;CANDIES CANDIES 2 Good Investment. 800 mo. ARRESTED FOR FRAUD "i'i*:i.IIL"is"sIi'J'i:`iz ..__...-...... - 9 .._..I.l A. M. Armstrong, ex-M.=P.P., kl` `Ill ("nW.u- A- w.............- at bl-n 7 OWEN S'l`R.EE'E Masonic Temple Building 4.. HA: 4xnunau;vu5, can-as-'L .4. . H. Coffey, ex of the Bank at Sohomberg, are changecl with fraud. re highly respectable resi- and a sensation was sprung residehrts learned they were ed in fraud-ulent mining Successor to J. Arnold 34 Dunlop St., Barrie vet can tell. Many al ousers bag at the knees` `Are as necessary atChristmas Time as Santa Claus or the Christmas Tree on the premises by skilled candy makers, and by putting unusual effort and expenditure into candy making, we have developed here a grade of candy at. 400 a 1b. we believe without a rival in the coun- try. The chocolate coatings are made from the Maracaibo Cocoa Beans. These are the highest priced and only a limited quantity comes to Can- ada. They make a coating of peculiarly smooth and delicious character. So far as we know no otlimr candy in this part of the country is coated with Maracaibo Chocolate, and none thus coated is sold an_Vwhere for as little as Our Candy is Made Right Here Barrie. 40 a pound For Example That Liberal organization has been revived in South Simcoe is evident. On Tuesday of last week a rally of the Liberal party workers was held in Cookstown and despite the uninviting; condition of the ele- menits every municipality in the rid- ing was represented by at least two (leleguties and nearby townshps `had on nsnnl-. In um ... NL. ,u.... ... KYAFI ~.... SOUTH SIMCOE LIBERALS [ PREPARING FOR ELECTION u\.n,_.,u.uu,g uuu IL\.u.Lu_y vuvvu.ou11a luau la much langei` showing. Nellson Parliamenrt, the party orgianizer in the province, was there and address- ed the meeting` on the subject of g2:etting' the Liberal house in order if {the party expected to score any` .~nn r . ...L.,... ti...` ............L..-. :;.. .. mu. `:u.u_y \.ny\.\.u\.u uv ovvnu u.A|_y successes when the opportunity comes in the form of an election. Sam Clark, the veteran member of` the LQP,`iSlLtUl'C from No1'thu~mber- land, was to have been present and` deliver one of his humorous and in- spiring` addresses, but he was de- tained by illness. The Harness Man Harry Fisher presided and in in- 1 troducing Mr. Parliament stated that l the presence in the constituency of r the chief org'anizer of the panty was 1 an enco-uraging sign that the Liber- E al party is bestirring itsef to de- l cisive action. He felt that the people of Ontario were tired of Fer- < gnlsonism and if gven the alternate 1 choice of a governemnt `that would i represent the people would accept . it withourt hesitation. Nelson Parliament conned him- self wholly to the subject of or- ganization and the spread of Liberal sentiment and policy. He em- phasized the family method in Eng- land of parents seeing to it ithat their sons were instructed in politics as soon as they were able to com- prehend. In this way there was 1110 possibility of one party attracting the young people of the other, be- cause the young people from eanliest childhood were rooted and ground- ed in the principles of the party of their parents. l r..- -_.._. 'I`he meertin-g was unanimorus and emphatic in its decision to form an organization in South Simooe and spread Liibe-ralivsm aggressively. F. M. Armstrong of Alliston was elect- ed president. and Harry Fisher of Cookstown secretzary and treasurer. It was decided to leave the execu- tive committee in abeyance for the prseent because one that would work to the last man was wanted. In the "2"".`."ne Hm rmd secre- ,,..,,_.:,I -.L 1 OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS Commmmicativons were read from: J. R. Cotter, acknowledging receipt of reports of the selectors of jurors for the year 1926; Treasurer -of On- tario, enclosing cheque for $100.00, balance re Colonization Roads, and $250.00 grant for school purposes in lieu of taxes reforestation station at Mddlhurst; J. L. M`cLa.ug'l1lin led aidavit re sheep killed by do-gs. 'T`l`\f\ 6`..'l1.......'...... ......,\....L,. f1`~he Council met on Nov. 30, pur- suanrt to adjournment, with all its members present and the Reeve in the chair. ,., . . . . .- - bary will select an a-ctve representa- E tive from every polllirug su'bd"ivision '. and their recommemllafcion will be - dealt with later. 2 Liberal clubs will be ovganized in ( every municipality at least, and in 3 some munigipatlitios more than one -1".'?`! ho fmfmed. `engineering fees Binnie Award Dr. V. A. Hart, (lisiiifectants, l $67.25; Jas. Torpey, special Govt. l lpsranrl. Willow Creek, $459.45; Tlms. Pattentlcn, work at l\ Linesin_e; gravel ` pit, $7.50; Jas. Torpey, work on Willow Creek, $47.50; W. F. Rich- ardson, supplies for in $6.00; A. Ronald, wire fence for gruarrl op- posite lot 7, Con. 9, $14.00; Wm. P. Priest, buildin.p: wire fence and . (litchinig, $31.45; Ed. Barrett, (lit.ol1- ` ingr and puxlfting in culvent, Back St., $15.00; A. H. Tuck, gravel for, Back St., $13.00; A. G. Artlagili, ' vdrain, $54.00; Robt. Lightoot, 9 gravel for Con. 2, $2.40; W. E. Brown, telephone in hall, $8.29; '. Archie McDou-gall, wire fence bonnus, $9.20; Leo Doran, wire fence bonus, . $4.60; Alex. Miller, wire fence . bonus, $7.10; Frank Rice, wire fence boncus, $4.30; Wm. L. Russell, wrie fence bonus, $12.70; Otto Davis, wire fence bonus, $8.00; Henry Cole, work on sideroad 20 and 21, ("nn 1') Q00 nn. Tat... 'I'|............. (1.. `Q([` um, wvvnn uu oauwuwu av uuu 41., Con. 13, $20.00; John Travers, Sr., work opposite lot 16, Con. 11, $15.00; C. Robson, work on side- noad 20 and 21, Con. 1, $10.00; J. L. McLauagh11in, sheep (killed by dogs, $14.00. uuu. a.vu uAcAnn . Div. No. 1, Geo. E. 'I1hom1pson, D.R.O.; Hy. C. Dawson, Poll Clerk; ALL KINDS or HEAVY` AND LIGHT HARNESS A by-Law was given its three read- ing and passed appointing the 01- lvowing Deputy Returning Officers `and P011 Clerks : .........v`y ;\, .:u\,vy -uuuu. u_y uv'5u- The following: accounts were pass- .I - VESPRA COUNCIL The N orth.;rn Advance Creams ' SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS C110cola.t(%.s --for--- Div. No. 2, R. Monateitzh, D.R.0., H. Fieldhouse, Poll Clenk; Div. No. 3, r`1\n`n KL-.nl. I\ `D f\ G lA ..1!........ .L4\,Au|An\lu-Ia\. ;.uu. \./acun, uuv. Luv. U, Chas. Nash, D.R.O., S. McKever, `I Dnll I"lnlr- TH" KT,` A I An... :00 OOOOOO%X xauwa. Luann, 1J.J.\..\I., ta AH.'\;J.LI'.'-VC1, Poll Clerk; Div. No. 4, W. J. Arm- strong, D..R.O., P. Dnake, Po-ll Clerk; Div. No. 5, Geo. G. oY`un-g, D.`R.O., Ben. Parr, Poll Clerk; Div. No. 6,l T.-J-nu 1|'4u\`| n kJ.. `Pl D !\ `Ll D....4..... . -.u., Auux \JAuLn, um. nu. 11,: John McNabb, D.R.O., H. Bee.`oon,' Poll Clerk; Div. No. 7, Jas. Muir, D.R.O., H. McLaughlin, Poll Clerk; Div. No. 8, Ed.'i nh Marli-n, D.R.O., Thos. Dawson, P011 Clerk. rm r`|`f\I4`- __.__ .__;....-L, 1 Ar The Olerk was instructed to write to the Hon. the M1'n.ister of Public Works, asking" the Government /co build certain bridges in the Town- ship of Vespra in 1926. 'T\L.n.~ G..4..... ....... ...r..... __ null) UL v\.J,J1 Jll LvJAUa 'I`.hos. Sutton was given an ex- tension of time to remove the tim- ber off Con. 2, opposi-tc lot 14. '1'\1... r`.-......,..I ...1:._......-.v L. |J\4A vnn \/Ulla LI, U`1IPU`3I'LU l`Ulr .l`k. 'Dhe Council adjourned to meet according` to statute on Dec. 15, 1025, at 10 am. 1-: n .. ,-.. . 'l`eaohe1'--You l-1 have to remain with me for an hour after schoo1 lc-loses. 1\1v ,.- . ., wnuax/an Bobby--I don't care on my ow account, but ain .t you afrad you get talked about ?" and Nuts vvvn; pvt-vn III nun IIILIUH. LIB rsilroadl haul your most 500 miles for 38 cont: a hundred pounds, you pay from 20 cent: for cheap cuts to 60 cents for special cuts of mentor Own... an 4- um u..... 4.1.- -__.. -1 nun! A-uxvuuu nlul zlvur IIN IIILIOI for 13% cents a hundred. 7 pounds for one cent. You pay 10 cents I pound for breed or 70 times the cost of transportation. I111-.. _-... ___ .I-n-._ AV, 129 Dunlopm -nu wurvul nun CBIIIS 0!` I170 HID! what the railroad received for haul- ing it 400 miles or more. ' (NFL. __...- _..--- - ` " United States today is tha dlret re- ` Iult of the most efficient transporta- tion fncllities in the world -- rail- roads. un -u 1 . l..w-- wv vv own transportation. 60$I.- _.&l____I_ vs u.-AI-pvtlvdlrllllh You pay one duller for I med at 3 first class hotel on whix the freight charges were less than two cents, including everything served. nndthecultocookit,nndthentip the waiter ten cents or five times aha oh. ..:1...-_1 _...:__.1 A._ L I An` Al: `Vi IIIIIX Cl" IIIUYUu ' ,`I`ho same man who tips the waiter ten cents will go out and make a speech and complain of high freight rates which are not one-fifth !of the amount at his tip. {`.nmIinhn-u-w H.-- ....A. - .1._-u up . -uupun nu-urn. I fhaniltoaluhsulflourloomilen Var IIIL n--adv- - I..._.I__.l n _,____I, vunuro Railroad transportation is worth ` an firm`: v-Lab 34- ....L. 5-)-.. A- 1 u. vuu nuuvuuh Ill. run up. Consistency, thou art I iowoll" A ,Chivalrous Thought B. Coutts, C1CI`k.\ Smith Kain NO ICE CREAM IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR VVe make a specialty of wholesale and retail Ice Cream, for Weddings and At Homes, using for- eign fruits and nuts to make up the different dishes. The Olympia Ice Cream is the last W01- in ex- cellence. It s so g0od-so tempting--so healthful -that it s the delic_ae_\f of delicacies for both sick and well people. (You Know Her) unless it s the best ICE CREAM We have some beautiflll hoxes and baskets of fresh wholesome choc0lates-a11 our own make and noted for their delicious avor and ,purity. Surely at this season of the year you prefer handsome boxes or baskets and no prettier line can be found in any town or city. The Best Woman in the World u"n Candy in Fancy Boxes Whether it was because of the weather or the season, Saturdays market was all that could be hoped for. Everything that people could ldesire to prepare for the biggest dinner of the year was there, except for the Christmas turkey--and he will appear next week. Many a proud turkey that struts his last this week will appear for barter at next Salt-urday s Christmas market. Others may be sent in the follow- ing Tuesday, as several] marketers signied their intenton of marketing produce on that day. Butter quoted at 45 a pound on Saturday. Chick- ` ens and ducks sold for 25c 21 pound. Eggs ranged in price from 55c to 65 a dozen. Strictly fresh graded hens eggs brought 65c, others went at 60c, and pwllc-ts eggs sold for R5!- Blankets and Robes All Kinds of Repairing Done . Full Line of Travelling Goods ; ;n.v.o . Egwgs ......................... .` Geese ...................... .. Ducks _ ................ .... Spring Chickens . Fowl ........................ .. Turtnivps .. Pansnips ............... .. Butter Beans ...... .. Apples Apples . ..._. Cabbage . Beans .. `SATURDAY S ITLARKET Prices : License Fee $1.00 Per Annum Licenses, valid to 31st March, 1926, maybe obtain- ed from : Staff Post Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors, or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. The proceeds from license fees are {used to -control broadcasting and to improve br7 Adcaut reception conditions. A. JOHNSTON, , All Radio Receiving Sets f I . MUST be Licensed - Penalty on summary conviction in la. ne not pxceeding $50.00 WARNING T0 USERS OF RADIO 55-65c doz. 25c. lb. 1 Deputy Minister bf Marine and .......,.,. ..... 5c each . 20c `bask. 10c rpint . 35c bask. . $3.00 bbl. .. 10c each 10c pint _ 5c bunch I ` 25c bask. 1 AUTO LICENSES .--zy- nx-, 27c tau: Auulv .:n.wu-5,uvcL . From that time onwards the thistle was the Scottish emrbleim, the motto Ibeimg No one woundss me with im- punity !" On one occasion, however, the Danes deviated from their rule and deterrninecl to launch an onsl-a.ug`ht against one of the Scottish strong- aholds. On they crept, barerfooted, nxoisetless, u-mobserve*d--unitil one` of them set his foot upon a thistle and `cried out with pain. I\he a11~arm was `given, the Scots fell upon the in- vaders, and defeated -them with ternic slaughter. 17...... .L..A. L:...- ___.-.__I- L1. _, 1,1,,-,...1 One of the mitary rules of the early Danes was that it was coward- 'ly to zvttack an enemy during` the nxiglmt, and because of this the Scots [did not consider it necessary to keep a watch durinvg their encounters with the invading; anmy from Den- mark. Sunset was supposed to mark the close of all hostiLi-ties for the clay. !The BabYf9.9!! |SCOTLAND SAVED BY THISTLE THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1925 Phone 303 `Fisheries. Debentures of the Town at Barrie. 5] Per Cent.