EU19Nurtl12r1t2'\h1mnr2 `INDISPENSABLE OONSTITUENTS M ' IN NORMAL DIET. I Some Simple Facts About Z\'utrltlon 3 which Will Greatly Contribute to Growth and Health. (Contributed by Ontarlo Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) 5 rlzunuuu .1. Vitamin A is synthesized by chloro- : ` phyll containing plants only, and the richest vegetable source are the 'lgreen leaves and growing parts of .- plants. Seedlings grown without _ i not produce Vitamin A. Ani- _ `mals feeding on green plants store `iVitan1in A in their fat deposits, so I - 1 I I we nd it abundant in meat fat, egg ` I yolk and in milk fat. Marine ani- mals feeding largely on the green growth of numerous water plants store large quantities of Vitamin A. Cod liver and shark liver oils are l I i 1 l I a ;very rich in this substance. The amount of Vitamin A in the moat fat '- s and milk fat depends entirely on the l iamount of vitan1iu in the feed con- 4 sumed by the animal. The fat of grass-fed animals is rich in vitamin 0 when compared with the fat of ani- .- j mals fed on the dry feeds of winter. [1 ` It has been noted by all feeders that 1 ; the summer milk is more satisfactory 1in the feetling of young animals. \' 'T'l-no r-hint` dlconnaq nrnrlnr-all in The vitamins are indispensable con- stituents of a. normal diet. What is a normal diet? Well a. normal diet must full the following conditions: /1` nu... .11-; `ho nn:\nHf:1- Mmins A._B. RN11 M must Iuuu Lue xuuuwnug, u.-,.......\...... (1) The diet must be quantita- tively sutcient. (2) The diet must contain a suffi- cient amount of protein, fat, and car- bonhydrate. tm The diet must contain the necessary inorgamc suns. (4) The diet must contain a cer- tain amount of various amino acids. (5) The diet must contain the three vitaxnins` A, B, and C. "l"hn nnivnnl hndv is unable t0 (3) The diet must inorganic salts. (A\ 'T`ha diet. must vitamins A, 13, anu u. The animal body is unable manufa.ctu1'e vitamins and they are essential to its lile. Hence the ani- mal body requires a. fairly continu- ous supply of the Vitamins, and the cnly way it can obtain them is by cziting frc-_;h vegetable foods or by eating the esh or milk of other _, animals. Vi!-Ahwin A in tho mnst stable of Laninials. Vitamin A, is the most stable the three, and animals possess con- siderable powers of storing this vita- min in their fat. Vitamin C is the least stable. V'nnn(r n-rnu'inr7 animals nm the The London Sunday Times (`Lib-" rural) sziys: Lord B_Vn,2".< decisioni was in perfect impar-tiali`._V between the two palrties. There was no exact, 1)1'c-.ce to 3:0 by and he had to: make his own estimate of the sit.u_zi~* -tion. To make a decision in such, circumstances was 21 t.r_\*i11:.-' tz1. and there will be :."ene1`a1 ; with him in an uiieviable po. I `of foods that contain it, `weeks develop polyneuritis, 01' show `a. decline in body weight and muscu- .lar lnco-ordination. ` oldvr `widr-ly distril)utc:d, being present in `nt-urly all forms of plant life, partl- `(-ularlgx in sou-ds and yeast. "The hran jnr husk of sands and the germ are _thr- portions where it is to be found. v unuun A.-. The body does not store this vita- min and certain animals, it duprivc-d for :1 few In _\'0un_Lr ani- mals deprived of foods containing Vitamin B the arrest of gzrowth and the injurious effect on the nervous,-In is more xnarked than it is with animals. Vitamin B is very l>Ii_ grain products are very jr`-*4` `W. \'i'nmin R. Look to _HI``(`I`l \`v: "H ' v.`lw':o '_'i'.:i . u:`.1H> .i. a'...n.. Mn .1 least stable. Young growing animals are the most susceptible to vitanun s}101'tngt2. quick growing and progmmt zmim-Lls require an abundant supply of vita- vuinc wnnv mnhlrn animals do not I` .qU1I`t3 E1DL1l1(l2lI1l . SU[)[l1)' UL Vuur = V imins. Fully mature animals lfeel vitamin shortage in their feed ?,to the same extent as young anlnmls ` An K \'ifzunin0 A. `u. ,, 1.. . ("-2 H,` `i 5, \`.Al `t' '- dull. llulhli rice, milk, for this vitamin. \'ll,.l`lllll C. I Young animals deprived of foods I corltziiiiing Vitamin C develop tender- and swelling of the joints, ten- ! dernuss of the-'gun1s, loosening of the jteotli and 21 rrmrked wastage of all the lymphoiuf. tissues. Vitamin C 1 occurs in all growing vegetable tissue, ;:1s green v<-g<=tal)lr=s, roots, grass and `fruits. Small quantities are present 3 in fresh nmnts. and milk. The animal } body cannot stoic Vitamin C so must ldepvml upon suppllr.-s comkig ragti- larly in the feed. During winter, .=pro11to grains and roots are the two `; n1p._iI_1 sources of this vitamin for live v_st.ock as poultry and pigs. E ects._ o- v-- .. ; (ieiioral `In tne 1ee(1In,g' 01 young anlmals. The chief diseases produced in ,a.nima1s deprived of vitamin A are: 1 (1) Arrested growth and Ke1`atnma- lacia; (2) Lowered resistance to buc- terlal infection. (3) Marked ef`t`<-~,(-t `on reproductive function, sterility. ` (4) Rlckets and decient dentition. 'Vitmin 1}. u 1 1, , _,_L _.___. n.:.. ..:o._ mature. A cow cannot. manufacture vita: ' mins and put such in the milk. `r'lr-nee Ithn vitamin (',ontunt of milk (which is the most hnportzmt food of young) I 3. depends ontiu-1} upon the vitamin . ' content of thu cow's food. Rev that ' `lshe gets :1 good lihvral allowance of` green u1['a1fu.--L. Stow-Ilson, Dopt, of ,Ext0nsim1, O. A. College. I KIUIICI an l4lI\.\;|.- ` . -.._-... _,_. '} Lack of vitamin in the food of ani- mals produces effects that resemble `starvation. Young suffer more than % mature. ` A nnur nnnnnt mnnnfnr-hn~n vifn~ ` Pre\'0nt the I)uvclupxm-nt of Trnuble. ' n,,.__, .... l..6`..,.o:. .,. . ,... 1 nuucum gnu 11s pun... , u. -........-. Iloup is an infectious (liS(`1lS(.` cans- nd by bacteria. The lining of the nosc, eye, sues helmv the n_\`(-, Hu- iarynx and truchur are 2ltlilCk(`(i and occasionally pnelinwniu (11-\'uiupH. Weak birds aw iuost sn('vp1.ih1v, '1`|1(- strong ones nmy resist, tho infr-rrtimi or have only :1 milk attack. Living. weuwr and 1'o:~din;.: conditions pin)` an important part in this rlisurmr. I`rov(\nti0n.-(fi0:Ln, dry, \w-Il--\w_-n- tilal.(.-(1 quz1x'tn1`u3 and prop:-1' fut-ding` sm-m to be inmnrtzmz points: in tho n..,..~nnHnn r\(` vnnn Tunlnln nnr Izlvk I Sir Henry Drayton 3l1l10llI1CC.i that= penny'e, the reduction of ve` per cent. excise tax on autos under C-1 ann ` ..l.. .. .....l. `an lnlportztnr. [mu 111 mm lu.~;:n.~;r, Itilau.-(1 rm-(ling ` prrv(=.nti0x1 of ruup. Isolate any s=lr'li "bird until the (`.2l.1lSu" of thv ll`()lll)lt' ;is found. (`.lc-an up and (li.s'inl`w-l. `Usn mw-tlhir(1 tvusnnonflll or pntns 3 slum pm-1nnm::matu to (`.'l('ll uullnn or drlnk'1n;: \va1m`. `wt tho \v:1l-1' foun- ; tuln up off the oor and so n1'r.'m:_-~-(1 , tlmt. the bird can (lrlnk but not spill. A wet oor ls :1 prr2(lispns:in;.: czmsv l tlmt. can be avoided. Give the lnls l pure, dry air without dratuzhts at, all i outdoors hul. not when at roost with- : seasons. A bird can Stand tlw wind , in a lmildlng.---L. Stevenson, O. A.1 i College. I lnscu-ruuunp, lIIn\.\I.Vo Arsenlcal poisons will nuutrol most. 1 j Insects` which cut the leaves. Loaf-Eating Inrzc-(`I2-'. ...l....I w.r\.I "rill nun}: ARE YOU PLANNXNG WHAT TO I I i ! DO WITH THE WALLS THlS g ! SPRING ? Bo1'0r(-_ phone us and ouxw rc-p1`0.sent21ti\'e will call wizh the! 1.':t<:.~:t SL1j__2' 1 All papers hung by skilled workmen` No job too small--Nothing too large`, Fuly equipped for summer (`.Oit`.L}_"(r` work znul outside puinLin_:. 1*`i1's`.-1 (:l:1.~`.< work and n1:1tv1`i:11.~: only. ~ n - n -- uunnnc-n I\l:`f`(\DATIN{`. 1 (:l:1.<.< \\'()1`K unu uum-u....-\ u..._.. GOLDIE HARPER DECORATING | COMPANY I iStrmnl---~Uhurch BARRlE S BES-'1` LAUNDRY.i 5`fEW3RQS-E Plmno lil. - l<`i\'v l ui L:u11I1lI')' c.-lllud For and (loli\'vI'(\d l l'i'(.~.~: H`:1.\'u1:\|)!r~ \\'m'Im\:m. 'u'n:n-.-mt: on all F:m\i1y \\`:x.s'h7w.` ,4. ...u... \.`.....\, ...,... .....-v., $1,200, and other such mt cl1:1n2'c:~: will all go into 011' once. Sir Hg-m'_\' st.z1tz_-5 that i mabzer of a Government has the 1'L:]1`. to 1 but not to 1`ul. z1ml_thr: will 1)-,-only :z.'< expre.=se by both I of Parlizxmun`. will be ca1'1'ic CANADA What of the Future? Dry-Cleaned and Pressed THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Dyeing DE.CORATlN-G_ 109 Dunlop Street. THE NEW LOAF WE ARE MAKING is just what the name implies B1'ig`]1i' Go1(1o11 Cnlsiz ]3cz1111 i1'11`ll_\' \\'hi1`0 and 1?]ak_v Full Ricli X11113 Flzwor Filiest. Iilgrodicins Used -A -In-I-I'I\ 'I't'\A'l Goods Called for arid Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Phone 26 or 56. -of ml not to express '1 \r\IlVll1`||\A Painters and Paperhangers r1,~---.`%-I l`orm1tn St. Xux (S13. l`lm!u.- l12`2.\v. In! n __ 1; w HE Bank of Toronto, closing its sevenrieth year of banl<- ing service to the Canadian people, finds itself compelled to express satisfaction, even amazement, over the achieve- menrs and progress of the Dominion in the first quarter of the new century. Canada's trade has grown in this period not by the million but by the hundreds of millions. We are doing business with the world in a measure beyond any expectation of 25 years ago. There was never a period in Dominion history when, despite the war-born burdens we have been compelled to carry, the certain greatness of this country loomed so large upon world horizons. Seventy years ago to-da (]uly 8, 18 6) the founders of the Bank of Toronto opened the doors ogthe bank. Our history has been closely allied with the history of the Dominion; our faith in Canada never has flagged; our development has gone arm-in-arm with the forw.1rd-lool spirit that sees the greatest era of progress just, ahead. On this day we pay homage to the founders of this institution and subscribe to the sound entcrjvrise and the spirit of public service to which our stall, past an present, have been dedicated. GGLD KRUST BRYSON S BAKERY W. F ERTH "Onward to Can;1da's Greatest Half Century" may Well be the watchword of :1 united, sanguine and dctcrmincd pcoplc. CLOTHES A 10c PEI; `i6A1:"d " M Have Our Salesman Call lgi `. M \ lx ( . Wk P:1g~Q vpw O Phone RITZ TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP QUICK SERVICE AND SATISFACTION '1`h1':c doors east of Quocn s Hotel Full Stock of Smokers' Supplies Special attention given Ladies Bob and Trim. AUTO LICENSES (loml lu\'n<(uu'nt. l)ul)(-Iltllw.-4 nf liurrlo. To} f`HL'RSD.-\Y, JULY 8, 1926. WT 13IELI;;"is"s;Ltii:i: Walter A. Reid 7 OWEN s l`l{l1}l'."\` Masunin 'l`omple Ulliliqg --v -`saw--r 1-luau-rd`-aw-s - Y` be] The Financial Post g`ive.~` the fol1owin:_' `Zr 2'a1':lin_g` the extent am? A nrv, . rm 1 Successor to J. Arnold lnsumnm Repairing FOR SALI1`. tho 'l` For (`enl. Issue. Phone 229. BARBIE of 1` Campbr; 'L_.... publication 4 from nmt-or _[ Notes and Commegti of Toronto information re- and value of the `tour-i:~:t traffic to Canala : .-\1th0_u_2fh many are skeptical -4` .\..1xI7.L.,,! with 1-cg'ar to` eral .-\.~::.> 1`:-ccntly, Senator Borah a ft.-xv plain fact. -' `.0 :7! liquor trafc when he lievc the liquor trafc to thc-\hun1an family. in the open :=a1oon or L na'.u1'al haunt, or .~::cr in deance 'r.f law, thc - -. u ,, ,.. L:I(lv -. -.- . . . . . . . . .. automohilv m:1_\` ]~Ii::hu:m1tl1 Ann-1' in.=`tr.1nt.1_V (H.~'(`h1 chuufT<.-ur. The 1 u I I . I,n.u1n \.u..-\........, ...... moh xhu (:l1].',`ll1(:(51` who Irink while 1lrz1\\'ln_'_" 1'r<-l5_*`l1t. The imlu.<.1'i:1l talk c-rit.icz\ll_\' of sun but l1r- will apply thvm to the mam who wzuc A4` Lu`. u pl (:1 U1. mum. When .~`ilf0t_\' is in\'0I\'--1|. am: all (l1'_\'.<. \Vhm'e the c;xiy_-`r-1 of modern life tlmnzunls clear hr: aml in;~".:mt Iocision in orrlc-1' to .~': thousands of live-5 zmxl millions property, we are all dry." THL'RSDA\'. JULY 8, 1926 mlus` .u. . .. thrr of` .~'<-cu1'it_\', u 1 All roads lead to B:m1'h- on Mon- day next, the 12th of July. irluuls, 1 `(hr 1 1! and li:=tillm' .'~;r.o',ooo,ooo ..., .,-. .... .. ;'_.rial wm'1l with its no machim:r_\', wit} :9 . u us -nu.--..\.. .. 1`(:C0l`(l 0 1' L11 ,- u . :'rc.<. who f01'_:'ot about and voted Grit is like the ho short c.han_2'es you; he cIm11_2'u.~: himse!f.-Te10- 5,000,000 u.uv;u;` ncluvlinz -'S4,()CF isch2x11L`(- 21 ` ho trzxin may but now . .,. uplu... `I omlmvnt, but Longfellow said that man 1 -either a hammer or an anvil. overlooked the f(`].1`0\V' who bellows. uu, \/ll alizzxtic but and tm- nu mtchcr .. ......,., ....\.-.; \.bLl(l[."OIi effect at ho would tuku at n:_-' his prc-ciou.<: `I211 1na5:m1t(- may `un1ptLxm'y 1:xw.<,K l.".. .. .l,....nt: `.h r,-. D must be But he simply x. The, > rc-duct.-. I of the Housc-.= It is to be i'e_J;re`,'.;ed `hat certain members of the House 01 Commons, as well as certain s~3et.ioi:s of the press, have seen t to cast reilection on the sincerit_v of the Go\'.-rn-J.-`- General of Canada, Lord Byn-__", in 1`efusin_e: dissolution to Hon. :'\I::c~ kenzie King`. Anyone who has fol- lowed the procecdingrs at Ottawa dur- ing: the last eight months must real~ ize that the party headed by Mac- kenzie King` did not command . x ma- jority in -the House to give staple g'o\'ernment. When he undertook to form a government after the elec~ :ions in October last he did not have the largrest following` in the House. The Prime Minister last October ask ed for dissolution of the House be- cause he did not have sufficient fol- lowing to direct the affairs of the !count_r_V. This request was granted b_\' the Governor-General. After the elections, with a weaker following, Mr. King` was asked to form a Gov- ernment by the Governor-General, and we knowthe result. When Mr 5 liing went to the G.oVe1`nor-General last week and advised that he be :.*`ranted dissolution, therc was a mo- -- ,,,, L l`-\AA1~ ;L 1!-.. Judging from the xlumber of motors pas'si11;.~: th1'ou_g`h B;u'1'ic these days, the \va1`11in;4`s -of the Onta1`ic Motor Lezlguc are tlis1`eg:m'(led. ;.'.nann.uu \IIa-1\J|uLIuu, u.--n..L; vvutu .. ...., tion of cen.~:urc before the House, wvhich the Government was ufmid to `face. When Mr. King: \vu.~' 1'ot'used !lis.~:o1ution he )'o. and M1`. '.\Iei::hen was called upon to form :1 iGo\'n-rmm>nt, which he zlttemptml to ;do. It. was the desire of 311'. Meijxlucn `and his associzltcs that. the hu. }o1' the . bv wound up with as llittlc dcla_\` as })0s.~`ibl<' am! :1 nulnhvr :of acting` mini. \\`cx'u :1ppuintwl. iDu1`in:_" thv three \l:l_\'>` l'o1Iow'm_u' Ur. :.\I(}i_L"h011 was sustuinml on son-1'11] _:livi. on 1nut.'.wr.< of Vila] import-` ance, inchulin:: :1 th-cisivu Votv of :ccn. '.1:::1in. thv Kin}.-' .~\hnini. A v`1'\ v `I -4 `uu... v.. n _\Ici:11m1 \\ of law, :11 vpolicy. 'I` 3312'. )1:-i_-:1` I G`ovo1'n01'-( `ma.-nt, whit v v . 1 \\ll>`\.lLM L-5.. .-..._ .. Ilxion. On F1'id:1_\'. h0\\ o\'<-1`, 312'. `_\Ici:11c11 w:1.< lofmltml on :1 qLlL`. 301' and our that lid not :x'vct '|`11u1'L- w:1.~' noihi11_: L-lsc for )`I(-i_:hun to :10 but :ul\`i. thol 1G`o\'0rno1'-G011eml to P:11'Iiu- which His Excellency accepted. 'Un the ci1`cu1n; Low} I%yn5:. iICOLll(l no: act (_`1'ex1t to whzu he` nlizl. and he was po1`f0ctl_\' within hisl :1-ights. I There are ve h11n Bupiist :ChUYChL`. in the United Stzltes that dcl not make baptisln by immo;-1'sio21 `requisite for membership, ztcconliugg to the Lite1':11`_v Digesz. These ve} humlrctl chu1'chu:< rt.-main within u-i `fold, \vit.hout, howc\'c1', full affiliation? `with the Bapti. Convcn`.ion. That .~c-c.~m.= to open the way for the uni >11! `of the Bapti. churcht.-.< with -)`.'.1r:1'l ico1nn1unio11.<. I: is true that ve! : u 1 1| ...\ s.u.-....u...uu... -. ..- x.1\.l\, uuu. jhumlrcd is a small proportion of numl)e1' of Baptist church(-s in -It-public. But it is :1 most .=i_-.3 .czmt thing that there should be :mf1n_\' :haL have broken 2Lwu_\' 1')` ` Bzlptis _a 10054 '(.tA\ n|\v\I\av nun um... nun`: (,'ln'i. ul(.-votion in the hvul of ch:u`it_\'. But nmrc: pzu".ic bruzul arm-rpri.~:cs of scrvicc are not u1\va_\'.< directly 2 (with thv church o1",:"':111i'/.:1ti 1:lu_~_\' grow out of i`., and Ini`-4111 hm; cullml u])1)]iml `VPL. ...- 1....... ... u. .. Rf. .. - .... -. ,... .. .. at so y that from of the List church. I`. imlicatcs, 21t.10a;x`t, o.~'(-nin_Q' of Lhe bonds of creed in t has been COH>`i(]Cl`(,'(1 the mos- l of the P1'0t<:.`~'tz1I1t '.-rr,-cunt. comm-nzion of the Buptisf fum ..~..-. -4-...._, VIII ..\..t,.. L :1 comp1ct<.- b'x-eak-1 `mp'piIy, W218 the case :1`. the rloctrinal, or 1 'I`h0 ho1id:1_v season has Stv111`t(.`d in; earnest, judging` from the number of} droxvningx and motor accidents that] are 1-eportml from (lay to day. } I . .-.-. mu. shoulrl nnr:r.~t in zhc uml carry through ,,I ., I.',,,,I__ 7 tine :|o;:nms, bu`, not nvc -rin_L' 01' )"ill rt.-li,u'ir ~'0t,\viLl1.~'L:1mlin;: all (.1 I u;;':zin. thv church, , 1'0)` `Llm survicu of ` ml the n:xt.iv;n, mun \\ . u the tally r hurch`-`-"` `Vit-h "`-3101'-of the 25:11 I \\-'as a2`2Lin askczl tni_ "*'- :nd a pair anal was informc-I zlmtii P1`0P01'ti0 '3; E311". .\Ic;\`I1'l12u1 .< wife was lead. I 1~(_~~ - X 5` th`~"})1i<'- that none of our me1nbr21`;< i`'i.`s`'i``\\'z111t<-<| pairs and I had no 1'ig'M to; - force 21 pair, and so far as I wz1.< con-} broke `V." f"9"c-1'11(,-ml that <-mlr- the n1at'.m'. M123, [ V9 Mc.\Ii1lz1n 21])])L'|l`(.`(l in the House Llmti V . at least, m"(_,-ht and \-0te(]_ I . 0 01 1"; .\':ithcr party is umlor any ob1i,:.-`z1- `tion :0 pro\'ilr- pz1i1'.< for the othvni on. most of t~h1`ur: mzxjor ca.` the militant 1 doctrinal fun(Iz1- : I nmdr.-1'ni.s't. It ish > pt,-rfo1`m _: And this influu workin ck.-mr-n`. it is` J11: convention} ml Lhrougxh ::,| on. This 111: l l}:1p'.i. Church! as its counter-E it ilxrliczltus at The P1`o_;'rcss` his pair and the man who .<` never short chm in \V':1 I ?11.zI`]()l` g mm L110 Imhtan ` ' bL`l'.~ L1'in.a1 1'un(I.'-v M :.-rnxst. 19 b <.- 21 than tlwr.-<.-|m ` I . : - L om 0011 con] Jgh its work! :-up. .. .. I [Inn] uluwn urticlu cl l|l'(, lil1(' of 1 up : con- 3 work! hm} .. . c iGlobeZGot Wrong ` `Dope On Pairing ~!pl0tml the \'o`.in_: st1'L-n_;'tl1 of both ml [hut in any event I (lid not think I couhl ;1_::iin pair one of our mom- ;lw1'.< \\'i'.~h .\l1'. McMillan owin:.:' to the linct that he hzul. Ll few (lays before, lurokvn :1 pair ho hzul ITl21(l(_` with M1`. (1. II. Jones of New Brunswick un hznl i1n1n'0p<-rl_v \'c'tml. I also point.- ,wl ou_t that L'1ll'l_\' in the : when I \\'zin1ml 21 pair for 1:\`I)'.0,4\. D. Chap- lin. (i`,m.<(.-1'v:iti\'(2 member for Kent, who was conned to his bud, he hzul `i'0l'L1. one and in consequence Mr. Ch21pl~in`.~' vote was lost. I further toltl him M1`. Ca1'michz1cl, 2| I 1'o::`1'cs- >.-ivo, was . uic, but haul toi :1-t.u1'n homo owing` to the serious ill-I nc.<.< of his and 5u,u`f;'0st(:(li he could pair Mr. McMillan with` lhim. I hzul no auth01'it_\' to ofcizillyl 'ai'1'a1ij:(.- the pair and (lid not (lo 50,} hut in-_-.-'L1m| that if the pair \\'a.< com- Inaintuined. No; Zln>'\\'L`1` was marle to thi.>:: ;. E:11'l,\' on the n1o1'nin,L- 'of was ml `p:u"1ie:< would br- (lr;niIc , . . I :` fiml pan` and informc-l that ! ~ l1r.. v..\(:I|,_.v _'1' , 1 u 1 v ( I . ' . ` -icrcc pan`, I inn-1'n(,-I lnifrht ; oh 0` iillltl 1 can .~:ufc1_\' .~'u_\' th(e_\` are u1'2'zu1:_-"c.-tl for thv mutual conw-ni . I 1 v . If you want f11rtIm`r `proof of E\`I1'.`i '.\Ic.\Ii1`!2\n .< t':1`il1n'- to ol). prov-; ions p:xir.~', 1'1-ml what was said b_\'. .\h-. Hnclu-n and Mr. Jonvs appearing 1 ;WlLL SAVE DVER $7,000 , 3 II ON `IAUTOMOBILE PGARKERS I . RT 211]} . Tm- `B.l:mkc1'.= - (`nmp:m_\' of llumiltnn, at .<-Von`, I tlm-z--qu:n`t<-r cu-nts :1 pair. 'l`hi.<' umn-o.\'imu1:-ly two cvnts lowm! `ll lust _\'I':ll' uml cmm)z1r<-.< with! 11?`. (-<-n'..< lu1'i11g' LIN` lust _\'<*:u` of` n....,, ,, .- . l :1.<.-'umr-ul oicu. Stir of mm-kt-r.~' \vm'c~ so U111`. 21 two-con`. n . 1 r,ont,ru(-I for :1uLmn0bi]~ mark- nr-xt _\':-211', Hon. (}<~r)1`::t~ mu-I1-I to tlw no and 0th(r1' .~' Yours tru1_\', n It costs twicv as much as it (lid fty _\'(-aw! V put Spczlkilux at. :1 picnic 1'eccm1_v Hon. E. C. Drury called for :1 clean up 01; the customs scandal, coupled with! the name of the member who beat` 4 him at the lust (-.lcction. 1 1 1 two-con`. rrrtluction of 1-211/Iwr mow thurw. is zmticipatml tlu.-1'.r~ '*z1: in 1111- num}wr 01` u . ;1i1'.< othvr, V oblig.-`:1-i only: The Northern Advance ri-,-;]1t umiltnn, which \v:1s can-`. . 1 .~`l'l'\'2lUV(` G0\'(.`1`H- i s--nu- :;5o,o_00f i.<. t11i.-L \ the i}1jus- ` is 1'ofu.-ml `A. BOYS. uppoa V.,.. E l`(lZl_\ , 1121.44 liun Color- . V 1 1 Th(_- London Times e sz1_\'s:= It is iliicult to see where L/o1'(l,1 B_\'11_g"s action lias dc-\'iz11te either` :f1`om tin: letter 01' spirit of c0nstitu- `Lionzil law, 01' from tlw (iiCta'.C.< of; plain 50111111011 .~:e11. 3