`lllljllfrd from the West after a couple vuu AA.L:L UL UHC \V CL'l\- Mr. Herman Leigh of Toronto has returned to :11e city after visiting` with Mr. and Mrs. Stanage Shaw. Mr. Hen_r_\' Hodges, Jr., has re- of months there. `gt a u: 1-- ~ V1 unuuum n,u'cL C. { Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron and _family of Orillia spent the week end` lwith relatives here. 7111. _ L1. __,L | I uuvulllnl .;uv1;a uuu uuwn.-1:. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Simgson and_ family of \Vz1vo1'le_\' visited at the home of G. L. Davis on Sunday. VM'.. .....I 1|l.., A n 1: v u . wbvlncv. Rev. Paley conducted the z1nnivo1'- 5`-111') servicc~:< at. Grenfc-1 last Sunday. NY`. ....,l `'\f... T 1.1..__1,.,,, v I- AVALA run; Anna. 0. LJ.'A.au. Mrs. J. Templeton and (laughter Betty have returned to Toronto af- ter spending, some time with the `former s sister, Mrs. F`. ;\rno1d. 'MY..,. 1' I3.._.L!._A. 1' Y - * 0 I qa.vAuI\:La anaucl, xulb. U. 4\ Mrs. J. Banting of Ivy |Mrs. J. Cook. nu: IN . .. 'Mr. 0. Hurst and Mr. Poole of Toronto spent the week end wi`h Mr. and Mrs. J. Hurst. Ir..- 1' n1 , PAINSWICK v (r1:s'1' one EAST ORO Mr. W. Klgour of Detroizspcnt a. few day's',a+. home this week. KB--- TIT. `I TIIALL AIJD-`-1-In I:1...`I1... DALSTON Iv? is visif`ing \./vuuansvvvuuu Mr. and Mrs. F. King: of Torontol spent the Week end with their mother, Mrs. Ayerst. x N/[bun T.`.I.. `l _Ton..A~ `I \XF~L,....'.. I LL |\.llk|Q Ill J. UL \lAl\/Uh I Mr. Jim Henry has returned `.0 Aurora after spending` the summer! with his brother, M1`. Chas. Henry. Tlrfu 3:1 .1 '!LT..-. 'D..L..|21!.`.\ -3 A 1`1.. .. ` I Mr. J. A. Patton, accompanied by his brother, Dr. W. D. Patton, of Vancouver, B.C., spent the week end at Roclelyn and Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Artlc_\', Mas- ters Edison and Tommy and daugvhter Eva spent Sunday at N. D. C1arke s. u.u., Aa vnanwug, up .1. u. Auasuu 2. $ Mrs. N. D. Clarke is visiting` friends in Toronto. 1: -r- rt 1 . 1 vv-uu nu.) u;uunv..:., M11. uuus. 1l\.|AL_\- l Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliffe of Alwlan-`I dale spent Sunday with Mrs. Ayerst. Mr. and Mrs. David Adams amlg Hm-r_v spent Sunday in Midland. "l`..u-. `U `.\T G ".111 .......A. ..4. #1.: ..uu._u ullbllv uuuuu; All AvAI\|Luuu. I`1'init._\' W.M.S. will meet at the! home of Mr. W. Boake on Wednes- day afternoon, Oct. 13, at 2.30. Itl is hoped that all members will mnkc.-' an effort. to be present as the-1'0 is imporzzmt business to be cliscussml. Rf..- 'R`f.\.'.. .'. ..3_!LC...... EIKSII. EL.IY:ll|_I,\.|-IIIC VVCUA cuu Ill \Ju\'.LyAA~ Mrs. Daiey, Gerald Daley and Mr; and Mrs. E. LuPlante sperit the week` end in Hamilton. 1-u.__ rn___:__ 1-54. A-.. 1:I.....:.... 1..-; .o.o....,. | _ Mrs. Mary Stewart has ret.u1'nc-Ii home after spending` a couple of weeks in Toronto. `I'\f1I\v n\v nu .r Dr. W. D. Patton of Vancouveni B.C.; Mr. A. Patton of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pck and children of Toronio have been visit- ing at J. A. Patton's. un.uyuuL, Axe. rxywzavo x Miss Edna Haines of Wisteria, B.C., is visiting` at A. J. Mason's. N1 ... \ 1W I"l_..1._ 3.. uuy-.u..uuu uuounuao LU uv: unauusavu Hrs. Heir is visiting` friends Toronto. ar- 1: IVA . 1 ux |\a AAA Ausunlvvn I Dr. C. O. Lonnox of New Torontoi visited at home last week. I Dr. W. B. Sproule of 'I`hessaI'on, spent a few days last week with rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson of` Schomberg spent Sunday at H. ` Thompson's. I 1: -u-u v'\ . . ..-v Mrs. E. P. Boyd and son Worthy` of Saginaw, Mich., are visiting` the. -forme1"s mother, Mrs. J. Sproule. ` Miss Besie Lennox of Richmoml1 Hill spent the week end with her parents. -.--.-..... ...! A 7 .7 "7. ... -r. -. -"_--~ -. Miss Edith Kennedy has returned home after visiting with friends in Colingwood. N/Tu .....I 'I.T.... TI` L'3..,.. _ 7`I"-..-..A._ Industrial Evenisses $ 1 R991; 5% 4 CIIU Ill Luuuuuuu. Ross 'Dwiss left for Regina last week to exgfder the warehouse of his uncle, Mr."`Me1'vin `AA - ....J. v `MT..u If,-nun unnb -n Rgistration vo];ia s oi __...-J c" Oct. 5th, 'at`1.3'f;n. Classes every Tuidhyaind Fri- day evening from to 9.30 Subjects taught---V. '2' Arithmetic, Writing, pelling Motor Mechanic ' Dressmaking Telegraphy Basketry _ Apply to J. E. Morrison, _ BARRIE BIIAIIXCH THORNTON BRANCH THORNTON The Royal Bank -%-,9fi_CaI1aC!1 _. Vxctorxa Calgary Edmonton Regina `Winninr-Lt Montreal Quebec St. John. Halifax Halifax Sydney Charlottetown 800 in Canada including 1-....,.-.._._. uunac, Aug. uJ.I;1 vun -I rvnaa. Mr. and"Mrs. Vernon Hook re- turned from Detroit last week and win reside in Barrie. Il'__ __ J ll ..- TIT... f`..:1I.3 .. ...... A Bank with 900 Branches `$1377 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL I A pretty autumn wedding` took place a . the home of Mr. and Mrs. (John Pearsall, Belsize Drive, To- ' ronto, and formerly of Barrie, when their only (laughter, Mary Louise, be- came the bride of Mr. Harry Living`- stone McKee. The bride wore a simple gown of white georgezte and silver, a silk French veil, caught cap- eglike by a cirolet of orange blossoms, with silver slippers and white chiffon hose completing: the cos.ume. She . carried a shower of Ophelia. roses, lily-of-the-valiley and fern. Her , bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Adams, . wore a. period frock of rose taffeta and back picture hast. Her boquet was of Columbia roses. The groom was attended by his brother, Dr. James McKee, of R.M.C., Kingston. After the ceremony, which was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Linton of High Park Baptist church, a buffet lunch- eon was served. Mrs. Pearsall re- ceived in a gown of grey georgette, with black picture hat and a corsage boquet of roses. Mrs. McKee was iin black satin and lace, and also ,wearing a corsa.g:e lMr. and Mrs. McKee left by motor for an extended trip, the bride Look- ing` very smart in a raisin-colored French suede ensemble, with trim- imingrs of _;'re_v squirrel and small Fench hat to match. On their re- iturn they will reside on Manor |road, North Toronto. boquet of roses. \\ I Trinity United church, Sunda_\',_ `Oct. 10th. Sermons by the pastor. In the morning: the subject. will be; Tho T-`rue I\Ioz1nin_2' of Life; in `.|he"\- I .n Iovenimz, Co1'no1iu.~. I7. ..1. C`2..,.1..1.. \\-\n;].-. n `xi-In:v-\r\1~,-1 -:3 \.uuu,.:..- uuu n\.:.A\..:uuu.uvs. i .The rally service was hplrl on ,Tuosd'a,v evening` of this week, at {which Rev. R. B. Beynon delivered an inspiring address. L'\L'u|u_4, uulsuuus. > Frank Sinc1air made a business trip to Toronto over the week end. The Trinit._\' Young` People's, Circle 110141 :1 v_er_v successful opening` meet- : inf: last Wedne.= nig'11t, which took the form of a mystic seven social. A good program was given, followed iby contests and 1`:-:.f1'eshments. nu n . THURSDAY,` -OCTOBER 7, 1926 Paris Barcelona St. John's. Nfld. H\'aI13 100 Abroad including McKEE-PEARSALL nun L\,cA\A`: nu :.;au.:.n.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Galllie are spending a couple of weeks in To- ronto. ' 11- :1 . n. . 1 m I .' I. R. Dier, Manager M. C. Wigle. Manager 335 Pricifaal sc la)' ... vnnuvu Miss Marg`a1'et Stewart left last week to attend Trinity College, To- ronto. 1.. Us -.-q u U-\\v .;.v.r`uu.u u\.:.\.,. Mrs. W. Costie and her two chil- dren, I-Iatie and Willie, of Edmon- ton, are visiting the fo:'mer s brother, Mayor J. F`. Craig. ' M:._ 1f............. \.f......L..H 1-) var -- MARRIED DOUG Toronto, on Tuesday, Oct. 1925. .\Iis.=. Blanche E. Hughes, of Stoco, Ont., to Mr. Fred L. Douglas, of Barrie. INNISFIL I Innisl Council 1 October 4th, with : ent. rt \4A|v- Communicwtions were received from: Department of Hiichways of Ontario; Deputy Provincial Sccrctaryi re admission of a patient to Ontario! Hospital at Mimico; Miller and Hum` er and others, which were rcferrctli to their rcsrpec`.ive committees. rm.- 4-..1.1..-..:..._ .___;:__., G LCW uaya _a'. uuuu: nun vvcwn. Rev. W._.J. Watt uf`Burk s Faalls visited frihds h`e'r-2 'm'~ I`uesday. ' " Miss Aime N-oden' ' spent` several "days this wgek in Jaanesville, N.Y. M... ~u-;i:- n..+..1. .... :. .......`.:.:..a QEYS t,n1s .WeK In JEIHESVIME, 3V.1. Mrs. Mrg. Dutclier is sperfdxing ne` we`J_'`%"mva.1e. `- a M:-_ .41.;-goc `e B.C.I. 4-2 ...._a. AL- .......I. ;....-A ;.. r:....1..|.. a.uuvu. Miss Pear-1 Ford, R.N., returned to California this week ater spendringq the summer here. vr..- 117-'n...-.__ -1 n_,__;n,_, u |.rAA\' uu.u.qu.n-.1 up; \.. Mrs. Wabous of Brantforcl Is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Mitczhell, who is in the R.V. Hospital here. `Mr..- 117 I"...3.. .....J L-.. .___ _1_:I .uu._vu; u. L. vnu . Miss Margaret Marshall, sis`.antsupe1'-intendent of men's College Hospital, spent :1 short. time at her 1` Saturday. `D `D l _!..1. -1.` 1r-..--._.._,, BARRI.E KIWANIANS -any-.--_... . Page Four u mu um, -.u.-vu \,uun:nwu:u.5. The foblowing motions were pass- ,.| . T>Ei=2soNAL,s ..u.rn.uu . ENTERTAIN LADIESE met at Stroud on all members pres- The hospitals of the United .Stz\Lc~' are occupied daily by 800,000 pat- ients "' "" COUNCIL meet at Reeve. his office, Friday of] the [WE | Toronto, home last nun was! LC`C~LU'\4bC\L wcvauvusy. a.ruLA_u: was s , as the mace or big` ` annuaffg - * rifr5..gex:t;:jyegf29 t1h'.-- "dlne o;vh' _ set spring. ` The ` roposai eivi * day be held in an `the towns on` the f Vsamedate, preferrs)bi1y fahe second . ' Monday in `August-, found favor and ` delegates will take the matter up with the municipal representatives, \ and may be brought before the County Council in November. If I thislwere done the annual tourna- ment could be held on the holiday . and everyone in this county given an opportunity to see it. uu nI.L\. acncuva. I Miss Meta Hunter, accompaniezl` by friends, spent a couple of days in . [`o1'on`.o this week. At a meeting of he Simcoe `Coun- ty Fireman's Association the-l'(i' in Orilltia on Monday, Chietf Baker of Orilja was re-elected` president. -Chief Shru.bso1e- of Barrie wa`e1ect- ed vige'-cpresidelnkand C. W. Mfc.Mru1- kin was re-e1eated'secretary`.` ~Barr_ie ....._ ..-1.._..4....: ..... LL- ...v..-- .n..... 4.1.. I.:.. Changes are taking` place with i'api at the local hearlquarters of the Provincial Police. Everett .1. Rae arrived here from Winrl:~*.or this week to take the place of Inspector Clem. Jolwlan. who Went. to S11(lb111`_\' last springs. VVithin two weeks Ser- ur,-an: Cox will 5:0 to Winclsor to take the \\'f!`l{ of In:~`pectoi' Rae, who, when he was there. held the rank of sci-gfeant. Mr. Rae-'5 promotion came with his appointment to Barrie dis trict. S0112 . Cox will he succeeded lhere by Sergt. T. P. Crea:~:_\'.of Sud- lbury. I v .u__;.-vn-1.1, -1: Lnvuallulg, F21. 'I`h<- rt.-;,:ulur nu,-retinx: of mt.-n s Institute will be Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Mrs. W. J. Leonard. n |AIlLo7I VI - ll. lJlIUllKIl\.la | Rev. Jus. Brown is groin): to ;prr.-uch at Wuve1'l(:y next Sunday and Rm . J. Morris of Hillsdale will oc- 9 I cum the pulpit hr.~t`e. \1.. .....l 'I\/T..-. rm-.. \v--I.. M-A \.u..'_v mu. yuqnu lll.'ll.'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .:|au;:hter Lula and Mr. ;m0torc-ll to l'0ront0 and ~W'C(:k (.'Il(l with friends. Rf... T.` V! x',, 0m An enjoyable evening xx; spr.-nt_ at the O(ldfellows Temple on We-rl-' ne.~wla_\' when the Barrie Kiwanfsl Club entertained the ladies, and also a number of visiting Kiwanians and; their ladies from West Toron;o Club` and Orillia Club. The banquet server] by the Rebekahs was all that could be desired. A short. program consist- ed of 30106. by Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Lairlman, readings by Mi:~:.=. Louisa Hurlburt and a sing-song led by Bill Griffiths and Ed. Hardy at the piano. Geo. May brought greet- ings from Wes: Toronto Club and Geo. Guy from Orillia Club. The prizes donated by H. A. Felt for the larlies, cut glass Vases, went to Mrs. VVilliarrl, Mrs. D. F. Mc- Cuaig, Mrs. lne: and Mrs. W. A. Lewis. The booster prize, 2. pair of ccu links by H. A. Sims, wen`. to `W. Griffiths. D. F. McCuaig was chairman for the (_-\'eninI.{. President F. Otton p1`e.=.ente a cup and saucer to nine'(.-en members of the club who were 100 per cent. eicient during the attendance contest in April and May. After the program dancing was enjoyed for several hours. n\_\,r\ l.'l|lI Wlbll LllUllllD- 1\Ir.s. E. H. Ness of Toronto is vis- iting: with her sister, Mrs. R. M. Mc- I Conkey. 711.. .....1 Mn. 1 ..,.,,,. nu ! \/V .-.3. Mr. and Mrs. Lr,-nnox Blac-k motor- ml to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. John Hunter. U.F.0. shipper, 'lozulel a car of stock this week. He had seventeen hogs in the load and all were selects. mu 1: . vv According to an agreement madel by ten members of the Bar Assoccia-l ti_on of Barrie, who met in the office of Boys and Boys on Friday, local law offices will close at one o'clock every Saturday afternoon throughout the year. During July. and August the ofces will close at one o'clock every Wed-nesday afternoon also, and on other days at four o clock. Apart from this arrangement each office will] regulate its own time for open- ing and closing. In View of the half holiday arranged, the office staffs will if required on any special occasion, remain to (lo urgent wjork after the reszular hours of closing`. Those present at the meeting were: D. Ross, A. Cowan, D. M. Stewart, W. A. Boys, J. R. Boys, D. F. McCuai__>', G. Lonfrman. F. Hammond. H. H. C`rc-swicke and M. H. l.<`.(-n. NEW PROV. POLICE INSPECTOR, SERGT. COX GOES TO 'WlNDSOR I In.=pector Rae has been with the iProvincial Police seven years, having: njoined the force on his return from ifour and a half _{ ea1`:< over.=eas with i:E:~': rst C..\I.R. During his police ic`. ,r.-r he has held posts at Belleville, Brockville, Ottawa and Hamilton. He went to Windsor last spring. Windsor holds lots of glamour and lr:xcitemen'. for the policeman, says 'Inspector Rae. The bootleg'gcr.=. there are almost as numerous as le;ritimate business men. Raids oc- curr nigrhzly and the police officer has to be constantly on the alert. .n....u-1;.) Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swinzon and family of Orillia were the guests of the lat .r:r :s father, Rev. Jas. Brown, ion Sunday. | '\/T... ......I LL... TA>Jh4 1v - H. ; .; nun. In:W.`)Un. Mrs. Frank Watt.-rfield and baby have returned to their home in To- ronto after spr:nlinr: 21 week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A1- pine. IE. .._._I 11,, I17 n ,uux.. Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Russell and family of`Mi:lhurs2, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. 1 \l..... I) ll I/I-I`<.,,I,, ...... nu. uuu nun. ululn uunuux`. Mrs. It. M. McConkey has return- ,cd home after spending: a couple of `weeks in the city. | r1\],,,` ,.,,,,,,,,_.1..., ,4` .L. -,.4....r- '- ....... In wu; Livy. The sympathy of the community I is extendecl to Mrs. Henry Pratt in the loss of her brozher, Mr. Herbert Reynolds, of I ittsburg, Pa. 'l`Iu. m.u-nl...- n-...nL.'...... ..n u_, ur. That the surveyor properly re stake Alberta Ave., Bip; Bay Poinst. 'I`1nn+ Mm 1')m.u,. mic ..... u." u:.` 1 'FlREMEN S TOURNAMENT -IN BARR]!-I NEXT `YEAR Mir-:3 Hr,-lcnc .Ir:fTri.-3 of Midland is visitinzr with hr;-r aunt, Mrs. Donald ianting. `\/I - .....1 ML... n,:. n `ILA uuuuug. l Mr. anrl Mr:-:. Jack Hewson and immily of Toronto spent the week `end with the forms-r s parents, Mr. iunrl Mrs. Thos. Hewson. `UL... 121 ,1, `KY . n u u HALF HOLIDAY YEAR ;ROUND STROU]; , Neely and Jas. Clark spoq`. the: ` the W0- held on u\.Au home (Continued `from page one) V I rose to ask whim the Board. of Heaibth intended reinoving the` foxfa.'u'rn from Penetang- St. Mayor Oz.-'aig said tzhzut at the Setpt. -15th meeting of the Board a m s notice had _ `ben givgn. 6r' >i|1;s"-.` rgxnggyal... '~ _.Ja`1`.Vi-.~:~,thoiz g1ut that withwinter cdxii.` . ing on hhk owxmp shoualldi `_ remlpdf? agin ofV_.t}1'1-;"':rdl<:y.7`f.`{'4_ V f`-4 ._ why-'v_3he re- |pair'bim"6 $90 for the raunty;w'si'+k A nnnn .\.. an... 'u....1.. A..- ....21 u-_.... lnyyl \a\4|/LII \lll L/Ill. Ilbll '..U'|\L'DD'l}l5- Crnswickr:-Moran---'I`hat the Fin- zmco and Assessment Committee con- sider the advisability of imposing` a license fee or tax on an vendors of ci;::n'o`.tc-s, ci{.:`ars and tobacc-)3. 1,`. __. .. 7T\l_..L ,,, v, um...-v., nnduwnvsu ..v\.., L115 A.-a._v LUl|lIL.l That the Reeve wait on the Min-i ister of Public Highways of Onitm-io| re ,':rant on highways. "l1L..L `X7 Y A n A .- 'I)l....1- L. __...` I i \I ;IA\. r,vuu cu ;ou. When a motion was made by Ald. Moran, seconded by Ald. Jarvis, that the account for'c1c-aning" `.110 sewer. on Louisa St. be charged to the Brennan Paving; Co., Mayor Craig` told the council about an informal meeting" of the Reeve and himself with Mr. Redfern, engineer, that morning.-' when Mr. Redfern had been on his way through the town. The total lbill for the work was $84. Mr. Redfern had insitructed that a bill. for 560 he sent to him. He would o.k. it and send it on to the Bren- nan Paving Co. for payment. He gave his word that his company, James, Proctor and Redfern, wou pay the rest. Ald. Jarvis complain- ed that he had not been called as rep1'esenta.*.ive of ward one to meet with Mr. Redfern. He wanted the whole bill for $84 sent to the Bren- nan Co. because Mr. Redfern had no`. put anything in writing` as to his coinpzm}."s liability. Communications. From the Ball Planing` Mill ap;ree- ing to pay any costs the town nn'gh'. have from false alarms arising out of their re alarm system. `I .1....._- 0 n,..,, 1 v - - ,.,. uuu-.u. Byrne-~Lowe-'I`hat the Ma_\'or, the v`.hre(,- Reeves and the Aldermexl of ward 4 meet the 1'ep_:'<-sentative.= of Ve:~'.p1`:1 re the ditch to be con~ SL1`ll,(:tC(1 on the 6th concession. f`...\. ' ...1., 1m'..,_,, nu . u n- `-,vu-;-1 luuvnuvu LUA HI LI1'..' l:.`LlllliLLl,`.`,. G ori n 1:-Kni gvht--'I`hat thn Boa rd of Works take uc`i0n to have the` .m1zn1`l fr.-nee posts on Bradford at Mr. Gm'1'ett s p1~o`pert_v mover! back in order to permit prop-21' snow pIou.2`hin". `I ....... 7'L..L `n 1\,u ,1: lrn-rv\.~I|IA|`>.o l\'ni;1'ht~--Lowe---'I`hat R. Bothwell he pomnim-I to c0n:~'truct a cement lriveway at the rear of his p`on1=,e!=,, subject to the approval of the build-I `ing inspector. |e3aFr`5ni5 s9`o the raLunt'y_w'si%1 `done on the Maple Ave. anii Mary St. sidewalks last; fall` could not be charged who the contractors when the expense in` connection with the. `faulty paving on Louisa St. was put upon the contractors. He charged `Last year's council with negzlifgence in the matter. Mayor Craig was not sure anyone coud be responsible since the work was done by the day. He did not know if the contractorxs had covered the walks from the I frost. nu Lxnuv Cuwvvu I The Town Clerk reported that all] the standing committees were we`l:I `within their estimates to date. Ald. Jarvis pressed for the gures of the Board of Work s expenditures. Reeve Lowe told him that the Board's estimates were $8,000. To.-al expenditures to date were $9,337, from which there had to be deduct- ed a county expenditure of $2,247, leaving` the Board s spendings at $7,090. A pay roll of $300 was out- .--.:1m1i 1ea\'in_e' a balance of $610! ,,....., uu n\.Lunu;.;,-.uu on. From A. B. Coutts, Clerk of Ves- pra, asking: the counci=1as owners of one half intercs:`. in the townline be- tween Vcspra -and Barrie to srmd rcpx'r:scnLut.ivc-s to a meeting: on Oct. 11th to rlncidc upon a ditch do be con:~;tructcd. ` V V . . . , . . u V ~ x -. Motions Crc-swickr2-Moran-'Dhat he re- quest of the Bell Telephone Co. be ;:;rante 'I)....... Y -____ n, A AI xv ...,.,uu.-..-.un, \.A].',uLn uuu uuuacu-1.. Jz1rvis--'l`_\'1~cr--That an a mom be put in we local 1)u.pr2rs c fr.-ring.-' for sale t}1eout1)uil4lin_'_-`s 2 the roar of the Caz-riupse Factory. Du.-nn N/Y..r'.m:... 'T`l...4. .1... n 1 mu; nrun UL. uu: \Ju1IiL).',u lcu.'LUl_\ . By)-no--McCuaig'-That Lhe [ ..V` Hospi~`.u] be paid the special 1.-'1';xnt 01 [$350 )))`0vi for in the o.=`timatc;~n I rm . 1!._1.,`1_L rnu, A .1 1. 1 an. hnuub uu AAA -',l|.vVh_vau That W. Lennox Black be paid; $300.00 for his services as acting` clerk for six months. A number of accounts were pi1SS(_-(ll upon and the treasurer instructed to: issue cheques in payment of smut). A by-law was` passed conrminjrl the_appointment. of W. B. Slozm as` Clerk. ' r-1,.___-:t" ...I:,........,..l LA -.....-.,.A. ...o GAS PUMPS AGAIN BEFORE COUNCIL .,,.,-..V. .. lzuuly A\ILA' .-'.:1mlin{.-', to the good so far. 11.`: .- cu-. u;. 1.1.3 IJLLIIII-7153: From the Bell Telephone Co.. ask- in;: permission to erect ve poles on Pm.-I St.., between Grove and Rose Stan, and two poles on Rose SL, east of Peel St. From Mr. Bro]-c-_\', asking council to repair t`.h<,- boardwalk zLpproachin,2' his prom.-rt,_v on WelJi11::,'t011 St. I.`..,..,. 1'-1... r:vL,..1 y ,1 - ll:-w '1: l1ll\.l|/`V VII VV l}l|IllI;.',LUll L)|r- From John Sh(.-ph(.-rd, asking` coun- cil to make an approach to his pro- pr.-rty on We1lJim;I`.on St. mnnwx A `D r`....LL__ nu .,I, _1- 11- 1 AL uavu | Mr. Quan.'.z of Mary St. waited on the council and stated that certain poplar trees in front of his p1*o nu-n II! n ,]n..nm......,. ......:....LLI.. ....._ I-vrnsaa .,-..\_.. ... 4.;v.-v VA Ann) yxv-1:;-.1 were in a (langerous, unsightly con- dition. He requested Council to cut them down and presented a petitioh to that effect. ! mu m nu u . . .. VA ..u... xx, cuauu ayauulll. From S. Ba'.t,c-rsby, complaining` of Mr. Ha-ppluston using` his private <|rivcwa_\' and leaving straw and re- fuse on his premises. l'7.mw. cl... D-1I r11-I.. READ THE ADVER'I`TSEMEN'I`S. The Northern Advance `Jud. A1. 4\`JVIFl`lUl'Il -,vL -lyuc u-uu. staff spentglhe week /n'd in Guelph. u_. n..:;... r1,.....:I.: 11.1.... .....I Mr ' uuuuuu Mr. and Hrs. Lou Heiderman of Toronto spent the week `end at the home of the Iatter's brothel`. W. C. Banting. `Tu T|,l ........... `I -.._._._ .1 rm 1 - u \Iu_\a Rex . and I\'I1's. Paley have {zone on their }1o]irla_\'s. r\_1_..,, 7v - .-. . . _ . .. Dalston Union Sunday school held ram rI.'1_\' last Sunday. Mr. W. \Valkc1' of Barrie and Mr. Orsor of 1\Iidhur.=t. yravo a(ld1'o.=.=es. Miss Annie Koat is on the sick lrist. Mrs. Jazz. Handy aztended Eden- valn church anniversary services with` the Midhurst choir. Next Sunday, Oct. 10th, thre be anniversary services at West 01-0 church at 11 o'clock 'in the mqrning and at:7.30 in the evening. Miks Hope Wallace of Mai-i:hmount qnd vturned xhissionary will! speak In .t.liej_morr'rin:g and th. Rev." A. Fin-=2 liayson, the pastor of the church, will .......m. :. H... .........-..... rm... .._._._ -._yavu, mu. ynuanu In. put: \.nuu;u, w-Au speak-._in A_th evening. The male $rs;wfkKI"n' M! M;4..1...\'1'- A...'.....;.' '...':m'..4.-.-. ~` u_y:tn_-~ gu ` vuv ' I: VWll:llI$- 1. HQ: HNIILU . hqre services, . H, qixarteife qt` Miwhehi'L_,Iqi:ar; j.w'mi-~~he` , "'l`1.!r':'('>; Z`;1lg'ox'1 Glzjnb ' J. 1 The thaJ1kSg'lVll`lg' service will be! held in St. Mark s church next Sun-' day afternoon, Oct. 10th, at 3.30i pm. The Rev. J. R. S. Boyd of Sti James church, Orillia, accompaniedl by the choir, will take the service. The church will be beautifulxly decor- ated and everybody welcome. Anniversary services were held in the Anglican church last Sunday, Oct. 3rd. The Rev. T. G. A. Wright of Whitby was the special preacher, assisted by the rector, Rev. T. J. Dew. The sermons delivered by Mr. Wright were very much appreciated by the large c0ng`re;2'ations present both morning` and evening. ._The musical part contributed by the choir was also 21 special feature. The anthem were Fair Waved the Go!- den Corn and Praise the Lord. A solo, Beyond the Dawn, by Mr. H. Lowrie and a male quartette, O Wandering Child Come Home, by Messrs. N. Jamieson, H. Lowrie W. Smith and Rev. T. J. Dew, were all thoroughlly enjoyed. The church. was beautifully decorated with autumn leaves and owers. 11.. ._..,1 Ir... 7 m 1-.- ...,..u. u. u. 44. uuua uu uunuu_\. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. MacLc~].1an of Bzurio spent Sunday with Mr. and I\Ir.~:. T. H. Banting`. I... VT -`ml M105 A `r........-. -1` .u;.:. ;. AA. JJLlllAl`lI .- Mr. and Mrs. J-as. A. Lcnnox of Barrie visited at T. M. Fletcher's on Sun(la_v. 111.. .....l 11-..- 1 -,. vv -1 n Council" adjourned to Stroud at the call of the nu f1I-_.1. ...:11 I..- ..L .A.rL|A|I./A|IP,- Mr. Mervyn Lennox of Stouffville is spending: 21 holiday at his home here. `, `.-,-. . n7\n-n- Mrs. M. Currie of Buffalo is visit- lingr friends here. | `MI ... I _Y........ TN---`~ - 1` " ` Ill,` JLl\.ll\lD llU.LC- Mrs. H211-r_\' Davis of Cookstown visited with friends here last week. Miss Haze] Bertrram has retu1'no(l home from the West. Gordon Dawson is \'isit',in_g' in To- ` ronto. n r\ 1 - . - - wuA_v a\_I \l\.\'-` uL- ululucl ms DLll1(l2l}'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuon_: and fam- ily visited at Jas. H:n' .= last. Sun- day. n .-- _. _ Aulc ':I.ugvu_ uvuhuu Aug; at-` D113. 1!. $heiswem s qn S'gpt.,-30, witzhfan at- tetfdansce of bw<;lve`73rnexmbers.' ' Four ` new`meMbers joined at` this meeting. A"go'o& progmaih was" given. The next meeting will be at Miss Id`a. Whipps = on Ntovemlbgr 2nd. .1553: u . uuun. Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold and Llovd and Mrs. Templeton and Be`t_v sperm Sunday with Warden and Mrs. Davis, Ivy. - C1.....1.... ..t...`;, , 1 If v `I- I Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Hurst's were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hurst and family of Ho1'1_v, Mrs. Tom Hurst of Barrie, Mrs. 3. Lynn and (laughter Rachael of Barrie and Mr. Welington Wilson of Alilandalc. T12": n n ~ . m A-.. -L- L. L11 1 n. vvx/n|A1A5h\Jx| vvuuuu u.L nuamladc. Divine service to be held at St. Pz1ul s on Sunday, Oct. 10, at 11 21.111. Communion will be administer-I n.-l ' Rev. Herman of Craig1urst ex-I changred pulpits with Rev. Spencer on Sunday, Oct. 3rd. Mr. Harry Maudsley of Rugby ca1`l'- [ed on some of his East Oro friends, "the rst of the week. `|/I .. T7,, ., ouuuu an mu. vstln \1|. sun. The Clerk will be at Stroud, on Tuesday and each week.