Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1927, p. 7

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.dtreebs lea.dmg on to be requested to stop *-c-fore entering the H Lthw-ay, and that the appmorva-i of the Dept. of Higjhwztys be secured for the change. '1`ha1`. sumzable signs be procured for imrfpnennnnnu 1nnA'..-.... 4... m_._;. ...A.-, The Market SPEAKS TO C.G.l.T. av Essa vu 1v\:\I'1C1ll, L'4ll_L',1H-1 ,4, and M1`. Archivbad, of B1`0m`.~;m 'ing' Co., visited Barrie on I`-`riday to ins,7pcct the pavement wllere zbw]-e had been CE1I1.`=C(1 by frost, Mr. Rt-(If:-1'11 a_':ree(l to send an inoer to inspect fully, take 1evc1.<, 511111 1-.u~.:n~+ Lu A1: ........ .,- ,,m.u 5 mt` Dunzop am B1'.'ulfnrr3 and : the streetas be asfr, year, am] in Essa St. and B1 Public V Ln `\1'.. `Y7 hat Mr W. cs, Proctor ` M1`. A1 rw urco at 45c a pound. nave been opmmtl and of mmwphies were at $1.10 a ba.,2'. or. no` 1." .... cub vv V mentioned. be procured ton and Essa r:\_, , 1`. an . nu auuu. B unton : W rctrxs .. .. uuh. 25-280 doz. ............ .. 45c lb. $2.75-$3 gm] . 32c ll) 0-1 11': u .,.n.Lv u "1'o-13=,~ec _... 23-30c ` 17-19c I `R-;-dfern, Redfe1'n, En ..u . AIL; a marked ofi n addilnion )_..,A_ A sn .4-..... -ave. auu .>`-ts. That dummy at the intersec- Mumcaster, Essa ...`.uu \. Ave. *...., U1 1, Engin- >n In L, .- Points. Grain Elevators at Fort William. 2. Victoria is Western Point Touc Home of the New Outlook" at Toronto. 4. An Extensive Tour 1 5. A Trip Down the Great Lakcsls on nnmam.-\.. ---4-L - ' - PROF. D. E. WEIR, TEAC1-IEl\'. OF Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 44 Woralcy St. Phone 518. , W`, __--__._..._.... i. W. SYLVESTER, TEAC!-IE Piano. Violin and 'm.n.. R1` EDMUND HARDY, ...__....._.-_ MUS. BAC`-., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. MxVX_li_cz;es treated under the Latest veterinary scientific methods. Phone 811 - - Bayfield St. DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinary Surgeon Day and night calls promptly at tended to. A]! ., IROBERT H. SMITH, EYESIGHT I -"" __--_ ~ -1 I Speciaiist, suo<.:w91` to 0: R, 53 Dunlop Street, Ba.-rrie. I19`-1-"3 9-12, 1-6. Phone 80. VICTORIAN ORDER Barrie Rmma. M:- the Associate Coroner, County of Simeon Phone C1. Oice-58 Collier St. , Ofce Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. . vv. ax1.Vl:.`5'1`ER, TEACHER OF Violin and 'Cr:llo. 120 Bayeld St. Phone 974w. DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE of Trinity Univernitv nnrl o`=In DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday of each month. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. I Unice Hours : 1-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment un. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DTSEASES OF WOMEN ru,um1A1\' ORDER OF NURSES, Barrie Branc . Miss Irene Munro, 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. m. v1t;'1`UR A. Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice, corner Bayeid and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance o Worsley. Oice open until 8 n.m. aley ms. Iimtrance p.m. ,,,__.._____._____._. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Mauls Av- _-. ... \4|\l _L,VVI\oI\l'4 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. 31, I` BOYS & Rn]-;..:+...... lnion-wide celebration of s slxtieth year of Con- time affor which `Is being planned of gaining this year, will be the ledge oft [able and pvfnnahm n---- - ' pleasant ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barriste-r, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guar(!ian.=xhip and administlvtion, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dnnlop street. .j_._j.T___7 ;T1;wART rial-nun 0.. ,_ -. ...-vunAu. D. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Oice. Roan Block, Ba:-rlo. ESTEN & ESTEN, BARRIISTERS SOHCHOPS in Cmn-f nf Ina DONALD for Gal-' ,/ DENHURST & HAMMOND, Barristers. Solicitors, etc. Office, 1st oor Masonic Temple, Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. BOYS BOYS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen Street, ip the preanisea fro:-me*rly occupied by the Bank of 'Doronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, On-tario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., J. R. Boys. UIlIEaI`lO. W Boys. 111 o1\.z1A1\'b' 21 3 nm... PROFESSIONAL CARDS __._____ msmv dz r;s'1'15N, BARRISTERS High Court of Jus Lice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancrers. Ollice, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. ILAIJ VVAIY1 GE 5'l`E risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyanccrs. Money to loan in any sums at lnwoaf onw-mt ul any rates. Barrie. net, : ple 1 loan. . 1. Little, M.D. . Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. :9, Ross MUSIC LESSONS DR. w. A. u-:w1s PDV A 'kY'i\ hrnn . an H. H. CRESWICKE nu. - IJJIJ SGH4 `Dull 2 41.: 47 Map Ofce Hours '__Q n_rn 15.. law r ..n.,vau-.,u1a. muue lowest Office. 13 Owei D. M. Stewart. Block. McCUAIC-. B.A. :u\'u DU.l1.Lil`JU1\ Maple Ave. Hours 2 LEGAL . STEWART. BA};- zors. Nntarinc 1:>..1.n.. curs. money E0 [0311 lowest current Owen street. [. is Irene Mum-n Canada s Diamond Jubilee Page Sever! Barrio. u.u-v:Aj_)uLl5e man which will practically all who have the 1 ...- VAAALCIA uuurun or Canada. On June 25th, a "million dollar" special train will leave Toronto with :1 limited number of passengers from the eastern provinces aboard, and follow the confederation route. The Confederation Special, as it will be called, will be operated on the all-expense plan which enable praoticallv all whn hnwn ``run 4-. L a.n ' he Dormzinion-wide Canada's federation which for July of most remarkable and extensive ever held. The last links of a united Canada were placed in position forty years ago with the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is `in furthering the bond between the peoples of the east and the west that this country will be engaged to :1 large extent during the celebratlun. One of the most spectacular of plans for bringing the people of all parts of Canada to;:etl1er under 3 1 uuxllu. 4. An ':l'o_1;r lhr0u;1'iI the Itiner auspices and at the same affording them an opportunity gaining greater first hand know- of their country through per- sonal contact has been arranged by the New Outlook, official orgzm of the United Church of Canada. On Jllnn 9129!-\ n `l---"`' ' ` rinting Done In Barrie t Touched by Tour-Pho\`o. '!' lhzjough the Rockies 1 ruched Tour- r through I ltinex-an .. 2 time to zgh R04 Itinerary. :1 { .Gvo1'(lwn Pratrt, a sixee:n-yea1'-o`ld )'})0_\' of C0]vIin:.'wwo low`: his life on 1 5 VVmi1msvl.a_\' of last week in the bay. - :Th(' boy law! ta.-ken an old punt out : on the xvater in sezwch off drirft wood -ffor fuel, and xvzxs aulone at the time. I : gave: 10 (10 so. It will touch aid the - principal cities and resorts in the west and operate for twenty-one days. The hospitality of the west- erners is well known, so it is not surprising to learn that when the first announcement of the train was made, organizations and individuals in every city -included: 1n the itiner- ary offered to entertain the party and see that it was given every facil- ity for sight seeing and enjoyment. The latest invitation is from the Prince of Wales`s Ranch at High River to which the members of the special train party will motor from Calgary on Julv 1st. upeczru train part July 2 travel to do nrinr-Imn ...m.... I on & Rm-no. Torunto, Ont. if you w3.~:h to make sure of your !pl::.1cr- in one of 14110.5(: t-ours, you will mi} to make your re- .~'crvation I1u\`\'. Seml for 11a11;1son1d1y {HL1u~".-)`}l` r._- rlrgscz-i1)t.i~\'e booklets to IH. C. Bouvlier, General Passenger .|.' 5.-`ant, C:m:uIia11 \"z1tionznl Rai1wa_\':<, '{Toronto, 01- to Martin Kerr, 4 I I :;l\'.'.~.<,-1| Buulalx .~\ve., H::m1irl.'c.on, or A. E. Bry- scm, 4-1 Si1vm'tho'rn Ave., Toronto. I 1 I: '5 Iv `,1 ur-Photo. Shows Parliament Buildings. L: Rockies is n High-Lip,ht of Ihe (rip. ary. I 2.rc:u,I (o1'ig'inz1l]-y he Indian ViLI:1g'e; `of I-['ouI1cLz1;,':1), Quebec City, with its; \'\'I'1i n1e1m01'ic~.s of Wolfe and Mvont-I} ,c:L1m; C21.p(.- Breizon, Anna.polis and; i H(,I, ` ` Gvo1' 1"1'a Gt, , L` rv n- card u._y w 1st I resorts: in um > Northern Advance u..u_y 5 :< u wick:-" nger ' .~l.mi g:] "``-```V Ald bnff taken - Sid-c'1'a1 0' mom _o_M `in bus money ionncd my buinc.i~': ood com ml to 5 me` but on : lwwherc ans in I AM. license `some y Fire and Police u 'Fhn. c the Provincial `"_'.-;hw:1y i'r'rm Duckworth Si. to B2-a.dfor.l St. be made a shop strer-t. and that motorists cn`.ern.g llighwny from . Abounds In Health-Q Giving Cod-liver H Oil Vitamins 67 . . _.. ._.,-.v... Markets and P Raccrymmend third: `.1 Branch be asked to spruce trees for re `vV3'..]"d 6. .,...,. For the a;men:Immt--AIMS. R op,ve1~s, WiJ4es, Kn-i`g4h't, McF'adden~-4. A-gvainsvt,--Muyor Duff, De.put_v- Reeves MeCuaig and CI`('lS\V`iCkC, A1 Cotlnes, Lanng, Reeve, Dyer, Moran, Mwlcovmasmvn, 'I`yrer--10. ' Reports of Cm`rm1it t.<;-es In its report the Finlnnce Commit- tee furt.he1~ reco`nm1e1rde that the fQIl.orwin;.:' ;:1`a.nts be included in the esbimultesz Citizens Banal, $1,000; Bzmrrie A;p,'ri.c11H:unzL] Society, $500; H`o1'tioul1;um4l Society, $100; that Lat 17, S. Govwan St., be rented to Mr. , P;1li_q'invio, subject to report of A111 I(,nvi_r;1}m'.. ' war 1 . -- yvuuug, xv. AIM. Rogers amendmonzt. was txhen put, he aL tihm-t. tzhe ycas am! nxays be ta.ken, Wlhxioh resulted in h-c amenmnont being` s1i.p'pm'ted by the represcnativos from W-zu-(Ins 5 and 6 only. ELM. L1 A-lid. Coles said that the pcaotlrroorm ! owners had been given oonisidemrtion and a few years ago a party fnom '1`-om-n1:o hiwd aprplied for license to put in ve tables, which was not gsranted by the Council because they eornlsidered it would not be fair to (She puoolmovms a;Irea.d-y licensed. 'Dhauzs the town had lo.s`u $200 a year in liicemse fee`. Last year there was an application for a license, whidh was re1'nuse`(l. Ald. Knigiht thzouprhrt the petition last year was turned down because of a peiiiti-on frcun the W.C.T.U. ap- posirug it. An.) *n__, .u\,. uwuu. H-is Wors'.hip asked how many poo] ".ab]c~.s we-re opemtirig in Barrie and was infomwd by the C<]~C1`.k that there were 10 tables. A1`! ra . uuxxnc. `IWAIMI. I{n'ig:ht said that when the tlicensc fee was raised to $100 a table some years ago conditions were such thzrt the proprietors could weld af- *1'ov*d to pay it, but conditions had chanugetl. If he pnolrooms were logfitilnzute, and if pnoperly comlvuctr ed, the owners sh('.`>'1'1Jld be p,'iven con- lsiderzltion. uv . . .... u.i\.,uuu uxuulull. Aid. Rogers amendment was then up. He maintained that con- -sideration should be given the pool- owners as owing; to depression business they were not making money. The pooizmnni-s were sanc- Liomed by the Council as a legitinmte buincss and if hey were not proper- ly conducted it was up to the Coun- cil see that they were. '1The1'e was one other `town that he knew of \V`|h01`O the license fees were as high Barrie. All 77-`. -- v-..u.;. It was contended by Deputy- Llieeve M-`cC1mi2g' that Depu`ay-Reeve Creswickeis mdtion was out of order, as irt dealt wii'.1 something that was not in the repo'1't. The miatterr lwd been divscussed in commitxtee and such a motion shouxl not be brought [up now. Deputy-Reeve Creswicke lsiaid that `he had inliroduced the same lmotion in ocmirrnimtee, but was over- mu-led by the chairman, and now he iwamted the Mayor s ruling on the (3 i]l13:ttC1'. He inaimiained that his 5 Imotion did afloat the report in thart '1-he poolroom owners a.ske`(l for h0u-1's : gof c]vosin_9; to be the same ass the |Bowling Alley. W His VVo1'ship hold zllmt the 1'upo1't I should be (l0LUlt with as dealing with 'i`uhe pocilroom proprietors only, and yEf~ ll1'f.`,'CS't(:Ll that Doputy-Reeve CrL-.<- 'l\vicke -s motion be (lC'2l:lllL with as 21 i 1 .~l.raig:hrt motion. ,\I.I v I .. nan uLu\U(l my 1)u1mt_\-'-1{eovo C1`<.`.~`wick0 and .-\1d. Moran that this clause be zunendm-d to 1'c-ad: 1`Jmt in View of Ezuhe petition received from v lpoohwoom p1~qp2~ictors_. the bout: of chasing` of Bow`-I im: Alley be chz1n::;'ed from 12 pan. to 11 to conform `to hermvs of poolrooms, and the by- haw be amended aocc>.rding'l_\,'. Adnds. Rao9;e1~s and Knight, in amiemlnrenit, moved that the clvzmrse be amended no road, 'D}mt the -li- cense fee for poohmoms and billiard rooms be xed at $50 per bzube pen` year. '14. ; \ L\`\.| . I ll4JL' the peti;`.'i*on ( 1'r: in ' :-Yu7.~iz1.:: and z 71. I scaws ; I EMULSION I -to the (It sheds in Some d`i=: w`.hether L, Mill Ratgfiny win 133 45 Mills Ald. vu vu.k. shoruflrd ` (Continued from page one) Inq1u'a'y Id. M-omn raised the question ; he tlellay in .`.eam'ng down the 0 L3 rear of Council Chamsbe AL` (1`iu=:cus2si-on `rook place as 1 H... u1_- n__1,1- nv nu Lcud U'.l dwscustsi-on rer the Pub ..\. \J\.|llI u-Reeve 'I`h11t r Fi 1`( u,.. nn:vv\.\., in we McCu`ai_2'. t. no nciion b. of poolroom . 1ir:en.<:o fms c 1 -. .. I Susceptible to Coughs and Colds .7 You Are Probably I Vitamin-Starved ..L _ Du`put.v-Reova . n .).,..1 4 .. .. ; un cam _y S11})])']y 3,000 1-eforosatinsx: In discussion in 1111 n rem hm. - \,..ln,u-on ung. we olminnen tog`et11~ev1' zr Pm-ks the Fo1'es1.1'_v .....`.-1_. n Ann ropo rt. p1'n.<, on` .. VIVL . ...; v.u:u -`.1... ft... ,..,.. vl v. 1'n.<,m1te The c] 211: took and `THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927. [`he clause taken on I n u uu: vmu` Chamber. 1 ...v./-.. we nu Commit- Commifr Ar both -3 0`U'.I]`C place HBY -.-upuzn AJ|." Rants W.-- Wood _.,..._ ____ I Maple syvuup a.ppeare in f-z1;i11]:.v M large quanrbitiers for he first. time 'tthirs season a): Satturtlay morninx-.:.~a " mamkot. It continued 110 bring $2.75 i- -and $3.00 :1 _2:zLlLo'n. Farrnr-1w mport that {me calmly sews-on run of sap xvaws poor, but th:1rt lm last 1011 rlnys I1-aN0 shown marker! im.provo.n1en`r. Hwgxs were again hhe mrain femurc of tho n1~:n~kot, brzinlg offered in lame quan- *t.i t,ios art 25: (10 28c :1 BuJ'..1;m' was quite sczurco 45 Potato pits have sc-vnra Loads srluown, sc`llin.g l4}_m;:.~: ........................... .. B'UM2L`l' ............................. MzLp`l<: Syrup .... .. gal. C`l.icke.ns lb. I o*turto~0(s ............. .. $1.10 bztg Beof ..................................... .. [0-13`/c lb. Lamb ................................... .. lb. Pork __ ..................... .. lb. Butter Beans ...._.-........ 10c pint D....A._ `Miss Beu:]Ia.h Gmazhlam of Otwtzuwa 211(1- dresse~(l dhe 1`-our Canuaxtian G'u1]:s in Tminimg .grncnLps of Golier St. Uni- ed Ohundh on Wednesday night of last week. Miss G'nah'am, who i.s a Home M'ivssionar'y under The Unitekl Clhurcah, is now on uvllough. She gave a very inmresting account of her work among the new Canadians." 1'n +1-.n Ann 'l),.....1n._ 1\t:,,- n - up.` vv\uLl\ auuvuxg, but: new \./a.nw11ans." in the A1111 Peo`p]we`s Mission at Oibawa. - nwguu awu 21 WllE(:`1l scraper. McFa Boaml of Works conusider cutting wi`1t1>ow t1'ees zmnonugr ma-ples cm BAa1dwin~ Sf. Tyrer--C1'eswicke-'Dhu.t request of Bel Tceplhone Co. and R. B01111 be gramed. rrn... n,,, -n n "\l\( ,.,uu,uvu\|. The Council then went into com- mitrte to discuxss the estimates. 3 `Old uxru R0ger-Tyrer-'I\ha/5 Board of Works consider purchasing a dwvnmp wzmgyon and a wheel scraper. MnT<`n:I:lr;n_ 1. .-.:n.1.+ "VL._L n v ...... .;...u;-m auu uuurx nzules. Mnayor Duff suggested that he matter be referred to commiztee for consideaution, and this was agreetl to. -..... AJ.v\;L uuuugulb UILHIL as `DIIETC was no Y.M.C.A. in tqwn, 1'1; wazs bc`U`.01' for young people to be in the bowling` a`1>1ey than running around the streerts and back Iwanes. n/r......,.. 1`\..zx.- ,., - - -- - - ....... .._5...,. AM. Lang thought the bowliinig alley and poohzooms Si1?C1'l1](i be rtrcatr ed alike. YiounQ' skits of g"n'1s are at :.he bowling alley who shouikl be home with their mothers. A1./I 11...... u|____,1 . .-. . \I \..u\,.u. Ald. Kniguyt : Wrhy into :-fore; yowunwg-,' people attend dances and card parties, not getting home tilyl after midm'g;ht. Al/.1 T ..._ M I1 AM. Tyrer througvht young boys should be home and in bed a` 11 o clock. A11 1..- w.\....,-_,-L_,. This m.`crtion was :Lg'a`in discussed. .-\:M. Mznlcom-son didn t see w hy the Bowling: Abley smu] be bothered xvith. 'I`:hc~re had been no complainrbs and the place was clean and re`specr- able. -.. .3. mu m. p.m. L0 11 p.m., It-o conform to same hours as pool- rooms, and by-dawv be amended ac- cord i n _9,'1'y. "l'VL.3,. ....:L-'-- -- " " ` -....u umuux nu nun ucr camp g*m'u.m1. Roge1rs-Wiles-T.hat the mad on Ellen S`t., between. John and Vic- toria Sfs., be completed. Crm<:wicke--Moran--'I`ih*a.: the hours :01 cmsinzg` of B`ow11=in:g Alley be c.han_e:c-Jd from 12 pm. to 11 M. ..-...c_,_.. A ,,.vn...5_ uuuuJ.d'L'Ju LU!` 1:1z`o-z'(. rLang-CoI1es--TJ1art Miss Mo-ore, Blake St., be given permission to use 1'0-ad mler to rol her camp gvdumd. Ro[rr>m:_Wi1n.u 'm...+ mm ......v.I -- ,._,....,. .4 u-:,yu.u 1uu, bulxc 1(;'VCJ..~', ' 0tc., and 1'u1)ort later. 4* P1`inti1`.:' znd AI\'crtising I Having carcfwliy considcrcti the quorsticin of holding` 21. c01eb1'z1.ti0n in Barrie on Dominion Day, and the Council be'invg' st1=on_:ly in s_vmpat.hy wirhh the idea of horlding a celebra- tion to oomrmemomte Confedo1i:\>tion, recicimtmeml that the Mzwo1' be auth- orized to call a public meeting` no or- ganize a committee to prepare fcvr a ce1e.`bra=`tion on July 1st. Mvotioms -1\IcOtnag--Creswicke--' Scott Bros. be paid balance owing on snow -plowing_ contradi. for 1926-27. T nun an.-- rrn__4 1ur- -r u .,...\. vvnuu. mu:A.l' lllULul1Cl'S."' AM. Dyer tfhougvht that there `nu `nn VM f` A :.. A--_- '1 - .-. up- v last ti) trouble I `xv T1111: Jam __-.. ,._.,...: uc yxvcn oorne`: uf Burton J Bradio1*d- and Essa Sts. policemen be pliaccd tions of and Mn and :1` a nun _-..-....._, .4 us, .:x.I..uL\';u b imrtensectimus leading ' of the Hi-gvhwtay mentilc G`! .....n _: . I VJ mu: SLOW" And Get `Your Prin

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