Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1925, p. 5

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;:rHURsDAY, DEC. 31, 1925. Au;-u. 4. \./vlnnnunn \-15`: -........_,. Knock extends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Davis, who moved Jmru 1*ec(>ntl_v from Gwillimbm-y. \I', ,_ I mv,,_ `n_.L. I -.. .z.. ..l ....,l I |.lII;Ll: L\.-.\,uu,._- LA\llAl. unu.u.uuu_... MT: and Mrs. Hevb. L0V'4';lh` -(land family 01' Holly spend; Cm`st~n1as with Mr. and Mrs. H~arr_\ vL:_;.`no'lxls. Mr. and Mrs. J 01111 Re_\mn}rs. spent n ,___, _,_:.1_ ML. .._.: `Ml. ... \l1.... vvaL.u AVLI. uuu 4-;...~. --~._v-.v.u..... M1`. John spent Christmas with Mr. and l\'In-5.` Wesg .\ Lavtimer, Stroud. 1Il`.:._.. KY......... `X71..- 1.. Lut\`:r`a-\Iv:v\l\I ul- x..1aunun.A, uvLvuuo , Miss Vern-a Wice is holidaying` at her home here. 1: 1 1: n,_1_,, *n______.I.1_ -`..l ucx uuun; Alex C. Mr. and Mrs. Sylve Reynolds and family spent Christmras with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wonch at Killyleagh. `F|l1~~ `l'-``----- -- --__.-l..~ 1...`. L..1 lVL1Du WV: I-'o VV Ullbll (AV ulLlIAJA\4I&`:|AAl Miss Fraser is spending her holi- days at her home near Egwbert. v._....1. ..-.......4.. 4... kn mil urn-\\~r_ uayva aw ucu. uvuu. uuus -Jb.u,;... Knock expects to be well repre- sented in our 1926 council with reeve, deputy-reeve and council man fnorm here. `Your correspondent wishes all the readers of the Advance :1 happy and prosperous HEW Y0!-lri. .'I.l'.. THL...-. Alnn 2-no-.n+ o 'Fn\1r Ilnvu }_)1'U'b1.'t:1.'Uua ucw yu:u:.. Mr. Thos. Alden spent a few days last week in Toronto. .1 -rr _1- 1114.. ..1- [Bub W\:t:l\ 111 J.uJ\uu.u- Mr. Henry of Toronto is visiting; w'th Isaac Allen. In 1 II"- !\ AIL... .....I L'..... \V U! Abauu nnlual. Mr. and Mrs. .D. Allen and fam- ily of Bethesda spenrt Cthrigmas with Isaac Allen. Two Pt_1`_|_Jlif.`M`eetings MARRIED 1 L 4 STANDEN-LAY'D0N---I-31 u Va1e1'_mia,._ 1 Pa., U.S.A., on Frid3.y," De{:. j 1925, Freda, vonlay d7qug1tei'=_6%f:. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Buhler, Pa., to Calvin Standen, M.Dj, j ` ` ." -ad Mrs, ' Robt. Bglack of Thornton -STROUD I Mrs. Thos. Hewson and are visiting in the city of their son, Jack Hew- KNOCK is spending I grandmother, i J-\}`./Y LL11. .).L4\Lu\.rL.I. vy ucu D as 'Cou11ei11o1' and Deputy- Reeve, I am now in the eld for Reeve and solicit your support. My record speaks for itself. `VVith best wishes for a Happy z111dP1'os1)e1`ous New Year. To the_ Electors: The Orthoponic Victor A full line now in stock CREDENZi` ` . . . . . . . . . . $365.00 TOWNSHIP of INNISFIL .-nu ua.n.v .-..aa.vvu\.Ia.u c Having served the mun- icipality for si.\`tee11 years nn '-F1.-\-.11-`I.-Z11,-\-.. nu}! ."l'\'If\I`IL"V I --4 uanv saavvuvau 0 After oigliteeii years of municipal life I am retiring and wish to take this oppor- m11it_v of fhanking one and all for the support accorded [me during those years. iTo the Elgectors : TOWNSHIP of INNISFIL TOWNSHIP of INNISFIL To the Electors of Innisl Township : Reduction in taxation and public officials the only sol- ution of agriculture depres- sion and restoration of pros- . perity in our country. Your Vote and Inuence respectfully solicited for the Re-Election of TOWNSHIP aof INNISFIL Your Vote and Inuence R0spe(-.1'f111l_v Solic-itod ' for George Arnold as Deputy-Reeve for 1926 Call and hear them. They willxspeak for themselves. I TOWNSHIP of INNISFIL Ashford Warnica REEVE FOR 1926 Innisl Township Electors Your Vote and Inuence" 1'esp0ctfL11]y solicited for gas Deputy-Reeve of Innisl for 1926. The` -P-eo-pie;$ for_ Councillor for Innisl fo`i:` 1926. Your Vote and Inuence Solicitetit`. A __ Your Vote and Inuence rvs])o(:1'f11]ly solicited for the Elovafimm of as Councillor for 1926. Mayor Craig, Reeve Rusk and County Engineer -Campbell wgged: Harry Stewart J. G. KEENAN W. H. Martin George Leslie as Councillor` for 1926. W. J. McM_e_1:ster_ S. H. Reynolds Alfred Webb FOR ECONOMY Vote for Page Fi-T The problem of ca1'1'ying on the business of the 1nanufactu1`e of gas has been for some time a most difficult one for small companies, ours being no ex- ception, owing largely to the eoiitinued high cost of oil and coal. Notwith- standing` this, we have eiicleavored, and think we have succeeded, in gay- ing a service to the residents of Bar`- rie which compares Very favorably with what is given in other (e-,o1n1nun- ities that have a much 1a1'g'm' popula- tion. It is only by the most. ecoiiomieal management that We are able to do this, so that the matter of taxation is a Vital one to us, where the _i'oVenue just barely equals our produetioii and maintenance (-.ha.1'ges. -U The Town Councillors have con- sented to submit a by-law to the Elec- tors on the 4th of January next, the date of the Municipal Elections, re- questing a continuance of the xed as- sessment. on our `property for a fur- ther period of ten years. We respectfully request that you will mark your ballot in favor of this extension, so that we will have no dii- culty in continuing the service which we have 1'o11dered in the past. Yours truly, CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR OF BARRIE FOR 1926 Saturday, January 2 GRANADA The ;Ba.rrie Ministerial Associationi has arranged a series of services for the annual Week of Prayer. The meetings will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and .Thursday of'next week. The order is as follows: ""` `---- Te. E 3... L1... D1-uv\`:n" CONSOLETTE Opposite Post Office Square T. R. HUXTABLE will be held in the LIBRARY HALL in the interests of E. ML SAUNDERS, "I")-.,.,..J ,1. day afternoon, Jan. 5th, at 3 ~p.m.,! at the `home of Mrs. Jos. Cavanagh,` 40 Louisa St. Roll call is to be an- swered by sug'g`estio11~s for hot sup- per dishes. For the `prog'ra;mme there will be community singing, led by Hrs. Rowe, an instrumen-tal by Mrs. Eade, and a debate, the sub- ject to be, Are women who belong` ` to the Institute better homemakers * than those *,~" "10 not belong? Visitors 211w... / _e'lcome. The meeting will be held Tues-Ii` `The public are cordially -welcomed ` to all these services. The hour is 8 BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WCUA. ;uc uxuvz Is? (.09 Aunnvvvu . Tuesday, Jan. 5, in the Baptist church. Address by Rev. A. D. II 1. 11A hh "" """` N ? P1'es1d.e11t. . $200.00 . $115.00 "ROYAL BANK STATEMENT I H suows RECORD INCREASES] The assets show a gain for the year of over $200,000,000, and wzhile `one-half of the increase may be at- tributed to the purchase of The Union Bank of Canada and the Bank of Central and South America, the balance is the result of the growth in the general business of the Bank. This remarkable development is in turn due to the very complete or- gianizati-on built up by The Royal Bank, as it has now a chain of 905 llbranches, and of this numlber 779 `are situated throughout Canada, en- a.'bl`in-g `it -to serve every section of the country. A._ _._..1....:. ,.L` +1.. ...,.....-..,....I ..+-n4-A Total Assets Now istand at $788,- 478,778, a Gain During {the Year of Over Two Hundred (Million DolIara-Strong Cash Position. ` 'I\he annual statement of The `I Royal Bank of Canada for the scal iyear ending November 30th is a re- cord one, even for this progressive institution. Total assets have now 1 -gained to $788,478,778, placing the 3 Royal in the position of being the second largest bank on this con1;in- . ent in point of assets, being exceed- ed only by the National City Bank of New York, the largest institution . in the United States. mu: UULJILUL J . An -analysi-s of the general state- menrt of assets -and liabilities dis- '(:loses an exceptional-ly strong cash available, rasset-s stand -at ($398,103,- 935, equal to 56.30% of liabilities to ances are $198,314,647, equivalent to 28.40% `of public ~1iaJbii'1`ties. -Among` -the liquid assets accounts of uposition. Liquid, or immediafte-lyi the public, while cash and cash ~b'al- ` special interest include Dominion` and Provincial Government securities amounting` to $82,245,403, com-' pared rwith $53,039,825, a year ago; and Canadian Municipal secur- ities and British, Foreign and lCol=on- i-al Public securities, other than lCan- adian, $28,407,242, up from $25,- 634,914. l rrI,.... ,1... .1?`-wmncinn um,-.. i'1`1'-ade Expansion '1`-he continued 1-eponts orf -a ~stead`y revival of business throughout sCan- , ` ada are .borne >ou~t (by the gain in`.` current loans and discounts in Can- Iada to $190,854,642, as compared `with $148,499,355 at the end of 1ras't _ year, an increase of over $42,000,- `000, while the total of all `loans is `now $336,780,201, up from `$257,- ,225,355 a year Iago. :-* `>< ,_ -..m..1.c. .-`JP +1. n1r+n1mL-iirn `run- UIUHDU Ill LIGlH(Ll.l'i urcuo Kbuuvu I A u u \ n \IA over $150,000,000. Total deposits .no\\i stand at $641,677,535, as against $461,828,700 last year. Of this amount savings deposits are $443,380,136, compared with $338,- l291,427, and deposits not hearing` in- ,terest amount to $198,297,398, as iagainst $123,537,341. ]auu,uuu _v\.ou -bu. As a resulit of the extensive or- ganization built up, deposits have shown the surprising` gain of $180,- 000,000 and of this amount ithe -in- V c1'cae in Canada. has accounted for M4!-A AAA nnn rn..L..I ,1......m?+.- UH u.L Lu. A xuuu you .. Cornett, rM.A., `B.D. \1r.\,).. ,..,1.... T:\v'\ After an illness of four years, the last three months of which were sspent En bed, Mrs. Samuel E. |Turner passed away on Fr". lay, Dec. 25, at her home at '70 Toronto St. The late Hrs. Turner, whose maiden name was Phoebe Jane Stone, was `born in Tecumseth seventy-vc- years iago. Upon her marria_L-;e she Ned to Tottenham with her husbaml, who :1 ,__ ,,,,__.:.:I. L...:..,...,. -r`.-\1\\<'\ l LU 1UI.t.L:unanu wvlunn u... .......u.. was in the mercantile business there. About twenty-five years ago they Yu- moved to Barrie, where Mr. 'l`urno.r took up \business again and contin- ued in it for many years before re- tirin_g`. The late Mrs. Turner was an active member of the Anglican church. Besides her husband, there re- main to mourn her loss rthree bro- thers and a. sister, W. H. Stone of [ Aurora, `Silas of Buffalo, W. F. of 1 Mr... (*1... f`u.wm-nnuann :1 Lll vxu, uuuu .. Barrie, and M of Bond Head. ,, _.._I o1 nonu mean. The funeral took place on Mon- day to St. John -s cemetery, Tecum- seth. Rev. A. R. Beverley was the ofciatiirg clergyman. The -pa1l- bearers were Messrs. R. A. Stephens, { lHandy, W. Craig, W. Johnson, C. C. Hinds and S. Mazley. ! 1`hose attend- ing from a distance were W. H. Stone of Avurrora, Silas Stone of Buffalo, Mrs. Gummerson of Bond Head, Mrs. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, Miss Elsie Anderson and Mr. F. J. Anderson, all of To- ronto. STROUD BAND ELECT 0FFiCERS The Stroud Band held its annual] i meeting: and election of ofcers at 4 the close of its regular practice in Stroud Community Hall on Friday iiiglit. It was the -rst anniversary l of the organization of the band and l l,a very successful year was reported. The oflicers elected were: Pres., Kenneth Jacks; Sec., Wm. Taylor; 'l`rr2a:~:., Arnold Reid. Mr. Boyd WY. "`t7".l\`fT`>'(('l` of Barrie was continued MRS. S. E. TURNER Mrs. Geo. Gwmmevson 3 u; :;uu.v, u. .. -_ The N3`):-them Advance Mr. Geo. Lennox returned after spending: :1 couple of weeks in To- ronto. Miss Luella Easton of Toronto spent Chrisfxmas with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of To- ronto spent Christmas with Mrs. J. A ........L Kxurucun, uu.n., `u.4.I. Wednesday, Jan. 6, in Collier St. ahunch. Address by Capt. Johnston of the Salvation Army. ..l_.!-.. T-.. r1 :.. 4.1.... C..l....4-inn Ayerst. . Mrs. Inghamn and Miss Mary Ing- ham of Cookst-own visited at J. Feltis recently. `l|K.'.... II I`4..__. 1.. ...........]l..... LL- - ..;u-.1 ; \.s.\.u m_y . Miss A. Graef is spending` the holidays at her home in Gilzord. MK}-.. 1'71 IK..T7 _ _ _ . . . ~ A .-..I:n. L1... ...,....`.,a M ..u ...,..... \.lA&-I.'\l|l.\|l tMiss E. Mcliinnon is spending the holidays at her horne in .Oiri1~1ia. Mr. Milton Simpson visited friends in Thormbury last; (week. Mrs. L. L. Greene is visiting; at n 1Ur,:v,y_ friencis S. Mai1e s. James ville. 4 \.uuu\.u. Mr. L. W. Stewart of Detroit spent C11.ristm1as at his home here. |lI .- T T......1..,...... A-J.` `All .-.-...`ln. 1'n `dull v uu.. Mr. Gordon Henry has home after spending` Toronto. 1: '1- `(Y1 nu _,, , $01118 Mr. Charles Lennox and Miss Bessie Lennox are home for the Christmas holidays. wyuxxu V......,.,......, M ...., ....,...- ..-.... Mr. J. Jamieson of Maple is visit- ing his dau~gh1:e1', Mrs. T. A. Lawr- UL Hlc uanramvu 4;;u Fhhursday, Jan. 7, in. the Salvation Army Citadel. Address by Rev. S. H. Greenslade, B.A. B. McLe11an of "Toronto is` visiting Mrs. Wm. Cunningham. T)--. ......1 `MI ..- :1AA\~ar\v\ A4-` Tn `Miss Regina Mil-ligan is spending a cuuple of weeks in Toronto. vxau/Aug, AVJ.LD- n An. vuuuuubuuuu. l Rev. and Mrs. Simpson of~ To- ronto are visiting` at Jas. Jamies-on s. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gibson spent "Christmas with friends in Toronto. -.. new -up - -. I 5,, *n,,_____. I. _M.r. W. Corbett of Toronto spent` Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Rt Banting`. uxlnnawnnwa vvuuu .u.u,uuu nu ;.\u.-auuv. Mr. `Nun. Maw visi-ted in Bramp- ton recently. Rev. Lunan is in Toronto attend- ing the funeral of his :fathe1'-in-In .. Mr W. Fry and son :G.eo-rge are visiting friends in Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. A. -.M-cKenzie are visiting in Alliston. `IA ..- 0 1uI'.'11.:....... 1'n uh-:+:nm in "|`n_ v nu vnub nu ..-4...;.n...- Mrs. S. Milhgan is visiting in onto. ~. - . my - .,____ A________ vu vu- Special Christmas services were `held in St. Jude's church last Sun- day. The service was taken by Rev. Dew and special music was given by the choir. It nu 1 ,1, -rx,__1_.._ -.___.L ........ Jun: I/ILUAL . Mr. Sherllock Barlow spent over the Christmas holidays at his `home and has now gone to Washago. Miss F\1oren`ce Robertson of To- ronto is visiting with Miss Lorna J ennett. 1 1ur,,_ 1.1.I..-..._.1 T.....:... ...\,1 UCIIIIUUD. M1`. and Mrs. Edmond Irwin and son of Detroit, Midh., are spending` the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Elliwott. ,1,_,A *n_.-1,... -1.` r1,.11:...... The Barrie Gas Cempanyltd IV: .|`Jlll`U |Il4 Miss Thelma Broley of Co11in~g- wood visicted at her home here re- cently. Mr. R. S. Walker of Elmvale is spentlinxg a few days this week with M. H. Lowrie. 1 1.7 n1 7 `r\_-.._ _-.....- Z... Lu. .11. uvwznc. Rev. and 1\/Irs. T. J. Dew were in Aliston last week visiting the form- er s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dew, who are `both seriously ill. 112,, rn.._:_,;:_ _.. .......,..l:..,.. #1. Ln`: uu: `U`U'Lll raU.1AvLLoA_v nu. Miss Chmistie is spending}: the holi- days at her `home at C1'aig'11uvst. 1\/r:..,. U/\1r\I'\ Ltmmnn TIM n+` 'l`n_ way: an MC; nu-nu, uv Vu...t,.....`..... Miss Helen Hamton, R.N., of To- ro-nto spent Christm-as with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hatton. 71` - U. ...........l.'....-u tLn .LVJ..1`a. VV. L1. .L1wuuvu. Miss Elsie Speens is spemling the holidlays with her paren~l2s, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Slpeers, at Holly. Mrs. J. H. l~latfmn is spending` a few (lays \\ lvH] ll(:l`', M1*s.'S. J. MCDC-nuld, of '1`h`ornton. M10 is seriousl-_\ ill. rnl... ..,..........e-:.~.m. Pr... lo`.-cu "nun- DCIIUHDJ`) In. The nominz1tion>x for Essa (701111- cil were `held in the hall on Mondm` afternoon. All the members were re-elected by acclamation. ' requirements were met, the meeting v resolved itself into a committee of : - ever, the slate is reduced to ve, as ' so the canvass is off to a good start. 5 11 Dawson, D. B. McFadden and Wm. t Cope-1a.nd. H Nominations The annual conclave of Cookstown citizens did not develop any super- abundance of enthusiasm as the trustees for 1926 The old trustees of the villlaige were named along with three others, viz., Jarmes T. Dawson, D. B. Mcldadden and Wm. Copeland. After the legal the whole and the questions -and an- swers were very illuminating`. How- Ohriis. Campbell has resigned, and A111 citizens owe the town better support and next year the town hall ought to be lled. The candidates : F. H. Robinson, Robt. Cole, J. T. were proposed. 1 February the fteenth was the date set for the trial of Jas. Booth .` of Stroud for shooting Albert Woods of Craigvalc last Ha11owe en, when he appeared in Police Court on Monday. Woods is still in the hosauital, but his condition is so im- m'ove_d that he is r:"*.v wn`.`.:`2~` uu. u. and Mrs. M. Wigvle and son are visiting friends in Kings- THORNTON MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION COOKSTOWN IVY returned : time in |Mrs. Roabt. vin"con of Orillia was the guests of her father, Rev. Brown, over the week end. 1|/r._ 11.1,; 1-11, ,1, :1 nu .u. . Avvvvu 4.11.54-VA: u.;. ;. uvu. A: man spent a day here this week. Mr. Arthur Green of 'I`or.onto is home again for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Fonbes, Miss Ma1'g`-aret and Mr. Lloyd were 1 guests of the fo1wmer =s d:aug`hte1', Mrs. H-owar`d Reynolds, Minesing, on C1n'st.mas. my -n . -.. .. . A. ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pratt of To- ronto spent the holidays w'i'bh friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henb. Wallace and Max, Harold and Bruce were the guests of Mr. Will Boake on Christ- vn \,uu:wuu.:. Mr. Donald Banting; spent Oh1'ist- mas with his parents in Luoan. IT\K.. ...,.J `MK... 1') `I3 'KIT-L1- ...-.__ LL- ...... yuL\.uuu .u Lauvuu. !M1'. and Mrs. R. F. Webb were the guests of their parents in Ba-rrie on C.h1'istm-as. II nu, N ~.- .. \Ju|L AouAAA'.u_7 Messrs. Robt. and Sam H'ou-g'hibon' were the guests of their parents in Cooksrbown for a few days last week. IN hhhh .~ AI--.. .....] 15.1.11- 1X1-LL To the Electors of the Town of Barrieu Mr. and" Miss Nora the guests so: \J\1\1A\uv\Jvv11 AV ; 1. ;.L.vv uu_yo Aunt: vvuun. Messrs. Alvin and Eddie Webb spent a day this week in the city. I nu... *n1':1n 1....,1,..: .. ._.... -2 ..4.,.._1- uluuu u uu. vnnuo vv\.\,A\ un mu. \.u./ - I I J !The U.F.O. loacled a. car of stock this week. The annual meeting of the Stroud Band was held in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening`. The audi- tors report showed a balance of $64.00 on hand, which is a. credit to the ofcers of the past year. The 1*`o1-lowing are the officers for the coming year : Hon. Pres., Lt.-Col. F. B. Robins; HOH. Palbron, Earl Rowe, M.P.; Pres., Kenneth Jacks; Sec., Will Taylor; Asst. Sec., Earl Jv0b\bi't; Librarian, Lloyd Reynolds; Auditors, . I\ T`! T)I....1. `II T`l ....J..... Mr. and Mrs. Bowles have gone| to the city for the wi.n-`ter. I Miss Marion Webxb `the holidays with her Mu-s. Levi Pratt. .. ....... .., ....,_,.. -..._,......... `O. R. Black, M. Hunter. Among` those who were here for the Cuhrishmas holidlays were: Mr. A.l1an Webb of Toronto at Lot Webb s; Mr. Fred Leona.rd of To- ronto at Mrs. J. S. Leonaa-d .s, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Page -and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. B-allisbon o-f Barrie at `G. R. H-arper s; Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Orr and family of Grenfel at Mrs. J. W. Sprow1e s; Mr. Wilbert Black of Toronto and Miss In-a.Bliack of . Midland at Robit. Bliack s; Mr. and _ Mrs. Percy Spring and son of To- ronto at Peter Spring s; Miss Eup- hemia Neely of Toronto at Chas. - Neely s; Miss Hilda Ferris of Mine- _ sing` at"'A1*bert Fe1'ris s; Messrs. Max and Harold W-allace of Toronto at . Herb. Wallace -s; Messrs. Robt. Ham- . ilton of Horning"s Mills and Jack Clarke of St. Catharines at ronto at R. A. Suthorla.n(l is; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deeri;:g' of Huntsville at A. C. WallzLce s; Miss Goldie Givens of Toronto at Mrs. Mary Givens; Mr. Ohas. Marquis of Toronto at H. .T. Marquis ; 1m-. and Mrs. I. Mac- Laclilan and (laugiiter Mona of Tol- lendale at Bert. Wrig'hlt s. Rev. . ~ Brown s; Mr. Will Sutl1e11lan(l of To- Miss M. A. Leonard of Cvaigvale visited her sister, Mrs. W. H. Mar- tin, over the holiday. ML. .._...1 111.... A ,......1..1:... -4` '1".-. mu, uwuu mu, nuuuu_y. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cou-gvhlin of To- ronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mns. T. Conlnoll and family. ,1- _ .___I-..._-- 1.4 1\II .. A meeting for ladies at 3 p.m. A mass meeting at 7.30 p.m. Candidates for muni<=.ipa1 llonors and Bozlrd of Educaflon will be gjivon an opporhlnity of z1dd1'ess- ing both meetings.

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