Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 May 1927, p. 3

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Keevp the poultry house clean and the birds are more likely to keep (healthy. Good roads in Ontario are promoting the beauty of the Province. They have in- spired owners of homes and farms to improve the appearance of their proper- ties. New fences have been built, lawns have been made, trees and owers planted, and homes and barns treated to paint. The appearance of whole neighborhoods has been transformed by the creation of these roadside beauty spots. They make Ontario a nicer place advertise Ontario to ever; To those who have thus property along the highwz encouragement to others tr the whole Province is indel The Government is not uni public advantage of such ii It is ready to render subs ance to property owners ir and care of trees along tha No Car should go on the Road unless it is in good Condition Very ` :m- tvlw } of Czmaxdu Ibo-um! bogc-bhevr `by -bannih oif _9I'.a-d._ As a matter` M fat-.L Kriush Columbia hu.('.' :1 Province of dhe Dominic`: in 1871 under pmtmu cl -mihnny connr-ciion, trhmxqn hhv ,'1";`u.'1` lin':"n~--un did not becmm: a reality till 1885. 'l"he on-nwncns develop- mvnt of 1':Li]ru:uLl.a,; }....: '.,..L1. We of the oubst,:md".ng: 1"cnatur4..-s of time 3111:)` year that have empsed sincv Ontario. Quebec, New 1i1'u.xLswiuk and Nova Suotiu wnited undcvr one cuntm .ymvemme.n:t -in: Improved Highways inspire the Improvement of Home and Farm The ;ION.' GEO. S. HENRY, Minister .In the old days when politics were taken seriously pant-yism, in many cases, caused a clea_vag'e between 11eigx]1bor.< and converted close friends into bitter enemies for life. The children of parents wedded to one -pa1't_v were sometimes forbidden to play with Iihtle ones of their own age }_L')`O\\'in_`.`.` up amid the evil inuc-nces of the opposite creed. Sir Alexander .`Iz:::kr-n::i<:-. the dour Scot P1`(~mi(.-1` of r~,,,| p _ 1nr~n L. qnrvn , LL. !C.'1n.'1:lz'. from 1873 to 1878, probably <.-xp1'r.~:~`.~:x'.- the opinion e1`.ta31'tz1ined ::m.o11:_v`s c devout Liberals when he Isuitlz 'I`he heart of the averagrc 'I`o1'_\' !is dc-coithful above all thongs, and` |(l(_`S])C'l`LtC`1} wecked. As evidence of the waning hatred butweeii polliticians we have the ex- ample of Can2ula s present Prime Ministtw (with Liberal leanings, it is 'sai(l) gxcinig` to the Honorable John S. Martin, Ontario s Minister of A_2vri- cvullture, and a Tory of the Tories, for :1 setting` of White Wyamlotte eggs. The Rt. Honorable Mr. Mac- kenzie Kin-9; lws become infected with the chicken virus, and is attempt- A POLITICAL ANOMALY CANADA S THREE SCORE /jhey are the best Laws, by which `me king` has the greatest preroga- tive, and the people the best li- berty.-Bacon. Department will send you without charge a list of approved lenses and simple instructions for adjusting head- lights. Your license number must be clean and so placed as to be easily read. Neglect on any of these points makes an automobile unsafe and a dangerous char- acter on the road. Penalties are pro- vided by The Highways Trafc Act for this neglect and they are being enforced. place to live; they every passer-by. improved the highways and given to do the same, indebted. unmindful of the improvements. substantial assist- in the planting the highways. ling` to eke out 'his nieagre inccme by `raising a few chicks on his farm in the Gatineau. If the Prime Minister ih-ad remembered the dc-c]iara.ti~on of his p1'e of 1873-78 he woulid, no (lroubt, have o\'e.1*1`0oke(i the excel- lence of the Hioinombie Mr. i\'Ia1'tin -s flock and taken his basket on his arm to the henya1'(I of some flock that laid good Grit eggs. ...-L,. ' IJA...` at . _ . m . . . . /\:]r\\ ..... mu. ,-.,.. _..V V,,,,.,. Here, at any ra.-to, is a precedent,| and surc-1'y it is no 1ong'0r t.1`ait.o1'ous| to cnc s pamty to have honest busi- ness connections with a(IIhc1'cnts of! another party. Liberals, in a pinch} mi_Q'ht ch`21n_2`c works with Tories, and in case of silo I1inqg:s and b1n'eshin,9:sl `it. mi;-Jht ever be pcnnisszxble to in-I Vite in a few U.F.O. and Pr0g'1'es-| I `si\'0s.-Advocat0. Tlhe pzxssingr of M1`. `.`.iHiam Frock last week end romvovcs. anotiher of the pioneers of Barrie, and genuinz cxpreissions of 1'eg`ret are hezml from old and young. A g'oo(1 man has passed on, leaving an imprint that lmay well be envied. ?'%EWs A soft job means a soft characzter. cmrma DV 911,7 Rev. Wilviam Simpson, B.A., curatcl of St. J~o-`h`n s Gh;u1'oh, Toronto Junc- ltion, was ma`1'1-ied to Miss Fanny Clute of Wyevale on Wedrmsday last. M1`. and Simpson w'11 leave in 21 few days for Regina, n,,1, iT.l1e Victoria Day celebration was a swccew, the lacrosse matcfnexs and `races proving of g're-at interest. The races marked the opening of the new hzrlvf-mile track, and Messns. Cuff, Kennedy and Coffey deserve credit for this feature. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927. W. C. Hunter let this week for Montreal on a buyinp; trip. ` A pike nea1'1y t.h1'eo foot 3 caurgnt at Mineffs Creek on 1 Our weld known ath-letve, E. W. Jomston, made a smntling` jump at Newm-211-kct the other day of 13 feet, 3 incuhes. luvou Anya; nu mu. ;-;uvuu. The second meeting` of the new Oro 'I`ownsihip Softball League was held on I'1hurs(l?ay evening` last at Hawkestione, with a good attendance, four c-lulbs being` representecl. Mr. Garf. Rouse took the chair and the following` oicers were elected: Mr. Coulter of Guthrie, presillent; M-1-. Irwin McMahon of Ono Station, vice- presitlent; Mr. H. Parker of H`awke~ l sxtone, sec1`cta1'y-t1`ezLsu1'e1'. The schedule, calllling for two games 21 week for each team, one at home and lthe other away from home, will be drawn up on Friiluay, May 20th. 'I\he lleaevue will open on or aboult May 24th, anrl continue till about .-\wu`_;`ulst ].~Jt, after which :1 play-o series will be held, when the second and third teams will play off and the winner will then play the l-ezuling` team for the championship. Any additiwonal teams wi.~:h~in_;' to join the new leztgue will be welcomed and . com- municate witlh the seere.tar_v on 0-1` before May 2L `M Softball is now very popular in all the large centres t-ln'ou(:hou(c Canada, and is gaining new friends each season. Now is the time to start, and develop with [the league. Fo1`]owi-n_;' are the officers of Bar- rie Cricket Club: W. Raikus. presi- dent; D .~\lton McCa1`th._\', and VVm. Lount, vicc-p1'esi(l~e-his; Geo. W. Lount, secretary; L. S. Sanders, treasmwr; Gcmmittee, R. Mampole, Jos. Rog'c1-s, F. Pc-pler, P. Moore, T. Fuoy-s~e1-1, C. E. King. We cong'1~atu1a.te Mn`. Haug:1nto11 Lennox who has passed his ba1`1=i\site1' e>aa;min`ation, coming` rst among twenty candidates, some of them the best men in the P-rovince. r\ n 1 .11 L 11 111 A good way to tell mush1'oom:.-.:| fnom toadstools is to eat them. If you live they are mushrcoms and if you die they are t.oad.stooIs. I Looking_l_3_ack Ward 1' The steam re en:4*inc- was out on trial on Mend-1}: night, but {rot stuck on B`a_ve1 St. and had to be town-ml in by horses. The annual r-fnibition 01` the Bar-E r:-3 Horticuitumxl Stciety will be ha-M on .-\u_Q11st Sth. SCQTTS EMULSION SOFTBALL LEAGUE t\I\r\ . nu.- Ca1'petin_9: cost $83.93. ` 1867. At that time \the newbwrn `-.D0mi.n'i'o'n boasttnud 2,278 miles of tmc-k; it. `has over 42,500 milw tIo-(Lay. In equipment, 600, ho evoiution. has been great. I".hs.- old wood-bm'm:r of 1867, uhvougah cap- able of very credirtahle speed, was :1 pigrny in saizc-, wu-1'-:__~1|1t and .~1tre-r1_u,rUh c."nmax.~-+:d w?t'.h the l~.n~-:c- I-1v':O- motivt-s of to-dIay. Mr. C. W. Jelferys, Ganad-u"s fnrenm:;t. hixtom`.-3] artisrt, {MCAC 3;.2.,,':...;.;'ny (IL',pECt8`' gt;'l~.e- t-ban-ges that have take.-.11 -place. ~ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO YEARS OF NATIONHOOD Advance Fyle, May 29, 1902 Advance FIFTY YEARS AGO lva.nce Fyle, May 24, 1877 n.-..u1\.-\.;;_ ORGANIZED IN `ORO the Rich In Cod-liver Council Chamber . ICEHQ: wasl the 24th. I The Dom-inion Bureau of Statistics has made the customary arrange- ments for the co1`leot`ion and publica- tion of the annual zigriculltunal sta- tistics of Canada or the year 1927. These statistics will be based upon returns to be collected next Jame fnoan inclixniclual farmers wpon card- board s~ehe(lu-lies as issued to them througlh the teachers and dhilclren of the rural salnools. Trhe sehetlrule is a very simple one, callin.-,~' only for the areas sown to eld crops and the numbers of farm animals alive on the farm in mid-Juvne. Upon the result- ing estininates of total areas sown are based the pi-elimin~ar_\', provisional and nal estimates of yield, which are of supreme importance in con- nection with the movement, nancing`, (liistribution and sale of the prinei-l pal cereals, especially of wheat ofl \-xhieh Canmla is now the \\'o1'lil .~:' lea exporter. mt -~m~..< ..1-.~.. 4'-.. um ..,.n.... l ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL [ STATISTICS FOR 1927` .-.`.. M1`. Garden was born in Welland County in 1860, and received his education in the public and high sohczois of T-horohl. He was con- ncctml with the Dominion Drug` Co.| in Haniilton for inuny years as a| ,trave`1Ier, and when t.h~at company lwas taken over by the National Drug: and Chemical Co., M1`. Garden was INIIL` 1nn:1_:'or at Hmnihton, which .oicc he held till a year 215:0. .....e .... I oice he i M1". Gz1i'(1en had been `.1 resident} of Barrie far over twenty years, and ' took an active il1tC1`C'S't in civic and political nmtter:<. In 1906 he was elected Reeve of Barrie, and in 1910' was elected as Wm-den of `Simcoe.i S:ho1't1-y at`-ter he moved to Hoamilton to assume his d-uties as manager of rie, died at `his.h:ome in Hamilton on Thu:-.s.1laa_\' Lust. He had been in poor heilmh for some time, but_was able to asttc-ml to business till a week be- fore. Death came while he was in . -. A V 1 A. C. G~a1 dcn, well known in Bar, I I uv,n,....! u:uuiu;., n.n.lzuiu\.;. The present plans for the collec- tion of these statistics have been followed since 1917, and the esti- -mates bznsed thereon have come to be condently relied upon by all in- terested in the production and distri- bution of Canadian 5:1-ain. 1 . .1 u 1 v,,.,',,, uuuuu u; uuuuu-uu h.u.-u. In connection with the cc-Ieb1*ation this _\'c~a1' of the Dia.mon Jusbiwlcc of COHfC(l`G1`2Lttl-OD, accurate statistics are indispensable for a proper a.ppreci'ar tion of the national progress, and in 01`(l(`1' to enusure that the statistics of mhe Jwbihlcc year nnay be as accurate A. C. Garden Died In Halpilton Helps Build Strength Rapidly as pcssibie, it is c-a1'nesta'l.y hoped that fiarrnu-rs th'i'oug1h.o~u:t the Dominion will not fail to resndcr .t:he sm.a.11 service required by 1J'in_<.,-` up and returning the scahedutle issued. vn n . nu `If any farmer SIl1lO\Ll*l(l n-ot receive the car(lAbnoa'1`d sahediule by the midi- dle of June he should aqmly for same 0`l`iJl1G1` to the sdhnc-oil teacher of the nearest local nu'1'z1x1 school, or to his Provincial of Agricul- ture, or to Uhe Dominion Statistician at Oltrbawa. The aim is to obtain a oomplerted schedule from every farm- er, as the more numiemus he 1~etun'ns the more t1'11s1:wo1'tl1'y will be the re- smlrting est.ima.tes. \,\4|l\l1 .,. e.....e.,,......... izllso 21 member of the Canadian [CIub, the Co1n1ne1=~:iz1l Club, 'IOtl1`_\1 !Clu`l`). Scottish Rite, 1\I_\'.'<.tic Sh1'ine1`s, ]I.0.0.F., I{.P. s and A.U.O.W' M1`. Garden was the last survivinvg c-hzxrter member of the Barrie Scot- |tish Rite. Surviving` are his wichow land two Mrs. Au-gusta Jwarman and 1\'Iiss Nina Garden. In- terment took place at HamiLton on Satu the National Drug Co. In politics he was a staunch Conservative and one of the most active \\'\0l`kCl`S in the pzn't._\'. In 1923 he was C\ICOtCd to [tho Leg:is:1u=t.L11'e, winnin=g' the West :Hun1i}t0nsoat; for `his `])21.1`t)`. He crntinuod in office till ill xhealtzh lf01'C'(l his retirement, and in De- lcc-1nbe1' last he vas :1ppoint<.-d Rc~_2'is- trzu` of the County Court and Cclerk of the: Su1'1`o.xat.c Court in Hamil- ton. Mr. Gzmlon was a former cl*.;1im1:xn of t'h." Hamilton Harbor ICC 1mi.~'.~:ion, :1 member of the mu 1 .. n |v.........-uu, u uu..uv\,. u. mu. Chamber of Commerce, and 21 (Hr- cctor of .~:(.-v01':1I 0ra.te1'1)1`i. He was .. . -1.` LL- I. I An old resident of Oro Tiownislnp pztssed away at Shanty Bay on Sau- |u1'd:1_v last in the person of John F`. Sanderson. Deceased was born in 'E11:_v`lz1.nzl S0 _\'L1ll S Z`9.f. ,`0. He came to Canzula when a youngz` man, residing near Toronto for a time. Fity years ago he came to Om, wliere he farmed for many years and was well known Lllliouiglllolht the township. Re- tiring: from the farm he lived at Slmn/Ly Bay and had been in poor healtbli for the past. year. Survivinwg are three sons and one ll/aughter, Wil- liam D. of Hamilton, Anlrbcrt and Fred on the*, and Mrs. Handy of Toronto. His wife prede- ceased him in 1917. The ilunenail took place on Monday, inmerrmentt at St. 'Ilhomas Cemetery, Sxhan-`Cy Bay. JOHN F. SANDERSON . PageLThre% The Tonic That Oil Vitamins It is unsafe to the occupants, and a menace to the public, to drive an auto- mobile which is not in good condition. Check your brakes and steering gear often and replace parts worn or broken. Don t take a chance. Your car may fail you at a critical time. Keep your headlights adjusted. See that your lenses are according to law. The Motor Vehicles Branch of the Ontario Department of Highways T110 HQN-' CFO, Q, HFMDV Ll.'...'.o.o

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