/2? Extensive alterations are being made to Samjeanrt & King"s store, and w`h'i1e these are going` on gvreat ba,ng`ai'ns are being offered. Bar- gains that more than make up for any inconvenience of shopping there while the changes are being; made. A4141 M.iwl.Li`ner_v, Coats and Dresses are priced very low to effect quick sales, whiide Dress Goods, Gloves, Hvosiery, Linens, Cottons and Curtaain Nets are all on the sacrice table. Ohi11dren -s Undrerweam at each 25c. Boys Combina:ti.ons' 50c. Boys Suits $4.95. Ladies Coats $5.00. Bar gains everywhere in the store. Q.n~nn.1+ P. L Cn..- I.~u.H>n,I no ~,-x.;Jnu\..v., nu mu. uuvA.\.- Sarjeant & Kin-', Limited. Vol. LXXYI. N0. 14 Alteration Sale @166 ntbprm Rhamts I A. W. Smith, in proposin,<.=; the ` toast to the Canadian National Rail- . way, first refenred to the regret he felt at the removal of Mr. Duff from Barrie. For a number of _vears he ll3.(iIbC`C`Il assooiatetl with him in var- ious ways, and he always ficrund that M-r. Duff b1'owgihat those ne qiurznlities which he possessed to `bear upon I wilwtever he u-ndeaitook. Particullar Iy was this so in his (I-uities as Mayor of the town. No officer ever pre; ed with greater tadt and diiplomacy The Canadian National Riaislway was a greait enterprise of Gwovernmni owinenehulp. I`ihe're were many di`1- cullties to overcome in co-rordliuniatiing the V'a:1"liGl1LS lines, but umler aible manalgeunivent and able assistants those rliiculties are being overcome. With increased popmilati-on, the guidance 01 able men, and the ccworperation of the people, the C.N.R. wilrl become one of Ca11a s girevatesrt assets. All resalvize the vialliue to Barrie of the xliivisiomul point here, and \v(hlille we are concerned with the removal] ocf so mulch of the business fnovm this centre we are hopeful that the omn- pany will in some way yet see t to compensate in some way for the loss. The most C'01`(lllll relations have always existed between ofoial -of the 1`1ll'lVV'2'l`y and of the town here, and no -cfciuls have been more anxious to help the town than the present Sinperintentlen-t, Mr. Weegar, and Mr. Drill . 'I`hey were instrumental in _e'e-ttin,e: an important ln(lUSt-1') for the town. 'I`.he citizens Sl1l0WG(l their appreciation of this by the recent vote on the by-law submitted. In closing` Mr. Smrith WlSillC`(l to stress the w1c'r(I Nzttionial. The railway be- !`OII_L',`C`<(l to the people and its success means mwclh to every one. lf`....4.:.~..,.,) rt:-\ -----I --`--` Don't miss tho bm'-g'.:n"ns at the Altemtion Sale at Sarjezmct & I{ing"s. \.ACA4l uuulvllult U1 mu: uuumuunmby. The p-1*0cee of the evening were envlivened by a sing'-song led by Ernie Ryan, with Edmund Hartlry at the piano, songxs by Harry SI11ann~on and Ken. W o,1'cJ1ast1`a. Txhel toast list was lensgftthy, all the speak- ers euYog'izin:.;' the guest of the even- ll.l1(' ...- A\.An|.\,AAnu\,u.C\| u_y a mind; U1. IUSUS. I The banquet, wthioh was held in the 0(I`(iIf`1I1`OWS Temple, was well ar- ranged by` vhe committee in ch.an`ge, the Retbelmuhis cateiwin-g in their usual good style. Dr. L. J. Simpson as; (`JhZ1i`1"n'lI1I'1 bmiey exipiiadned the na- ture of the g'atherin.g'. The citizens of Barrie -a.p;pn`ec1iavte-d the worth of Mayo)` Duff as an oici'a.1- of the town, but it was as a citizen that they wished to honor `him. Mr. Duff occupied a lamgie place in the life 0-! Barrie wnd he woiulld be missed in the ctivic, sociiai, f;ra.ternavl and gen- cml actiwities of the community. 'W1r\ nmvwnmlcinn-u H4` um ....-...-.... I Presenfecl Wifll Ha11c1.`s'01ne!-` Gra11dfa`r11e1' Clock at La.rg'e Banquet. i` Mayor W. N. Du`, w1h.'o left town ;t cn Tuesday to assume his new duties j, at .\'0rth Bay, was the guest of`. honor at :1 banquet ten(Ie1'e him on l\Ion 11i_;'ht, at \vhich over '_I )0 ;1_ 1'epr1'esent21t:ive citizens of Barrie and _ Allumlvayle were present. When it became known on F'1'idu_\` last that` Mr. Du" hml been o'<-red and ac- in lcepmd u p1'om0t.i;n (M1 the Czmadizlr 0 .\'zLtion:1l 21 few of the busines.s men T` met and that :;;'.n:'- t'.a11:;i`u1eld e.\'.pz'e;~x~,1io.11 should be shown to 3 f )Iw21_\'o=r Duff, and committees were ap- `N: pointed to ar-rz1n_2'e far the banquet. I: A g.:ene`1'ous response from ]ea civt-izens was met and a han(L<;0me `C m!htog'a.n_v g'1*z111ifat]1e1' clock was pre- `I1 seuted to Mr. Du`, while Mrs. Duff 2b was 1'emem:be.red by a sheaf of roses. Io` ...-`L3--`I. ..,, V `I ` ` ' "l`.`l-ux 1-... ...-...`..4. CITIZENS H61i6R i MAYOR w. N. num - lines, uvu. uuu .u.u..uuuuuuu uusuuv m u. .. Au u. matter shio~u.'1~d be arra.ng;ed without an eleobi-on, if possible. Cou-noiii ` shtotuild keep in mind tihiat the Mayor's position was a very serious one, need- in.;,v much attention. If Council co1mLd decide on one out of its own num- ber vwho wou-lid take the position ser- iowslly, it shrou.`.d do so. 'I`.here should be no '0bj`CitJi0I1 from the ratepayers, as the most serious business of the year was over; it was nearing` the summer h~o1idays, and the reniaining; members could handle the business d~u1win.g the monthss of the fa-1:1 term very web]. Reeve Lowe echoed the same senti- ments. Apipoin-ting an Acting` Ma_vo1' wt:ru:id save the town much expense. A-Ed. Caoles spoke along` the saine deoivaiing that if an Acting Mayor were a.p.pointed it 9h0`Ul1(i be by the unanimous choice of Council. If not, it wowvd be very difcu-it for an Acting I\'Layc1' to camry on. (Continued on page seven) ' i i uu,uw.u Auccuus JJUJH Da`1 1`lC. -Eugene Doye was gmanibed his commission as a Lieutenam (pr1-.o- vlisional) in the Simcoe Fou1'este1'~s Last week. Capt H. J. Eade, 2nd `in O,ommand of A" C4ompa.n\y, was tma.nsfer1'e t-o the Reserve Battalion Inc-+ ...,..-.1. w.u.uuu.\.L;cu last week. At the Reginientail meetin_2` of the Simcoe Foresters in Orililia last week, Major C. R. Kendall of Barrie was` authorized to outfit and equip the `Regvimenta-1 Band Locally, under the direction of Ban-dimaster Boyd M. Sylvester. 'IThe Barrie Band will be! not only the Simcoe Foresters Bland, . but the sole band of the 22nd In-' fantry Brigade at camp at Owen Sound this summer. Six o`icAers of A Company attended the regi- mental meeting from Barrie. pI1.mnH.A `h....n.. -....- ..._____-.L_ 1 1 - - I I I BARRIE BAND DESIGNATED FOR SIMCOE FORESTERS nu nuwuu vu -.vvu_v uuu. (Continued on page six) held in comno<:t;io;u witfh the in Dhe meeting` of Presby1;e1'_v was into the p2vs'bcmLte 01` Knox Church, (`w~cmo1'9. Dune-I-.ix1 and East Nottu-i iBa-1'1'.ie Presbytery, meeting:-; in Creemlore last Frichay, received and sustained the call of A`]d'aI1(i12lJi8 and Stroud Presby.`terian Ci1:u'l`Ci`LeS in favor of Rev. John 1GpZ1.'iliiaQ1h1' of IG1-ericoe. Rev. J. S. Shortt presented the call to Presbytery as Interim Muoderator and was commended or his d.i.l`i_r:ence in that office. Commis- sioners fr-:'n1 Atlandah and Stroud were hea-rd wiho assured he court of the unaniimiiity oif Uhe cailil and stress- ed the con-g'1'eg*zntions desire for a speedy settlement. Provisional ar- ran.g'emen.ts for Mr. GanIlagv]1.m"s in- duicmion were made :5: follows: Rev. J. S Shiontt wilnl pq'esIide and induct; Dr. Dennis Masoin Willi] preach; Rev. Wm. MacMil:Iin of Ciollzimrwood will address the ministter, and Rev. Mr. Pzwterson of Stayner will] address the neop-le. I`.he date of the induction was not xed. .,..-.\.\. 1rvIu'UII\: uunu l"ll'L'WU'l'KS U0.| Mr. Jros. Mullen was present on! T11-8S(l|3._V 11nS`g1h.t 1'cpresentiing' a rm` manucacturing flags, penn-ants and` paper caps with suitable jubilee lefb-j te1-inipc. Tlhe committee ordered? 1,500 pennants and 1,000 banners` for 1`-E32]J1eiti0 Local business men and citizens oir (lleoorahing hc main streets |Major Kendnall, repor11tin_a: for the Mrilitia Committee, sta"terl- that he `lll(l secured pelimission from Genera'l Bell for the local militia to wear unifo1'm.s cn all three (l:a_vs of the cc-liebration. All the ammuniitionl that is requiired for the trencoh 2-aid: will be suipplied free. 'Ilhe Mlilitia and Returnml Soldiers Cvommitteol wou.l(l be able to put on :1 big fea-' ture if consitlenitzion co-url-zl be 50- cuured from-tlhe Ham! Fi1'ewc'1~ks 00. `M1. T/an 7w..11-.. ...A, H - I \l . . . . . Luv uu cauu uaurgu. | tF1aJi1ure to secure the Kama In-I dian s Band was reported by H. H. Creswicke, Music Committee Ohai1'- man. Stnoud Band, Barrie Git:ize'ns Band and Barrie Boys Band had been enp.Iag!e(1. Beeton and Ivy Bands were available and the com- mittee was instructed to envg'a,g'c one of the tvwo. ,-..- . 1. v'|I A uavuv u,uv\.. "AIM. vMxaI'oomson stated- that the 4 M1`. Blziir of th- l.)(`C'0l'21t`lO]1 (`am-l "n1ittcc ',ll`.l"rU'x`. .'- :=l `chat. Wzml S"lltl1]l of the B.C.l. was tnlm win!` of; Mvnvnv Dufl"i< S5 nriwn -Fnv flan best! 5; stibiniuml 1'1-(m Line sclhools llfor 21 ;~ t1`eet arch 'I`liL- \\'l11lllILL' (le- i Sim} po1*t1'a_\fe :1 ilmmlsome rustic] `gm-oli, tl1i01`O`uf4`l)l_\' practical, witlli flora itlecora-tions and mottos imliicatin-_; Can:1(la s sixty years of a<:`l1ievement. _`It would be made of cellar or white 'bIirch poles. The coiirtmot or its 'co1fst1*uo oi.on has been given to Wm. Rusk. Mr. Billair also 1'eporte(l ha.v~ ling ord-e'red 5,000 ba wiibh_ sn'l.l< ribbons and cellilnuloiitl buttons beaninig a picture of Barnie :s war memorial. "I`J1,ese cost 41f: cents and will be sold at 10 cents by lvive-wlire bO'_V'lS and girls wiho wI'iill be allllowe(l to keep -one cent on each batllge. I :Fla.i`ln-n 0-,. .~.-......... L1-.. 'n-.._, 7,, Presiytery Sustains Call To Essa St. Church] I"-.. V` -... A\4V\4AI)\1 \IA venue-pi`-odiucer, it was felt. But since the pageant w:s_the only truly ihisto1'icu.1 and ttiizg` part of the cele- ;bi'z1tion, aside from the general ser- Tvices in Queen .< `:::'k, the commit- `tee on 21` I113j0i"it}' vote decider! to j`put it aci"0.=s. The Pioneer Com- imittee, with Mr. Malcom.=on as chair- ilhflll, was appointed to meet a cam- mittee of COOkSt0`.'~."1 Women .< In- `istaitute and make tl 11(`CC:`S221l`_\ 211'- 1 1an_:e1m,-xit.-. 'I|;r n. I I .,,.....v The committee p'2'oane and stag`- g'e1'ed, motaphoricT!_v. The proposi- tion wouulrl be the reverse of re-` J1isto1'ioa.1 of 1\....;:,... -~:,1~ r ..... .. u.- ~..r...A,-v uIt was (lenitelby tlecitfed to stage the patriotic pageant, put on by 70 Ocroksctown people, in the skating rink on. the evening` of July lust. Mr. A. F. A Maloomson reported tlhat hhe pa.g'eant could not be secured for less than $140 or $150. With tihxat in- itial expense, bhe cost of sha.g'in.g' he pe~1-fcrmanoe would not be legs than $200 f'I'VL_ -.,__,,_-.1 I biratio-n of the Dia.mon(l Jnubilee An- nrivensary of C.onfed~e1'atJion are near- ing completion. N[(2Ctil`.g'S of the Plans for Barrie .s three-day cele-I iCe1ebraation Committee were held ion ThIn'sdla.y nigtht of Last week and on Tuesday night, at whddh manny nal arrangements were made, leav- ing conlpiara-tive'Ly few details stfIl to l be determined. I 1 Irv*..1 Plans Completed For ! The Biggelebrationj 1 I (Continued on nage ve) Barrie, Ontario, 'I'hursda.y:Tune 2,h1927 v (Wm-_ S"1ith| Kenmpenfelult A([`U'11lJlC Club `held its annual n1ec.tvin;:' in the Police Court Ch.zunbe1`s on Satu1'da.y last. Owing probably to the cold and h:1ck\va.1'd .`-ring, little has yet been done in the way of water sports, but miblx \'::1'.n1e1' W(.'2I.tIl1C1` approaching` a. busy season is anticipated. The olul) nnule m'ran,<:e1nents w.it.h Mir. Cliff. Carley for part. of his boat-house for a club room and weekly meetxixmvs /will be held. It was also decided to hold 1`(1g'2l:tl121S and water sports in June, Juy and August. It is hoped that not only the young`, but also the older people will give tlhevir sup- pvcvrrt. 'I'1he books are now open or meimbemhip. Gamrplbali Raikes is C'0'In.n'nO(l'0 1`t` and '1`. Welsman secre- tary-1.reaeurer. -.... n... V] fm` he I d rushic J 1 Rev. Neil Cammbdll present-cc] to we court a call from Bala and Pfrt Carling` to Gilbet C. Lamont, a minister without chasm-. I`.h.e call hm: sustained. .1:-Iuuvlull u. cruumu luuul with S['lfIIl.. In Pros.byte1-y, Rev. John McNz1.b of Mitldantl annou-_nce`(l his (lvecision to zwcc--pt tzhe caLI to H'ip:h Park Ghurch, Toronrto, where he succeerlns Rev. Peter Taylor as minislter. Rev. G. I. Craw was appointed Interim Mode-1--` utor of Midnland. Mr. Mc'N`z1b to1'~min- ates his (luties there at the end of Anrm-u~+ as wasagag of Rev. Jas. A. Kdrkwood of Ormanha, N-0b., Rev. J. S. Short : presided as M10-de1watJo1'. Rev. R. M. Hanna Irreacthetl the indruction ser- mon. Mr. Kirkwood was given the `1-i_2'ght hand of feL1owcsI1i~p by the Presby/Lens and cfeher mriniste1s of the villugze. Rev. Mr M.a.cM'iIw1in then 21(1- tlressed the minister and Rev. Mr. 'I`,homas the people. Mr. Kirkrwood ap:1'eed to sign the orn1u`}`ae as read by Rev. Mr. Sch-o Foblowing; the induction a so-aiasl hour was spent. Tn pI'nc]1\1+rx\-Iv 13,... T,..1... 1ur4xr-1_ \..,.-`us. vvrvuu'l| uL"1'L'll|| J`l.5L`ll. On Mrondcay evening; l\'I:i`svs Ottelyn |Robim~ron presided over the meeting :and we-lclolmed he youn-g` peorplelin nit, tondance from other churches. J. IA. Cont/cs, 1'epresen`l:`i.ng Gcmlluier St `United Y.P.S., responded to the g1'e0't.in`g1s. Miss Eleanor Brown read the sc1'!i`pure less/on. So-laos were !C`OI`li1`lbl'L1vte`(l by Miss E. Elliott of St. `A nd-rew s Y.IP.S., and by Mrs. F. Dlobxson of Blunt-on Ave. An interest- jinp: plvay entitled Kimoml was pre- ?sented by the f-C`l!lIOWllI1-P,` cast: Miss- les Margaret Sinldlair, Mary Lewen, Eleanor Brown, Evelyn Urry, Ovttelyn Robinson, Elsie Robinson, Twytlxa Poole, Lowisc Bmown and Myrtle` (Comxtinuled on page four) Urgting` that each person use his own gifts in the n1e~s.sa_g'e. thn speaker d'edkn'ed it was .time tc get away frim this oneaman minis- try. Each person ougvht also to do fo-nd his own persconal faith. 'I\}m lGos:pei] w=ouJd defend itself. A. 1|n'._.-.1`__, ,, . .... . . I ;_ .e-..._.,\, 0.-;. vI'ur|AvcL\,\; vvv.:uu on to say that it came not from evolrutio-n, nor socialvisrni, n-or science, [but from the Bribie, which was the sole _2'round for a-iti and practice. Baptists still had a great sfhare in pvre-acIhIin_e' that Go:spe1 to the world At the rsd: of the cenit-ury there were six n`uilIi~on Baptists; t.o-day th`e.1'e were tweilve miriiti-on th1~ou`2ihioiut the world. 'I`.he reasaonis for siucih an tinqnqase in I1-umibers Lay in the B~a:p- tist message, the geniuis of the Bap- tist people for being` true to that message and to denotmuin-a-tion, and their genius for evvangelizati-on and personal libe1't.y. Baptists have nc c1'eedL9, but base their faith cm what [they acqui1'e by a persomxi investi- 2'aft:ion of__ dh_e Biible. A person could believe in the fundraimentalls of the Bible without 2. iperssonal faith it Oh'm'.=7t and the Holy Spirlit and not is n ma war] u.... x.. I I)ec1:a1'in;g' at the outset of his sermon on Sunday morn:in.g that he wamted to say some very I`-ran`!-: tJh`in;9;s, Rev. W. H. W-zvlllace went on to dene trhe Baptrist Ineswage and bhe parts of it which showlcl be em- Jphasized. T1he Bapttists in Gamxda, he said, have one of the g'1'e`ad:e~s*t missions -on ezmtih. And, in spite of being` hindered by mis1*epresen`oation~s ,of some of t.h.e:i1' Gwol\h'e`st men, they :81?) _2'o`in_e' auezld in cztr1'_v:in~_e,' out that { gmission. A:s.1ain,9.' wlhewe the Baptista !_I2'0c their n1,es1s'a`_9,'e, M-1'. VVra.Hrace weni lnvs +n M. 41...; :4. --,.., - I- .. .....,...m.; yuaauu.1, uuw vu. uluwnwu, bvggmlt specu"a:1 messages. Mon-dlay evfnihg, which was dedigmateml as Yo_`f_irug; Pe'op,e s Ni-giht, he chunrch again hled to capacity. An A-RI-I~urr1e was held on Tuesday miggrt art wIh'idh axboud`. 200 members, fo-1n'1ver members and friends of the cohxgwegntion sat down to a suImsprhu- ou.-2` banquet. Last night a prayer an'2}te`~.;'i7~ jny m-eetzirmg was held, at \v`r1"I_7(:I1. tihre was also a good attendk _ am 0. -p. 1 . . .- nEifty y_a1`s of progrress and spirit ual achievement are being` reviewed at speciiallv `se-rvricc.\s this week in con- nection with the J uibilee An`nI'Lversa1'y of Barrie Baptbiast Ohurdh. A ne e of a week's (Lunation is being carried 0`11Jt, and very many fornner members are renewxing as- socaiabiionus within the congregation. .' nu. Q......,:..... 1...; 1.--..- .........:L...._ -4. AQUATIC CLUB HOLDS ITS ANNUAL MEETING |IJ\4\lllbL'l`\III'J VVIUIIIXJI hilt: \QU'1Il5L1C'5K1vUl-Ull- ' -On' Sunday last Large numbers at- teuided both mbrning and evening` sefvices, wihen Re-v. W. H. Wrzulsaoe, a zormer pastor, now of Otawa, Lama. ..n..u .. - ...:....1 ..._ __.. -. _ _ Ir--. 1-- 4- !Baptists Observing i JubileL4nniversary 1 I - L11 3,.`-u `nun, auu avxgnxlg. l Oanlatba hzul wonderful possi=bi.]itiesi and tth-ere was no ueed of _\ men ` ;yoin;_: to the Unuited Stat-es sec-king -opporrtwnities. There will be gvreai. zleveloprment in Oamula, w'.hilc in the south the peak has been reac'h:e`d.j Cunwha bids` frarir 190- `become the; r'.~-n.n.`~#. nmrinn TM wn"H has ever` known, then how a'mporta'nt `-that we In nzvtional bLllll(llTL2` labor and ccapirtal shou-l work togetllex`. Labor alone can do little, and capital ZDl'OJ lf2 oan t do much. It takes b1-ailns to move t.lm.m tog`ethev1'. A stmong nation can -t build on strong.-: drink. Lloyd George reco-nt1_v said tlmt En-_2vla.nd would not long be able to compete with the United States if protl1ibitio.n was not introduced in Englzlntl. Ext1`ava_2'e11cc of all kindsi . be eliminated if the lnxaztilon is to grow vc'1'ile and strung`. c(".an.ml.o. l-`nil umu.lm.4'..1 u-........"L!IZL!_..' Natio-nail Building` The nation is the sum total of bhc inI(lrivi(lrua.ls, every one is :1 brick in the bLll3l(l1l'I`lg` and has a part to do. Our solwols sh10.ul be a place to de- ivellop c'itaizenshiAp, by fosteminp: civic and national p1'id The Engllisih langmage must be our natilonwl .Iangvuzng;e, but if we are going to die- velosp trade wlirtih other countries the lan1."uz1g'e of these 00-un.ta1-ie.s suhoulvd be tawght. We shoullwl elnwooumzugre the buii'l'(lIing' of {root} homes, and (hvell more on home life. Mr. Davis was a rm believer in eamly mar- riap;e. Young` people are ofrten saved x-:.m pitfzzlvlvs by ma1'1'_vi:nlg` when young. 'I`.he early settlers as a wile mar1"ie. young" and thloulgwh havring little of comlfovrts, they `had real homes. K... \/Aluxuhukfi its necressary to a successful life. By rtlhis is not meant reputaation, but wrlmt we reallly are. Should Keep on Bmildin`_g- How long` slnoul we build ? We shioiu-ld keep on as long` as we have plhysical .st.1'engvt~l1. We have respon- sibilities to our coun-`try and no one sl1`o~uld shnirk his duty. At the age of 80 Gwladartone was Premier ol Britain and done his gtreatest work; Bnooh, the lumber king`, continued to control his great industry when 90 years `of age. We can learn nome- rthing every (Lay and should try to develop to the end. vv u._y l-U 1;u11u.. E. J. Davis o-f Newmanket, and a well known and successful] business man, was tlhe speaker at Kdwanlis on Friday last, and his a(l'dress on .Bu-i`l(Iinig will long be remem`be.red. .[lhe g'reatest thing in life is to be- gvin early to build and keep on build- .ing` to the end, said the speaker. Our life srt.ructure is the only thing tlmt counts, and:- our life reco-rd is all that remiavins. We are building all the time whetlaer we realize it or not, and the pu.-b`l"ic invariably jud.g`e correctly how we are building`. Shiouild Have G::od 1oundat.ion A grood bu.ildiin;2; must have a good lfoundatioin, and a great deal of Wo1'k'mu-st be done before the build- ing` is noticed at all. So, to succeed in life we must stan early and at tlhe b-omtom, and bwiltl every day. Lord Beaverbro.ok, the greaxt n- ancier, once said that three things were necessar_v to succeed in life, inrlvu:shr_v, he-alth and juzdig'men.t. To this Mr. Davis would adid character. Imlmlstry means work, and no one can win success Without work. Healllt-`l1 is necessary, but we can tr -3. large extent control our hea`lt1h by our dtaily shabits. G100] judgmeni slhio.-wl-(1 be early developed and it will `become part of our life. Character ;_` ,_ ____l____p, I -.'n 1- I IE. J. Davis of Newmarket Tolls Ki\\'a11ia11s Best VVa_v to Build. E, J. nnV"iQ n"F NTnu7h1r.anl>n+ and n laodsge, society, club, etc., inomna- tion wtiul be 1"n,.serbe'd` wvitlhout cmnge ivf mailed to Dvonavldx Grant, 1`0-3 YX7.......1 .... OJ. `BUILDING ATIFE I AND A NATION Reeve W-m. A. Lowe was appoint- ed Aching Mayor of Bamnie in pbace of Mayor Walter N. Duff, who was given leave of absence iior the ire- maimder of his term, at a special meeting of the Town Council last Fniday night. Jvliayvo-r Duff oocuprie'd the chair or the Bast time, and explained that the meeting had been cal-led to oonsidvez what steps shou`1d be taken towards luliing he Nlaymialty vacancy. Mr. Duff SItaalt tihat a promotion had been o e1'ed `him, and that in the in- terests of `h'imsc'1~f, `hiis fzamiy, and his future on the ranihioad he felt he s'hou'1d take mlvantafxe orf it as sudh crimpozntiuniwties did not occur oftener than once in a decade. He regret- ted keenly the fact that it VVO'l1.I1(i mean mixiingr 111)) the Mayo:-a*1t._v in such a suidxdc-n fashion. The promxotwion had been abs Ilu.t<:-:1_v unforeseen, however. M1`. Du said the matter was in Council :s h.z1nds, and that he would {hand in his 1'esi_;=n'at.ion or do What- ever they saw t. vsovun Auuu|uu\.>L uu \:vcJ._y aunucv. I\h*e co-operation of _ all house- holders in giivrin:g the necessary in- formsation as fu1l!1~y and accumatelvy a.-s porssitbtle vvv7i:l11 be appreciated. A re- liable and complete diirectory is of oo11side.1*.aJbfhe benet and convenience to any town, boh to the .imhab~ibants and to visitors. 7_.__ is . ... nu. an-wucu uu Wrovsley Srt. ' Re'p1'esen`-tavtives of Henry Vernon & Sons are now gathering` informa- tion for t'he new town (lireotory. Be- I sides cvontainin-g` avhpmabe-ticaxl, classi- ed and township sections, the next edition wil have a complete street dlirecvtory sh`own'ng the househclld-er at each mumber on every street. ml". ................;:..._ -4: .11 1._.,.,'_ NEW TOWN DIRECTORY I NOW BEING PREPARED] 9 . "-" bmld weigl the foundntiign und,tRc' structure. J. J. D. Bzmtinjr, Governor of the" Gaol, asks us to correct a stzutemvenrt made in last week's issue thiart the ave1*ap:e cost per prisoner perr (hay Iwas 75.68 cents. The actual cost per pnisoner per day for the past year was 18 1-24 cents, sayts tie =Govern=or. 'Dhere is no d.ouIbrt he Ln- Ispectoa` in gvivim: his report hook in- to cn.osidYera:tion the upkeep of the` institution,' sabaries, etc., but even at that Mr. Banting says it woulhdi v not reach the above mentioaned gymret. .-........ .../....,.\,.u.vuu. \|`u.ul Aug, uu: urunxun was 28 on the 3rd. Mz1x1imaJI tem- peratures were umlerr 70 except on we (lay, the 22nd, when 86, the nlmjigthest tempemabure of the m>oni211, was reg'i.s1tered, this ihuigfh tempe1-iatuvne be.in-,2" preceded and cfolbowed by qwite cool we:at1h1e1'. Rain felt] on 19 dayls to the amount in aim of 4.86 inches, exceeding` the average or May by 2.31 inches. Tvherre were 9 days on WPhliC`h no sunshnine was re- corded. Frost occ-uvred in many `lrocaliwties on the 28th. 117 -.. _ June 1 ` u u.u\. ; . uu U-U -1 The mean temvpeerature for May was 3 d.eg,1reszs below normal]. fhe lowest tempemturre du.1'ing the month` ixrnc `)9 Inn 411.,` Our] 1.1`- -:._-_u L,,,- .....:,~...u up vvAuAA y\..L.u.uv .3'wLUu_y. It was also stated hiat the fruit. merclliiants had at rst comp1u'e'd ex-4 plicitdy witli the by-liaw, but were` now making` sligxlmt inf1'irngements. Unless given a dzeni-te intenpretatliron of the brydl-aw by the Board tihey Wloilltld continue to evade the regrul1.a- tions, and would soon be dwispllayung` `berries of various kivndzs in exposed `places. The fly season was ap- .p1'oach'ineg' and an immediiate sbanzd; should be taken by the Bcard.. Fifteen licenses for d:`airies have been taken out this spring`, it was re- ported to the Board. In this con- nection Dr. Little, M.O.H., decared that it would be admnsailrle in future to inves.tig;ait.e conditions at eacih one beore giiwaiiiting a license. Many of I the places had only one or who cowsw (Continued on page ve) .-. . .. '1 \\.`I DepL11.-.\'-Reeve McC:uz1i_e; pointed out tihvnt. :.1cn'o1'ri3n_: to sit;nt'.ut(:, twc 'l`021(1S of action \\'(,`l'(` open. Councii C0vU'l(l accept Mr. Duffs 1'esig'natic1i and call an election, or it could ap- point an Acitin_Q' Mm-'01`, in which cause it was not necessary for Mr Duff to 1'esig'n. Mr. McCwaig dc- cl-znred it was aduviiasabe to give the Mayor leave of absence and appoint an Acitiing Mayorr at once. The Miayor cow`.d be absent for tihrec msont.~hs without leave. `.1 I11. . M-ay Dr. Li:t.tJe exxprexssed bhe o,pin~iyo`n UtJ1at`soudh 'arti?:i*es"shIou1d not be ex- posed to the open air, while p*o 0a- toes, a.s\pa1'ag'us, srpina.c1, czu'ro.v cs, et>c., natigvhst be with perfecot safety. TA um n1rv.r\ ..4..+,..1 441-..; LLA ;:.....u. `The matter was b-1`oug'I1.t up by Town Clerk A. W. Smith, wIh:o st2Lte.d that celery, lettuce, 1'adisJ11es, gween fnions, and otlmr things that may be Ieateh vwithout boiling` or cooking` of any S'0'1't were being` put on the- street exposed to duust and con`t.a.min- ation. .,u......w.. .... . um-nub Another motion was passed in- stvucvbing the Sanitary I-nspeetor to prevent fruit d-eaers and grocers from (1iisp in the open air in front of their sto1'es-zmy fruit, vege- tables or other articles of food tlwfc are not necessarily boiled or cooked bet`-ere being` eaten. The letter of the b_v-1aw \VOUli(i prevent vegetables and fruit of any kind from being displayed on the street, ~b.ut the Board eonsidere-(1 that a broader in- =terpret2ntion sh.`o`uil be placed upon, in vaulnv Eva.-uunua. uuvnv; ulnau uIa.'.|LL houses specied in the BIo~avd s order` were .rented `houses, six of them be- ri-ng owned by 9. stinagtle pensom. Dhe' ezqprressed o,ptini~on of the B.oamd= was` that a special conside.1~ati~on could not be given to landlords vwl-no specuate in small houses wr renting purposes, even when several houses bealongvinxg to 0-ne person are aecterl by the B-oarrI .s ruling. A `fl +1.-.. .......4.: .... ...- .. uuuu - J 1:- In out`-teen u=rg'en-t cases the Board of Heawh, at a meeting on F1-i.ds'ay aftemoon, decided to compel ownem of houses to i.nshaJ.1 sanitary conven- ienlces amd make co-nn-ec`t.ion with the town sewemage system. The action was taken under the new Sanitary By-aaw recenfdl-y passed by the 'I\oMm Goumctil. Other pdxaaces where in- veslhig*aJti.on shawls umsanibary condi- tions to exist, will be dseat with as 4-.~.,. ...._.....',L.. '1|,l'.....- LL.__ 1._.1p .u1__ WARD or HEALTH no ENFORCE BY-LAW iSc\vo1- Con11o(e rions Mut Be` Made and Fruit Kept Under Cover. The Weather Low Hi g'h Raf n A 0 K I! AM. Lan_-4' Nd not think it neees-I ,sary for His VVo1'shivp to 1'esi_;'n. Leave of absence could be given and an`0t`he2' memilwer of Council appoint ed i'1 his ;)"ace. TN... . T3- \-... N/f..f`....C.`. ....I..l.-.) N H. Buttery. V Eight Pages 0.02. Members of C1111c Voice Regrets at Rclnovalof i Mayor Duff. I REEVE LOWE WILL BE ACTING MAYOR;