Miss Donnelly, Miss Travers, Miss K. Perry, Miss Robbins, Miss Burke. Miss Cavang1:h,.Miss Mason, Miss F. McDougail, Miss H. McDowp.`aii, Miss Gazilagher, Miss Amblef, Miss De- Hart, Miss McI{ever, Miss Dennis, Miss Smith, Miss Livingston, Miss Booth, Miss Burkitt, Miss Chees;man,. Miss McGre_Q'or, McKinley, Miss Loth, Miss M. Henry, Miss Ellis, Mrs. C. M. G. Smith, Miss Elliott. Many a chap who thou_2`ht he loved! at rs: sight has been entirely cured? |whPn hr` tin-ok z'mr`1'hm` 10"". ' Mrs. (Rev.) Ward has returned to her home on Georgtinna Island, tak- lins; her mother with her. Mrs. Milroy has gone to spend| some time with her daughter, Mus. J. King, in Newmarket. Miss Mary and Mr. Carl Bnown spent the week end with` their father I here. =M1'. Gordon Tebo of Camp Borden spent Sunday at his home here. Our softball team went to Beeton to the celebraztion on June 3rd and lhad the great pleasure of b1'ing`in_9;I home the first prize of $25. You lare doing` good work, boys; keep it` 111: I I Lefroy put it all over Barrie in? the rst meeting` of the two teams of the southern _Q'roup of the softball league last M-on night. When the game was over Lefroy had 21 runs and Barrie 11, Lefroy having, Ian innings to spare. | 1 , teams entered 'the contest, Be]le'~ , victory for Lefroy. There were six` , teams competing` in the men s soft- 9 , and Lefroy. In the rst game Le-.` ` froy won from Stroud, in the second . game Shanty B-ay won from Church- . ill, and in third Allandale beat Camp _ Borden. In the fourth game Le- . froy won from Shanty Bay. The _ and Lefroy resulted in a victory for .A11~andale 3, Lefroy -taking first Another big day at Lloyd George Park last Saturday was enjoyed by a 1ar_:;`e crowd, with plenty of sports for everybody, but the principal fea- 1 ture was` the ball g`an1es. Four teams of girls softball entered the contest, Stroud, Knock, Newton lRobinsoh and Lefroy. The first _2'aY1lC was played between Newton `Robinson and Stroutl, the latter be-ii in}: the winners. Then LeJ'ro_v llldij Knock played, Le'I.'ro_\' winnin_: the|` srznne. Then the winners of the two ` _e'an1es, which were Stroud and Le- froy, pla_\'e(l the final {:zune, Lefroy coming` out victorious and winning` ` the first prize. Two boys school Ewart and Lefroy. It was an easy ball gzxnies, Shanty Bay, Camp Bor-i den, Allandale, Stroud, Churchill; nal game played between Alland-ale Lefroy, the score being` Lefroy 13,! _ money and Allandaile second. All :4-(4.; VJ . I Mrs. G. Nichol of Toronto, Mrs. B. Bailey and Miss Margaret Bailey of Stratford are spending a few days with their father, Mr. N. Grose. `II... A A.J......... ._..__J. - 1.'___. j,___, 4v;:vv u'u_v.7 nu Avzvnnvuu Sorry to report the tleath of M121 Robt. Paisley, S12, on `Saturday, June| 5th. I 1111 -1 - 1 , n u, ~n,,,,1,,,L nan: uuuu. .nuuu..:., u4;. L`: uxvacu Mrs. A. Adams spent a few days in Toromto last week. - A number from here went `to Churchill on Sunday evening to hear Ill`. 1:` rw 11...... ..,J.!..-.... n... v_..._,. V.....u..uu uu >.JuA|\|u_y cvcuuls uu uua-1. Mr. E. C. Drury address the Young People's Society on Young Men's Christian Citizenship. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Allan and family in the death of their d-augh-' ter Edith, who passed away on Fri- day morning` after an illness of sev- eral months. sr u in nu as an - up \-A.un . . . - V . . u nu. Mr. and Mrs. T.. S. Gihpin, Mr. Lorne Gilpin and -Mr. and Mrs. T. M. -Gdlpin of To\'on'to spent Saturday in Lefroy. mt..- rs xv-:..1_..1 .4 m...__.._ 1ur._ n I Mr. and Mus . G. C. Allan and! family desire to thank their many friendis and neig`hbo1's, also the In- nisl Council, the Junior Instituie, the young people of Lefroy, etc., for the many acts of kindness and gifts of owers, fruit, et.c., received (lm-in~g' E(lith s long illness, and for the beautiful oral tributes received at` the time of her dc-a`th. Such kind- ness ean never be forgotten. I Lefroy, Ont., June 8, 1926. I One Store Only. Phone 243 --- Keenan sF Music Store We have taken over Mr. A. W. Goodfellow s Lease, and intend to move shortly to those premises Next to Bank of Toronto CARD OF THANKS uun. While in cluxrge of 1 San con_<.:'1`e,9,'z1".i`ons Mr. will be the guest of Alex. F1et.ch01'. tr LEFROY MOVING In reply to cross-examination, `he stated that he did nod: know until afterwards that Booth had been regularly patronized for 15 years. He contradicted his `police court evi- dence when he said he couldn't dis- tizn-guish black and white `that night art 50 yands. Now he thought he counld see at 100 yards. (nu... c....,`..1.. .......- ....--u_ 1.1.- L447 (Continued from page one) way there Woods was struck. He -told them he was hit, but ran on, getting weaker all the time. Hewas unable to climb the fence and was helped over. Just as they got _over the fence he heard another bullet. Siavting down the nailroad his legs gave out and `the boys began to carry him. Whine on the railroad an- other bullet passed overhead, He had been in the R.V. Hospital until April 5th. Since his discharge his general condition had not been _g'c>.od land any work was hard for him. AJvv|.'Ll uAA\| una nun. Bertil Booth, 16 years of age, told of his fa~`.her retiring: at 10 'o clock. He and his mother were up `till 12.10. Then he went to bed. At 112.30 his mother woke Mr. Booth, telling` him some one was at the ibarn. Mrs. Booth went outside first and then Mr. Booth. His father ezLl1- ed to him to fet eh the gun and he would scare the boys off. The wit-" ness took four shells and loaded the gun, which had been bought that 'mornmg'. His father red only three shots. s..u.v.. Fred Mulholland told of seeing Booth level the rie at the railway fence and re. He recognized both Booth and his son. h .1 'r\ _,. - Cross-examined, he said he couldn't see the boys, but thought they were about 23 rods away. His father hold the gun with the barrel pointed upwards. I 1-` . ~ . . ._ . 'Jury Finds Jaliies Booth'_Not Guilty `av-Asa guy you .Lvv _yaLu-7. `Chas. Sproule gave much the same evidence. 1-: 1 1---. u . ... - . `Elwood Guest and Edward Gib- bons also gave evidence. Mrs. Booth in her evidence spoke `of a club that xvzis found in the ield. She heard the boys say, %Come on and we ll club you, and b1'in:_" on the rie. She didn t hear the shots as she was ca1'ryi11_<.,~' chop, [which -the boys had taken out, back `into the barn. 1 \. .a. nguyun... ` M1`. Wm. l\IcA1'thu1' is attc-n(lin_s: the _zz'enera1 assembly in Montreal. '\Y..L_..!LL-L...n,H...~.. `Ln "v.4-`.un.....k1n K James Booth said he had lived in `lnnisl all his life. He had been bothered for 15 years on Hall-owe en -ni_;`ht by boys, who knocked down his stooked up corn and rolled hen_.vy iboulders onto his land. On other !OCCzLSi0ITS gates and rail fences had ,been taken down. On the night in question he first went to the barn, but not hearing anything` came out and saw the boys walking south. He followed as far as a cross fence V and there found ve or six bags of , chop. He heard them say, "Come . on, Jim Booth, and we"il club you; ,|we`re not afraid of you or anything ; you have. He told his son to bring out the gun and then he red it twice from the same spot and again after atlvancing a piece on the re- treating boys. He denied going to the railway fence and said he and I ihs son picked up a bag` of chop and _|went back to the barn. I i Upon the conclusion of the revi- donce and the addressing of the jury, the jury retired at four o'clock and after nine returned with a ver- `dict of not guilty. Fred Woods, `of his 5 [against `1 I Woods, father of Albert , has issued a. writ on behalf son for unstatecl daunages ;`Boot.h. Page Five mun. _6'.\,II\.Au.~| I-AJL'\4|lu|J|v . ..-u..u.~.u.. Notwithstanding` `the unfavorable` wc~a;the1', Mr. Arch. Cux'1`ie s sale passed off quite successfully. Miss M. 1VfcCuaig spent the week] end at her home in Guthrie. n :11 L 1,,1 I 3.. n; \l-,,I_!, Service will be held in St. Mark's! chufch next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. rV,______'l ....._. 1.....- L.._'l. 1 LA... \.nux\.u Alvnv -.n.-.uuu, my |~IJv `nun. Several f1'om here took in the football match between Edgar and Rugby on Friday night. The score was in favor of Rugby. `AK. T.` T\..Q .. f\..!IY2_. ._.......$. d.L-f was It; Lsnrvvs \lA. -.....C,..._,. . s ! Mr. E. Duff of Orillia spent the week end with Mm: Duff.` ` 1 `Miss Jenny Pzu-\\`l5`;_`L Carling was` the guest of her P` we 3. W. Cam- I\ eron, for a few 9` 00 t0` `I it rI-__. P Miss M. Cam` Miss M. Ca.meron_ `mfg ~re tors in and arou\1A9`? \,,e\\` ' v , -`Y Mr. Richard Haslicm 6:306 a new horse. `-491:0! . '59 m` 1 Mrs. Fret] Hamlo.\;,\e does ( Dent) of 1`o1'on`.o is :30` ed `.v . . . 9 9,0` \ days wxth ro1ut1\'c.~.' In V65 r`. ` aw East Oro. `r;;c` -- .-- .. -- . . / Mr. and Mrs. E. .\IaLH\`-~\ 5' tor Georgre are holid-ayi\ hi./3 midst. " St. Mark's co11g`1'e_L:'zv.io11 for 21 garden party in Q` ` THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926. W. ........ .. -...._...~__.... future. Think Convenience and Economy of ya Refrigerator then ! We stock 7 different styles, some have white gnamelled linings, otherg have = galvanized iron linings. W hen.ISi2zling Hot Weather ComeAs Over 30 years on the market-Three out of every ve Refrigerators -in use in Canada are Brantford .make-Not a dissatised user. TOP ICERS AND SIDE ICERS IN VARIOUS SIZES-PRICED FROM You will enjoy the` comforts of a Refrigerator throughout the entire year. SEE THESE AT OUR STORE Otton Hardware Co., Barrie Will CENTRAL ORO Mr. Stanley Smith spent the week: end with his uncle in Orillia. Mr. W. A. Miller of Barrie is ~visiIing; his son, Allen Miller. ` r-` -- 1`u~--- L....- ..L.,\....l.`,] thn 5 rant F0 r-d REFRIGERATOR EAST ORO7 UTOPIA ` the P1`esb_\'te1'-I . H. M. Coultcr ' Mr. and Mrs.` A Size for E`. f`.`> H919? 39P[!3_Il3f8d ? and K $ 1 4.75 ` TO $33.50 V \J'3lLlH, IUD `DUN, .`\lu\:AL v;n11\.:.. A number from here atmmled the Lee Bros. circus last week. `I 7 my `r ; , . The dozens of daily trips to the cellar will no longer be necessary. -The continuous dumping into the garbage can 10f spoiled foods will be eliminated. Think of the saving in Steps, Time and Money a Refrigerator means to you. Brantford Refrigerator GET YOUR S NOW. WE -SELL `THE FAMOUS I I Dr. and Mrs. Roy Blackstock and son of Mount Dennis spent the week end at Chas. Blackst-ock s. We are sorry to report 1VIa's.! Stephen Grose on `the sick list. daughter D0170t1`l}' of Barrie spent Sunday at Mr. J. A. Lonn-ox. Miss Lula Hindle of Bethesda\ `spent Sunday with M-1'. Fred Grose.l ` 1 M1". and Mrs. J. M. Pugsley andi t I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grose and Agnes of Barrie spent Sunday with frieml-s here. I Miss Reta Grose of C.1'aig*hu1'sz spent the week end under the par-`_ ental roof. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright spenft Sunday at Clover Hill. `An. ....,1 ML... 7...... ..LJ.-._.l-J L1... .. ..~_y sou Mr. and funeral of : urday. \;l.. \lT5I1 -...u..v- MI-. W.i11 VV~rig1ht of Detroit is vis- iting his brother, Mr. Herb. W1'igh*t. O,..,...!..,\-. ".311 L . ........]..,..L-.I L... 4f\l JJUU lJLUDa LILLLAJ LLIPIII Vv\.L.1\. Mrs. J05. McMwas`to1' visited her sister on Tuesday, Mrs. Wm. Elliott, of Egbert. . `\,T.. .-.u .1 `Ihfu.-a `X7 A "I"1-unn-\n.:-nn n`r A-nub llL~) -u.vunn.:., .u.. ;;\.:.u. IVLAC,ll\.o Services will be conducted by the pastor in Trinity United Church next |Sun(l:ay. Morning subject, Public Worsliip; evening, A Good Name. i LIN. ....,l NI..- `I7 I` TT._...... .1.` VI`. 1 uu..uuy , \.v\.unup,, AL uuuu -1uuu.. ` Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henry of To~3 ronto spent a few days with relay tives here. I May June uu ua --- Mean temperature for month, 3 (le- grees below normal. Rainfall for month of 0.85, was 1.70 inches less lthan ave1'L157.:e for May. ; Low High Ram lTunn 1 (En on n no THORNTON- THE WEATHER _ Mrs. Lunau attended the ` :1. friend in King on Sat- Low Hig`l1 aRin . : OA r:: I -W. H. Buttm'y. U.\ll` J .1911: .1. I Gerald Elliott of Ivy is spending` a few (lays at the home of John Robinson. nu v 1- o A`! 1- n , TY,.!L,I 0:28 yuuu nu ankle 01 she will again. The l and Str night, S 5 no 3. The I the Pro 0.28 0.14 0.11 0.03 Box`. and Mrs. J. _S. Stcvenson,! Misses Enid and Reta of Alton were in the village on Saturday. ~.ur,,_ 1,1... r~u-..1- -1: 1xr..1v.....1 :~| | U V L V D I Mr. and Mrs. `Levi Pratt and `daughter Irene of Barrie spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. R. T.l . XX.'..1..L i Au mu; vxuusx; uu >JuI.uLL|uJ- , I Mrs. John Clark of Welland is ivisiting` at the parsonage. \ {Ff.m3'f . VI\\l\l~ . l Mrs. G. R. Hzmper, accompauiedl by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Page of Bar- rie, motored to Toronto last Wed- nesday. I I 1|.l ..~ 17......1. `X/.`11n..,\ .....I 31.. T)..LL .a\.uuAuouu. The Ladies Aid of the United church met at the home of Mrs. John Robinson last week. l ....,m._,. Mrs. Frank Wallace and LVII: Robt.| Wallace of Aurora called on Mr. .-`L. `C. Wallace on Saturday. sw `TV 1- 1 . -- ~ `|\a .VI`rs. E. K. Ness and Mrs. Carl Wee_-gar and son of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. R. M. ML-,Conkey over the week end. I.\I1'. and Mrs. W. Drury and Mr. and Mrs. Art. Gardner and children called on friends here on Sunday. \r war 1'! 1: . nrn vnssnuxl vu .x.Lu,uu.J 1A\.L\, uu nun-.un_v. Mr. and Mr". F. Martin of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smythe over the week end. `$7.. ......I RIIK... T} I` `|T4l`.. u. -.1-ugyup uvul. mu. n\.\.n gnu. , Mr. and Mrs. R. G. 1\IcCra,.w of Toronto and Mr. W. Coulter of Essa called on Mrs. McCraw on Sunday. 11 vww 1|! 11 17 n \.uu\.u vu .-....:. A-Aywxuvv uu -J\Luuu_V- Mr. Eli Maneer of Vancouver call- ed on fricmls here this week. I `U u 1: at /-I s . cu... wk: uu AAL\.1A\|u nun wuo nupn. Mr. and Mrs. McCuish and little Francis visited friends In Oshawa last week end. at -r xv run A...` ....... .y\,\.u gnu. Mrs. J. W. Thompzjon of Thornton ncalled on friends here last week. I n uwur n n 1` \.....u.u uu 4...-\.uu.z us... Au-.>v vvuuna Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Beynon and Miss Dozme of T_ho1`nton attenrlerl the funeral of the Tate Edward Webb here last Friday. `ML. .....) 71!..- 1 111 1ur,,,,,1,. ,1- nun Anbdv J.Lu|c&.v. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murphy of ||Bzu'rie called on friends here on `Sunday. 1 Mis Jennie Elliott of Toronto spent a day in the village last week. 1H...~ AH` `!wn..L:.. 1....) n._ ._.:_n-_. U). LJ5ULLLn M1`. aml Mrs. W. A. T11o11m})son or` Barrie. spent Sunday at Wilfred! L. .,,_,-.... .. nu, u. um; vunagc Jam. wccn. Mrs. Alf. Martin had the misfor- tune to splinter the bone of her on Monday. We hope that soon be able to be around ` 'nI_, LA] , , , , ,, I . Own... ball game between Allandale Stroud was played on Tuesday Stroud winning by a score of R 9.` 9 play, Bar Haven, put on by Presbyterian young` people in their church here on Tuesday night, was a decided success. The June meeting of the W.Q.'!`.U. was held n the Public Library Hall on Monrlay, the 7th. The president, .\Irs. J. A. Lennox, presided, and there were twenty members present. v.-\fter devotional exercises, conducted by Mrs. Hambly and Mrs. Hickling, the 1':-g'ula1' business was transacted. Reports of the recent County Con- vention, held in Midland, were given Jhy Mrs. Blackstock and Mrs. Turner. STROUD The Northern Advance `Physica1 rbraining nd oultdoor exercise and the sellf-discipline you get in this course helps you menIta1- ly, physicaxlly and mJo`ra11y. You will wzuppreciated this more as you grow Iolder. Inspector Praises Barrie Cadet Corps High praise was accorded the Col- legiate and Public School Cadet Corps by Captain T. .A. James of the Toronto Mililtary Disurict Headquar- ters, who conducted the annual in- spection in the `Agricultural Park yesterday afternoon. He intimated than; he was very well pleased with the manner in which the drill was perforfned. `Speaking to the C-`ollegialte Oadets following the inspection, Captain James said in part: I was -`told when coming to Barrie that you pos- sessed a very ne school and I have not been disappointed. I must con- gratulate you on your turnout. VA..- -......._ ._ ...._... .........l .4. 2,. ..1...._ Mrs._ F. 13. Clark and little son of Inglewood are guests `of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Clark. 1, 11 5, ,._,,_1:,._, _ ., ...... -., ,.,.. .,.. _,..... -........... Your corps is very good it is clean and neat in every way. I nioticed thalt you were remarlcxwbly steady on parade. There was lirbtle or no talk- ing in the ranks. Both of these habits give you excellent lessons in self-restraint. ' C-axpt-ain Ja.me.s complimented the strertcher bearer corps on their ex-` 'cellent handling of rs/t-aid measures. I The Cadet B'and, he said, was an ex- icellent o1-g'anizati~on that spoke for iitsebf. The sig'nIaxI`lers were extreme-l 1y gwood and sent me messa.g`es dic- 'tznted with skill. `able lessons in lea(1ership, conclud- {ed Ca.pFtain'James, who intimated Lthat he was ra1'e]_v as lavish with ipraise as he had been on this occas- This ntraining` gives you inva1u~a-l 1 E Major Eugene Doyle, ofcer in icommaml, led the company in the lmarch past, Captain James taking [the salute. The company then was `divided and plaiboon and squad mill was taken by the wof'ce`rs in cluarge. l The award for the best. platoon` was won by the rs`t platoon, with! `Capt. .'-\1'thur Fox in command. '1`he_v` were victors by the narrow 1na1'g'i`11} `of one point and were judg`e(1 main- ily on p1`a~ ocon and muskct.1`_\' drill. VFI... ..,. ..I I\ -.L..,.l-.J... 'l._...... ._a. .... 1,.....v.... DllI\| The squad of .=t1`ctchc1' bears, at- taclued to number four plzvtoon, emp- turetl the prize for rs: aid. The [squad consisted of Bill Nexvton, Har- [Old Rumble, Herb. Maw, with Don- altl Bell in cl1a1`f.:`e. I VFL... -12-`..- 1.. -l_....._.. __._.__ _ IVA... |.A|\| . \.. The ofcers Av.|L:`\.o in c11ar,9.'e were : Com- pany Conunander, Major Eugene Doyle; Platoon Commanders, Capt. Arthur Fox, first pI~ar.oon; Lieut. Jim ` `Robertson, Si_efnaLler:<.; Roy Houg`h- rton, .\'o. 3; Joe Hayes, N30. 4; T. Coughlin, Stretcher Bearer Corps; [Drum Major, Harold Hill; Company Se1'g't.-Majo1', John Weldon; S:tretch- er Bearer Serg\t., S. Coutts; Quarter- lnm-ztster Ser_2;t.Major, Don Carneron, Platoon Sergvts., No. 1, F. Craig; No. 2, L. Clarke; No. 3, L. Hedrger; No. 4, `W. Tribble; C01`pO1'a11`S, No. 1, Mel Ferrier, W. Wolrfenden; No. 2, R. .'H`a;milton, Jrohn Lay; No. 3, Angus McNab, P. McMil1in; No. 4, Joe `|Looker A Livingston. 1.4:./un\.;, .n. A41 -n-buuv.-. Following` the inspection the Col- legiaxte Cadets paraded down Eliza- beth and Dunlop streets. In the. evening they were guests at Dream- liand. BARRIE LADY TEACHERS ENJOY MOTOR AND BOAT TRIP ' sped Lady teachers of the Collegiate In- siitute and Public Schools number of twenty-six enjoyed a de- lightful motor and boat trip throug`h the Muskoka district on Saturday of this week. Leaving; Barrie zxbiouf. eight a.m. in 21 specially chartered motor bus, rthey first toured to Oril- lia, where the Champlain monument wa's viewed. Frdm Orillia the party on to Gravernhurst and at Muskoka Wharf embarked on Cap- tain Archer s yacht, thence churning rbheir way to Muskoka Lake and Lake Rosseau. At Port Carling a pm- . i*.rac t.ed fast was heartily broken, af- ter which the trip continued to Lake Little Joe and back. Arrived at M-uwskoloa Wharf, the picknickems first f-ea.ste(l and then were whirled back to town. The weather was delight- ful, the sun strong enough to tan, and the combinaton made the outing a real success. The picknickersl t to the Ii ..vL1.c- .. \/l(.bl.l\- -Mrs. Colin Campbell is spending` a few days in Toronto. 0-... . ..- ..-...A..L ;1..\ .),...471. l\c `.\,1 .. `