Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jun 1927, p. 5

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,,__, -.. ...., ;.\.v\A.A\.\Io I Mr. J. D. Milne of the spam! C-ommittee submitted the fo1Lowin_:i ~- 3-ist 0-f 1'aces.t.o be run off in A::ricuI- , t.ura.1 Park in the a`f'tm'nr=on: Boys~-i 50 _va1`(Ius. for boys umlm' the a;1'.'>.~`3 nf-`R '7 Q n 1n .....1 11.., - ' `( Continued from page one) I It was reported that severall ch-urch o1-ganizaations had been inquir- , ing as to booths at the pu1*k':<. The[ committee decided to sclll conces-l C ;nh:` 1,...,.....,.. sun. u,auau.xam-ua u1u:1'c._ -Chairman R. A. Stephens presid- ed over the meeting, at which Dr. JJibt:1e~, Gordxon Reeve, A. W. Smith and Sanitary Inspector Bowman were present. PLANS coM15LE'1'ED FOR CELEBRATION] mu,-L AA|n1\ Au mu: \xImu1I1UuU11l).', WzLf_f,7Ul]L':". Sanitary Inspector John Bowman was given ho1idzLys on June 13 and 14 in order to accompany Dr. Little to the He-a1]-th Conxgvress in Tomonrto,' and inspect certain pazsteurizativon pllanits and restauran-1:5 bhere._ fV1............x.._ (`IL ...... ...- .. 1IA\.\,(Auul\JAI u;.;aum\. \._\;mu1u. 'Dhe S21-nit;an'_v Inspect-or was also insbrudtevd to make sure that local dIa.i1'ymen have clean coverings for their milk in the c1Ii.stnibutin~g` wugtons. ..\......~...u-nu. lzecullvo, vuwu ..V.. I consumers were at the mercy of the farrners, declzxretl the It was decided to test water from the welLs of all farmers selling milk in town :1 precaution a_Q'ainst typ~h`oid. I rm q..r.:+..,...x. TV|A`I'\I~.1u`r\\~ ..._- -a_- -.-_, \ld. ..,...w ..m. AV- Another matterr (liscussetl was the! w:l1olesale sale of milk to local duh-ie.:~' ` by fa1'n'1e1-s in the cou`nt1'_V \Vl1OSCl premises were never inspected by the l Boa:-`(I of Healtih. If the local dairieszl had not;n plants, town` ;1,, `II t'\ n v. 9..........-.,. ,1...J...._.v (Continued from page one) hhe owners makng a hobby of selling milk to a few neigibors. Thes'e dairies. It was all right for people to sell milk as Ion):-: as they `complied with all the 1`C`, ,`Ll1`ZlbiOIl\S as to sanitatzion. It was remarkablo that Barrie had 15 (lal1l(`S, while the ` places usually escape.d notice as, l City of Toronto had only 20. I A 1 . BOARD .OF HEALTH T0 ENFORCE BY-LAW THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 19.27. Ghii-ld~ren' Protection Act, made last week, Police Magristrate Compton Jes of Barrie was (le.sig'nateil as a J1uli_2'e under the meaning` of that act with authority to try as a Judge all juvenile oases witlliin ithe Couity. Fiorty-eigrht Magistrates throughout the province were, by the same pro- clamation, elevated "to the position 0-! Jwlgre wnrl-er that Act. Only three of the seven Magistrates in Simcoe County were miarle Jutlges. The j1l17lS(llCtlOT1 of the new Jud-ires over- :lu:ms so as to facilitate the work of the Juvenile Courts. Mazristrate W A. Hogg of Collingwood 'hs:1S juris- diction as Judge over Grey and Sims cm, and l I-agistbrate H. Gave: or! Coaldlwnter has jnrisdidiion over Musvlaokcn and By a new proclamation of t1 y;. be exac cL\' ` Or. 'I`hm'sduy even-in: therro win] ho n pubdiic meeting, with special mu.~1iu by St. Arnd-*ro.'w s Choir and ndu`lx;r~.\w,-.u by Rev. J. .3. Shortn. and law. I"). C. MuDom;u1d of India. I The thrirrtoc-nvth annual meetim: of the Barrie Prcnlwyterial W.M.S. of the Prcsb_vrteria.n Church in Canada will be held in St. Amlrcw s Church, Barrie. on 'D}u11's and Frid-ay, Juno 91111 and 10th. I The p1'o_2`raimme O-I)(}11C(i with a `ne We:I:c=cm"1e Chorus wvituh music ifrom the Giho-sts of Hilo by P. Blsiss. Cecilia Dunn and ;\'vo1-21 He-p- gpleston abrly took the (lruet part in ,the chorus. A number that was re- -CCl.\'(.`(l with e;~'pec~ia>l-l_V hear-t._v ap- plause was 21 (lainty buttery (lance I"})m'fo1~med by seven _2'ir1s with :1 F`_e'i'ez1t deal of g`rz1ce and poise. Tin `5:"i1`I;< were Mary Birchard, Dt-Etta Hammer, C'z1t1l1e1'ine Devlin, Do1'c't`l1._\' Smith, Genevieve Crosslanrl, Grace Carousa and Mary Buc-k]~e_V. '1`h(.- (.`.\'(,'l`i.'~'O was Z1CCOD1,'[)1niO(i- by Rita r(`:'o.=:~=lan(l. 1\`Iiss Florence Sezulion ;charmerl with two solos, A China 'Tl'ELf. .`C(i~_V and His Little Teddy Bear. , The remaiinder of the p1'og'ra.mn1e consisted of piano selections. Credit- able perform:a.nces wen-e given by all ithe pupils accordvin.,e; to their pro- ,rrrgess, and u-nder such cnircumsbances it wouvid be`m.oste chifI' to make comparisons. Fioliowving are the numbers given: Minuet, Ernest and Penry Ryan; Song of the Spin- ning Wheel, Genevieve Crosslandi; A Curious Story, Mary Buckley; `"I`ihe Merry Peasant, Riita Moore; La Oapric1'euse, 1st piano, Dorortmv Doyle and Aileen McOomkey, 2nd piano, Daisy `M-eekums and Nor ) Heppleston; D0111 Dance, Grace Caru-so; Eln Dance, I(il3. Rose; '"I".he Sea Gull, Agnes Deviin; Time Fountain, Dorothy Doyle; San Remo, Berthia Irwin; A Winter- Frolic, Mary C-avanagth and Lililrian Hznskett; Shower of Stars, Riita Crossland; Devuxieme Miazurk-a, Victor Rivard; So11u1bert s Improm- ptu Op. 142, No. 2, Et1h'O`1 Gross- laml; Rustic of Spring, Cafoherine Byrne; If I Were 21 Bird, Rita Brennan; Minuet A L Amt1ico, lat pxiano, Catzherine Byrne, 2nd piano, Ethel Crossland. . \/L voonuuu. Members of the chorus, apart f1-cm the soloists given above, were: Phoebe Seadson, Winnifred Potts, Roberta Smitih, Olvive Quinlan, Eva Send-on, Edna Scanlan, Dorothy Price, Lulu Prot. Joseyih Caruso, Jo>hn Buckley, Reginald Wright, Patrick M`c.B1'ile and Frank Devlin. :`%RECITAL OF ST. JOSEPH S . PUPILS FILLS PARISH HALL u ; St. .\I:11'_\"s Pz11`i.<.:h Hall was lled U0 capaclity on Tl1C*S(lsZ1_\' evening ;when the ])l1:]')'i1S of the Sisters of St`. ,JosepJ1 s Convent gave a Imusric recital. The entire p1-o_2'1-am} jwas pleasing" and the audoience 1'e;z'is- ftered tlheir am)1'o\*a1 of the va1'ioL1s ?p1-e.'~ne11tz1tio11s in no unce.1'tzu'n man- __._- -..-.~u-nu ;vw\uuAo uuu arc ACO!-DUI` ed in a very real and lasting` way. Mr. Laufcenslager thvougvhjt that he Boys Parlizuments wo-u'1-(1 have some . inuence on the c0vun-try s Parlia- ments in the future. The f-ormer were being ca1'1'.ie(l o`n wi11h1ou't poli- ltical trickery and under Ohristian in- iuencc-'. Wlhen the youth of the `Boys`ts of to-day take I Ulmir place in the Leg'i:slatJive halhs od ' tom;o1'1'ow their influence along sudh ` mines will be felt. | C` `,3 ms were given `Gordon Sarjeani road the sc1~I1 Ifioutts, member !m(,-nt, alsc _sz'a :_-\n_L'US I\'IcT\'z-xbb ; ' qu zu'1:et t cs were Bryson, Stcwa (7:'ai_t:' and Dcug` In his addres- matle a ne plea lh00(1 and World v..._-. L11 ul:| nrn.'UU1 LUZLUIIBF. (Two senior gvinls softball team.\ of the Sunn_v:Ed~e Leagrue, Toronto, in- c111-cline` Lz1ke9i(Le.<-., the best _cri1`] team in the -city, wrihl sbafre an ex- hibition game. A match between two local girls teams and a men's tournament will also be featuretl. .,v_,..- uwuuya aux: uubu upuxtzuetl, at which the boys come in contact wiih ne Oh'1'istian leaders and are reac{h- I r"! :v1 .. ......... _.-..1 -_.v 1 .- BOYS SERVICE AT COLLIER s'r; CHURCH, BARRIE PRESBYTERIAL wI0oum_'Iu.:;:e. Mrs. _Jas. Beyry and Mrs." W\`m. Blfry dnd `tiaugxtcr, !}m(lford.. AM tzhev immediate ily were 5! the funeral. .....;. Ln,-au.;_y uvvn an auulvt: Hl`LL'1'l;'|SL in church aaxilrs, and was a valued `member of Vuasey Methiodlist Ohxuroh. She is surwived by seven ons and four dnaugihters, Sherman, Henry, Al- bert, Peter and` Mrs. Rtobt. Scarlett of Midtlsamd, Stwart of Vasey, Sidrney of Petenbroro, Mrs. S. H. Brown of Toronto, Mrs. A. Dunwlrop of Victoria Harbor, Mrs J. F. Bowles and Ira Benlfry of Ba.rrie. There` are also two sisters, Mm. Denn-is of Toronto and Mrs. Edywin Smith of Urtopia; 31 g:r,r;vand ahilrdren and 5 great '1.-`2'z1n The funeral took place on Sumluzty to Vasey United Church, conyductecl by Rev. J. J Bllmak. Vasey Ceme- tery, where interment was m:ad`c, was ori5.;vinval`1,\' part of Mr. Belfry s farm. The pa`11~-bearers were the sons, ex- cepfbing` Albert. 7T\L_.... -J.A.A._J_'__ _. 11 A - - \.\.,:-v-uh ...-J; v Dho~se attenthingr the funeral from :1 cluismance were Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belfry and Mr. and Mrs. Parnum Belfry, To- ronto; Mrs. Walter Manfuke, Miss Bclla Sampson, Mrs. Fred Newman, Mrs. H. Bmownyard and Mr. and Mrs. Emonrl, Bu'a:o; Mr. and Mrs. B11rg'css, Cnnninxrton; Mr. S. Belfry, \V1oo(lb;'id:e. Mrs.' J\as. Beyry M... Wm.` mxu.-.; -'..,: .I.-.....1..a._._ at Cartwirigiht. Sh-orty after, the famiy moved to Anigus, and there the deceased lived umt:i'l miarriage sixty years ago to Peter Be~1fry, who was one of the pioneers of Tray. Atel` he'r marxxiage Mrs. Bealfrry` `.....-......- v . uux. van, op-uuunugi msoved to to live wiitxh her husband, and residedi bhvere unrtil 14 years ago, when they retired to Mid V-.n.| NIH I).-JH`.... ..._....1..._-___,I 1 __,i _........ ....,,u, vvuL.u uuc_y xcuuan nu uuiu- Tantl. M1`. Be'1f1'y p:`e(Bec-ezlsed her six`.o, and since that time she had lived Wiiih members of her family. She had` lived in B>a, since Last fa11 ].. During` her lifetime Mrs. Be!1ifry book an active intereusi .'.. ...L.......L ..a.-..:.__ -, M-.. ..-w..,.. v.. ...v ..u_. UJ. 1n:1, ucauu. Mrs. Bcfry, whose maiden name was Letitia Love`, was born in Ire- land, but came to Canada with her parents when one year old,]~inig no r`4x\-4~uvn-inli-:.+ QL....A... ..r4.,... LL- mu. ou.uu;. 'ITnere vwill also be` a farmers race of 100 _va1rl1s, open to farmers and farm lmellp conrtin-uously on 3' farm for two months pnior and up to Jwly list, with prizes of $3 and $2; a fa-mnclrs daugflwtors race of 50 yards, with prizes crf 552 and $1; ob- '.bzwl~e race, ;o,pen, of 100 yrardas, with prizes of $3 and $2. The following` jumps will be shuretlz Runninyr Jump, junior, $3 and $1.50; intennc-dxiato, $4 and $2; senior, $5 and $3. Pole Vault?- Junuior, $3 and $1.50; inte2'mediate., S4 and $2; senior, $5 and $3. Mn rvnnfn`:e+on+ m.1.`l I..- ..`1.1-..--.I L4 Seized with a stroke, there (lied vm`_\ :~:'u at the home of her lvl:xu_:hte1', Mrs. J. F. Bowles, 40 Elizabeth St., on F.1~i May 271111, Mrs. Peter Belfry, agerl 76 years. The late Mrs. Belfry had not been ill. She attemled chu~1'ch twice the Sumliay previous, gtoiiig to Central and Collier St. United Cilmurcies in morneing` and evening`, and rose in giciod healtlh on the (hay of her dreatih. `.\/Y... D,t`.... ....1.....- ._-._:,1_._ ,,_,._, -wu..._. .,._..\,.., lV:als0 in G Flat, Miss Eileen Arm- st1'on_Q'; Dan-cc of the Deve1~.i`shcs, Miss Blary Jolmston; Et-11(lC (lo Con- cert, Mia; Muriel Bryson; R.oml.o Cznpricciosi, Miss Elsie Clougthlny; Minuet, Miss Au Clifton, ]Di1nsn Nev_2*1`c, M-1`. Harold B1'_v.=:rm., .....~...,.. .,.,....., ........., V1,. .,-, mu. 1, 1st piano, Mr. Harolcl Brylson, 2nd piano, Miiss Bryson; 'Dhe DoII s Di1'eznm, Miss Doris Barrorn; Happy M Miiss Phy!1lis Smith; The Fairy Pipers, Miss Ilene Fell; Poupee Vaihs-ante, Miss 1VIarg'a1`et Martin; Grand Duo, piano, M1- Frunk Shannon, or_;*an, Miss Bryson; Etiutle on the Black Keys, Miss En-ill Pm~t11id=g`e; C-antique A1'm- our, I\'Irs. Vernon Hook; Ballade in A Flat," Mviss Dortmhy Scott; Bai- Iatn, Mi..;~'es Mary Johnston, Marion Scott and Eileen .-\rn1st1`on_e'; Second Mzizm'k:1, Miss D01`oth_\' B1'_\'c u\7.`Ir.,. 3.. n `I'l-4.n lift, 1711.. \...._ L\I .u-cunucuu.3 no, . \JLk_\ up. Amon_<._,-' the numbers of which the audience was mucsd; apprec-iative was Dui-and s Grand Duo with Frank Shannon on the piano and Miss Biry- son on the organ. A twoapiamo sel- ection of Bra'}1ms , played by Miss Bryson and Harold Brylsorn, was also well received. Man_V of the irndivvid- wal numbens were rendered ten:ar_k- aby well, and it was clvifcuit to chsaose between the. 'I1he progmamme was as olmows : I`he Biuizzing Bumble Bee, Mvas- . ter Hiarry Young ; Danse Vciy1I1age- ` oifse, Mnaasiter Bert Fell-1; L Av'~a1- ' andhe, Miss Ruth Smi-1VJ_h; Danse Gvazieuse, Miss Jean Bebb; 'Iihe Eaiimy Wedtd%ing', Mvaster Roy Kig11rt- Icy; FroI1rics, Moiss Norma Poucherr; Song: of the Lark, Miss V-eilima Oha.pman; Cascade dveis Roses, Miss 5 Marion Scoitt; Waitz, Op. 52, Nm. ` 1 Y! 1,.I- .~3...... 1|/Tu 1',`l ........I.I 11....-- M1`. Harry Barron assisterl in the p1'r-2'1'a1mnc with four vocal numbers. He '21: heart! to good a:lv.1nt`age in Blow, Blow, Thou Wintry W'ind (S:u`je-anvt), In Sheltered Vale (D A1quen), Lorraine, Lorraine, L01-co (Cape1), and On the Road to M-amlIa`]:1_v (O1c_\" Speaks). LI A.__...._.. ._ .._.......LA..,_ -1: _._L!A`L LL- ..u....u.n.-. -... ..v..u..-.. I4.../.\,.1,.....v..b, from Uhe young:es"t to the most ad- vanced, g~ave ne account of them- selves. ' 11` TV 1-. . . . . .. Can-tmal Unritd Church was lled on 'IThvursd'ay evening` of last week when pupils of Miss Jessie Bxryson gjave a piano recital of vevy hE_.n;h order. An excellent p\rog'ramme of twent_v-se\'en numbers was presen-b- ezl. N10 .=e1'eet.i-crnvs were well ar- 1'anv,9.'ed, so that the audience was never wearied ohroug1]moL1t the per- i`r"o2-mance. All those pa1'tieipati,11g', 4' .... .- 4.1., .... ..,....,..L L- LL- .....A. ...l "FINE. RECITAL GIVEN BY PUPILS OF MISS BIRYSON MRS. PETER BELFRY The Northern Advance V. unnu qty, au\:nI\.M, -pd 2LIl'U. -)6. No contestant wilil be IEUIJIOOWCCI to win more than two prizes. Each must susbmrit an ace certicate from his or her school teacher. , , an n . - .u. . ;--uuvvvuag . IOn marching into the churdhl, Ovenden and Allandale Companies mid the Boy Scouts presented thaix cqlours to the minister, Rev. A. R. B(`:ve1*]\f, at the ahtnr. Tdxe h`(31'i'iC n...+ ;,\.1,.......u ..__- u.--..:_-L- n \ .....y:y, uu mu: AHLU l1Ul'V'lCC f5;1lowcd_.w:ns banudziftnd, Rev, Mr. Hioldmm preached u qynxopvjabo and inupinc lemma. Barrie Girl Guides, Brownies and Boy Scouts to the number of one liundrred and fty held heir aninuual church parade to Trinity Anglican Church last Surndiay m-ormingx Tlhe girls lined up on Collrier St. in their smart: uniforms before the service, and were reviewed by the C'onrmn:is- sinner, Mrs. Stewvariz, assniste by Staff Captain Miss Nellie Clhannen. The companies on paraxlle and oicers in charge were as follows : Ove-nden Colluege, M-iszs Miriam Belfl; Trinuity G.uirlc~s, Miss A. Anderson and Miss Freyda Bird; 'I`*ri1nity Brownies, Miss Wila Jebb; Town Guides, Maiss Vic- toria Stran_o,'e and Miss Margaret S11It'l1C1`l*an(l; A-llamlgtlo Guides, Mrs. A. E. Patterson and Miss Rita Spearn; A1an(lvn'le Brownies, Misses Dora Jay and 'Ilhe1'esa Holden. rm... n-.. c~-__.u__ ,,_,, 1 - uunu uu_v auu L'll'Cll:D1 JLJUHIUII. The Boy Scouts were in change of Mr. Halloway. ' .f\._ ...........L.'._... :.,;_, 1.1 . .- mu. Ah|lV\aL y-uLu tr; uvuuc. 001. M. A. Colqwhoun, C.M.G., D.S.0., Mms. Colquhmm, Capt. Lloyd Colqwhoun, Mliss Ball, Mr. Wyn BaJl>1 and Mss Pesa-1'1 File of Brantord were week end guests of MT. and Mrs. Warren J=o-hnrson for the Ba:p- tist Ohuruh g:o1d~e.n jub-ee. nu _v\...... | Mrs. Dh:os. Beecroft, Barrie, an- nounces tihe en.g\ag'ement o~f his (Iau:g1hter, Ethel Marie, to A1UhJLL1' Robert'S,prouvIe, son of Mrs. Sproume and the late J. T. Sproule, of Do- ronto. The marria.g'e wni-111 take place the latter part of Jrune. I'|..l If A fV_1-._L..,._ /1 `II I` ..t,\,. The c11::z1_:mno1it is announced of Katie, only tlau.L'hite1' of Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Sinclair, Gu`t1hn'ic, to M1`. New- ton Bcsse, ehler son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besse of Gvut]m'<.-, the m.zu'riap;e I to take place quietly the midd'Ie of! June. I up .-. \V -.- . _ __. u u..s.. Mr. C. Norman Kelcr=_v and Miss Gladys O'Neill were successful in passing with honors in their nal year at the Ontario College of Pl1a.1'm'acy. Mr. Jas. Sloan of Cl`l`l.l1`CIl1llll was also successful in his nal year. It nu -1` .. _ 150 ATTEND ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE OF THE GIRL `GUIDES _,.........\,g \lA mu. AJ11uI'au unnununn. Haroltl Smith was Sl.1CCL".~lSfUr] inl pzxssing; his third yc-aw exa.m-'i`natic=n.s? in medicine according` to University of Toronto rcsullts publislhecl Satur- day. Anlllan Ch;1nt1e1' was swccessfu-1 in his second year in Dentyistry Col- loge. m1__ _d,___<,_____,__L - u :- I MAGISTRATE C. JEFFS MADE A JUDGE UNDER CHILDREN'S ACT U\4Jl`l\.\I. UIIL IJLA-]l'UADIo UIAJUIAUU DCIVILCLWI Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelcey and Mr. R. W. Walker were week end 2'ue;~1.ts at the `home of M1`. and Mrs. Chas. Kelcey, Mrs. Kelcey remaining over for the week for the gyolden jubilee of the Baptist Church. I_I'......1 .1 O... 2&1- ..... .. ... 1`..1 `n. uuu .u.u. u. vwuau. Mr. and Mrs. Jvcvhn Pearsall and M1`. and Mrs. Harry McKee of To- ronto spent Sumlway in town and at- tended the Baptist Jwbilee services. N.I .. ..._.1 `run... rI__ 774,, , 1 uulzuuqu uuu\.u\..u. Mrs. R. uF*ilkin, Miss M. Fi1ki11 and Mr. and Mrs. S. B1'idg'~on of 'I`o1'onw`co! spent the week end at `the home of] Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Whan. f v-vur \/Luvylln ! Mrs. P. W. Wetmore of Brzmtord is a gmlest of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tucked` 01` tlhe f. ,`O1'(I'0n jubilee of the Baptist Ohsumh. nr..., 71 1'.1:11,~ 11- xx 1-:-no w ...v. .......-u n\.\.u. `Mrs. W. G. Ross and son Jack Of Sta-yner spent over the week end witih the former vs parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craven. -n vvr 177. n.-. .- I WMrs. (Rev.) J. S. `Short a.ttend.ed the meeting` of the General Council] of the Puresbydsenian W.M.rS. in Wind- sor last week. 1,. ..,- . -.-l ;uL . Ross -2 n . ......._,..\,. vu A.'u.\,.7\I>A_y. ` Geor_g'e Boattde of Cleveland is; spending` a fortn.ig1h1t s Jmo'1n'dIays at his home on Bxwatltord St. 7. 7...... .. .. .. ..! - . ..u.u.wn. Mrs. E. Cun.ning1hz1m `of Toronto is visiting` her sister, Miss C`hara Brown. C`..- .11 CH. .. . u....wu Mr. and Mrs. _Craven and Rev.l Mr. Carscacltlenn visiited -friends at! Stayner -on T-uesduay. v f`,...__..... 1)....4..L:- -1.` r11_._..1...._1 :_. ...., lumua U1 Q1.-JU aunt -Is The gvirs races will the same. nu ..- . - ..,.-.. ,, ..... .` on Small St. ....w.; . Mr. and Mrs. Weeks of Toronto. renewed acquaintallces here overl SumIz1_v. 11... cs (*4 n._.:u, ,p \' 17', 1 - I | Mrs: s. G. Smith of New York is spe1jdi)15.j -the week w'~itd1 her son, G00. 1`. Sm;7Lh. 17 IV . . Arr! vvuxllk. u; u'u_\o xu puxuxxuv mum wuun. Mrs. Ben. -Bartlett of Beamsville is visiting` her mother, Mrs. Alex. Sin- chair. Mm`. Jrclhm Dodd of Aurora visited riendfs here .over Su-nd-ay. Mrs. W. J-ustsin visined at the home of `Mrs. Parks last week end. Miss Kate Stevenson spent a] couple of drays in Toronto this week. 7\.T..-. 1),. D-..L1_1L _r `l")__.___._!1I, 3, PERSONALS Barrie, Wed. Junjg 600 PEOPLE 500 -Ann LIIIDQEC UUU l'K'\Jl'I-cl`. DUU 300 HORSES 300 II ACRES OF TENTS 10 30 CLOWNS 30 Barrie Gas Company Ltd. .,_. ..;4.uu Lu!) LL) :0 _\vau'.~. The follwowingr consolation 1`ac0:< were also plwannc-d for .'-my not win- ning` p1'iz0.< in the rst set: 50 ya)'rI.:<. for boys under 9 years, p1'ize.< of $1!` and 50c; 100 yards ,for boys under` 12, prizes of $1.50 and $1. .'T`.hn nu'uh~ .m,..,\.. ...:n L. N -- 16 Owen }Street. We also have on display Electric Ranges, and will be pleased to give quotations. If you are making any change in your cooking ap- pliances, whothor it be coal, gas, electric, coal oil, etc-., take it up with us. We can make you a fair proposition. One Gurney 5-Burner, with large oven Regular price $36.00. Reduced to $32.00 All the above ranges are absolutely new and guar- anteed to be in 1'st~e1ass order. One 3-Burner Gurney, with shelf and closed. top . . Reduced to $32.00 One Gurney Standard Cabinet Gas Range l'\I11'IIIf\IJ I \J.U.U U`J.J.UJ.C KJIJLUUULLUUIJ \U.\lvl Ll lillsli -VLIAZ} Tc-g11l211' ]n~i(e-0 $125.00. Reduced to $98.50 One 4:-Hole Smoothtop (.<.i'/I0 for z1\`m';1ge fan1.i1_\f Rog'11h11' ]_n"1<-0 $102.50. . Reduced to $89.75 One Gurney Combination (gas and (-0211) Regular p.1'i.c-0 $115.00. Reduced to $95.00 One Gurney White Enamel Cabinet Gas Range ` Reduced to $65.00 As we must have the oor space for the ,season s new stock `of Gas Ranges, the following will be sold at reduced prices :` One 6-Hole Smoothtop (extra large size) 1)`,......1.... mu.-: nn -D,., 4.,` @092 an Are You Making a Change in Your Cooking Appiiance? The R0375! Bank- 9.CaaF_1_a_ j jvvwtvw tw BARRIE - - I. R. Diet, Manager THORNTON BRANCH - - M. C. Wigle. Manage: an ,_ _........... .\.. .,.,`. umun mu: cL : of G. 7, 8, 9. 10 and 11yea1's. prizc-sf of $1 and 50c in c=ac!h; 100 y:u' for boys undc-1' 12, 1.3. 14, 15, 16% and 18 "_voa1':<, prizes of 81.50 am}! 31 in rswh race up to 14 _\ var.<. :1nrI' S2 and $1.50 up to 18 _\`e:u';~:. I V111,, 0,11 ' Two sused Coal Ranges must also be .sold 60 QAERIALISTS 60 5 BAND! 30 RIDERS 30 3 RINGS 3 ' ~ 60 ACROBATS 80 ` 2 STAGE: -2 HERDS OF ELEPHANTS 2 i .n.vuu.a. v neducei to $49.75 BANDS `5 STAGES I . EDIJAKITE 9' Phone 78. Page Five` - cuuuo. I Mr. Rodmey Wa(1.swo2`tJ1 presented the report of the Aqu-aties Commit- tee, OU-t1'iT1:1-I1_2'ytIhO folrloxvim: events for t he fc1`(-noon p1-o`2'ramme: two sai'lin_9: races with 1~l~ft. and 16'-ft. 1'ing'hys; sin_L`-1e canoe races for men. ladies, and boys rmd g`i1'Is under 15 years; mixed tandem canoe 1'ace;' crab race; open s\vin1min.r_~' 1~nee;< fm : men and Iazluie-3, and for boys" and: ;_-.vi1-Ivs under 14 _vea1's. Twent_\'-four`! cups are being` ordered at :1 not cost; of $77.50. Rcpes and buoys and a raft for the swimming` course have; also to be secured. 11".. `r n my-. - r- - i I I F I i 1

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