Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1925, p. 8

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I .w..n.--as-um. wuvuu, vvuu. mxanznuy. |J_-vcv. u. 1.1`. U011! Counci1-W. D. Allen, W. H. Aiieu, nmla Scwrww, .......m.,, u. n. vvauucer. '1`:-us- ees--Dam'y Carlton, Isaac Watson, Reeve--Isaac Scortlt, Wm. Mxaaclnay. J. H . Colclonugh, John A. Mills, 3011nci1-W. Allen. Adieu. rulnx :2 ;-an-u.~'.n.- _ Balnnco at credit 29th November, 1924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Premium on new G: Ital Stock tuned to Union Bank of Canada Sharchol er: . . . . . . . . . ..........-..o.--. ....u Balance at credit 30:): November. 1925. ` IYXIUUHI Montreal. 26th December. 1925. RE! Balance . Pren_1_1um_oq__nw_Cgpitnl APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Dlvldenda Nos. 150, 151, 152 and 153 at 12% per annum Bonus of 2% to Shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transferred no Ocexf Pemlon Fund. . . . . . . . Appropriation for Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve for Dominion Government Tues, including War Tax on Bank Note Clrculaglon; . . . . . . . . . . . . n..I...._.. .1 n__.:. _A J - - mu . . . . . .. Govt{n{nf Circulation . Balance 0! Prot and Lou carried forward . . 11.\\.u.`I.l. nnu LUDD Abbi Balance of Prot and Lou Account, 29th November. 1924. . Prots for the year. after deducting charges of management ` accrued interest on deposits. full provlslon for all bad 32:`! doubtful debt: and rebate of interest on unmatured Mont:-ul. Canadn, 26th December, 1925. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all rpersons having claims against the estate of Mary Ann McCarthy late of -the Township of Sunnidale, in the ` County of Simcoe, widow, deceased, who (lied on or about the Nineteenth ' clay of November, 1925, are request- I ed to -send particulars of their claims to the undersi-gined `on or :be- : fore the 23rd lay of January, 1926, .1 after which (late the Execubrix wivll distriibwte the assets of the Estate, 1 having` regard only to the claims of I which she shall then have notice, and will not .be responsible to any `O'l1el`S. D::" 21+ nOvM;n +1..:. onu. .1-.. -2 To 1113 Smmssommns, THE ROYAL BANK or CANADA: We have examined the above statement of Uabilitia and Assets at 30th November, 1925 with. the books and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with the certied returns from the branches. We have veried the cash and securiucs at Head Office at the close of the Bank`: scal year, and during the year we counted the cash and examined the securities at soverll of the im- portant branches. in ngnmn Illf\ltnr\\v I` . AUDITOBS CERT] _We_ bavqexamined Ijabilinia T110 P.mc1'i(:.'11 Boot Maker All VVo.i'k Sewn by4I-Iand Also Rubbers Neatly Repaired. Men's Shoes Made to` Order. . Real Estate other than Bank Premises uullltlu nouns and ulscounts elsewhere than in Canadzi (less rebate of interest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143,397.98 Non-Current Loans, estimated loss provided for . . . . . . . . . . . 2,527.57 Bank Premises at not more than cost, less amounts written all . . . . . . .. Mor(%a_ on on Real Estate sold by the .' : : : : Liahl it as of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contrn . . . . .. . Shares of and Loam; to Controlled Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . De oait with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund 0! er Assets not Included in the foregoing. . . .. . . . . . . . llurrcnt Loans and Discounts in Canada (less I interest) after making full provision for all doubtful dehta Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere in pron . for. Balances due by llanks and Bankit ,. where than in Canada. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Dominion and Provincial Government Securities. (not exceeding nulrket value). . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Municipal Securities and British. Foreign and Colonial l ul-liq: Securities other than Canadian. (not exceeding market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Railway and other Bnnds, Debentures and Stocks (nut exceeding market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ........ Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days! Loans in Canada on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks and other Securities of a sufficient marketable value to cuvor . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (full and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans elsewhere than in Canada on Bonds, Debentures and Stocks and other Securities of a suiclent marketable value to COVE? . . . . . . . rreIs;'u'x}t'd'c:ii 'e'tSal Notes 0! other Canadian Banks. . . . . .. . . . Cheques on other Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Balances due by nzhur Banks in Canada. Balances Banking (Jnr whgre Canada . . . . . , , United States ant: other Foreign Currencies ` A: Gold and Subsidiary Coin on hand . . . . . . . Gold deposited In Central Gold Reserves. _ ,,,._ --._ _.-..-.u.a... Dominion Notes on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion Notes depuslted in Central Gold Reserves . . . . . . . . .. ..... uuu xuc u::puusw-1e to any oune: Da'1:cd at Barrie this 30th day ` December, 1925. n a... RE OPENS JANUARY 4th. Graduates assisted to positions. Catalogue Free. Write for Rates. Phone 445. ` Balances due to Banks and where than in (.`ax1ada.. Bills Payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters of Credit Outstanding. . Total De osits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes of the Han ' In clrculntinn. . . .. Balances due to other Bnnlm In Ganndu. ` Balances Banking Cor Canada . . , . , , The only school north of Toronto that 1 of The Business Educators Association Deposits notbearlng interest. Deposits bearing interest. im date of Statement . . . . . . . . u-uucuuu uucunrnca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divhlieagil No. 153 (at 12 '51- per annum). payable ls: Decemi: r`. 9 Bonus bi f;n;vEl1'e' iii '1)'c'c'-x'zi'c},' ':3;'2'5'.'. .h-.s.:rve Fund. ` . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Balance nf Prots carried forward. . Dividends Unclaimed . . . . . . annum) . . . . . . . . . ., .7 . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. s. non.-r Pruidmc 1n frnnl `Mel. n...-.. . Apartments to Let- and` heated. 80 Worsley St. Possession Jan. 15. Phone 241. __._- ,v. V. .........`..ucuLd dialts. ba g 3. rldenda 151. The Royaa NOTE:-The Royal Bank at Canada (France) has been incox France to conduct the business of the Bank in Paris`. A: The Royal Bank of Canada (France) is owned by The I assets and liabilities of the former are included in the 3! LI 'l.'I'II '1" ' 19 Collier St., West of thziopera House I-ounaull K. HOLT. President cnnamoiui * DONE IN ALL `ITS BRANCHES `BY SHOE REPAIRING Also 50 Park St., West of the Armouries. __._Z__:.___.___. | "Position Wan1:ed-Ex'pe1-ienced stenc- grapher with thorough knowledge of bookkeeping desires position. Sal-a-ry optional. Phone 384, Barrie. ly school is a member Assoc1at1o11 of Canada 1d rebate of r bad and 5 . ncl `1')ic'.3i:'n'{s' 'e1v xie'r' ':'1'u':'n Tn" '(::'a'n':id:i l:_\s_:rc_s)_aftcr provision I q PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT d Lona Arnnunr, 20th Nam.-.|.u- Inn; .1 140 a. J: HUGHES Banks in Canada . . . ` . . . ; .. . . . . .... 5 island Correspondents else- :1 a.. Bnnksinanndu . . . . . 5 Correspondents else- tada. . . . . `GENERAL STKTEMENT. est. , inludlnif .l;1.lercst accrued to Note the Address: AUDITOBS CI'}B'l'lFlCA'l`E NA1. BANK nw CAnAnA- `j W aned-.---Bqardfing - places, 'I1nI1cn.'I.rn.3~nn.n- vnncwsn .d........ 1. mntion and explanations that we have required, and in our opinion b have come under our notice, have been within the powers of the our opinion properly drawn up so as to disclose the true condition 1925, and it is as shown by the books of the Bank. W. GARTH THOMSON, C.A.. A. B. B1(oP]ii1;5.Nc[)'\:|:iCk. Mitchell and Co. } Audkom of Price. Waterhnuse & Cn. RESERVE FUND on ASSETS Q an an! 30th NOVEMBER, 1925 France) incorporated under the laws of ` A: the entire capital stock of nee) Royal Bank of Canada. the r above General Statement. rt Is `us..- _____. W'-m- Mackay. G. B. Wamker. '1`:-us- tees-Damv (`kn-lrms 1...-.- 7-L,, LIABILITIES E. C.A., Price, Waberhouse & Co. ~.p.4.n>..: , S 2l,S07.l50.77 9,400,000.00 S -- : 42,5(:7,(:82.75 10.600.000.00 _____.j__. v(uAA'ucu--'LJl]u1'uJ1L'g pxaces, housekeeping rooms, places to ` for board. Phone 445. THUR'SDAY, DEC. 520.400.000.00 4,000,000.00 I $l90.54,642.7l Sll4,396,4l9.57 4,265,518.43 51,730,-122.17 315.81 ) - S 5 v\.r.n1A 81.143.806.90 143.397.982.28 2,527,576.72 ` $l98,297,398.90 > 443.380.136.65 I , S 24.400.999.00 1,219,435.32 _.j.j.____. vayer Meeting, Wed., 8 p.m. !. Sunday evening Mr. Shortt will a series of addresses .on New Ilnuni n`lUI1InA`n4cn H-- -'|--4-- - 4,081,628.42 33.8!-4,538.47 64l.677.535.55 4l.4')6,573.74 1,673,149.41 14.461.948.86 7,827,741.29 38.69l,33l.97 .?.j..j_..: 27,92l,971.00 82.245.403.26 28.407.242.28 16.630.772.26 53.167,682.75 29.931.586.05 _.;___._: _.j.:_____. 25.649.435.32 12,405.59 7 $2,000.00 488,000.00 C. E. NEXLL. General Manager JVLIIILOH UOIDGUR -... .. .....\. uqvuul: WHUDB cxalms 11 not then have been received. 24 BELOW ZERO ON DEC. 27 * Donald Ross, Solicitor for the Executor, The cold wave that passed over Barrie, Ontario, Canada struck Barrie and vicinity _ [and caused some suffer ng`, but little Noncg To CREE.-ORS (inconvenience. The following report =o-tice is hereby given pursuant to II Buttery ` n1. L A . T\._ AP A -- [of the weather was taken by W. H. E. NI-JILL` Genera Manager $788,478.778.43- $788.-178,778.43. 324.400.000.00 7 - $398.103,935.27 ' 35.225.435.31 35.35.435.32 336,780,201.7l 15.618.072.99 2,558,945.44 955.176.89- 30.059.988.67 2,048,901.00 1,440,000.00 9l3.556.46 ' 8 24,400,000. 00 707.136.948.85 30.059,988.67 .'PageV Eighf - ..4..u.... x.u..... udb ._......___:._. 351.281.840.91 26.881.840.91 l,440.000.00 31, 1925- ..___________________. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 5 vuv uuuuwvvutan JJIU embrac- for Sunday evening is Wlolrn Eha Haunt.-iul> NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Welcome ! Boys & Boys, Solicitors for the Executrix. Boys & Boys, Solicitors for Executors. V .- 1 light Work `nod waaca lat`?!-1480. unaer the mt veterinary scientific methods. Phone an '. . Bnyfiold sc. Veterinary Surgeon Day and night calls promptly at- tended to. An -, U , . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` ..11auut:J Hprace Wilson, A.R.C.O., Organ- ist and Choir Leader. Not by periodic alarms, but by personal consecration to the pro- gramme of Jesus must the work of the church be carried on. ....... .....1 111,1, , 'R;:.`:I?`S. Shortt, M.A., Minister I Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.l\I. Organist and Choirmaster. P-ublic Worship-11 a.m'. and 7 ' '\YYI I . y..u.--ncv Ant:hems-- I The Glory 01 Anth ems- I Will Extol Thee ................ ..Minsl1ul~l O Taste and See 3 p.m.--Sunday School. I 7 p.m.---Rev. A. D. Cornett, M.A. A nhlmm =__ u\4Aa . Rev. A. D. Cornett, M. A., B. D. Rev. S. H. |G,reens1ade, B. A.; and Sunday, Jan. 3. 11 a.m.---Rev. S. H. Gmeenslade, A I I n ,,....., ..u uunviv, .u. y.Au., ac. uuxuvv. Dec. 27.--Lowest during; night, 24 below; 8 a.m., 18 below; noon, 4 above zero; 8 p.m., 10 above; 11 p.m., 15 above. I .1... -.y. ,, . Dec. 25.-8 a.m., 18 above zero; 2 p.m., 12 above; 8 p.m., 4 above. Dec. 26.--8 a.m., 18 below zero at minimum; highest duning; the day 8 below zero; 6 p.m., 16 below; 8 p.m., 20 below; 12 p.m., 22 below. hm. on Y ....-M. ,y....:..- On Sunday, Jan. 3, a new time- table for the Allandale Division will be put into effeoit. The only changes affecting` Barrie trains are that the `Cobalt will leave Barrie at 4.57 a.m., arnivng at Toronto at 7.25 oclock. No. 47 will leave Toronto at 9 p.m. . and be due here at 11.30 p.m. There will be no change in the mail train leaving Barrie at 8.40 a.m., nor in . the northbound trains reaching` Bar- rie at 10.50 am. and 7.50 p.m. The ; `-8.40 train to Hamilton will not change here, but will reach Hamill- lton earlier. In order to effect econ- omy the C.N.R. is cutting down the mileage of its passenger system. But i-n spite of a radical curtailnient of service all over the system, no trains are being` taken off the local division. COLLIER ST. UNITED CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tholans of `Brooklyn, N.Y., who have spent, the past two weeks in town, return home to-day, Mrs. Pouclier going` as far as Toronto with them. The local C.N.R. authorities are preparng; for the garnering` of their . annual ice harvest off Kempenfeldt ` Bay. A bumper crop is expected and a large number of men will be needed. Messrs. Lionel BIog'g', Hugh Gar- side, Jim Stinson and Earl Fraser, a-11 of Detroit, are' Christ- mas at their respective homes in Al- landale. ....., lacouu nucn wnuu. .u'n:uu5 In LO\Vn. Mr. Douglas Brunton of Trenton and Wm. Brunton of Prince Albcvt, Sask., spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. Holmes. I ~ rotice to` the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate .of John Salter, late of the Town of! Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, teamster, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of December, 1925, are requested to send particu- lars of their claims to the under- ~sig'ned on or before the 23rd day of ` Jan:ua.~ry, 1926,Vaf.ter which date the ` Executor will (lisitribute the assets of the estate among` those entitled thereto, having" regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that he will not be re-' sponsible to any person for the as- sets of said estate whose claims shall 1 not then have been received. Donald Ross, Solicitor for the Executor. 1 Barrie, Ont. nnfnrl 21=+ nnnnhxknu -tnnz QI-L'Ll uuu uA1a. U. VV. i UlLCHEl'. Mr. and Mrs. W1'~If1~id Wardman `leave for Windsor to-n`.;.:I1t to spend a few days with friends there. .'r\,r.. ......1 1m ... A1.-. 'n . - .. Ls." uou_yo wuau J.1AI;:Ilu.:~ L/II.`l'C. M1`. and Mrs. Alex. Brunton and daughter, Mabel, of Winnipeg, spent the past week with friends In town. M1. 1`n....m1.... `o........._ _A m - , p-um.) vvnuu .L1.Acuua HI Lllllllki. -Miss Catherine Poucher of Toron- to spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poacher. 'I\/I'u .....I `MI ..- 117:1;-.,:1 uv . .... uuuu, uvcx uurmuuxas. M-r. and Mrs. Wilfrid Wa1'dn'an and Miss Annie Crowe spent Christ- mas with friends in Orillia. I 1|/f.'..... r1..L1___.:,., `r: v I` "- Mrs. F. R. Hodgki-ns of Midland was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. MoMil1in, over Christmas. ' 1|l'.. >_A., ,7 up. -. ... uu, uu nu;-un nay. uMi`sses L. and J. Catcher vised their sister, Mrs. Thos. Lcc.-ming, in Tononto last week. RA ... 1:: -n -my . 1 . A ----- nu... ma uau-guucxb 11] LUIUHLO. Mr. Robt. Moifat of Toronto spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. J. P. McMu1Iin. `Mrs. Jas. McMillin, Sr., leaves to- night ho visit her son, R. J. McMil- Iin, in North Bay. .1\lHm-M. T .....1 -r r1_L.*L,~ .. Iav uvuu. uvcl. hill: uuuuay. Mr. M. Brown spent Christmas with his d~au=ghters in Toronto. Mu `D...1..a. 1u"..a.--1. -5 m, - vvuu u.vuuc LIVE}. and uux-may. Mr. L. Lawrence of Aurora visit- `ed at home over the holiday. Jvrr `M m...;.. 5....-- rn.... ._._, narrxe, I. Dated 31st December, 1925. Miss Meta Rogers spent Christmas in Angus. Miss Helen Gilchrist of Toronto was home over the hol-iday. My 1. 1....-..........,. ..c A-----.- -~' '- vu\.uno:' of the Lord uh ! uuuu UU \: UH. Come and Welcome ! DR. A. S. BLACK ALLANDALE Ministers : under the latest . uv..A.`I.-.l_ ........ ,.Goss Handel .uuu..n, .zuun.ul, m1cnae_1 and LEd.. Murphy, A. M.cDmmgval and tCha:s. Hook. The late Mr. McDonald's family were all home (for the uneral and Mr. Edward McDonald and son mward attended from Toronto. -&cu .. u ..u._._.un uu uuunc. The `funeral took place on Monday morning from the family residence, 34 Bradford St., to St. Mary's church and cemetery. :Dean Sweeny celebrated mass and Father Brennan otciated at the grave. Those act- ing as .pa.1I-4.bea.rers were -Messrs. Patrick, Martin, Michael and :Ed.. Mm-n1-m A M..n.........1 __,u A 4 . `Notice is hereby given pursuant` to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah E. Power, late of the Town- -:+hi`p' of Innisl, in the County of Simcoe, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 20th days of No- vember, 1925, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the` undersigned on or before the Ninth day of January, 1926, after which `~ date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and -that she will not be responsible to any person for the asets of said estate whose claims shall _ .vv..... -4... V1. ;Jul.&lU- LIIUIVU remain to mourn his loss his wife,- fomiorly Annie Almstrong, one [bro- thcr, Edward, of Toronto, `and a __fa1nil_v of nine children, Jolm F. of Timminvs, `Leela of Toronto, George of Beaverton, Eugene of Watford, and Harold, Mary, Alex. Bernard and I{ug:_nh at home. 'T\1.... 4'..........1 ;._.1, 1 -- . . . . ..\. nun .;u.u\.u. `The late Mr. IMcDonaId was !born on the sixth concession of Vespra and lived there all his life till he came to Barrie three years ago. For many years he was mail carrier on No. 2 route out of Barrie. There \Vn1v|n:n +n yuan`... r|.:,. 1--- L3, Heart failure caused the death very suddenly on Chrst-mas Day of George Owen McDonald, at fty- nine years of age. Mr. McDonald had been a`ttendinp,' service in St. Mary s church, and when his auto- mobile refused to start at its close, he began to jack it up. Wthi-1e do- ing so :his heart apparently failed him. He dropped to the ug`roun(l without speaking` and all efforts to revive him failed. I .m. .. .. ... _. _ . . . V . v V u. Routine business occupied the Boa1'd s attention during` the rest of the meeting`. The receipts from the Library amounted to $15.73, as against $3.85 disbursed. November was a record month for the year 1925 in the Public Library, according` to the monthly report of the Librarian, Miss L. MicPhee, pre- sented at the meeting of the Library Board on Monday evening`. During the month 4,183 books were lent, as compared nvith 3,219 in the same month last year. Of the books dis- tributed, 2533 were adult and 1650 ` juvenile. A further record for one 2 da_v s distribution was established, : breaking all previous records since the Library was established. On ' one Saturday during the month 368 ` books were borrowed from the - shelves. N, -_. -..., VLADUA yuuu Iuxclnulllls tea was a yprocess of manufacture. The tea company has entered an ap- peal against the nding. [PUBLIC LIBRARY ENJOYS RECORD LENDING MONTH Judgment was given 1va.stThursd~ay against R. H. Fricker, P.wM. Je's ning` him $50 and costs for ped- ding the wares of the Ocean Blend Tea Co. without a license. The Mag`st1-ate found that the tea sold was not manufactured in Ontario, ` although the defense counsel held ` at the time of the trial that rblending tP:1 w2=c :1 .1 \1'r\rInaa A-4` 7..-.......1.`....L..-._ azull u J_u1_5I.:l/ uuu Ulg,` 1 U'l.llL1`y DHOW in Town Hall, Wednesday and Thurs- day, Jan. 6 and 7. Bozoft _Crourtt, alegetl by the police to be an escaped convict from Guelph Reformatory, was picked up by the police in Barrie on Monday. He is lbeing held on a charge of va- grancy till an examination into his record and a medical examination as to his mentality is made. He will appear again in the Police Court on Monday. -Sunday School and Bible Class at turn Chief of Police Stewart stated in conversaon with the Advance this week that the lack of proper protec- tion at the rear of most places of business in Barrie is amazing. It is a wonder that losses from burglary A are not much greater, and Chief Stewart wishes to warn the public 4 to that effect. GEORGE OWEN McDONALD V -..- .4...\.uuuc U1 rune VV.-L;.'1'.U. has thou'g'ht well to withdraw the regular monthly meeting and 11011365 the members will nd it convenient to alttend the meetings of the United Week of Prayer. A full audit of the Chnistmas cheer fund raised by the joint efforts of the V.O.N. and St. George's So- ciety has not yet been made, bwt a full report will appear next week. Painswick Junior Farmers holding a social evening next I day evening. Choir Recital and Entertainment, Collier St. United church, Tuesday nighrt,, Jan. 12. A varied program of unusual interat will be given. Furrther announcement next week; See the big Poultry Show in Town Hall, Jan. 6 and 7. Don't forget the big; Poultry Show 1 'I`mxm I-T-.111 VVm1......,1.... ....,I rm.--.~ _ The Executive of rthe W.vC.'J ac Hamm-1.+ ...-'n _ _.-:n, v LOCALS St.Andrew s Presbyterian Church The No;-than Advance u.;u Mon- Free lecture in Police Court Cham- bers, Wednesday nightt, Jam. 6, at 8 o'clock, in connection with the big Poultry Show. mu. v\.uv .uu\,u.aun u.L au. Lb wan IWJSUI to curtail paving for the present, but if the upkeep of streets is high- er than the interest on their invest- ment, it -may be better to pave. W. J. Craven, alderman for ward 5, spoke, also V. Kmight and A. W. Schureiber. I u.uu vu nu: uuwu. D-r. Waillvwin said he was glad to _ see so many new aspirants for ofce. The council {was crirticized, but he felt there was too much apathy to- wards the Board of Educahion, where 20 mills of the total rate `is spent. The council had worked in the best interests of all. It was twis tn ......4...:l .....--._._. m_,, u - _ Others who .spoke briey were W. Lang, who is seeking` re-electio-n in ward 1; H. A. Jarvis, an aspiranlt _ for councillor in ward'1, could see very little of `economy in the actions of the council this year. E. T. Tyrer, who is seeking re-election in ward 3. W. N. Duff, who is seek- ing eleetlion in ward said that if elected he would serve to the best of his ability. Lt was time to nd out the cause of depression in the town and do something to promote indus- trial eonditions and bning more busi- ness to the town. 'I\_. 11:,-.1 .......r\, ....uuuAa.u_y. D. F. McCuaig', candidate for Second .Deput_v-Reeve, replied to the question raised by Dr. Lewis re the debenture debt of the town. Under the Municipal Act, outside of educa- tion, the .municipa'Iii'ty cannot exceed a 25 mil-1 rate on the assessment. There are provisos, however, where- by this may be overcome. The mill rate now is 22.8 and to take care of the paving` debentures next year about 4 mills will have to be added, so that on the present assessment the mill rate next year would `be about 27. The town could not issue ; any more debentures while the as- sessment remained" as at present. ! The assessment may be raised 10 or I 15 per cent., but what benet would that be. He did not favor raising the taxes any higher to .proceed with more paving. There is over $67,000 of unpaid taxes this year, and the council would not be justified in spendng more money to satisfy a few petitioners, unless the whole town \'.':;3 favorable. Q I READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. L`; Luu, zuluuner asplrant for First Deputy, said he always stood for strict economy, and had opposed several measures where money was spent. He was opposed to any more paving till the town. was in (better shape nanm'ally. n :1 n.r..r~.._:_. ~-- - - ...v..\,_y .u u:pau'u|g. E. J. Byrne was zvlso in the eld for First Deputy-Reeve. His record in the council in the past was known and if eected would do his best for the town. ` v v-I --... Notice is hereby given pursuant to the T.rustee'Act that all -persons having claims against the Estate of Zylpha Adeline Andrew, late of the ` Town of Barrie, widow, deceased, who (lied on or about the Sixth day < of December, 1925, are requested -to send particulars of their claims to the umlevrsignerl on or `before thei_' 23rd of Janua~r_v, 1925, after which date the Executors will distribute _ the assets `of the Estate, having` re- ' garcl only 'to `the claims of which they shall `then have notcc, and will not ` l be responsible to any `others. 2 nnfnrl .nl- 'D.......'.. u_:_ nnn . - 1 ..~., ux. uupxuvuu. 11. NVZIS Z). que whether it would be better to the 1-aie and pave it now or s money in repairing`. In ,1 12... ...-- in - -- 1.10 unvouul aauu ne was a candidate for First Deputy-Reeve. Re the question raised by Dr. Lewis, the council had decided not to do any more paving at present. Collier St. was in bad shape and would have to be improved. It was question whether if`. xxrnnlrl kn I-..-.4-Jn... L ----`- .. n. uc-W15 Saul ne l'll(i ubeen E approached to allow his name to go ; before the electors for Mayor. He v appreciated the honor, but consider- ;` ed it presumptuous to think of a 5 jump like that, and he had no in- tention of being` a candidate. 1H8 hoped, however, that some of the speakers wouild deal with the deben- ture dehtof the town. He was op- posed to the assessment being` in- creased. Now that the main streets were paved it would be `btter to call a halt for a few years. If taxes will have to be'raised, `increase hhe ~milI rate and pay off the debt. H. Litster said he camlidate fOl` F`l1',=.i'. T3nhn4--n T).nv-- h .1 - long distance transmission i ing; engineers : cost. (Continrued from page one) T. R. Huxtaable said he was in the eld for Mayor. He was seeking -support on the basis of promotion. This, he thought, was a -good thing for the town, as it was in business. He had served four years as deputy- reeve and felt it only fair that he should move up and leave room for other aspirants. Mr. Crarig had been mayor mow for ve years and it looked as if he wanted to Tommy Church or Homestead the job. Mr. Hu-xtarble said he felt that he was quite capable of the job. He was one of the pioneers of the rst lines in the Province and promoter of the first ve-cent -bus servvice in the Province. Regarding the street pav- ing in Barrie. He objected to pay- 5 per cent. of the :The town would be just as . well served by a el-d engineer. All the consulting` engineers did was to put the gures in a Little better shape`. They were paid $10,000 and the town only got " $3,000 worth from them. 7-`, my . - i I I coNTE'S'f1oN FOR ; MAYOR AND REEVE vuyun. VV. A. Lewis said he had been achml fn sum" 1.:,. ...._.. 1 WI-I-ill, another aspirant for mnn-nr own! 1...! ,...__-, I __..-.. ....:,uu;c1 . .-xu ngineers re spend My .L\:oyvua1`U1U LU any -others. Dated at Barrie this 29:th day of December, 1925.

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