Admee Sample McPherson of An- gelus Temple ame, has bo-bibed her hair and spli-t her church. Over 500 members deserted when she appearred with her bezvutifuil tresses sihxovtenexl. ] VWitnh A. E. B1'_vson on the ate of the On`txzu'io Motor Lozt_2'uc this _\-'(`1L1 , Barrio should _2-wt In-ttm` b1'0al- CEl.StiI`1f. ,`f," tvlmn 1:.1.'~It _\`(`EL1`. ' to Be sure amd vote on the Clarke & Clvarke Co. by-law on Wm]-n`osd`ay nexvt. . ' A motor cl-uib executive warns all] nT1I01101`i5Tt`s to refuse to give a lit`-t. to pedestrians along the h.i.g*h.wa.ys. Do not giive a lift to anyone," he says. Irt. may prove to your sorrow, dis- comfort and disadvantage. Juries hold the motor car owner liable or injury susta.i.`n~ed by a -passenger. It may prove ermibanassing` to refuse the `-lift, but the wisdom of such a. re- fulsal must be apparent to every motor car owner." We hope every car owner does nm; take just this Page Two The pm,-at ML<;. River h.a.s_ been on the rpmpagcg, ovurowimtz Lta bamvkza and causing dcatrwczhon to miillions of worth of property, as well as takirrg boil. :1! Hmm: hun- dreds of livr_-:4. The H/10d. -I this year are much worm: tzhmz :v-.r hc:f'ur:e, and thv rlivt.-r::4'mn 0! water from tho: g'1`ea.t lukc.-.'s by Chic:a.v,4; iv. lrlmnr-cl in a Iargrt: mt-zmuru. lYh.4- :uLlit.iun of this hum: volumt: of wan.-zr L0 t.h.~4: Rrlissi-ssippi has no tllvnrt hr-lpt,-.1! to cause the ovcrryw. and nhoulul Lhom: Wh`0 suffer property hum tzntmr nuit against the City of f7hi(:::.;cu Lhlvy would have :1 good 0:1.`-2:: and Ulu: water steal may yet ymuvc-. u (zontly venture for the Windy City. Txhe Governmenrt OM Aw: l -nsion BIIIII was given third res:uliir11.'_` in the Senate recently wit1h.ou.t'ment. 'Dhe bill pvovide-s or a. maximum pension of $240 ywea.r11'y for Br'.iti.~1h subjects who have zbtbairuul the u.;.;'e of 70 years and have been re.~;iden`t in Canada for 20 years, pno\n'Ldud that tzhe recipient of the pension is not in receipt of as much private in- come as $365 a year. The Provinces and the Federa Govenment are each to contribute one-4ha.`1\f of the amount and the Province is in charge of the ucltrninistnaxtion of the Act. As it stands, the bill will! remain on the Fedieml shatrwte books, waiting the decision otf any of the provinces which dhmoee `to make it etfective wisbhzin their boumidnriea THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1927 - `Speaking..a.t Gooksviillle, Ont., on! May 4, Premier Ferguson gave fur- ther in(l`ication that he was met seek-i - ing the `honors of the Ottawa leader- ! ship and thwt he was content for the 3 present at least to stand at the helm 1 lof the Provincia:l .2-ilhip of state. Ater . [referring in a h-urmlonous vein to the way in which certain aeulte cared rnewspnaper men hall construed his 1`isJbaatement with regtard to the J ubilee - `of Co.n\felerati~on als overtures to >!O.ttawa -or as h3.Vl'I'llg' designs on ,lsomething, the Premier pre- `faced his a(_l by an assurance that he -had no personal political am- igbition to serve, an he zul(le(l, 1 have no (lesig'.ns on any public posi- 3`tion further than the one which I 5 - new ho`1 A similar assurance was . 1`_<.v;iven later in the evening` \vhen af- lter outlining` the work (lone by the ;Province for the hun l,:uy.-' 2 `uml _4'irls and . activities of [the Boy.-1' Home a._t Pow1n:in\'ille ziml the School for the Deaf at Bvl`le\'illr-, - `the Premier concluclr-rl: It i.-: tl1ll1_L`n" rilike those, aiul may I say it in all 3]h`il1C( x`lt_\ , that \V(`(i me to the Pro- - ivince of Onrtario, ,rz1ther -than 1111;`- l 1 111:: me to seek winler fir.-hls in wzhich -: ILI \vo4ul1(l not he as ha.pp_\' and con- .` itentell. A kind wm'd=, a kind thougihit, a kind deed wikl get under the skin :Of the crabbiest fossil on eavbh. The magic power of kniidness should be stuidied and pva.oticed by every in- dJivi in the business world, for kindness and friendship are `like mag- nets vvh-ioh exert a mighty inuence on all that comes within our en- viron.n1en11s. mortal sow], and re1`i_::ion is far too -giliomny in many instances. There is no sin in sn1iil'im:aml if m]`ig'i:oin had mourn joy in it thmsre W0lJ.`i([ be more of it and it, xxjotulul be better. Some of the most :1s;-iimliotis'ch }.OC1`S are {the least 1`c1i_2`ious purple on L`'.11't)i1. 'IV}u.-,\r' put habit ha-fore hu-| nuLniL_\' and are more COI1C(.`l`l1(.`(l with luring` tzh0u_u-`ht jrootl than with doing` _~:0owul. To look antl behave. like a p1>zLstic saiiit, while i.nv-.u'iz1b1I_\' feel- ing" unch1'i. and unc:cim[7o1'tzLbl'e, Z!.(l)([!S not.|i.in_<: to the smictity of Sun- deay. Wnhat we need is to be m1tu1'a.1, `be free, be joyful, and bi-in}.-` joy to 1 A long face is no Sign of an im- oth ers. Ba1*1'i.e appears to be the busiest town I have struck on my trip, said 21 tanzweluler the ohhor day. We assured him tlwzyt business was car- ried on six bays every week and there \\'(:-re fow complaints. 1 l l 'l`l1e mortal-irty rate for women in }c.l1lil(l~bi1'th in \"m`tl1 America is one iof the ll-l,L',ll1GSit :LmonQ' the civilized nations of the world, szritl Dr. C. (E. A. Winslow of Yale University, and a past presitlcnfc of the .'-\.m01'ican Public Health Ass-ocizxtion, in spc-a.k- imz on April 26th to the Social Wel- fare Oon.fe1'ence in Toronto on Pwb- lic Health and Oommun-ity Well Be- mgz "Ofithe many new )robem 'arisin;:r in the realm of pwblic slu-zt1t'n, one of the very g'1ea.test is that of matemnal and rpre-n.-alhzxl morta.lit_v. Tlhe omly two `countries in the world which at all adequately deal wi-tli these rimportamt `matters are Holland and Denmark. In both aountnies such deamh rates are very low be- cause the health aiutmoritiea have made `generous provision m` skilled and supervised nursing: care or mothens Ibeore, after and at tihe time of the birth of tlhair children. ; 1 `DEATH RATE AMONG MOTHERSAI I IN CANADA MUCH TOO HIGH; \I'L uuu uuun. VL uuuu. uuuu.x1..u. Edruc.ation, the speaker went on to -say, -is the only thtinrg wvhich can successfully dhange pc~op\1e s haxbims of elivimg. In such edhlcattion the public health nurse is the -dtorminam factor and we are coming more and more to sun dnhat imlivid!ua.l instruc- tion suxoh as is given :by the nurevses of hhn `he-u.lrth de`pm'bmen,t is the only HzLt;isfuct:o1*y solution of bhe pncxblem offered or noun` too hig\h deamh m. ces :unson4,: mothers. un . nu : uh : unrvl nu n. The gures to which Dr. Wimshow rtcft.-rrt-l-for thtesu inclucle C1nil(l| l an wall as tlhc 'Unit St21t(.*.~`o--SHOW that in the Dominion i.n 1925, the 1:151. your for which u|ut.a.i:lcl sb:Lti.~tLic:~ urn :l.Vil'Zl.hl(!, 1,196 m'ot1h(ms war.- lost in ohaildlhirvh r.v(:l' lmhf of whuom -1` I21` rn.:|:I were in tlhe prime of life. sunn- birthm uccountml: for the loss :0! 8,043 lives, am] even with We H.1- ways incrc-_u.~:in;:_' rmlm.cLi~on in inuzuut mentality mntesi in most of Uhu (pro- vinces, there lied 23,310 inf:u1.ts rwn~ der `one year of age and (`.X0]1l1:SiV(`. of the .~1t2iMborn. 'l`.h~e total Los$es of in,- fnnt `life throughout (2110 Dominion in what year. therefore, amounvte(l> to 30,353 babies. Ibea.1`izi1Lg nw\hx.'-ut Itihmse far fmm cre and Ilnmrely pre- ve.nmwb1e -losses mean to Ca.nadLa, where new settlers are -beivn-p: bromght at `great cost from ltonagr .to populate t1he county, vbodih pcovernumentt um! voluntary agencies in `rccen. years `have been nmkin-g real efforts to prov-ide FTC-`taI, mmbnl and post- natal care or mohems and to (Do do- nitely ediusoatiomaxl healihh work. I Wsoual-dwn( t in; be nice if we cotmlsd `d1o away with accidents alstzogretzhur! Jlkhll W , ...... .. ...- ..-.,..-.. _ Tvhe (lay which ;:ive.< birth to the new Dominiorn wild be duly cele- brated tol1r,cu_9j1mut `U110 Union. It slmuvlwd be observed 21 publuic h:oli- day and will no (bowbt be proclaimed as such by the Gove1'n`o1'-in-CounciL n\I_- ..`.-..l.....,.,.,L...._ ...._.;.,..._.. .. I:_4. Lvu uuuu hI.V vnu uv-\.......,. ... V-1.4....- 'Dhe pvoolamaxtivon conrtains a. list of the new Senators, who have been [selected from bobh panties, and from! [the old members of the Legislative Council. 'Ill1e Upper House has not a very stnonp: politioasl conrplemilon, and the party to wlluich some of the members properly belong is not ver-y well or easilliy den-ecl`, hurt a pretty even (livisio-n seems to have been mrad-e. The expansion in aalil elds of Qan- a.Llian. l1Y`l`(lIl.llStl`_V and tnzule is taking; place at such a rzupid rate that the need for trainetl men is becomin`_e' a matter of major im.port2mce to the 'countr_v. T-liow_L3:hst.fLml discussion of the internal and e:\'te1'n'a.l problems `cf Ozuizula should d.~ 6lSt in opin-5; an informed public opinion which will ilcmaml sound solutions and a justments of the economic problmns .\\`l\.iic.h coanfront g_~'over~nment and in- lustry. With :1 \'lL`\V to pronimziii-_.: this sci-iou.< (llSCuS.<,l0l 1 of Ca-nalaa`s economic problems, to encc~u1-a_;'.in_: anl.\'2mcr-I courses in ICconomic..<, Bzixikingr and 'l`ra,rle, zmtl tzo us. CZL]).`.`.l)l(;` :<.t.u who to lh' prove themselves in these eltlcs`, The Royal Bank of Canada Wllll _;-rant a f _e:1121lu-azte fel'llow1ship to any student "in residence at a Ganzulvian uiniversity who submit: the best essay on one of several spec-ietl subjects (luring the coming` year. 'Ihe,fe1low- ship will have a. value of $1,000 and will permim the studentt to (10 re- `search in the Economics Department . of any of the C-ainatliain universitieis. The swbjedts or the essays in 1927- 28 will be announced May 20, 1927. F111... L`..!I__......... .._..J>IAI._..... Ln..- LP\>I\ A.'vruu-vv uug, . "Dhe Queen s pnodlamwtiion has been issued declaning thtznt the Im- periall` Usnzion Act shoalil come into force on the nst dlay of July next, on and after which dlay there will be four mi=lli.o`n:s of Oamadivans, in- habimants of the new Dominion, and charged with the task -of commenc- imge: to mowlld the future destin'y of whznt willl yet become a great and powerful Empire. `` 'n1.,\.... 5. m1Vn\\Iv I-t\r\r4I\v\ +n l\n1~CAwvn Now hhat the tourist season has ac oua.]`1y started more attemvtioyn wi have 113 be given the traffic by-Jaw.` Local c-ans should not be allowred to! park so Ifong on our front street,` and speeding: must be cut out. v vv.x. 1. Jr`, LAIMIIA; \.. 'I1hvere is every 1'ea.son to believe that the uni.on will be p1'oiductivc of g.-,'-ood 1.0Sull.ts.. In Can-zuia, at least, as now lwimited, there are \'e1'_v few ,scc-ptic21.l on` this point, and this very faith in the fuiturc will no doubt heLp to produce the (i`(.`Si1`C(i 1'0swl`t<. '1`l\f\ .I.`.~ ...L.'..L .7 Lind. 4.,` 41., I 1 `THE ROYAL BANK OF -CANADA FELLOWSHIP IN ECONOMICS `DOMINION or CANADA - PROCLAIMED, MAY, `.1867 Refen"img' to the fyles of the Ad.- vance of May, 1867, we glrevan the folilsowimg : NHL- nu...-...7.. .....-.,.a1...r..\..a.o-:`.-..;. Lm.g luv u... -.1`. u..-..u\...n.\.u .-..._y ...v, .v..... '[`he following condixtions have been est2nl)4]~ished for the contest: The essay must not exceed ah.1'ee thousand words in lenugvtih, zmd pre- ference wiwlll be given to papers wvhich are nronwtecxhnioal in terminjo-l4g'_v and most pvactricaxl` in trea.tme'mt. IIWL ,. l.`..1...._._L..'.. -..!1 .......-.._1. L- Uhe fellowship wilil urrvouuanm to $1,000, amd may be taken in the De- partmenft Of Economics or of Political Science at any C'anadian university. In case a. student is unable to pur- sue bhe `advanced st.u(Ly of Ecormmnics he may choose a soullatium of $250 in cash, and a.-fe1!o'wshi_p of $750 wiml go to the stu.denn`. swbmirlztimg tihe second best paper. In'|L.. .._.._..._.. .......L L,. .....L.....:A.L..) A... ...w.... .,..,.. ,...,..,.. -"I`ehe papers must be submitted .120 the Econ-omistfs Depzmtnnemt of The Royal Bank of Canadua. before Mamh 1, 1927; they sh.ou1}:(l= be tyrpe-wniten in t1-i.p1`ica.1:e and numbered. The name of he student showld be sub- mitted in a sealed en.vel.`o,pe with tahe paper. T.he wim'niru1.r paper becomes the pmpenty of he btannk, and at the option of the bznnik may be .pu1b:1'ish- ed as the zbanvk sees fit. A n:on-wirn- ni-n-gr paper remains he propety of the student subrmivtting it. '1'... 4`......4 ....l.:,`_;.. 15. unnrv no __.:Il mu. uuu.-u,uu nu.-.nuuvuu-my, Aw. 'Ilhr.- four subjects or 1927-28 will be mrn-om1`c(2 in May, after com- swlmzntion wietzh the Economics Doa-m-.t- mom, of tzhv: vvzu'iou:~z Cu-nuarlilan col- lwm-s am univer.qi'l'.irrs. Inn, , , , -m 1 - .. n u .. l1|u- pzupnrs wirl bv jl1a(l!;: (,'fl by the I".comon1i. :< Dcpurbmont of the bmrk, zunul ve of bhv best pmpen wiuhl he .nulm1ni'Lt-I or nal juduzrmenrt no u cmmnVit}t1-- of pntxnriunenrt. men not norm-t-dtml with the Royal Bank of O.'tnuull:1. ' Motor accitlents on the higmxvays are bc~comin_~: more numerous, and as a speaker at the .-\cci(Ic~.nt Preven- tion Convention in To1`onvt;0, 1'0mz11*k- ml the other day, 21 pt:1`>`1on is . \vo1'kin._;' in :1 factory than hi,:'lmva_\' to-rl:1_\', root. Most of the on the 11igwl\\\';1y are c2Lusc(t througwh carc~1e.ssne.=s and Lmtii means are achop-ted to (lead with the careless mo1:o1-ists. the number of accitlents will increase. on the: " ixppc-ars to be co1'~` m-01:01` accidents - ` vuuuuu Arnswom 110 any questt.i~onns concern- ing the intenprcvtlzvtion of tf}uerw]1 the oornxpntlbivon will] be mi-van by the I-I(~zu!' Om-co of the Royall Bqunxk. 'I';he ease of Geomze Emory of To- ronto agtminust His Majesty the King`, repnesenltod by the M.ivn'isbcr of Pub- lic Wnorks and Highwayls, as the re- sult of an accident on the Pnavi~nci:aJ Higuway near Ohurdhil in July Bast, was settled out of court lvaszt week. Mr. Emory, with Mr. and Mrs. II. J . HIGHWAY ACCIDENT CASE {SETTLED OUT or COURT The Northern Advance l-_ ` Hamilton's air port comes into operation May 1st. The property used is four hundred acres is extent. A large hangar is being constructed and the old homestead on the prop- erty will be remodelled as an avia- tion boarding school. Driven by ove1--popuIation to eat- ing bark of trees and seaweed from the oceizm, the wild goats of Guada- loupe Island are changing their habits and, in some respects, their rform. They are learning to climb leaning trees in search of foliage. According to recent game re;:u1a- tions in the Province of Alberta, prairie chicken, grouse, partri:l;;`e, greater and lesser yellow legs, black breasted and golden plover, are now on the protected list, while the ban on Hungarian partridge, north of the North Saskatchewan River, has been lifted. It has been announced by Premier Ferguson, of Ontario, that the Gov- ernment proposes to foster the crea- tion of an industrial research insti- tution with an endowment of $2,000,- 000 for the purpose of solving scien- tific problems of production and pro- cess for Canadian. industries. While on a. tour of the Maritimes recently, Dr. F. T. Wahlen, bhief of the seed branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, was of the opinion that a great deal more of the seed used in these provinces should be grown on their own farms. The seed is very hardy, he declared, and, with proper care, a market could be established in the northern states of the Union, and the crop profitably disposed of. The versatility of the seaplane was ably demonstrated recently. C. F. Tennefoss, a Swedish sea cap- tain, with urgent business in Shang- hai, was taken from the Canadian Pacific Toronto Express at Mission City, B.C., and rushed by seaplane to the outer wharf at Vancouver, where he caught the agship of the Canadian Pacific fleet, the Em- press of Canada for the Orient, The seaplane was landed on the` Fraser River within easy reach of the depot. . Tho latest fad from Paris is to wear a (hark stocking and a loigiht one, or one with (ocks .on Em-(1 one wibh-ou:t. Ladies wi.Ll now be match- ing up old stockings, no dloubt. Barry and baby, were d:r.ivin;g nrmth on the highway wlhenn the car went iunmo the ditch, -owing, they claim, to the impnoper state of the road. In- stead of stopping the ear, Mr. Emory tried to get back on the road by driving axlnonxg in the dtitclh, when he oo1'l1':d-e.d with a large tree. The car was badly damaged and Mr. Barry suffered a. bnoken leg, while uhe mther occsurpanrts were badly shaken. Damage: to the amoumt- of 31,500 were claimed and the case was to have been heard before Justice Rose at the Spring gAaaizes. The season for bass fishing in Ontario, with the exceptions of the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa Rivers, has been shortened this year by about a fortnight, opening July 1 and ending` November 20, according to information given out by the tourist department of the Canadian Pacific Railway. This action was taken by the Ontario Provincial Gov- ernment when it was found out that bass had not finished spawning when the season opened June 16 in previ- ous years. The same ruling applies to muscalunge fishing` in Ontario this year. Canada is sending iiicneasing sup- plies of tobacco to the West of Eng- land, according to the Trade Com- missioner at Bristol. One organiza- tion has built a. factory in Ontario. have their ovm buyers, and are pack- ing the leaf, Canadian Burley. to suit the English trade. Consumer! in England are getting used to Canadian tobacco and with tho Empira preferendal duty, which amounts to 48 cents per pound less than the duty on foreign tobacco. increased quantities of Canadian Burley will find their way to the United Kingdom. In token of the fact that this year is the Diamond Jubilee, of Confedera- tion in Canada. E. W. Beatty, Chair- man and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway. has extended :1 per- sonal invitation to Miss Hortense Cartier, only surviving daughter of Sir George Etienne Cartier, one of the Fathers of Confederation. to take part in the trip across Canada, organized by the University of Montreal under the auspices of the Canadian Pacific, to start in July. Miss Cartier, who is in her 78th year, has accepted. and it is ex- pected that she will meet Sir Hugh MacDonald, son of Sir John A. Mac- Donald, another Confederation Fath- er, who is police nuxgistrate in Win- niper. [ere and There Flush your kidneys by drinkin a quart of water each day. also take 5 ts occa- gionnllv, sav: :1 nnn-d nnehna-itv who 0} water each day, also take salts sionally, says a noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache. dizzi- ness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated. and when the weather is ban. you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy. full of sediment, the chan- nels often get sore and irritated, oblig- ing you to seek relief two or three times luring the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids: to help cleanse the kidnevs and flush off the bod_v's urinous waste. get four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- macy here. Take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days. and your kidneys may then act line. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes aml lemon juice. com- bined with lithia. and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate slug- gish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in the cvstem so thev no longer irritate, thus often relieving bladder \veakness. Jud Salts is inexpensive; can not in- jure and makes a delightful efferves- cent lithia-water drink. RV all means have your physician examine your kid- neys at least twice a year. 'IThe gmoss earnings of the Can- adrisam Nathivonal a.Ri:Lwwa.yvs for the per- iod ended Axprim 80, 1927, wane $6,926,597.00`, as compared wirhh $6,323,656.65 or tihe c'on'espondxin:g period of 1926, an increase of $602,- 940.35, or ten per cent. An Irish mptpdaant said` to a Magi?` trashe: Sum, a man has threatened ___-_ 1 _.____ ll 'IfnouI.d0-\nud`n- The time has come when the con- -struction in(lIustr_v of Ontario mustv duo some:thin{_;' to 1~et1=uce its acciden-'t experience. Last year the expemli-N ttures for co1m)c-nzstation and medical aid in the class exceeded the re- ceivpts from assess:n1ents by over $6,000. Accidenats are increasing r.-very _v<~zuvs and cont1'act:o1-5 are faced with the prospects of increased asst-ssrnents o:-very year unless mews- ures are taken to reduce the number of :Lcci,lc1mts. '00 KM`! me, ya!` manor. 1'1-'l:'v"*`-""-""" Do you go in fear of Wu? M9 7" Jtridh atprplioanlt: No, I go In fear 9" nan .1...-Mi}. 9 . Take a Tablespoonful of Salt: If Back Palm: or Bladder II Irritated %Drink Water If Kidneys Bother `h Dry-Cleaned and Pressec THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. 'C.N. RAILWAY EARNINGS; 0f Q mllld H %A Banking Connection 11151 EhL>Nnrtl12rnAhnanr2 BRANCHES 2 R/IANY a problem that looms large to farmers unfamiliar with nance may be easily overcome by establishing rela- tions with a Bank of Toronto branch manager. `.4 At this time especially, when loans are required for new stock, seeding and machinery, the value of a sound banking connection cannot be over-estimated. Your Bank. of Toronto manager is always ready to give you the benet of his experienced counsel--to offer the advice and nancial aid which may put an end to all problems of farm nancing. BAN IGFTORONTO W. FIRTH CLOTHES wI3.a1-rie-A11anda.1e, H. A. Sims, Mgrz. Elmvale - H. R. Warren, .\Ig'r. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EHBALMRR 61 Elizabeth St. Piano III Open Day and Night 319' E;'ye.'1;i_sIt."_ 7 ' '13}}i' Telephone 734 [Barrie ~ Marble-Works A citizen asks whetvher th(- howling, u1`1ey is being" a.11.0w(.-(I that extra hour to accommo.'la.~te these who bow} or the 1n'op1`ietor. PRICES REDUCE; JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. rm 1)..-.1:..1,: 03- n_...,:. G. G. s1yuTH& co. CIIKIIEE I '\I3EQ'I'I\lIQ lllomorid Tablet: corner stone: Markers Monuments Canadian & Scotch Granite -\-`--,-.._-n. -\--_.. --.:_ L0. 1.. l;.W432.;.E Moon Ind and (ch Thursday of each ll __n.L Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel In connection. Phone 82.-_ P. C. LLOYD Specialist in Embalm- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1927. ]Notes and Commegig` E. J. BYRNE Enjniasm. nxkiafns Repairing Esta liahed 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 229. 223 Barrie. Out. PM `~ 'C'hvavn_2`e 3=our mind if _vmL1 know you're w1'o`n.g', bwt (l'on t duo it just to be popwlar.