Page Six -7U"\- - '\A|nAAI\ ..` .,,,,._,_I U ,mz1int:1ining: in Washin:.:1-on a 1mm]: quarters for envmy intrigrue, the Soviet must rmler`. xtsolf with un der2 rouml comn1ur1':",z1t}-'>:1s I" has hall great opportunitio.- `n 1.-zr ml 5 and the`t`.\'n r~`rr~*~- of 4,: `-g triguea are shown. in 'm'oo1' ~~.---_-1.;. . I 1"anhin1.*t'n Prw`. READ THE ADVER-'I`i%H )d;I\3 \Jo \J`\JIC$ DUO Uuhln were 'ni:z:hly compli- man\ne1' in \\'J: the ])1.11'S11 ". II1 Orlll 'd},'l,' Ht: was (I. yuu. nun... i Ready in compromise, nimble in po-liticul st1'ute.,-ry, our rst p1'me`ier was far more than an ab1e.pa1'liamen- tanian; he was -.1 statesman to whose fo1'esig`ht Oaniaila owes such emlrminag benets as the purchase of the West from the Hudson s Bay Company; the building` of tiho Canadian Pacic lllaiiway that opened the pnairies for setitlement, and. b1'oug'.~:.t British Col- umba :'m=tv tn U:I u1: 31:` E! 2.11;- tion ol 2. 1.;r:. psey aids.-h ah suc- ceeilim: governments have continued, with necessary modications, to this day. \ L. ..... ..H idn 1....-.~.r.u ;ii1.II`C1+I'-Jfn Hwn `CONFEDERATION AND AFTER-' ` SIXTY YEARS or PROGRESS CANADA S FIRST PREMIER I Sir John A. Macdonald, -the chiefi arc`hitec of Confc-der2.tion, is pro- perly admired for his shrewdness, his broad vision, and his marvellous ca- pacity for leadership. He was loved ifor his wit, his ge1ie1'osit_V, and all his warmly human cl1,a1'zLcteris.tics. `He stood for a united Czmada, the` jBi'iti.<.|1 connec-tion, and 21 re.~'pect for law that ensued order at :1 sta:.1'e of the country s development when law- ilessiiess iiiighit easily have been the ;rule. 'I`l1owg:li he had _:'reat ability -for ziffairs, he served the land he lloved tln'ou`g`l1 21 ldngr life with so `little tiliou:_-,'h.t cf personal profit that` in old age he was a poor man. n4...I.. :94 nI\rv\I\IIr\V\n:En ninmhln in way. .-\b`o\-'e all, his c.a1'ee1' il*liLmst1'ates the imiportanee in the interests of _2`en- erznl hizm'mon_\' of nmk'in.g' concessicns to tlivergrell-t elements and minorities It-hat 1ni5;=ht ot:he'1' become insur- ifJ,'C1`lt. Dhus early he learned that you cannot rule Cidl1`l(l21 without the Frenezh, and thou_e'h an O1'anup;e~ man he always considered Quebec's `nee-(ls to the extent t.hat he always `had support from there, and some- times his chief support. Never was this trait more eviulent than when his winnin.5: of Howe, by o'e1' of better terms, quelled the ~secessi0nist agitation in the Mari- times. n - , rm_._._ .-._. 1., 1n1: 1.`- \r\'\: |4llllUD Born in Gllaxszg.-;ovv in 1915, he mi- `grated with his family in 1820 to upper Cianzula, where they settled at l(ing`ston. He was educated at the Royal G1-a.mmar School, wihich he left at bhe age of fteen to enter a llaw office, and was called to the bar at the age of twentyaone. After e'igil1t years of practice he was eledb- ed to the Legislative Assembly of Canada in 1844, and continued to represenrt Kinvgston in Parliamient um- til his death in 1891. His first term of -office was in 1847-8 as Receiver- General in the Dmtper a(lminisrt:ra- tion. By 1857 he had become Prime `.VIinis1te1' in the Mwacdonal(l-Cartier ministry. On the defeat of the 'I`~ache- ;VIacd:ona.ld administration 1864, he `was a prime mover in the forrnation `of the G.rea.t Coalition (lesig:ned to 11 ,,.,_._.L LI... _..1..... IN. F.-...4`n.l `UL UH: \\J'|1`Cdu|a uuauwuu lI\.s.)A_1A\.\| .... carry through the plans for Confed- eration, and after the resignzxtion of George Brown in 1865, 1\/IacdionzL`ld was the chief grure in the discus- sions and bring'in,e` into force of the British North America Act. 'Dhe1'e- ifore, at the inaug'u1'ation of this Dominion in 1867, he \va.s selected to be the first premier, and by force `of his genius he held the position, with the exception cf Mackenzie -s ive _\'ears of office, until his (i(`0'Ui'l. i "mu 1- ,___,___.,__,_ ..._.- .....I 1.2.. /|l\I`\ D. w. EMMS ELECTED , MASTER .oF KERR LODGE` `ll -L` _\l:aL.` UL \Jl|l\4\4y uuv .4. Wzhile his oppoltunism and his con- vi\'ia]it_V have been held zL.>:ai11st him, impartial historians agree that Can- lin could not have been happier in net 3313 33-cmim-, (face Sir John A. .\i:.c:`.c:1:=.Z;l combined the wise Visicn, that knew how to` build well for the 20% Greater Gasoline Mileage! | {T Question of a `na.tio.na1 bird for iCa`n~ad draws the following com- munication from Jack Miner, noted nat,Lm~a1ist of King's'\'il1le, Ontario: u: ,.1__ 4... u.,. ...-H..." unnuurmh: no 11-uuuuaucu. xu. ;u..b......\., 9..---- . In reply to the many requests as to my opinion of the white throated S[)Z11`l70W as our Camul-iian national bird, I will say that the wliite-th`1'0at| is a lovely bird, but not a bit more! so tzluin the white crown span-1'ow,l bluebi:1`(l or some of the wa1*b:le1's, ori yet the rose-breasted ;n~oslbez1k. My wlmt 11 beautiful, lovely musical var- iety we have to select from ! i u; v 1` ,,,.. I... ..H `v\r\r\1\v\rV 1,.4>- n-i [MINER FAVORS CANADIAN GOOSE AS NATIONAL BIRD I n:l.y wu Iravu ur _~u,n,...., ;;...... . I And, I say, by all means let us` have a Cwzmzulian n.a.tionu.1 bird, but let it be the Canada goose, the nobl- es-t c`1'0z1ture that ever lived on land, in the air, or on the \vater-yes, or on the ice or snow he is perfect-ly at home. uv I Il`UlllLJ. I was born under the protection of the ea.g`Je s wing, and I respect thuait g'rc~zLt bird as 1111.1'C1 as it is] necessary for any man to, but our! Oanadwa goose is far suiperrior. When I in captivity he will wasoh himse.1f up; and keep clean and respectable, andi in about blwee years, with his mum,` will settle down to raise a famiily of from four to cigvlit as all Canad;iva.n.. Slhi0l11(L xzvtvwl , ._-:._ .a- .r.... 1:15,. 1 NlllULllU. Wild geese pair off for life. I never knew them to even make an applliicatioii for divorce. The male _L'lliZ1l`(iS his Innate on the nest. As` soon as the young` hutch he pmt.ect.= t.hen1 from the opposite side of the mother, keeping` the babies between the parents. He will] leave his fam- ily for her and for her only, but `L will (lie in the front ranks for ;:n_\' of them. 111 v , 1,, .. 1 LL...3.. 1\1Ir 20% more gasoline mileage is precisely what you can expect from Dodge Broth- ers remarkable new motor. On Thursday .nig'l'ut last the elec- tion of of f`1cer.s for Kerr Lodge, A.F. and A.wM., took place, when Del. Emms was elected as Master for the ensuing` term. D. F. lVIcCuaig was elected as Senior Warden and J. H. R-0d`g`e1`s as Junior VV-.mlen. Otlmr officers elected were Rev. G. Cou-lter as Clhuplain, F. Man` as` Tre2Lsu1'e1', W. N. Dull", Seo1'et:.u'_V,', and C. A. Kelcoy as Tyler. H. E. Jory will be the 1'epres(:ntatiV'e on the Mas.o'1=ic 'l`e.mple B!IZ11'tl, and J. E. i Billingxsley and J. S. Salter as .-\u1li~ ; tors. 15% more power, too-20% faster get-away! Silence unknown before in an engine of this type-and smoothness that thrills! OI UHUHI. ' I have p-laced their busxhc-] of corn a1'o~und one of my 1na.tinrg` pairs, and of the t:hou.~7-and-s of 11un.5.:`1'_\' geese " ' " ---- nun ~--n-`Jr! :v1+n\- lI1(l U1 UIIU I.JI`Uu.`,-||1H'a uL u .5-.-ax. that come here none would inter fere with these little plcts to even take one kernel. When travelling: in the air the male Camula goose leads the way, b~re-akingr tihe air for his swcetliezmt who is quarteringx behind him, and his family travels next to her. In `brief, he is one of the most self- sacricirng, godly-principled leaders the human eye ever beheld, and to know him is to love and admire him. 'Ilhe1'e is not a human being: on earth so good but what personailr ac- qua.inta~n~ce wiirbh our novble Canada goose will give him :1 desire to live better. uu._.,. _v New standard gear-shift transmission-new hot-spot rnanifold--new silent-action clutch-new nger-tipsteer- ing unit-new oiling and cooling systems-and 24 other vital improvements. TICKETS PRINTED IN I THIRTEEN LANGUAGES Japan and Western Eumope will be linked up by (liirectt steamer and rail service tzlmis month, when throwglh trains will run between Fusan and Special weekly express train will be'urate(l between Berlin and Vlzulwost-ok, Dairen and Fu.`.=an, Via H'a1'bin. It is planned to extend this service rom the Ba'itish Channel and eventually to establrish the French international Sleeping Car Co1m)an_\' in Siberia to operate sleeping: and (lining cars. The Japan- ese Rziilway Minlistry announces that the printing of the tickets for the thirteen foreign countries taking part in the ti1l`OU{J,'il `oraic is proceed- in_4 1'api(ll_\'. _ fuuturc. with 21 strong` hand, that held (lisoordant elements tog'ebher in the embryo nation, until natural fus- ion nwigmt take place. and Many Other New Features The Northern Advance `LUID. Firemen Occupy Chairs The First Degree was ably exem- plied at Tlmrs ni5;!ht's meeting, with members of the Barrie Fire B1'ig'a occupying` the chairs. This was done as 21 tribute to the retiring Master, L. O. Vair, who is a mem- ber of Uht: Fire Br~ig`aIe. W. Bro. J. Sh1'u.bsro]e occupied the Ma.ster s chair, witlh W. Bro. VVa1'1'cn John- ston as P.M.; W. Brro. L. O. Vair as S.W.; W. Bro. F. C. Lower as J.W; Bro. C. Carley as S.D.; Bro. O. Wil- liams as J.D.; Bro. C. McMu1kin as S.S., and Bro. G. Coles as J.S. rn1_,- t:..-.... A n . . . A vn `nimialv nnminii- marketing tour for farmers to Great 1 Britain and Denmark, und-er bhe aus- pices of the Cv2m~a National Rail- ways, have received the endotsation and appmva-I of Dr. J. H. G1-isdale, Deputy Minister of .A{:1'ic1tu'1`e for Czmazl-21, and other IL-a 21f_,"l'iCU\].`l 1 I turists in Canada. 1 y LL ,, L- 11.. XXI Y Dian].- ` Plans for the org*an`iza.tion of a MARKETING TOUR rt A Ixr Ilulill-D III I In a letter to Dr. W. J. Black, iDirecto1' of Colonization, .-\:_:ricu`1tu're and Nzitural Resources of the Can- adian N-z1tion~a1 Railways, Dr. Gris- idiznle expresses his desire for the suc- `cess of the tour, and says, I am sure that no live fztrmer couvld spend the price of the trip in any w21_\ that could afford him at one and the same time more pleasure, and more education and inspiration looking` to improving his methods and getting` a thorou'g`h grasp of the market`ing , prob~1ems of this country than wiciuld : just such a trip. It would be an ex- "|perience and a pleasure, the memor_\' `land good effects of which would un- .idoub last for many years and [iserve to broaden the views and in- ,]crease the pro-dxueing` capacity of every panticipant. ..uud>1i~`n\n:" #'|-n-nuurhnnf \JLI.HLlllI.l. I UVUL'_Y lJLllll;lLLl1Jcllll4- Agwiculturznl authorities t.ln'ou`L`hout I the Dominion are exp1*essing' keen inlterc-st in the coin'im2; tour, and it is probable lmat the party will inolutlci many men p1~o.minen~t in all branches `of Zl_`.."!"lCUxl:tu`1'C who are cag`e1' to 0391 tend their knowledzge of 1n2n1~kctin_g conditions and niotliotls of p1'0(l`uC-U tion in the Old Land. 1 -`-?'-:`j--j I At a sitting: of the Ontario Rail-I way Board in Barrie Court House` this morning Stroud Te1ep1hon(- Co. were restricrted to a charge of 5c and 10c for stz1tion~t.o-s:tration and` person-to-person calls`, 1-espectively, between Barrie and St.roud. IVIessrs. C. R. Mclieown and Francis D21;, _Q`f1" formed the C0mmi:\=Ii0n. W. Lennoxg Black, A. Purvis and R. A. Suther-| lland appeared from Stroud. I SIGK ABED EIGHT MQNTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Could Do All Her Work and Gained v in Weight Melfort, Saskatchewan. - I had inward troubles,headaches and severe pains in my back and sides. Iwas so sick generally ' that I could not sit up and I was in bed most of the time for eight months. An aunt came to visit and help me as I was unable to attend to my baby and could not do my - - < work. She told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound,and after taking two bottles I could get up and dress my- self. I also took Lydia E. I inkham's Blood Medi:ine. When I first took the radar:-inn I nnlu wpicrherl .qnv9n`r\'- .- 6 I . 151000 Meulnne. Wnen 1 IIFSL won me medicine I only weighed seventy- eight pounds. Now I weigh twice as much. If I get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. I nd it wonderfully good for fe- male troubles, and have recom- mended it to my neighbors. -Iwill be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking about it."---Mrs. WxLLIAM RITCHIE, Box 486, Melfort, Saskatchewan. C The Moscow autzhorities ZLYC en- raged by what they term the outrage of diplomatic inununity to which their agenfts in bondon and Peking were envtibled. It does not appear that i.n' either case diplomatic im- munities were infringed, but even if they hrad` been, the action would have been justied by reason of the breach of faih on the part of the commun- ists. Diplomatic inmiunity can not prope1`ly be invoked by ind-ividuals .`who are plotting` against the peace of the g'overmnen`t to which they are ac- c1`(lite ....-.4, n \I\an\ GAINS APPROVAL Db D'GE BROTHERS HISTORY Special Coupe, $1255; Special Sedan, $1375; De Luxe Sedan, $1485; Sport Roadster, $1315; Convnrtible Cabriolet" $1485 LIVINGSTON BROS. Drive the car today and appraise at rst hand the brilliance of this achieve- ment. Notice the charming new color effects, too--and the smartness of the body lines. u.u-, cu-u u;u. \4 r Dh`e remen w me.n-ted on the n` \vm*k was (lone. See, also, the fleet and stylish new Convertible Cabriolet with Rumble Seat, the latest addition to Dodge Brothers line. P St-.-13<*"i_..9nt-_ Delivered, with Spare Tire -'lgo`nqu1'n Pink, in Onatanio, is known wherever fishermen foregzxther as the haunt of tig, -h.t.invg fish, and each year its waters are attracting more and more anglers in search of real sport. When the Canadian Weekiy Newspaper Editors hold their annual convention a:t Bigwfm Inn this ye-a.r many of them, it is expected, will make side trips to Algonquin Park to en- joy string t1ips-Ca.nadia.-n National Railways photograph. ana:da s Diamond Jubilee has been the inspiration that led to the writing of a new Canadian song "At The Canada Jubilee" which has re- cently been published to commemo- rate the sixtieth year of confedera- Hnn L iLLC tion. T65 uon. Its composer, Gordon V. Thompson, has`eud_v established the reputa- tion of being one of Cam9..da. s leading song Writers. His popular War songs u composed and publislhed during the stirring -days of 1914-18 are well- 'known. There are few who do not 2......" 'k1- hnnrf Hm nir: nf "\Vhen `known. l`nere are 1ew wuu uu uut. u know `by heart the airs of Bac ", "Khaki" or When Yomr Boy Comes Back to You", three patriotic songs in par- ticular comsposed by Mr. Thompson Any-inc! `Han `K721 ucuutr UULI.A:p\J:u:L during the War. --_--Z-?-?--: The forcible seizure of Ruvssian I soviet. in London by order ` of the Britiseh Government is prob- ably the forerunner of :1 break be- tween the British and Ru: G.overn~mcnt's. It is hinted that the- objcct of the seizure was the re-` covery of British documents that had mystei -iously disappeared, but (1.0-ubtless the British :Lutlnoritie;~: act- ed upon information which convinced them that the communists were carry- ing` on criminal conspiracies again-st the peace of Britain, boh at `home 1 and in the Fur Ezrst. Pr0babw1_V there : is :1 direct connection between the seizures in London and Pekinfx. -2 ~14 5: .2 Diamond Jubilee Inspires Seng The Home of Fighting Fish Tempo dl Value :1 u \ At The Canada Jubilee `W.-XLTZ SONG By com) Mr. Thompson composed this new song recently while staying at the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec. Here at the very birthplace of (`unadian history Mr. Thompson felt the urge to write something that would ex- press the joy of Canztdinns at the 1 coming great event. Hzwing produced At the C.'tna.d:L Jubilee" .\Ir Thomp- son felt that another song, express- lng the optimistic sentiments of Can- - adians, would be exceedingly appro- l priate. "Land of Glad l`o-M01-rows _ was the result of this inspir.':`.ir::1 which the composer feels expresses _ something of the optimism for the future throughout Canada. at the present -time. 6 THURS-DAY MAY" 26, I9 37. GORDON V THOMPSON , (`when We Wind up Thu Wnlch On The Rand` `When You! Boy Came: Back `n: Ycu','etu. GREAT BRITAIN NOW { FACES THE isovnaw, If the capture-(I British Government has incrinlinatimz (locum0nt.< :1 to ho hnpml that it will pub1`i.=h thom, in orul(~r to put rt`nm` .1'c\ crn- mm1t.- on `ft-.n-Er _-zuzml. The ccn'.mun- ist c0nspi1'z1c_\' mnbrac-:~= th:: xvoz-H. All govornn1ont.< that omw<~ com- n1-uni:'m:11'oth intomloxl \'Z(`t'.n`.=. The only .~`:\fL- cm1'.~`0 t) be pu1's11"/3 policy of oxc1n.~:m: of connmn::-,-t,=.[ They should arlopt the ruin fullowr-cl 1 by the Unitetl St.atos-non-rr~cog'ni-1 `tion, non-intex'cc1n's~ and exclusion.` .-\zlzthou_ twre is Ru.~'.=`.a.n commun- ist p1'cwy`z|'.::1nda in tho L7nit-xi States. it is badly lxanmcum)-.7.l bec:1u. of` I I th- exclusion of red ny;o.11t.~', and par- ticularly `-13 non-3'oc')g'niti-~11 of thr: .`ovit-t C vc-rnmeu. 1n.=tL':'.\l of - 1:: u - . u