Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Jul 1926, p. 1

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Orlllia opened fc.~:t.i\'it.ics by scor- ing a run on :1 walk, a hi`; and two (*1`1'01'.<. Meredith pas.~'c(l Hanna and Johnsxon followed wivth a single. He w::;~ :i:.)uo]c at 1':~:t on T. Pu::. s 113 to Iirxuns. Emms mzulc a nzxt ;.I:._\' 7.0 swab the fly. Dobson bob- Nwi (9ld.='n1it.11 s slasll and .\Iark.< .m-ml an Laml)'.< slum to short, lot- :`r2 Hanna score. Stophr~n.~` went out 1.mn1.< 10 Dobson with men pI"`L.w'i on . and thin]. '1'. I.:x:nb`.'~t circuiz . to left livid m;xzT it zvwo for Orillia in thv MCUIUE Hawkins and Johnston :2-:;l,-hm ~ix1:_-*1`.-.<, but nothing" came , 1 -.. ... E71'r:rIi.t;T{ow1a11d Glanxdc.-Id, Mar- ]Ol`iC' McLel]an. 71'. , A--11 H, 3,, 1 I l Clfozwl Gzu'1'ott. Elsi: 'I.`hi1' Class Hono1'.< D 0 1'0 L11 C` 21 `n ..___1 A __ ,1 IV Horses (11-iven by Earl Rowe, M.P., z cap tu1'e1 bozh the 2.30 and 3 min- ute classes. Harry Lead]e_v s horse won the rst heat in the 2.30 class land Earl Rowe .< the next three. In the 3 minute class Earl Rowe won} three ;<`.rui:ht, Herb. G1'o; of Thom- Eton his entry to second place. ; 5Thr.~1'r_- were four t.-ntrios in this class. l,,.... ..... J\I\A] ....._`.~., ! Durin_u' the afternoon Fred Doug`-L `ms gave an interesting.-' exhibition of! `trick rirlinyz on his well `.1'~aine(1 horse. ` VVinn(_-12: in foot race:~: next week. !\JuuII\.'II, V. AxuvuA1cA`\n|. [ Double Quoit.s--1, F. C. Wilson land Geo. Elliott, Ivy; 2, Harry Hook} `and Pete Hook, Bvarrie. ' L`5..,\.1a.. I T1..L< T`l....1.. O C..'llC.......l u ;\.L\, .;u-uu, nu... I Sing'1es--1, Pete Hok; 2, Sullivan .VIe1'e(lith. 111 1. 1-1 n -n - _, 1 ..u..;\.uuu. W Walter Ferguson of Barrie wonl fthr: lucky aut.omobi`1e number novel- 1 ~t\'. l | YY-_._,, 1.. ; I(ncck--Bc-.= e O Connel, Flow,-nee` ;O Dom1eIl, Ruby White, 'J`v`mz1 .\Iinni-I Ikin, V(.~1`na Minnikin, Edith j'Il. i Vt-ra llinnikin, .\Iarjo1'ic Ilcid, Tenn v IXY..1.l. ' Webb,` : Ba1'_1'io-H. Pa1't1'id_Q'0, Z. Sinnpmn, }J. Simp:~xon, I. }\`IcLcI1:u1, NI. Mc- Kni_2-ht, V. O DL-11, H. Ka\'ana_::'}1_. G. Godden, C. Kavanazrh. I h-..L\.. n..A:.. 1 17 I` u7:1-,..~ C,.... LIIC at-uu: was I L0 0. Bzwrie golf, .1: lot of bail base'oalv' out of their systc-111.3`. Several errors helped m;.te1'ially in I`I1r:ir downfall. The u.~:uz1II1_\' 1'0ll)](: Dobson had an. off lu_\', n1isjud_g'i11;r {he pill zm tliruc} occasions, while Mzu'k.<, Burton, Dyer` and Tlmmpson also c-')nn'i|)uLu:2vl an (`l`l'L'l' apiece. \f,. Hal. .L._._L,l , :- Score by innir1.!l'S Knock ............................ .. n ! dith p, Binnie 1-f, Pcnelton cf, Kel-; cu) 1\I'cntc1'c-iff c. Hedgm` 1b,. |O'H(-:11'n 2b, Henson 3b, Fraser 21). ( CA..- I T`)..L.\..A,...`. \1Y..I...LL \\T,.Ll ITHIIEVES STEAL CAR Hm`? FORM 10. '\(l--Wm. I\'n0.\' (.-\_4`rfcuI- othy Littlv: (_-\]_4'eln`.'x), wnk('_\' (G('0fl'1'Z1[)]L\'), T{<>_2'. Z(*1`2ltllI`(,`, C2lI1(i1l1;Hi.~' :'_\' P2111)-i:l2'c (Gu`amm:n`, .\I:u'_\' Patton (.~\1,:r_-brn. , .-\Ic.\:aml1-in PL-nn;.' atin), Go01'_L'r~ Re;-_\'noI Ruth Robinson (Can- \ Howcroft. uuu \,nL.k, .112. King`, Eva-I `cm i Kenna.-'.h :dg'e1' 1D,! rascr 21). '~ 1t, Webb, .1 Hunter, I I C wlnners f'1'h 1'.1(H1_\` ;~:t1'u:.'::=1e. t I Numerous E1'r0H's by Locals } and ]:1'o1n0 Runs FcatL11'e i (,`-o11.tes E. P l,.,......,, LU nu" L'\HlUIlL'L' U1 LDC L/l'O\\ ni aha olccrs were on their way to I.:1n.-`Ir-_\";< f:n'm to conduct a search for liqquor, but met. him on the road in a car. Reco;1'11izi2`1.:' the ofccrs, the ulz-1':-mlunt loapc.- from `.he auto and broke two botzlc-.< of whi: on : by the 1'oad. The evi- |(1('!1CC, the-refore, con:~:i: of ]1z1\`in_4' . In.-r1 Mu. lmq-+1..o Iuml .. ...._u .,...,n,- Wm. La11;;'le_\' of .-\tlja]u \vz1.<. nml $100 and costs by .\Iaf.:'i.<`.1`z1tc Jr.-".< at .~\I'Iiston on Welm_-sla_v on a chz11';,-`e of hz1vin_L-` liquor`. The evi- lunce of three ofF1cL-1's and one in- rl(-ywmlr-nt. \vit11(:. for tho Crownwas 2lI]_\ :|-nicd by Him defence. Ac- co1'z!i11:: to the evidence of the Crown `In. nlim.v_~ - nun. .,.. um. -JuLI.n:.`, uxunuu illlu .\'llH;`Nl the liquor. The defence n1enie this evidencr.-. '....u mu yuuuu L-u um Ilgllt LU 2l\'Ul(l El gcolllision and applied his b1'ake.=.. Pat- ftm'son_aml .\'lcDcu_2'all lid likmvise Jam] McDou_4'all'.= cm` wont into the \l(li.`.cl1. J. Clark, 83 Roebeath .-\ve., l'l`o2'ont0, was thrown out `of Mc- `D0u_2'a]l'.< auto and hzul his rig.-'l1t.| lawn hurt. He was lttCl11lC(l by Dr. ID. Mt-.Cz1llum of Clmrchill. . A. D. ]'3\'21n:< will br: cl1zu1L`ml with |..,.,.1.-1,... I 1 ..\_;\. usnv us.-:.ruu\:u u_) U1. icbulllulll. Two miles, south of Fennell s Co1'nc1'.=, in West Gwlllimbury town- slu'p, 21 less serious accident took Martin of .'-\l1mic Harbor, Mr. Potter- son, 348 Delaware Ave., Toronto, and R. McDou;;*all, 83 Rosebeatlu Ava, were all driving` north, oaclt `one in the ornler named. A. D. Evans of Collin:z'woo(l, (lri\'ing` a `Foul touring`, turned out to pass 2 three cm-rs. Sec-in_2' him turn out. Martin pulled to his 1'i{J;l1t to avoid II\n]";::nY1 '1I\AI n\\'r\`:n1, l.:\ L._..L,, rs place on 3.110 same afternoon. C. W. truck by A. A. C1'an(lo1'f 0.1`, London ju.=. . as tlu.-_V l1('21`1'C(ll.llC. .x. u. 11- um: l'(`Ck]( .'\'$ 4lri\'in_:'. 5 . J. G. Ixeenan IS mo.\'1ng' hx.s..<`.ock _ to the store vacated by A. W. Good-L _ [ fs,-Ho\v, next to the Bank of Toronto .y' 3i:_>' opr.-nin_2' day on Satur July; 1 I 10111. K I I I ., vv\,l\. iSw:xin 1",-cui` `while her strainerl. 1 number 01' 1 . . ...,....... .....\......; (JLLIJIILIUII. E ] John Ba.1'r_\', 187 Perih \\.':.-., Ti-| ronto, suffered 21 bmlly broken :'ig"nt. I I { 4 tc-rnal injuries, and 311's. Barry in`- rics to hex` ankles, and their young gbaby 21 broke-n leg`, when 21 car own- i o and drivm by M1`. E-mcry, 260 gRocking't.on .-\ve., left the hiy:Im~'ay at [Churchill and crashed into a tree. {M1-s. Emery and their seven year old j were also in the car. I ml... ..-_:1-..L ._.L "1 y .- Barrie lost its second tight con- test within :1 week, dropping the Orillia O.B.A. xture piayed here on: Thursday, July .1, by a one-*`un nmr-i` gin. The sc.orc was 7 to n. .. - - - W4 1 n a MANY ACCIDENTS % ON DOMINION DAY; Three accilcn`.s took place near `(7hu1'chi`]1 on July 1st, an`! In each }one the occupants were injuyrcnl and in-quirezl n1c-dical attention. 10" n.._.v. 4... I11` I "*1 E .-\bout 1en o'clock on Sattlrdayi evening` a mix up occurred at xhel corner of Elizabeth and Toronto S`.s., when cars driven by D. Culham oi Stayner and M1`. Sc-arle, S l\Ietcalfe St, Toronto, banged into each other. Culham \va.s about to turn down To- ronto S2. and the Toronto car com- 1ing` east turning` to the left to avoid him, crashed into him. No one was: ].hu1'L~ and little c.lan1a.g'e was done to .`.he curs. .-\rg'uments ensued and all 412.45 the owners were still t1'_\'in_e' to decide whet.her either should pay the: :other and if so whom. `-` "~**-l\`~y b\lll-`.l.`Ll,'ll U1 ll'zl\'JH2' run the bottles broken and slnelwlinp: in. h'..nn.. 'N., .1.v,...__ u ,,- . .. MIX UP ON ELIZABETH ST. FINED $100 AND COSTS "511 * The mean L0n1peraturce for the month of June was 57 :1e_2'1'eo.~'. be- in_;-' S) rIo,r:I'(-us bcI`ow the no1'maJ. (The hi_Q'hr: '.t-n1])('1`:ltll)`f) for the month was 84 on the 29th., and there war: only one day in the month when it \\'as over 80. T110 lowest vvas 36 on the 4th. The total 1'uinfz11l for June was 31.4 inches, 2 inches of which full on `.114: l-' `July ORILLIA TAKES THE E 1ST OF JULY GAME; ..-....._. .~,n,..., qno-;n),UUU on 1'021(l.~7. U1` this the rural municipzllities contri- buted $540,000 and '.he urban con- tres $305,000. It is int,e1'es'Ling' also to know that only 35 per cent. of the motors are owned by the rural ci-`..i- zens, while 65 per cent. is owned by `.he people in the towns and vil- 'Iag'e.<. So it is plain that if the userrs lot the road should pay for the up- lccep, the urban citizens are not l{ee])in{J,' up their . Of the 6 mill county rate, one mill` is for 1'oa two mills _2`o<-.~' l'o1'=g'ei1- eral county 0.\:ip(-mliture, 21n_ t.h1'uc- mills for mluczitioiial pu1'po.' Thus only one-sixth of the count_\' levy ;:'oe.< for 1'oa [)l.l]'])O.\'l`.~`. .-\no`.heL' `unfair thin_<: is that the man in the fur r-ml 01' lllv `county, who . `LI>`(-.~` the road, pays his : of the 'Count_v and Provincial roznl. It lane`; In . E The 1]10(l(.'1'!l construction of roads n Ontario startotl *.\\'cnt._\'~vc yz-ars 545:0. Simcoe County \va.'~' amonj: tho i1'. to adopt the . but. un- i1'o1'tunz1:<:l_v the County was ..w |pu. forwarml to m2.1k(- the s_\'stem It-'ect.uz11. In road construction Lhrcu !tI1izLu'.< are 11ecusszu'y, sound c11g`inoer- .. .... I `:!`.H` `nzrnannv in Int... ,..\...I.'4: . ,.v...\,..u.' mm un mu l\'.UH(l rromem. "`R:z1rl.~' to u co1mn1mit_V are just |`11(.-cessal-_v as zn'te1'ics to the body, lsaixl Mr. Mwc\/icar in openi11_2' his re- !mzn'k.<. Road construction is as old 5215 the human race, and sonw of the 'Ro1m1n rozuls, built 0\'c1' two thous~ iamlv _\`r,-zn'.< a_-4'0, are still in use. lR:`a(l.< .~'h0ul(l be plzumt.-(l with the limit -:1 of .~:(,-rvice. I 1 John McVicar, supervisor of jCount._v and Township Roads for the }D0pt. of Hig'hwa_vs, was the speaker lat the Kiwanis Club on F1`Mzl_\' last, !am! he g'a\'e :1 most ihtc1'e.~`1ing' and ` in. talk on zhu Road Problem. lnr-..,1.~ $1. .. -A - - "TRAFFIC DEMANDS ; INTEREST IN ROADS , . - . ....,..u . vuu. (Continued on pure four) .\IT(?\'i<-211' .\bl.\' J)i.s`<-Ilssos. Howl ] 1'01)Imns \\'iiTl1 1.\'i\\'a1'1izms. THE WEATHER icar 1 ..-nu:. Low Higlr Rain ,1 Q '7 I Eight Pages ml for :1 mum ntinue on pagxcg 'the procr\s: ml to fcmr in ` .Iu1mm_-rl the .. v IO door forced 0 lead, the shot. 1 ~a\'in_L' shattered 1 v. u ayppm-:n'c-I mvlzm. 0 has wont L1ps`.:1ir.~' vzmls the report of On going upstairs to door Iockwl and '<;.JN SHOT` .,..,._. .,..., V. mu. .k\JLll uuun:.\ llli: worked. Archie Burton, vetcrzlm l1eu.\'<.-1' of mzmy 21 ;~':-1'u:.*':.-`lo old time; fans are won; to recall, twirlml the} last n: stzxiizus zmrl lit<~mlll.\' .~'t.oo the bzttters on their l10zul.<. They c0ul(ln': fathom his b1'L-aks or place- mc-nts at all. The only run scorc- while he \vu.< up {lie _L'0O(lS '21.: a fluke onc, St(`})ll('ll$ 1'zLn1min.: 21 single that e:~:cape Archie Thomp- son in 1'i;:l`it. eld and b(+fo1'(: he coulcl )'(2tricv<:- his c1'1'o1' S t0pl10n.= hzul clai- tercwl home with the winning` run. Golclsiiiitli lt`(l `lllv liiitc,-r.< \\'ith'I tlll`L`\3 hits in four trips to the platcnl One was 21 homvr. Johnszton, T.` PU;,">1l(f_\', and '1`. Lamb had two each,` the latter a four-base smash. h....L.`.. I-l .1. 11.. Em Nmstb mm Emmmm ion Orilliui the `.'hi1' six) op:-n. b from I `ed the} (Z! Four zLpp]ication< for the position .I`of school nurse were re-cc~i\'c The V 'upp1icz1nt.<, were Miss Vt.-1'21 .-\. Mc- _ Mzihon, Bzlrrir.-; )Ii: E. M. Soeiy, T0- ].1'ont0; )Ii:~'.< Laura Harvc-y, Brig.-`h`.on, )Iis.< Ethel Lattiinoro, Kc-n1pt\'i]1_-. ,1 .\Ii.<.< Annie S. Wat:~:on, a former :"Bul'1'iL' i'.C`Z'lC]1( :1`_. wrote applying` for a I`1)o: if 21 \`a(:unc_\' c.cc11r.<, pre- _ I f(-1`21bI,\' as u:-aclior of the secoml book iin Kin}: Id\\'z1i`l school. | \1! , I \ rt` .~\u;:u. ichuir. I `LITTLE BOY FALLS INTO I CISTERN AND IS DROWNED( i W. M. .\Ior1-is, secretary of the iOnIari0 School 'l`rust.ous Association, w)`o'.;- t-xtz.-n<`Iing an 'urviw.tion to the uliozu-ul me.n1bcr:< to 21:1`.-nd the County 1. _...V.. .< In.' convmition to be held in Barrie on Wedncs with iu~1n'nl. H. \ - ' ~ - ' . ....,-...~ un. L;UU\l_'HL/IUII U) DO iwhich tho .-\. was co-operat- in-' ....\ An\Ifh\'A u .LuuL uu-Jr; ounuou. Burton led the-Bu1'1'ic team with; xtxvo, :1 triph: and single, in four up-I poarzmcu.~` at the pan. All the rest except Marks co`1lec tc-11 a binglc apic-ce.v I A.... . I ' -On motion of 'I'1'L1st.ecs \VaLls and !Hinnl.~', '.hv- Manugrenlellt Committee {was p;i\'.-n power to fill any vacan- icir-.< that may occur on 'i`.'ue B.C.I. znnml public school staffs before the next re;:1xI211' 1m-c.-ting" of the Bozml. On motion of 'I`1'u. Sarjcmxt and Ru.~'k it wu. (lecided that no mo-1-t.n1_L'.< shnuhl he held in J'u1_\' or \........a ,. ..... ,1 .1 u A .- \ [ \\'hc1'(- x i .\Ii.<.< E. Burke wrote e.\'p1ainin;; jthat hr.-fore 1'r:tAu1'n?1x;,r her contr'act jshc was` wai`.ing' to hear from A. R. iGirlwo0:I, I1zn'izL;' applied for Miss` lRob})in .< room and .salz11`_\'. i 131-; Miss .\Ia1':.-'a1`et Su`.he1'laml of Strolul, Miss Doronhy Scott of B211`- '1`ie and Miss Frankie Czunipbell of Bz1.1`1'ie were appointed as teacliers in the Prince of VV2nle.= school to ll the ; posit,-ions made vacant by rho resigna- tions of Miss B. .J. M. Fox, Miss Helen .DOLlf."21U and I\'Iis;< ;VIa1`:2:ue1'ite G21llu::lie1'. The salaries to be paid gare $0.30 to Miss Sutl1e1`laml, who `will teach :1 Senior Fourth class, amlt $S!()0 each to Miss Scott and Mis: i Campbell. i )li.<.< 15. Robl)in.< '.(.'ll(i0l'0Il her re-I n i I . . 2(:X 1(]0l`C`(l he)` re- ::nation from the Collr.-giatc staff, we ]1avin_{: obtained a po. ~ition in her h0n1r:`town of Wimlsor. I I jthat she \v0ul:_i 1'. ion Jilly 10'. l . . . | The zL1)po111t111g' of three tezLche1'.~` `Ito ll \'ucancir:.< on the Prince 01 Wules public school stall` and the ac- lceptance of 1`e. .ioI1s from mom- lbers of the Collc-griate stall` was the `main bu:~`ine.~'-5 dealt with by the lBoa1'(l of Education at a special lmea.-`.in_2' held Wel.11e: evening`. lJune 30. EDUCATION man ' ENGAGE TEACHERS! j'1`lm-<- \'m-;111<'ios on Prillce ` of \\":11o.\` Sfzliff and 0110 ; 1 t\'I& nrV`r c`u,r'r' |* gs u the impt Ewith full Book lthey last, $1.7` '62 Dunlop St. a Donald Maatliieso11 of Toronto woke up in Barrie on Wednesday morning`. He had been arrested for being drunk and disorderly and was fined $310 and costs by Mag'ist.rate Jeffvs. `On Tue: night about 10 o clock Constable Case was called -`.0 the O.K. Cafe where Mathiesons was cut- `ting; up and there arrested him. When Mathieson woke up in the icvlink in the morning` he asked where _he was and was told Barrie. He `(lidn t know how he got. here, bu`. it `-`is presumed he was put in 21 car in A '[`o2-onto and left here. I- I ...-..--rxn. lll\I`IIU VV\.l|' q L1]: I4. 1.1: 'x:1`v~tmx, _\lr.<. 'l`. R. Hu.\'tabIo, VVm.3 1.~k. .-\. J. S:n'jr:z1nt, W. C. Wziltls.` '. W. Iichzlrulsnn. C. C. I-Iind.<, G. Smibh uml Dr. L. J. Simpson. I ` of July DRUNK AND DISORDERLY omb.-1` limited number of Ukuleles, book of in. while 1.; c~1r-: ._L 1 n 1' . ....... b.ruvl\ us. umu uL;.1UJl>, Wllllk` $1.75, at J. G Keg-m1n`.<, Wnnlnn Qf ill Br:-tl1w:1i',, ; v II\((,ll. ll,ll\l. V "oh 33.0.1. S.1;a.?. \/I-`.5l R.\ VARMER FOUND DEAD FROM GUN p_\'('`])I vuu. A.` uI.\.LLA.1I."I. III: _ving' about the house : 1-t-turn from milkin:: 4 of Lho house found 1 , . . .... . thv p1'o:<< . ., ulnk uuu -L nu : of Mr. J. B1`o't1m'z1itc LS d1'0\\'nml on tlw (.'\'v ,_ ,... `o 1, whr-n hu fold into :1 l, home of I` * c11iial`s 1 u call thrs Auuum 'I`h(~ro_ 1 chin 1: ........._, LuALuAL;u mu: u;.>uu.'ucU 1'uL.':. I To achieve victory Oriliia used two pitchers, both sou1.hpzm-". G)1I_l.~`mith who s`.a1'[e(l on the mound, got aiong s\'i1nmin_Qfly until the t.hirv_1, when his, slants were rocked 1'01` 21 trio of counters. He got by ill the "ourth, bu-ti xvas replaced by T. lzmib in tin fth. Lamb's delivery \'.';1.<, nicked` for 21 single run in the fifuh. Hel then held the batters i1(.']1)i( 54S untill I the ninth, when Dobson .~:coi'e- two, in Enims with 21 lnuiiimoti V ciou-1. for the round trip. E `in!-(uiifi-1 .+....o,,.I rm. D. - I Tho ha]! i Fix-st C1:1.<.< Honor.=--E1'n<.-st Arnol Stella Cluto, Mabel D1'u1`_\', Mona: Bcatty. j - 1 Second Class Hono1`.=---Winnifr0:l` Appln-by, C'.u`nc1'on Clutc, Maud Forth: I{:1t`hl<-rm Allan, Boyd .-\1'noM, Ethel-2 wynne .-\rnoM. I Thirrl Class Honor<-Frrw1 An-It-1= ton, I'InidCa1'tc1', Jean T .:1IIz1ntyn0, Glurlys C01-hctt. I \........ uu... um-anm, uu.u_v um - |(lrt.', Wultvr Coutts, Gordon Dun.=- mm-<-, Do11:\-"Ins Ferris. Comli:iono Bzildxvin (Cun- unlizm Hf.~:tor_\'l. Cc-cil Booth (Gram; lrnnr), Hrrlr-n Couch (A11.-`I-b1'a, Latin), .1 In {`.nl~.\.. If`... .1: , vv- . ,, ,, .. `...,..V.. `...,.- -nu, uauup,` Lola Cm1]. (Czmzuliun Hi.~t.01'_\'.; French). Goldie Coultm' (.~\l5_-'<;l)1':1, .-\:ricu1u11'u), Wm. D_\'m(-nt. (.-\l.u'r--T hm), 'I`0 D_\'m.-1`.t (G)'z1.mmzn'). \ Fail:-:l-G.i]bort Carpcnt<,-r,- Cora Th'0\\~'n, John L. Co_\'nr*. Jack Cros- lnml, Ba-rnzml Dnvlin, A110 FL-1'ri.~'. FORBI 1B. ` F`ir. Cl:1.<.< Ho11or>'---Pm'kt.-1` Mc- -`u:n.... Lxuzn. u..1.1.....x _v.u-. aupu, the subjects . ~.z4wu. xu Honm';<-- `Uillun, Etiith Hublxml. Second C1215.` I-Ion0r.=- iv;-`(m. Willa Juhh, Vm fsnhr.-I Smith, Ar'.h111' Lo1'1wJucob.<, Gordon Hovxjghton, Victor Hart, v.v.....- J.\.IA mu. xuuuu L;Ay. C Merotlith stz11'tml for Barrie with :1 sore arm and his a. wasf .s1na.~:hc-d at will, Orillia :~:co1'in_o; in]; e\'e1`.V one of the four i'1'amc.< hag; \'UtL`l`Zll\[i_ time` thegc 41. l...A... __ U, v I Stroud defezuctl Bzlrrie in 21 first rouml tussle by 20.10 6 and turnerll .'\Iinc.=in_;' back 15 to 8. .-\I1zm(I-ale; tlf fCElt(.'(l Shanty Bay 18 to 13 and; then fell victims to Stroucl In mi nal by 21 22 to 12 gcorc. Score by innin_2's: i . I I .~\1lzm1:210 .2 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 l-`12 S11-ourl .......... ..7 4 0 1 G 1 3 0 0---22 Tllv )` of the )1l`OlTlOtlOI1 zmrl term examinatiom *hel recently 21`. the Collogzizlte In; in the Lower cl1oola1'e21.~`. folloxvs`. Con(litiun.::l . may enter the next. l1i_;'l1e1' yform, but must repeat the subject; or subjects in which they are condi- tioned. With these they may take \\'l1ateve1' subjects of the hi_2'he1' form that may be permittetl by the staff. Stutlents who tried the Departmental Exz1minz1t.ions will be freed from these subjects if they pass, provitleli they are not in the fzled list. Stu whose names are in the failed list mus: repeat the entire B. C. 1. Lower School Promotion Exams`: U. 1 I . In the nal Ivy secured an early lead over Barrirz and when the local crew threatened to break th1'ou:.{`h In the ninth Herman Jennctt 1i{:'}'1Lcn_-(1. up and shut off the rally. The score Haul Ball Tourney { Three teams competed, Ivy, Phc-`lpston and Barrie. Ivy drew a bye and Barrie played Phclpston, winning` in a close contc:<.z' by 12 to` 9. Carson and Dobson hurled Ball`-, rie `.0 victory. The Phelrpston team! was: Miles 2b, E.'C1`awfo1` .,~s, Scott lb, Hayes 3b, Hall p, Marley c, Frulick cf, J. Cra\\"fo1' lf, C0u_2'h- Iin rf. I I .-.uu-\_.: L)\l`JL'|lAAL \.UlIl1JCDl.|Ull- ' Foot races that xwrru keenly con-| tcstcnl \\ L 1'L' run off in the afternoon. In the evening at Qu0un s Park 21' r.umhc1' of races were sizxgctl for chi]-I Iron 12 _\'0a1:~: and under. The och--{ b1-ation wound up with 21 .=.tre(:: dance on the 13z1\'e111(:11f in front of the Post Ofce. 4`,-....-. u. L1Ax.A\.\. um um. 11Lu51.a.Iu. Ivy came through with a neat wm` over Bz11'1'ie in the hard bah] zournzx- ment. Stroud so1't.ba1lc1's cz1.ptu1`e:Il the prize in the men s section, wh`Iel , 9 Bzuwie provitlcml the winners of the llatlies .50"ft.baH competjtion. T4`nn+ .... .. .L,`. ....... 1.....u.. __., Hundreds made merry at the com- munity field day held yesterday un- der the direczion of the Barrie| Board of Trade. There was some-f thing doing from morn t.i1*1 eve zindi the only puzzle a spectator found` himself faced with was which event he should watch out of the variety 0fT<-1'(:(l him. I. n . Bas(:baI1 toumzxmonts, horse races, foot. races and nova-l*t_V contests: all found :1 place on the p1'og;ra.m. I Iv" nu\'\1n H...,......1. ...:u. .. A... I i IjIz11"dm1(1 Softball T0ur1u11non1'.s` \VoH Cmltosted, Also All Sporting Evmlts; Closes \Vith Street 4 ])z1n(o on Pz1\'eme11 r. Before Llu; gmnc Barrie lm!;_ro nl protest ag.;'ai11s: Goldsmith, the Ol'llll21J heave)`, on the grounds of his noi having fullled the residence rule. [Community Sports Day Q { A Success In Every Wayz I\'_v .... 44 Earrie :0 12 ;io1`tou1'i1 ' gof Bzxrri ,2 1 1-i2*S`L.. Thi 1 G 0--22!th(: road ~--D(_-. 11, .\Ic1<- Ivy,` :~:tri1 F0]-1`.\I 1.-\. ' zxw.-1'a_"c stan in :11] mi-1'0 too low for pro- ...4........ 5|L\. Au Ln. Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, Jly 8, >1 96 vvvu\ Softball I-Ionor.=--E Jam hh, Vr-mu Jnhnstnn. Ar'.h111' Mclir-nzir-, John:~'. Ruth .... n_.,~_ rv . n Baldwin, Ha1'1'_V M, r1 . '7` the tide of i)ase 1m;-. _H(.- 41.1 it, effectively, only one couziter, the re `i suit of an error iii the ninth, bein*.,>']1 SC01`4:ti oil` his delivery. V I Three home runs fegiturctl the con- test, Dobson, Goldsmith .:n-:1 T. Lamb! sWing'ing' the heavy bath. A1'chi<>| Burton knocked the sphere 1'01` a trick 01' sacks in the third `.0 score two; 1'I1:rrr-. I While the street dance was un E Eway thievu-:< stole :1 Chovro]<:I; : jio`: tou1'in:_*' car, owner] by R. H. P:11=1'J r of Barrir2 and parked on )Iu1cast(.-1' St. This morning: it was found on the by Isaac Spa-e1-'5 farm near -|Iv_\',' :~:tripp0 of e\'e1'_V movable part. L LIl\.I1 J\7o F`ir: Class H'0nor.=--Vm`nnn Mur- k]<'-, Jack PL!]`C_\`, .VIr-Iro. Pz1rt)'E.l:._'r= John Lay, I\Iinni<- Pa1't1'i Thelma! T1..'.] i Sncontl Class Hono1's-.~\i]er:n lic- (`0nkr:_\`, Ph_\'1ul1'.= McL(-an, I:~:ol)(.-li Rus- :<<-1], Vincvn: Moran, Florcncn Miller, Evlrm. O'Brien. I`hird Class Honors---Mz1_\' Ma1'tin~ Son, Bvtty .\'01lc-:<, Elsie Pz1ddi. J0.~'. Pratt, Basil Lang`, Reta Morore. s("1'(-1it---Erlnzz I.atinn:-1', Albt.-1'1 ,I.wom1rrl, Ruby Mumbm-.=pn. Kuthlr-(-n !P1'fcv-, .\'m'mz1 I uH'onl. ' C`0mlitionml--Wm. um,-), Dm'oth_v Ho,-Ion .\'fcCOI1k(-_\' .\Iil]r:1' (I.itr~ratuw-, Cz1nnli:xn.. Hi~' `\ .........uu 1, 4\uLu l\U|lIll.`U1l \ aalizm Hi.=t51'_\'). F:1i1r~rl--Palmr-1' Hurt, Ker .\IiHur, it-rtlm Ward. (Continued on page six) . ; ...u.., ..uu vlu.`..3 uunuzr. 3 'Cvonditiom.-(1 - Raclml .`1a.:c-n !(Gramn1z1r, .-\15_>'(-bra), Grace How- ,c2'oft. (.-\L2`eb1`z1), Gladys Kr.-nnan Hazel McBride (.-\I_Q'eb1'a). I TI`...1,`,1 T.....,.~ 1,1'A.1.1-.. nu (AI_L`ohra), H(:]0l] Luck (Ger)i:1`aph_\'),. .... ... .u\.:u "l`hu f7o1Iowin_-2' have pa::.=:-a} in the 2nd-`form .=11bj(.-cts: indicatc Smith (Composition, Lit01`atu1'o, E J I- . 2'1'1cu1tu1'(.-), A (.-\]::'eb1'z1. Latin), \IAA\. AIA\,LJ\,llLOlII . The fo1`1owin_g' were prevented on iaccount of illness from writing: 'b`.1-2 c,~xamim1tion.=, but have the foilowinfz ist.n11rlin2' on the year s work--W'a1]- Ewiw Fi.~'he1', 2nd class hr)no1`.=. V 1- u - . . ` J i l.......,. .........m. \:I|f } Fai1ed-Jz1m0s Hadden, Elvzmot ]Ha_\'r-.<, John Hewitt, Orville I\'.'-1sIma-A |.\'o1'\'a1 Luck, Mac McCorkin~.1aIej i}. ;u'\'i<;- Mclir.-nzic. nu ;- 11 . \,.;\.L wynuuu. I .\Iorr.~tlith stm'teLl on the n1(u:1.l i'n1': Ba-1-ric, but 21 lame wing" cau.~:ed him! 1 lot nf trouble and in the fth Archie Buruon was sent in to stern: lid it` 11"

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