Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Jul 1926, p. 8

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Page Ei ght I-3 is not <-n"`u_:h to be :,:oo Wr .~`huLl}1I be g'o'.uI for mnct'hin;.','. Frida_\', July 9, Frank Skelly, daug:hrte1'. vI\vVrv1rI'Ir1 Monday, July 12, to Mr. and .'-\I1-s. A. B. Couvtts, a son. up ; 1.5.)" .|\4 mu, u.. v . ;Au.>yAu.u., uuj 1 \ x 1 4\_I.QV\4 .4su;u., ux No. 4(3---1.55 a.m., No. 42-8.40 a.m., No. 56-2.05 p.m., No. 5S-2.0 p.m., N0. 4-! 5.05 p.m., No. =lS---9.12 p.m. ._......w v . ;.uuLcuL_V, 1S)i2($, to M1`. and Mrs. Martin, 357 Balliol S1,, on F1'id`a_\', July 9, 0 Mr. Ii. W. Form .-`.-.-1'. Ix-f1'o_\', u_. , uv No. uvv.-u. 5-'3-12.2 NO. .I'}'vcti\'- Sumlzly, June I.oavo All-antlzmlo \v 1-. .nnn For Sal e-Fz11`mor's wo' nnnn IL- \..__I.. l'{\ 1,` vh scales, '"{&.;o` No. (31 xv 30. I0 Io. Io. Io Io. )\ RAILWAY TIME TABLE Leave Bzlrrie, Goin_{.~: South daily. . except Sum except Sum except Sum . 1~l-5.05 except Sum (on Sum" . 53--12.`20 noon, except Sun- to .\Iil1:1ntl, Pent-tzm_2'. . S1)--7.3S p.n1., cxcep`. Sunday ilI:1nl, I nn.,:t:m_:. ......... .., I , r3z1I'o1'(l. n..- .-\H:11`1dulg (`.0--~. .215 }).m., from ML~.'1f(ml. :N;_--R.-17 p.m., from I r:netan:,-'. ; .1---11.0 p.m., from 1 (.-11ot;1n_:. '2--:').00 p.m., from ;\Ioz1ford. 39.`!--'Z.f,`.5 p.m., from )Ient'o1'rl. .\II.-.'11'(ml ,-\1'rivn : LOCALS [.35 p.m., l:1iI_v, to North BIRTHS F01` Salo--Five room cottage. 2-15 Elizabeth St. Apply to F. J. Frank- com, Mi or 249 Elizabeth St. _.,. p.m., except Sunday, a.m., except Sun-. R.V. Hns}JiL3.l, on! to .VI1'. and ;VI:'s. B1'adfo1'd St., 21 R.V. Hospital, on! 0 6-.` 7|`f.. _..I 11,, p.m., (e.\'co1)L Sun- The Northern Advance` except except . Hospitzd, . and Mrs. a Iz1`.1':F1- . Nlauricc July 8,| Toronto, i To 11-presen`t Pontalle Baby Rzlnge, adzlpted to every house with electric lig'11ts. Liberal terms. VVriIt;e or phone A. E. Smith, Orillia. Phone 428. ; Sunday. `: Sumlay. . Sumlay. 3; Sunday. Sundays Sunday, 1 only, ; Sun- Sun- Sun- Sun- .--..,._.,_..\. uuuu up . I Ba1`1'ic-Houg'l1to11 If, VVz11'nica 2b. g.-\`Iof`fwtI:` cf, Moore ss, Cameron lb, l\'Io'1'1'enc, Malkin 1-f, Hzurlcy 3b, Robertson 1). : A1lam12LIe--Thompson O H0a1'n 2b, Binnie rf, H(:n+:o11 3b, Glid- don 1b, S1'i_4'1ey c, Maycs `cf, 'I`1`zL\'is p, H0d_2'c1' If. The scrn-r-s and `.(_-:un.< in xtho aftr,-1'-[r I (Continued from page one) ' Bond Head; 694, Brad.fo1'd; 1200 Baxter;` 450, Ivy; G05, Craig'va1o; Simcoe, Orillia; 414, Uha`.!'no`; 589, VV-averley; 622, Va.`~I(`_\ ; 644, Hilltsdale; 667, Cohlwavter; 991, E-mvale; 683, V1"cto1-izi. Harbor; 837, W-cm'mi.ns/ter; 904, Hawkesstone; 9.17, Midulanrl; 956, M1"d1vand; 985, Cr3i;:- hursat; 1119 Allanwood; 1386, Wye- va'1e; 1885, Pen`etan*g'; 1899, Se- b1'ig'ht; 1941, W_ve'b.1'i 20:30, Rama; Gray, No1'th-523, Hear.'hcote~; 576, G1`iC 1`S'VilIC; 1396, Ravennu; Yo:1'k--902, Mt. Abent. AV?) 1-1, .-u-. n:uAu.u:I VVULU . 100 yards dash-Cowzm. R_\`a1:_. I'oro:1to, Clark. 1(\l\ ..,.4.,I. f\ ` lI\l||\4 - -v..J BROCK BROS. We handle Trunks, Baggage, Light Furniture, also Garbage. 147 Owen St. ' Barrie. -.,.u...u, u1uL1\. 100 ya1`d.s, O1'z111_;'0~1m:21 on1),'--.-'\. Fc`1v2'I1son, J. 1\`IcKnig'ht, D. .8 1--wart. ' 75 yards, Distria and Cnunty 1\Ia.ste1`s o'nl_v---J. Baker, '1`. Ihrvv_v, 100 yards, O1'ang'emen. s sons, 16 and undcr--H. Wilso.u, S. Ro(lg'ers. 50 \.,,,,.,]Q n,..,,.m.,.mA.._ .l.\.....L 50 _\'a1' open to ]a Hill, A. Thompson. Fm: Mon"s Race, Orang'eme4n only -N. Caw, R. Argue. 50 _va.rdvs, Boolti Race, 16 and under -J. Tyndalil, D. Arnold. an .-....,I .. n..- .,. .n_vuuu|u, u. :11`llUl(l. 50 _vard`s, 01~ang'emen s d`aug'htc1's, 12 and unde-1'--A. Reynolds, A. `Story, D. V1']'lie1's. 1nn ._A-r ` ' ` 3000 Orangemen In Great Parade L -v~...f.;ua, AVLU. ..`1l`UUl`IL. O.Y.B. Lodg'e`s we1'ep1`cse-.m; from : 117, Mitllandg 178, Creemoro; 312, Pe-n'etang'; 334, Collingwood; 1.-21., Oriflia; 269, New Lowell; 36, Amm- (1-ae; L.O.B.A. from: 1.87, Go1Ii11_2'- wood; 343, O1'iI*I1'a; 479, St;._\'1'w_-1`; 551, .-'x1Iz1nd211c; 556, Mi 649. Mrnfo1'(1; 991, Elmval; L.T.B. from` 19, Orillia; 2-17, New Lowell; 352, Lklney. In the foot races, which were run o as soon as the walk w. -1.5 over, MM ...:.._-... I the . sAI|\|\.L 11.. H u:Ly1, .3. u0(1g'01`.~?. 50 _\'an'ds,`emen s (laug`hte1's, 15 and umIe1'--A.`on, A. Re_\'no.1'ds, W. .Ferguson. gn .n.. ,,.....a,{. xxvc .. _..........J, u. u.-uxguaun. 50 yardrs, 'Orang`emcn s Wives-- Mrs. Vaughzm, M1's.E(1g'a1`, 1\ Irs`. Huffman. r-n I the after- House to Ren`o-App]y 88 i Barrie. Rev. H. A. BC1`1~lS of Tonawamla, .\ .Y., will preach. a 10 a.m.--Sumlz1y School. Prayer Meeting, Wed., `8 p.m. Welcon1e ! Noutice is hereby given that a By- Law was pzLsse by the Municipal Council of 1nni;~:fivl on the fih (layl of July 1926, providing for -the issue` of debenvtures to the amount of` $5000 for the purpose of building` al Contt1'nua*t.ion School. S. S. No. 4,! Lezfroy, anrl .thait such by-law was re-i _;'is#;ere(l in the 1'eg'i4s`.'1'_V `office of Barrie in the County of Si'mcoe on the vten".h (lay of July A. D. 1926. Any motion to quash or set asitle the same or any part` `thereof must be made within three months a1`-ter `the first publication of this notice `and cannott`. be made thereafter. I h..;,I .1 .1 I Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Minister Edn}un(1 Hardy, Hus. Bac., F.T.C.M. l Organist and Choirmaster. \.s~nuvx.< v\.. llluul: LH`l:Ll.'d.L'|/l.'l'- Dzmted the thintcon-th day of July, 1926. Notice of Registration of By-Law V Chilrch SERVICE Commasv QUALITY PRICE Corner Mulcaster and Dunlop St. Sweet Juicy Sunkist Qrangei 35, 45, 50, 70c 60c Quart For Sa1re--T_vpc.wrirter in . |tion, half price. T-`ry it 567, Barrie. Prompt Delivery to all parts of Barrie.and Allandale RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs for 25 Bananas 40c Doz Shelled S_t.AndreVy_ s Peas We Sell City Dairy Ice Cream W. Lcnnox Black, Clerk. .. P. SINGER Carrots B3.`Zf3es 15c| * New av; 2000 lbs. Barrie. ._._.___.._:__._.'_ Canadian Vegetables Potatoes 4 lbs 25c Beets 5c a Bunch PHONE 1681 i Quar 9/A Minister, Rev. J. J. -Black, lB.A., B.D. -and-- Uniqn Services July and August I I I I I` II: !CoIlie1'r St. United Ehurch 1Central United Church ` I Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Minister 1 Sunday, July 18th { 11 a.m.-Ser\'ice at Collier St. I , 7 p.m.-Sc-rvice at Central. Rev. J. J. Black at both services I isumlay School at Central and a ! Collier St. at 10 21.111. A Jnc-<.~.I'in;' of the Innisl Conscr- Ivaltive A;~:s0cia1i0n will be hc~1 in ahe- `O1`z1ng`e Hall, Churchill, on Thu1`:~: `July 22, at 8 p.m., for o1'g'2mization lpurposes. Eanl Rowe, .\I.P., and [other .=pca.kc1'.= will ,;`ivc L(l(l1'e.'<.<(:.~:. iLa are invitecl to attend. Frank Beatty, President. I W. Lennox Blafck, Secy. llilll HUL'lk` . Dntml at B:n`1'io t`ni.`< 'l'\=,'< z`.`_\'- sccond lay of June, A.D., 1924;. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors, for iExecutor. INNISFIL CONSERVATIVES TO MEET ON JULY 22nd New Croi) Brazil Nuts 25c :1 lb. Blue Goose COME AND WORSHIP ."rHI;ns1).5\Y JULY 1.5, 1926. 16 we Grape Fruit } for 25c sport .' Wanwted--A1l kinds of fowl, hi`g]1est prices paid. Phone 384 or wrilte H. Levit, Barrie. .E,...,....... . v.. .....r.... ' Te11dc1`s will he .1`-:=3::'.'x"c(l by `he 11mlc1'.=.ig11ed up till Tue:~:dz1y, July 20. for 140 tons of soft coal an! 35 tons of hard coal, to be dr31`?.``c1'c-(1 at tlu: Royal Victoria H<)s1)it:1I, Bar- rie. Lowest er zmy ?<.-mler no: 11- ('(..=- ;~tarily acccptcrl. .-\ temins to Wm. Callie, Barrie, Ont. Lo.s:t-In Baxrrie Iasm week end while shopping, a diamond star, ,<:1'u:1t.1_v valued by owner. `$10 1'ewzu'd ur me- turn of same. Finder please. leave at Advamce Ofce, Bzu'ri~o. Lost,--On Saturtluy, July 10, lu.:t\wm1 Bztrri-e, 46th linlc `-of \7uspm and 5 miles out of PI'1eLpst.o11, :1 3x! Good- rich tire, vtube and 1`im. $.3.()0 ru- wzu` for 1'cco\'m'_\' of .<:1nn\. ll. Levit, Ba.rr1'e. Wzmted--At once, young: girl to hi-lp look after two children, yo1111_-.;'cst 5 years old, at summer home six miim from Barrio. Write to Mrs. W. A. Cameron, ;-\1lan P.0. Annual eld day at Strounl Com-| munity Park will be held on Wed- nesday, July 21. Full afternoon of For Quick Service in Delivery Phone 1109j Y1l1(\l"II' wanna V LIVE SALESMAN WANTED TENDERS FOR PAINTING NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS MISCELLANEOUS ' Fa * *iENDRs FOR com. .`\I L . .. .. .1 \ . A\.\,x1v'.,u. DO..\'AI.D ROSS, . gun-\.. u ux-3... my`: Apply 69 Victorizl .u. nun. J\4\Jk}b), ]'Jxccuto1".~: Solicitor Bar.1'ic, 0m.a1'io. u Sophia Sr., A-1 condi- ,ou-t. Box . . u u . .. VVe af.L(~1'11oo11 the ch.oiu' olf Essa St. Presbytewrian church held an enjoyable picnic at Tent City. "' :3 .._k ____ New S-atu1' aI'{e1'~.11oo11 a soft- ball team from the ON. 1'ailwzLy cli\'ision at .\'iag'am Falls will `play an e.\'hibiLio.n frame here with the .-Xllandale team, " ` l Rairlway Items R. H. Fish, General Supt. of the S0ut;h-VV0.<:tL-1`n Division; C. F. i\I0~)i'c. General Supt. of Transportzltion; T. Il'V'llLL", El`I_Q`ill()Ol' of the Central Re_2'ion, and Capt. Nicliolson of the .\'artional Bout Lino are makiny.-` an inspection of the Allan- tlzilc rlivision to-clay (Tliursclayl. On SLH-.I21_\' 21 lz11':2_`0 p:11't_\' of tl`.O w".i(?l'F'IiO`._"il`.. ).l Fi~=l1in: Club of T`? is- burg: will pan`-` 1.ln'ou_;-`h hx_-1'-.- on :1 .' train (.11 route to their sum- mer camp at Wziubaushznre. The party will 1'e<'.urn on July 31. 'l`ln'_- nan.-ninn. .. ..,.....1- l`..H -.p 1..-1 1..., nu. A\.'-L4Lll uu uuly UL. Thi.< mo1'nim2' a coach full of kid~ dies bound for :1 vacation at the Gzrhlcs detraincd at the depot. `~ -#~ ~:---, lVa|uable Property in the Town of Barrie UIIIICI` and by vintue of the power of sale coiutziixmd in it contain i11o1`t.:,~`a;_-'<:, which will be ])l`0(i11CC(i at Lin `.im(: of szrle, min.-1'e will be oH c1`- ml for sale by Public Auction at the I n....,...- M--. _.__._ ... ..... >I\.\4L-7\`(JLIl cu.\.\:pu:u. Geo. F. Smith, Chairman Property and Supply Com., Barrie Board of Education. ....... ..., ..,.... wt 1 p.m. inctl1c'aft.c1'z1~o311, Ihu f011owin_u' propev1`t,_V : 'J`hzLt part of 1.01, .\'umbc1` Five on .'h(.- Westt ';~`i(lc of I-Ilh.-n SLre(.~:t (John Ross Bloch) in :h:- 'l`nwn -of B:u'ri`e, zncco1' 4:0 1-:~_~_-'i.~rt.c1`crl plan Number 22, Io.<<:rib- mi :15 fomvsz `C0mmcncin_;' :11 the mn".`h c-21. of i-"aid Lot Five, th-ncce \\'v.~1t(.-1'I_v and ZL`10lILL" Hhc south- :-1-I_\' houn of Victurizl Strout sij.-'l1,1_\' 1'.-I-L; '. h~nc<- sou.Ll1m'I_v and ])1x1'1LHt`] with l'Illt-n S4t1'<~,~t *thi1' th1'r- 1'1-ct, vig`l1L inches; I`vhohc(.e r:z1<`.; The nals in the singles and doubles been played this week. In 7.1110 si.xL:le.s con1pe`titi~on W. B. Webb Cornquered A. G. Walker hand- ily by 21 21 to 10 score. W. B. Webb, paired with Alf. Hook, won the doubles, A. G. Walker a.-nd S. Ga`l'Sl(lC. W. B. Webb and Alf. Hook will now reprelsent this district in -`.'he next rounds of the play off. Church News Burton Ave. United church choir held a very enjoyable outing` _ves,te1'- day at Il"Vl1Yl`fJ,' McLachlan s sumnwr home at To`llend4a*le. nu,, n 1 ~. ...- .u..u....a.c. The Sunday School classes taught by Mrs. Wm. Rusk and Miss Hamil- `Jori c11j0,\'L~:i _a picnic _\'c.=tc1'(Ia_\' afrter- nnnru C. W. Poacher and A. G. Wrz11`k'er took two 1-inks 1`Jo Orillia last Friday ovoniu: in an zuatempt: to annex the 'l`udwl1opo -`urophy, but 1-os; out by a mm-_:i`11 of .tIm:-c pbints. C. W. Pouo11o1' heat C. B. Famwell 22-13, but A. G. Walker was down 11-23 to D1'.Ki1`kpz1t-rick. The Allandale rin-lcs \\'u1`0 S. ;\IcCaus1'.md, A. Hook, 1'}. Shear, C. W. Povuchclf; W. B. \Vcbb, F. Sharpe, S. Garsidc, A. G. 'W'a1kerr. Mrs. Lcigzlmorl Moore of Le=th- bri(lg`e, .-\1.t,a., is visitillg; Mr. `and Mrs. J. S. Brumon. 1: A n Mr. and l\l'1-s. Jas. Irwin; 335 Am- old An-., \Vin~nipog, announce the cllf:':lg`L"l1lL`llL of I'.!hci1' Llva.`ug'h'ter Clawa to l.u.. Russell Poucher, son of Mr. and Mrs. l.. G. Poucher, the mar- l`l.'LL"l` to lake place `on July 31 at 8:. .\l:1u'. church, Winnipeg`. Bo\vlin1,_-; News L`. (`ockbm-.n, F. Johnson and V. 1'}. l{ni_:hL (skip) won uthc W(.(.k1y tou1*1m111cvnt hold on W0(ll10S(la' even- .-4;. u umvu. Mr. wiul Mrs. H. A. Rosevcar and family of Niles, Mich., who have bccn visiting` in town, lcft_this week to `spoaxul who` rc=ma.ind`e1' of their va- czntion in Puulucah, Iienttucky. y\ ..4l..... \X7..II - . . . . . . . .. . `I. A... P 12...... ` hou.< the . ....\_ ........,...v. ..... ....w...,..u. wn. .. 35 of `tho <.-.-tzL te 2111101152,` those en- titled '.hL:rc*t0, li:t\`iii5.;'1'L-1.-`zinl only to the claims of which he shall then have JICMCC, and that he will not he 1'0- spon.~:ii)lc to any p(:2's011 for ".`l1L` us.<(:.ts of said estate whose claims sluill not` then have been rcceivecl. T\f\\'Av vs. nnnr. ...u_v ... nu|.|\I| upuu 4;`; |};1ic:1`_'iun to 1111- tjmh-r.~x1.-_'n.-I. ~ ! Donald Ross, V Mortgagee`s Solicitor. D:x`t.rI at B:u'1`ir-, 10111 July, 1S".3'I. \.u.v-uu. nu .a. IA\|.\.\aI.o|I, a..\.uv-.wv..u_y. Az~thu1' Wznlkur was home from Oshawa on Sund~z1y._ I ) _ . 0,. ... L.... ......... J... `[1! v-......... .... ~....~...,.. Frank Sp(,~.zu`u has gone to Bigwin hm, \\`hL`-l`C `he will `spend the `sum- vrl,\` and para A` ,;. ; l`h oprupr-Ht-_\' 11v >~`L1l)jL'C'i, Lo : In A __ _. In .vn\,\.zv'|II\\,.\, :1 Llk/\lUl|\`\'I, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1926 .-uuuuu up . QuEEN' HOTEL, BARRIE \\r' \ \`[,.f`A..l-.... \..,.A!-._ ., ...u.u. bulzmcu ALLANDALE comfo .. ,4;-V.An\_\| ul; 5,111 J.Al\LLc\|b.\" ULll3' 8, 1926, for painting: (two coats) the outside of the Victoria Public School, Barrio. The lowest. or any tender not n0cossa1'il_V accepted. f__,_ I: Q,,,'.l 13:11` ._....... ..v...._, A21-1n\l\|.|. .~\. .\IcConkc_\', A 11 ct iOI1(.'(`)', 'I"llnI\A\r IIII \r n. can!` hn-1' comlitic at the time MORTGAGE SALE p rope My l'()1'1.-:L`bl` ....... vqwL\\.u `L|l|l`K`,\ r.-z1<- rullt,-I wi*t.h Victoria Stn.-an L0 llh--n S"J1`uc.t; U1('llC! .Ion5.:' the \w~.~=tm'I1 bound- Lu.. ,1 `L3, ,.u :- 1 pm-r cunt. ut the `Lime 5-`. l1i`n -thirty -the 2 . tl1in`.'_v-t.lm2 _- plucv of Lh - rc- Tenders wi be received by the; umIcr.:~'i,Lrne up `will Thursday, July 9 1001: 4-, ... .....'..+:..... u..., ....-.~\ will 0113* ' (la_\'.< upon \I|\, ' Sillu ' UH` pur- nl . "-- .-nu. mu dwnllin,-1 us.-.-nun, u. \I(|uD'AIL-L1: IFORIIF S'I.`E1~ ----.-\t the R.V. -r SI{vI:J;.LY-.-\1 -th 0 nuu_.,u-u.;. CO U TTS--.~\. the n1.L1.; . Da-Lccl .10thJuIy ISIZG. Scverw] inquiries addressed to the Baitric Board of Trade concerning board and hotel accommodation in tiiown for the summer months have been a.n.swe1'c- and the solicited in- formation given. Steps are being taken by Boys & Boys, solicitors for -the town, in re- gmwl to the b1'oadeaxsting' of Barrie by the Onl:`ario Motorr League. It is understood that in reply to the i1 of ".`he solicitor the League has re- fused to retract or apologize for the stateinentvs b1'ozLdcaste by radio. A leiter dealing" with this and provid- ing` for action has been written. lLAI.\'G--A~t the Vic`.o1'ia ML-Inoriali H.os.1)i1ul, '1`0ront.o, on July 8, 1926, to M1`. and I\I1'.~:. \V. R. Lain-4', 21 Manor Road, West, a d`z1ug' (Joan Winnif1'c .\'IAR'l`I.\'-On Thu1':~:da_v, 8, I I WORS.\'OP-On F1-ida_v, July 9, to: Mr. and Mrs. E. Worsnop, Colwelli Junction, :1 da` T1/\`r1r\1VrVrnr11~. A: .1 nvv 1-. .. . ` 9.02).. .,.u..,. Going North No. I9--2.13 a.m., cxcep`. to South River. No. -I1--10.30 z1.m., excc (lay, to Scotia. 1'. P"' -vnnn QV`4V -- ......... .., ~....-,.. (lay, to North Bay. No. 57-12.-18 p.m., except (lay, `to ;\`Iu; Wharf. No. ~l."-2.55 p.m., Saturday In C'.....!.. .\'o. -'15-T.50 p.m., except :la_{', in Huntsville. ' Bay. The committee in chzbrgc orf Uhe Barrie community eld (lay has given 3. special prize `to the Knock basenball team, which played an exhibition {Junie with rfhe Barri-c girls team foil-I lowing the tournzmnent. mv. av... . \I on-gun |\JI\>J Notice is here-b_\r' given that all creditors and other;~i having; claim; a,-:.'ai11; the Estate of I~`ranci;~: Dunn, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, g'entlem:m. `I-- ceasetl, are required on or before the Ninezeenth (lay of July, A.D., 19243, to send by post prepaid or `.0 Ir-liv;-r to the umler. at Barrie, On- tario, SoIici.`.or:< for the suirl I'J.-'t:it:~, their full names and :ul es, :1 full statement of their claims .'lul_~; veri- ed, and the nature of the .~ecurit_\', if zmy, held by them, and ".`n:\t,:1f*.:>r said (late the Executor will ]H`0(.`L"(`(i to distribute the zxs;<(.-ts of the .~':xi(i Estate among; the parties ` I'.v;l thereto, hz1vin;=,' 1-(.-ganl onlv to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. I\ . I ._L .2.` 41-. 'l`~v...-u, .-\ spccizll club prize has been given the Camp Borden soccer team which put in an appearance at Itzhe eld day last, Wednesday, but who were unopposed. ' .u. 1': to Scotia. \v .- Have you visited J. G. Ii-3er:z1.n s music~st.ore, nnexr: to Bank of To- 1=on-to `I A full line of all ki-nds of musical instruments. An unofcial obse.rva.tion has it that two men .were on Blake St. lhis week tinling the speed of `passing motor cars. If you are int,e1'e.stel in an Ortho- phonic Victor and have a piano or o.'he1- i4nst1'umont to exchange, See J. G. Keenan, new to Bank of Toronvto. The c11an'g`e of reckless driving p1"e:fe1're ag`ai;n.sIL'. Mr. A. D. Ovens of Co.11ing'wood will be 11c~a1'd on July 23rd, it having been at]- journed to that daitkz. The County Pvroperty Comnnittee, consisting of Chairmain Gooden and Councililoirs Wilson, Denney and Lowe, ine~J at the Court House yes- terday to 10015 into the question of re`-pai1'ing the walls of rt-he jail. N0. ( to Men .uu. .,- uu..;u (lay, to ;VI0:1fo1` \'._ ru 1:: an day, ,Wante- for dry :;'r)o G-tore. Apply by letter r.(o Box C., Advance Office, 'Ba.rrie.

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