Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1925, p. 1

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bnyrull Kb 5 UU\l Kl`l'.'iLllIl`C',a W. H. Martin, the present Reeve, was the first speaker, and he 1'efe1~1'e(1 to both township and county aiairs. s head of the township he could that the council had tried to do `:0 work as conscientiously and nomical as possible. County ex- `enditures were not any higher this year, with the exception of educa- tion, and that was a big item of ex- , penise, over $150,000 being spent on education. There was also an in- crease` in the expenditure on Provin- cial Highways from $45,000 last "year to $71,221 this year. There a slight increase in Inniis1 s eauaiized assessment owing` to the q__` _, nunnnu-4-1.... 1...; 4.1.2.. S. N. Hurst Donald Ross `D T Gnunm 1J0`I1a'l.(l IVOSS ` R. J. Sprot`t S. N. Hurst vvvv u vu u.u_yuul: clan. Mr. McCarthy claimed thatlanll the chattels ciraimod by his sisxter in the action had bec.n given to him either by his fzmthcr or mother. His mo- thm"s mind had never been impaired so that she could not do business. She had never been dissatised with the sale of the famm. nor asked ' t-o give it back. The wilt that his sister, the ` ' ever written him ,1" _, .\,x1uu\,u suaul vu LCCII 111:1. b`I._rfVV:i' glad hens. In the fall of i'_924,"'wmen the old lady had fewer o0w.`s "VJth>a11 the previous year, the had. told her that there was_n1`ou;e-._g1vain _, than in 1923 and asked hi`~;:vVha:b settlement she would like. Mrs. McCa.nthy -had not asked him even then to do more than winter the cows and hens. On sevenal oc- casions prior to the sale, the de- femlanlt stated, his mother had said the farm was to be his. He did not gather that she was going to leave it to him, as at other times she said she would sell it to him che*a;per than to anyone else. NI ... 1/r..n..-.u_.. ..1..:_._.._1 u...L'_n L1,, . ....u; u u: vuc 1Ja.A.1.n; uuulb 1L`Ul.lDK'.'. The e.\ amination of the defendant, ` Charles McCarthy, took up most of the Monday afternoon sitting`. The defendant claimed that he had never used any inuence on his mother to have her sell him the fair-rn. She had begtged him time after time to take it and he had done so to protect her. He had paid $2,500 for it,:aiblmo31Ig`}1 in his opinion it was not Worth more than $2,000. He had worked the farm during 1923 and 1924, . and during that time had thrree complete settlements with his m-other.=i_-There; . was no agreement to run on shares. The witness mlother sim-_' ply required grain to feed -her cows -nu] 1...... 1'... u.. 45.11 .3 -i n'n. '-__"n.`._. : After a -great deal of litigation ; the action between Sarah McCarthy | and her brother, Chas. McCarthy, ; of Brenrtwood, 01` the recovery of i a farm alleged to have been deeded ` by the plainti" s mother to her son, the defeindarnt, while of unsound ` mind for the sum of $2,500, drew Hto a C10lS_ laxte '.1`._1'e`s(lay a,fte::n~o~on. "Judge Wigner, vlrho heard the "c.-se, ` reserved jud'g'ment, but promised a decision as soon as possible for the sake of all parties concerned. Af- ter two adjiournmewts the final sit- ting of the court was begun on Monday morning. The theairi-ng` of evidence continued all that day and ` until late the next. In all, thirteen ' witnesses were heard for the plain- tiff, fteen gave evidence for the 3 defence, and three were called in ' rebuttal. The case was one of rbhe ' most intricate and pro1onv_e,'ed ever heard in the Barrie Court House. | 'l`1..,\ A..a...._:_.-;:_,_ -1 u 1 n 1 |T\\'e111:y - Eight \Vitn0ss0s Heard in Long D1'a\\'n Family Squabble; 'BECISl@N RESERVED EN Bkamwoan mss ...v..u uuu Aunuwsuu yvvuxu mu; uugcLa uu score for Orillia. Amistrong and Powell were the successful marks- men who scored Ba2'rie s two goals. The Barrie line up was : Goal, Tuck; defence, Keeley and Powell; centre, Armstrong.-'; wings, Reid and Vaair; sub, F. Simon. injnries andwlith another out of the game altogether, the Barrie interr- I mediates lost their first scheduled 1 game to .Ori'llia on the la`tter s ice .' on Monday night by 6 to 2. The ` locals were crippled by the loss of Ab. Simon through a broken nib re- ceived in the game with Newmarket, and by the fact that Reid and Arm- I j strong` were below par, the former because he was playing with a crack- ` ed rib, the latter because of an in- jured hand. Even at that the score is scarcely a fair indication _of the play. Orillia scored four times in the rst` stanza and only once in each of the succeeding: periods.` Barrie motched both their counters in the initial session. A duisorganized de- fence caused the locals downfall. Tiny Keeley scored the rst goal for Orillia and did not regain his ef- fectiveness. Ross, Reynolds, Ha1n- mond and MoNab were the others to -n- A _ . _ . . _ n r\ . , , `With tw.o men playing in spite of he electors of Innisl T-ownshirp _;d mm: in full force to the nation meeting held in Stroud . "onday, and the Oraruge Hall `,5 cked, shzmdin-g room being at I` ',.-'>p`remi-um. Nomin-abions for the of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and :4_,Co`*'unci11ors were , received from 12 .b cC.ock till one o clock by the De- putty Returning Ofcer, J. W. Black, `am! the fvolilvowing were noniinated : " `wnv `l),...,. . VI! 1'1 1ur-__;:., n CRIPPLED BARIHE TEAM LOSES T0 ORILLIA BY 6-2 led;-?byf~A.. |B.'. Clarke, V f. ,_ and Lawyers, 'heade'd' fby;`- .[M`A _ Esten and a team re`cruited:"by -D'el,4 ` Emms from /`the C.N.R. ofces *i_n Allandale. All games will -be 'p18aY- '` ed from 5 to 6 o'clock on Tuesdays_' / and Thursdays. The folalworwirlgg//' schedule, giving each `team: 'th1; games every other team, fwass dz? up on Tuesday night: /jv. Jan. 5--Bankers vs. Lawv tS_ '7--Me1~chants vs. we 14-Merchants vs.-. 19--Me-1-o11:1nt's ' n1 I town hockey. -leE_1a'g'\`J.`e' four teams of plgjers gl~eI1d` u. -uuun.-you uA}\A .)_-u. v.L\2aay:lGl of -`h}1e_1_;orw'l1:_!,'w,gs o;1g$l1nif7.ec1 wank. 'Nm `I'.AnTI`\m.ln\!-A -I-.1-sax`.-:.'ll ::uc':-'Ir.u:&sA-Q 1' ........ .. `VV\4ll u :,d.\aLA-|I uaauu uu mu: vuwu to have those streets paved. The council had "tried to do everything. possible in the i1fte1'ests of the ravtef payers. The nancial statement shows a balance on hand of $5,800- The council would like to have co tninued the street pa'vi`nrg:, but didhot. want to exceed the 25_mil11-rate.` V which was as high as they were ,al-- `, lowed to go apzu-lt'from the school . rate. Only a. small po1'tion_o.,rtl1e;`E;"` rate was control-lalble by the council ' He had served for a miimbr" years as aldennan, `reev_e*'; _ He was in, theahandls om}. l` '. Inf 'they_1sa)`.t, " ` ` January.4th_` he. A best ofhis __m,bi +.y:;` zrvr, J. FOUR TEALMSW FORMED INLI;-0' -L` .53.". TOWN Hocxzx LEAG,` ` ....... ..._y u; `.41.-:.L;ar.Au-3_; uu:1L` VIEWS J. F. Craig` was the r.s*t speakerv and expressed his appreciation` of the - condence placed in him in .the past. _` Refe1'ring to the paving" question, his worship said that the council of 1924" and 1925 decided to adopt a per'm-- anent rpad `policy ah(l`thoug~*]1"c_ it_ ad-4 visable.`te.~ta_k'e .,`a.dry'anta-ge : oi-f'.i:hf grant from rthe Govern-ment-while it ' was possible to do so in the through street. This year it was decided to. pave Mulicaster, Owen and IClapper-- ton, as they were in very bad shape". He felt that the citizens would agree . that it was a great asset to the town` J-.. 1.-.... LL--- ...._-1._ ..___-_1 rru,.- `WW7... ... .....`.... `For the Board of Education there" are three vacances and four are- aspiring, two of which are seeking; office for the rst time`, Mrs. Orcl- and G. E. James. \ Candidates Speak After the nominations were closed). Mr. W. E. Weegar was elected ch.`irrf man and the candidates given an 'o.p~ portuniity of exp1'' their views} I 1.?` r`..m`n. ....... +1.... n....u ...--v.-_4 There was'a fair representation of the citizens of Barrie at the nomin- _' ation meeting on Monday night and much interest taken in -the proceed`- ' ings. There was no lack of candi- ' dates for the various oices whens ` the nominations were declared (closed at 8.30. Many, however, failed to qualify` by Tuesday night, and the Second Deputy-Reeve s seat goes to D. `F. l\ fcCuai.g by acclamation.\ Ward two and ward six alderman ax ,. so go` without a contest. Mayor. F. `Craig will be opposed by !I`.J Huxiiauble, who is waging` a sti ca-mspa`ig'n. For the Reeveship W. .- Lowe and Dr. ~Sprott are in the eld - and the gllt for the seat between these two proinises to be keen and close. For First Deputy-Reeve `there are three contestants, H. Litster,IE. J. Byrne and L. F. Hill. A%ll'have- ha.(| municipal experience and are- VV'O1`l(lllfI hzml. In Ward one there are four in the eld, all but `one iiaring served on the council before.. In Wards three, four and ve there- are three aspirants in each. 1-. .1 .. - --- Nonnatiori Meefing Wlff Attended` ; Candidates ' - ." Are I-Ieard._ I connzsr 0N FOR , MAYOR AND maava __._, _._ -_. --... (Conrtinued o; 1. Lnnu :.vuxvvvnu5 ,1 Lch thrg` mm, twas dz?! 2.`, - vq. um. (Continued on page three) I Tecumseth the old Council are, mation. rlton is op- ere is also` Nomination Meeting ; my New Aspirants for 1926 Council. ;l6HIiNATlONS `5 council I % the Act. rvl.\ kmbtx: get the I .......-......u-ug, uuma, nuu bill: lHl]_JUl`Ir once of gpholding the 0.T.A. with all its stt-?r.r.ness, I am bound to say that it is of greater importance that there shall We no doubt of the proof . . . V V . . |A\. U1 mu; av.:\.uuu |:Ull\ lL'LUIl. I In setting` aside the conviction against Mr. Boone, Judge Vance szinted : The Boone s have not been |what they shguld as citizens and it may be that they are not entitled to much consideration. hey have each been ned at least once,`one for a breach of the O.'I`.A. and the other for a breach of the Inland Revenue Act. It, therefore, follows that they have been defying the law. to which some weight might be attached. Not-, withstanding this, and the import ance of nnhnmhm .+.1~.n nm A ...:n. .. ..... .. | Judge Vance found that there was no evidence the mash was a liquor. Some had said it could be drunk and it had tested 12.31 per cent. proof spirits. Other evidence was that it could not be drunk easily and the analysis was not made till nine days after the seizure of it. Mr. Boone had been convicted under the 0.T.A. on Sept. 17, 1923, but the court records did not show what the offence was or where it was com- mitted. The Judge found, therefore, that the Boone house was still a private dwelling` under the act at the time of the second convicton. Tn ....H.:..... ....:.x. LL . - -.. ...._,.7 L\lL ouc uxuwn. Itxwill be remembered by Advance ` readers that on Sunday. evening, ' Feb. 15, 1925, Chief Stewart raided the Boone premises om Bradford St., nding` a still and quantity of mash. Mrs. Boone , as owner of the prim- ises, was charged under the Inland Revenue Act and ned by P.M. Jcffs. Mr. Boone was zupproeln ded a month later and found guilty of a .Im1',9_,`e of keeping` liquor in a. dwelling house other than a private one. He W:-IS ned $238 and sentenced to two months in jail. He appealed the de- I-iainn . . J..." Decison Was withheld til Jan. 12 1'eg'arding: the appeals of S. J. Stephens of Vespra, E. Lahay of Vespra and Dr. J. Dunn. The Dunn appeal was heard on Tuesday and the others two weeks previous. The contention in the former wxs that the evidence of the two Crown w:t- nesses was not to be believed, while the defence was supported by several independent Witnesses. Wm. Finlay- son acted for the appellant and J. R. Boys for the Crown. 1; `.__:n L , Isaac Boone's appeal against his . conviction by P.M. Jeffs on May 21st last for having Liquor i-n his house, i 276 Bradford St., which was not a private tlwelsling on account of a ` foivmer conviction, was allowed V Judge Vance in a judgment render- ed on Tuesday of this week. Jud-g!n1ent.was also given by him the same day dismissing the appeal of E. J. Bel5inan, a Collingwood clruiggist, ag'ains t a conviction unlcr the 0. TA. by P.M. W. A. Hog-.2`. Judge Vance upheld the conviction sentencing; Belman to three months in jail. 11-..:..___ _':.., HI! 1- -H` - C0nvi(< rion of E. J. Belman U1>l1el(T7. _O1'her Cases Reserved. | JUDGE SETS ASIDE BOGNE EONVICTIQN The smoke penmeated _the Barrie Bargain House next door, opemted by Mr. Stransman. It was 1\IIr, Stranvsman who rst detected the smell of smoke and sent in the alarm. He estimates r1, loss from darnage by smoke fo be in the ncig'11abo1*11ood of $2,500, all of whic? is protected by insurance. Jlnvlnvnnu nu - Jun. `Liccnse Inspector Robinson gave evidence that he had raided Thorn- ton's `premises nezm- Cookstown on Tuesday, Dec. 22, and had found 41 ` comlplete still in -the defendant -s 5 xhouise-, along with 20 gallons of V `iquor and 3 barrels of mash. ~_` Thornton had mhnitted selling the liquor and admitted in court having` a previous `eonvic-tion against him. evenue `Preventive Oicer Ed- ` Floody stated that l`l1orm.i)n not a license and that the still agapfd `to the mantmfaclure of Tfhe re did not get up into the `store proper, but ='certain amount of smoke and water` damage was done to the gioods. The building, which is owned by Dr. Wells of To- ronrbo, was not dvamaged very great- ly. `The loss to both stock and buildin-g; is covered by insurance. rrn Fire of an unknown origin break- ing out in the basement of A. W Gqod'fe1Lorw s Shoe S'bm*e about one ` o'clock Sunday morning`, might have had very serious consequences had it not been for the quick and effi- cient work of the fire brigade. A dangerous blaze broke out some- where near the furnace in the store cell-arr, but its origin is not thought to have been in the furnace, though the night was an extremely cold one and a hot coal re was burning. EARLY MORNING BLAZE ENDANGERS BUSINESS AREA _`-ouus\a], urvavyun uzyuuunc. Deputy-Reeve--W.` F. Downey (aoclmmon). V 0ounoiI1o1~s--.VAJ{15ert,L Toner, Mar- shall Lanvgmcm, Whernam, Richard Ga-eehICniw,,_ 'I`ma'n'. i Ree've--'I'h:os. E. Smith, P. A. |Cowg-hlin, Alfred Archer, Dawson iAms1ey, Jnosapnh Drynsdlale. nnN\II+I!,:DAn1IA TIT 7` ---i - - - I E ACCLAMATION IN ESSA I The 1925 Council of Essa were| all re-elected by acc1va.mati4on on| Monday, as follows: Reeve, Geo. C.] Davis; Deputy-Reeve, Chas. Denny;l Councillons, E. Morrison, Jas. W. !Jem1ett, N. Goxworth. FIVE FOR REEVESHIP IN FLOS I ....--.u;vn. , I Seven names were put forwzmli for Coun`cilI`o1's, as foahlowsz Allbertl Ford, Daniel McLean, Geo. D. Shan- non, Jas. Muir, Jr., Geo. G. John- ston, Wallace G. Richankon and Wm. L. Russell. The latter two withdrew. I For Reeve--I. H. Luck and J. A. McDuf`t'. ...\.u an. For Deputy-Reeve--H. Crawrford and I. McMahon. For CounciIv]ors-Mon1ey Beath,' |W. Flt-tahcr, J. R. Horne, Alex. Mc- |Arthur, Oscar Woodard. H Henry Thurnton of West GwiL1im- ;;.b11ry pleaded guilty to having a still i on his premises in the Police Count on Tuesday afternoon and was ned $200 and $35.15 costs, or in default of payment, sentenced to seven months 1'n.jai]. .1 :.......... T.......-..;-.. n-1.:_____. ' The following were nominated for`! Deputy-Reeve: Jas. Doran, Albert Orcharcl and Chas. Harris. Gram Knupp s name Rivas `proposed, but he witihdrew. n A_ 4: v I The bhree following` were nomin-I ated and qualied for Reeve : Alex. H. Wilson, Chas. F. Wattie amd Grant Knupp. Chas. Miller was nominated, but wihdrew, as he did also when nominated for Deputy- Reeve. nu n u THREE IN FIELD FOR REEVESHIP IN VESPRA Midhurst Town Hall was the scene of the Vespra Towlnslii-p nominations on Mon(la._v afternoon, and rbhere will be contests for every seat in the council. *M1's. E. M. Huxtable... *Mrs. Muriel Ord ............ .. *E. L. Brere-ton.. L. J. Simpson ......... .. A. F. A. Malcomson... Wm. Rusk ........ .. *G. E. James >24 flu *J. J. uG.oring'........ *W. J. Craven; L. O. Vair ........... .. *J. R. Ro4g'ers.... Chas. Lewis.......-.. W. R. Wiles ........ .. A. G. Walker ..... .. *W. N. Duff ........... .. *L. O. Vair ............. .. H. H. Creswicke... P. J. Mona-IL. E. T. Tyre1'.... *Hw. Wazllwin... .. IW. A. Overs. ...... .. J. F. Jackson......`....... *H. H. C1'eswicke.... T. Ty1'e1`..... . *P. J. Mo1`an.... '- vvm,g'. ...... ._ J. F. ' Nelles ...... .. *H. A. Jai*vis.... M 1.1 wan-m `V. L. Vana`t1:e1' (elected)... *`F. C. Lower (elected) ....... .. C. M. Hickling. .. *Geo. C. Co1es.... *A. C. Brickelt... *Wm. Lang. ........ .. T `D '1\T,..`l`l.... s `a 'e would penmit the assessment of the - township, as under V`. .._...u.u-.u u.1vo.:Au\;u v shore properties, U W HTS `DU but lull`: this lake shore properties to be raised. This would be an advantage to the the new road system the lake shore residents were only payn-g a very small portion of the road tax, but were using` the roads more than the farmers. Legis- lation was being in-trodueed which would permit those residents to be "taxed higher for road upkeep. The taxes this year were practically the same as last year. There was a good deal of criticisim, pzrrticularly regarzling the roads, but the coun- cil had tried to do the best for the 1 ,,.#;own's hip. As Reeve he had been i.oriticized for buying: the new road gvrader, ' vote. He did not sanction buying a grader unless it was steam operated. `Hjnever was in favor of the new voad system, but now that it had ibeen adopted it should be given a VI fair tria-1. when he gave the casting` j H. G. Roibentson... E. J. Byrne ............. .. "`D. F. McCuaig; C. W. Powoher ..... .. VVIII. IVLIS-K. . . . . . . . .. `""R. J. Sproht .... .. O. B. Pa.*t.'terso'n sngee;.?;.;;ii .i;;;;Lmgiggejgai :J. F. Cmaig .......... .. "T. R. Huxfbalble... * W. A. rLorwe.... Wvn Dun].- `Candidate W. A. Lewis... Wm Dlwcb Nominations Thgaughoui vvr||J.'.[\ F. Jackson (elected)... B. Dougall .... .. I. Litster ............ .. ` G. R:obe1`tson.. D. J. Byrne ...... ..- W. Poucher .... .. Ti` 1T1'1|'I E. Knight (elected ........ .. W. Schreiber (eleote III A '1'I'9I\ A \v BOOTLEGGER OF COOKSTOWN I AND DISTRICT FINED $235.00` CONTEST IN OR0 d HJTIES. ............. .. Qualied -E;r(rie, Ontario, 31, l925_. ` .................. .. I-Iorner ............. .. W. )er (elected) ................ ..T. _C'-I--Royce ....................... .. WATER AND ;uc'|-n COMMISSIONERS I..'l.....L,..1\ n r` 1'1,` 1 ,1 :11 (elected)... usk ........ ..III.'If ............................ ..A. C. Bricker SECOND DEPUTY-REEVE ... run- m...\.u--s yvnvnnvnxuunvnwnnxa P :l)......... .... ..S. G. U_nderhi1] ................... .. E. T. Tyrer .......................... ..J. F. Jackson E. J. Byrne BOARD OF EDUCATION I .......................... ..J. T. Cavanagh W. Rich-ardson ..Miss E. M. E1`g'ood...M-rs. Minnie I. Smith Rich`a`rd*son ...................... .. E. T. Tyrer ...A. J. Sarjeant W. Richardson ...A. C. Bricker .. .. E. J. Gamble ..J. F. Newbon .. W. R. King F. Hill A. F. Garrett _ .................... ...W. E. Weegar .... .. J. Byrr_1e ..... ._ :J. F.-? Jackson ........................ G. Walker FIRST DEPUTY-REEVE 1 ` 1v\' -I-\ u ALDKIEIZVK/i?. N-#-WARD I. V. Dona-Jdson TU 13` {"1" ..`l; .. . 1'1. J.'00Il'1 Paddison .W. A. Lowe ...... .. ......... ..T. R. Huxtable WARD VI. cuuau uuc .L'Ull1'U`WHlb" were H0nll`rlaIrL U: 5-" For Reeve: W. H. Martin, Geo. -1L'es1ie,_ Aishford Warnica, Eben and G. C. Allan. `In... `I\ , Ivnnnnnd .- ......... J. Byrhe ...J. R. Boys ......... .. Richardson .......... ..V. L. Vanatter . WARD IV. V2.2 ......... ..W. E; Weetgar H`. Creswicke ,E. T. Tyrer ....... .. . ..O. B. Patrterson ..J. F. J-ackson ..... ., ..... Rusk ......... ..A. G. Walker WARD V. Pearce ................ .. q R! n.....,+ V MAYo_ Proposed bi; Seconded by .... F. Jahlmon S. G. Underhil] .QW. A. Lowe .............. .. W. Richardson .R. J. _S'1$1-ott ...... .. W, R. King ..... Rusk W. A. Lowe RE:-zyr-: ` _ | "V;a.`r:zLtter ...J. F. Jackson `I7 D11 ab -J. L`. JHJZK R, sk A 1:-.,,m;a.. ;1vyuUJ'JhCUVC Iv. :1. [Tom, G. J. Kohl, D. A. Manuson. Second Deputy-Reeve-~Davivd Wil- liams, Jos. W. Smith. Board of F.ducmi`osn-(e]ected by acclamation) i-A. Mclntosh, J. F. Zimmerman, J. I M. Mitchell. Public Utilities--H. A. Currie, M. H. Byrrnes, W. Car- 'mic`nael, D. aG.i1mour, J. Mair, Jos. |Bu]1, D. A. Bell. Coun.c1'l-C. T. ;Srte.pthens, Thlos. Sephen'son, J. W. Smith, H. F-a:wce`*tt', G. T. Fouis, David Wi'1l1'an,n-g`. ,'.J. P. Davis, N. D. _ Boadway, G! -J". Kohl, W. R. Patter- son, John Conn, S. Leggatt, M. J. Gaughan, 'Dhos. Stqphensst J. Smcrt, `Alex. M. 1EdFau1,,Jr I Mayor--John Mair, J. R. Arthur, -W. J. Holden. Reeve'--C. C. Begg, John Mair. Depurty-Reeve-W. A. Tom I` 1 Y!..1_l h A 'll'_.___,_ Mayor-J. R. Boyd, Geo. Sinclair. Reeve-R. A. Brown and Herbert I1 La.Rose. Dei.pu>ty-Reeve-J-olhn O. |C'o`ates and H. R. J. Hlol-mes. _Secon(l DepuIty-Reeve-Philip McLeod and R. O. Smith. AI(lermen--aM. G. Cooke, IJ. W. Glen(le.nnin4g', James Doyle, |Gordon E. Grant, Chas. B. Jones, IWm. Martin, Clamle Parker, W. H. Plowrmarn, Metlville Seymour and Jolm P. Wells. Board of Ednucation --Mat.thew Baird, Wm. Boyle and H. C. Skinner, all by acclamation. . {Water and Izigtht Commissivon-John Ic. Miller and Peter Ritchie, by ac- T I I cl-amation . _Iur\lvlA$J'L avaauu. J. W. Black, the Deputy Return- hip, W-`as bhen voted to the chair and Eng Officer and Clerk of the Town- -thb reworks began. Al the candi- ;_,fdla.`tes were given an opportunity to * speak, and there was considerable que-sti-o.ning, but all spea.ke1-.s were /given a good hearing. `W 1.1` 1\.1..`.4.:.. L1 . . _ . . . . .4 nu There will be no election in Sunni- dale, the 1925 Council being` re- elected by acclmnartion, as follows: Reeve, Joseph Spicher; Councillors, R. E. Baycroft, Thos. Bates, D. M. Davidson, John Buie, Jr. J __ 7 . Four others were nommvated for] Councillrors, but all withdrew. I V. uunauuson . E. Clarke T. Tyrer ...... .. R. Huxtable ` '. A. Lowe ...... .. R. Ord J` :- ACCLAMATION IN SUNNIDALE l\I;al;oVI2a' I V." Donaldson N- Uuqwdt `sir. . Bricker Jackson . Newton . arce ..... Hu-rst .. Tyrer .. . Tooth , ..I/I51`...-. COLLINGWOOD . uu, \.a\.-u- Illllulll auu A\.. U. Iltilll`)/. > `-Eor Councillonsz Harrv Stewart, Chas. Henry, Alfred` L. Webb, J. W. -_M<':Mas~ter, Fred `W. Peacock, R. D. `Henry, Joseph Bowman and R. A. Sutheancl. The Cou;1_t~$r ORILLIA W. Humphrey ........... .. Geo. Watson Inn I W. A. Lowe ............. .. Wm. Lanxg H. H. Creswicke N. M. Manslmall . .. S. N. I-Iu'ns`t . G. E. James . H. Wallwin ..... .. W. E. C1~a1?ke . V. L. Vnan-a'tter ........ .. E. J. By-rne A. C. Bricker C. T. Thompson . T. R. Huxtable ............... .. W. Rusk J. F. Jackson . A. J. Sarjeant J. I-I. O Conno1'l ...... .. W. A. Lowe J. F. Newton .. W. Richard-son J. F. Jackson H. Litster ............ Litster T. R. Huxtable S. N. Hunst ....... .. J. R. Boys A. J. Sarjcant A. C. Bricker A. C. Bricker 3. G. Underhill E. T. Tyrer E. T. Tyrer . V. Donaldson . H. Creswicke . V. E. Knight J. F. Munphy ;. u-nu \I- \Jo '\ll'iI-ZI- F0r De-puty-Reeve: S. H. Reyn- plds, Geo. Arnold and R. D. Henry. -Jam. r1......,.:n,...,. . r:........

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