Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 May 1927, p. 4

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OFFICIAL VISIT IOF D.D.(`..M. `AT BAYVIEW CHAPTER 105 Coveralls, 2~8 yars . . . . . .$1.00 Blue with red trim, khaki with Boys Wash Suits Boys Brown Moleskin Breeches, Si /.(',S 26-34 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50 Boys Cottonade Bloomers . .$1.35 Extlu strong, sizes 26-34. Boys White Cetton Jerseys . .29c Could be used as und(:r:~:hirts, sizes 24:, 30, 32. Boys Blue .ierseys,' with polo ml- lar, sizes 24 to 32, . . . . . . . .50c Boys [Fine Wool Sox, sizes 6 tr) 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c Successors to J. Sutcliffe 8: Sons 1: \;u Iv ..u;. red trim. Conduct Your Affairs with Dignity During the initiation iS01|0xS were! given by Sdsters Ogden an-d Rayneni 'Dhe D.D.G.M. gave encouraging words to each ofcer, com-p`himernting' them on their work, with offers of` sugvrestions to help. Short speeches and expressions of goodwibl were heard from the visitors in the STANDARD Bank savings ac- A count lends dignity to the trans- actions of the depositor. lt iden- ties him with an organization that is known and respected in the community, and establishes a. contact which is in- ` valuable should he at any time desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open .1 Standard Bank savings account. It will help you to develop your [in- ancial resources as nothing else can, and enable you to conduct your per- sonal nancial affairs with dignity. uu---5. U.'r*-'- . The boys orcheswa of the Sur.~ day Sclnooxl rer'1dc~rr-d several num- [bers during` the bu.'.quet zmrl after `wards. Lang Syne. 'LI\l L.....J THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1927. BO\VS}~`.R. mu. 1, Mlnexsmg, unulrlo. Do yqu feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear winch some- times comes to _women_ when thov are not well? Lydia P1nkham s Veg- etable Compound IS excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently . will relieve this condition. 0 Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario.- I am a rac- ticul nurse and I recommend ydia E. Pinklmn1 sVcgeta_l)le Compound to sullering women. For three months I was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enough to drink 11 cup of tea. Many a time my hus- band carried me to be would be so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman suil'ering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable compound, so he went and got it for me. Whenl had taken three bottles I was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When 1 feel any bearing-_down pains I always take it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, _I will gladly write to her. I do all I can to rec- ommend it for I _feel I owe mv life and strength to it. -_ Mrs. NEAL BOVVSER. R.R. 1, Minesmg, Ontario. no mm for-1 hroken-down. nervous. EARRIED WIEEJU BED .4 for 25c .6 for 25 \....\. g,--.1-.5. 4.. ..\_...\...\... ....-. ...._. ..-_ .- .. At the close of the ceremony Slis-Eservice was conrluctc-(1 by Rev. A. ter Edward was presented with a setC1-aw, T110 pull-bea1'e1's were Fred of cut glass sherbert glasses by tahelDa_v, H. 3-fafcin, Gen. Bessy, W. L. W.M. as a token of ap1)1'ecjation|Begy, Hem-y Mc(_3uvz1Vi_2` and H. A. Mc- from members of B5.yvn'ew Chapter. 3 Cuaig`. ' I .$1.00 .$2.95 $4.95 .$1.69 .3269 Visitacrs from Toronto came in . and Wiillviam, Barrie; Fred at Crown two Met1'opolitan busses, the devligiht-iHi1l and Mrs. Goo. Wilson. Bzu'rie. ful drive adding` to the pleasure dvf ! I\he funeral on Monda_v to Crown: th.e evening. _ Hill ccmetc-1'_\' was largely attended.` Sis-iiservice set ;C1-aw, _: _..L n.1-_- -1.A_.L-._4. ,..1..~-,... 1-.. ;L,.l-n_. Tl ~\r....;_'.. rum Dn~.-wvv UV 1 I S'I`O'I`ESBURY--H O`PKINS-At St. ,,,L `r _._,_ h__,n_ !1...1 TWO YEARS IN PEN i FOR OLD OFFENDERS (Continmnd from page one) i an order for a bottle of rum at the` V'CT1(llCTS, and getting it, hit it up. pretty lw.rd. Meeting Brown on the street, he asked him to come and work for him at Caaledon East pulling watercress. On Sunday mo-rnvi,ng; the _ witness and Brown finished the rum, and were fairly well ilnit wlhen Weir and Hanwdll dvoppecl in and asked for some tea. `They got the tea, and in additilorn six bottles of wine, which were ooinsu-meld diuring the afternoon. Ad; 5 p.m. it was i-ru.g'g'ested that everybody go to Pal- grave, where Dunning could get; some bottled beer. Darkness fell be- ` 1 fore they arrived, and nobody knew when they passed through Palgrave. Weir fell out of the car at a rail- way cnossingc, where the car narrow 1-y escaped a train collision, but was not missed until the others travelled ve miles further and crashed into a tree, Breaking the top of the car. The witness (bid not remember even being` in Tottenh-a.m. The rst he knew of the afTair was when he a1me to r1riv'ing' scruth along the h`i;z'h,2'\\'a,\' .VIonday morn.in_r:, and lis- covered the stolen _',`00(lS in the car. There was no ineention to commit a crime and no plans were made for :1 ug.et_a,al\.`n uh- 1:,....... ....... .1. -...__. /r ,1 ,,\.v-uuwy. De Liquor was drucausn cf do tT~0ubIo," will the witness. I ve been hitting: it pretty har aIcoho]--zmd its sha.k(.~n mo up. I`he witness 1'emnmbm'c-rl sonm of the 1.`) convictions a.3.:'ain.<:t him, but thought some of them must belong try his brotlhor in Toronto. u*n_., 1...-.. .I........ ...._,.;... ,_.,....1 1..L- ul III-1 ....\n-uu. ... I've been doing: protty jroorl latc- ly. You can see by the record that I haven't been in any trouble since the lust conviction, he declared naively. . t1.._....,.n ..1,... nnntvn .~.u:A.-mm. I\11\1~\ nwIvLu_y. Hanwt-11 also gave evidence, blam- ing the occuvrenco on d1'un`konness. None of the mom know what they were dlrtinxr. 'IThey must have broken into the hzmhvure store `hoping to 1:01`. canned heat. In Toronto rub- blimr alcohol and canned heat wore; the thirxgs drun~k most. r1__-__ A4.L.......... `mqmna u-nnmzl l1`|n-:4 um: bx|u1.3.-,3 nuunn luvvvrv. Crown Attorney Evans urged that a penitentiary term be given. He` pm.iso(l Pr0v._ Ofcor Kelly n` his speedy work in getting the culprits. On Thtnsday evening lust Bay- vlew Chapter 105, Order of i.estern Star, received the oicial visit of Sister Anmie Ed.w:a.rd, D.D.G.I\`I. ovf `I\:_4._._' _L \'_ n A L. .... at run `L\Jl..l-JL71JlJL\yL LA\JL LLLLVLI 1; -4. Luke's Ch-urch, Long Beach, Ca:l., on April 16, 1927, Maybellra Evelyn, daugihtter of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of Long Beach, to Harry C. Stotesbury, son of Mrs. H. H. Stotcsbury, of Barrie, Ont. MARRIED 1ol:l:awIim.~;: :1 lin.g~or ixhlneas, Jef- frcy Bcrtmm passed mwuy in 110-- ronto on Thursdlay last, May 56111. Deouzmod: was the y1ouna'c4st son of Rebeooa and film late Benjamin Bert- ram, and was born in Ono Tmvtmiip, near Obowos, twoxnity-rve years ago. 1 , Wu. - r 1.4.. c...L.1...... ... near uuuvum, unuuw_y~..n. _yu.... ...,...... Axter the tlomtlx of his fuutzhner in 1911 the family moved ho Ban-nie, wthere deceased comulcted his ed=usczL- (ion and cntened tihe sewiccas of tihe Bank of C4ommm`cc. He took :1 grrowt hxsterest in slpovts, am! it was wuilc tmkng part in hockey `gmnes tihuut he oonltmobed :1 cold from wthidh he never fwldy 1*edr:|verod, an-(1 which re- sulted im serious compl Sm`- vivim: are his motzhm`. one sister. Mms. Lamb, of Toronto, .-mcl one lw0~ ther, Howard-, of D:1l.x`m1. lVhc fun- erzul took place on Sundtuy from t`.`m\ residence of his lmohlwr at D:m1St()11 and was at1.mu1(\d by :1 largxv nlmnhm-. services bcsiunu` conducted by Rev. Mr. F1-alsick of Tom-nto. Atnrcxther of the pioneers of Oro Townsliip, in tfhe person of Goongre W. OaldM'e:`l.l, passed away at this home at Slluanv Bay on Ividny last. 'I`he late Mr. Ca,l was born at Cnown Hill in 18-18. the son of the late Robt. Caldwell and Annie Sissons. Wuhen a _\'o11-me,` man he learned the hlxaoksrnirblving trade and for a num- lber of years w'o1'~ked at Kin._e: City, York County. Returninig` to Oro he _pumhased a famn on the third con- lcession, where he lived till 1-etining isome time ago. Flifrty ago he mm`-nied Francis Elizabetzh MoClu'n-5:, `who survives him. with our `tors, Mrs. Ge4o. Brooks and Mrs. `Wm. Patterson, Svhranty Bay; Mrs. Cliff. Robinson, Crown Hill, and Maud at home. and three sons, ' ,Dr. Leonard Caldwell, Detroit; Wlil-I `ifred of l\'Ianitr and Filmer, near "B~a1'.re. There are also three bro-' `them and one si: su1'vi\iiny:. Tehos. iand -{Hill Wilson. 1r 1 , ., n .,,,,_l After an illness of less than 21 week's (lumtion, John Kidd passed away at his home in C-ookstown on` May 4th. The late Mr Kidd was born in Cookatown in 1848 of pion- eer stock, and lived all his life untili 1919 on a farm half a mile from the xniillage. In 1919 he retire-I to }Ul1C village and had resided there` Mr. Kidd took :1 keen interest inl all public affairs and played :1 prorn-I linen : part in the life cf the com- munvlvty (Luring his lifetime. As a Imember of the `.VIetho(li: anrl laterl the United Church, he was Sunrlayl School superintendent, class loader," member of the Official Board, and} trustee of the church property. He` `also served as school trustee for a number of years, and was a Llirectic-r of the local Agricultural Society. A 1-_,___-|__ -1! .1--.... ._ .... .,. `All.-. UL ulu: LUUGI i`|.}5L'A\zu-`luutua uuvu.-_y. A family of four survive, Miss Gazy of Orilila, Arthur on the home- stead, Ewart of the Collegiate In- stiturte staff, Barrie, and Karl of New Tlomnto, and also ve sisters, `Mrs. J. Ross, Eclmontzon; Mrs. Alex. IGilrmour, Newmarket; Mrs. Rowe, 'llo-nonto; M-rs. McConnell and Miss Ellen, Coolcstovm, and two bvoifhors, Jas. F. and Daniel of Oookstown. His wife ptmleceased him in 1923. The funeral took place on Sa.turzl*a_v, May 7th. to Lewis Cemetery, con- rlucted by Rev. Mr. Clements. Those acting: as pail-l-bca1'r:1's were Messrs. W. J. Finlay, J. Cmoper, Alnx. Arn- old, Alex. and Robt. Robinson and `Wilson l(.-ll. | On Motahe1ts' Day, Sundz1_v, May 8th, there passml away pr,-zu-.efu1ly Mrs. Goorpx: Tex.-`ar- c, apcecl 74, at the home of hor (]:Ll1,`.,"}1tC`1 , Mrs. Ben. Smith, Blxukn St. 'T"}m lat ) .V`Irs. T(nrm`t, who had boon in failing; health about a _vea1', had come to Bzn-twin. :xcc~onman1in-rl by her slaugh- ter on Friday, May I 6th, from M~00sr-jaw Hospmxl, where she had been conm-rl :1 short timrn Death was due to heart trouble. ' ..~ .. . I nun \|u\. uni Jlunnxv v-u-...;u.. Mis. T0,2'art, whose maiden name was Hammh Stmv.'n'~t.. \v.-1'4 horn in Linhom, King Townshrip, the d:u:Lrh- tor of tho Into Chas. Stnwart and Mary Hall. In 1879 she was mar- ried to Bonjunmin Robinson 01' Downs- ..1..... Cl... I3...\.I 3.. 4...n..-- nun n.nIH Page Four ...,-.. Ll] ...;.._,K....... .....,...n.... view. She lived in Dowmzvirew umtil the doa,t]1 of Mr. Robinson in 185%)`. Going` to Weston, she lived thr-rn un- til 1898, whnn shn rr-mmvml to To- ronto. In the fall of that _\'o,nr she ;was Inarrierl a srrcond. time, to Geo.` Tegart of Tottenham and moved to Bsmrie. Twenty-one years am she lwent West with her husband, sof- tlimz in Zealandiu. where Mr. Tc;-:m-t died in 1912. Three yoars ago she GEORGE W. CALDWELL JEFFREY BERTRAM IMRS. GEORGE TEGART JOHN KIDD EVIQAABORATET PLANS FOR 'CELEBR.AT;0N _._._..._A (Continued fl'(V)V"VI`|V])aJxC one-) _ The Bald 'I'rz4loop|hIonc Co. and Hyvtlmb r\_......:......... ......... o... n... ....1,...u am. on... lllL' nun: nun.-vpuuunn; vu. uuu .._,-...v Cicmmission were to he askml orr tine 1 1.1, 5.. ..... A-.. .l.......,....6..... om... sugrgerstotl that the Militia and Sodniers Olub migurt co-operate in pud:ti'ng' on 3 Shaun bwttle in the form of a trc-nvah mid by nirgnt. Fireworks and blank bombs and am- ,muniti-c~n would be used to mszxke it spectacular and 1'c>zLbi-stxic. The so1'die1~s might also take part in a _pa_L'eant of any sort that might be `lwith the barn dzmce to follow were 'th2Lt it be :1 shirt waist`afTz1i'1` and stagetl. S:Lt.urday nig'M; was pro- posed as a. suitable time for the trench raid. Sufrzzestions made in connection Us C I} LL! lll|I'l l\5:'.-A`- Major Krn-owlevs and Major Kenduanl 1 that ;\Iajm' W. N. Knowles call -1! H $1ovcL rxnuuu; Lauuvuuu, u.u.\...v-. `... ' at No. 9. A banquet was served to visitors and member at. 6 7 _ LL, lVL__J..... -1 ..-`luidk W... '1 Dr. W. A. Lewis presented the re- I `port of the Comrniittee on Sunday `Services, outlined above. It was felt that either a statesman of national reputation or a Barrie old boy whvc had risen to fame, wouidl be the best cimooice for a main sp.>ak~ 5 `er. A band concert would also he.` tting. A A C`.....`:A-L at LA D..k1:....'+u r".m-n- u.\4vuAg,. A. A. Smith, of the Publicity Com- imittee, repented that it was felt that er-: cen.<:ive advertising should be done to give prestige to the event. `Slides and movies had been se- lccured for theatre use Au'to stick- gers, street streamers and newspapet ':u1\'e1`tisin,r: were proposed. rw_,._L r.\__-.1 1:\:..1...... ....,......,.,d-AA 61.n4! BAH L`). Lax:-nu; w cm x; 11L u-yu.:n.u. I Capt. Fred Fisher suggested that] the Carillon bells being broadcast! lfrorm Ottawa be received a.n:l broad- ,cast by an amplier from a strategic "po`nt in the town. ' 1 'T``.-, D3,.`-`nan (`.n-v-nv-n1'lrnn uyuc LITI T'|'c.- Pionev: Committee was em `nounced to be A. F. A. Maicomson (chzmman), J. F. Cr:Li,':, J. A. Mac- Laren and R. A. Stephens f` .... 111:: In. H: L/11".. uv rnl, n.`L1: 5.. . Thu Pmbliciizy Cmv~`.n't.tcn uompri.~:esI A. A. Smith (chainnan), R. R. White, M. D. Morrison, W. C. Walls. M. Banting and R. F. Garrett. " IIJJIJL \.I.Lll\I The Akaon Club met at Mrs. J. She1swe.1l s on May 3rd. Officers our the coming` year were elected as fol- lows: President, Mrs. Hazel Shela- weL`1; Vice-Pres'Ldont, Mrs. W. Link; Sec.-Treas., Hester Li-nk; P.nop,'mm Com., Mrs. S. Lester, Miss Be]`L'1 Link; Sick Com., Mrs. J. Shelswalll, Mrs. J. Dicker; Ormunlist, Mrs. J. Sh(.1.<`.we.I~I. 'Ih(.-re were 12 members present and four visi1:o1's A contest was ,Q'iv(e11 by Mrs. J .SheI.sIwel~]. The next meeting` will be at the home of Mrs. S. Lester on Tues(1'ay, June 7, ut 2.30 pm. rn1_- c,._....-..,. L.-..... ..H l-`....'...1..n.l ..n,..1 u u L-vovjv luau. The fanners have all nishetl seed- mg. A ,...\..-..l \a4\r:r| ...nnl.l Iln v.nn.1~ n-and A grxorl rasin would do much good as (>vm'_vt.h.inp: is .Q'r:t7tin4;-: very Some of the fzu'mers are dmwimg mtr,-1` and taking: their cows to the` smvi n I Into-vvr:d to Mooscjuw. Mrs .'l`o;:zn't was a .lr.-vout Chris- tian womzm, and oxortorl a ,u'x'(-:1.t in- ur-nco. for good upon t~h )sr~ with `vi.-nu shn came in contact. 'i`he~1'e survive to mourn her log: me 9'-In, (J. 3. Robinson, of Zr::L1undi:1, and at r!:m.yz' Mrs. B. Smit. of Br\rrio;| Four :4i.s'tm-.s-, Mrs. W. J. Boll, Benton; Mrs. W. 'l`. Graham, Toronto; Mrs. B. M. Mr:Cuzt.ohr-um. Brantford, and Mrs. Ant;-hur Elkins, Ni:.1;:z1r:1 Fails. Ont.; and one brother, Daniel Stew- art, Schomberg. ` N - 1.`..._4._V _-_.........I `lT..I....._f_.. uu v. LII/In/IuuI,A H. The funrvrzxl occurrml \Vr-dm~.s`.vi'Ly nf t.ernoo.n to Mount 'I`e:_-cart (,`v-mr:- tery, Tantenmm. Rev. J. J. Black] was the ofcinting clorgymzm. The- pa.11~bea.1-ers were R. A. Stephens,` W. C. Hunter, W. T. Stewart, W. J. Boll. B. Smith and W. J. Walker. p.u1.. 111 um: punqpuu Hana, (nu vvunvun about 150 sat down. Atcr all had enjoyed nhe delvicioms repast provid- ed by the able conurritnee in charge, adfj-oumment was mane to the I.0.0I*F. Temple, where the Clmpter was opened in regular o-rm and the `foxllowin-g were welcomed by the W.M., Sister Elvorence I. Pratt, and escorted to the East: _ -L4._4.._x D r` `Mr . Q:.~+.\.. WEST ORO The Northern Advance The heavy rain .Lu..|..u.:.L U .Lvu .n. and wind storm lblexw cbown a shed at William Hamil- ` ton s. 1: 11 T\__1,_ 0.. .mk.n Tame hnnn i I ` 1301'] 5. Mrs. R. Poole, Sr., who has been! in Toronto for some time, has re- turned to Midlhurst again. n.~n,.:,.. ~......4. A-Ln umnlz nm! turned 130 Lvmturnurzau agwxnt. O'Brien spent the week end! in Toronto. `I rt, _ .--,.:. ..-.'AL nu nnnirinndrl 101`0m,u. ` -M.-rs. Czvivrns met wimh an a.cciden't I at Cundlcs on Saturday and escaped l serious injury. She is improving and will be out again in a short ltime. n- . 4 , 1 -1. LIL- ....J!.....`.-.4-..\H,\n "LIIllUo Fire started at the reforestation 'p1anrt on Sumluay, but did no serious rlzamage. 'Hhc men were busy all (lefty Sunday ghting the re. um A r~........ Inc nn+.m:+ `Mv R DUllu'a.y 1I.gIII;uL1_.', unx: Auu. Mrs. A. Garrn of Detvoit, Mr. R. Nicola of Schomberp: and Mrs. W. Smith zmd chldrcn of Llioydrtown vis- it 1 1|r__, III In... .... ...u-....... .. itcd with last week. I `t0 n ,....... "W... Misq C. spent the Mills. 71SUUl`l.4t.`(l DU mu: Luau . Sister Rockwood, P.G.M.; Sistm' Ridhmoml, G. Comd. ocf Gmml Chap- ter of Ontario; B210. Sinclair, Asst. G.P.; D.D.G.M. Sister McDonald, I-Dtist. No. 13; D.D.G.M. Sister Mc- C-onnkey, Dist. No. 11; Sister. Tu1'1'iff, G. Trustee; W.M. Sister Bowin, Beaver, Qhzapdzer No. 126, Beaverton; W.M. Sister Teaple. Corinthian Chapter, No. 12, Toronrto; W.M. Sis- `-.. (`u.~.`l.c. "I"-nunnd-n f1o`n<|-av Nun .lVlll.l. Mr. A. M-on`.t(uit,h spent :1 few dam wt R. Nl'1011tei-`b}1'~:-I. r1 1" __..____1.:l_ ...._) l`.........t.1.. Al` WV.` {UL u.. uuuuuzruu .1. S. Wew_v-moumh and zmvisly of To- nontzo visimed Mr. and I0re.~lt W-alwin. | in - 1r-._,I.. _......4 5.1. .....,.1- VV'ilJ|lLWJll- Mrs. 1'}l:.~xie Hxandy spent the week end with friendnq zut Midnhumt. I Ivy Women's In's1t1ituJt.o. wvilel hold :1 picnic at H:Lt:t:on"s Fishery on_ Tues- day, May 24-h. 'I`eu served from `5 to 7 p.m. Admission 25c and 15c. I I b. 7L1. 1 k.'ul.\}U1)I'\- Mr. J. .]Tohm~rLo-n and Mr. Lorne Johnston spent Tuesday in Toronto. C*........ 4-,. ...\nn.-E T\/(vs Alunu-nu-nvvlr .1. .LL.l.-I-`no Iv ._v__ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Churcah zmd i'.zm1.~i.1y spent Sum1:)._v with Mr. and Mrs. `D. Peacock. -r -r _ .__..l 1|Il`.. Tt\1n-vin dUH9ll.':1bUIl Hpunl. Lul:uuu._y In ;u.u....u. Sorry to report: Miss A.be1'c1'om:bie on the sick list, and her many `1'1'i<:n(1.s w-hsah her a speedy recovery . n ,, A n .__.11u`... H... .... 1v:m:` uu,-.uu.u.uo numu u-\,... Mrs. B. Wamica 'I`o1'onto on Sa.tu`rd-ny, \~i. hm` sister. .un:uu.n n-u:_n nun. u o1:\.\.\A/J u.vv...._. Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Cousins visit ! ed in ToW;'n1,o last week. I ' Mr. J. went to New" bisknaml last week. up -n `nu , .,_4__A__ ` _______ l`lm May n1cr.~Lin_:' of the Pzzins-! nvick hvzmch of the W0-mvn s I:n;~1ti-I |t.u1,~ wn: hr-M in tho Grzungro Hall Qn M:1_\' 10th, wimh an at1.:-mlzn1('.r- of 30. After the usunnl 1)ws`inns.~:, Mrs. B. Su:t1h(~1'lzm of Stmurl took the chair and very k.i'I]()' acted as ch,a.irm:1n for the election of of'cer.=. Mrs. Suthc-v]<:und a].=.'o< grave a talk on the Rc-st Room in Barrrio. Mrs. Putter- mou _u'zwn u paper on Ancient Sat tiers. Mvxws. Daaltrm Lennox fzwvoured -vrlth a rt.--zvdimr. At the close of the `mvcttniny: the usruzvl social half hour was spam. and the meebim: closed by sin:g,\ =Gsod Save the King." xzuzapuux, ;Vu. Ll-4, L`vLuAuvv, nu... .9... ter G11atha.m, Toronto. Ohaptel` No. 25; Bro. Patton, Toronto, Chapter 25; W.P. B1-o. Kalbertt, Lily of the Valley Ghsapter 14, O11i1l'lh'a; W.P. Bro. Reynolds, Oorinfahian N-o. 12, 'l`o~ ronto. Also a number of other P.M. -s and P.P. s were welcomed. _, ,__,,1_ ____ L,___.L:A:..1 Girls Hiker Suits, 2-5 years, $1.25 Khaki Iniddic, collar trimmed with. red, blonnlm'S with (elastic waist. and ]{ll(t(',.H'. V . Girls Hiker suitT,T;-'12 yrs., $1.75 Black Sateen Rompers, Gingham Rompers il-2 _yem-s. .500 }ul(n'.\' pink, Ialuo, gm-.(-n, mzmvc-,. Broadcloth Rompers . . . . . ..$1.50 Neatly SIH(.)(.`.k(3d, nice range of ._1 ,. -.... Gingham Pantie Dresses .....99c 2-5 years, pmk, blue, green, mauve. Pantie Dresses Infants Delight Toilet Soap, Special Olive Toilet; Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men s Khaki Combinations, sizes 36-44 . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men s Khaki Combinations, jiffy fast oiiers, 36- 44 Men s Black Overalls, With bib, good size and good \\'(:ir_f11t Men s Odd Trousers, broken lines, sizes .'}(5-4-1 . . . . .. Where Most People Trade 4|. .111. no a.u.u L .1. . .3 vvuux, vvk,~A.\4v1AAv\A. Dhe initiatory work was beautiful- ly and` impressively exemplied on 1.....- .......-. .......J!A`..LA~ L1-mun eu`\nr\v\xnI`w1\t\v\ I L un-u./."y (:010I'S. E. B. Sutcliffe & Co. W1\./II1) HURST_ 13XINsWIcK Lovcm-mp; of Loverimg week (-ml vwith Mrs. J. A. 1 Luuununu VA A.aA\lJ\|.vvIvnn .... Mr. and Mrs. W. 'l`1~acy[ FOR THE BOYS AND" GIRLS rotur110 from where she was .$1.25, $1.89 I'_V uuu u--t,;\.u.;u-u.._y ..4-v..-.1.u...\_.. u.. two new candidates, thus stremgtzhen-I ing and lengithen-ing Bayview Ohwap-U te'r s chain and Links. _ ,,,1_, ,,,.__. I I-2 y(e:u's . . . . . .59c `GIRLS OF COLLIER CHURCH ' BANQUET THEIR MOTHERS` I I About one hundred and twenty- ve mo-t1he1-s and of C01- lier St. Ubnitn:-d Ghumh zL`uLuml:ed :1 fine Mother and Daug11uter" bzu1~ quot held in the dlnurdh last 'I`*h-u1's- (lay uvmminnp: under the Cmuulizm (}.iwv1\s in '1`r2uimim.': groups of the Sun- day School. Former C.G.1.'l`. mom- !be1'.~1 served the banquet. It' 1 ,. 2-. rr..__u.....o. l1..,w~.l.\..r mf- |Uli1K`I >UlVL'u Ulll: l)K.blIl1Lll.'l/a Miss Louise H11rl`bu1't, I-"m.=.i(lm1t of` the G.i1~ls Wonk Doptmt.mon', acted as toast-m;i~st1-oss. 'I`hn f()I1-n\'ii\.;:' Loquste were given: Our Co`unrtry,1 p-roposotl by M-a.1`p:z1ruL BI:u`,k.s'bo(rk, 1'(\s1po`nde(l to by Lil1`i:1n 101):-r1.~ -n; 'l`he C1m11*(1h., }wo1)o. by Vera Clmrlvs, 1`es])0n`dcd to by Rev. J. J. Black; Our 1\Totxh(-rs, proposed by ll\'Ia.r;:`nret Howe in the forum of :1 |r.~;rLo1'y The Gamlcn of D1'0u.111s, and '1'e.spon to by Mrs. J. F. N1.-wt.on;: `"Dhe Lmvdcrs," proposed by Frances I~[ur1,bm't and rcspon(1od to by Mrs. S. L. Page. ' rrn__ ____ ...1 n`\nn`rnII A4 Hun nvnr.-| D. 1:. L'&L1.;c. The special speaker of the ever.- ` in}: was M1-2:. "T. Mz1r1'.it, M.D., 0* Mid- hurst, who gave 1!. most int,1'-.tin5.r ad`rh'css on Health Habits :.vul Char- acter Bui`1dinxg. I A .:.m.-..`.... ....... `I..-.1,l am; 9 -:1\xn'H'! zlccur ulmuuug. , A sinp;-son`g was held and a short] musical prog1~mnn1e. Miss Dorotzhyl Rumble rende1'ed a. solo, Mot:`her Machree, wit11 good effect, and Misses H:u'1~iet Hart and Estlher Howe pleased with a. duet. Miss Lnxila Hunter, Girls Work Superiu1-I tendent, moved 8. hearty vote of ap- ...___.'-4:..._ A... hug Marni} \.U`h`i(`]1 `VHS ltequent, moveu 11. uuu.n._v vuw w. uh!` iprectiation to Dr. Marrit, which ivms iseconded by Miss J. I].ick]ii1g;. The progrvamme closed with the singing of Follow the Gleam and "Auldi TI-IE STAN DARD BAN K (N17 r~AxTAr\A DI\l\l\Il'. DI\nn\..I|-n\. n. vvuuc, .u\-uuyu Branches nt Bradford. Bondheud. Crnighurst. Hawk:-none. Lefroy, Kcnwick, Stroud. Hilludnle nnd Elmvulc - _, ._ IT A. LA. `.n. .A. 3..-. Qua. --v- -- OF CANADA BARRIE BRANCH-R. R. White, JIanage`r ,,,.,,- _. u_-.u.._.: rz.....u._..,a r....:..l....-.r, Hnwkum Girls White Cotton Drawers, 49c nluuntc Auvnln mu, vAuuvvLa Ann mu. 4_u.uuu. Bro. Bu1'g*ess, P.P., received many compdliments on the capable manner? in w`h;k-.11 the in.itia17ion was cond?uct-

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