. A capacit y gat:l1ering at- \ten'(le(l to listen to 11119. athlresses and witness the presentatiori of diplomas and gits to the g'ra(luati1*g' class. The front part of the hall was a .._... L_L1.. L.,........ A4` Ilhli` mH-'+c F1-n.ni Thursdlay night in the I.0.0.F.. 1`HU .Ll"Ull`h pcuu UL vAI'.. Anna; Ivyvu u veritable bower of roses, gifts from admi-ring friends and relatives of the young" baclwies who were the cause d et1'e of the occasion. Adidresses were given by Dr. '3 ;r- coran, D.VF. McC1iaig, Deputy- {eeve `of Barrie; J. '1`. Simpson, Ctlerk of the Oorunrty of Simcoe, and J. A. Macbaren, President of the Haspitg-11 Board, who a;/cted as oh-airman. 1\`r. M'acvLm`e'n presemited the class with their credentials as graduate nurses. Mr. D.ona]:d Ross, Vice-President of the Board, presented the Gold Medwaii to its winner, Miss Aim-ie McCon.key. ` Cltass pin-s were presented on behua.1~f `of the Hiospitall W.A. by its presi~ dent, Mrs. Alex. Brown. Miss Nortihgreaves of the R.V.H. Alumnae Association presented each girl with a hot waiter bo1 Jt1l'e, and Dr. W. A. -Lewis of the Medlical Sta gave each a kit of inustrurments. Miss Edna Simpson was the recipient of a foun- tralin pen as the nurse standvirnwg =h:i-gi - est -in Dietetics. Prizes for practical nursing`, given by Miss Olarke, R.V.H. S1mpe1\in oenden, were w-on by Mriss Ednsa Simpson of the g'raJd-.u.aft- in-g cbass, Miss Ma.-rjorie Simnsahan of the intermedrivate year, and Miss Mary Manson of tihe junior year. The programme also included vzpleasinvg; vocal solios by Mrs. S. L. Dobson and a ce11o solo by Mr. G. W. Jackson, all of which were much lPa-ge, Mrs. C. R. Anderson, Mr. F. l appreciated. TTVL. v-|1 n~wn.1nn+1'r\,n~ uvnvn Nficcnc . -.u. x, is.fac!tvo1'y. FIT]. P\ C .. a.pp1.'::ura2u:u. The nurses graduatinvg were Misses ` IA. McCon~key, E. Simpson, F. GE]- :oh1*ist, M. Donnelrly, H. Ohaappel-1 and To1'pe_v. n.. n............. :. ..,1.l~..\.-m ..n- Han! gag ADUATE NURSES 1 . OF R.V. HOSPITAL, | . Get C1'o(1c1111a]s d]1dT(,)kO1lS. I 3 Fine A(1(11-oss Given By I-` D1`. Cm'c01-am. `Au. .L`U1p!':_y. Dr. Ciorcoran in ad(l1`:ssing the | . . . Eon their success, not alone in their exlaminatioms, but also in the three Ilong'_\'ea1's of accomplishment and ,~`el`f-.=.:1c~1iicc- during` which they had lcome. T`hey were leaving: the sheilrter of an institution to traverse a path marked by st1`ang'e homes, strange people, to lo one of the g'rezn.est wo`1~k.~: a human can be called to do, `(that of easing` the pain and sufl'(>:'i119, iof otl1e1'a=. \Vas not the nal test of. I I i 1 .g'rad.uatin`g class, consgratulate them" striven. Hartler tests were yet to: lm21n's 5:omlne:~:s the measure cf what- ihe loos for his fellowmen 7 /n,,.;:_ I .... .....,.... -2.-\ Percy E. Brown, _\`-ounp; `Dalston farmer, (lied on Sumlay in the Royal Vio"o`oria Hospital as a rc~.swlt of ter- rible injuries sustained t;lmo1L_2tl1 a -(lyntamite explosion on Saturday alf- ttemoon. He had placed a large chiarge of dyunamrite under a Stlhhlp in an attempt to blow it up. The fuse used was too l`lx01't, and the exiposicn occurretl when he was bend- ing over it. The man s ri,2fl1 hand was s`natte1'- ed to pieces. His face, botzli eyes. and -the roof of his mouth were pit- .te(l deeply wti`h dirt and gravel. "\/\ :..:....n.1 mm. um, .-n.:.hn.l h. Hm LLf\l lll.'L"lJ1_y \Vl.`Il| \IlLb uu\I `i.LAv\.A- 'Dhe injuretl man was 1'u:~1he to the Hmspita`1, wihere an amputation was }in1me(Iiate:1_v performed two inches |ab'c\'e the w1'i'.=at. He professed to be able to see da) but attemling.-; p`h_v.=.ician;< were 1 ur ,1:.1..u 1...... n nnmnv-\nn +n m.+ ..m-,n,- `]Jll.\.`||.-l(All.` VV\.A\, \|\l\.|.\l-uJ\A4- I didn't have a chance to get uxvay Eat all, Brown said in the hospital. .LA. 1., Lh._-...,. ... run uu, u;u-uu u....u 4.. Wu. U...-V. During: the ni_r.~!ht he became worse, nhis tempe1~a,t.ure 1-i;~`in_L' to 107 (le- ::1'0es, .imlicatin_2' a of the brain centres from concu.=:~:ion. He died within 2-1 hours after the acci- ` dent. It n 1,,` 1__,.. M1`. Brown haul been m:1r1'iz3I rnlyi sec-vn months. He was 28 yn-:n`.< of Ia5.):e and the son of Mr. and 111-5. Wm. E. Brswn of Dalston. The fun- eral took place on Tu<-;~`:Iu_\' aftm- noon, conducted by Rev. G. H. Kni3;`htnn The pal!-'bearm-.s \vm~L- l\'I.c~::_~'n'3.. Victor Cihurdh, Harold Os- b-m'u,e, Jvzm MCLL-mu, Ivan Culdxvushl. F-m-n-k Woods and J'31'u-m Spence. Jun Lu: nu.) ..-....-.u . . . L .. (Continued on page six) rmxcu.-n.uA _y . ` r The nances of the County show-I ed good pcnomise for the year, said the Warden, swgwgesting that the Treaurer give the Cno-ulnoizl an insight into their state (l~u`nin.g the .session. Oomrnun`icamio:ns Cms. L:rve1'ing' o~f C+o1=drwater wrote asking Gounoil to take action to stop the (live1'sion of suxrface wtater canto` his pnopevty. WI... T T f`......n-L.1Jn.u~ -4-` A Ivr\v:.\1(u . Dzuiiiaq.-`es a.mount.in_e' to $1,440 were granuted by a jury to Mr. and Mrs. Tll1l0S. J. Rumble of Hillsdiale in their suit for $3,000 damages from Mr. Tyiswn Raowatt of H'i`1'lsda;1re in connection with an ~acc.i(le-nt last` November 10th in wihxieh Rowatt s car knocked down and severely in- jured Mrs. Rumble. The CHASE was tried before Jud-ge Wismer and a j'u.r_\;' at the June Sessions last week. It commenced szlrortly after noon on Tuesday and ended late Friday after- n|c'on. A-lrl F`riday mornuin-9; was taken up by the addresses to the jury by counsel and the judage. Each ad- direzss lasted about an hour and a quarter. The jury retired at 2 p.m. `and brought in its ver(.l:ic.t at 4.50 `o cIl7ock. . , Mulch interest was shown in the case. Crow`(l*s a.tten from Hills- (lvale and the court room was packed ion eaclh (lay of the hearing. Mrs. Rumble claimed $2,000 for her in-' juries and Mr. Rumble claimed $1,000 for me(Licall expenses and the iloss of his wife s services. you thavt the casualty was not caused by his nc-:g*lii~'g'ence '?-No; (2) Were the injuries to the plainti cawsedi by the negilligence of the de.fend>unt ?` -Ye.s; (3) If so, in what d-id such neg:loig'e.nice dcwnsist ?--In not watch- -i'rng` the road; (4) Could the plain- tiff, Mirs. Rumble, have avoided the: casu=a-lty by the exercise of reason- able care ?--Yes; (5) If so, in what did her neg'lig'en~ce consist ?--I-n not wa:tc'lmi.ng' hhe road; (6) If bothi parties were guilty of negililgencei contriburting to the casualty in what` .p1'c.portion would you d'iv~ide the neg`- -lrig-en-ce ?-~M1~.'Rowa.tt, 80 per cent., Mrs. Rumble, 20 per cent} (7) State the amount of dain-a_2'es-Mrs. Rum- ble $1,000, Mr. Ru.m:ble $800; (8) Could each party at the last moment have avoided the accident by the ex- ercise of reasonable care ?-Yes.l If not, could e-ithe1', and if so,` _\\'-l1'icli ?-Bot.h. How `. -.VI1'. Rcwzmt . could have stopped his car or turn- ed to the left; .\Irs. Rumble could have stepped back. I I (1) Has the defendant saltisedi . . . . | Elgihlt questlons mven t.he_1u1*y` were answered as follows: I R. G. .-\_2`ne\v, (lefenec _cou~n. In] his a(l(h`e: to the jury, claimed that :the plantiffs hzul a dishonest case that they had built up with the (lis- ih-onest inte.nt.ion of _r;etti11:: easy ._n ;-,A_.._ LY.` 1.1-,_..1.... rn1.-! Awards $1440 Damages i To Mr. And Mrs. T. Rumble uuu\,.~n. un.e.nn.-Auu u; _\\.y.....`_ ......._y I I mlsney from the defendqmt. The plzlintiffs, he claimed, had not told an honest story in the witnesrs box, but had e.\:;1g._u`e1'ate facts and 1na_:-I _nied a.i]me11t.s. There had been a attempt to make the Court believe bhe woman s skull was f1'actu1'e.d, alt.h.oug'h D1`. Tyrer, who z1:ttende(l her, said it was not. Mrs. Rumble had hobbled into Ocurt so as to impress the jury as \a women terribly injured. HT ,1,...u (\I\ I\1'\r. .....,.n'+ n:.n-,1 Finds T. Ro\\';11t Eigl1_1'_\j 1 A<:ci(101.1t; Case l<`om.- . Barrie Colts celebrated the open-' 'in_2` of the baseball season on the `home dsiamond by defeating: A`1Iiston_ by 6 to 1 in a South Simcoe League! xture at Ag'ricu1u1'a1 Park yes.ter-! day afternobn. I The game was more closely con- tested than the score would indwicate,| A-lliston getting: 7 -hits to Bzu'rie s| 10. Fred Plant went the route for B`a1'1'ie, and. the sowthpaw, Jimmie Dunn, hurled for the vi.~sit-01's. `The locahs took z1 -of two Archie Burton to score three runsl .1 .1 - 1 1-,,,._.. rru__ ....A ... ..,.! lino }_.n-uy\.;.u._y . Mrs. J. J. Ca1'1'ut1ie1`s of Aveni'ng acknowletlgged the receipt of $25 four West Simcoe W:ome`n s Insmitlute. 1w 1!! 1'1` 1 LI, ,. 4 }Barrie Takes First Home } . Game From Alliston, 6-I rxluuu; AJuLvvII .u ...,u.- . . i m the t;lm' frame. The rest. werei scattered in as nmny ilxnimxs. '1`wo errors contributed to .~\I1i. s -.~:`ing'le Bzm-ie startoul the scorxng` in the second session. Dunn g`roovr: the: ~.`.[ for Lynch, the rst man to fav- him, who promrptly hit it far `into left eld, aml by 1`-'ooI base rumngr made it 21 triple. D_\'c1'1:1`ou11 out, but I~ .i1'ka1p lifted a 1`tng' sacri-J ce y to right eld, Lynch scorimrl after the catch. .. , , . ,.1-4 , _. L_,_,_ (um: -an. ysun.-u.. Du1m.\v-avcrvd aftm: two were out in ltlo -thud. `.153-mms and 'Do`b'-on llUl_V unJuA\_u. I don't say she wasn't injured, or Cont". Cruilty of Cause of ()<-(-Ilpios Nearly - Days. vuu\.L vv-cu`). Mrs. Rumble 11-ad -admvitt-ed that she (lid not look, a bit of C`\'ll(l`nC vsr.hich Mr. Agnew claimed to be ve1'_\v cogent, a-nil so important ahIat it sl1ou:l(l be fatal to her claim. Not only were Mrs. Rumblels ailments `magi.-icd, but the amount of her claim was magnied. If she had told jthe truth more condence cowld have lb;-(`.11 placed in her case. I `In T)Aq..~4 3 `.:. n.l.]un;~~ Anni n`- but 1 do say she was tr_vin:g to de- M.r. Agnew. I do not hestitate to say that that woman was not limp- ing: a mlc-nth ago. Counsel went on to zLs'.se-rt that been unc-onscio-us ater the impact in order to cover up her admilssiions that it was not Rowattfs fault that she was struck, but her `own. Mr. Agnew asserted that his client, the defemdanzt, was the only person who could tell of the accident from wha ceive us as `to the extent, declared, he saw. All `ahe rest of the evidence was built up on theory. Diagra.m~3 and plans had been used to try to convimce the jury it happened some ovtzher way. 11.... T)....,...L1.. l-...l ...l-..H-L.,..l GI...` _a Ibirs Rumble was now said to have ...-\... lll(l\4\.\I ..-. W--. E M-1'. Boys, in his ad first at- ltaczked hhe way in whic1h defence _'coumse1 cha1~acte1'ized the plaintiffs as dishonest and u;nt,rubhfu~I. The whole `case on the negtlvigtence of iRowatt, and using the defend'antt s own evidence, Mr. Boys wem; on to prove tlmt he had been negwli-g'ent. H11.` I\CVP\d-ICI\`v\I\ 2.. 4.1.:N ..-..- .,. .. 1:-.. ,,.v., .,..... ..o ....\. ..--.. ..-a..,,-.... If everyione in 11h~i.s case is a liar except Rowatzt, and if you ha(h1 t 3 `word of evidence except Rowua;tt s own, I swbmiit that on his eviclienioe alone you woutld have to give a ver-- dict for the p`lainmi's, said Mr.- !Boy-.s, who then went on to say hai `there was no reason whatever wihry `Rowatt cto-ultd not have qseen M-rs. Rumble if he had been looking. 1 .._I.i... 1`n.:......_. ._ I..'.. _.II._....... Ln H mm uuuuvn. u-vua\,u.; ;.-um-.u-.\.. .H~o.n.. Wm. Fin11ayson wrote bhsa/ti Vtfnve Counrty *s p1`op`osed exclhan-go of` land at the County Re-fo1'esIt:ry Plant at Alnten Mills was quite satis:factcrr_\' to the Departvmc-nt of Lambs and; Forests. 1 10 - . . 11 ,,_,;1 Judge Wvisrme-1`, in his c`harg`e to the jury, said that it was their drumy to decide w`he aher or not each party were gvuilty of negligence, w'he`dhe1', under all the circwmstances,` M1>5=.. Rumble should have looked a second` time after 1o\c4k_:in_L' once down the" road, and whether the car on the` church (i`1'viV(W`a} was a reasonabtle ,r_vro~un for Rowatt not .s*eeirn.g=l1e1' on the c1'0.ssin;1'. Rowatt said tlmt. the ear himle1'ed his vision, but tiirat th.e.? c1~or.~;~:-li5.~']1t.= had nicvt. At any rate, he (hid not see Mrs. Rumble on the side of the road at any stage. Rowatt knew 2111 the conditions in the local- ity. He knew that the crossing` wzzs there, t:hz1t. the 1i_;'hts were there, and that people mi_-_-`ht be coming` out of the church. It wn.< up to Uh-e jury to gleeide if he used enoujevh care and kept a suiciem: 1ook-out to see if there were any one ahead. nu n - `The quc-.<'hion of inj1'11'ies was 1'm~ ])lC`1`tvEln1.' and the jury had to decide as to their czctcnt and 1)ev1*manc~ncy. Mrs. Rumble had a 1-ig1h-t to ask the Court to oonsitler her pain and suf- fcring. Imade . hits to thi1'.I base. Bu)` ton drove them both in with a smart !o1ou!: to deep left, and scored him- iself when Jamicson made an error {on Lynch s d`ri.ve to left eld. Dyer also got on base on pitc`her s error, but was strantlc- with Lynch when |Ki1'kup grounded out. I - .. .. v\1 . .-. . In the seventh s(3ss-1`C.n Plant hit to centre ewlzl, but was out at .sec.on-c on Em~.m;~: e1 choice. Fnnmrs got to second on a balk by Dunn. Dob-~ son flied out, but Emms scored wher: B`u`r ton singvleal to left. "neld. Burton stole second and Lynch drew the only walk of the _2`an1e, hut Dyer flied om Ito Ha.nce_\'. Ken. McKenzie, who rev placed l{i1'kup in the fth i'rz1n1e,, smote the bull far into 1'i;:h c field for it trviple in the eigrh-th when he `.v- rst to bat. 'l`hc- n__ext man ied cu`, but McKenzie c1`r.<. t'.he plate when Amhie 'I`homp.~`on doubled to deep centre. l`hom]>.'~ron. u.'~"1~'-1:: pncx ju.l_2'- ment, {lot out trying: to make t.`h"1'd. `when Plant hit. 21 m'oun to Dumu. ;Emm_s {rat :1 scratch hit, a(lvancir.L:'.': Pf:mt_, but Dobaon ground-e.d out; see retvire the side. ` With o.'ne down on the initiu? nose- (Continvued on page`. :;it.'.1l1t. ` .- (Continued on Daze ve) Eight Pages Police Magist1'a.te Hewson sent] notice of the commitment of a Pene- bang` boy to an innltlstrial :~Vcl1mol. I n'*`._. tum... .. ru... ...1!. 1'\,\.....&