Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Mar 1926, p. 2

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.,...v...u. mu. uuux;L u U11 L111.` 11121551 =lep,`i.-'.lati0n turned out in Canad:.1,| .5al(l : If we had education for bet j tr-r observanicc of law, .V011 D1l5%'l1T- be; better off with fewer laws. Y ml can't help the public by new legat- lution any more than _\'o'.: can cure a sick man by putting him on crutches. Conmienting on his de- claration, the London Free Prc.=s has to say: We are pe; to death to-da_v with la\'.=. We have in Can- ada a Federal Government and nine Legtislatu1`es, each of them busy turninz out new law.~t. A Govern- ment would feel it was derelict in its duty if it did not have to its credit a long list of new .=tatute.:<, and a legislator think; he scarcely functioning properly if he d.oe:- not. sponsor a few bills for the _<.'eneral` uplift of his constituents and the world in general every session. More and more, as Mr. FL-rg`usonf points out, there a tendency to, lean on gove1'nmcnt;<. We look to" governmen:ts and to legislation to right the w'rong's of the world. But all the legislatioin in the universe will not change human nature. As Mr. Ferguson says, education is also necessary. ` 1 Repairing Phone 229. `OUR? Barrie. Ont. Barrie. l\ uu mu. u_v Monday, 29th. The Hudson Bay railway is to be bu1'M;--m awful pnice for the Pro- gressive vote. ~Sp1'nig arrived on Sunday accord- ing to sc'hedu.Ic. --An(l Orillia Boz11`(l of Trade had an alfalfa dinner last week. Mi-llinery shops are busy-.'mot:ho1' sure sign that srpx-inp; is at hand. Page Two - Va . -..-c n.. . I. ....r.-n THUR/SDAY, MARCH 25, 1926 Elli-otts were nominated to contet; West Middle- by-election. Polling on H4. . .;umm. 01 me spxrnt of -the ga1'ho1'inp:, the Prime M-inister said: My experience of 10 or 12 years as member of a grovvammment, and long before that as suppocrter ail .., ...,..... u. nu uu:1uI:u'..\` 01' !`u'.~I political cal`-'-rer in less fortuntite times. John Joynt, North Huron, ipresenteti a huge bouquet of 1-n. to the Prime Minister for Mrs`. Fer- euson. Anotherinp; iI1t.I}I`0Si?il1{.!` fen- Ature was the fact that though the Cabinet Ministers were present, they i\vr,~r0 _e'iven :1 listening` role, and '1: `as made private hlC111bCl`.> niwht. tin addition to Hon. David Jzmiir-. !who presented tlhe silver; Hon. J. E. "l`homp.~;on, who proposed :1 toast, rc- : to by the only visit,or, W. A. Boys, M.P., there were brief ml- (l1`(:.<. from a`l)er of Su])p0l`t(.'l"~.`. V-..-\.u uuuul this is a During the the United were killutl In :1 memorable `speech on the ji\(:I':l].I~" unilll pi*ix1ci})l](,-smI`<:f t2un1n1`1'Ly, . 1'. '('l`j," S011 .\`ill( I H.` .10 S0 '\'il- Rtive p:n't,_\' has :1lwu_\'.~' stood for the inten-at of the (huiadizm toils-1` and pro<|11e(.-1'. The lc-gisiztticiii that I propose to put on the statute books _\'e:n' aI`Lcr _\'e:n' .x*h:1]l not, be Unit which eimmutes from the fudulist, but Imxislution bhut deals in a broad, preneral way with sound princ-.ip1es that will appeal to the sound sent.i~ ment of the average citizen of this province, and if we do that I am convinced we will always carry the judgment of the Conservative party. In acknowledgment of the spirit. of -the 9-mhm-inn Mm n..:....... u:_:...-.. A comp] imc~ntar_v was `umlered Hon. Howu.r Ferguson by izd} his supporters in the I.(ag'i: ion Thurstlay evening`. It was a nmst enjoyable occa.sio.\., fL`ELtU!`(`Ii h_\' the preseiitation to `the Primv .\Iinistc1' and Mrs. Fr:1`,e:usoi1 of 21 large cabinet of hzlll-m:u'kol si1\'ci'. The Premier was lnopI_\'toucI10l, and the _Q'atzh0rin;.-; itself v\';i.:~' no us moved when Mr. Fur;-;u.nn rt-1'1,-riwl to 801111: of ihc incidr.-ms of 11.3 , . . . . AH; ,... ,-..,... ...u. An.uu.3l,' uu: l;UIlS-}HCl.l0`.l.`I`V\ |lry" mc-mbrzrs. In accorxlzmcc with |.\Ir. SincIair .s declaration, an effort bc-'in,q' made to line up prohibi.tI'm- .." behind the can(lilutc.v now boi11;.:' Esclr-ctetl, bu-2 it will be noted that Ithingxs arr: not _Q'OiILQ' too srn0ot.h1_\' in I _ , , lull cases, and in West Elrgin one {nominee expressetl non-curl-once m {the dry plank and mfusctl to al- :low his name to go ht,-fore the con- jvention. u..wu.u;uoa u; iuunurezu .oeIore `M18; Customs Enquiry Committee at Ot- tawa merely on technical matters. :The member also took occasion toi lexplain that while he was, as Mr.` gsinclair said, a party to the Liberal. |platform of 1919, including its pro-{ hibition feature, that was six yea-rs i,ag'o, and the O.T.A., instead of. ;.proving; a blessing` and benet, in` lmany parts of the province had gproven the contrary. Mr. Pinard' twill have his say next week, but in jthe meantime stood up to remark to ii-the House that Mr. Sinclair was no imore entitled to express part_\-' policy lthan any other member; that he was` jpicked as leader by a group of 14`: ;who had nobody else at the time. lJu.~'t at this time Liberal con\'ention.~:l fare being` held in Wes`.ern Ontario` ?;(`0Il.'~`lltU(3llCl(.`S, and the ; ;from the House con: i 4| rv 111 mu kn.- The matter did n-ot rest with the ` Brackia1~Pinard incident. On Wed- House a prepared staatement in which he virtually read these two members out of the party. He declared that they had no right to speak for it in the House on this question, especial- ly as Mr. Brackin held a retainer` from a distillery company and Mr. Pinard conducted in one province :1. business which was unlawful in` this. With the domestic breach ` thus accentuated, Mr. Brackin re-[` turned to the aittack on Thursday! long enough to explain that he held; no such retainer as alleged, although! :he had represented the Dominiong Distilnleries of Montreal before `chef Fvxarnuac Wvunuuluxu f`..--..._:L;.,, A I'\- - nesday Mr. Sinclair read to the --. -.....uu uuu auvuu AIVC uwncra` H]. the panty take the same stand, Mr. Sinclair is now in command of a minority group, as far as this im- portant issue is concerned. .. .. .... u.-.. ,...\..x. -.. ;.. ;J_... ...'i, Liberal member for West Kent, who on Tuesday afternoon supplanted `Harold Fisher, official nancial critic, in the budget debaite, made a pronouncement on the liquor ques- tion in direct opposition to the re- cent declaration of his leader, Mr. Sinclair. He came out denitely and strongly for a -system of sale under government control, and gave the House to understand that he had enterrta-ined such views for some time, and had at last come to the conclusion that members should not continue to sail under false colors, to the extent that silence mig'l1t ap- pear to give consent to principles and policies in which they did not ` believe. As it is well known that ` J. A. Pinard and about ve others in +1-\n awn. ..l... u-.. __.._. Toronto, March 20.--The week was fea1`.u1`e(l by demonstrations, somewhat striking in contrast, be- tween Conservative solidarity and lV..`.'*:`:'.! (li:.Nt:7ic!:. 7? L. BW"" I,-. . . . LAST WEEK IN LEGISLATURE I If the Conservatives at O'ttawa` pluck up the courage to tell the \Vest that the Hudson Bay Railway is bound to be 21 colossal failure. and thart the country ca.n t zlffordi such an extra.\'a_9;ance at presen-1, wei believe they would gain in 21 coun-! try as a Whole. The {Heat majo1'it.y! of Canadians cont-emplame with hor-3' 1'01` the prospect of anortlier c-xpen-f -sive railway b1undcr.-Packc-t. I 1 Prospective 1numl)en's of the Hor- ticultural Society are urp:e(l to get their me.mbersl1i.p tickets now as it will soon be time for distribution of premiums. Tilie Society is giving- real worth-while premiums this year and every .h-ousc~hol(lm' should join the Horticultural Society. Member- hip tickets may be secured from any of the directors. Mr. Geo. lviokers is the secretary. -----< I The second report of the ;-\g'ricu.l- tural Enquiry Coimnirttee, appointed in 192-1, was tabled by I-lon. David Jamieson, chairman, on Wednesday, and contain.-: a comprehensive review of the committee's activities during` the past year, as well as some im- portant recommendations, the chief of which have to do with m.a1'.kest~ in}.-'. A provincial co-operative coun- cil is recommended, and also the in- auguration of an Ontario cattle pool, along" the lines: of the Manitoba plan. lt is reported that _e'rowers of small l'ruit.< and veg-;e`tables urp,'e the neces- sity of tariff protection. 'Ilhe prac- ice of e.V:portinp; fresh killed beef to the old land is considered practic- able, in spite of the fact that cor- re.s~pondence with the Dominion Min- ister of A;.;'riculture on this head had not hrouy:ht forth points of common a_i:reement upon future policy. The committee is not convinced by the arbiLrar_v stand taken by the Minis- ter a_e`ainst the feasibilit_v of trade in beef killed in Canada, shipped to El1_L ,`l(lIl(l and retailed in 1-1 days on a par with the `home-killed beef of Scotch and Em.-`lisli .butchors. The Mini.~'.ter is in error in supposing: tihis committee had considered the sub- ject without all available documen- tary information. JOIN THE HORTICULTURAL AND GET THE PREMIUMS ._ ...., ...,_.,............\. uu mu \.uLn uuL;L- I imunace, and Prof. L. Cae.=zu', 011-; iltonioiog' at the 0..-\.C., reviewed `the whole situation, pretlicing tlwit `Essex and Kent, and perhaps some 0t7i1(.'l` counties, mi.-rht have to go out of corn g'1'o\vi11;g; in two years time,` ifor about a year. Hon. Mr. Mai`-.` iLin .< bill making` compuisory the up- pointment of in.=.pc-ctors, was 1.-:iven second 1'ezuling' in thc House, on the same day. It is to provide for such action by countics, how- `(:\'c1`, and not township:~`, as formerly nizinnr-I. wvun, uxu plannml. .sion in the .-\;:1-icu]tu1'z11 Committee `of the Lc_e,'is1ature on the corn ho;-gr. 1 h..-1! 1- r1 ` I i There was an mte1`estmg' (IISILUS-a . m.... .. an Public Account Conunittee has been sitting` frequently during the week, and on Firiday night held the : Lyons, lalte Minister of Lands and _ Forests, has been the only witness, and while the result has not been startling from -a newspaper stand- ` point, it gives food for thought along` a line probably not anticipated by the inquisitors who brought about ,uMr. Lyons resignation as iM.nister. ,1~s't night session. Hon. James The evidence, in brief, shows that while Mr. Lyons rm, the Lyons |Fue1 & Supply Company, ceased to do business with the Government some time ago, at his directions, the gbusiness which it had been transact- zing actually saved the province a great deal of money. It is also on `record that Mr. Lyons had not per- fsonal dealing or common nancial {interest with any Crown lessees, con- tnaetors or others doing business -,with his department. In a nutshell, he told Mr. Sinclair on Friday morni-n:.,-', there had been nothing im- {proper or irregiulai: in any shape or fnnn as result of his _'1old.in_e` Cabinet uiiice, and the soie zeason for his i1'esi::nation was that questions on l*he order paper indicated a desire on }the part of the Opposition that he isirould g'i\'e details of business` it-'a`n. between his own firm; [and its cu:-'.tomers in the north coun- l Ham ..u,I nu`. L.` .`i....._1..L 1,, 1 1- ~' ltry, `to do. While quoting` tributes to Mr.i Ferguson, there may as well be in- cluded one from the Liberal side. R. L. Braakin, West Kent, said 001 Tuesday : I admire from a political tanmpoimt my friend the Prime Min- ister. He has a lot of courage. I have never known him to fail to say. exactly what he thorught, and in` times of stress and trouble his cour- age never deserted him. He fou: best when ghltzing with his back -to the wall, and I always admire him for it. a giovernimen-t, when Sir James Wlhitney dominated affairs, convinces me that never has there been such unswerving loyality as I have -to-day at the hands of the Conse1'va.tive party. I appreciate that more than I can r2\:vpre.=s. I have tried to tell you -that I have no special interest in advocating` one policy more thanl another. My own -interest is to ex~ ercise my ju in a way that I think wild be in the best interests of `the province as a whole. It is unfortunate that some are agitatin-g to make the Penetang Road north 9. Provincial Highway. The majority are in favor of the Mill Road tihrough Elmvale, and it should be accerpted. The County Council will seg that the Penetang; Road is kept in proper condition and one Provvincial Hig h.wzzy would benefit all. ..._. \......u..m.a ul nu: uurul. coun-; and this he ab:~:o1utel,\' dcc1inc(I' 1.-. ` The Northern Advance so-.1.-L ah: _ With the coumry noads in a dam: 9.1.-1'o11.~2 condition for travel by horse- xlmwn rims, `it was natumul that Sat- u1'd:L_v s market was unusualwly (le- 1)1'o.<.s Butter was scarce and brought 50 cents :1 pound. Egvgs were plenctiful, but sold readily at -'10 cents a dozen. There was a small oifering of the usual roots and ve_:.:et:1bles at unchanged prices. rnl, , ., _.2 The prices were: Butter E1:`p:s Fowl ..................................... .. Gvwse .................................... .. Chickens Potatoes Turnips ............................ .. Lettuce, home grown Apples Onions Cwbbagc BAA: .4 . 48-50c lb. .. 35c doz. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23c lb ..................................... .. 23c lb. .... .. 28c lb. . 2 75 bag ..................................... .. 5c each ...... .. 10c bunch 30-35c bask. .................................... .. 50c bask. .............................. .. 5c-10c each Beezf. .......... .. 11c-13- lb. Pork L..._ .................... .. 18c-20c lb. Lamb .................................... .. 21c-22c lb. Hardwood, 12 inch .-.- $.11 load Soft Wood ................................... .. $9 load One of the largest and most valu- f;"able collections of Chinese Jade that i I has ever crossed the Pacific Ocean was carried off the Canadian Pa- cific lincr Empress of Russia" when the vessel arrived at Vancouver re- cently. The entire collection is the result of nine months excavation in the central and northwest provinces of China. The collection was brought by A. W. Bc-hr, well known collector of New York city. SATURDAY S MARKET I. The Annual Italian Trade Fair, to be held in Milan, Italy, during the month of April, has the support of the Italian Government and all the commercial and industrial associa~ tions of the country. Judging from the applications already on hand. ` from those wishing to participate it should be a marked success. This exhibition should appeal to Cana- dian manufacturers and merchants who wish to increase trade between ` the two countries. Arriving at Vancouver recently on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Russia." three scientists, Captain L. Dominick. of Yale University, nml Wilson Powell and Adrian Ruhol. cf Il:1i'vard, tolal of photofzrapliingz the total o:~lip.=u of the Sun at an :1}:- pmximnto cost of $f30,()(V) :1 ini'.\.t:*.r`. Til`th1"30 :i.=tronomical sfuzlerits V.` '4 of the Sv.'nt.l`.:n-'~,:-n mlT"-'r;- n ...- k_'iALI|.I..lA'l.L' o? .`on who _i'*11rn:yc7r1 Island of` R'nnt\`r:1 to r~`~m`.-'-~ latest eclipse of Januzwy 11. Mr. Howard Ferguson, the Prem- ier of Ontario, speaking m the Leg- i. the other day on the mass =l:.n-L-!..:,w. +.......,.,1 ..... ... A I With E. W. Beatty, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, as one of its patrons, the Red and White Revue, an annual Musical Show, written, produced and acted entirely by McGi1l Students, was offered to five capacity houses at His Majesty's Theatre at Montreal dur- ing the first week of March. This I was the third edition of the Revue produced by the undergraduates of McGill University. i General meetings of the Montreal Railway Officers have been held in Montreal arranging for the forth- coming convention of American Rail- road Superintendents. The conven- tion is to take place on June 15 to 18 next, and will be attended by railroad superintendents from all parts-of the American continent. In all, about eight hundred or a thou- sand are expected with their wives. I Shipped to the Governor of Sierra Leone, South Africa. before Christ mas in care of the Dominion Ex- press Company, the receipt of two cases of apples from the Ontario De- lpartment of Agriculture has been acknowledged by the Governor's secretary. The latter states that the apples, Baldwins and Northern Spies, arrived beautifully packed and in perfect condition. ( inspecting the British Industries Fair at Birmingham, England, re- cently. When in the course of his tour he came to the important ex- hibit of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, he stopped, smiled and exclaim- ed, Good old C.P.R. On leaving the Prince s verdict was, It is a splendid fair and I hope it meets E The Prince of Wales spent a day I I } * with the success it deserves. Nels Nelsen, wor1d s amateur ski champion, gave an exhibition `at Sh2.'.`.-'bridg'e recentlv under the aus- [ pices of the Montreal Ski Club. Mr. | Nelsen holds the record for the long- ] est ski jump in the world, either by I amateur or professional ski experts. At the Revelstoke, B.C., ski jump he attained a. distance of 240 feet, two years ago. This has never been equalled or attained before or since. Here 2 :and There With about twelnty-ve fzunilios under quarantine and some fty pupils out of school, Oshawa is dn the thltocs of an epedemic of mumps. nu narinnlv-A41` "` I | 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 218. Open Day and Night I`J1e merchants of Hamilton last week staged a ccmnmunity spring opening` with decorated streets and various stunts. It was a most suc- cessful affair. Specialist in Emba1m- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. OIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i i V x l 1 :OOO up wimou: Iccnng sunnen pains. sharp aches and twingcs? Now listen! That's lumbago. sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the {moment you rpb your back with sooth- mg, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lame- ness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it on your back and out comes the pain. It is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. 1:...1..... ....u n-..-. ....a..v r:..+ . UOCSHK DUITI UIC SKI. Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and after using it just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never disappoints and has been rec- ommended for 60 years. Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without fcclihg sudden pains. sharp twmgcs? 0 V 00060 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 6000060600 OO0O0 60060066060. -----=CLOTHES --_--_ ; Dry-Cleaned and Pressed 9 THTS TS TT-T111. nN'T.V nnv l`!T_'lI'l\'RTT'kT(1 DT I\`|Tl'l1 2 P. C. LLOYD Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago Wi t1h so many gas -tanks on our front street we can quite under- stand why some of our town fathers talk so much in council meetings. Rub Paln from back wlth small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil. ` rm. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER nu .. Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. ;. J. BYRNE Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention BAN IGFTORONTQ FUNERAL DIRECTOR BRANCHES : Barrie-Aliandale, H. A. Sims, Mgr. Elmvale - H. R. Warren, Mgr. Deposit part of your money every pay day and watch your nest egg grow! ;.cs 1 in 4 ... . . _ -__ A v when you have money in a Bank of Toronto Savings Account. L7 Pay day then will be---ANY day you happen to need money. 5 - _ Save your money! Sta :-t today; a dollar or more will do. W. FIRTH Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments 85 Scotch Granite- PRTCES REDUCED JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. THAT 4\v\1\ I\`II l'\ H`) A --__... _ _._-_---.--, _.vl.:- l`t;lephone 734 79 Bayeld St. - Barrie BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY Barrie - Marble - Works 5ll1eNnrth2rnAhnann: lg, 1i\'a{i3`1i"6L iThe Harness Man. Li. ALL KINDS OF HEAVY Blankets and Robes All Kinds of Repairing Done Full Line of Travelling Goods 1 OH 'I'\__--`l AND LIGHT HARNESS", --vi 7&- }Phone 616. - Five Points ` Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable W01'kmansh'1p guaranteed on all f:1111iIv washimz 129 Dunlopu ic. msnmm-I & co, I hinnnw-Ann Mator Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 Plum. no I\A. Smith Kain THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1926. yo --v-n- - c-\J\n FUNERAL DIRECTORS The two on Monday on`; -2.. ti.

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