Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1927, p. 4

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Uh't1h~o' >_ A V . n I ; sport- I ,,, -....... ......u.. | I The annual meeting` of St. James ) United Church, Stroud, was held in the basemenlt on Tuesday evenings, .-\p2=i.1 Shh, after a satisfying` supper had been served by the I`adie:< of the church. The pa.-itor, Rev. Jas. Brown, gave his report on the church I 3- imembership, which showed a net` l'0'_:` for the year. standzinsz ait 201. 0 -t The t1'easurev1`, O. R. Black, {save .-.1 . \5*\'e1'_\' g1-atif_vin_2' report on the year s ' 11 >curren.t and budget rece17pt:<, which `. a _2' of ncamly $300, and :1 surplus for the year of $150. AM] branches of the church work showed '21 marked imc1'eas6 in both in|`.e1*-esrt I 3' land 1'oceip`ts. The Cemc-1:e'1-_v Bozwd ' repented a ste.ad_v gain for the year, there being: now 25 endowmencbs and -fever $1,000 in the fund. After the -;r(~pc.rL.=. ixhe e-locti-on of o1ce1-s was -[proceeded with. Mr. Geo. Young` - was re-elecfcc-d Sunday School Super- in.tevn.dernt and H. E. Hughes assist V anrt. A hea.1*t_v vote of thanks was 'ten'de1'ed to `the ladies for the stup- per, arnsd also to Rev. Brown for his inrteneyt and faithful work in the change (Luming the year. 1.9.` :0 `Y h 1. V ]J(`]` '\\`.".> ob.' in St. Jam L'nit:,-(I C`l1u1'ch last Sunday evensh u _:oc number pa1~tzLkin;;'. Eig now members were 0m'01r1e.d for t `church. vux. uuxum Ol Mr. John Hunter unlyoaded :1 car Id` oats Last week. I Mrs. L. M. McConkey, D.D.G.M. of! No. 11; 3.1115. S. Allen, P. Ma.~t.1`o.n of .-\.Mwo1'th C'h:ap*terr; Mrs. L. Wa1`ke1',! P. Mlatvon of Queen City C`hapter; Mrs. R. Pi`11.=wo1~th, P. Matron of` Queen City C`hapte1'_; Mr. J. G. Me Conkr;-_\', P. Patron of F`i(lwe]i.`._v C~hup ter; Mr. R. W:L1ker of Queen City Chz1.pte1'. ~ I The Sucralm-n.t of the Lm'.I .s Sup-g ma. Jz1me.~:'|' Pun.-.1 h.L_..,.I v I ' ' ; UL uuuu 12 ` M-iss Lula , \\'ith the u. I - JJQUAAL. I 1\/Int. Dew of `vVa.sh2Lg'o visirzed hlerli ' sislier, i\vI:.=. AiJ)m't Spring`, who has; been on the sick list. Friends from the city visitor] at Wilson Forbes on Sunday. Mas Marg`:u'et Forbes is on then Isick 41|1St. Mr. Aibem Davis visited in Orilial last week. Mr. Wilson Emerick of Lefroy has ponue sailinigx a.g'a'in -inhiis SeI8JZ~l0'.'1. Mr. Wilson Forbes visited in Bzm`-' rie over the week end. . M1-. Waiilace Spring` visited fviencis 1 ii] Toronto last week ,1 `i\l.',.~ 7-44 \7 1 - r I Mrs. A.1't.`hur Perrie has 1'et1u'ne [home after \'iS.i`til1:_1. ,'-h(?l' bl'(iUh(`.`1`, Peter IBain. ; I , . _ \ll\-ll allll V |\ li`Lll. The roads are again ulition after being (11'ap7; (`am are . ~'1:<-z::li'n;: ale!` 1 -nrul nl..`l at 8 pm..." - to which the citizens of Barrie and Iepresexltatives of the various organizations are invited. The meet- ing is called fo 1- the purpose of planning and o1'g`an.- izing a ce}efb1'ation in Barrie to mark the Sixtie1'I1 :1m1iVe1's;1r_V of C0V11fedc1 a [i0n. - ...u-`nu. M1`. and M1';~:. R. H. 1 ws`pen(liIni_o: :` fvw (i`1_\:S in ` `their son Vivian. 7T`L, --- V ' I We are _u'!:.:l to repcmt that B1'an*c}1e I`.m1tirug is rocovrrringn qixite satis- factoriwly from an zxtiack of pneu- monia. .,....u.yvvc:.a uuwn ILULISC . The Maxpzlxe Leaf Club is stantim; practice on a play to be given in `he near fwture. 111 _ ... nvuvllu uu U|.`l\t.' usp 1}J.l'In[lTl:g'. Mr. W. J. M'cLc-`an has talcem` H12; Dempste1"s town house. VH1... 'I|l....1,- 1 _,n nu 1 =M~ap1=e' syrup making` and lwuse cleanimg -seems to be the order)` cf the day amun-d here at present. Our btliaaksmitzh, Theo. Demzpster, is leaving to take up farmiin-g. M, w_ .T nr,..r..m. mm mm at er ton Coke . . '. . . . . . . . . .$12.25 per ton er ton Hardwood Slabs . . .$7.00 per load er ton Body Hardwood . . .$7.5O per load ar ton. Cordwood, 4 ft. . . .$14.00 per cord and take advantage of the spring prices. ... ....L .-[.x-n:xu1r_4 _.'.`0O(1 0.1-d =rumn1m' 8TI-I LINE. 1. _ but the host grades of A11thr;1(:itn,' and Soff Woocl and Coko, and will )1 Sm.'Vi(?O and satis-fzu.-tion. ..th1v.u'h<`e1' G. C. Aldzm, W. 13. Slnzm, T. A. ;Sa.w_vm' and Dr. R01.-'r.~r.~`, for Board "V3->`h3*8' h'1"of Health Ineeting, $4 each; A. E. `"3031 hHSiWils'o11 & Co., Gnlobc Indemnity 00., Sick St $197.50; Trhos. ReynoI rent of "T1 ?1t'ha11, $2.00; W. B. Sloan, regL:t.erimg S 0 births, mar1'iag'e and deaths, $27.00, "Ct 0 "3 |-posta;_L>,'e $5.00, 3 monrthys sa:1a1`_V $150.00; Mme. R. A. Sumhevland, rest 0Y`iHi51 mom, Barrie, $60.00; Wdlfred Stew- art, postage $30, sazlsary $50.00. A by-haw was passed authorizing hhe Ree\}e` and Clerk to Sign cex4,`.ain 'ag'reemcnt between Annie B. Red- Lg'a'in Bad`- Week dick and the Council respecting the P transfer of certain lands to the Cor- st week. :poration of the Townsm) of Ivnnisl. On motion of Derp.-Recve Reynolds and C`oun. Henry, the collector's 1101:] for 1926 was received from the C01- `lector, Wnilfred Stewart. Accounted cConkoy, of for he {`nLI.-um . .\7eeI,\' has been sick Monday Evening, April 11 IVY >1 Sup`? :1 Jzunus` I ` evening',! m.~+nL-:n... 1n:-.L+ I main in g`ood con- (11'zLp,'g`e(l, and the along: as in the INN ISFIL COAL, COKE AND WOOD `I Je.1n1c:`bt the city ' HARRY ;D. ELLIS, 65 Bradford St. Telephone 748. I.lI\. with I am; our, vvIuT1`e(l for as foltlows : nf`:\...,, A A Public Meeting will be held in the Library Hall on . I ....4uuu---.-no mu: LLV. Hospital, on Wed'nes.tLz1_v, March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Dalston, zv. dlaughtcr. WHITE-At the RV. Hospital, on Thxuzjsdtay, March 31, to Mr. and `M1`s. Roobet E. Wlhite, the gift of a son. WILSON--. - ivhe \I7..J...A_ IA KEMP---On Tuesday, March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malcolm Kemp (nee Adeline E. Hhl), Essa St., A`11aml`a1e, a. du,ugh cer. WTI cnv A4. 1-. n w -A - $69502 35 On motion of Councirovs Webb and Henry that Council a.d'j`ou1*n to `meet at Stroud on Wednesday, Apni] 61511, at 10 o c41rock a.m., and proceed to the park in the af1:e1'n,oon. Car- ried. I '. ....\.....a;_-u uu 1Jl.LZl~u1`E(il'S' List. .... .. Dog Taxes, unco11ec t,-able... Lass on pe1'ccnt2ug'e and money orders .. ..-. .\ |uv(I.p',\J Iector ...... .. Defaultcrs Pe1'cc~nta_:e T .',-6~ ;'I`nxc.< pz\i(l in by Collec- I tor .............................. ` I ... Percon.tng`e due from Col- In:-4-n~.. READ ADVERTISEMENTS. ; .u; u,.V 1\JI`lll\`\.` ' Amount on . RCII ............... __ Percentagv due ` lecizor _.,.....\.`. Aux uu: v\'L'L~1bL'1'll P311; OTI the tcwn.~"hip. The standing-,' committee on finance 2-r;cn1nam:n:lel payment of the fol- I0-wrin_: : (1 [V A11 n. - ,7 PUBLIC MEETING! ,,,.._......-uuuo Ll'.L'(`.IHTa':' W(?`I'(3 read nom the foiloxvin-4: : A. E. Wil- . son & Cb.) insurance; Globe Indemn- ity C-0.; Dopartrmeni`. of Public High- ways; Drumholll-(er Board of Trade re Cowl`; Cz1ma(laIngot [rm Co.; On- tario Tractor Co.; Thos. F. Swindle; Joseph Cmwforrd; H. M. Robbins; Depavtment P1'ovinc'iz11 Secrettary; H.~a1`1'_\' FiS.}lL'I`; R. W. WiC4. anxl Art. Rich.zmlson. Mrs. R. A. Suth-erlancl and Mrs`. H. J. Marquis, on lwhzxlf of `I=e W.I., asked fora` :1 graxut to the Test room in Pr21l`l'iC. M was to pll1`(:h1L.\'r- a new _L-:ra for the wc,-stc'rx1 pan: of the tC\\'n~'.hin 7 1nmL<`1'T}ns.hip Cou-nail met in the Orange HzLII., Strouu, an Fniday. April 1t;`1927. All mumbe-rs pres- ent. ` ....-.. Commixnications and : followin-._g nun D. rV'_- ' Total a`1'1'o1' {NNISFIL COUNCIL list ...................... .. on Dcit`zLu1~te1'.s roll roll BIRTHS Floor Coverings of all kinds W. B. Sloan, Clerk. C0']xlector s :1 c c on nts` . I I7! nu. $695 2 ...S69567 A.- ...$6914G 215 4463 The Royafhank of Canada . 223 -121 Next to Fisher Flour Mill "vuvs -l-l\-IS]-115, U "Tamarack, $6.00. Stove Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egg Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nut Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PeaCoal....' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cannel Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nut Coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stove Coke . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dry Hardwood, split, $7.50 box I Slabs, $7.00; Hardwood Edging, (Irv "l"qv-no-m-...1- nan n 1 fzllxfax Sydney Charlottetown ICED FOR MONTH OF APRIL AS FOLLOWS : Next to Singer s Fruit Store. and in Colombia Peru Venezuela $1.45 _\'2u'd. for $1.20 yard -A;r $F` _ , M. C. Wigle. Manage: 335 Heavy Quality Linoleum 2, 3 and 4 yards wide PRICES REDUCED 1.3-%;A`.`=j . . . . . . .$15.50 . . . . . . .$15.00 . . . . . . .$15.00 . . . . . . . .$13.00 . . . . . . . .$13.5O . . . . . .$12.25 . . . . . .$12.25 load; Hardwood % $5.00, and good, at Special Prices. 5, for $1.75 yard .....u.. F. Ronald of Toronto was in the V'l]Jlil,'.','0 over the week end, ow- ;ing' to the illness and (loath of his tnmrtilu.-r, the lam Mrs. Grace R0-naltl. A VY\n'nnn 41...... A`~- " -.-...u_y . E Mr. and Miss Gzn1'ro`.v of Toronto :spent the week (med 21;. J. Maw .=. M1`. and Mrs. Frank Foysrton and two chihlrcn are visiting at A. Foys- ton s for a few (La_Vs before leaving `for their home in Seattle, Wash. 'T`}1e_v in:t,(.~nd making the entire `rip [by 'motor. ; `[7 1~1 .. .7 l, - .......w. i , Mrs. Mary McLeod of Bhacko iAIJta., and Hannah McLeod II-oo:te s Bay, On`;`,'huvr: returned It.he=ir hvomc-s after spending the w: trar m-onhs with their sister, Miss I 'l`1'ac_\`. 1 `Ml . __ I run - I `Miss Foyston has returned to her home after spendzing the winter in I`m~onto. ` .,, -- .s.ouuux;1. .3. I-Losiery is of c.o.u1~.=e an impoant item in MirIady s wardrobe 'm-zl can be secured to match any comtume. II; is featured at 211'] the clothin,{: .".nId shoe stowes. .... uv v.,.\uxun'1vt':'1_y'. Ah BearrcLsa11 s the same styles and colors were men-tioned, with em- phasis on the trimming of beige lizard, faxwn a1 zrml snwkeskin leathers. 11- -\]uu\,\l an swung. Colored footwear is featuretl in a more elaborate range than ever before, sltated Mr. Wm. Moore when imterviewed, addi'n_Lr that the two-tone theme is most popullvar, and that applique trimmim.;'s are prefer- red to elaborlalte cut-outs. The pleas.- inp; shades are pastel parchment, lily white, 1'osebl~usl1 and stone. Ties, straps and stepins are all popular. For evenimg wear the step-in pump . and one-strap pump are featured al- most exclusively. ' Ah Rn.m..l....11a.. .-.1, , _ ..uu.u~.:, wdI1'JU 1U1' evening` shoes, satinsr, velvets, and also 21 very plain patent pump were quoted as strong. (`!r1m-ml 4'. an-- mooreas, and at Simmons & Co., where Miss A. McCu1l:oug`l1 is in charg`e, lzu`_2'e stocks along` attrac- ive lines have also been pu1-clwse In the Shop of 1\Ii;-..: C. B. Wilson, the usual lines were shown in green, rose, blue -and red colons, along: with little c1'ochet.erl l121'l5S for sports wear, and also silk and wool braid hats. .-\`t V ickers, \\'he1'e I\'Ii;~'s L. Grant is in cl1a1'_L`e, the newm' 2i!1e:< in black and white, mo.nke_\' skin, 1`o.'~:e zmd o~the:r shades m'e (lispla_\'e I\'Ii."\~= D. Cornwell has also a charmin_27 (li:~;~ pI`a_\' of smart chsapeauux. Nor are the makers of oatwe2u' far behind, for in Ban`1'ie s stores Mil.aLI_v may choose from lovely crea- tions in styles that are (iesigned to harmonize (leligwcfully with `-he mode in coats and costumes.` .'Ig"nt colors are the thitn:_2_', the Advance was _tol(l at Carey-Hu1V1but s. Shoes reflect the new and approved 9px`ng colors such as parchment, rose hlutvh. nude, rosewood and pearl woorl. Zoptile t1-immin_2's and two-tone ef- fects are the vogue for aftemloon we-air. We sell black kid oxfordls Inva1'iabl_v for morning s:hoes, it was :~,*tatc an Cm'ey-Hu1'llbL11't as, while for ._._ _, 1 `xx. LJ. VV. 'I1!Vr\ .. - ..v...u.uc-u, wnu crocheted ` s*t1*nv;a.]x1 nd their Ixlace in her stock. Straw appears {-0 be the [popular material for sprin-gr hats, al- hho.uxg1h it is c1 followed by fanscy nvoven mate-yrizul and hair. 'Rip*ple Qbrirns are commjon. AL 0 H1 xx - ~ , .u...x~. uL'u.n Boadway c `ICI.~.... .. ... "awn.-, 1UI`H1C1`l'y w1It.h. I Brown-lee, is in charge. Sivlk` ribbon hiats, pamtemed hats of and silk combined, and croche straws, all 'stock. .... nu ouuua, 5-utuus unu mues. As in dresses, black and w1}1ite one of the leading` features of 4:11` spring mi'1-linery, the Advance wz told at Powell and Co. vs, -where Mi: L. Wattie, formelly wiih Mi: B1'num.Inn 1c :y. ..1......_. rm- Page Four ... uuaaugt: u; une uepaimment. Chxarmennes, oharmel-ines, P'0`i.1`e!t twills, tricotines and tweed with the same .a:t1:e1'i.n`g fur trvimmingis were again emiphasized, along; with a tail- ored Prince of Wales model, at Viokers. Here Mr. L. H. Stephens is in charge of the ladies 1'ea.dyJto- wear depa.rtmen.t. In n1i1>linc~'1'_v the story is much the same, 2ui;istic color c:ombinzLtiovn-s be- ing` the sty'1.is1h mote. The small hat p 1-edmjn i mates, models w i 011 ti n-y brims, turned up back or fnont, and :,1:]'_'=~o I1-wts Ch:iZi|l`C:iy wi-t.h.-`ou1`. brims, be- ing: sh:0w'n. Mists Lawor of the mil- linery department -of Samjeant an-d King,"-s, tel-ins cf the featurinig` of pat- terned lnats. Tliese are zuwivinig every week in shades of monkey skin, meadlow pink. rosewood, and also sands, greens and blues. A.:- in rlu.-.m~,.~ L`1._1, - ...v.u.u wuxu umuuu une ISQATHC in the fmvmer cases, while plain and fancy silks were stressed for co-a.`Js for dress occasions. Mr. M<:Ke1la:r is in change of the depantment. Chamnpnpa .-.1..........-1:..-, h - (Contimmrl from page one) forr mochorimg, the Advance was -tggld at S. W. Moore s. The clloths men- tioned were much the as in mm 4'............. ----_ - - STYL]:'/!a1iE`!1%7'LEGTED IN BARRIE STORES , MINESING ..uu.uuuu. . Moore .s, and at Simmons rn Naa A "I\T-rv..1v,,, I ` [cLeod BI.-ackoot, of 1`;`,'hu\'r,- returned to 21' wm- +_11,,.'.. ,.:,.c,... an, (- crochoted __ ` 1 % Northern Advance - 129 Dunlop St. ` Miss Miss : and :` felt 1 - mu: ' ,5 1 tinly , ' vuhe A , I it tr: :5 ' Young`; Cor. ,1 .._-.......i..v. Don t fc.1-,Q'et'. the reg'ul~ar meeting: of the Women s Institute next Thurs- day, April 14. ` The GCr(i'S-`O11 Cons.truction Co. have started tting` out their machinery here again for rho summer .< work. The 2'eg'u~1.zu' meetin=_Q' of the W._.VI.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. O. R. Black last \Ve After the businesxs \V21.`~` iiiscussetl, the Stu Book \\'z1.',= taken by Mrs. Harvey Hughes. ringifon and Miss Florence Ha`111iivnig- ton 1'I".I`l`dOTC(i :1 duet, which was much enjoyed. I > ( Mrs. Har- ` service was taken. The foi1owi'ng'. are the officers elected for the com- 4ili!_Q' year: Prresiden/c, Vliss H. R. Or- chard; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. W. J.f GvoIcd`feI'1`ow; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs`. N. i H. Wice; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Geo.` See. and Drea.s., Mrs. O. R. Black; Supt. of Mission Band, Mrs. S. J. Reynoild-s. Lundh was served and a social hour spent ' Those from Toronto who visited the Irnmisl Cimaprter of the O.E.S. here last 'Ii;'uursday evening were :, A very responsive Easter ' -- . zi 1. t. o 1. 1; xx i 1 a iL( p i r 0] E.-,1-in-.1 .u|L' 1:'n:uu1UH OI OITICGYS WW0; 306-. GC0-lproceedutl Geo. '1`I'C`'LS-y TS MT`-3530' Band intemle11 c assist- mm Lnhc the and O.E.S.linvte1'.et work I zhe Mr. F. Brown of OH` his father, Rev. Jas. week. M1`. S`tan10_\' Ruth is Boadway brothevs. n . . .. -Mrs. Gcrzlon Pcppiclt and (l`{1U1_9,`h- ter of Toronto are \'isiI`.'i11.p,' with the fo1'-me)"; mot*hm', .VIr.<. Robt; FzL_2':1n. 1\'Iis;= Mary Gur2.=t of Bi}.-` Bay Point visitml \\'3'.-`ax her aunt, Mrs. Frorl Jcbbit, for u few last wmrk. Z\'Ii.=.'< Lavina Orchzml has 1'r-t4u1'm`(l homo azcr \'i. : with frvir-111.< at }`Iin.o.=`in;2'. an-(I attmuled the funeral of the late Z\Irs. .-\mI1'(*-w Souln.< at Uh'tho' on I\'Io11da_\'. I `u H erb. .<'p0n.*t I cirty. . Rev. Jens. Brown went to on Monvday `co zttteml the fur the Late Mrs. Arudmew Soules. 113.. ,, 1 Ir v- Inlaid Linoleum, regular Scotch Inlaid Linoleum, Reg. $2.25, -.......v... vvuuu un ounuay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewson i1aY1'(1 fanni-l`y of Toronrto were the gruestts of We fm'rn~er s parenrt-3, Mr. and Mrs. 'Dhos. Herwson, over the week end. - ........ aycuo LH"' vseek end at her home in Bond Head. Mrs. Swfrizer has romted part-of Mr. Thos. Reynolds 1'e: and Mr Norman Wilson of 'I`ovont.o has rented Dr. Rogers 1'9`-silence. Mr. and Mrs. S .7th an'l vlau.-;'htc~r, of Tororntao were the g'ue:s1hs of Mrs. Russel Webb on Sunday. ' Mr. and MRS 1m.I- "~~~ ....u, L.L`Ull LH ing a new Dodge sedan. Miss Rae Abernathy 1 Mrs G....'.o...... L - \.ll\.l wv-Luu Lnenus 1n Iiarrle. Mr. and Mrs. Lev Rrzv: Etnns. Reynxo-1-(Is of Barrie ' guests of the -fonner s d'aug'11 R. T. Webb, on Su-n-day. Mrs. Wm RnnL'n A4` -1-- . ... vvuuu, uu bu-I1-(1:1) Mrs. Will Boako of \'isitin5.>,' with her fat1I1e:', \ Va.H-ace. -uwvwnxuay . M1-..:. McCouisI1 and d*a.uwght;e:' Frances have restumed home after visi-ting in the city for a week. V Mrs. O. R. Block spent the week end with friends in Bzlrrie. ` Mr mm M... 1..-- -n -- son, -in Barrie for a. few days. Mr. N-onman Neely of Ehnware spent Sunday with his -paren-ts here. Miss F1vomnc_e Bedlby of Ba-rm'e was -the guest of -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beehby, over the week, end. I In - / Mrs. A. E. Page and d'augh!`.e.2- and Mm. H. G. Ba1~l'iston and son of Bar- rie oaied c.n Mrs. 'I`h:os. Hewso-n .011 Sartumdvay. 7"... `MI - f` ..-., you Mr. .uu. E /f.....I'rnv~ BARRIE BRANCH THORNTON BRANCH ,_,.`. ---vvvll vvuuw L-U UIl'UI'1'UIT| [onvday a.tte'n4d funerzvl of ate . and Mrs. Harvey Hurgthes, M `s. New amvd Mrs. Fred Rolmrtson a few (I 1}' last week in `Aha Fill up your bins NOW CURRENT SPRING PRICES FOR `We will 11.-1.ndle n0f11i1.1g` Bit`1unin0u.s' Coal, Hard 1 A 0 ' 0-n..,..n\4n._ .-,.... 1.1-, pu:un1n0u.s' Uoal, Hard :11 _9,'L1ar.-H1100 _\'o11 fhc 1)(`.`\`1T of VVC beg to zm1101mce that we have purchased the interest of T. D. O NQiH in the Coal and VVo0d busi1_10ss formerl_v operated by Micklo, Dymenii & Son, 65 Bradford St, and will be in a posion fo fllrnish 211] fuel 1'0q11i1'e1'11011ts after March 31st. We take this o])p01'f11nity_m so]i<=i.t1'ng' your business and assur-n you 1']m1' _vm11- needs` will receive our most prompt and (10111-teolls aiention. ' FF 1`; n71\Tm'11 4.. 4-1-\r\ run `I *" swndb .uu nu. LJu.l'1`lB WCTC` CH8 2 d:aug'ht.e1', Mrs. nn .Q1|m.L..\- vu,_.,v.; m:u2,u1. ] spent th'>i mr hnhnn 1" Dn...) `nu, I ANNOUNCEMENT xillia called on Brown, this n' with ' J 'J`l1ornton Y1/I .. A . uvl uvull '3 Mr. A. C. .$15.00 per .$15.00 per .$15.50 per .$13.00 per W 0'!` 0 LL .._. `VA . .2.) the `IA , and M iss ..._,,, AI

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