Page Six cxpcrnenccu \\'0()(lsm:m. (jumuhfs fnrusts in winter time are :1 n('\'cr~('mling joy to the plmt0gr:1ph0r. tho .1rti.-at and the nxnmrc lover. On the Blanc lice Trails the tourist is taken through the haunts of thu lurdly moose and other big ;_xr.n1c, by men to whom the signs of the forest hfc arcas.1no;_;cn book. There is shing through the Km, :1 drug sled to title in when one bemmc-s ti"crl 2.3.1 the nevu=e::;l;'n_r_; joy of excr- I by the Crown and hold! life. The number of Sen-' 1 be 72, or 24 for Ontario, number for Quebec, and} number for the Maritime ; of Nova Scotia and New 1, fllmish full inforlnatioll to those 1 ` l Telephone Telephone l Telephone : Telephone , VVall Desk A. A. SMITTT. Ma11ag'e1. your 1\I2n'(-11 telephone Monthly Rate Business Resid $3.25 $3.45 $2.50 $2.70 W151!` uul-I'M `I. nun .-n-.-.-... .. son, Donald Cameron and A. Cr0,<.~' appointwl Dc-:zcm.'~'. one _L`oin_u' out each _\`vzu' and :.:'ivin1.: plzxco to n m-w one. Sr-!<|om in so short zx timr- haw any church m.'1d<.- such rapid pm_-."n-.<.- under such diusotlmgim: circum- uunu sfances as the Baptist Church of Barrie, and we how` that this new era in its history is but (h-.- (!::'.vn of a .'~:1ccc.::.;;'ul fut.u2 (-. .80 $1.00 The Executive Government of On- tario is to consist of ve members, rmmcly, an A ctorney-Gene1'a.1, a Pro- _ [vincia] Secretary, 2. `I`reasurer, a [f`nn1m:=m'nnm. A4` r".......... 1...)- .....: The electoral districts ` appear `.0 be the same as those defined in the Quebec scheme. 'I`~he South Riding of Simcoe loses Adjala and Mono, and the North Ri(1in5.:' acquires the Township_= of Balaklava and Robin- !be a session at least once every year. `The `r.'~:t election for the Local and Confederate House will be held at lone and the same time. I , , Provision made for the `admis- sion hereafter into the Union of .\'ewfound1and, Prince _E_d7.gz_1_r(i,Is_-___ land, Rupert's Land, the North West. Territory and British Columbia. ,....-.... .,--.--..._,, .. ....~u.u, o. !Conunis.=ionc-1' of Crown Lands, and Ia Commissioner of Public Works. B1adford .~'trect and Dunlop street \-.'e1'e in :1 deplorable condition this \\'(-ck. The ruts cu`. during the soft days were axle deep and many acci- d_-nts were mu'1`o\\'1y averted. If the grrader had been used on Satur- day it would have done much good. l (`isc in the hulsmn-L'\(Ien ozone to im- prove um-'5 lzcnhh and appetite. lhc lmluny nlay be for one week or um-'5 health and appetite. The for a. nmnth, and the territory chosen may be anywhere from the Gulf of St. Lzuvrc.-nu: in the slmrcs of Hudson Bay, for oiilttcrs all across Northern Can- ada have signied their desire to take winter tourism out into the woo(isrp'l'hc Bianc Bee Trails have been organized in response to :1 demand for facilities for winter hr-iiday outings of this kind \\hich `naive i ~r-.1 '.':,'il in great num- bers by 1!:-: .z' .-'.. Natioml Railways. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, Baptist Church O.rg'anized not <-overed Forests IVELLB Resldcnce $2.25 $2.45 $1.85 $2.05 1927. .1'n(-I. LE by the r:v<:nin;: `L-nim: at 7.30 the INI to listr.-n to :1 S. A. I);'k-. 'l`hv Ln took as the sub- rsc 1:~.c John iii. iv. most of thr-1 3 I `ch. .,..\ ..W......_, ne of the church iberatr: in sr:cr<:t returningr with a to recognizr: the The Order of follows : Meet- Total .~\wa:'!m 49 conf- Continzr Baluncl: I. Dr. Castlr.-. ' thanks, :tc., most of the 1. H nn LL, ` < sub-| ; iii, iv,i the sons of was loctrin- n .. ...l When you wake up with h:ir'r::iclu: and dull misery in the kidney region it may mean you have heen eutiiu: foods which create acids, says :1 :ml||or- ity. An (D of such Ilcldr. nverworks the kidneys in their eflnrt tn lilter it from the blood and the hecmne sort of paralyzed and l yuur kid- neys get sluggish and clog yuu must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels, removing all the l:ndy s urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coatecl and when the uxnnilu-r in lmrl vnn lvnvn rlu-unnrnin nub. u.. The annual ` was adopted, Sin'.`r` C111` 4 ciety are all m: ~.1-I to see the com- mencement of 1867. Your ({irector.~: are pleased `.0 report that the year 1866 was very similar to 1865 in proiluctivenuss. the soil we cultivated having` yieldeil Ztbl111(iH1t1_\'. The fall wheat was _L"O0(l and well :<:1\`eLl, also the spring: wheat and other cereals were very fair, but the weathr:1'wa.`~` not so propitious for its gzatzhering`. Prices have been reniunerafing and although at this time last year fears were entertained that when the P.eciprocit_v Treaty ceased prices. would decline. yet we have found it quite .he revel e. (lf\.... -..l_ LI ___- L,1:___. ,_,,_,, \.IA\J, uuuu.u_y ;.:, .L\JVI The `annual meeting; of the Oro .-\_2_'ricultu`1'al Society was held on the above date at Rix s Tavern, when John .-\t.kinson was re-elected presi- dent; Walter Raikes vice-president, and Joseph Thomas, secretary and t1'ea.su1'e1'. Directors, Messrs. E. G. O'Brien, C. Pa1't1'id_g'e, Allan Watt, Wm. Ga1'dne1', VV. J. Hill, Wm. Hezml, G. Caldwell and Wm. Hick- ling. Jr. nu ;_g,,..unu,.., uuu ]:.a.._--.. u_. ..,.. u. man, Orillia; zhe rizzht 'nzml of f'r lowship was given by } .r:~.'. J. (,'outL.~:. C0lIin1:woo in 21 mo:~'t corrlial zmvl affectionate manm.r; )":c0Q`nitlUt. prayer was ofTere by Rev. J. l).` King`, Yorkville, and u Y'l'|()n't <-loquent and imip1'e;~:.:iv(- arlrlrr-.<:< tlr:li\'r'rr,rl to the church by `.'he l .r:v. After the usual vote of thzml-c:<. cue-., the Council acljournml. most of delegates rt-`.`urnin_s: train. In the evenim: thr church was Cv1`O\`.'(l1"(l li:< L-n to :1 sermon from Rm . revereml gentleman ject of his (liscourse iv, Beloved, now are we of .'~I()l1. 'G|o(l, etc. The s<,~i'mon doctrin- al, full of thought, wr.-ll .'~'U.\L1i.llll'(l, and full of (loop, lit,-ai".f<-It piety. Excellen: music was g'ivL-n by thv new choir, kindly acsistt-rl by somv mem- bers of the tr.-mper:1ncr- choir. (limgltz credit is (luv to thv la.-urlc-1'. Mr. Brown, for furni. so goml n choir in so short a time. lmmr-li:xt_-- ly afzei` the :<-rvice :1 spr-cial church meeting was called, Rev. A. l)_\-kw in the chair, when by :1 . vote a mod unanimous uml lwurt_\' call was extended to Rev. ll. P`. Griin to become pastor of Llw nr-w church. Mr. :\rthur Rv:ulin:..-' was appointml Church Clerk; l)_\'-l:1wZ< were zulentr-cl. and '.\I(~. 'I`. John- n,....I.l A f`..... f`....-.,....\.` .....| v..._. other 1):. 1...... ...~ .....~-.. Our exhibition we believe was quite equal to former exhibitions. We are happy to 1'r,-port that there ye: remains a balance to the (good `K &L. Pk: L. J... ,.. H Mrs. Thomas Craven, Bradford St., picked a nice boquet of pansies in her garden on F`rid*a.y last`, Feb. 28th. I Indications are that there will be considerable building: in Barrie this year. On Friday night an enthusiastic meeting was held in the Queen s Hotel of those who had subscribed to the new curling` 1-ink. About 40 were present and Mr. Jas. Vair, who presided, said- that $2,100 had been subscribed, with more in sight`. It was decided to start building` at once. Freight hrafc has been exceeding- ly heavy through Barrie and the 52 engines stzaioned at Allandale have been in use, and douwblc-{headers have been (lrawing many trains of 50 cars ancP_ more. Vital statistics for Barrie for 1901 were 93 bixrths, 68 nmrriages and 86 deaths. |\l'J".4'aIAl',A|I. `As-uu [Balance from 1365 The chief business of the editors of the Cookstown Advocate and the Alliston Herald for several weeks seems to be calling each other Oro, January 17, 1867. VFLA ...........l `......\J-1...... 'eee(1ed to e:~:aminr- into the riot-trim. r---_~n.5_.h :55 pug u nn,uuun.Louny ux u..u.v. ` Upon mo`-`ion by Rev. J. D. Castle, Eeconded by Rev. A. H. Munro, it was resolved to advise the friends to form immedia`cr21y into a Regular Baptist Church. The Council then adjourned till 2 o clock. when the persons to be united in Church Fel- lowship having assembled. Deacon Sibbald was appointed chairman. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. Coutt.=. Articles of faith and discipline hav- ing been adopted and the usual forms {zone "hrou;;`h, the church was then declared formed as the Rt.-_a11Iar Baptist Church of Barrie." The Council hzwfng :v__-`aim a.<. pro- order and rlisciplim: thr- and retired `o rl :-`r:cr<:ti session, soon after returnirn: a report, re: to newiy form:-cl church. of Recognitioii was ac. folio`.-.'.~:: Mr.-I.-`.~ ing; was opr.-nr.-rl with .=in5_rfn': ang readingr, and prayr.-r by I .r:v. J. Shr.-r-i -....... n..:n:... .i., `VVl\"`1] ..4' 421 ` _-\.. ..........u.- .. ...4..;..u.. vv nu. in the hands of the treasurer. The paying: membex-.~: were : 3 :~:ubsc1-ibinr: ............ .. .. $ ' ! Premier K1711: left on '1`ue.=r!ay on ia two wL-Lk.=.' holiday, and Hon. `est Lapointe leader of U:-: Ho'1.=u waste, use have nucxucm-, s1cK wcathcr is bad you have .rhc1nn:1tic t\\'ingcs. The urine is cloudy, full of : sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek rclicf two or three times during the night. Iiithcr consult :1 Hood. reliable nhv.=.i- two or 1lll'CC nmcs uurmg inc mgm. , liithcr consult a good, rcliublc physi- ` cizm at once or get from your pharma- cist about four ounces of Jnd Salts; take a tnblcspoonful in :1 glass of water before breakfast for :1 few days and !your kidneys may then act fine. This I famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithizi, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kid- neys, also to neutralize acids in the system, so they no longer irritate. thus nftcn relieving bladder weakness. Jud Salts is inexpensive, can not in- jure and makes a delightful, ciT:rvcs- it-unt litlii-.1-\vater drink. Drink lots of mfv. wzitcr. By all means have your , ` 3 3.-. c 7<.'1miu:: your kidneys at least I i "1 "F. ORO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 20 YEARS AGO, MAR 6, 1902 in Kidneys Act H ` Bad Take Salts Says Backache Often Means You- Havc Not Been Drinking Enough Water Jcrsepl I'.;r+:La*., 3:2:--`Pr-:a:~:. 0..-\. Advance, Jan. 24, 1867 Lagkigg J B;cL;;;,a; . `.1 ....u 111 r: Inomb-.: v . roport of the directors which read 2 wlarction ".0 ofce am- 21 has run n $172 2.3 The plaintiff, J. R. Petenman, gave evidence that his brother, J. G., ;had taken possession 1ri`hout permision of buildings comprising stables, driving sheds and storehouse, on the rear of the lot in question. Not- withstanding -repeated verbal de- l m-ands of the witness, the defendant had refused to give up possession of, the buildings. Notice was also sen`. in writing` on April 24, 1926, advis- ing" the defendant to deliver up pos- session or he would be charged rent. I On Jully 16, 1926, R. S.'WIard of Collingwood put ch.ickens in the hen house zit`.'ached to the barn, having received the plaintiff -s permission. The defendant ejected the fowl and advised Mr. Ward that he was own- er of the premises. He then pro-| ceeded to tear out the stalls, n1an;.j;e1's and partitions of the stables and - The plaintiff claimed that his bro- lher had received certain rents for the l)uil and asked that the Court make an ziccountin_e' of them and order that they be refunded `.0 him. He also claimed a Court or- der directing` the defendant to _4'iVe up })o;-';-`e.;-.'-`ion, rent since April 24th, 192:3. $200 dznna5_>'es for `.he alter- ations to the stable, and $100 dam- ae'e..< for trespa. store certain _e:oods of his own in 11:. 11. S. Ward also gave evidence for he phinti` I t ( I 1 in a. County Court action brought by .Tm71es R. Petornuan of Windsor. lacting fo:r'himse1f and as ag'en t; of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Peterman, of Collingwootl, against his brother John G. Pete:-man, of Collingwood, over some family property, the plain- tiff secured juulgwnent for the posses- sion of the property, with an injunc- tion re.=tu'ai11ing' his brother from us- ing: the right of way on it, and also $100 daimxpfcs. VFLA ........ .....` Lh....J I-my Tu.1nn. Judgment Is Given I ` In Peterman Case] The case was heard by Judge Vance hcrc on F1~Zda_V and occupied the entire day. Fifteen witnesses gave evidence. J. R. Boys of Bar- rie actcd for the plaintiff and E. J. Mt-Ewan of C011iI1:g'VV00(i for the le- fendianit. nu u-.-m 1- 1 ., l,,J.l. L v v uunwu you ts ` Lcuuxaun. The phainti` claimed to be the! owner of lot 15, Beech St), Collingu wood, subjedt to the life estate of Mrs. Peterman, mother of both the plaintiff and defendant. He was also the agent of his mother, appointed in writing to manage her property and affairs. The Rev. H. F. Griin, minister in charge, `then read a long` and inter- esting statement of the work done in connection with the dr_-nomination in Barrie during the last four months, and `She reasons for calling` the pres- ent Council. The state-incnt showed the condition of the church to be g'rativfyin\g'l_V prosperous. Upon Mr. G~riin .s first visit` to Barrio, only twelve of a cong're5:ation had {rather- ed to hear him. but since that time over twc-nay persons had applied for baptism, the different interests have become one, and thirty persons were reacly to join in church fellowship, mgkliig in {$11 n membership of fty. A "nun run-"lay. bu. (Jr... 7 TW I", --&1.. Act.- lnlm , . I--mm of H10 rlt-.I'o-m|:ml.. H4- ":1! with Llw m::"t-r of rm 'I1rn1LL:'}1t _j11rI1:V1nvr|t. for pr>s`.~'I-5 "w plz|inLi' am! 100 ?i.=|H)siH0n of Lhv c.:|.s-. An Iun would iw mzulv, H In-('1-s. urr-W-Ht thv I:-f(-nrl:1nL frm '.ln- propr-rt) or ri;.-"ht of wu; u ..u....,....- _v, "ll1('h!'()ll, Wu` J. Mont}; "rm.-.|;y. Mr.~:. Hmnm I :-t v .1 -.GAN-0n l*`n'il:1_v. l<`<~l). Ha`, at; his Into rt.-.sih-ncn. St. H(-h-ns Avenue, l`0ront.n. Snmuc-I G<.`1)7'_";z\ T":1.;:z1n. in ifs . i.`i:'d _vn:u'. hu:`~b:1.nd of the late .. Y. ..1.`I' 1..:L 13 A.,_, `m I ()1,hv~r \\'itr1-;<.~'.r-.- for `-rv- A. I . }lu.mpln"r-y, ..l . \lI..1 1 ll. . In J Illil on Monday. I ;\r_';`t (mmotcry. 1':-lml/ml (`Ullll`F('] mllml .~'i.\' wil- ' for l,h- pI:1inl,i', Jnx. Sh-w:u`L. (7l4In:-nt, /\r(-hiv Mc(IurkinI.'I1-, Finn, 'l`hn:'. ('.|-mu-Ht :m .\h'.~'. It was decided by the committee appointed a. the County Council to improve the Court House by an ad- dition to the west side of the build- ing. $3,000 will be e::pe'n(lcd. llt-:u'.s". DEATHS ` -u A ..,,.u. :, uu`rl'``\ Interment in I m.- in givimr his Lhv FJLUWI` Ip ;)').~':w.x'. nf `Hu- nis life Limv, L|mu_L:'|I -1'4-ntl=:mt 1-()`ll\`4' HM-i 4-1':-Iul:nrt lll'V(-I` Inul 1 nor :Lh.~mIu1.- rI;;'|n nnur<.~'r-(I in -~|il\'1- fur Hln 1-Vi- -mlnnl. lid lml, "t:-r rvn.L, but 1 for ])l).`~".`~`|'.`-'..\1i()ll to The Northern `Advance u.- v, nuuu M on t.;,v~mm-r II: HM` (It l):mit 1:-z-I-.~:.s`:u'_v. to from 11.six1.;: I` ....... -vs :1 fair injunc- . 6.. A few years ago it was consider- ed extremely mor`.'ifying for a young Lady to be obliged from want of :1 partner or from a less important reason to keep heij seat through a dance, but at` present it is comme il faul to remain quiet at least part of the evening. Flirtatioms are said to be more numerous `Jhan ever. 1.: (Io-(`ir- nf H11- ! As Canada. is to celebrate this year the Diamond Jubilee of Con- fetleration, it will be of in Le1'z-`.-st to our readers to learn something of jthe early history of our County. Following: is :1 copy of the Con- federation Bill as introducexl into the ! Imperial Parlia.men_ts on FL-b1'ua1'y 5,` 1867, and taken from the Advance: of Feb. 28, 1867: ! J.ll\. uuu;.x.u\..u..\. ;.;vvun.\._~ ; be styled THE KINGDOM OF CAN- ADA (whcih rumor has since chan_;'- ..J L. 71'... T\.n~sI...'.... -1` f`.-....,.].. \ ;xuxx \vv11 A\Jl h- ed to The Dominion of Canada.) Upper Canada will be known the Province of Ontario, having: Toronto as its capital, and Lower Cilllzldzl as the Province of Quebec, having` the City of Quebec `as its capital. f\LA. ..... .. J... 1., AL,` ...1` pm; L`\AAAl nus .nu\,w.. \.ncc1L ,.,...L LCONFEDERATION BILL INTRODUCED FEB. 5, 1867! \Jl|1`V u; -(gun-.n.\. uu Ann \.uyu.u.. Ottzuva is to be the seat of _:o\'-l ernnneiit for the l\'in`g`(lom of IC21na1lz1. i The G0\'(3I`n01 -G(`Il('1`1l.`l will be zip-i pointml by the Queen, and f0l"('1Cl1| ]Provinc(.~ :>ho1'<,- will he :1 Lieutenant- Governor appoint-ed by the :Go\'0rno2-- Gent.-r.'1l in Council. | .. . "H -1 II - . I \IL'IIL'IllI III \,7\ILlll\ll. f'l`Iw Uppm` l`Iou. is to the call-` tho Smmte, and its nwlnbn-r.< will be ' I The Confederate Provinces are to 1 1 rv\`rv"r1 1vv`\vrV1\1\I1 r\'1-I nnxv `On Thursday last, Feb. 24th, an Ecclesiastical Council, cow `e,l`of ministers and (lelegates O 1' To - ronto, Barrie, 01-illia, Colilingwood, Stayner, Creemore, Oro, S`.`ou`ville and other places, met in the Orange Hall with a View of considerin-g` the propriety of organizing a Regular Baptist Church. Among the minis- ters present were Revs. J. D. Castle, D.D., of Jarvis St. Church; A. H. Munno, of Alexander St. Church; S. A. Dyke and J. D. King, Toronto; J. Coutts, Coil1ng:wood; J. Sherman. Orillia. Mr. David Buchan, Moder- ator of the Baptist convention, and Dr. E. H. Buchan, The ormer Presi- dent of the Baptist convention, were also present. Council was opened in due form, and the credentials of delegates having been presented, `.l1e Council was declared rezuly for busi- .......,. 11.. h Tl.__1_.. _,_.._ k_._,:.lLkl (`zmruliuns and their \\inl-.-r \'i.L:i(ors, (It'Sil'(l1|S of getting out into the north \vumls(lurin1.; Ilw :4-;1.~ o|I 01 ice and snow, have a S|)|(`ll((l u[)]v0l'tunity for enjoyment in the Mum Rec 'I`r'.1iL<, lourml journeys over the Imp lixws and through the big gzunv llillllll of Northern Ontario and Qtwlwv, rcccnllv inaugur- au-cl by the (`:um(li:u1 National Ruihvays. '%'l`lu: tuurists uru lulu-n. hv (log {mun an-1 ny um \ uuamum Nnnonau Kaulwuys. "l`lu: lulu-n. by (log twin and snowshoes. over the trap lines by experienced guides and \vood.~:n1en. Com- fnrtnl>lc caluns arc av-.1ihhL- an thc are of lake and ti , and the t,'.;...,L :5 (Tc-ntrc~:--'l`ynlcnl sn-m- ml the l .|:mc In-c :.. new tourism` journeys thruugzn mu norm 'J.(:uLls. Left, uppcx---Guldc nu-Him; rnhhn HlI'.|l'(-.-4 on lIu' mu: Hm-; l he Blunt Bots xnush. across :1 frozen lu.\e. R'.,_w_m-. uppL:r-()[)(.`n w-.u=`r tempts lhr tuurksl to try li..'nim._; lmu-r--typlcul oullitu.-rs` calbln whcrc the tourists are housed during lhcxr journey.---( nnudmn Nullmml I{'.nll\m_u. pl:-.1m;u;q-Ins. ' Winter Holidays `in Northern Telephone Rates at this Exchange for - `V0 shall be glad to informat s11bs(*.1'ibe1's whose telephone oqllipmcnt is by the above classicafions. The new rates will be (ihawgod in yo b_i11. 'I\ ])ER the rem-m, of the 30a1'd of .Rz1i1\va_\f C01mnissionm's, 1110 following are the rates app1'0V0d -local excha.1'1ge service, e{'t'ec riVe March 1st`, 1927 :- Individual line, `V2111 Desk 2-Pa.1-ty line, Wall Desk 11 . v.......-.. ....., mu. ....\._, LUL V... ness. Mr. D. Buchan was appointed Moclerzttor z'm(l Rev. S. A. Dyke Clerk. 4.: us uL Extension telephone, 9 9 77 The B011 To1(:phono Company of Canada appointed ofce for lators will ..u. owuu. u the same n Provinces 0 Brunswick. .4.\......--..,... l The Lower House is to be st,vled[ Ithe House of Commons, and to con-[ Qsist of 82 members for Ontario, 65; `for Quebec, 19 for Nova -Scoiia, and .15 for New Brunswick. 11; is to con~ Itinue for a term of five years, sub- ` _]@Ct to p1-orogation. \U..:.. .L`,`.. `Lrx a:....4. -1-...:..._ -2 ..._._. ._\.u vv n \u,vs.uwsvu. J I ~. W1-its for the first election of mem- bers for he House of Commons are to issue within six months from the| union. and there is to be at least one - Esession of Parlizunent in ~c\*ery year. .- ..\..,......`. ..--.,......, |t\l ,~,.........,... I 1 Each Province is to have a Ioczili iLeg`is1:1.tu1'e, consisting` `of :1 Legisla-i jtive Council and a Leg'islative As- i. except in the case of On- tario, which is to have only a House of :\S:`0I`l1bi_\', consisting` of S2 mom- bars. A conus is to be taken in 1871, by which the representation is to beg [re-adju:<:ed according` to population. I A T.`....L D..n..t..,.n \ Ln 1..."- .\ 1,.....l? `The I.0g`is1a'.ive .'-Xssombly is to con- tinuo for four _\'ez11`.<, and there must %::llI`L`(1 of c()mf0r1:|b|c quarters each mght and of jl)lll`I1(`\'S \\`1u<*h are laid out to t in with the 6u[1;1l;ilitics of the in- CX]\L`I`lCl1C(3d \\'o0(lsm:m. ('.nn;uln's fnrus ~ in winter time are :1 FIFTY YEARS AGO, MAR. 1, 1877