Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jun 1927, p. 4

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Customs receipts in Barrie for the -month of May set up am,t:l)er new record for :1 single month in thr- locznl National Revenue Ofllce. Col lections amoumed to $16,009.39 in duty and taxes on Emports, and $1,996.19 excise taxes, nmking a total of $18,005.58. In May of 1926 the total collections we)-e only $5,295. Goods valued at $89,149 passed through the local port last month, of which $51,497 worth were d~utia.ble. In May. 1926, the goods pamed hhmugh toballed $35,580 in value. The increase 16 resrardeal as gn indjmtaiun of increasing `rqadc. 8TH LINE, INNISFIL JVUNL vDlLll-(.|E|_Y IVY. wdo preach. THE ADVEETISEMENHXS. .3 yards, .2 yards, $1.00 .4 yards, .3 yards, .3 yards, 1 _sh'ip({. .4 yards, $1.00 6 yards, .$1.00 yard rards, $1.00 rairds, $1.00 -ILIN-All-' VIIL l\UCl'\ Cllll VVIUII [I13 }&1XL'llll3~ Miss Joan Jeffrey and Master Ed. I Je'1'e}' of .\Iidl.and are 11c1id.a_V'ing with their aunt, Miss Belle Neelands. NT ....,1 NJ -.- TIT`... IV.____._ .1.` TI, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 blurs In O1'i.l:1*i:1 Rev. Mr. Shortt preacrh- od Solos were rendered by Mrs. E. Hardy, Miss Ozmharine Ross and Mrs. ` C. R. An`d`e1-son. Duets were sung by Mrs. Geo. Brown and Miss Hazel M and Messrs. Harry Shannon and Emory Hill. Am amahem was sung and a selection given by the male qunmtette composed of Mean-s T. Wd.1:1i.ams, G. C. Brown, Wdce and G. W. Jackson. uuu. yuuvuo -All um 4Lu\|L no uunwlull dhadrs had to be used in the aisles to zrcconmwdiate the congregvatio-n Dr. Denmia Mason preadhed a power- ful sermon. and the Oril-lia. choir. under the direction of J. D. Gordian, -rendiored three ne an:t.]1e1ns. A solo; Conider the Lilies, was sung by Mr. A. '.l`. Owl-d.weLl. Mr. Gordon : organ offertoire, prelude and post- ]ud`e were much appreciated. -Barnie and Orima P1'esbyte1'~ia.n| Churches exchanged ministers and choirs on Sunday evening, and the popwharity of the novel gesture of fniendxsihip was attested by the large crowds that lled the churches ir each place. In St. Andrw s Church .JL..Z.... LAJ L- L- ...._.I 2.. LL- ..__ ICROWDS ATTEND CHURCH V WHEN CHOIRS EXCHANGE Men s Trousers ..$2.00 Good Value, sizes 36- 42. Boys Cottonade Bloom- ers . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 Sizes 26 to 35. 5 Youths Suits . .$3.99 Good Wearing suits, long trousers, size 34. 4 Bloomer Suits .. .$3.99 Sizes 34 and 35. Boys Khaki Coveralls, 3-8 years . . . . . .$1.00 Boys Khaki Play Suits 0 (2 ...,..`..,. Q1. nn ""3".E EZ{{?`.T.."`. .i7.b"6 .4 6 pair Boys Boots, size 11 Boys Boots, cushion solo, 1-5 Men s Merino Work Sox . . . . . Men s Mercerized Cotton Sox . Mcn s Cotton Sox . . . . . . . . . . . i\'Iiss Ma1`g`a1`e.t McKinley of To-| route is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. W. Green. v-rr _ Successors to J. Sutcliffe & Sons .-.....3pa,ir, $1.00 tton . . . . ..3 pair, $1.00 . . . . ..4 pair, $1.00 Men s i31ue Chambray Work Shirts . . . . . . .$1.00 Lztrgc sized bodies, sizes . LL `[0 1.7;`. Men s Balbriggan Com- " binations, 36-44 . .$1.00 Men s Four-in-Hand Silk Ties . . . . . for $1.00 VVe b0ug11`r. 1`h.c-so '31; a special c1nzu'ing price. Men s Fine Shi1'ts'.;$:1 ;,00p Stripes and plain pat- terns, sizes 141 to 17} vvvvnxu I-Al I-IA'AA\4l W 1:11`. W. D.ooL{:at1e- of A-therley oall- ed on Mr. and Mrs. H. Iiodges on the lmoidlay. Mr. and Mrs. Gardlfner of Toronto spent the week end in East Ono. ml..- T..- ur..n ,...nN: ._ ..-._u.:_--._ lurvuuv \ul\. vvuuu \.u.u. un. J..lLlb)U unvu. Maws. Jas. Wall called On rea.1~tive's [here over the week end. .. nr I11 /1 an. a.- I `""""' Mrs. W. Ki1'kpatn'ick is visiting for two weeks in Barrie. nr 11? vs 1-... n 1.1 1 n vv\.L mu. uuuu v..u-u. -Ma . and Mrs. Ooe of Dei:1~oit is visiting Mr. _and Mrs. HoL1y for a. few days. ll ..- T11 T.'2._I_.._L_.f -1. 1.. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1.927. .,....m.,. ;\I'i.=.: Bertha Orchard of I Beach, C2LI`iforn`ia, is visiting: 3161' siste1'.=. 4.. q. .. -- __ . 2 pail`; Y , mrnsvms sum-:n cows .$6.0o .$1.oo .$1.oo .$1.oo .$1.oo .$1.oo .$1.0o . $1.00 The .<.3'~mpat.hy of the community ds otctenrled to Mrs. Johnston Black in the loss of her brother, M1`. Jcohin Robins, who died at the home of his clau.-Lrhter, Mrs. Kirk, of Winnipeg. mm. ..........1 ,..........-.. ...-A`:_,. _: DIR: Cl uy. Mrs. E. H. Ness has returned to the city after visiuting with her sis- ters here. `r 1 1r,,._ 1*1`,.__-_.. "l\L...w.m.~.nn |4t.'l"3 HUI U. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson `and (laughter Liihlian and other fniemls of I`=]1omnto11 caluletl on Mrs. Goo. Hunter on Sunday. Mrs. Robt McCull.oug`h cf Toronto is the _2110st of her sister, Mlrs. A ngufrs Wa.1'ni ca. Mrs. (Dix) Bowman of Dulluth is visiting` with her fznbher, Mr. A. C. JlJJl\.lllK1lll'\Jh Mr. Fred` Green spemt Mm1d'a_V in Tonomto. u wur 1-1 1 Ir_L,_I4-, -_.,I .x u. \JlCC|l- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (121u,<;'hters` of 'Dhornt.on the Iattr:1"s father, Mr. lace, on Sunday. \,l :-~. 1')....4.1_.. r\.__-1,___,1 1AAA5uz.'u ( visiti ns; ` Wm Inc 0. VV lH1'lll'K'. M1`. and Mrs. Chester McConkey and son Donald of Ori1.lsiv. called on Mrs. E. '1`. McConkey on Monday. M-1-. and Mrs. G. R. HIzu'pe1', ac- ccmpzmiecl by Mr. and Mrs.- A. E. Page and rlz1.u_21htor Elsie of Barrie, spent Sun~d4a.`_v \VitJh the 1-atte1"s cousin, Mr. and Mrrs. L. Verdun, in Toronto. sr 1 1 1\,,._A_:__,.. -__l `IUl'.:.... \l . v.,v. Rev. Jas. Brown preached at Big Bay Point last Sunday evening. `Next Sunday he wil'I take for his text at the Umited Ghu-ro'h 'Uhe wo- -man w7nom Jesus said not to forget. TTIna onna.wn.-.-....y ............... .._1_ :41. A vuvumu. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metcaxlfe and i'm'Lend1s of Toronto vvisiited with the former s unce, Mr. John Meitcal-fe, an Sunday. Mrs. Chas. McConkey and (laugh- ter Masry were the guests of Mrs. E. `l'I\ nun VAAKAA uuum, AVA.lL)V LJKJIJC -v(:L'xcu|ua. Mr. and Mr". Wm. Cowzm of Bar- rie visn't.c xvith friends here on Sun- day. ' Q 1. V1. Uuuu. Mrs. Donald Banting` and Miss Belxle Neelnandus spent the week end with `choir sister, Mrrs. Ed. Jeffrey, in lVLid.a.nd. m n , 4 II'__, I.,.__ :_ u-\,; mu. n\.\.l\ gnu. Misses Lillian and Marion Reid of `Boron-to visited with their parents 9vc1' the week end. 1: 11;:-. 1 u- . -- mu. n pun xu.u. Mrs. VV>hitne_V and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Subheaml and friend of Inglewood were the guests of Mr. `and Mrs. R. A. Sutlherland on Sun- day. "MY" 4,, I `I I`! `V E\Ir. and Mrs. Geo. Youngspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson at Thornton. ML. rV1_.._ 11'- ..-.,! -V m .. .....v......._, \lV\.L ....y ..-.,.. _Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Page, M31-. Johm Rage, Mrs. Holmes, Miss Mabel Holmes and Mr. Ryan of 'I' were Sumhay visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leonard s. u-. .v. Miss Be'a.t1'oie Fraser cf Knock was the guest of Mrs. S. J. Re_vno1d's over the week end. -nr- 1--n- 1 yr - us -. .- A n4\.rAAul)\.`U|| av LVIIUL uuuu. M1'.Chz1s. Marquis of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. \rf=-.~ Tm... 'r,.n:..,... ....,1 `rI\1`r\ 11.: z vuu. u.uu.y vvvnu mu. 6`u.\.b.)u\2 V4. 511:-Jo A T. Moconkey over the week end. `PIKE. .......! `||',..... T`.._.... 1)-- If lauuulu (UV LIVUIL DUI W151- 'IThe boys baseball team journeyed to Camp Borden Last Thursrl-ay oven- inp: and pluayed the first ;:came of the season, Stroud winninp: by 3. score of 16 to 6. On Fnirhay e'ven.'ing of this week he Allanrlale t,(;-am will play here. . 1 .. .. - STROUD Boake visited ; A Long : with i -.-..--, LVL .. 1\4VV ....._,.. Iwli.`-IS 'I.`h(.-."lrma M-uir, who has been at her `home hm-r:, has returned to Toronto. . `\IA ....v.,. Rev. Popr: will take c.hw~p:e of the service Sunday evening, June 5th, at 7 p.m., at the Union Church. 'l`w-nty uniftrnn are br.-my,` wrd'm'ed this wm-k for tho mjuvfenatcxl Barrie Ci1;i7.-m4 Hnrul. 'l`hr- camqmiprn to se- cura: 7.800 for unifonm: met partial :nmm-m, $525 being rezulrized. A few Hljhguzriptiml liszts. are not yet r4s burn- (I ll ` 'l`iw |'.n_v:-'.' Bzuul hm: bu-n (-mc:w.{e(l 1 by Lhrz Nm1i}u-rn ()n1.nrio divisions to 1 play at t"hI- Hmrly Sm-4i(~t.y Iaxliy , in 'l`oron.t,o on Suntmy. June 12th. ; 1 1 Thv: imncl is givinyc its snrvices gmtis for Bzwriu-'H .'Iubilm~ Cw]:-iprati,on on July I, 2 and 3. I1. is en.p,'aged to'] play at Owon Snunvi on July 4 and , 5 for tzhzxt city s Old Home Wee-k cc] ebmti c'n. `nu. uuu u.;u. .;uuuu. uuynsovu uuu daughter Mary of Toronto, also Mrs. S. Hogu: of Hzwclock spent Stmdsay with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McOra.cke'n. Rev. Price condnucxted his farewesll service on Sund~ay, May 291111. Mns. Rouse of Minesing; is visiting Midihmrrst friend-s. Mrs. Framkin of Aldston is stop- ping with her (lauagvhrter, Mrs. Jas. Pxerice, for a few days. 'IK.:r.. 'YVL,v'I....... I:I'..!.. __L , `L- _ L _ , ,, I$he rst baseball game of the sen-I son takes place here next Wedmmday afternoon 'when Ivy meets Barrie in _hve South Simeoe curtm'n-misar. l .n.... A nu.mb0_r of the mumbers of Minerva Lodge, A.F. & A.M., want to Cooksbown on Tumday evening for the official visit of the D.D.G.M. y.ux.uu.z uv; mu. vv\.\.L\ \.uu. Mrs. McC1'a.oken and dlaughter of Toronto and Mrs. Johnston and daugfhter Betty of Glasgow, Scot- land, are visiting` with their sister, Mrs. Robt. Wa~1'm'ca. M-isss Rae and M`a,1ttJh.:1 Campbel and May Armour of 'Dononto' we're week end vrisitors wih Mr. and Mrs. CoLin Campbc`I`l. Large cnowds atitended he amni- \re1":`:L1'y . :C`l"~'iCOS in the I`-aptrlrzt Ohrurrch on Sunday. Miss Estelle Pc-a1'sa;11 - spent the week om! under the parental roof. x,r.. 17 at rv....1A.. .....- .'.. "r`......m$.\ uuu.u I 1 Miss Eileen Cousins of Tcrronto `spent the Week end with Rev. A. D. and Cousins. Mrs. J. Templeton and daughter Betty of Cookstown spent the week end with Mrs. Geo. Arnold. Mr. R. O. Hurst visited witli his parents over the week end. If`... '!:I .\('L....Jl..\... ......) .).......a1_L-.. -5 \\\.'x:r\ run uuug; mu. `uw|.\.|IucuI .vu;. -Mr. H. M. Covuter was in Torncrto last week. He also attemlved the or~ dnination of Rev. NI)`. D`icks:on, a class mate at P1-inccton S0minzn'_v. M1`. and Mrs. Dickson are g'o`in_<.'.` to serve under the C:1nadriz1n P1'esb_vte')'- ian Church in Fo1`mos:1. n .1 _,L ,. I, I 1,. 1!- Iuu u.....u.. . S}m1pat.h_v is oxtmulvctl to 1\I1:.<. (Rev.) A. I. Fin1z1_\":~xon in the (IL-M111 of hm` sister. vv!11uinh occvurrod at Ot- tawa last Sa.tu1'dz1y. ..-4. ..uu- .1 am 771! |-u; u ;\.u um...) unuu vI\,\.A\- Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Cousins were -in Toronto attond'in_2' the weddin_9,` of his son, Mr. Harold Cousins, of Mon- itroal, to Miss Lillian Bennett of To- jronto, which took place on June 1512. Eli... T f..11..,\..-l- -...... J... 1'\,........4.-X vnAA.1 -v \.\.|x. f Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family ;and Miss Blythe of M1'nesin.g' spent Wcd`nesda_v with Mr. and Mrs. John- gston. -:1-1 /I - ll rt` Lu W numb uu uu L uu_v . The concert holul in the Town Hall on Mon (\vonin_2`, May 2311], was a decided success. On account. of the veugv wet 11ig']m'. the crowd was not very lax-_2'e, bui the p1'o~g1'am1ne given by the _\`o`ung` people of Howie Setblemc-nt was well worth hez11wi~ng'. A-11 he members acquitted them- selves very o1'o.(1ui`oa1)1,v. `Ill ... TIT...` I"...-...-'L..11 1.. 3.4 "`Auuo\>0~`lt\ ;vAAvu, nu-uu vvvln yu,u.. uu v\AAA\. ;.,-ml ` Miss J. Culbert was in Toronto! !this week. uz v -u.- 1: -u 1 . -1 `VJ.-I-&` -IQ-IKJJ I-V \4I H. E. Teasdale, wife and two daug1hte1's of Aurora visited at J. Youn-g s on Sunday. I 1ur:.... 'r.-..u1_.1..-.. 17|1..L..1..... -4.` rn.....\...L.. CUSTOMS RECEIPTS FOR MAY BREAK ALL BARRIE RECORDS` l u-u._y . y Welcome Home, Jimmy will boi given by Hillsdale _\`oun5: people in: [the O1`an_2'e Hall on We(Inesd`a_V, June 8th. Mrs. Geo. Arnold was in Toronto for a few days this week. 11... A `h __ 1 If..- r1-_.._:___ ____., (uL -uvu--gun uu ;ux..~uu_. J W. Hwic1oIn.2' and wife of Allen- wod visited at J. Ch:Lppcl :< on Sun-_ day. ; (([Y,I_-._.4 1 Y,...-.. T3 _._211 1... vuau..auung:, am up; lIlVAIA\,- J. W. 01'c~ha1'd is conned to txhe house th1* ilnlnoss. `D ... `M! `Dub... ....J &`......31.. 1.04 An. \_uuA\.II. un nuns unnuw Nfrs. '1`. C1'awo1'd, Mrs. D. C:m1p- be1:l. Mrs. Twin Johnston and Miss J. Foystton attended the (li. mogtin,g' of the C. Simcoe VV-omen : Institute at Eivnwzilo on 'I`uc.=dwa_\'. uv ~:v- 11 In in nu I Juvuu-5 u uu. -uuuu-uv. r1\/Lisa Kahzleen F:'1etc:he1' of Tovonmo is -holIidJa_\inp: at J. W. O1'c h.a1*d s. `MI'..... 24 'lI\....-1.2.1. 1...- 1..-.Lnp.....\,l l-'....-`Mn CAIV ... ....,........,. Mrs. S. F1'a`1:ick ulms retwrned from he R.V. Hospital, Bawie, where she Iundwzrwonrt an operation, and is con- vamescing at her home. .T T f\....`l.....,l 1- .......l1.....l L.` (La unv I-4u\., \l u_.,-u. ..v...i_4.\;. N Rev. M. Price and famiiiy left for their new eld of labor at Coboconk on Mow1(l`a._v. Rev. A. M. Pope ar- rived on TUCS(itl1}' with `his wife to as- sume the past.o1`z1to of the United Church on this circuit. up nu m 1! 1 1r 1\ IV 20 BAND UNIFORMS ORDERED \l Luna :- Mr. and Mrs. 'I\}uos. Jackson and 1. urn -..- Mrs. N. H. Wuillson and scan Thomas spent last Wedneschay w.i1Jh riends in LL _ -15.: u: v La v \, I. _v u; \.-\u| vs-I u.v . Mrr. Wrm. Gamp'be11 is in 'I`o1*onto. CENTRAL oRb PAINSWICK MIDHURST mMINESING BAPTISTS OBSERVING 50TH ANNIVERSARY! (Continued from page one) Wmn, and Mr. Ed. Arlnstrong. Fol- lowing the play, Rev. Dnixon Burns 01 St. J`o}m s Rzoad Cfhuroh, TUvon~to, grave an mldmess of special interest to young people. F\ifty-eig1ht wini- tors from Stayner remained ior re- freshments after the chose of the pro;:1*a.m:me. ' 1 - - r~.-~--~--~-~- An interesting feature in connec- tion with the A11: Home on Tues- day cvendng was a. huge birrhhdny cake of ve layers, llightted with 50 czmdilcs, which was served at the hanqumt. Mrs. Nulrlie Parks, one of; the two lrivinp: dhurter members of fine church. was present, occwumyimg u su-nt. of honour at the head table. She was `aha rst to put :1 knife into the birtihdnny cake, and also lighted the (!Z1ntH(,'G. Mrs. E. J. Wihzm com- p]<~t(~d t`h.c cutting. The cake was mn. by Mms. Kmnpp of Cundles. I 'I}m rest of the cvenlinp: was spent in sociwl vin.torrcou/rso, with an in- formal programme of impromptu speeches and rerrniniscenccs from old members. Vrisitors were prcmernl fwm Toronto, Brnmtord, Collrirngn _.nmI umzl `I l.l4`l.-u-'1 b_.. 1 1 n1-.s. I; n vul - 'vA vuuu, unL1nu:uL'U'L\I, vvun-Aug I wood and Midtlnnci. Rev. .1. J. mutt ........ u -mun uvarua aauu IIJUD I/U LUl';.`,l:l;. The anniversary services which were held in the Presbyrtevian Church last Sunday were largely attended. The Allandae choir prorvu'd~ed splendrid music at both services. n'vL_ L,,,,v 1. v n . Where Most People Trade urtain Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plain u(1g;o. and lace 1'1'i1mm-(1. Black Duchesse Satin, 36 inches wide, ne quality. ,....1-.. Q1 an vrnvua LVAJ.-. ..-l.. JJI-(HULK JIBIUILVIJLPV KIUUULLL, LIL] L1L\JLL\./D VVJ.\.L\1, 1L1L\.I \1L4o\.;;v_] u Satllrday only . . . . .. .... ..... ...$1.00 yar Voiles, with self stripe and plain, colors rose, esh, peacll, sky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 yards, $1.00 Blue Bird Cotton Crepe . . . . . . . . . . .3 yards, $1.00 W'J1i1'o, blue esh, mzulvc. - Check Dimity, 36 inches wide ` Colors Pink, nilv, sky. Linen Tabling, H0 im-hos Tea Towelling, Hi in<-hm wide 6" Tea Towe11ing', 1!); im-hes widv . . . . ..: III.-;1\'_\' 1i\\'isf linen, wif11 rod sf]-ipo, all \\ l:i`!v. Chintzes, _\'m'd wide . . . . . . . Neat J'ang'e of <-olorlngs. Page Four Rockfast Shirtings . . . . . . . . ]3l21('k with white stripe. Fancy Rayons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 yards, $1.00 These come in stripes, checks and plaids, 32 in(~l1e.s: wide. White Barber Towelling, rod b01'dc1', SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 4th, ONLY Ladies Silk Gloves, white, 6, 7; black, 6, 6%} Prices that will mean a real Saving to You on Seasonable Merchandise 3 only, Ladies Tweed Coats, sizes 36, just the coat for the car . . . . . . . . . . 4 only, Ladies Raincoats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 only, Ladies Sweater Coats and Pullovers. See these . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 only, Ladies Georgette and Voile Blouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. White Cotton Petticoats, embxjoidery and lace frill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies White Silk Gloves, regular $1.50, heavy quality, plain cu, G to 895 E. B. SUTCLIF F E & CO. The; N orthern Advance ....,...,_..-..\_., .u;.-;. LLIl.l'\, u;_ vvuxxxnyug. The annual summer meeting of the Women s Institute will be held `in the basement of the United Church next Fnirhay afternoon, June 10rt:h. at 2.30. Miss Irene Ocvlvl-ins of Ancaster will be the speaker. A col- lection will be taken for the Red f`......... Rev. J. B. Tlhompson of Vancou- ver, B.C., will preach at 'Dhzornton [and '1`-o+wn]vinc PresbyIteri:'1n Churches ion Sundiay next. of Col]n'c.r St. Ohuruh ;;'.=1vo a sihort adxlresas. Old-timc hymn were sung`, and a. duet was given by Mrs. Alan~ Bonney and Miss Bertram of Dalston. I m- ....41...L :. ....; .....:.1.. .. nr~,.......,..... , .........., uuu ......., .,... .,....... .. .............. | 'IWo-night is set aside as Commun< ity Nn'ugihIt, wthen raternal a(Ld1ress- as will be given by Local ministers ..u,l .....-......-...~J-..L `-11 LL. Ln.---. I'\.~ V111: up ,,--\.u u; svvuu. JALAAAAh)vvLu and representatives of the town. On Friday nigfht a c.h.oir concert wtiul-.1 be given with ascisbing talent from Central United Church and Orvillxia Baptist Church. Next .Sumi-sy Ive-v. I'\ `D l`l,n_b ..._ -.1l _........k T.hu1*s`c`ia;z. Wm. Lamb 1s sporting a new car. Dherc are some new cottages going up at rhhe lake lately. mu uuv. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neely visited friends in Bm'-1'ie' on Sumday, Mrs. Neely `stayvinwg forr a few days. Lwla Neevly gave a. bi1't'hday rpamty to a number of her girl friends last 7L.......J\.-. Miss Lula ;Nec~1y was oocnfmed rbo the house last week with a sore hh1~0a.t. u up nu `V FOR EIGHT DAYS Al\L .1|.7I/LAD: - Miss D01-othy Harmer, Mr. Ole-' ment Harmer and Mr. Wa}~1acc~ Lati- mor spent the week and with f2-iomlrs hero.

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